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Oct 8, 2014 12:33 AM

Oct 2012
Personally, I really enjoyed the brief scene where Seiya luckily/unluckily happened
to walk in on Isuzu while she was in the middle of getting changed in the laundry
room. Back view. Hand-bra view. Some of the best KyoAni work that I have seen.

However . . . I think it might have been a poor decision for them to have included
this part.

(1) It means that the entire series gets the "Ecchi" genre tag even if there are
. . . no other such scenes for the rest of the series.
(2) Your parents will walk into your room exactly when this scene comes on.
(3) It creates a problem for the BD/DVD to be marketable for customers who
. . . can't tolerate that scene.
(4) Seeing Isuzu getting changed adds absolutely nothing to telling the story.
. . . I read through a detailed summary of all four volumes of the light novel
. . . series, and it looks like Ecchi is not an essential element.
(5) If you just look at a screen-grab or make an animated gif, it leads to the
. . . misperception that this is Hentai. (But it definitely is not.)
(6) Fans of the Ecchi genre will see the amount of Ecchi content as not enough
. . . to be of interest. So they won't boost sales.

My conclusion: KyoAni messed up this time, in terms of the business decision.
okanaganOct 8, 2014 12:52 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Oct 8, 2014 1:12 AM

Jan 2014
(1) No, that one scene won't inevitably lead to an ecchi tag on MAL. E.g. Bakemonogatari doesn't have one either and there's quite a bit of fanservice as well. Or Fate/Kaleid, although the manga has an ecchi tag and the anime is has more fanservice, it still has no ecchi tag.
(2) Bad luck, lol?
(3) Really? Whoever gets worked up over 3 seconds of nudity is just being stupid. Also, same applies to tones of other shows that still sell well, if anything some short scenes like this might actually attract some potential buyers. This one scene won't change anything for the negative, though. Maybe just get some extra attention to the series cuz it's untypical of KyoAni, is all. And we don't yet know how much fanserice there is in the rest of the show.
(4) So what? It's 3 goddamn seconds?
(5) lol, really now?
(6) I don't even...

Tons of baseless assumptions after only one episode. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill.
Oct 8, 2014 1:28 AM

Oct 2012

Thanks for the point-by-point reply.

If all of my points are baseless, I will be thrilled, since personally I think this is a
great series.

An issue that likely affects English-dubbed BD/DVD sales is that North American
parents as well as some political activist groups are at times very critical of anime,
and they give lots of reasons.

Here is a great example. Remember that full-length anime film "The Girl Who
Leapt Through Time" (2006)? (Not to be confused with the various live-action
films.) Ecchi or non-Ecchi? Well, some parents wrote a review of it for the benefit
of other parents, and complained that the following image on the DVD cover
was "suggestive":
Here is the actual review:
okanaganOct 8, 2014 1:43 AM
Oct 8, 2014 1:40 AM

Jan 2014
Thing is, nobody relevant cares what a parent here and there thinks is inappropriate. Or did the 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time' fail commercially or was received badly after that one parent's complain? No, it didn't. That's actually the first time I heard that story.
You just can't please everyone and there'll inevitably be people not liking something, but that doesn't lead to commercial failure, especially not if the supposed reason is as laughable as a 3sec nude scene. I even doubt that more of that level of fanservice would change anything for the worse.

It's too early to judge how the anime will turn out, anyway. One thing is a given tho, this being a KyoAni show seemingly guarantees reasonably good sales, no matter how bad the anime might still turn out to be.

So no reason to worry.
Oct 8, 2014 1:40 AM

May 2009
You made me think of the complaint about The Little Mermaid.
You could also say the same about a particular scene in Code Geass (with a girl and a table), though i don't know if it had an impact on the public/marketing.
Oct 8, 2014 2:22 AM

Feb 2013
I was quite enjoying the show, and was confused by the somewhat random seeming "fanservice" they decided to throw in that did nothing but conflict the building tone of the episode.

