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Which type of shoujo-ai/yuri pairings do you like the most?

What type of shoujo-ai pairings are the best?
Feminine girl x Masculine girl
Feminine girl x Feminine girl
Masculine girl x Masculine girl
It doesn't matter, all types of shoujo-ai is win!
229 votes
Jul 12, 2009 11:55 AM

May 2007
The most common type of shoujo-ai/yuri that can be seen in anime/manga is by far that between a "normal" feminine girl and a tomboyish masculine girl.
(The classic pairing Haruka x Michiru from Sailor Moon is a perfect example of this.)
I personally do not enjoy these type of pairings.
I feel that to truly enjoy the magic of shoujo-ai it has to be set between two girls who actually look and act like girls. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tomboys. In fact, I love them.) Otherwise I might as well be looking at a straight couple. It's the same with shonen-ai/yaoi, which is also more than often between a masculine boy and a feminine boy.
So, I was curious... what kind of pairings do you guys like the most?
Love between a feminine girl and a tomboyish girl? Or love between two equally feminine girls? Or maybe even love between two tomboyish girls? ... Wow, I don't think I've ever even seen that last one but it sure does sound hot. >D

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Jul 12, 2009 1:05 PM

Apr 2009
Feminine girl x Masculinel girl.

Two feminine girls are too submissive to make a move on each other, so stories like that are boring. Two masculine girls wouldn't really have any trouble at all because neither of them are too shy, so there wouldn't really be a conflict(like Kaname and Momomi).

There needs to be one submissive girl who is too scared to tell the other one about her feelings, and one dominatant girl who is the one that kinda leads the way in the relationship.
Jul 12, 2009 3:23 PM
Mar 2009
Louchan said:
The most common type of shoujo-ai/yuri that can be seen in anime/manga is by far that between a "normal" feminine girl and a tomboyish masculine girl.
(The classic pairing Haruka x Michiru from Sailor Moon is a perfect example of this.)
I personally do not enjoy these type of pairings.
I feel that to truly enjoy the magic of shoujo-ai it has to be set between two girls who actually look and act like girls. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tomboys. In fact, I love them.) Otherwise I might as well be looking at a straight couple. It's the same with shonen-ai/yaoi, which is also more than often between a masculine boy and a feminine boy.
So, I was curious... what kind of pairings do you guys like the most?
Love between a feminine girl and a tomboyish girl? Or love between two equally feminine girls? Or maybe even love between two tomboyish girls? ... Wow, I don't think I've ever even seen that last one but it sure does sound hot. >D

I have to agree with you. Totally!
I'm absolutely for feminine x feminine...witch I actually see as girl x girl.. X°D
My bad but, I can't even see Haruka as a girl X°D

So, to me, just like in reality,a yuri girl in anime is a girl who looks and acts like a girl and likes girls X°D

And..I don't think at all that the mere fact that a girl is feminine implies that she's also shy and submissive X°D The personality is something that changes from person to person. A masculine girl could be shy or submissive too, of course.

Anyway, I'm happy to see that most of the shoujo ai pairs are feminine x feminine, and it's disappearing the masculine x feminine cliche.

That was\is just a clichè that came from the point of view that sees homosexual couples like a derivation of straight couples...but that's nonsense X°D
Jul 12, 2009 3:45 PM

Aug 2008
Fem x fem, i hate characters like ootori amane. It's 10x cuter when they're both girly.
Jul 12, 2009 4:39 PM

Apr 2009
Unkind said:
Fem x fem, i hate characters like ootori amane. It's 10x cuter when they're both girly.


I love Amane!
Jul 12, 2009 4:56 PM

Feb 2009

this is a list of some of the typical, Feminine & Masculine traits I don't necessarily agree with the hole list, so don't argue with me about it, but the list isn't bad ether but that isn't really my point, plenty of girls have a lot of the masculine traits, to me it's about the appearance and some of the level of aggressiveness. other wise the traits are to commonly shared between genders.

