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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Aug 13, 2017 4:51 AM

Nov 2011
So this pretty much concludes the Ougi Dark part of the volume.

I think in the end, it was satisfiying with Ougi admitting defeat and Darkness disappearing. It's also really nice to see Hanekawa again. The new Snake God chosen is also an interesting final development in this arc. Ougi showing emotions is also very noticable and defines how evolved the character is.

This was such an emotional ride ;_;

Stark700Aug 13, 2017 5:30 AM
Aug 13, 2017 7:41 AM
Nov 2015
i'm confused, the site i'm watching this on has mayoi hell as one 43 minute episode, hitagi rendezvous as one 43 minute episode and ougi dark as one 103 minute episode. does that mean they just combined episodes 1+2, 3+4 and 5+6+7 or are there still more episodes left?
Aug 13, 2017 7:46 AM

Apr 2016
magilou said:
does that mean they just combined episodes 1+2, 3+4 and 5+6+7


Exactly as you saying. Japan has 7 (20min.) episodes, while we get those "big" 3 episodes.
Aug 13, 2017 7:47 AM

Apr 2015
They just combined the episodes.
Aug 13, 2017 7:48 AM

Dec 2014
magilou said:
i'm confused, the site i'm watching this on has mayoi hell as one 43 minute episode, hitagi rendezvous as one 43 minute episode and ougi dark as one 103 minute episode. does that mean they just combined episodes 1+2, 3+4 and 5+6+7 or are there still more episodes left?

There shouldn't be any more for this season as it was only announced that those three arcs would be adapted.

Anyway, I don't really have anything substantial to say; this was so good my mind is numb leaving me pretty much speechless. Definitely dethroned Mayoi Jiangshi and Hitagi End as my favorite Monogatari arc.
I need sleep.
Aug 13, 2017 8:00 AM

Mar 2016

i need to recover. i just wanna say those last few scenes were flawless, i wanna cry with happiness !!!! aaAAaAAaa. when koyomi and shinobu were talking, omg i got so many goosebumps. also i am extremely happy for hachikuji she is my GOD.
Aug 13, 2017 8:01 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
This was a perfect conclusion to this arc and overall, I wouldn't mind if this was the end for the series. That being said, there's still one more main story volume to adapt. Anyways, Araragi ended up saving Ougi like the person he is. Araragi ended up losing his arm there too, without having any vampiric abilities. But the best part of the episode, Oshino fucking Meme came back. Hanekawa legit went to Antarctica to find the dude, LMAO. Oh well, even if Hanekawa went to the North Pole, she would've found Kagenui instead. But yeah, Oshino saves the day by declaring Ougi as his niece, causing Ougi to receive an identity and the "darkness" to disappear. I guess we won't be seeing Oshino Meme anymore since his job here is done. But at least we get Hanekawa back. Also, Hachikuji was made as a god for the shrine, so she won't be leaving either. And Kiss-shot decided to create a bond with Araragi again, causing Araragi to receive his vampiric abilities again and get his arm regenerated back. And Shinobu's her loli-self again.

5/5 for this episode

8.5/10 for this series.
Aug 13, 2017 8:08 AM

Nov 2008
This was everything I had hoped for. I'm not sure if I'd place Ougi Dark over Hitagi End but it's at least on par. I loved every bit of this episode with the highlight being Meme's glorious entry.

10/10 episode, 10/10 arc, 9/10 series.
Aug 13, 2017 8:19 AM

Sep 2013
This was so beautiful I could cry. I'd accept this as the grande finale if I didn't already know there was much more to come..

This had it all, Meme's return. Ougi went from a character I've been anxious about for 4 years now, to one I love. Nadeko's back in action. Araragi and Shinobu have found exactly what they want out of their pairing. If there was anything at all that was missing, I would have hoped for a single line from Kanbaru, but hey, it can't be completely perfect.
Aug 13, 2017 8:37 AM
Oct 2013
Thats such a good end, aint even mad it was 7 episodes.

