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Jun 9, 2011 12:38 PM

Oct 2010
As of this episode, it is now confirmed with the following,

that Mashu was with Kimimaro's father. Now that is amazing info thanks to Mr. information man!

Masakaki is going 100% wild in the following,

while rebuilding the whole district in the spoiler
now the fucked part is seeing kids one moment then the next one all bums. Now that is plain screwed up!
  • Kimimaro you loser! You did not kiss properly Mashu in the spoiler
    Now that is just plain too bad but confirming that Mashu was Kimimaro's asset it could just mean things shifted from the father's possible daughter to a possible future daughter of Kimimaro. It could have changed like that.

  • Hanabi looks damn depressing in the spoiler
    she really got on my sad side TBH. WTF is wrong with her! This depression is wrong IRL.
On average this the best yet to dater episode with special effect and deep WTF elements especially when you consider the depiction of a whole city and country volatilizing in the spoiler
Amazing series really IMO.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 9, 2011 12:54 PM

Jan 2010
I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but it is looking good. Kind of dark too.

Mashu being Kimimaro's father's asset is no surprise. It was alluded to a few episodes ago, by that information broker I think. Now the question is, is Kimimaro's Mashu the same being that was his father's asset? And if she is, then why does she not remember, or at least mention it?

I am curious what is going on with Hanabi. I'm not even really sure what the scene with her in episode 8 was about. Was it that those kids ceased to exist and she somehow knows that? (I don't really know if that is a sound explaination, but it is possible) Is it something else? And when are we going to learn more about her boyfriend, assuming of course he was not erased?
EndarJun 9, 2011 1:01 PM
Jun 9, 2011 1:27 PM

Oct 2010
Endar said:
I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but it is looking good. Kind of dark too.
The only dark stuff that scares me is Hanabi, Masakaki's insanity and the disappearances in general. It does not look much visually but when you think about it, oh boy one word DEEP! That's all to it.
Endar said:
Now the question is, is Kimimaro's Mashu the same being that was his father's asset? And if she is, then why does she not remember, or at least mention it?
Perhaps comes a price to your asset's existence not to be erased and conserved but then again the question is more how did Mashu survive when Yoga-san went bankrupt?

The memory thing might be kind of like a consequence of reincarnation in humans.
Endar said:
I am curious what is going on with Hanabi. I'm not even really sure what the scene with her in episode 8 was about. Was it that those kids ceased to exist and she somehow knows that? (I don't really know if that is a sound explanation, but it is possible) Is it something else? And when are we going to learn more about her boyfriend, assuming of course he was not erased?
The only clue we have is that she went into this mood due to that teacher passing away in a accident or something like that. Could the teacher be a relative of Hanabi? Perhaps it could be in general the depression of all these disappearance but IMO it is linked to what caused her to change like that right before things went haywire in the financial district. It might be even that Hanabi is playing in the financial district and she lost a deal whom she is aware of deeply in regards to the consequence it played out.

I am sure they might troll us with her near the end as a surprise. TBH I will be so O_O should they do that with Hanabi. Maybe they might do it right before the finally of Kimimaro VS Mikuni.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 9, 2011 2:01 PM

Dec 2010
13 mashu's definitely kimimaro's future daughter. i guess it's going to be with hanabi too, the kind of girl i hate the most in anime..
Jun 9, 2011 2:19 PM

Oct 2010
susuwatari said: mashu's definitely kimimaro's future daughter.
Yeah but that's only because she used to be his father's future daughter hence his future sister. That got lost due to his father losing a deal.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 9, 2011 8:55 PM

Aug 2010
Aw, was hoping for the kiss to happen >.>
Jun 9, 2011 9:14 PM

Nov 2007
The kiss on the forehead was adorable.

Wow, the cities getting disappeared/getting poor gradually.

Poor Hanabi.

With this ep., last ep.'s weirdness disappeared and my rating is back to 8 (was changed to 7 last ep.)
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 9, 2011 9:30 PM

Jul 2009
Not enough time. That basically sums up this entire series.

