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Jan 25, 6:32 PM
Dude episode 4 was truly devastating to me but I liked it a lot. |
Jan 25, 8:10 PM
I think this is the first time I ever dislike an episode. This ep pissed me off from start to finish lol. Only thing I can hope is that that asshole will get his one day somehow some way. |
Jan 25, 9:08 PM
Absolute Cinema โ๐ป๐๐ค๐ป |
Jan 26, 4:10 PM
Jan 26, 5:48 PM
Didn't like this turn of events at all. I don't like that you can apparently get sent to hell simply being tricked by Some Guy. If there are rules to this hotel (and there seem to be), then that means that someone is watching, someone is in charge - and that someone wouldn't allow this. Or they shouldn't, at least.. |
Jan 27, 3:56 AM
the moment when a drunken monkey talked about the rules are meant to be taken literally, i knew the sociopath would try to make one kill the other one. besides that, the episode made me bump down a score cus of how stupid it is. it's baffling that the staffs didn't tell girls about having a murderer in a hotel. the girl who killed the other girl is stupid as well. she somehow thinks what the murderer says is true when there is no actual proof, but thinks 'killing someone will make one go to hell' is a lie, which is more believable if one has common sense. overall, i disliked the episode, hopefully this will be resolved soon |
Jan 27, 5:31 AM
Adverrito said: it's baffling that the staffs didn't tell girls about having a murderer in a hotel. They would have to actually care about any potential repercussions of that fact affecting other guests in the first place, which it seems likely that at least the aye-aye/lemur/monkey-looking guy, Menou, and the manager don't. Neko and Atori seem mostly passive, go with the flow, and apathetic. And from the shots especially in the hotel dining room area when other scenes are taking place, it seems like there is an implication that there are a lot of other miscellaneous guests in the background who they have to regularly attend to, who we don't see in detail and interact with as named characters. |
WatchTillTandavaJan 27, 11:52 AM
Jan 27, 6:11 AM
Reply to notthatjesus
The staff kinda dropped the ball here, I feel like a "watch out for Masaki, he's a psycho serial killer" heads up would've gone a long way
@notthatjesus YES! When he asked her if none of the staff said anything about him to her and she said no, he looked around like "oh really!?" Such a tragic end, I really hope that going forward they warn people about him. Neko seems to know something happened. Curious to see how she finds out. |
Jan 27, 10:51 AM
I still enjoyed the episode for what it was, but this was easily the worst written episode of the series so far. I like the idea of showing us an instance of hell opening up and taking a character, but the "murder" itself was handled in such a way that it really makes a mess of this world's rules. I will say, I don't mind the staff not warning guests about Masaki though. I feel like most (all?) of the staff don't involve themselves with guests outside of small talk or their personal connections to the "real" world. I always felt that is kind of how the hotel operates anyway. Neko could be an exception going forward, but I would expect the rest of staff to still not warn guests about Masaki. On a side note, Neko still being chill as fuck at the end of the episode was great, haha. It cracked me up. She has proven to be a fun character. |
Jan 27, 5:00 PM
I felt so bad for those girls, rip. :c |
Jan 28, 3:29 PM
Apart from the annoying soap-opera-like turn of events, does nobody care how this ending made no sense? Kendo genius girl didn't kill kendo achiever girl, she just scratched her, the rest was plain suicide. Why did she go to hell? This show just broke a world rule it established mere hours ago. WTF? |
Jan 28, 5:44 PM
Holy cow, that was intense devastating end for those poor girls |
Jan 28, 10:01 PM
Wow definitely did not expect that. Worst possible bad ending for both of the girls. This guy is really true scum. |
"Do you want me to take you away... to a place in this city where wishes come true?" |
Jan 29, 3:06 PM
this was an unexpectedly dark episode dying because of a falling shelf was a little dumb but still better than falling on a pointed fence |
Jan 29, 8:07 PM
Oh for f*cks sake! They really need to keep a closer eye on the killer, even better just lock him up already! Nagomu ending up in hell is so unfair, Kiyoe ended up killing herself after all!! The ending of this episode is really infuriating, instead of one of the girls returning to the living world and the other going to the after life, one ends up in hell and the other just disappears like that. That's way too cruel of a fate for these two girls... and all that, just so we can see how evil of a guy Osoto can be even without directly killing anyone. I hope that guy eventually rots in hell for this... just wish Nagomu didn't have too as well :( |
Jan 30, 12:20 AM
Reply to Dickegrobe
Apart from the annoying soap-opera-like turn of events, does nobody care how this ending made no sense? Kendo genius girl didn't kill kendo achiever girl, she just scratched her, the rest was plain suicide. Why did she go to hell? This show just broke a world rule it established mere hours ago. WTF?