On a side note, Shinobu best cushion ahahaha, she literally attached herself to Koyomi and would not let go most of the time
Aug 13, 2017 8:59 AM

Sep 2013

Goodbye adolescence. Welcome back Meme!

This episode was perfect in my opinion. The reveal of how Ougi was created was great and made sense. I always enjoy having things from the past stories intertwine with the present story. I'm a sucker for that stuff. The return of Meme was awesome and like a boss, he resolved Araragi's issues just like that.

Hachikuji is now a god and can stay in the land of the living. Hachikuji finally found a home! Ougi is safe from the darkness thanks to Meme declaring her his niece. Senjougahara, Araragi and Hanekawa graduates. Senjougahara and Hanekawa also got super close to the first name basis T_T (Holy shit I love those two) Sengoku is following her dreams with the support of Tsukihi. One Araragi leaves High School while another enters. Man, this was great.

Despite all he's been through and the results of his actions, I'm still happy to see that Araragi is still willing to help others. It's what I admire about him the most.

There's only 1 part left to the Monogatari Series: Final Season and that's "Koyomi Reverse". I'm looking forward to that final part and I hope we don't have to wait too long for it. I'm still sticking to my opinion though and that is I'd rather have the series end here, but it's fine. Though I may change my mind once I get to read Monster Season.

Anyways, 10/10 from me for this season. It was fun watching this. Normally I don't like watching long episodes/movies and I often find myself taking breaks. In this case, I watched without pause and I enjoyed every minute of it. Per usual, the dialogue, soundtrack, captivating characters and interesting artwork made this an easy watch. I also loved the story as well and how all of Araragi's past actions came back at him. Like I said before, I love it when previous stories intertwine together with the present story line which is what this series did so well on.

It's hard to compare which arc I like the most but Ougi Dark is definitely up there with my favorites with Koyomi Vamp, Shinobu Time and Hitagi End.
TehSnawnNov 4, 2017 2:37 AM

Aug 13, 2017 9:04 AM

Apr 2008
Aug 13, 2017 9:40 AM

Jan 2008
Completely godlike.

And the orchestral version of Ougi's 2nd OP that played in the final scene before the ED started playing was truly something.

Shaft knocks it out of the park consistently with this series.

Based Shinbo and Nisioisin.


By the way, when I first started watching Ougi Dark, I loved her new op so much I did a rough translation (the roughest part being the translation of 僕らの物語、知らない君の事 in the last line).

Didn't expect the op's chorus to be so much of a spoiler. Here's the chorus:

Things of you and things of me; that's all about me.
Things you own and things I own; that's all mine.
What no one else knows, you know; our story is about the unknown you.
PanaruAug 13, 2017 10:18 AM
Aug 13, 2017 10:08 AM

Aug 2015
It's impossible to end a show better than this. I cried, fucking cried, still crying, Meme is back man, oh my Hachikuji. God bless Monogatari Series, ops, Hachikuji-sama bless Monogatari Series. I hope Shaft continue adapting it, Off and Monster Season are there for it.
Aug 13, 2017 10:37 AM
Jul 2016
Now that was just perfect. The only small complaint i have is that i wanted the scene with Meme to last a little longer considering all the build up we had for his return.

Other than that i loved everything. This season has been my favorite since Monogatari Series:Second Season. Probably not better than it, but maybe on par.

Special mention to the OST as well, many pieces grabbed my attention, i definitely want some of the songs for my playlist.

There is more source material to cover apparently. I feel like this would have been a perfect place to end the story, graduation, end of adolescence and all that but since the story has already visited past the current point in Hana it makes sense. What kind of story will we have next, i wonder? Cannot wait to see!

Also, i just realized that it is now possible to watch the series in both airing and chronological order for anyone that would want to to do that.

Aug 13, 2017 10:43 AM

Sep 2012
So good. The talk between Araragi and Araragi(ahem) was everything I wanted from that story. I am so glad I tried to watch this show(Bakemonogatari) after dropping it. Such a good ride.

Also Hanekawa. That girl is unstoppable. Glad to see her again with that hair too.

