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Aug 22, 2010 1:37 PM

Sep 2009
Terrible, terrible show.
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Aug 22, 2010 3:18 PM

Jan 2010
wtf... i wanna see how this is going to end.. sad that the next ep. it will only come out after a LONG time.. till' the day come, i already forgot about that ._.
Aug 23, 2010 5:39 AM

Dec 2008
I was expecting the girls to get caught by some perverted old man...not for Kiiko to find Aya bumping uglies with her brother! If that even really is Aya's brother...
Aug 23, 2010 6:41 AM
Jun 2010
VillettaIchihara said:
I was expecting the girls to get caught by some perverted old man...not for Kiiko to find Aya bumping uglies with her brother! If that even really is Aya's brother...

I think it would be worst if he WASN'T her brother...

Also, I think the reason why she stayed home wasn't because her period hit her hard, I think it was because she missed her period... that slut...
Aug 23, 2010 7:30 AM

Mar 2009
Totally saw that end coming a mile away.

Aug 23, 2010 9:38 AM

May 2009
Surprisingly good and sexy. I'm glad I picked this up. The wincest ending was a surprise.
Aug 23, 2010 12:20 PM

Dec 2009
incest and yuri in the same show... don't want.

All right, it's just the incest that bugs me. I need to get over this wierd cultural hangup I have.... It gets in the way of my enjoyment.

Otherwise.... Neither character had much personality, and their romatic scenes were not sensual. At all.
Aug 23, 2010 4:27 PM
Jun 2010
ilikeyouevenmore said:
incest and yuri in the same show... don't want.

All right, it's just the incest that bugs me. I need to get over this wierd cultural hangup I have.... It gets in the way of my enjoyment.

Otherwise.... Neither character had much personality, and their romatic scenes were not sensual. At all.

I don't mind incest and yuri in the same show as long as it was 2 sisters and no guys AT ALL.
Aug 24, 2010 6:06 PM

Nov 2008
Raigeki1993 said:
VillettaIchihara said:
I was expecting the girls to get caught by some perverted old man...not for Kiiko to find Aya bumping uglies with her brother! If that even really is Aya's brother...

I think it would be worst if he WASN'T her brother...

Also, I think the reason why she stayed home wasn't because her period hit her hard, I think it was because she missed her period... that slut...

If this is true, I think I found my most unlovable character ever. Also with that I hope for Aya will die a supernatural death, forget the brother, it's Aya that would be the problem in this case.

Aug 24, 2010 7:51 PM
Jun 2010
Hoppy said:
Raigeki1993 said:
VillettaIchihara said:
I was expecting the girls to get caught by some perverted old man...not for Kiiko to find Aya bumping uglies with her brother! If that even really is Aya's brother...

I think it would be worst if he WASN'T her brother...

Also, I think the reason why she stayed home wasn't because her period hit her hard, I think it was because she missed her period... that slut...

If this is true, I think I found my most unlovable character ever. Also with that I hope for Aya will die a supernatural death, forget the brother, it's Aya that would be the problem in this case.

They both are the problem, if Aya dies, her brother might try to get with Kiiko, and it's not hard for her brother since Kiiko is a fan of his music.
Aug 27, 2010 3:24 AM

Jan 2010
what a sick ending
Aug 28, 2010 4:55 PM

Feb 2008
I just think it weird that Aya called her Kawakami-san instead of Kiiko front of her brother, normally people that are close calling they first named.
I guess usually she called her Kii-chan.
I dunno but Aya problem realize her problem or something.
I also had a feeling that kind of stuff will happend.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Aug 28, 2010 5:01 PM

Nov 2008
Raigeki1993 said:
Hoppy said:
Raigeki1993 said:
VillettaIchihara said:
I was expecting the girls to get caught by some perverted old man...not for Kiiko to find Aya bumping uglies with her brother! If that even really is Aya's brother...

I think it would be worst if he WASN'T her brother...

Also, I think the reason why she stayed home wasn't because her period hit her hard, I think it was because she missed her period... that slut...

If this is true, I think I found my most unlovable character ever. Also with that I hope for Aya will die a supernatural death, forget the brother, it's Aya that would be the problem in this case.

They both are the problem, if Aya dies, her brother might try to get with Kiiko, and it's not hard for her brother since Kiiko is a fan of his music.

I doubt they'll let just Aya die it would kill the purpose of the anime being Shoujo-Ai.

Aug 28, 2010 11:24 PM

Aug 2008
HA! That was ridiculous! Obviously this is how it should've gone down.

"Excuse me. You got your penis in my woman. Correct yourself."

