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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season Episode 9 Discussion

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Yesterday, 6:57 AM

Nov 2011
Another one of those episodes where something goes wrong from Kusuri's experiments. I swear, anytime she does one of these, something bizarre happens. This episode just happens to really make hair grow.

But yeah, episode kinda went over of control. The camera angles were all over the place lmao. Maybe they shouldn't always rely on science.
Yesterday, 6:58 AM

May 2020
If there was something which I was actually looking forward to, it was this hair styling arc, like at this point we know what this series is capable of, and what the author is capable of, but nah, actually, we’re YET to see just how far this series can go and surprise the living life out of you. I mean for a second, it felt like we’d see the girls in cute hairstyles and Rentarou praising them with like all those new adjectives, like he always does, but as if lmaoooo. As you see, this became a WORLD CRISIS in no time after all.

All of this stemming from Hahari’s wishful thinking of seeing the girls in tentacle play just makes everything even more over the top lol. Seriously, just what kind of drugs do Kusuri make which not only makes your hair long but.. but.. I mean i’m having difficulty putting it down into words as well, BUT DOES EVENTUALLY COVER THIS ENTIRE PLANET?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, seeing the girls saving themselves and saving Rentarou with such a serious tone had me in stitches. You call it retarded, you call it something which makes no fucking sense at all… yeah, it’s true, but this series knows what it’s doing and what is it actually which makes it not your average show. I mean they’ve thrown that word out of the window long back but still xD

Trust me you can not write such stuff even while being high… like actually HIGH, but yeah, the author did. Respect for her lmaoo, I mean she made Hahari THE NEW MOTHER of humanity. The MOST unhinged episode yet… sheesh!
Yesterday, 7:39 AM
Feb 2021
the reason why this episode is so absurd, simply put😂
Yesterday, 8:02 AM
Apr 2022
Another peak episode as always, I love this anime so much.
Yesterday, 8:04 AM

Dec 2018
Since I just recently finished Gilgamesh, I wasn’t expecting Hahari to create her own Twin X with her hair lol, but at least this didn’t cause the end of the advanced information age because she was able to feed the sun her hair, and not only did she save the world from doing that, she also saved the world from entering another ice age, yes this all happened in a 100 Girlfriends episode lol. Pretty wholesome end to an otherwise batshit episode tho, and although I wasn’t super into this one like other episodes I can still appreciate the insanity, you’d think with 100 prospective girlfriends on the horizon we’d never hit the breaks on that, but nah let’s spend a whole episode on Hahari taking over the world with her hair lol, I cant help but love it.

I also really enjoyed the “tentacle porn” scenes with all the girls, some of them got pretty creative, Nano and Mimimi having a final battle on the roof before succumbing to the hair was one I especially liked. I also really loved the direct reference to “To Love-Ru”, one of my all time favorite anime and this is 100% something that would go down there, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I’m pretty sure Golden Darkness did something like this since she has hair powers lol. And lastly, this episode had so much going on that I forgot to mention the girls with alternate hairstyles, they were pretty cute across the board, some weren’t as good as their original styles but I can at least say they wore them better than Monogatari girls after their hairstyle changes imo lol.
Yesterday, 8:09 AM

Dec 2022
What the fuck am I watching? Good question! Praise to Hahari for being so cultured with her hair, and... life can continue, I guess. This was absolute chaos. Wonderful episode.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Yesterday, 8:11 AM
Mar 2020
"The hair can't reach us at this altitude," she said reassuringly with zero evidence. But was she really so surprised to learn that the hair could actually reach all the way to the damned sun?
Yesterday, 8:53 AM

Jan 2018
Wtf was the first minute. I thought I was watching a different anime. Then I watched the rest of the episode. I thought this series already surprised me, but I was not expecting tentacle hentai made of hair. Idk what to expect next anymore.
Yesterday, 8:54 AM

Jun 2019
Today, there was a world-ending incident caused by Hahari's hair and it took us the entire episode to make things normal for everyone. Hahari was feeling very bad after what she caused, but her hair actually saved the Earth from another Ice Age.

