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Nov 10, 2014 10:34 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Very good movie, surprisingly it was dubbed first rather than subbed. The only complaint I have is that the movie cut at the 1 hour and 5 minute mark. The dubbed version seemed to be incomplete as it just stopped where Diancie was holding the Diancinite, the jewel that Clemont's sister gave her.

During the intro it shows Mega Gardevoir taking on Mega Scizor. All three fully evolved Kalos region starters were shown. Not sure on which one I liked more but I guess Greninja was my favorite out of the 3. Serena using Fenekkin's flamethrower on Greninja xD.

2nd half of the movie showed the action. Yvetal was beasting out there. With the power it had I was surprised Pikachu was able to block its hits with Thunderbolt. I give the fully evolved grass starter props, it stood up for its trainer and attacked Yvetal.At that point it wast trying to run away from Yvetal because the power is had was astonishing.

Deja Vu with the Pikachu turning to stone. Brings back memories of the first movie. If you guys have seen that movie you'll know what I mean.

Still a bit confused as to why Yvetal suddenly stopped fighting once Xerneas showed up. I was hoping those two would prolong the battle, but it seemed like Yvetal just decided to give up. Anyway, what followed after that was cut short. Diancie returns to her home, Clemont's sister returns the jewel to Diancie and then the movie ends.


Nov 10, 2014 10:50 AM

Aug 2010
As far as Pokemon films go, not my favorite. The dub dialogue seemed stilted, Diancie was annoyingly polite and naive.

The final battle was disapointing. Only 1 hit?
Bum Bum Dum Dum

Nov 10, 2014 10:56 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
malvarez1 said:
As far as Pokemon films go, not my favorite. The dub dialogue seemed stilted, Diancie was annoyingly polite and naive.

The final battle was disapointing. Only 1 hit?

Agree, I was expecting Yvetal to be an out of control monster, but to only attack once and then leave. Hmm, I guess that jewel Pokemon was right. Yvetal wasn't all that evil, maybe it was just releasing its anger on the villains and then retreating after it was done.

Nov 10, 2014 7:51 PM

Nov 2014
Okay, so I'm not the only one that thought it ended abruptly. When I saw the mega stone, I started freaking out with my theories. I thought maybe, somehow, Eureka's bond with Diance enabled the mega evolution. It's probably something like that, but I wish they had more time to explain things. I also don't think much of the trailer was actually in this (or maybe it was cut out from the version I saw?). I also expected a Yveltal vs Xerneas fight but it didn't happen =/ oh well. Maybe Yveltal and Xerneas have some special bond that lets each other know when the next cycle of life should begin? I dunno. I actually teared up when Pikachu's life energy got drained cause of the nostalgia to the first movie even though it was obvious that Xerneas would bring them all back to life lol. Overall, I liked this movie. It was a whooooole lot better than the previous few movies. I especially like the shooting star scene where Ash is bonding with Diance and Serena is just watching from a distance-good moment. The mall scene was great too xD.... YEP that sums up everything I Had to say.
Nov 12, 2014 9:02 PM

Apr 2009
This movie is meh and lacklustre. Diancie is way too gullible and kinda weak tbh.

The Mewtwo Strikes Back movie is better.
Nov 13, 2014 12:09 PM

Mar 2009
just saw a dub movie of this in nyaa and downloaded it since i got nothing to do... how long has it been seen i saw a pokemon anime ~ i dont know any pokemon except Pikachu and meowth.. oh and Wobbuffet

and whats with Ash pokemon its all weak~
Nov 14, 2014 1:12 PM
Apr 2014
why CN ruined the movie? they cut and changed everything! is there a Japanese version anywhere?
Nov 29, 2014 12:22 PM

Aug 2014
It's a very good movie! With such great legendary pokemon and the princess too. Good the saw her mega evolution :D In the end Xerneas choose to become a tree which is going to protect the forest and the pokemon's which lives there :)
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Jan 7, 2015 1:44 AM

Jul 2013

Anyway I really liked this movie, quite up there with my tops tbh, love Diancie, she was pretty funny

Good movie overall
Jan 25, 2015 3:18 PM

Mar 2011
Pretty meh, even for a pokemon movie. I don't know, I just never got into it.

And that turning to stone, stop trying to be the first movie, you are not worthy.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Mar 4, 2015 6:57 PM

Jun 2012
I thought Diancie was adorbs.
And lol at Pikachu turning into stone for only a minute.
Apr 2, 2015 10:15 PM

Jun 2014
Horrible movie.