No comment on "let's toothbrush again" /lenny

This is one of the arcs that I could give 11/10 if I could.
Aug 13, 2017 11:00 AM

May 2009
This was SOOO GOOD, I loved it, just loved it.

At first I was a little dissapointed at the "the enemy has always been you" thing, but it turned out to be the device that would make that moment so great.

"If you die the day after tomorrow, I will live a day more to tell everyone about you" this is what I call good writting
AredrosAug 13, 2017 11:16 AM
<img src=""/>
Aug 13, 2017 11:19 AM

Aug 2010
You only need one word to describe this episode.


Aug 13, 2017 11:25 AM

Jul 2015
That was a pretty solid conclusion to the events that happened in the story, Araragi ended up saving himself.

7/10 from my part to this season? Is there anything else left to adapt?
Aug 13, 2017 11:36 AM

Jan 2008
MetaThPr4h said:
That was a pretty solid conclusion to the events that happened in the story, Araragi ended up saving himself.

7/10 from my part to this season? Is there anything else left to adapt?

Yep. 6 more novels currently out, 5 more novels already planned past what's already out, and a fuck ton of side stories.
Aug 13, 2017 11:36 AM

Jan 2016
Man, Nisio Isin is a genius. The way that almost every previous story was woven together in the end was really quite masterful. It makes you wonder if he had it all planned from the beginning or if he's just a master of improvisation (probably a mix of both.)
Aug 13, 2017 11:37 AM

May 2009
Panaru said:
MetaThPr4h said:
That was a pretty solid conclusion to the events that happened in the story, Araragi ended up saving himself.

7/10 from my part to this season? Is there anything else left to adapt?

Yep. 6 more novels currently out, 5 more novels already planned past what's already out, and a fuck ton of side stories.

Its good, but a shame at the same time because this story serves as a damn good ending for monogatari
<img src=""/>
Aug 13, 2017 11:38 AM

Jan 2008
Aredros said:
Panaru said:

Yep. 6 more novels currently out, 5 more novels already planned past what's already out, and a fuck ton of side stories.

Its good, but a shame at the same time because this story serves as a damn good ending for monogatari

Yeah, I was telling my friends that this conclusion seems so strong and final that the start of the next series is going to feel a little weird.

Aug 13, 2017 11:39 AM

Jul 2015
Panaru said:
MetaThPr4h said:
That was a pretty solid conclusion to the events that happened in the story, Araragi ended up saving himself.

7/10 from my part to this season? Is there anything else left to adapt?

Yep. 6 more novels currently out, 5 more novels already planned past what's already out, and a fuck ton of side stories.

Woah, well, let's see if SHAFT decides to adapt everything else, in the end Monogatari sells like crazy, this felt like a really solid conclusion tho, not sure how anything else will feel.

Thank you for the answer!
Aug 13, 2017 11:53 AM

Apr 2016
I don't know, i like monogatari series, but i was expecting/want more from "ending".
Aug 13, 2017 11:56 AM

Aug 2010
Absolutely perfect "finale"

everything connected so well. Koyomi's development man ;_; He finally saved "himself" for once had to look like a Youjo to do it xD

I didn't expect to feel that attached to Ougi when she was saying her goodbyes. was tearing up. The conversation was great and her spilling her emotions to Koyomi after he saved her was really well done.

Friggin Hanekawa xD And Meme with that quick thinking (I need a sidestory of his journey in Antarctica)

Shinobu and Koyomi's 'if u die I die' and "if u die I'll live another day to tell people about u" was tooo good. Was so happy to see Loli Shinobu at the end.

The last scene with Hitagi calling Koyomi his name was adorable.

PS...Karen got addicted to her onii-chan's brushing lmao
& Bless Mayoi
Aug 13, 2017 12:01 PM
Jul 2017
It was beautiful, the end of a saga that I had the pride to follow, it was just wonderful
Aug 13, 2017 12:06 PM

May 2009
Barion-Zara said:

I didn't expect to feel that attached to Ougi when she was saying her goodbyes. was tearing up. The conversation was great and her spilling her emotions to Koyomi after he saved her was really well done.