Feminine girl x Feminine girl

girl's with masculine quality's that seem to be trying to hard by make themselves look really butch, is just... why >.> but to each his own, and my own is that I like the Feminine look with out to much GRRR. (aggressiveness)

; (>^.)>
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jul 12, 2009 8:08 PM

Jan 2009
Oh wow, I hated that list ><. It's stuff like that that gets on my nerves, mostly because it is outdated in my opinion. (but no offense kaigen ^^).

I kinda agree with you though, now girls have a lot more of those "masculine" traits but don't try to be butch. Kinda like me ^_^.

I go with the 'it doesn't matter' choice ^^.

Personally I like to see the more dominant girl get paired up with a cute feminine one, but a lot of the times I don't like how they display the dominant one as extremely masculine. I've always been a tomboy and I fall more onto the 'butch' side, but I never try to make myself look ultra masculine, I like looking like a woman ^^.
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
Jul 12, 2009 8:16 PM

May 2008
Supernova1337 said:
Feminine girl x Masculinel girl.

Two feminine girls are too submissive to make a move on each other, so stories like that are boring. Two masculine girls wouldn't really have any trouble at all because neither of them are too shy, so there wouldn't really be a conflict(like Kaname and Momomi).

I don't agree with what your saying because (using Strawberry Panic as references)

Shizuma x Nagisa is both Feminine(Girly) x Feminine(Girly) and there is no problem with their relationship on who is dominant or submissive

(another references is Kannazuki no miko) Chikane x Himeko is both Feminine(Girly) as well and still there is no problem

Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy) do have problems since they both are dominant therefore its hard to decide who takes control.... BTW Momoko is girly and Kaname is tomboy

I voted either pairings but i don't think there is such as Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy)... Feminine(Girly) is the most occured in almost all Shoujo ai/Yuri anime... its always Girly x Girly rarely of any Girly x Tomboy or Tomboy x Tomboy...

then again its my opionion since...Im a Tomboy(masculine) and a Lesbian too XP

Jul 12, 2009 8:21 PM

Apr 2009
yamiperv said:
Supernova1337 said:
Feminine girl x Masculinel girl.

Two feminine girls are too submissive to make a move on each other, so stories like that are boring. Two masculine girls wouldn't really have any trouble at all because neither of them are too shy, so there wouldn't really be a conflict(like Kaname and Momomi).

I don't agree with what your saying because (using Strawberry Panic as references)

Shizuma x Nagisa is both Feminine(Girly) x Feminine(Girly) and there is no problem with their relationship on who is dominant or submissive

(another references is Kannazuki no miko) Chikane x Himeko is both Feminine(Girly) as well and still there is no problem

Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy) do have problems since they both are dominant therefore its hard to decide who takes control.... BTW Momoko is girly and Kaname is tomboy

I voted either pairings but i don't think there is such as Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy)... Feminine(Girly) is the most occured in almost all Shoujo ai/Yuri anime... its always Girly x Girly rarely of any Girly x Tomboy or Tomboy x Tomboy...

then again its my opionion since...Im a Tomboy(masculine) and a Lesbian too XP

I was using SP as my reference too! Shizuma is girly?! She's a sex hound, she's the defenition of masculine! Nagisa X Shizuma and Hikari X Amane are perfect examples of Masculine X Femenine couples.
Jul 12, 2009 10:41 PM

May 2008
Supernova1337 said:
yamiperv said:
Supernova1337 said:
Feminine girl x Masculinel girl.

Two feminine girls are too submissive to make a move on each other, so stories like that are boring. Two masculine girls wouldn't really have any trouble at all because neither of them are too shy, so there wouldn't really be a conflict(like Kaname and Momomi).