Aug 29, 2010 6:52 AM

Jan 2010
The Animation is quite lame, but the story is really nice.
At first i really likes Aya, but i don't know how to think of her anymore xD
Either her onii-chan forced her to do that, or she just betrayed her...
I hope she has a good axplanation for this >_>
poor Ki-chan..

Aug 30, 2010 9:32 PM
Jun 2010
SayoAisaka said:
The Animation is quite lame, but the story is really nice.
At first i really likes Aya, but i don't know how to think of her anymore xD
Either her onii-chan forced her to do that, or she just betrayed her...
I hope she has a good axplanation for this >_>
poor Ki-chan..

Lmfao, we all know he didn't force her, her brother laid there emotionlessly, she probably forced him.
Sep 4, 2010 12:07 PM

Sep 2009
haha, Aya's bro totally trolled Kiiko.

the only question remaining, is weather Kiiko will fire her pew pew lazer at aya or not XD
Sep 5, 2010 9:34 AM

Apr 2008
ahahahaha what an ending.


Sep 5, 2010 4:13 PM

Jan 2009
- What kind of flavoured ice-cream do you want?
- I want it to taste like your pu---

qft. xDDDD

That alone made my day, idk about you. Lol, @ WINCEST.
What's with all the hate here D: I personally enjoyed it very much, another flawless yuri love this summer would've been such a turn-off, after watching SonoHana already ;//
I like the fact that this tryes to have a story, it could turn out to be really good, but we need the second ep to find out.

Aya, giving Kiiko that charm, already hinted that she knew they are not destined to be together and the end proved it. She clearly experimented on Kiiko.
She probably had lots of fun sex with her brother beforehand too, anyway. Well maybe she doesn't want to go with him abroad /?/, because she's scared of him? There comes the fact that she called Kiiko by her last name in front of him maybe she doesn't want him to know they are close? So, imo, while experimenting on Kiiko, she accidentally fell in love with her ? So many possibilities.

either way, interesting turn of events, way better than flawless, plotless SonoHana anyway /no offence/, I'm looking forward to ep 2, hope they don't dissapoint me :)

And to whoever said the art sucked, try to make this yourself, then talk. It's a one-man work, don't forget that. I liked it :)
Sep 5, 2010 7:29 PM

Aug 2010
For some reason I saw that ending coming, but i'm really disappointed in this anime... not because it had incest, But because she was having sex with her BROTHER.. I mean it would have been better if she had a sister and had sex with her, then i would have given it a 4/5.
Sep 8, 2010 12:48 AM
Feb 2010
WHOA! Not for kids definitely.

You have yuri, some extremely suggestive scenes, breaking into other people's homes and incest. Not for the conservative either.
Sep 17, 2010 6:28 AM

Jan 2008
God damn it. Am I just not allowed to have yuri that's focused on true love between two girls without some bullshit happening? This anime was truly amazing until the last couple minutes. Seriously, what were they fucking thinking.

What I had expected was Aya's brother hitting on Kii-chan.

What I got, however, is completely unacceptable.
Sep 29, 2010 2:13 PM

Feb 2009

And what if Aya is a slut?! She's not only a horny-all-the-time lesbo,but she's also cheating on her girlfriend with her own brother,lol ...
I'm speachless!

Nao-stani said:
- What kind of flavoured ice-cream do you want?
- I want it to taste like your pu---

That alone made my day, idk about you. Lol, @ WINCEST.

Damn right,lol.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Sep 30, 2010 9:33 PM

Jul 2008
Though I kind of already saw that coming, it was still pretty shocking.
I'm so curious how things will turn out! >.<
Oct 1, 2010 1:32 PM

Jan 2010
Oh Japan, you and your incest plot twists...

Overall, this is pretty decent. I'm not a big fan of the art, but everything else is alright. I heard the next episode won't be released for about another year. Does anyone know if this is confirmed to be true? If so, that majorly sucks. D:
Oct 1, 2010 8:28 PM
Aug 2010
Well was a great ova, and fu*** what a bitch sleeping with her brother, but well is not an uncommon topic.
Oct 2, 2010 12:07 AM

Sep 2008
After the breaking and entering shenanigans I had joked to myself as to what Kiiko would discover. Only to find out I was right. /:
Oct 3, 2010 11:43 AM

Feb 2010
Panaru said:
God damn it. Am I just not allowed to have yuri that's focused on true love between two girls without some bullshit happening? This anime was truly amazing until the last couple minutes. Seriously, what were they fucking thinking.

What I had expected was Aya's brother hitting on Kii-chan.