@Dickegrobe Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri). It's all a load of bs |
Jan 30, 10:31 AM
sodrainz said: Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri). With the killer staying (albeit seemingly remembering what looked like his death), they at least kinda tried to retcon with adding that you can't stay forever - which could be taken as a subtle hint that not leaving right away might be an option. Not elegant, but yea, there was at least something that could be spun into an excuse of a reason. I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel. But in the setup of the whole kendo girl debacle, they were very explicit about how killing someone in the hotel gets you sent to hell (no ifs or buts, just "it works like that, period.") - and then frickin ignored it. Almost like they decided to change the plot midway and completely forgot to make the ending fit (or ran out of episode budget/time because animation is hell). |
Jan 30, 10:56 AM
Reply to sodrainz
@Dickegrobe Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri).
It's all a load of bs
It's all a load of bs
@sodrainz nothing was negated by Osoto or Ruri staying though? Nobody said they aren't allowed to lie about it, and in the first place, we don't know yet whether not Osoto has recalled if he's alive or dead. Ruri worked at the hotel way before Osoto came. There's nothing strange with that. |
My destiny is... |
Jan 30, 11:00 AM
Reply to Dickegrobe
sodrainz said:
Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri).
Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri).
With the killer staying (albeit seemingly remembering what looked like his death), they at least kinda tried to retcon with adding that you can't stay forever - which could be taken as a subtle hint that not leaving right away might be an option. Not elegant, but yea, there was at least something that could be spun into an excuse of a reason.
I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel.
But in the setup of the whole kendo girl debacle, they were very explicit about how killing someone in the hotel gets you sent to hell (no ifs or buts, just "it works like that, period.") - and then frickin ignored it. Almost like they decided to change the plot midway and completely forgot to make the ending fit (or ran out of episode budget/time because animation is hell).
@Dickegrobe from what I understand, the "killer" is determined by the use of the weapon that caused one's death. Although it was suicide, in a sense Kiyoe "made" Nagomu kill her by keeping her hand in place to fulfill Osoto's lie. It's a bit of a reach, but it makes a bit more sense thinking of it that way. It also makes sense why Osoto was not punished, since he did not kill anyone physically. It's definitely unfair and upsetting — that's the point. |
tsukaharanekoJan 30, 11:35 AM
My destiny is... |
Jan 30, 12:36 PM
tsukaharaneko said: @Dickegrobe from what I understand, the "killer" is determined by the use of the weapon that caused one's death. Although it was suicide, in a sense Kiyoe "made" Nagomu kill her by keeping her hand in place to fulfill Osoto's lie. It's a bit of a reach, but it makes a bit more sense thinking of it that way. I see where you're going (and I appreciate it, really do), but I think the mere use of an object prior to it causing death (by somebody else's hands) is pretty arbitrary and also on heck of a slippery slope. All the more when there is no need for guesswork and interpretation as we can determine the act of killing perfectly fine (the suicide part). I feel there is really no "yea, but TECHNICALLY ..." here and they just messed up. I'll wait and see if they try to retcon it away with some silly technicality from the rulebook only they know or just ignore it ... I really hope they don't go the cleverer-than-thou cringe route with this show. It started so nice and interesting. |
Jan 30, 3:47 PM
Reply to Dickegrobe
sodrainz said:
Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri).
Cause all the rules are completely arbitrary and only apply if the plot needs it to apply. We already saw the entire premise of the hotel (recover memory + find out if you're alive or dead) completely negated by the person in question just lying whether they remember (killer) or just randomly deciding they want to work at a hotel with a serial killer (Ruri).
With the killer staying (albeit seemingly remembering what looked like his death), they at least kinda tried to retcon with adding that you can't stay forever - which could be taken as a subtle hint that not leaving right away might be an option. Not elegant, but yea, there was at least something that could be spun into an excuse of a reason.
I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel.
But in the setup of the whole kendo girl debacle, they were very explicit about how killing someone in the hotel gets you sent to hell (no ifs or buts, just "it works like that, period.") - and then frickin ignored it. Almost like they decided to change the plot midway and completely forgot to make the ending fit (or ran out of episode budget/time because animation is hell).
Dickegrobe said: I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel. Riru told us early on she knows she's alive and know why she's here so staying to work there is not a result of still figuring out anything. |
Jan 30, 3:50 PM
Reply to tsukaharaneko
@sodrainz nothing was negated by Osoto or Ruri staying though? Nobody said they aren't allowed to lie about it, and in the first place, we don't know yet whether not Osoto has recalled if he's alive or dead. Ruri worked at the hotel way before Osoto came. There's nothing strange with that.