I don't agree with what your saying because (using Strawberry Panic as references)

Shizuma x Nagisa is both Feminine(Girly) x Feminine(Girly) and there is no problem with their relationship on who is dominant or submissive

(another references is Kannazuki no miko) Chikane x Himeko is both Feminine(Girly) as well and still there is no problem

Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy) do have problems since they both are dominant therefore its hard to decide who takes control.... BTW Momoko is girly and Kaname is tomboy

I voted either pairings but i don't think there is such as Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy)... Feminine(Girly) is the most occured in almost all Shoujo ai/Yuri anime... its always Girly x Girly rarely of any Girly x Tomboy or Tomboy x Tomboy...

then again its my opionion since...Im a Tomboy(masculine) and a Lesbian too XP

I was using SP as my reference too! Shizuma is girly?! She's a sex hound, she's the defenition of masculine! Nagisa X Shizuma and Hikari X Amane are perfect examples of Masculine X Femenine couples.

Yes i know your using SP as reference too but what im saying is Shizuma is Girly, she may be a SEX HOUND (so you call it) but still she's Feminine

on the other hand Hikari x Amane is yes a definition of Masculine x Feminine

Jul 12, 2009 11:37 PM

Jul 2008
All yuri = win. Each pairing has it's own dynamic and beauty.

For the above, Shizuma x Nagisa, Chikane x Himeko - both couples have a more dominant seeming character (Shizuma and Chikane) who will act as the 'masculine' one, even if they're feminine. Easy to call them either depending on your view.

For this poll I first though of character design actually. Like Haruka x Michiru - the physical appearance matches their personalities. Then take something like Rei x Yoshino (Marimite) - Rei, is the more "feminine" (as in cooking, knitting, reading shoujo) one in personality and Yoshino is the aggressive one.
evermindedJul 12, 2009 11:41 PM

"I'm always sleeping in my forest of thorns."
- Satou Sei
Jul 13, 2009 6:25 AM

Mar 2009
Feminine x Feminine the most, but others are good too. ^^
Jul 13, 2009 9:03 AM
Jun 2008
Who says a feminine girl can't be dominant?

My ideal pairing would be two feminine girls, one dominant and one submissive.

I'm a girl and I don't generally dig other girls acting (or looking) like guys. If you're boyish then that's all right, it's cute in a way, but I'm talking lumberjack, drives a chopper, cross-dressing dude-like... then no thanks.
Jul 13, 2009 9:05 AM

Apr 2009
Feminine x Feminine

tehnominator said:

My ideal pairing would be two feminine girls, one dominant and one submissive.

deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Jul 13, 2009 12:09 PM

Feb 2009
Juri21 said:
Oh wow, I hated that list ><. It's stuff like that that gets on my nerves, mostly because it is outdated in my opinion. (but no offense kaigen ^^).

none taken, ultimately I agree with you anyway, someone happened to be looking over my shoulder at the time looked up that list, then dared me to post it... >.>; I thought I was going to be crucified. ^_^; but lucky you seem to be the only one who looked at it.

tehnominator said:
Who says a feminine girl can't be dominant?

well said, if were talking mas. & fem traits then dominants, goes to both. In my opinion I repeat opinion, the most defining trait that separates men from women is, men prefer the physical while women prefer the mental, when most men get mad at someone the thing they want to do in there head weather he does it or not is hit them, when most guys what to establish some kind of dominance they want to be physically more powerful, when many guys what to show caring or love the physical is often the solution (not necessarily sex) and last aggressiveness is taken out in a more physical way, not necessarily hitting, but yelling, swing arms about and such. now people are very different from one to the next (because there are so many) so this is not to say that no girls are this way I would just have to say it more rare than common.
then of course women, the opposite in this (normally, from my experience)
when most girl get mad at someone they want to make them feel something negative with them they look to make that person hurt or angry. when most girls want to establish some type of dominance they seek to manipulate, rather then to have a direct confrontation, finding bargaining chips and things to take or give. when most girl are aggressive, they play games, and wage physiological warfare upon their foe.
my point is that girls are not often very masculine traits but a masculine look will make people think of them that way, gust to give some examples of characters that I view as being very masculine: Revy (Black lagoon) the sailor scout that wore green (don't remember the name) Kyou (clannad, I might have that backwards again, =_= Unkind will correct me later on I'm sure) the last two aren't the best of examples but I think you get the jisst
in conclusion I don't think I have seen any shoujo-ai character that was really mentally masculine, maybe looks butchish but that's as far as that goes, Tomari comes closest to me but really she was just protective and athletic with isn't necessarily masculine.