Damn, Pokemon movies have sunk.
Apr 8, 2015 12:58 PM

Jul 2013
I started to cry when Pikachu started to turn to stone and I have seen the first movie but it was so many years ago I don't remember it happening in that one.

I haven't seen every Pokemon movie since I stopped watching the series and movies years ago until I decided to watch XY because I decided to get the games and play the games for the first time in years after getting a 3ds finally. I think I saw the first four movies then I think 8 or most of and 16 because it was shown recently but never saw that series.

I thought the animation was really great, sad since I watched it dubbed that I didn't get to hear the Scandal opening theme because they are one of my favourite bands.

Diancie was funny and the movie was cute. I liked it. She looked better mega evolved.

I think like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind which I watched the other day, you see Yvetal's eyes change from angry red to blue so obviously Xerneas calmed it down just as in that movie did too. Xerneas is cool.
Apr 22, 2015 11:48 AM

Aug 2007
Well, I didn't expect that diancie will mega evolve in this movie. But was obvious, I mean, in the past movie Mewtwo has mega evolve, so it was logical that Dioance has the same thing.
Nov 8, 2015 2:44 AM

Nov 2014
When i first saw the page about this movie, i wondering why does this movie only 1 hour and 5 minutes long, considering the usual Pokemon Movie have at least 1 hour and 30 minutes.. and after finish this movie, i guess this 17th movie is a little bit letdown compare to the other Pokemon Movie..

Well, at first we got the battle between ash and one female trainer with Mega Absol (IIRC isn't she is the one in the Mega Evolution Special battling against Alan?) it's pretty nice but when it change to where's Diancie is, i already felt that it's a little bit rush.. The villains suddenly come out from nowhere and the all of them just thieves who want Diancie to make a plenty of diamonds.. Pretty shallow movie villain even compare to the predecessor IMO..

Again, out of nowhere Pikachu suddenly feel about something dangerous and arrive at Diancie place to help her.. While i understand why ash want to help her but i guess they can make it a little bit better with slower pace.. The middle of the movie also feel flat although it's fun to see Serena and Bonnie ask Diancie to go shopping, lel..

Now.. the movie pick up when the elder Carbink told a story about Yveltal and not long after that, they finally met Xerneas.. the most interesting part of the movie is probably the last 20 minutes of it when Yveltal wake up and kill almost all villains and even team rocket, lol.. Truthfully it's a little bit threatening and his ability is extremely dangerous as well.. but again, i'm not satisfied with the conclusion.. Mega Diancie is great, but after that Xerneas appear just to counter Yveltal attack and the battle end :/ well, at least it's great to made Xerneas revive all the deaths and made it come back to it's tree form.. I'm looking forward to see if this is connected to the main series once they arrive at the plot when they meet Xerneas in a certain place..

Pokemon Movie 17 isn't a bad movie by any means, but i guess it's still one of the least interesting Pokemon movie for me.. Had they have a decent buildup and not a rush ending, it could be a great movie IMO.. Hope the 18th movie will be better than this one..

3/5 ; 6/10
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Dec 22, 2015 5:55 AM

Aug 2009
I don't know why I keep bothering with these pokemon movies, they're so awful...
Feb 7, 2016 6:47 AM

Jun 2010
I have never liked Mega Evolution things. I just can't understand the point in it.
The movie seemed kinda stupid at first, but then it became somehow cute.
The ending was rushed tho. And I didn't like the animation.

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Oct 2, 2016 9:33 AM

Aug 2013
Fairly nice Pokémon movie, more entertaining then any of the Black and White era films well for me at least.
Dec 14, 2016 3:42 AM

Sep 2016
wow this is the most bland movie i've ever seen

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
May 31, 2020 7:12 PM

Jan 2013
and thus it was Pikachu’s turn to become stone

its decent, better than the Genesect movie. was hoping Diantha had a role outside of the opening monologue battle. though it just ended abruptly. im tired of the movie gimmick of having pokemon talk and i know Hoopa talks in the next one. 7/10
Feb 11, 2021 10:46 PM

May 2008
Another movie where the main pokemon can just talk. At least here they were surprised, still wondering what's up with Hoopa.

But, WOW that CGI was AWFUL. Xernas was almost always in CGI and it's much too obvious and ugly. Heck, even at the ending the group shot looked like CGI. Was the budget for this movie less than usual or something?