Did I feel it was out of place? Yes.
Does it set a precedent for the rest of the series? Perhaps, but here's hoping it's not on the line of harem/ecchi that many anime like to toe for no reason other than to boost sales.
Does it mean I'll stop watching? No.
"Hey! I'm totally an adult! I bitch and whine, lie through my teeth, and do things that are unfair."
Oct 8, 2014 2:37 AM

May 2009
It's comedy ecchi light novel, fucking morons.
Oct 8, 2014 2:56 AM

Jan 2014
bastek66 said:
It's comedy ecchi light novel, fucking morons.

You really are unable to make a point without insulting the opposition, aren't you?
Oct 8, 2014 3:13 AM

Oct 2012

Thank you. I had only looked at a written summary of the four volumes of the
light novel series, and had not realized that they are in fact illustrated light
novels. Yes, the illustrations are well and truly Ecchi. See here. (Warning, there
are spoilers, such as confirmation of the color of Isuzu's panties. Also, don't
click on these links if your parents can see over your shoulder.)

So . . . I now concede that, in order to be faithful to the original work, the anime
series has to contain at least some Ecchi.

I don't mind being called a moron when I have been a moron.
Oct 8, 2014 8:34 AM

Apr 2013
bastek66 said:
It's comedy ecchi light novel, fucking morons.
kyoAni fanboy is mad, calm down and drink your koolaid.
Oct 8, 2014 10:10 AM

Feb 2012
Violence is okay. Sex/fanservice? WTF BRO MY EYES!!

At least Japan somewhat embraces nudity/fanservice ( even though they censor their porn... ironic I know, but we can thank 'murica for that ). The rest of the world has yet to catch up.

What's really silly is people single out that scene out of the entire episode. Some hate or even drop the show entirely because of it. It's quite sad. Like.. you're going to judge a series or even ruin your enjoyment based on one scene? Really?
Oct 8, 2014 11:32 AM

Mar 2009
Personally, I think it's KyoAni saying to the otaku in Japan, "Sorry about Free!"
Oct 8, 2014 11:51 AM

Apr 2011
BeatzMe said:

It's too early to judge how the anime will turn out, anyway. One thing is a given tho, this being a KyoAni show seemingly guarantees reasonably good sales, no matter how bad the anime might still turn out to be.

So no reason to worry.
OP never asking those

okanagan said:

My conclusion: KyoAni messed up this time, in terms of the business decision.
"I never know how a studio works, so I must be an expert on this shite!"

Djidji said:
You made me think of the complaint about The Little Mermaid.
You could also say the same about a particular scene in Code Geass (with a girl and a table), though i don't know if it had an impact on the public/marketing.
Don't talk shit about other show just for the sake of making this show looks better!

bastek66 said:
It's comedy ecchi light novel, fucking morons.
I am not defending those guy, but are you ever read the original source?

Sourire said:
kyoAni fanboy is mad, calm down and drink your koolaid.
Shit posting

Yvese said:
Violence is okay. Sex/fanservice? WTF BRO MY EYES!!

At least Japan somewhat embraces nudity/fanservice ( even though they censor their porn... ironic I know, but we can thank 'murica for that ). The rest of the world has yet to catch up.

What's really silly is people single out that scene out of the entire episode. Some hate or even drop the show entirely because of it. It's quite sad. Like.. you're going to judge a series or even ruin your enjoyment based on one scene? Really?
Its personal taste. If they can no longer enjoy it, just let them leave. Rather than being a cancer who ruins others enjoyment.

Mormegil said:
Personally, I think it's KyoAni saying to the otaku in Japan, "Sorry about Free!"

MAL in a nutshell
Oct 8, 2014 11:56 AM

Jan 2014
allflying said:
BeatzMe said:

It's too early to judge how the anime will turn out, anyway. One thing is a given tho, this being a KyoAni show seemingly guarantees reasonably good sales, no matter how bad the anime might still turn out to be.

So no reason to worry.
OP never asking those

He was talking about how ecchi scenes might negatively effect the sales, which is why I assured him it will sell well anyway.

So read more carefully next time before you consider pointing things like that out.
Oct 8, 2014 12:10 PM

Apr 2011
BeatzMe said:
allflying said:
OP never asking those

He was talking about how ecchi scenes might negatively effect the sales, which is why I assured him it will sell well anyway.