well I think I have rambled on too mu.... (>^.)>
kaigenJul 14, 2009 6:02 AM
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jul 13, 2009 8:42 PM

Jul 2008
kaigen said:
...the sailor scout that wore green (don't remember the name) conclusion I don't think I have seen any shoujo-ai character that was really mentally masculine, maybe looks butchish but that's as far as that goes, Tomari comes closest to me but really she was just protective and athletic with isn't necessarily masculine.

Do you mean Makoto (Sailor Jupiter)? She's a little like Rei from Marimite, they appear more masculine but are quite actually feminine.

Also continuing on with BSSM, Haruka (and Michiru) as Louchan mentioned are the prime example of 'masculine x feminine'. Haruka is the only really straight foward 'masculine' character I can think of. Physically she's a bishonen (I mean in the dub they actually made her a man >_>) she's more prone to logic then emotions if we go by the 'gender characterstics list' thing. Haruka was based on the otoko-yaku (male role) of Takarazuka Review preformances and even Takeuchi Naoko says that Haruka takes on "male form" when dressing in more masculine clothes. There for Haruka was designed to be 'masculine'.

I found this thesis online a while ago...(google the title to find it if you're interested)

Feamle Protagonists in Shoujo Manga by J. L. Brown said:
Sailor Uranus does not explicitly deny or reject her femininity, so perhaps she still utilizes her femininity when dealing with other females, such as Sailor Neptune. She has an advantage over a real male due to the fact that, like an otoko-yaku, she is “an idealized, ‘beautiful’ man—a man without dirt, sweat, roughness, and a need to dominate.” Physiologically, she is still a female, and Sailor Neptune knows this. Moreover, there is no sense that Sailor Uranus controls the relationship, and there is no indication that Sailor Neptune plays a submissive or subservient role. The two are treated as equals in the relationship because they are both female.

In the end masculine and feminine obviously indicate the charactersistics expected from male and female but don't we really just use them as terms of description? We know what they refer to, even if we dissagree with the classification.

"I'm always sleeping in my forest of thorns."
- Satou Sei
Jul 13, 2009 8:48 PM

Jan 2009
kaigen said:
Juri21 said:
Oh wow, I hated that list ><. It's stuff like that that gets on my nerves, mostly because it is outdated in my opinion. (but no offense kaigen ^^).

none taken, ultimately I agree with you anyway, someone happened to be looking over my shoulder at the time looked up that list, then dared me to post it... >.>; I thought I was going to be crucified. ^_^; but lucky you seem to be the only one who looked at it.

Haha, it looks like that person wanted you to get crucified. ^^
I've always had problems with people listing traits for gender roles, mainly because I don't want to be molded to other's specifications and plus I've never seem to fit in ^_^.

I've always fallen more into the masculine side with my personality, even with how you've defined between the two just now. But balancing that personality with my looks have always been tricky, since I've always been proud to be a woman I want to look like one (I have never wanted to look like a guy ><). And I've always been attracted to feminine girls, so that's probably why I like that pairing in the end, I relate to it better.

Oh, and...
kaigen said:
the sailor scout that wore green (don't remember the name)

That would be Sailor Jupiter, Kino Makoto ^^. She was my absolute favorite out of the original scouts.
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
Jul 14, 2009 2:31 AM
Jul 2009
The arguments going on here are really quite amusing...