They went snail pace for 7 eps and are now in lightspeed mode. It's odd, I don't like it, but it's not entirely their fault I guess....
Jun 9, 2011 9:58 PM

Sep 2009
That was a pretty confusing episode, but meh.

The forehead kiss was adorable, I was a little disappointed that they didn't actually kiss but that would've been extremely awkward.

What's happening with Hanabi. orz I didn't like her but her change seemed kinda unnatural.
Jun 9, 2011 10:03 PM

Oct 2010
tsubasalover said:
The kiss on the forehead was adorable.
I only agree to this in regards to being it a symbol of the affection a father has for a daughter. It's actually smarter that way now that I think about it to suppress the incest elements.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 9, 2011 10:03 PM

Jun 2010
This is just horrible time traveling. That's what it's like for me. That guy's actions did a lot to the present. I don't know if getting hit by C would have been better. I feel like they're going all over the place with the recent episode. They're giving all the necessary information, but it gets a little confusing. Mysu didn't want to be his daughter, but probably wanted to be his girlfriend or something like that. I wonder if Kimimaro has any feelings for Mysu.

Jun 9, 2011 10:37 PM

Jan 2010
I really like how it's starting to mirror our current economic climate and our shaky futures. I didn't think much into the depth of it but it really does tie in much deeper than I expected from it. Incredibly surprised with that when I felt the show was bland in the beginning.

I can't believe I was about to drop this show a few weeks ago.
Jun 9, 2011 11:00 PM

Mar 2011
im wondering how this is gonna go down. i hope it isnt like that one episode where they literally cut out the last fight scene. that would totally suck.

anyway, the kiss on the forehead was the way to go. i wouldve been like "yuck" if he actually did kiss her on the mouth.
Jun 9, 2011 11:20 PM

Sep 2007
Hmm so Kimimaro's father had an asset similar to that of Msyu. I'm thinking that Mua/Msyu is really the sister of Kimimaro instead of his daughter.

A very bold and daring decision for Mikuni to sacrifice Japan's future to save the present, even if the present is a mere shell of its former self. The IMF however, seems to think Mikuni is some sort of megalomaniac villain. They're fighting to regain the future yet they just sit there on their asses with no solution to stop C. They're pretty much a representation of politicians today.
Jun 9, 2011 11:26 PM
Apr 2010
Gah, Epic fail about the kiss. I was rooting for Msyu x Kimimaro all the way. I hope they pull a 180 and make Mysu his wife and Kimimaro saves the world. Just three episodes to do it in. <_<

I can dream, right? ha
Jun 9, 2011 11:28 PM

Oct 2009
Silaz said:
Gah, Epic fail about the kiss. I was rooting for Msyu x Kimimaro all the way. I hope they pull a 180 and make Mysu his wife and Kimimaro saves the world. Just three episodes to do it in. <_<

I can dream, right? ha

Wouldn't really mind this, to be honest. However, wouldn't mind the generic ending that's coming either. Wait, they're both generic, something's wrong.

I just want this serie to wrap up now: the Mikuni vs Kimimaro fight + prologue. The spacing, man.
YanofliesJun 9, 2011 11:31 PM
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Jun 9, 2011 11:43 PM

Jun 2009
Part of me feels like Masakaki is collection any possible future because he was never able to truly have one, or at least the one he hope for. Possibly because of monetary reasons. So the more futures he get the more different outcomes available to him, hence him dancing all over the place and loving what happens.

And it's possible the whole Mua/Msyu = daughters but not going to rule out something else. I do think it is the most likeliest of possibilities but it's not definite yet.

And since we have the IMF come up, does this mean they will include a sex scandal of it's president as well in one of the 2 eps?
Jun 10, 2011 12:55 AM
Nov 2009
Now that he went and said 'maybe you'll end up as my daughter and live happily ever after' I'm pretty convinced that this is not going to end well.
Jun 10, 2011 1:57 AM

May 2010
I passed an economics subject last month but completely forgotten all those terms. lol

So Masyu can either be the daughter or sister of Kimimaro. I was right that he would kiss her forehead rather than the lips. :D

And I think the last boss would be Masakaki. He's crazily moving all over the place like a happy guy.