@tsukaharaneko Sure it was. Every other character was rushed/compelled to leave after things were figured out. Even the kendo girl with her bullshit ending was compelled to run out of the hotel for no apparent reason. The only "guests" that stay beyond the entire purpose of the hotel are the main characters because the plot requires it. The idea that you can't stay forever is also bullshit because we know inherently that that would never actually be an issue because it would require Ruri to magically know when she has stayed too long or a main character randomly vanishes and we also inherently know it won't apply to Osoto because the primary antagonist isn't going to randomly vanish. |
Jan 30, 3:53 PM
Reply to tsukaharaneko
@Dickegrobe from what I understand, the "killer" is determined by the use of the weapon that caused one's death. Although it was suicide, in a sense Kiyoe "made" Nagomu kill her by keeping her hand in place to fulfill Osoto's lie. It's a bit of a reach, but it makes a bit more sense thinking of it that way.
It also makes sense why Osoto was not punished, since he did not kill anyone physically. It's definitely unfair and upsetting — that's the point.
It also makes sense why Osoto was not punished, since he did not kill anyone physically. It's definitely unfair and upsetting — that's the point.
@tsukaharaneko It doesn't make sense at all unless you assume the hotel is inherently cruel. Because your logic says that the only person that gets punished is whoever randomly was touching the weapon since your logic indicates that I can just murder willy nilly in the hotel by pushing people holding dangerous objects and suffer no consequences. So why would Osoto bother going through all these extra steps? Just to pad the episode? So I can just pull the pin on a grenade and hand it to you and anyone who might die when you get rid of it makes you go to hell. |
Jan 31, 12:54 AM
Both of the girls died for Osoto's own enjoyment. Great voice acting by Shion Wakayama and Yui Ishikawa. |
Jan 31, 1:49 AM
Damn, totally didn't think they'd introduce the hell concept so early Glad to see scumbag Oosoto being well-portrayed in the anime too |
Jan 31, 8:40 AM
Reply to sodrainz
@tsukaharaneko Sure it was. Every other character was rushed/compelled to leave after things were figured out. Even the kendo girl with her bullshit ending was compelled to run out of the hotel for no apparent reason.
The only "guests" that stay beyond the entire purpose of the hotel are the main characters because the plot requires it.
The idea that you can't stay forever is also bullshit because we know inherently that that would never actually be an issue because it would require Ruri to magically know when she has stayed too long or a main character randomly vanishes and we also inherently know it won't apply to Osoto because the primary antagonist isn't going to randomly vanish.
The only "guests" that stay beyond the entire purpose of the hotel are the main characters because the plot requires it.
The idea that you can't stay forever is also bullshit because we know inherently that that would never actually be an issue because it would require Ruri to magically know when she has stayed too long or a main character randomly vanishes and we also inherently know it won't apply to Osoto because the primary antagonist isn't going to randomly vanish.
@sodrainz because they aren't hotel staff and Ruri is working there and being paid? The only character this argument would work for is Osoto, since he is still a guest. Everyone else in the main cast are hotel staff. |
My destiny is... |
Jan 31, 9:08 AM
The episode feels a slight little bit rushed. Especially the second half deserves more play time to develop. Some details are left unexplained, but I assume neither of the two characters will reappear anymore. Otherwise interesting episode, and actually good anime overall. Wouldn't imagine this anime to become my favourite in this season so far. The discussions around the meanings and especially whether Ariake pushed Jitsuryลซji down is interesting to say the least, but again, we are probably not going to get any explanations. |
Jan 31, 10:15 AM
Reply to tsukaharaneko
@sodrainz because they aren't hotel staff and Ruri is working there and being paid? The only character this argument would work for is Osoto, since he is still a guest. Everyone else in the main cast are hotel staff.
@tsukaharaneko This is a flawed answer because we saw Osoto was also compelled to leave. The idea that they aren't hotel staff is further a bullshit answer because it doesn't address the basic idea that all it takes to negate the premise of the hotel is to simply say so or lie. Osoto is also not "hotel staff". It also fails to address the notion that for the claim to be believable, you are asserting that Ruri knows exactly how long it is safe for her to work there without disappearing which is also complete bullshit. |
Feb 1, 2:56 AM
This was so stupid. Rarely does a show manage to disappoint me to such extent. Sending that 1 girl to hell was unfair. To begin with, the other girl committed suicide even though 1st tried to stop her. We should also not forget how she was manipulated to believe in fake rules of the hotel. Her momentary rage makes total sense too. Anyone would be pissed at a person who caused their death after arguing about stupid shit! None of those circumstances mattered. Even Neko wasn't allowed to interfere at the end. I hate when shows throw unnecessary "world is unfair" crap. It's pretty much like watching torture-porn. Plot doesn't matter. You either enjoy it or not. A shame. Masaki's gonna fuck things up and the retarded hotel (where apparently no one really gives a shit about fair play) will allow him to get away with crimes while more people suffer. |
Feb 1, 6:10 PM
Reply to sodrainz
Dickegrobe said:
I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel.
