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Date A Live (light novel)
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May 16, 2014 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, poor Tohka. The episode was kinda fun imo but we get more of Miku like I had expected. The girls looked cute in their maid outfits I guess..

I think I'm starting to get hang of Miku's voice now. Her ways of cheating at the festival didn't surprise me though. The song wasn't good imo, could of been better but her powers are pretty well to be feared. The action in the second half and the other music performed by Tohka was better imo.
May 16, 2014 10:10 AM

Apr 2011
Way better than last week. I feel Tohka's performance with Shiori and the twins was way better than Miku. I wasn't really a fan of Miku's song and I'm still a bit shaky on her voice... Nice to see Origami taking action for a good thing in this series finally. You can feel the buildup to the chaos coming.

Looking forward to more.
May 16, 2014 11:40 AM

Mar 2014
Good episode Tohka saving the performance was cool. and they even teased us with a bit of Kurumi what trolls! :)
May 16, 2014 12:00 PM
Jul 2018
The pacing in this episode was much better than the last one.

I totally loved those maid outfits.

Tohka saved the performance.
May 16, 2014 12:10 PM

Dec 2011
Minori Chihara's voice is really annoying as always.

But Tohka saving the performance!

Really want to see more of Mana... and of course that phantom appearance of Kurumi!!!
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May 16, 2014 12:15 PM

Jan 2014
Kurumi appeared for 2 seconds lol. This was interesting. Origami is a beast but I wonder how she'll make it out of this Jam? Don't forget about Tohka, she saved the performance big time. I'm guessing s***s gonna hit the fan next week.
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May 16, 2014 12:17 PM

Nov 2013
I somehow wanted to listen to Origami's singing , too bad she was busy -_-
May 16, 2014 12:32 PM

Aug 2010
Kurumi made an appearance >.< Nxt ep she should start playing a more main role so can't wait :D

Still think Miku's voice choice is bad. Only thing it works for is her being naive to the real world but it's just too cutesy -.- Her song wasn't bad...

BUT!! Tohka's song blew it away! So good! Both voice, melody and song :D Esp with how Origami was owning that bitch Jessica while the song was going on hehe ^^

I want the full song >.<
May 16, 2014 12:52 PM
Jan 2014
Mii's phrase never gets old.
Miku sure likes to abuse her spirit powers.
Though her transformation on the stage was nice.
I wish Yoshino would get more screen time.
Tohka totally aced it and the others did good too.
It was fun watching Origami beat the hell out of those DEM Wizards.
May 16, 2014 12:56 PM

Apr 2014
OMG! This episode got me like :). This was a great episode. The singing and music got me hyped. And we get to see KURIMI-Chan for a little bit. ;)
May 16, 2014 1:07 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Tohka getting excited with the Tambourine. Haha.
Origami takes the singing role. Why not show us her vocal skills?!..
Nice seeing the Yamai twins again!

A slight glimpse of Kurumi?! O.o

Miku's prejudiced and imperious attitude was a bit annoying..
Shiori was awesome; telling her off not to underestimate humans.

Miku's spirit armor transformation was nice. Her song wasn't half bad either.
Though, Tohka's song was even more awesome.

Origami was badass with that White Licorice; handling the whole unit herself.
Ryouko messing with the AST leader in charge was quite funny!

Decent episode with Tohka's song being the highlight along that little glimpse of Kurumi..

May 16, 2014 1:09 PM

May 2013
Tohka's a good singer. That was a nice performance by them.
May 16, 2014 1:22 PM
Feb 2013
Geez , how long does Shidou have to be a girl?
May 16, 2014 1:40 PM

Apr 2012
Stark700 said:
I think I'm starting to get hang of Miku's voice now. Her ways of cheating at the festival didn't surprise me though. The song wasn't good imo, could of been better but her powers are pretty well to be feared. The action in the second half and the other music performed by Tohka was better imo.
Pretty much this.

RazorRamona200 said:
Geez , how long does Shidou have to be a girl?
Shiori is much better!
My Reviews and Rants:

May 16, 2014 2:01 PM
Oct 2012
Pain_is_love said:
Shiori is much better!


In the LN while Shiori's group was really good, it was supposed to pale in comparison to Miku's.... but in the anime she was just so meh... I dunno. Sounded more like a really young idol prospect than a full fledged superstar. Shiori and Tohka was 10x better!