Personally, I prefer feminine/feminine. If it's got a masculine girl, it's not really yuri (in my opinion). Also, two girly girls is a lot cuter and easier to relate to.
Manga > Anime
Jul 14, 2009 6:19 AM

Feb 2009
everminded said:

Do you mean Makoto (Sailor Jupiter)? She's a little like Rei from Marimite, they appear more masculine but are quite actually feminine.

Is that so,(Revy is my poster Girl anyway) then never mind, it has been so long sense I have seen that show that I refused to add it to my list, all I remember is that sailor Saturn is bad ass ^_~

Juri21 said:
kaigen said:
Juri21 said:
Oh wow, I hated that list ><. It's stuff like that that gets on my nerves, mostly because it is outdated in my opinion. (but no offense kaigen ^^).

none taken, ultimately I agree with you anyway, someone happened to be looking over my shoulder at the time looked up that list, then dared me to post it... >.>; I thought I was going to be crucified. ^_^; but lucky you seem to be the only one who looked at it.

Haha, it looks like that person wanted you to get crucified. ^^
I've always had problems with people listing traits for gender roles, mainly because I don't want to be molded to other's specifications and plus I've never seem to fit in ^_^.

I've always fallen more into the masculine side with my personality, even with how you've defined between the two just now. But balancing that personality with my looks have always been tricky, since I've always been proud to be a woman I want to look like one (I have never wanted to look like a guy ><). And I've always been attracted to feminine girls, so that's probably why I like that pairing in the end, I relate to it better.

really! O_o you still fit my masculine description >.>; weird, I mean not you. I mean, I would have found it odd for anyone to admit to ether of them even if it matched (man to masculine girl to feminine) I thought I would confront nothing but rage from both genders, making out men to be barbarian, and women, a some psychotic person (or so the opposition would say) but that was not the intention. witch... you seem to have gotten ^_^ sweet.

la de da de du; (>^.)>
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jul 14, 2009 6:46 AM

Sep 2008
I agree 100% with Tehno on this. I like the feminine girl matchups with a dominate and submissive personality type. But I definitely dont like the manish types that end up looking like bishie men. They wear mens clothes, have manish personalities, etc. Amane and Haruka are examples of characters I dont like.

You can be an aggressive dominate personality though and still be very feminine. My fav character Kaname Chidori is an example of that. In Yuri I tend to like the Yaya types. One reason the SP anime annoyed me so much was the way she was treated in the end.
Jul 14, 2009 7:28 AM
Jun 2008
Skadi said:
In Yuri I tend to like the Yaya types.

Oh, totally. I really dig the flirtatious, knows-what-she-wants, oozes sex appeal and femininity type. So much better than the stuttering, blushing types.
Jul 15, 2009 2:53 AM

Feb 2008
For me it always depends on characters' personality, and not on their look. As long as I like their personalities, I don't care if they are masculine or feminine. Also, some of the girls I like can look both ways (Maria Tachibana for example). And some, looking very feminine, have quite a "male" mind.
Jul 16, 2009 9:20 PM

Jul 2009
I have seen both femininexfeminine and femininexmasculine yuri pairings, and I slightly enjoy the femininexmasculine pairing more, but for once, I'd like to see a masculinexmasucline pairing. :D
Jul 17, 2009 9:30 AM

Apr 2009
animelover28 said:
I have seen both femininexfeminine and femininexmasculine yuri pairings, and I slightly enjoy the femininexmasculine pairing more, but for once, I'd like to see a masculinexmasucline pairing. :D

lol, a story usualy wont focus on them, but sometimes there are evil lesbians, such as Kaname and Momomi.

and @ everyone else- I consider the dominant girl the masculine girl.
Jul 17, 2009 5:24 PM

Apr 2009
everminded said:
All yuri = win. Each pairing has it's own dynamic and beauty.

For the above, Shizuma x Nagisa, Chikane x Himeko - both couples have a more dominant seeming character (Shizuma and Chikane) who will act as the 'masculine' one, even if they're feminine. Easy to call them either depending on your view.