Behind Mikuni's plan was to save the country's present but the collateral of it was the country's future.

I don't know if it was the right thing for him to do but he has a point. What will be the future if there's no present?

But still the effect of what his doing has done a significant change to the lives of the people. Protect present for the future or give up the future and treasure the present??

Looking forward as to what Kimimaro and that woman will do.
StormViruzJun 10, 2011 2:03 AM
Jun 10, 2011 2:08 AM

Nov 2009
Oh god. And here I thought the last week's episode was depressing as hell. This one managed to beat that, for sure.

The funniest thing is that I feel bad for all of them - those who are erased from the reality, those who lost their futures, those who has to live in misery, including Mikuni. Yes, I still don't see him as an antagonist, he's suffering just as bad if not worse, apparently, knowing what now burdens his conscience. He's still not the villain, he's still a rather nice guy. I can understand the desire to save the future, but what, WHAT Jennifer and IMF or anybody else did to actually save the future instead of just wasting breath on words?! Did they even try?! Noooo, they preffer talks, sitting on their asses, bemoaning the existence of the Finacial Districts letting whole damn countries vanish off the face of Earth. Or would it be better if everything, every-friggin-thing at all was lost? Do they even have right to critisize after that? I think not.

Someone had to act, had to take that responsibility, and Mikuni was the only one who actually had guts to step up. Whether what he did was right or wrong, his ability to act and take responsibility, when everybody else was just doing nothing deserves respect at the very least, imo.

I liked Jennifer before, but now she kinda pisses me off by just stating facts like a casual observer, accusing Mikuni and blaming everything on him, but not on her asswipe superiors who should of fuckin done something long friggin time ago.

Yeah, you found a scapegoat, blame everything on him, take him down, utterly destroy him (that's what she and Kimimaro want to do now, isn't it), but then WHAT? WHAT, I'm asking? Will it solve the problem which the very existence of Finacial Districs poses? No, not even close. Because the problem is not in Mikuni, it's in the very system. Eliminating Mikuni won't hurt the system any. If anything, it will be playing into the system's hands again: with Mikuni huge chunk of futures somehow connected to his will be lost too. Is this clever? Nope, I don't think so. Instead of taking out one individual, they all, including Jennifer's asswipe superiors, should unite and fight all together. Maybe then they'll stand half a chance. As of now, no chance, the tentacle-equipped SOMETHING wins hands down.
CGJun 10, 2011 2:12 AM
Jun 10, 2011 2:42 AM

Jan 2009
Yep, battle shounen disguised as deep money show.
Now I'm finally starting to doubt if they can finish this without pulling a crappy ending out of someone's rear end.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 10, 2011 2:49 AM
Apr 2011
Oh my goodness, fucking Hanabi... She's fucking insane now, that's terrible!
Jun 10, 2011 3:11 AM
Apr 2011
So what is the better option:
1) save future
2) save present

I think the answer is easy from practical point. We all saw how that teacher Ebara lost his children. Considering that the children were his present he didn't face the future.

Is future where Midas Bank erases some parts of reality that is lost in deals better than stability? As far as I understand saving the future comes at the cost of someone losing. Then again I may have confused something big time here.
Jun 10, 2011 4:00 AM
Mar 2010
So intense!
So many questions...
So few answers...
Such an awesome anime!

I have some random ideas/observations that i have made.

While thinking about the "Future" There is a possibility that Mashu is a sister/daughter . But i don't think so...

Mashu's affection towards Kimimaro is "30 times greater" and is fairly straightforward.

Kimimaro's affection towards Mashu is complicated. He has a lot of things he's dealing with, like his own father, or how the world is changing before his very eyes. The fact that she may be his "future daughter/sister"

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Mashu, Kimimaro, and Kimimaro's father.
Perfect place for a twist, having the plot confuse us to what Mashu's true representation is, which is at the moment unknown, which is causing suspense, in turn causing me to want to see what happens.