Me too, for a character that felt so empty at first, to have such an emotional moment

Barion-Zara said:

Friggin Hanekawa xD And Meme with that quick thinking (I need a sidestory of his journey in Antarctica)

After Kaiki's adventure I don't care what it is, monogatari is great by itself with koyomi as MC or not.
<img src=""/>
Aug 13, 2017 12:46 PM

May 2014
Who was the girl that walked past at the end? Was that Higasa?
Aug 13, 2017 12:46 PM

Nov 2016
That was just beautiful, I had to fight the tears from the moment Araragi saved Ougi (himself) till the credits.

Overall it was an awesome ride and I can't wait for the next adaptation.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 13, 2017 12:57 PM

Aug 2013
This was a really good ending for an awesome series, but with that said I still hope they will adapt the rest of the novels

Aug 13, 2017 1:10 PM
Apr 2013
princeharuka said:
Who was the girl that walked past at the end? Was that Higasa?

I was wondering this too - but I thought it might be Nadeko. He doesn't really have any reason to chase after Higasa, does he?

It did look like Higasa was the one holding Kanbaru back in the credit shot, though.
Aug 13, 2017 1:18 PM

Feb 2015
A terrific ending to the main monogatari series. Of course, there's still Zoku-Owari and a whole load of off-season / monster season spinoffs which I desperately hope get an adaptation. But wow, what a final arc. This is now the second anime entry of the Monogatari series to get a 10/10 from me, MSSS being the first. Everything is wrapped up so nicely.

I had already been spoiled that Ougi was an apparition of Koyomi's reckless self-criticism, but I did not know that Oshino would make a return, or that Mayoi would become a God. And it all makes sense! Just brilliant. It's sad that it's over, but again, it's not really over all the while Nisio Isin knows that this series prints money!
Aug 13, 2017 1:18 PM

Jun 2014
LOL Hanekawa legit went all the way to Antarctica to find Meme? What a boss. In the end, Meme was the one who saved the day, which just goes to show that memes save lives. Especially the dank ones.

Shitty jokes aside though, I really liked the conclusion to this story. I know there's more content after this, but this really felt like the perfect ending, so it'll feel kind of weird to see more stuff adapted. I don't really have much to say about this, but I would have liked to get even just one line from Kanbaru. Oh well, solid 7/10 for this.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 13, 2017 1:30 PM

Sep 2012

Actually people might think this is the ending of the main story but it is not. Not even close.

We have Zoko-Owari which is the real ending and shows everyone and how they moved on after the events.

We also have some arcs that shows us the future like Araragi after collage and working as
and his relationship with Hitagi etc.

So this ending we got just concludes the Owari.
Aug 13, 2017 1:36 PM

Jul 2015
sasalx said:

Actually people might think this is the ending of the main story but it is not. Not even close.

We have Zoko-Owari which is the real ending and shows everyone and how they moved on after the events.

We also have some arcs that shows us the future like Araragi after collage and working as
and his relationship with Hitagi etc.

So this ending we got just concludes the Owari.

Thank you! Looks like there is (hopefully) more to come for sure then n_n
Aug 13, 2017 1:36 PM

May 2016
I have just one question... When Hanekawa said she sold a piece of her brain did she meant it literally or was it a metaphor for something else?

That aside, Owarimonogatari Season 2 saved this anime season!
(I mean, it wasn't in danger in the first place but still XD)
HyperLAug 13, 2017 1:41 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Aug 13, 2017 1:38 PM

Apr 2016
@sasalx well that's why i basically i'm waiting for Musubimonogatari adaptation for the "end".
Aug 13, 2017 2:04 PM

May 2009
Still, it is a bit funny how Monogatari appeared all of sudden in a day, gave the other shows of the year (not only the season) a big "F*** you!" and dissapeared for probably some years more
<img src=""/>
Aug 13, 2017 2:06 PM

Dec 2014
This was everything I could have ever hoped for an ending to the series. Seriously I'm speechless right now, 10/10 for the series, 5/5 for the episode.