I'm gonna really hate but really love next ep because...

Still can't wait for next week!
May 16, 2014 2:16 PM

Dec 2011
Wohooo a girl's band!!! It's time to rock-and-roll!!!

Tokha sure is easy to please and Origami has a great voice, even though we didn't get to hear it yet.

I almost forgot Shiori is Shido. To be feared is the power of anime!

My eye caught a glimpse of Kurumi!

So they had to sing live in the end.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
May 16, 2014 2:23 PM

Jul 2009
those tohka winks HNGHHHHHHH
question, attention!
KurogashiMay 16, 2014 2:27 PM
May 16, 2014 2:25 PM

Mar 2014
Dat Tohka to the rescue. Do want.
Miku's voice...meh. Not a fan of that singing voice. Normally, however, it's alright, but that singing was...meh.

This was probably the first episode of all of DAL that I was actually rooting for Origami. She's being selfish and I still can't get over her rabid Spirit hatred, but at least she's willing to go to such lengths even if it's only for Shido. Kyouko as well, I appreciate how she is willing to defy orders from a superior when she feels it's not right. That DEM Wizard, on the other hand, is an utterly smug and bloodthirsty bitch, and she deserves whatever she gets.

The twins and Yoshino get a little well-deserved screen time. For once, I will actively look forward to the next episode. Things are about to get dangerous.
May 16, 2014 2:31 PM

Mar 2014
Origami is in a pinch.Anyway,I wasn't so fond of Miku's choreography. Inoue Marina, you're doing it right. Also amazingly cute Tohka with the tampourine. 3/5
Everybody has the right to have his own opinion on something.And you do have the right to disagree with them.But that doesnt give you the right to impose your opinion on others, even though you do have the right to think you are fucking awesome.
May 16, 2014 3:29 PM

Apr 2013
Tohka, you're the cutiest cutie ever.
May 16, 2014 3:55 PM
Jul 2018
Origami was badass. I'm hoping to see more Kurumi soon.
Attention, Question~
May 16, 2014 3:55 PM

Feb 2012
This episode had me hyped all the time for some reason lol.

Looking forward to the next one.
May 16, 2014 4:12 PM

May 2012
Pretty damn good episode.

Tohka singing was a surprise. Origami holding it down out there. Glad to see the twins again. Oh did I just spot Kurumi. Next episode should be the end of this arc or Miku time. I feel like episodes 8, 9, and 10 are going to be about Kurumi. Anyway can't wait for next episode.
May 16, 2014 4:36 PM

Jul 2012
Is the clock finally returning?
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May 16, 2014 4:44 PM

Jul 2013
Gah Miku ;-;

Oh sweet got to see Mana and Kurumi. Only a teaser though ;-;

Yaay Tohka to the rescue! :D
Dat wink omg.

Dat DEM wizard. God I hate her. Good on Kyouko for defying orders.

Should get around to reading the LN soon.

I want more Mana and Kurumi damn it. The twins and Yoshino should get more screen time too (Asking for a lot here lol.)

Anyway it was a nice episode.

May 16, 2014 5:24 PM

Aug 2012
Origami proves why she is best girl while only getting two lines.
May 16, 2014 5:40 PM

Jun 2013
We finally get to see Kurumi but then she just disappears! :/

Hopefully we get to see more of her soon, this is only episode 6 afterall.
May 16, 2014 6:53 PM

Oct 2010
Nice to see some singing this episode. Tohka's singing voice was beautiful compared to Miku's. And Kurumi finally makes an appearance, even though it was for like 3 seconds or so. Origami was pretty badass this episode, taking down nearly all of DEM's wizards, though she's at her limit at the end of the ep. Can't wait for next ep. 4.5/5.
May 16, 2014 6:57 PM

May 2013
I actually thought this episode was cliché in a way but at the same time it was awesome :D

But really, performing in a school festival will never get old >_>
May 16, 2014 7:53 PM

Jan 2014
DANG! Tohka can sing good !!! For a second when we saw Kurumi, I said to my self : YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then it was just a illusion, then Miku the bitch showed up -__- . I want to see Kurumi NOW ! >.<
May 16, 2014 8:35 PM

May 2013
Kurumi. I get to see you only for a short while this episode. I was a little annoyed when Miku sang in the concert. Tohka's voice was great. No, amazing! The song was perfect when Origami was fighting off the AST's.