And now Hahari is the mother of the entire Earth. LOL. We love Mother Hahari.
Yesterday, 8:54 AM

Jul 2016
Can't decide which aspect of Shizuka being among the "survivors" makes me happier—her innocence being spared from getting Hahairy'd or that it gave us the impossibly cool copilot Shadezuka.
Yesterday, 8:55 AM

Aug 2022
Oh I just know the artists loved this episode lmao. I heavily appreciate not giving one of those scenes to Shizuka though and as for Kusuri... well we gloss past that.

The 4th wall breaking was great as usual and a very questionable episode but a great one nonetheless. Karane and Mimimi looked amazing in those alternate hairstyles
Yesterday, 8:55 AM
Jul 2024
Hair tentacle porn?! Now I REALLY have seen EVERYTHING. I don't even know where to begin with this episode. Unlike the Kiss Zombie one, this disaster covers the ENTIRE planet! ROFLMAO. OMG. I cannot breathe.
Yesterday, 9:27 AM

May 2023
ONE OF THE WILDEST EPISODE I'VE EVER WITNESSED. TF WAS THAT ALL ABOUT LMAO. love the fan service in this one tho, they are consistent with the characters, Shizuka iconic panel i love it.
Yesterday, 9:41 AM

Jun 2022


of Harem Parody 🙃
VickyAlex9 hours ago
Yesterday, 9:42 AM

Jan 2024
All this was missing some good ol tentacle hair porn and we got that too. Why are they keep letting Kusuri do her thing she gonna destroy the world one day for sure.
Hahari got too much fun and also other girls mainly likes of Hakari and Iku had field day.
Karane smacking Iku's butt tops this episode...
Too much culture in this episode🤌
But somehow in an apocalypse Shizuka was still protected from degeneracy as it should. Even rip off Ruby also joined the action & this was my cue to watch To Love Ru.

Even Rentarou needed plot armour from his father/brother??? to save the day. And what a save it was streching the HAIR TO FUCKING SUN. I mean it covered entire earth but going to sun and changing heat waves pattern or something and even saved the world from doom😭😭
Hahari mommy is too cracked😭😭

She didn't even harm anyone just did little sexual harrasment on maybe all female population so deserving imo.

Anyway got overshadowed by degeneracy but new hairstyles looked cute on everyone.
WaterMageYesterday, 9:55 AM
Yesterday, 9:52 AM
Oct 2024
very good gotyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Yesterday, 9:53 AM
Apr 2022
WaterMage said:
All this was missing some good ol tentacle hair porn and we got that too. Why are they keep letting Kusuri do her thing she gonna destroy the world one day for sure.
Hahari got too much fun and also other girls mainly likes of Hakari and Iku had field day.
Karane smacking Iku's butt tops this episode...
Too much culture in this episode🤌
But somehow in an apocalypse Shizuka was still protected from degeneracy as it should. Even rip off Ruby also joined the action & this was my cue to watch To Love Ru.

Even Rentarou needed plot armour from his father/brother??? to save the day. And what a save it was streching the HAIR TO FUCKING SUN. I mean it covered entire earth but going to sun and changing heat waves pattern or something and even saved the world from doom😭😭
Hahari mommy is too cracked😭😭

She didn't even harm anyone just did little sexual harrasment on maybe all female population so deserving imo.

Anyway got overshadowed by degeneracy and dk how Mei made hair grow in an instant but new hairstyles looked cute on everyone.