Beyond that, meh. Not all that entertaining; the best part was them at the shopping mall. I know I cowed the Volcanion movie over the pokemon scenes but this is feels by the books. Even the conflict was going off a checklist. Was even the point of Xernas becoming a tree when Yveltal stopped being angry and just left. Shouldn't Xernas follow since its whole point is the life cycle with Yveltal?

Not to mention, the whole trope of "standing around, getting yelled at to move, and continue to stand around as danger happens". More than half of the crap in this movie happens because the characters just stand around and/or don't pay attention.

What's even the point of the "villains" when they gave up being bandits so easily? So dumb.

...And I think that sums up the movie in a nutshell. Stupid decisions made by characters who aren't really characters.

Lastly, Mega Evolution is such a freaking gimmick. I don't like it.
Aug 4, 2022 1:28 PM

Dec 2007
firstly, i was shocked to see that this movie was less than 120 minutes. after that, most of the movie felt boring, only the last 30 minutes was slightly interesting, but that also felt awful. i understand the need to present xerneas and yvetal in the movie, but the story didn't felt.. hm, i believe the world would be, "important". so far the bad movies of pokemon were the ryaquaza movie and the first BW movie (haven't watched the rest of the BW movies. yet), but those actually have an "important" story to tell. here it was like this: the pokemon needs their crystal, or their city would die, so the "princess" going to save them. oh, there are some bandits who by accidence have the 3rd evolution stage of the starters. and by the end somehow the two mascot legends of the games are appearing. sorry, xereneas have some "important" part here, but all the diancie and xerenas story could be an anime episode or short movie.
so by far, the worse movie of pokemon.

i won't even start saying about the bad CGI for xereneas. it more bothered me the way they presented xereneas and yevital. if OLM would struggle their head little more this could have been "good" movie. at least as black/white movie were, or the ryaquaza one. they had at least was fun somehow. but here i somewhat were eager for the movie to just end. even tempted to use 2x speed.

edit: i forgot to say the unneeded "drama" when pikachu were stoned, only to be revived minute later. i mean, seriously?

Oct 30, 2022 7:58 PM

Nov 2012
pretty average movie, I see why they eventually decided to change to formula, from what I hear the next one is pretty hated too.
It's a shame as the *more* recent Victini, Manaphy and Arceus ones were all hits imo.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
May 21, 2023 1:56 AM
Apr 2022
Show Rate Meter Guide - (5 Great _ 4 Good _ 3 Fine _ 2 Not Good _ 1 Bad).(dismal are sometimes needed)
[Story] - 3  
[Art/Animation] - 4
[Sound/Music] - 3
[M-Character] - 4
[S-Character] - 3
[Enjoyment] - 3 
[Overall] - 3.5

It was a fairly nice movie much better and more entertaining then any of the Black&White era films, the gang all had roles to play and did them well unlike Iris and Dent in the three films they had. Was happy to see them fix that problem in the first GEN six film. Enjoyed my time spent watching did not get bored at all unlike the Black&White Films, P.s watch it SUB it way better then the DUB. Diancie story was fine really enjoyed the time spent with the gang in the town it felt lively and then moving on to the city become more cheerful, many of the location shot were great of them traveling with Diancie. The animation quality dropped a bit when they reached the forest area. But it was still fine, really did not like the CGI that much I hate when they push the CGI more now in the films they are just not there yet with the tech. I wish the girl Ash battled with in the beginning was part of the movie since they made her have a mega stone. All the villains plus Team rocket were dumb, in the film none of them got anything done they were all playing got you your mine and then lose Diancie with a few seconds after taking her. It Suck that the movie did not have more for Xerneas and Yveltal to do then a short battle with a pissed off Yveltal.       
CcCharlesMay 21, 2023 2:34 AM
Nov 9, 2023 1:09 AM

Feb 2020
Muito ruim, eu dormi várias vezes enquanto assistia ao filme 😴
Jan 9, 2024 6:30 AM

Jan 2013
Even though I love the visuals the story was really weak.
The XY series has been a big improvement over BW but sadly this movie didn't show it.
First half it's just the princess Diancie running around "allowing" them to do mundane stuff and the second half just felt really abrupt and short.
And then an unwarranted sad scene at the end with Pikachu turning into stone (yet again).

6/10, not bad but just very bland.

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