I see no problem with people working there, though. They have not recovered yet and just do whatever at the hotel.
Riru told us early on she knows she's alive and know why she's here so staying to work there is not a result of still figuring out anything.
@sodrainz Hello, I saw this and am now rewatching scenes with Ruri, but I cannot find where she said she is alive? I only found a scene in ep 2 where she said she works in the hotel because she likes cooking and gets paid. |
Feb 1, 7:04 PM
Reply to Otamegane0988
@sodrainz Hello, I saw this and am now rewatching scenes with Ruri, but I cannot find where she said she is alive? I only found a scene in ep 2 where she said she works in the hotel because she likes cooking and gets paid.
@Otamegane0988 Background knowledge based on what the show is based on and the poor explanations the show has given us so far on real world/hotel separation. You cannot transfer items from the hotel to the real world so the "getting paid" part we can deduce is not in money. The payment for working at the hotel is pocket watches not money. And the amount of time the watches contain is used to go back in time. |
Feb 2, 9:48 AM
I do not like seeing cute girls who are victims being sent to Hell to be tortured for eternity. I did not like this episode. I thought this show was supposed to be more of a comedy. |
Feb 2, 12:39 PM
PrawnGuard said: I do not like seeing cute girls who are victims being sent to Hell to be tortured for eternity. I did not like this episode. I thought this show was supposed to be more of a comedy. The genres listed on its main page on MAL are "Fantasy" and "Mystery", not comedy. Sometimes different genres are listed for the same anime on different websites, but I haven't seen this listed as a comedy anywhere. |
Feb 2, 11:35 PM
Reply to vivi3107
this was an unexpectedly dark episode
dying because of a falling shelf was a little dumb but still better than falling on a pointed fence
dying because of a falling shelf was a little dumb but still better than falling on a pointed fence
@vivi3107 Not really; it's been explored before. In a Six Feet Under episode, "Grinding the Corn," a comic book guy dies from a shelf holding his collection. |
Feb 2, 11:53 PM
Reply to Ckea
Oh for f*cks sake! They really need to keep a closer eye on the killer, even better just lock him up already! Nagomu ending up in hell is so unfair, Kiyoe ended up killing herself after all!! The ending of this episode is really infuriating, instead of one of the girls returning to the living world and the other going to the after life, one ends up in hell and the other just disappears like that. That's way too cruel of a fate for these two girls... and all that, just so we can see how evil of a guy Osoto can be even without directly killing anyone. I hope that guy eventually rots in hell for this... just wish Nagomu didn't have too as well :(
@Ckea Yeah, that was messed up, but it makes me wonder if Neko goes back in time to save Atori from Osoto. Would that be enough to undo the damage, or are those girls still f'd? |
Feb 3, 4:10 AM
Reply to PrawnGuard
I do not like seeing cute girls who are victims being sent to Hell to be tortured for eternity. I did not like this episode. I thought this show was supposed to be more of a comedy.
@PrawnGuard Hello, if you plan to keep watching this - I played the mobile game before and please beware that though it has funny bits, it is still overall not a comedy. This episode is an anime original but still fits the game's tone. The previous episode showed topics like murder/violence and assault like with Osoto's background. |
Feb 4, 5:09 AM
Hello darkness my old friend... :3 |
Feb 4, 8:56 PM
Imagine manipulating a girl into hell just for kicks. That's cold. |
Feb 5, 5:11 AM
well, this one was interesting..... Did that bastard do it to see if hell would open? |
Mar 3, 11:49 PM
Mar 6, 12:12 AM
While Masaki lives within Tasokare Hotel for the time being, both Neko and Atori being presented to new guests of girls with a smartphone and a Kendo shield for a head respectively, both childhood friends of Nagomu Ariake and Kiyoe Jitsuryuji find themselves in an instant. Stlll, you can't discount Masaki on his killing spree, as much as the two girls suddenly bicker about their friendship that balances with responsibility, that has gone astray. Kiyoe clearly feeling frustrated at the situation, walks out against Nagomu (while she's being entertained by Masaki), and Neko offering her help to understand why certainly helps a bit. That is until a door opens to reveal the similarity of the situation between the two: bamboo swords and an equipment storage room that had both being killed in a freak accident. While Kiyoe demands responsibility with Neko to help smoothen things, Nagomu on the other hand, gets her salvation twisted by Masaki knowing the fact of Hell and by killing her friend to exchange for her life, which she honoured her word by committing suicide...and changes the trajectory of Tasokare Hotel being open to Hell. The first recorded death at the hotel, and its culprit (at least to Neko and the others) is shrouded in mystery. |
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