So read more carefully next time before you consider pointing things like that out.
too much dumb argument in this thread makes me goes rampage
Oct 8, 2014 12:28 PM

Mar 2009
allflying said:

Mormegil said:
Personally, I think it's KyoAni saying to the otaku in Japan, "Sorry about Free!"

MAL in a nutshell

It's a joke? We all know otaku were pissed off about KyoAni pandering to someone else other than themselves with Free.

The bare ass shot didn't even bother me. I was just surprised to see it in a KyoAni show, hence the joke
Oct 8, 2014 12:46 PM

Sep 2014
Ok first of all this is an anime might I remind you that almost every single anime

has at least a little Ecchi in them so if you can't take even that then god have mercy on your soul.
Oct 8, 2014 6:56 PM

Sep 2008
Actually, the show needs more Assuzu.

Oct 8, 2014 7:02 PM

Mar 2008
It's unfortunate to say, but it really was the most noteworthy moment of the whole episode, so I'd say it was necessary - the show needed it to reel people in for 'next time'.
Oct 8, 2014 7:55 PM

Mar 2013
It was such a short shot though.
Oct 8, 2014 8:06 PM

Apr 2011
Mormegil said:
allflying said:


MAL in a nutshell

It's a joke? We all know otaku were pissed off about KyoAni pandering to someone else other than themselves with Free.

Where did you get that idea?
Oct 10, 2014 12:05 PM

Jul 2012
allflying said:
Where did you get that idea?

It's pretty accurate. Even in the episode 1 discussion, there's a bunch of people praising it for not being like Free!. lul
Oct 10, 2014 1:18 PM

Apr 2010
Does this really need a god damn thread?
Oct 11, 2014 1:26 AM
May 2014
(1) I don't think so I've seen some anime with a whole lot more fanservice and no ecchi tag...
(2) Ikr
(3) I guess, but wouldn't that be the same for the series on TV? People could think its gonna be ecchi and turn it off. I used to be like that but I can't find decent anime that's clean...
(4) Her reaction (no reaction) could be used to show how she doesn't really understand humans.
(5) That is true but honestly a gif won't lose them thousands of customers
(6) Fans of the ecchi genre can get away from this cute little anime I'd be glad
Oct 11, 2014 6:53 AM

Dec 2012
I must have blinked and miss it
Oct 11, 2014 8:55 AM

Apr 2011
There's nothing wrong with nudity

you are born naked
Oct 14, 2014 2:13 AM

Dec 2012
I don't think it detracts anything from the show, but I'm just quite surprised that Kyoto Ani is actually doing "full on" fanservice (albeit a lot milder than some other studios). I always had the impression that Kyoto ani was fairly classy since they aren't really known for doing any fanservice. I've seen pretty much everything from Kyoani and the last show they produced with fanservice was Haruhi. I mean everything post K-On when they had a stylistic change to their animation were all really tame. Maybe they figured out fanservice brings them the cash after Free lol.
Oct 14, 2014 3:22 AM

Dec 2013
It was an Ecchi Scene but it doesn't overshadow the rest of the anime like an normal ecchi. But sweet mother of god is this show's art beautiful
A faint clap of thunder,
Clouded skies,
Perhaps rain will come.
If so, will you stay here with me?
Yukari Yukino
A faint clap of thunder,
Even if rain comes or not,
I will stay here,
Together with you.
Takao Akizuki
Oct 14, 2014 2:52 PM

Jun 2012
I'm so happy to see an official KyoAni character naked. I can't remember the last time we've been treated this way.
Shoot first, think never.
Oct 14, 2014 6:03 PM

Oct 2012
You can see some excellent nudity by Kyoto Animation in Episode 9 of
"Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu", "A Goddess Comes to Japan: Hot Spring".
Most of the cast members are shown naked in an outdoor hot spring.
In addition to a lot of full-on nudity from the rear, there is quite a lot
of barely-obstructed frontal nudity. It is not brief, either.

"Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu" ( August - November 2003 ) was the first
anime series ever done by Kyoto Animation. They got off to a bad
start when the very first episode was banned from TV broadcast due
to its content. So it was an 11-episode cour. But all 12 episodes got
included on the Blu-ray/DVD.