I'm also hyped for any adaptation of the next volumes, even if this works perfectly as a finale. Hoping for something about Tooe.
Aug 13, 2017 3:17 PM

Sep 2011
OMG! This was so fantastic. I simply have no words. The first Owari season was one of my least favorite entries of the Monogatari Series so I was a bit worried, but this was absolutely stunning on every possible level. Everything came together perfectly Nisio is a genius. Also the way they adapted this was absolutely glorious.

I'm so happy right now. THe pinnacle of the Monogatari Series!
Aug 13, 2017 3:34 PM

Dec 2012
That was awesome, man... just seeing Meme again was great after not seeing him for so long, almost wish I didn't know Ougi was going to make it, I mean Hanamonogatari is after this time wise, so we already knew the out come.

Felt like a solid "series" wrap-up, I know there is more and I've no doubt they will get animated since its been said as much? but if for whatever reason it didn't happen I'd be happy with this.

Re-watched everything up to this like 2 months back and now I almost want to do it again! maybe after Zoku-Owari... and feel like I should go with timeline order vs airing order.
Aug 13, 2017 4:07 PM

Apr 2014
I've been trying to write something all day but fuck it all I can say is this is the best conclusion I've watched. i never gave a monogatari season a 10/10 because they're were arcs that weren't that good or didnt get me 100% but this is the first time I can say from episode 1 to 7 that each episode was a 10/10. and its fitting to end off with a 10.

of course, i know it's one of many endings considering nisio has more but it doesn't take away from this moment.

Ougi said it herself "It's just the end of one of your many stories"
Aug 13, 2017 4:09 PM
Aug 2012
hopscotchskies said:
princeharuka said:
Who was the girl that walked past at the end? Was that Higasa?

I was wondering this too - but I thought it might be Nadeko. He doesn't really have any reason to chase after Higasa, does he?

It did look like Higasa was the one holding Kanbaru back in the credit shot, though.

I was going to ask the same question. I don't understand why no one seems to care, this is very disturbing. Does anyone have an explanation?

Maybe she's just a new girl in distress to show that Koyomi hasn't changed. Is it her holding Suruga during the credits though?
LLGAug 13, 2017 4:12 PM
Aug 13, 2017 4:11 PM

Oct 2016
the novels says that the girl that Koyomi chases after is a first year
she may be Higasa but there's no confirmation (at least in the translations) that Higasa is a first year, she is only known to be part of the basket team

but the girl hugging Kanbaru at the end screen is indeed Higasa so idk
Aug 13, 2017 4:14 PM
Aug 2012
Yes, it's weird. If they hadn't put Higasa just after, I would simply have gone for the simple explanation, but now I'm confused. Well, if it's written as you say in the novels, I guess I have no reason to doubt.
Aug 13, 2017 4:16 PM

Oct 2016
LLG said:
Yes, it's weird. If they hadn't put Higasa just after, I would simply have gone for the simple explanation, but now I'm confused. Well, if it's written as you say in the novels, I guess I have no reason to doubt.
Zoku is only translated like a 10% so there's not much else to investigate sadly :(
maybe someone that could read them in japanese could clarify this
in kinda intrigued by it too
Aug 13, 2017 4:18 PM

Apr 2015
Great End 9/10


Aug 13, 2017 4:31 PM

Sep 2015
My mind has been violated with explosives. Oshino is back... Ougi is Koyomi (I actually called that but still)... I NEED MORE HITAGI!!!
Aug 13, 2017 5:09 PM
Sep 2008
Inokori said:
the novels says that the girl that Koyomi chases after is a first year
she may be Higasa but there's no confirmation (at least in the translations) that Higasa is a first year, she is only known to be part of the basket team

but the girl hugging Kanbaru at the end screen is indeed Higasa so idk

She isn't Higasa. Higasa is a classmate of Kanbaru and, as such, a 2nd year - until Hanamonogatari events.

The girl is just a student who seems to be in some kind of distress, and so Araragi rushes to find her and help her, like Araragi always does. Hence the "You never change, Araragi-senpai" from Ougi.

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