"show mommy" "hide mommy" 😂nice one
Yesterday, 10:10 AM

Oct 2023
this episode was actually good lol
Yesterday, 11:00 AM

May 2015
Hahari might have started a world wide apocalypse, but she also saved the world with that apocalypse so it balances itself out!
Yesterday, 11:03 AM
May 2016
Did not expect this show to have a tentacle porn episode o_0; Just glad to see everyones hair was back to normal at the end, though nice seeing the short haired girls with long hair seeing the long haired girls with short hair was too much of a trade off ;_;
Yesterday, 11:20 AM

Feb 2019
What the fuck did I just watch
Yesterday, 11:35 AM

Jul 2024
23 seconds in and they had me going for the whole episode
"We even got reports of sakura blooming in S2E4"

"Petting cute things-"
"Tentacle porn."
Yep Hakari knows her mom well.

Holy hell. It take talent to make a not cringe TV14 tentacle episode and further, and have the confidence shout out a reference to the GOAT of all time R rated ecchi right at the edge of hentai anime for tentacle scenes To Love=Ru. 🎩

"Yeah, no, I mean it! You're ripping my arm out! Ow, 0w!"

"What's up with the sun? lab"
And the way the scientist talks.

Should we add a Gag Humor tag to this show?
LordCrueltyVYesterday, 12:23 PM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Yesterday, 11:44 AM

Aug 2009
The reference to Akagi's 19year night surprised me in the manga and still surprised me again.

For anyone wondering what the scientists were talking about:
Yesterday, 11:45 AM
Oct 2022
Lol. The fact that Rentaro learned about a solar system wide issue and was legitimately like, "Well, I gotta fix this now."
Yesterday, 11:58 AM

Oct 2017
That went world scale, post apocalyptic episode. In the end Hahari saved the planet instead. Not a fan of these way over the top stuff but whatevs.
Yesterday, 12:22 PM

Jul 2024
Reply to LucenProject
Lol. The fact that Rentaro learned about a solar system wide issue and was legitimately like, "Well, I gotta fix this now."
@LucenProject yeah, he's the man.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Yesterday, 12:27 PM

Jul 2022
Another excellent episode for this masterpiece-I hope they cancel it.

What's better than seeing all the girls with new hairstyles (My favorites were Karane, Nano and Kurumi.) escaping uncontrolled hair acting like tentacles straight out of a hentai anime. Simply the absolute peak.

They killed two birds with one stone: they helped Hahari and maybe even solved climate change..... well, I think so.
Yesterday, 12:33 PM
Jul 2021
Never have I watched the most unhinged show, or even episode, about hair overgrowth solving global warming crisis, in a harem/comedy anime. This show never failed to amaze me
Yesterday, 12:35 PM

Jun 2023
idk wtf just happened but that was peak
Yesterday, 1:01 PM

Nov 2014
This part of the manga lives rent free in my head so I’m just happy we got to see it animated. I need them to make more seasons because if I don’t get to see Ahko animated it will be too sad.
Quality Queen.
Yesterday, 1:16 PM

Oct 2020
MORE FAN SERVICE. The series absolutely revels in using Kusuri’s mad scientist potions to get situations out in the moment, couple that with Horny Hanazono brains and you get another wild story that the adaptation delivered on making it akin to a disaster movie.
Yesterday, 1:19 PM
Aug 2017
Guys please, can someone tell me all the references used in this episode?
I feel like there's a lot.
Yesterday, 1:19 PM

Aug 2009
Reply to RAWRfizzz
This part of the manga lives rent free in my head so I’m just happy we got to see it animated. I need them to make more seasons because if I don’t get to see Ahko animated it will be too sad.
@RAWRfizzz This sends me.
Yesterday, 1:25 PM
Jun 2021
So did anybody else notice the Darling in the Franxx reference? The scene where R is finally reaching her in the Hairball? I love the amount of details in this show
Yesterday, 1:25 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This episode was....different. Tentacle p*rn? I mean it's a staple in hentai but I didn't expect to see it here, lol. And Mimimi and Nano make the best power couple. Great seeing them together and having lots of screen time.