- - - - - - -

See also Episode 2, "The Scene Below the Water" of "Full Metal Panic!
The Second Raid" (2005). There is a notable scene with the sixteen-
year-old Chinese-born identical-twin assassins Xia Yu Lan and Xia Yu
Fan. It starts at about 8 minutes into the episode.

In case that is not enough for you, these same twins are very clearly
drawn in the OP.

The series is usually rated R+

- - - - - - -

In Episode 6 of "Lucky Star" (2007), "Fixtures of Summer", there is a
scene in the indoor bath where the otaku Konata is shown from the
rear as she runs across the floor. But you can't see much due to her
floor-length blue hair.
okanaganOct 14, 2014 7:31 PM
Oct 15, 2014 11:54 AM

Sep 2011
holy shit why do people make such a big deal out of this, my god

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 15, 2014 3:23 PM

Apr 2013
Remind me again why a shot that's barely even a second long should be made into this big a deal. Please.
Oct 18, 2014 8:30 AM

Apr 2011
there is no such thing as needless ecchi
Oct 18, 2014 8:40 AM

Apr 2012
No such thing as needless ecchi? *cough* Maken-ki! *cough* High school of the Dead
Oct 18, 2014 9:28 AM

Mar 2012
was this poll even necessary? lol

why would people NOT want that scene in the anime???
Oct 18, 2014 10:43 AM

Oct 2012
Okay, well I was the one who started this thread, so I guess I should reply to
some of these interesting comments.

To make myself absolutely clear, I did in fact like the scene in Episode 1 where
Kanie unluckily/luckily walked in on Isuzu while she was changing in the laundry
room. Rather than this being gratuitous Ecchi, somebody made a salient point
in suggesting that maybe this told us a bit more about Isuzu's and Seiya's odd
personalities. The cheerleading scene in Episode 3 did not cross the conventional
boundary into "Ecchi", but was full-blown swimsuit fanservice. Is it an important
element of the plot of the story? Maybe. I am willing to wait and see. Or what
about that coarse sexist comment made by the three half-drunk mascots in the
restaurant? That seemed to be revealing about their actual personalities versus
their cute stage personas.

I think that there are many people out there who would object very strongly to
those scenes. On the other hand, I suspect that such people don't normally post
comments on MAL threads.

A relevant issue is whether those short scenes make the series inappropriate for
younger viewers. I think that the essential story is interesting and accessible. It
doesn't seem to have mature themes. How old do you have to be to enjoy the
story? I could imagine young children watching it. But their parents might object
to the Ecchi, fanservice and coarse language. So why not just edit the series
down by 1% to cut out that stuff? Perhaps there could be a "just-for-kids" edition,
which was done for some other Japanese anime such as "Project A-Ko" (1986).

The thing is, we live in a big world. It is completely acceptable to depict fights and
gun violence to young children in some places. Yes, I am looking at you: Arizona,
Vermont, Alaska, Utah and Kentucky. On the other hand, it tends to be in these
same places where a panty shot lasting a twelfth of a second must be censored
from the eyes of those under 13.

I am glad that I started this thread since it gave me a very clear answer to my
question. Without a doubt, it was not a mistake for Kyoto Animation to include
Isuzu's laundry room scene. In the end, I have changed my opinion based on the
comments that people made. Thanks to you all.

Regarding "Highschool of the Dead" (2010), it is certainly an interesting question
to ponder whether or not a few of the scenes of panty shots, bathing, bouncing and
boob-grabbing could have been omitted. Frankly, I think that it would have been
a mistake. One of the most poignant scenes in HOTD is where a policeman has to
shoot a six-year-old child who became infected. Not for kids. Clearly, the essence
of the story of HOTD is 18+. So don't bowdlerise it by cutting out the Ecchi that
was already present in the manga.

