I guess its time to write something really about me this time :) I have been married for 17 years and have a daughter who is 13 and a son, 7. My first exposure to anime was way back in the 80s when I saw reruns of a show called
Space Battleship Yamato when my family was vacationing in Asia. I didn't understand anything that was being said but I remember how it captivated me. Later on as a teenager I saw shows like
Sailor Moon and
Magic Knight Rayearth and other shows that honestly didn't make a big enough impression to remember their names. I would have considered myself a very casual fan. I have always enjoyed to read comics and manga. Several years ago I started watching anime again, I saw
Elfen Lied and later saw the entire Magic Knight series I had never seen all of before. It was from those shows my interest grew even more. Then I started picking up other shows until I saw
Shakugan no Shana and everything changed. With that show I became a burgeoning anime fan that has launched me into this current obsession!
A friend introduced me to MAL, giving me an outlet for some of my thoughts. I really enjoy sharing my list with others and talking about the shows I have seen and getting ideas from others about what to watch next. I love to chatting about anime and manga so feel free to leave a comment or PM! I enjoy chatting on MSN too so feel free to ask me to add you once we know each other better.
My avatar is fanart from Full Metal Panic, no I didn't draw it and I don't know who did. And no, don't go into your viewing of that series expecting to see pictured scene. Ok.. so you can stop asking now right? Your PMs will be ignored if you ask me. Sorry you could figure it out yourself if you spent 30 seconds looking at my profile. It's only all over my profile. That wasn't so hard was it?
My favorite genre would be fantasy and supernatural. Be in a modern setting like Shakugan no Shana or a more classical magic world like in Scrapped Princess or even Zero no Tsukaima. However I really am open to watching things from all genres. I do have a bit of a weakness for guilty pleasures such as echii comedies. Anime romances tend to always disappoint me as they almost never end satisfyingly for me. I think the Japanese may have some issues with expressing their feelings to one another. I do enjoy yuri stories as well, particularly in manga but I don't care for yaoi which may seem odd because I am not a lesbian. I think that's because one of my main dislikes is bishounen's. I really hate pretty boys who don't look like men. I don't care for hentai either, though I will watch it now and then mainly because so many are hilariously bad.
I have also found love writing reviews on the shows I have seen. I enjoy getting feedback so if you read one of my reviews and either liked or didn't like it feel free to let me know what you think to! If you want to disagree at least have the stones to do it from a non-troll account and try to make some sense. I don't mind having discussions or debates about my reviews, ratings, or opinions but if you think your going to change my mind, don't bother wasting your time. I have little patience for children who regard their
opinions as facts.
My criteria for judging may be a little different from others so let me explain how I rate things. I don't follow or agree with MAL's score designations, such as a 5 being an average show. Also I do not believe in perfection nor do I think it can be achieved. While I think I am hard to get a "10" score out of I will give them. "10" does not mean perfection as some on this site seem to think it does. It is merely the highest score allowed in it's scoring system. Don't chase perfection, you will only end up bitter and disappointed.
I also do not rate equally either or try to be objective. Ratings are a form of opinion and by definition can't be objective. I don't think that I need to score a show a certain way because of how I felt about another similar series. My ratings reflect my opinion of an anime at the time in which I viewed it. Additionally I don't revisit my scores later either. While I understand my tastes have changed over the years and I know that certain series, if I had watched them today, would not receive as high (or possibly low) of scores as I gave them. My ratings reflect my feeling on a show at the time I watched it. My enjoyment level can trump a great number of flaws and raise my score higher than the more tangible technical elements may merit. Additionally my lack of enjoyment will cause me to rate something lower for the same reasons. Don't bother arguing with me about my ratings or this system because I really don't care about yours or what you think of mine. My opinions are mine alone!
10 Exceptional and highly enjoyable
9 Great
8 Good to Very Good
7 Average to slightly above average, contains significant flaws or doesn't set itself apart from other shows
6 Average to below average. Similar to a 7 rating but has major issues I didn't like
5 Barely watchable, kept my interest and that's about it
4 Dreadfully bad, sometimes they have one or two redeeming qualities but are mostly forgettable
3 Painful to watch
2 Just kill me now
1 /slits wrists and because I don't have a 0
My anime rating distribution
10 - ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ -
09 - ████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ - 138
08 - ████████████████████████░░░░░░ - 297
07 - ██████████████████████████████ - 374
06 - █████████████████████░░░░░░░░░ - 259
05 - █████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ - 155
04 - █████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ -
03 - ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ -
02 - ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ -
01 - █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ -
rated anime:
1363; mean score:
(generated with MALgraph on Oct 26th, 2011)
Apparently some of you do not understand what a review is and that it is a work of criticism and not supposed to be devoid of opinions. I guess I have to define it for those of you on the short bus.
review [rəˈvjuː]
a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it.
If you want objectivity read the encyclopedia.
I tend to not drop shows either even if they are bad. I'm either a masochist or I just don't like leaving things unfinished.
I am here to make new friends but I will not accept random friend or club invites. Try to chat me up a bit before asking. :P Girls like a little foreplay. For those of you who don't grasp this reference, that means we have to have shared at least a couple of meaningful conversations.
Don't know what some of them are?
I'm not that active in clubs, but these are a few of the ones I am in. This list is more for my own personal navigation than anything else.
My anime list design was done by my friend [url=http://myanimelist.net/profile/spineslayer]spineslayer.[/url]
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