For this poll I first though of character design actually. Like Haruka x Michiru - the physical appearance matches their personalities. Then take something like Rei x Yoshino (Marimite) - Rei, is the more "feminine" (as in cooking, knitting, reading shoujo) one in personality and Yoshino is the aggressive one.

Totally agreed.All yuri are epic win
Jul 18, 2009 1:49 AM

Nov 2007
kaigen said:

Wow. I'm half feminine girl half masculine girl..........

I like when there is a masculine, dominant girl who takes controk, but it's nice too when they both are feminine and cute.

Jul 18, 2009 9:30 AM

Feb 2009
I voted for "It doesn't matter" but I prefer "Feminine girl x Feminine girl."

tehnominator said:
Oh, totally. I really dig the flirtatious, knows-what-she-wants, oozes sex appeal and femininity type. So much better than the stuttering, blushing types.

Completely agree.

You had some quote problems there, fixed them :D
tehnominatorJul 18, 2009 3:03 PM
Jul 19, 2009 6:33 PM

Feb 2008
Feminine girl x Feminine girl is what I prefer but that shouldn't entail two blushing, shy and hopeless girls such as Hikari or Nagisa of Strawberry Panic. As other's have said, Yaya is the type I dig. We need more girls like her.
Jul 19, 2009 6:40 PM

Oct 2007
All Yuri is win. I don't have preferences. And two masculine girls sounds hot, indeed x] But the important thing is personalities, not looks.

LucySky said:
As other's have said, Yaya is the type I dig. We need more girls like her.

Definetely! I love Yaya, girls like Hikari and Nagisa tire me easily xD
melieonJul 19, 2009 6:45 PM
Jul 19, 2009 6:47 PM

Apr 2009
What we need more of is girls like Chikaru, who would cut the melodrama out of a relationship. If she got paired up in SP, she'd know what she would want and take it, instead of beating around the bush for 25 episodes.

Plus, anyone who's as happy and fun as her has GOT to secretly be a BDSM queen. What else do you think she dresses Kizuna and Remon up as when they're alone? ^- ^
Jul 19, 2009 10:04 PM

May 2008
Keishi said:
The arguments going on here are really quite amusing...

Personally, I prefer feminine/feminine. If it's got a masculine girl, it's not really yuri (in my opinion). Also, two girly girls is a lot cuter and easier to relate to.

Base off of what Keishi said, he/she doesn't consider masculine girl is yuri because masculine girls are like Tomboys as an example already made Haruka...

im not saying Feminine girls can't be Dominate (like Shizuma) but masculine is like another definition of Tomboys

Jul 19, 2009 11:27 PM

Jul 2008
Louchan who started the thread said roughly the same thing.

Louchan said:
I feel that to truly enjoy the magic of shoujo-ai it has to be set between two girls who actually look and act like girls. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tomboys. In fact, I love them.) Otherwise I might as well be looking at a straight couple.

'Masculine' women aren't men. They're woman who act/dress in a way sociologists or whoever have decided to label 'male'.

In a relationship, straight gay or other, there's bound to be a more dominant partner. I think there's a notion that if it's a hetrosexual couple, the man will be dominant. If it's a lesbian couple where one woman is more 'masculine' looking/acting they will be the dominant one. There for the earlier confusion about Shizuma being masculine or feminine based on either her looks her her dominance is based on assuming that dominant behaviour equal masculinity and vice versa.

"I'm always sleeping in my forest of thorns."
- Satou Sei
Jul 20, 2009 1:00 AM

May 2008
everminded said:
Louchan who started the thread said roughly the same thing.

Louchan said:
I feel that to truly enjoy the magic of shoujo-ai it has to be set between two girls who actually look and act like girls. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tomboys. In fact, I love them.) Otherwise I might as well be looking at a straight couple.

'Masculine' women aren't men. They're woman who act/dress in a way sociologists or whoever have decided to label 'male'.

