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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Jun 7, 2024 7:43 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, that fight between Hinata and Rimuru should've been over but it was further manipulated. Now Rimuru is fighting to protect him and her. Gotta admire Rimuru's determination to try and keep her alive.

From Hinata's perspective, we got a more insight look into her story, past, and overall character. Damn, she really did go through some shit. Thanks to Rimuru, she woke up. Tbh, his actions didn't surprise me at all.
Jun 7, 2024 7:43 AM

Dec 2021
With Hinata down, it's time to confront the true villains: the Seven Days Clergy.

Jeez, these Seven Days dudes have such huge egos, going on about "Are you sure you wanna start a fight?" Like, do you know who you're up against? You're facing a demon lord, hello?? Absolute dumbasses. And both sides had fools like this, it seems. Diablo made quick work of them, as usual, lol. Anyway, I'm glad we finally got some Hinata backstory—it was well overdue, tbh. Though kinda disappointed how they handled it. Would hope they would expand on it in the future.

Another thing long overdue was Luminous absolutely destroying those Seven Days Clergy guys. You know it's going to be a good day when you see the Seven Days Clergy get wrecked not once, but twice. Thankfully, Hinata's flunky quickly took care of the last one, although there's still that old dude and that weird girl left, and we know who'll defeat them. And to think that Luminous hated Veldora THAT much... xD

With a new relationship now established, Volume 7 finally comes to a close.

Jun 7, 2024 7:44 AM

May 2020
Typical bad guys doing the typical bad guy thing in the end, I mean they are a bunch of seven clowns, not luminaries. Though if anything, at the very least this misunderstanding skit that we were playing since the last few episodes, is finally over. Sure that means the tension in itself between the parties will be barely relevant, but that’s fine enough to sit through than watching some people getting misunderstood every next minute.

Oh yeah, Diablo’s bit was damn satisfying to see. By the way, Luminus somehow appearing and stopping this all was always a possibility, so nothing to get surprised over, and neither was her resurrecting Hinata, who actually had one of the bizarre experiences of getting isekai-ed lol. Thought we’d see a proper backstory of her, spanning over at least an episode, but they did it within 2 minutes lol… followed by a joke which was very unlike of her character. Anyway, felt like stakes just went up, but now suddenly we're back to the happy-go-lucky mood.
Jun 7, 2024 8:28 AM

May 2020
Another amazing episode of slime this week
nice to have all the misunderstandings cleared

Jun 7, 2024 8:37 AM

Jul 2017
Seven Days Clergy sucked so badly as antagonists but in a way, it's not the first time with the franchise that their antagonists are very boring, cliche bad guys that just have absolutely no threat to them whatsoever to make things borderline interesting. It's over at least and misunderstandings are clear, the ED showing them together in Tempest and bathing/eating about with an episode next week I assume that's meeting-based to reconcile and get Hinata/Luminus and the Holy Knights and Rimuru's group officially on the same page. The one thing I did at least like from this was learning a bit more about how Hinata got to this new world and a bit more about her background back as a high school student in Japan and the troubled family life she was experiencing then and wanting to change that. Again, not a fan of how some skills were acquired like with Rimuru at the start of the franchise but hey, at least her attitude correlates well with the life and morals she has carried after with what she went through before.

I thought about one episode of the four of the non-action ones after episode 6 were fine (being episode 7), the rest just lacked tension whatsoever whether it was the stuff with Diablo and Shion being way too OP and strong for any threat to matter and then this episode. Even the conflicts directly with Rimuru and Hinata and the stuff from before didn't really matter much at all, given the Clergy got exposed pretty fast for their involvement in all this, and everything's now a happy-go-lucky utopia again with them taken care of. Hopefully what's next to come can be more interesting in the long run but given the history with the show (especially after season 2), won't be holding my breath.
Jun 7, 2024 8:38 AM

Feb 2021
So Shion is even move OP than Rimuru in a way, damn.
Gotta say though, the magic in Tensura is some of the most badass-looking magic I've seen in anime.
As I understand, Hinata killed her dad, right?
Interesting that the skills Hinata learned are called "Usurper" and "Mathematician", and that's what's written in Japanese on the screen, but what Great Sage (?) actually says is "The one that goes beyond" and "The unchanging one"
Glad to see everything end well. Must be super awkward for regular Holy Knights who were just following orders from above though lol.
Jun 7, 2024 8:57 AM

Feb 2011
Mariabell is a totally shit garbage character used very poorly to drive the plot, I honestly hate that entire section of the anime.

Nice to see the 7 saints or whatever finally get killed off.

Back to round table discussions I guess, we got spoiled with a grand total of 8 minutes of action across 2 episodes.. woo hoo.