I'd like to think Kimimaro is just over-thinking his relationship with Mashu, and should realize that they are or were living in the present which Mikuni tried so hard to save...
But i doubt that will happen.
Any thoughts?
Jun 10, 2011 4:23 AM

May 2010
omg, what is going on with Hanabi!? Great episode though. ;D

in this episode, you will die horribly... *laughs just as shion*
lightness vs. darkness
Nani mo kamo wo hoshigatteita Mayoeru mono no chikai
Mada miru sekai o tsukuridasu koto Kuchi hateteiku
Jun 10, 2011 5:10 AM

Jan 2010
So Kimimaro's asset looked like his father's asset and his father's asset was named Mua.. Mashyu being Kimimaro's daughter has a higher chance of happening right now ..

That aside, what is going on with Hanabi?...

Need another episode to figure this out.. Mikuni exchanged the present for his 20 years of his future.. is that starting now? ...
Jun 10, 2011 5:32 AM

Feb 2009
Present or future. That's the battle now but I was hoping that there would be more movement than that. Will 2 more episodes be enough? Dunno but I'm excited to find out how this will end.
Jun 10, 2011 5:37 AM

Feb 2011
Maybe it's just me, but Jennifer and the IMF are pissing me off like hell.

Mikuni is portrayed as some kind of villain, but the man has the guts to sacrifice 20 years of his life to save the country. But no, everyone else gets to sit on their asses and point fingers telling him evil and nasty he is for 'sacrificing the future'.

Earlier, we saw how a country just disappeared after having its Financial District go bankrupt. I don't care how much they saved their future - their present was destroyed, and consequentially their future as well.

Some may point to the bums in the park replacing the children: "How could you do this, Mikuni!? Think of the CHILDREN!" Godamnit, where is YOUR solution, Jennifer? What have you actually done to solve the problem - Japan disappearing from the face of the earth after its FD goes bankrupt!?

Yes, Japan may be a shell of its former self - but at least it exists. Letting it go bankrupt to 'save the future' is a goddamned foolish idea, because it won't EXIST anymore, and hence has a nonexistent future. What bullcrap, honestly. This is such a fail argument, it's not even funny. Mikuni has the moral high ground in every possible way - he is actively saving a country from ruin, preventing lives from disappearing - while other imbeciles are sitting on their haunches.

Oh, and what's up with Hanabi's melancholy mood and Masakaki's insanity?
ArcrexKJun 10, 2011 5:43 AM
Jun 10, 2011 6:00 AM
Jun 2011
So, I'm almost certain that I know what's going to happen.

Remember how they pointed out that when someone goes bankrupt, things change, and sort've undo the future they have built up to that point right? [I believe anything they've really spent Midas Money on becomes depleted I guess?]

Yeah, so, it's going to end up the Kimimaro will have to deal with Mikuni and cause him to go bankrupt - undoing all the unintended mishaps that are happening to the world. Think about it, his plan would have never have happened, since anything he used Midas Money will be non-existent, causing the full effect of [C] to take place and bringing back those 20 years of future that Mikuni took.

I think that's what Jennifer meant by being able to save the people's future that are still in existence, but not being able to help others. Technically, those are the people that survived the minor [C] and can retain their future back!

I hope I explained this well enough x____x

BASICALLY: Kimimaro deals with Mikuni, wins and all that Mikuni has done becomes undone.
Jun 10, 2011 6:14 AM

Jun 2009
The present is awful and it could only get worse and most importantly there is no future given the current situation. I wonder how this will end.

Well, I knew Kimimaro didn't think of Mashu that way, hence the father like kiss. Could change though.

I still don't believe she will be the daughter though there is a high possibility she could be. Mashu being the sister is not quite possible now. I can even see her as a potential wife because there is a chance that Kimimaro could see someone who looks exactly like Mashu in the real world.
Jun 10, 2011 6:38 AM

Nov 2009
C strikes the world, people disappear. I like it! Then again i love dark shows so...