In a relationship, straight gay or other, there's bound to be a more dominant partner. I think there's a notion that if it's a hetrosexual couple, the man will be dominant. If it's a lesbian couple where one woman is more 'masculine' looking/acting they will be the dominant one. There for the earlier confusion about Shizuma being masculine or feminine based on either her looks her her dominance is based on assuming that dominant behaviour equal masculinity and vice versa.

lol well still using Shizuma as references she is feminine but dominating
you can call it masculine but still...her other traits aren't relating to mens in anyway but the dominating part... i don't think thats enough to be called masculine...

Aug 21, 2011 12:02 AM

May 2011
Voted for Feminine girl x Masculine girl.

I wish there were more anime series that had femme x butch couples (like Haruka x Michiru from Sailor Moon! They are my very favorite anime couple.)
Aug 25, 2011 5:27 PM
Aug 2011
Very interesting to see the various interpretations of feminine and masculine in this thread. It's naturally a big subject of discussion at the transgender support group I attend sometimes, so hearing more impressions of it is always neat to me. In this topic we see a few going purely by looks (masculine = short hair, taller, generally more serious looking, etc.) and others defining masculine as the dominant member of the relationship and feminine as the more submissive, and then there are other variations in between. I even once heard from a lesbian woman (who I and most people would consider to be pretty feminine) that someone considered her very masculine simply because she is a lesbian; going by that (though I wouldn't), all yuri relationships would be masculine X masculine.

As for me, I guess to generalize I would say I like a masculine girl paired with a feminine girl, just because I like couples that complement each other, where one's strong points can make up for the other's weaknesses, and vice-versa. Personally, though, I don't think that has much to do with whether a character is masculine or feminine; no matter what definitions you go by, "masculine" and "feminine" are so broad that any two characters who might be described the same are completely different.

Most important to yuri relationships for me is simply how much of it I can connect with to myself. I tend to hate "love at first sight" relationships just because I've never experienced one that ever ended well, and so I would say they're flat-out unrealistic. Relationships that grow gradually and show a lot of signs of emotional closeness and healthy connection have a lot more appeal to me, as I see them as more believable and thus more inspiring.
Aug 27, 2011 6:51 PM

Apr 2009
GracefulDownfall said:
Feminine x Feminine

tehnominator said:

My ideal pairing would be two feminine girls, one dominant and one submissive.


<3 definitely
Sep 21, 2011 4:15 PM
Aug 2011
Definitely feminine-feminine. I always think about couples like Shizuma-Nagisa, or even Sumika-Kazama (I don't think Sumika looks "manly" at all)... you don't have to feel like a man, look like one, or have the wish to do so, to feel "dominantly attracted" by girls at all (if you're a girl, of course)...
Sep 22, 2011 4:23 AM

May 2010
i like Feminine x Feminine the most, although it's cute when one girl is more shy and the other takes charge more (kinda Uke/Seme but slightly better in my opinion)
Nov 26, 2011 5:45 PM
Apr 2010
in decending order first being my fav: fem x fem fem x masculin masculin x masculin (mainly because i haven't seen any)
Dec 4, 2011 6:43 PM
Nov 2011
I'm tired of the Tomboy and the short girl pairing. I like it when one girl is fiery and straight forward in the bedroom, but more soft hearted and caring in public together. The other girl leads some of their social situations but in bed melts under the slightest of touches.
Dec 21, 2011 5:14 AM

Dec 2009
Feminine x Feminine =3 for sure
but I don't mind about the others
Dec 23, 2011 11:23 PM

Jul 2010
I voted "all shoujo-ai is win" but if I had to choose it'd probably be masculine girl x feminine girl. I like tomboys with girlish characters. :) Like KyoukoXSayaka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica! :D There are other examples but I'll just stick with this one for now. ^^ Of course, I think it just matters how the relationship is handled. :P
Dec 28, 2011 1:26 PM
Feb 2011
I voted that all types are win. I would say that feminine x feminine is the best but ultimately it doesn't really matter, what matters is that I like their personalities and the chemistry that goes on between them.
Jan 9, 2012 1:25 AM

Jan 2011
Feminine girl x Feminine girl

or more like Cute x Cute
Jan 15, 2012 6:58 PM
Jan 2012
yamiperv said:
Supernova1337 said:
Feminine girl x Masculinel girl.