Great episode.
May 16, 2014 9:02 PM
May 2014
Wow tohka song is much better than miku :D
May 16, 2014 9:05 PM

Jul 2013
Wow Kurumi just made an appearance, but just a 1 second appearance. Miku was making it worst for Shido/Shiori for the performance. At least Tohka is there to back him up, her voice was beautiful. Miku's song was okay, though not actually feeling it.

I also want to see Origami sing, why did they have to cut it off. I give major points to her that she is protecting the concert and holding off against the DEM people.

Oh yeah those maids, I want to go to their place :D.

May 16, 2014 9:59 PM
Jan 2013
Pretty nice episode, I'm actually excited about next week. Who knew Tohka had such a great singing voice. Also Yoshino in the crowd <3

I really hate that girl that only has one line. Even when she's smiling she says it... she said it, like, 4 times this episode too. I wanted to punch my laptop screen.

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May 16, 2014 10:51 PM
Feb 2014
Tohka sang better than Miku! Time to see how Miku's "organ"ic Angel "Gabriel" shine next week.

Now I hate Mii's "Gross" line. It's useless............
May 16, 2014 11:01 PM

Jul 2013
I f**kin hate Jessica, she reminds me so much of Aki from Wixoss
May 16, 2014 11:39 PM
Jul 2013
Mana wil rescue Origami i guess
May 17, 2014 12:42 AM

Aug 2012
sadfacelv said:
I somehow wanted to listen to Origami's singing , too bad she was busy -_-

In season 1 Origami has a hard-to-find character song called "Koiiro Origami" which was featured in "date a music extension" CD. The song is actually a very beautiful one.

You can also search the Character Song CD from the anime Nichijou, and look for the character Minakami Mai. I felt the tone of voice is quite the same. (Since both Mai and Origami are voiced by Togashi Misuzu).

BTW I think Minori did a fine job voicing Miku, but her song is... mah. Tohka's is much better.
eeveelugiaMay 19, 2014 8:47 AM
May 17, 2014 1:14 AM
Mar 2014
Episodes like this are the reason Origami is my favorite character in this anime !
May 17, 2014 1:15 AM
Jan 2014
Barion-Zara said:

I want the full song >.<

ME TOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't wait when it comes out if it does :D
May 17, 2014 1:46 AM

Sep 2012
Kurumi was here.

Where did she gooooo !?
May 17, 2014 2:45 AM

Nov 2013
I think this childish voice MIku using while singing is somehow popular in Japan. I remember I downloaded a lot of Tomatsu Haruka songs after watching Valwrape ep 05, but lol 90% of her songs where sang in that irritaiting childish voice, even thou her voice in anime is usually pretty deep and normal sounding. I guess it's somekind of trend there, that we can't understand.
May 17, 2014 2:56 AM

Nov 2012
next episode will make my rage feelings go to the limits.

But can't wait for it. This episode was great
May 17, 2014 3:41 AM

Oct 2013
haha now to find those audio tracks for my playlist XD loved both of those songs
May 17, 2014 4:10 AM

May 2010
I have fallen for (the 2nd half of the) OP after like 6 episodes... So great! I wanted to hear Origami sing!

Miku's voice... isn't all that good though her power remind me of Momo (Kagerou Project) with a step up.

Tohka's performance! Now that's what I call a great song.

I think, this was the best episode so far, sorta like first season's episodes. 8.5/10
May 17, 2014 5:24 AM

Jul 2012
The concert was really good.

I wonder if they won or not?

Great episode!!!
May 17, 2014 6:01 AM

May 2013
I guess Tohka had big developments in this season. She sang better than Miku tbh.

Kurumi appeared that lasted seconds and hooray if you are her fan. Origami was baddass in this episode I guess? But the twins appeared, YAY!
The world shall know the truth soon.
May 17, 2014 6:11 AM
May 2014
does anyone know what song was Tohka and Miku performed? i like that song >.<
May 17, 2014 7:14 AM

Oct 2011
Tohka saved the day!!!!
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