I agree, not enough episodes, hanabi is awkward because he has interest in her but she has less than 5 minutes of air time in the series. Sort of like how i felt with wolverine and that girl he chased after - who can sympathize and give a hell about somebody we don't get to see at all? Although on the bright side, Hanabi is cute compared to Wolverine's hag. XD

Poor Mysu, i thought they would have, i was cheering for her. I still don't understand how they plan to save the future, beat the clown up? Or Mikuni's downfall will do it?
Jun 10, 2011 6:49 AM

Jan 2010
We won't be able to figure out what's going on with Hanabi yet, because as Helur said, she has not had much screen time or dialog. It's possible that she was an entre, which might explain why she's not tired or disappearing like everyone who was not.

Also, in my view, the actual antagonist is not Mikuni, it is the Midas Bank. If the bank did not exist, there might be economic problems, but there would not be this reality bending. And it's not like the Midas money is really helping the situation anyway. Midas Bank does not exist to help people. It is more like a tool for someone else's entertainment.
Jun 10, 2011 7:42 AM

Nov 2009
ArcrexK said:
Maybe it's just me, but Jennifer and the IMF are pissing me off like hell.

Mikuni is portrayed as some kind of villain, but the man has the guts to sacrifice 20 years of his life to save the country. But no, everyone else gets to sit on their asses and point fingers telling him evil and nasty he is for 'sacrificing the future'.

Earlier, we saw how a country just disappeared after having its Financial District go bankrupt. I don't care how much they saved their future - their present was destroyed, and consequentially their future as well.

Some may point to the bums in the park replacing the children: "How could you do this, Mikuni!? Think of the CHILDREN!" Godamnit, where is YOUR solution, Jennifer? What have you actually done to solve the problem - Japan disappearing from the face of the earth after its FD goes bankrupt!?

Yes, Japan may be a shell of its former self - but at least it exists. Letting it go bankrupt to 'save the future' is a goddamned foolish idea, because it won't EXIST anymore, and hence has a nonexistent future. What bullcrap, honestly. This is such a fail argument, it's not even funny. Mikuni has the moral high ground in every possible way - he is actively saving a country from ruin, preventing lives from disappearing - while other imbeciles are sitting on their haunches.
THAT. Every.Damn.Word.

You're not alone here, dude(ette). Neither those politicians nor Jennifer have any right to critisize others when THEY themselves did nothing, only chickenshitting.

Jevette said:
BASICALLY: Kimimaro deals with Mikuni, wins and all that Mikuni has done becomes undone.
That kinda makes sense, in a morbid way... but god forbid that'll be how it'll go. That's what I'll call epic fail of epic proportions. Nononono, dunwanna.
Jun 10, 2011 8:02 AM
Dec 2007
Breathtaking episode, really. It passed like a breeze but the develoments were huge and really well thought-out. The only problem is there's far too much matter to pack into a 11 episodes show, it'd have deserved at least 13, maybe 26. But well, it's the way of noitaminA now.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 10, 2011 8:08 AM
Apr 2009
axelsword said:
So what is the better option:
1) save future
2) save present

How about option 3, leave the future well enough alone. By sacrificing the future you may increase the quality of the present, but eventually you'll be screwed out of your future.

Also of note, remember at the begining of the OP there are a bunch of formulas? Thats a future value formula (lump sum present value to be exact. FV=PV(1+i)^n, where FV=Future Value, PV=Present value, i=interest, n= years (or compounding period). This is of relevance because a $ today is worth more than a $ one year from now (due to investment). What this means is that your future of 1million $ is worth substantially less in the present. So if you choose to sacrifice your future for your present, you're loosing a lot of money and thereby not getting the full benefit had you left your future well enough alone. (i don't think this is a red herring)

ArcrexK said:
Maybe it's just me, but Jennifer and the IMF are pissing me off like hell.

Mikuni is portrayed as some kind of villain, but the man has the guts to sacrifice 20 years of his life to save the country. But no, everyone else gets to sit on their asses and point fingers telling him evil and nasty he is for 'sacrificing the future'.

Earlier, we saw how a country just disappeared after having its Financial District go bankrupt. I don't care how much they saved their future - their present was destroyed, and consequentially their future as well.