Two feminine girls are too submissive to make a move on each other, so stories like that are boring. Two masculine girls wouldn't really have any trouble at all because neither of them are too shy, so there wouldn't really be a conflict(like Kaname and Momomi).

I don't agree with what your saying because (using Strawberry Panic as references)

Shizuma x Nagisa is both Feminine(Girly) x Feminine(Girly) and there is no problem with their relationship on who is dominant or submissive

(another references is Kannazuki no miko) Chikane x Himeko is both Feminine(Girly) as well and still there is no problem

Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy) do have problems since they both are dominant therefore its hard to decide who takes control.... BTW Momoko is girly and Kaname is tomboy

I voted either pairings but i don't think there is such as Masculine(Tomboy) x Masculine(Tomboy)... Feminine(Girly) is the most occured in almost all Shoujo ai/Yuri anime... its always Girly x Girly rarely of any Girly x Tomboy or Tomboy x Tomboy...

then again its my opionion since...Im a Tomboy(masculine) and a Lesbian too XP

UR KIDDING. Shizuma is indeed girly in terms of elegance and beauty but the pairing 'musculine X feminine' I think relates more to the difference in maturity and the difference in personality. Take shizuma for instance. You can immediately tell her domineering attitude when she is with nagisa or any other girl whilst Nagisa kind of gets trapped in her beauty. So yeah ... Shizuma is masculine !
Jan 18, 2012 10:31 AM
May 2011
I voted for feminine x feminine although I have nothing against feminine x masculine. I'd love to see masculine x masculine so if anyone knows yuri with that kind of pairing, please tell me.

I just don't like overly masculine females' (butch) appearance. All yuri pairings are okay, but the best is two grown-ups and preferably both are feminine *looking*. This doesn't mean that one cannot act more dominant or that female cannot be mentally (and/or physically) strong. I don't like to see only "helpless princess"-type girls as they don't seem real to me.

I'm not sure if I'm thinking the same way as some but Louchan gave Haruka as masculine example. I'm quoting her because she has said my opinion pretty much perfectly. I feel that to truly enjoy the magic of shoujo-ai it has to be set between two girls who actually look and act like girls.-- Otherwise I might as well be looking at a straight couple.

I agree that between Nagisa and Shizuma the latter is no doubt "the top". Shizuma looks girly and therefore I'd say that she's feminine. I also see AngelicDream's point and I'd agree if I wasn't judging characters by appearance. Using AngelicDream's way I'd say that Himoto Sora from Shitsurakuen and Lady Oscar from Rose of Versailles are masculine.
Jan 26, 2012 2:40 PM
Apr 2011
I like feminine x feminine the best ^^

usually the masculine girls end up looking more like a guy so... yeah haha
Apr 4, 2012 9:10 PM

Feb 2012
Personally for me, I'd have to say feminine x masculine. It feels kind of weird for me to be in a relationship with a girl that's masculine because I'm pretty masculine. I prefer being with a feminine girl, but I'm open to anything :D.
Apr 23, 2012 2:09 PM

Oct 2010
fem x Fem! it's very intresting that way. The only thing is that one girl need to be more dominate than the other. If their both shy then it's lame.
<img src="" />
Apr 28, 2012 11:32 PM
Jan 2012
I didn't know which one to choose so I just chose "I like them all". I love tomboys, but I don't like it when the girl is exactly like a boy, expect well, she is a girl. It kind of defeats of the purpose. But.. on the other hand, as long as it's cute, I don't think I'll care. It really depends on their chemistry and personality.
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