So many references to other anime here too. Too many to count. From Evangelion, Darling in the Franxx to Love:Ru and then some more.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Yesterday, 1:31 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to 0451
Wtf was the first minute. I thought I was watching a different anime. Then I watched the rest of the episode. I thought this series already surprised me, but I was not expecting tentacle hentai made of hair. Idk what to expect next anymore.
@0451 do you think there is a chance they will do season 3? after all there are 2 future girlfreinds that some might dislike regarding age and relationship to rentarou
Yesterday, 1:42 PM
Nov 2022
Nah, awesome.

A "break" from getting more girlfriends for Rentaro but with an apocalyptic event, I loved the surreal nature of the situation.
Yesterday, 2:08 PM

Feb 2022
At the end there, Harari looks like one of the Quints and could have been an older version - pre hair colours

Nice call back with the hair and adorable Bunbun fantasy medicine.
The to love ru reference was great due to the ecchi-ness and pink hair
Yesterday, 2:33 PM
Apr 2022
RAWRfizzz said:
This part of the manga lives rent free in my head so I’m just happy we got to see it animated. I need them to make more seasons because if I don’t get to see Ahko animated it will be too sad.

We need to see Ahko animated, she is so freaking cute and I love her, but unfortunately she will appear only in season 4.
Yesterday, 2:42 PM
Aug 2024
I have no idea what I watched but I loved it
Yesterday, 3:18 PM
Jul 2024
very good,, 88/100
11 hours ago

Aug 2020
great ep

it was funny

she save the world and became the mother of everyone now...
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11 hours ago
Mar 2021
I swear this rom-com does shounen action climaxes better than actual action series😆
11 hours ago
Jul 2024
Reply to KaraneSupremacy
WaterMage said:
All this was missing some good ol tentacle hair porn and we got that too. Why are they keep letting Kusuri do her thing she gonna destroy the world one day for sure.
Hahari got too much fun and also other girls mainly likes of Hakari and Iku had field day.
Karane smacking Iku's butt tops this episode...
Too much culture in this episode🤌
But somehow in an apocalypse Shizuka was still protected from degeneracy as it should. Even rip off Ruby also joined the action & this was my cue to watch To Love Ru.

Even Rentarou needed plot armour from his father/brother??? to save the day. And what a save it was streching the HAIR TO FUCKING SUN. I mean it covered entire earth but going to sun and changing heat waves pattern or something and even saved the world from doom😭😭
Hahari mommy is too cracked😭😭

She didn't even harm anyone just did little sexual harrasment on maybe all female population so deserving imo.

Anyway got overshadowed by degeneracy and dk how Mei made hair grow in an instant but new hairstyles looked cute on everyone.

"show mommy" "hide mommy" 😂nice one
@KaraneSupremacy That is Hakari's Father. Who is now a ghost. He made a brief appearance in S1 Episode 12.
11 hours ago
Jul 2024
Reply to Farabeuf
This episode was....different. Tentacle p*rn? I mean it's a staple in hentai but I didn't expect to see it here, lol. And Mimimi and Nano make the best power couple. Great seeing them together and having lots of screen time.

So many references to other anime here too. Too many to count. From Evangelion, Darling in the Franxx to Love:Ru and then some more.
@Farabeuf Don't forget the call-out to the Movie "The Day After Tomorrow" when a new Ice Age begins.
10 hours ago

Dec 2022
Crazy and funny ep
9 hours ago
Apr 2023
Another weird episode but that should be expected by now. Besides the weirdness, the ending was sweet and we got Shizuka with sunglasses animated
8 hours ago

Jun 2011
Love this series, but this had tom have been one of the worst, if not the worst episodes so far. I know it's all played for laughs, but I didn't find this one entertaining at all. At least we got a kiss with Hahari out of it I suppose.
4 hours ago
Dec 2022
A rather hairy episode. Lol. Pretty weird to see the hair growth out from Hahari due to taking Kusuri's hair growth solution. But all is well at the end.
3 minutes ago
Dec 2023
i knew something crazy like the kiss zombie ep in s1 was gonna happen. did not expect it to be THIS insane

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