As for "Maken-Ki!" (2011,2014), just possibly the same story could have been told
with all of the female characters being AA cups, A cups and B cups. Hard to say.
But, given that Volume 1 Chapter 2 of the manga is titled "Physical Examination",
it's not targeted at kids under 12.
okanaganOct 18, 2014 11:06 AM
Oct 18, 2014 11:58 AM

Jul 2010
Fanservice is not bad, exaggerated fanservice is.
Oct 18, 2014 2:05 PM
Jul 2018
The show is interesting and amusing but the fanservice gets in the way imo.
It's sad to see that everything needs to appeal to sexuality to sell.
Oct 18, 2014 4:04 PM

Aug 2014
This is a very useless topic/ debate
First of all, it isn't suppose to be for younger viewers because of one of the genres the anime has and it is Seinen- targeting a male audience aged roughly 17 on into their 40's.
I dont see why some people are bothered by Ecchi, since it is way different than Hentai. Regardless, it only showed bits and pieces of Ecchi, the show is not full of fanservice and even if it would have ecchi, this show would still be enjoyable
I wish this thread could be shut down though, it is just someone's opinion... Wont reply anymore
Oct 19, 2014 1:28 AM

Apr 2011
The fanservice is not that bad. It seems quite tame.
Oct 19, 2014 2:49 AM

Feb 2013
Mormegil said:
Personally, I think it's KyoAni saying to the otaku in Japan, "Sorry about Free!"

Are you seriously starting this right now?

Don't like Free!, don't watch it. Don't rub it all on our faces that you're a closeted homophobic that can't stand to know that an anime exists with cute boys without shirts.
Oct 20, 2014 2:31 PM
Aug 2013
Ecchi never is needless.
Oct 24, 2014 11:06 AM

Jun 2012
NAIVE!! you can never have too much fanservice, however i don't think including that small scene will do anything negative to the series. plus its better to get that out of the way sooner than later so they can focus on the major plot without having to worry about some people wanting to see the service
Oct 25, 2014 11:03 AM

Mar 2009
Candeloro said:
Mormegil said:
Personally, I think it's KyoAni saying to the otaku in Japan, "Sorry about Free!"

Are you seriously starting this right now?

Don't like Free!, don't watch it. Don't rub it all on our faces that you're a closeted homophobic that can't stand to know that an anime exists with cute boys without shirts.

Yep. Because that's what I'm doing.

Once again, I'm making fun of all the crazed otaku and the people pissed off that Free exists. But thank you for jumping to conclusions.
Oct 26, 2014 7:29 AM
Sep 2012
Really I didn't understand Why you made this long discussion

It was very nice ass beated alot of ecchi anime asses

It was nice to see it and it makes the anime more beautiful

So why this Controversy؟
Oct 26, 2014 10:03 PM

Sep 2014
Meh. It was a little bit overdone

The scene made sense and they even made a joke afterwards about bikinis "not being enough" in this day and age. They're poking fun at themselves and the industry as a whole.
Oct 28, 2014 6:55 PM

Jul 2012
Mormegil said:
Once again, I'm making fun of all the crazed otaku and the people pissed off that Free exists. But thank you for jumping to conclusions.

In defense of Candeloro, your original comment comes off kind of hostile.
Oct 29, 2014 2:32 AM

Aug 2011
where is the needless boredom option? because holy shit
Nov 1, 2014 6:39 PM

Jan 2014
Lol, that was 3 seconds of fanservice, it doesnt make this show ecchi...

Yvese said:

At least Japan somewhat embraces nudity/fanservice ( even though they censor their porn... ironic I know, but we can thank 'murica for that ). The rest of the world has yet to catch up.

I think you should make research about sexualisation in Japanese media and entertainment.
In Japan now there is very low birth rate. To be precise, scientists calculated, that in 2 generations(or next 50 years) Japan will lose one third of current population (from ~120 million to ~80 million population). Statistics show, that around half (>40%) of young and middle-aged Japanese people, both men and women, do not care about family life. Quarter of them are still virgins. According to statistics, around 50% of man and women between 30-34 years not dating anyone. It's a demographic disaster.

So government using any shit they can to make them want to do sex.
Nov 2, 2014 1:18 AM

Jan 2014
Yohimo_asakura said:

So government using any shit they can to make them want to do sex.

Anyone can say that. But the current attitude of Japan on sex can be traced back even before this demographic disaster thing, even before Japan lost WWII. You can say that very same sexualisation of the media came from that attitude, not from the government. 'Murica "lessened" that attitude somehow.

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