Jun 7, 2024 9:09 AM

May 2022
opened with a follow-up scene that will make you quite satisfied in this episode, and finally paid off with a pretty evocative ending. However, among all that, it seems that there will be another bad plan that will befall Rimuru and Tempest in the future, will there be another war for Rumuru and his people?
Enough to look forward to being animated here.
btw, I'm waiting for the dungeon in Tempest to be opened.

Jun 7, 2024 9:13 AM
Mar 2020
Are we back to the "meetings and chats" for next 5-7 episodes after this one? Sheesh, there could be more fights...
Jun 7, 2024 9:27 AM
Jul 2023
Plot failed , plan succeeded, and the day was saved.

Super nice ED visual, a treat indeed. Rimuru caught lacking
Jun 7, 2024 9:29 AM
May 2021
Peak shit, peak LN Rimuru is the goat frs. love the world building.
Jun 7, 2024 9:47 AM

Feb 2019
Oh boy I love it when a traitor’s plan goes horribly wrong.

The seven day clergy just knew they had everything figured out with betraying Hinata, inciting a war and ultimately taking out Rimuru.. too bad for them Rimuru has a masterful tactician like Diablo on his side 😂 Diablo literally packed these mfs up. One of the most brutal, yet satisfying deaths I’ve seen recently.

My boy cooked up so hard in this arc. Bullying nobles, forcing regime changes and saving Rimuru at the end. He’s so OP strength wise, but his intellect is probably the scariest thing about Diablo.

For a group of people who supposedly are “religious”, the clergy sure don’t seem to care about what their actual god wants. Luminous gave them a fitting end.

Got to see a little bit of Hinata backstory and shed some light on the attachment she feels for Shizue. Coming from a broken home, watching your parents’ marriage fall apart and then getting summoned to a world where you know no one.. no shock she latched onto the first kind face she saw.

With tempest now accepted by the western provinces and Rimuru and Luminous on good terms, can’t wait to see the next part of the story animated. Lot of fun stuff coming up.
Marinate1016Jun 7, 2024 10:37 AM
Jun 7, 2024 9:48 AM

May 2015
Hinata's story was amazing. I hope this episode will make shut up all the haters.
Jun 7, 2024 9:50 AM

Mar 2011
The episode ended far too quickly!

Can't love this series enough.
Jun 7, 2024 9:54 AM

Nov 2023
Good showcase of powers!

Diablo is one of my fav character, and glad to see him showing off.

They deserved it for sure.

Also, we get to see Hinata's past abit.

Overall, a good episode with good animation.
I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

If you stay forever, let me hold your hand
I can fill those places in your heart no else can
Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah
I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim
Jun 7, 2024 9:57 AM

Sep 2014
Best episode so far, more happened in this one episode than in the rest of the season combined.

I have been wondering if Luminus knew what the 7 shady dudes have been up to, apparently not, or rather yes but she did not approve.

I thought they were powerless after Hinata usurped them though?

Diablo took care of his 3 more efficiently than Rimuru did, how strong is he actually?

Angels mentioned again, it seems that really will be the enemy it all builds up to.

Rare L for Rimuru after Hinata called him out, even after he asspulled his skill back because of course he does.

Back to the meetings I guess?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 7, 2024 10:19 AM

Feb 2014
In the usual fashion, I always find it satisfying when the main villains of an arc get their just desserts. In this case, all seven of the clergy met their end in brutal fashion. The first three were killed off by Diablo, which was another showcase as to how ridiculously powerful he is. The next three were dealt with by Luminus herself and the last remaining clergy killed off by the guy who follows Hinata closely, whose name I've forgot. ^^;

Hinata waking up and seeing Rimuru "staring" at her led to a cute and funny scene between the two. Same goes for Luminus giving Veldora a savage beating in comedic fashion, too. The ED had a nice picture montage of everyone relaxing in the hot springs and eating food, which was very nice to see.

Overall, this episode was very good at how it wrapped up most things in this arc, along with some nice visual animation and effects.
Jun 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Oct 2017
The seven whatever treated like the small fry they were. Raphael really be doing whatever she wants. Great to see Luminous again. She even healed Hinata. Got a short backstory for her which was messed up ofc. Also Hinata got a thing for Rimuru now? Shion still best girl but I've come to like Hinata a lot so certainly won't mind. The blushing was cute. Diablo also took care of things smoothly on his end. Luminous x Veldora interactions were hilarious. Liked the short hotspring and all of them just chilling as well but would have liked it if they gave it a bit more screentime than just make it a short scene.
Jun 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Jan 2018
Loved the fact half of the Seven Days were killed by Diablo and the other half by their own god. Those assholes were getting pretty annoying so it was very cool that this finally happened.

We saw more of Hinata's past in this episode. She was just a high school student when she got isekai'd?! I forgot about that. Crazy how she adapted immediately after being isekai'd. Perks of coming from a broken household I guess...