What I got, however, is completely unacceptable.
I hope her brother forced her to do it but that's just wishful thinking.
Oct 7, 2010 10:39 AM

Jun 2007
What was that I don't even...
see you, space cowperson . . .
Nov 24, 2010 9:53 AM

Apr 2009
What's with all the hate? Oo
I liked it, honestly, it's a nice break from all of the other shoujo-ai anime where one girl is silently liking the other through the whole series just to kiss ONCE in the end :/

Here,they hooked up AND had sex in 20 minutes. Nice change.

Also, yeah I was like D8 at the end but it's interesting and I can't wait for the next OVA.
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Nov 24, 2010 9:56 AM

Apr 2009
RyanSaotome said:
I sense a yandere ending coming. Too bad we won't see the conclusion for another year, though :(

I actually wouldn't mind that :o

Wait...what? O_O Next year? D8
....wth did I watch this now *headdesk*
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Dec 10, 2010 6:09 AM

Aug 2010
I was not expecting that ending at all. I'm glad i wasn't expecting anything special out of this.
fuck everything and rumble
Jan 12, 2011 5:54 PM

Oct 2008
The ending was a huge surprise for the most part.

They are all lovey dovey through 90% of the show and then when Kiiko forgets her phone, i think of all of the anime where this has led to someone discovering their partner was cheating on them. Then the whole time she is going back for her phone i am hoping that it isn't what i suspect but of course it is....

I don't think it matters that Aya was cheating on Kiiko with a man or a woman or even that it was her brother. All that matters is that she cheated on her.

I'd be very surprised if they don't get back together though. Kiiko simply worships Aya and is all but obsessive over her and Aya seems like a VERY good talker. I think Aya will explain it to her convincingly (possibly with a real reason why she cheated on her) and Kiiko will take her back.
Mar 19, 2011 12:06 PM

Aug 2010
Surprised!..... or maybe bot. Incest thing is Japanese style.
Apr 1, 2011 3:31 PM

Apr 2009
Maybe that was Aaya's boyfriend, pretending to be her Onii-chan?

Maybe she was two timing. Either way, it's disgusting!

I'll be so damned disappointed if Kii-chan takes her back.
Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash.
It's not what I really want to do.
But you only date bad guys so,
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to.
-KevNigChes Collaboration

May 4, 2011 6:43 PM

Feb 2011
I knew it after she said that he's living with his oniichan, already got the feeling that's it was something like this :///
Sep 20, 2011 9:38 AM
Apr 2010
Dec 14, 2011 3:37 PM
Nov 2009
my dick was a diamond this whole episode

why did she have to do that ;< they were so happy together ;_;
May 5, 2012 5:39 PM

Mar 2010
This was so great, the ending was very surprising. I hope it ends well, even if it isn't possible anymore.. x.x
Jan 27, 2013 6:29 AM

Feb 2010
Dat ending...from heaven to hell DX
It's difficult to watch the ending even after knowing what would happen.

Gonna watch ep. 2 to know the reason,
Jan 30, 2013 5:13 PM
Jul 2012
Great episode!
Those kissing love. Both kiss like 4 times. Loved it!
Dang she kissed him. Didn't suspected that happening. Hope they don't have any drama.
Jan 30, 2013 5:16 PM
Jul 2012
Nao-stani said:
- What kind of flavoured ice-cream do you want?
- I want it to taste like your pu---

I want taste her pu$$y
Mar 20, 2013 2:37 PM
Aug 2012
i have never even thought of aa situation like tht before i cld imagine another person but her brother lol
May 15, 2013 1:34 AM

Oct 2010
Poor Girl :(
Jun 19, 2013 6:55 PM

Apr 2012
episode was ok but a bit boring. The ending was a bit shocking, time to solve whats behind that incest thing in the next episode xD
Jul 9, 2014 6:55 AM

Oct 2013
o dear god what did I jsut watch wow I hate that ending >.> everything was good untill then D:
Jul 26, 2014 7:22 AM

Nov 2010
It's was so sweet until last seconds ... damn. too bad.

well, i guess this doesn't have good ending .. let's see...
Jan 19, 2015 2:46 AM

Nov 2011
Ya, saw that ending immediately she said she forgot her phone.

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Aug 28, 2015 5:54 AM
Oct 2012
While Watching this I kept thinking/waiting for the shocking part that would separate them because its kind of predictable and when the guy came in I was like you... you are the one lol. hope they get back together (I'm pretty sure they will) now time to watch episode 2
Dec 3, 2016 7:58 AM

May 2012
Oh boy that ending :3 pretty damn interesting shock! Yuri and Incest :'D

Well I do wonder what's next!
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