Some may point to the bums in the park replacing the children: "How could you do this, Mikuni!? Think of the CHILDREN!" Godamnit, where is YOUR solution, Jennifer? What have you actually done to solve the problem - Japan disappearing from the face of the earth after its FD goes bankrupt!?

Yes, Japan may be a shell of its former self - but at least it exists. Letting it go bankrupt to 'save the future' is a goddamned foolish idea, because it won't EXIST anymore, and hence has a nonexistent future. What bullcrap, honestly. This is such a fail argument, it's not even funny. Mikuni has the moral high ground in every possible way - he is actively saving a country from ruin, preventing lives from disappearing - while other imbeciles are sitting on their haunches.

Another way of looking at it is he's merely delaying the inevitable. C didnt destroy all of china so theres reasonable assurance that japan wouldnt have dissapeared. Sure he is investing his own future to maintain the country, but what happens when the PV of his futre runs out? We'll back where we started, or heck we would be even worse off because hes been propping up japan's economy for soo long. Better to have let C run its course, at least they would have been rid of the debt and be able to start anew.

Of course dont let it be said i actually buy this stuff, since if i did id be contradicting myself.
Jun 10, 2011 10:08 AM

Dec 2010
So wait: is C the giant octopus thing?

Anyway, I'm hooked. The way they made that stock purchase look like an epic battle was something I'd never seen before.

Also, kudos for the pre-op, for managing to get that is almost unheard of in anime, no, any Japanese production: more than a minute of good, non-broken English, with several participants.

There's just one thing I haven't understood since the last episode: how can the Midas money printed by him, for him, be created out of other people's future? I mean, there are millions of innocents that are affected by this, despite never have put their own future on the line.
BrickBreakJun 10, 2011 10:13 AM
"Tonight, I sit in the eye of the storm. As fire boils around me, I press forward, winds and lightning lashing my wings. I am no match for what I face. Yet I will not back down, and though fear may place it's stranglehold on my heart, courage will see me through. With tears in my eyes, I hit full throttle. My engines become an inferno, and my weapons light up, awaiting my command.

If I die tonight, I will do so fighting for everything I believe in."

Jun 10, 2011 10:34 AM

Sep 2008
Ah.. Jennifer is all talk. She is worthless, the same as Kimimaro. The story will turn out like this, with or without Kimimaro & Jennifer.
Jun 10, 2011 10:36 AM
Apr 2011
BalrogLord said:

Also of note, remember at the begining of the OP there are a bunch of formulas? Thats a future value formula (lump sum present value to be exact. FV=PV(1+i)^n, where FV=Future Value, PV=Present value, i=interest, n= years (or compounding period). This is of relevance because a $ today is worth more than a $ one year from now (due to investment). What this means is that your future of 1million $ is worth substantially less in the present. So if you choose to sacrifice your future for your present, you're loosing a lot of money and thereby not getting the full benefit had you left your future well enough alone. (i don't think this is a red herring)

It's a good observation about the formula as it parallels of course the Present Value and Future Value. Maybe The financial district works backwards with this equation:

FV = Future Value
PV = Present Value
i = interest rate
n = periods over a certain amount of time


PV = FV / [(1+i)^n ]

Your FV and PV can rise and fall almost proportionately, but due to the interest rate eventually over time (which has not stopped even in the financial district), your present value will be reduced even more than what you had initially invested in your future.

In the financial district (FD) as you gain more FV, your PV will stay the same, since your FV is inflated due to the interest rate. Normally you could calculate backward to your present value, but this is assuming time was fixed. Because the time or "n" has increased at a severe (Masakaki driven) interest rate, your present becomes even less than the future you once had.

Maybe the only X-factor in this equation is, the decision you make with your present value.

Correct me if you see flaw in this observation/opinion.
Jun 10, 2011 10:48 AM

Dec 2009
So Mikuni saved the present but took away chunks of the future, which in turn makes the present terrible. Talk about a lose-lose situation.
Ara ara.
Jun 10, 2011 10:53 AM

Feb 2010
Jevette said:
Yeah, so, it's going to end up the Kimimaro will have to deal with Mikuni and cause him to go bankrupt - undoing all the unintended mishaps that are happening to the world. Think about it, his plan would have never have happened, since anything he used Midas Money will be non-existent, causing the full effect of [C] to take place and bringing back those 20 years of future that Mikuni took.

Yep, i feel the same way too. Kimimaro versus Mikuni sure will happen. (Also it's hidden in opening, they gave lots of spoilers.)


The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise you shall hear my words.
Your story shall be full of blessings. ━Let only those without sin pass. "Garden of Avalon"!
Jun 10, 2011 11:23 AM

Jul 2009
The blonde haired lady loves her junk food; she's lucky, I can't eat like that anymore. :(
Settingup a burner at the side of the road was bold.

These mad-hatter/eccentric troll characters are now becoming very cliche, I'm personally bored with them now.

This series is picking up some pace, which is good, as the quality did drop recently with the shortcuts; it's now back on form.

Jun 10, 2011 11:28 AM

Jun 2011
I REALLY wanted the kiss to work out T_T Damn you Kimimaro. I wish they end up together in the end and not have some crap ending where they have to be separated.

Its sad to see Hanabi all depress and all.
Theres just so many sad things happening in this episode, i cant handle it.
Jun 10, 2011 11:40 AM

Jan 2010
I wonder if Hanabi's depression is actually related to the Financial District. There is a possibility that it is not. Heck, it's even possible that she was already like this.

What I do want to see if how this series is going to end. I can see possible outcomes, too many to list here, but nothing really seems to be the most likely outcome.
Jun 10, 2011 11:59 AM

Nov 2010
This show is awesome, 2 bad the budget for animation is low otherwise it would be a masterpiece instead of an underrated classic.
The episode was so intense with the display of Singapore, Hong Kong, Shang Hai and then Tokyo. At first I thought Hong Kong was vanishing, but it was Singapore instead.
It was also funny to see the Director of IMF, because of the current situation at the IMF (Strauss-Kahn)
Jun 10, 2011 12:16 PM

Aug 2010
Silaz said:
Gah, Epic fail about the kiss. I was rooting for Msyu x Kimimaro all the way. I hope they pull a 180 and make Mysu his wife and Kimimaro saves the world. Just three episodes to do it in. <_<

I can dream, right? ha

^ This

I was so shipping Kimimaro x Msyu but then again it looks like Kimimaro just sees her as his daughter (sister or whatever i don't really get what she actually is..waiting for them to clear that up)

I've said it before...that Masakaki really looked like a shady character and maybe he will be the last boss (Kimimaro fights Mikuni first, they eventually end up agreeing in helping each other, then they take on Masakaki) or something along that lines...well thats my guess ^^
Jun 10, 2011 12:38 PM

Aug 2010
Really good ep,
but can someone explain to me what the hell caused C to start anyway, how did it begin?
Jun 10, 2011 1:30 PM

Oct 2009
Barion-Zara said:
Really good ep,
but can someone explain to me what the hell caused C to start anyway, how did it begin?

That I need to know as well, considering the RANDOM jump from last week's episode.

(So Msyu was with Yoga's father...

Masasaki is getting shadier once again this episode. The thrill seems to be coming from Mikuni's motivation...

Poor Hanabi getting all depressed...)

Jun 10, 2011 2:11 PM

Feb 2010
Wow. Hanabi's depression is worsening. so sad to watch.
Jun 10, 2011 2:29 PM
Mar 2011
Am i the only one who thinks that Mashu is his future of having a wife? His dad's asset had diffrent hair and a different name, what happened to his mom, can't remember. Maybe Mashu is his future with Hanabi or something, please tell me if i missed any important information.
Jun 10, 2011 4:49 PM

Feb 2010
I think the bankruptcy of the each of the financial districts after the black money flows into the real world is the goal of the Bank of Midas. I don't think who ever runs it cares about the money and it's just a means to an end. What they what is the "future" they hold as collateral, but they can't just take it. If they did care about the money there would be a way to pay it back. The deal with the devil thing they have going on suggests that.
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