Shame that Veldora didn't get much action tho. Tho it was kinda obvious that he wouldn't. Unless the spat with Luminus counts?

Anyway, I guess this is the end of this arc. It ended pretty well I think and the fanservice ED was nice. Wonder what's next.
Jun 7, 2024 10:31 AM

Apr 2021
I guess that guy towards the end finally realised that the message from Rimuru was manipulated. Was this the first time something like this ever happened or what?
Also, instead of just stating the fact that the misunderstanding was cleared up, I would have loved to see this conversation with Hinata. This was an pretty important plot point.

But I guess the bit with Veldora and Luminus at the end was more important. This is so underwhelming right now, it makes me quite sad to see how this series progresses and where it puts his priorities.
Jun 7, 2024 11:00 AM

Jan 2024
Hot spring outro, lol. Nice one. Enjoyed the episode a lot. Diablo is so cool, holy moly. What a brutal skill that was. Rip 7 bedsheets
Jun 7, 2024 11:03 AM

Jun 2015
Lady Valentine sure made quite the entrance to deal with her wayward charges. Diablo's way of dealing with the sages that he faced really was like dealing with trash the correct way. The insight into Hinata's past though was real insightful. Hell of a way for Shizu to meet her though. In the end the seven morons got what they deserved. Looks like in the background are plenty more players that are moving into position. Embrace drain sure was a perfect spell for torturing annoying lizards lol. Loved how they used the ending visuals to showcase how both sides chilled after dealing with their differences.
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Jun 7, 2024 11:13 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to iDre4M
Are we back to the "meetings and chats" for next 5-7 episodes after this one? Sheesh, there could be more fights...
@iDre4M just chat like the first season. Meeting like this just happened when they're planning a war especially a future war.
Jun 7, 2024 11:15 AM
Oct 2020
I liked better how the manga handled a few things from this episode, like Diablo's Despair Time, Luminus' Death Blessing and the whole Veldora-Luminus interaction, which also served to explain Uriel skill.

I think using the ED to summarize the aftermath was a smart move, though. That whole sequence is very repetitive in my opinion, which is something this anime doesn't need right now. And there's still more scenes to cover, which I imagine will be covered on first part of next episode.
Jun 7, 2024 11:27 AM
Jan 2018
nice episode today
Jun 7, 2024 11:29 AM
Apr 2023
Hinata murdered her father? The hell??
Jun 7, 2024 11:46 AM

May 2021
tbh i love tensura but... 10 eps in, this season has been really disappointing. i love daikenja but not when they're having a long ass convo (diablo did it too but he killed them in a cool way after) during the fight (world building dweebs boutta attack me). also, i think it's not just me who noticed the slight drop in animation quality, perhaps an after effect of 8bit taking up too many projects in a relatively short time. overall was an okay ep, need to kill that creepy mariabell and her grandpa.
at least he's real

Jun 7, 2024 12:09 PM
Jun 2023
Don't forget to backup! Haha :D
Love this episode, but it was too short. Never can get enough of Tensura.
Jun 7, 2024 12:20 PM
Aug 2023
From next episode the anime called "that time i got reincarnated as a Ceo" will restart
Jun 7, 2024 12:26 PM

Dec 2018
This season went from a drag to really good, but I still have to dock it for being so damn boring for half of it. I like that those dang priests got their comeuppance but it doesn't seem like it's over just yet. Also the champion being the succesor is nice, everything for now fell into place. I wonder how further negotiations will go.
Jun 7, 2024 12:50 PM
Sep 2017
watching the seven day clergy disappear was fun XD
Jun 7, 2024 1:06 PM

Aug 2019
misunderstanding finally fixed and the sevendays are gone.

luminous is nice looking :3

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Jun 7, 2024 2:49 PM

Dec 2018
Who woulda thought, the seven brain cells fucked around and found out, they had some flashy attacks that looked really cool but they can’t really compare to Raphael who can just give Rimuru a move to live whatever attack they threw at him, and not only that, he also got Beelzebub back lmao, of course. I will say tho, despite the amount of fuckery caused by the seven snuggies, I did feel a bit bad for each of them when they met their demise, being crushed by Diablo was already pretty brutal, but then the three that took on Rimuru got executed by their own god, being Luminous, that’s several layers of damage lol, and the last guy done in by Hinata’s simp had a rough end too but his wasn’t as extreme.

Good riddance tho, they’re the reason this arc went down the way it did, you could argue it made things more interesting since they would have been around a table the whole season if it weren’t for them, but we still probably could have gotten through this faster without the fuckery lol. And the last moments of the episode were probably the best part, I liked seeing some backstory for Hinata, and seeing Luminous’ first interaction with Veldora was pretty funny, and the final slideshow looked like a good time with some nice bath fanservice in there as the ED played, man why couldn’t this be an episode instead of a slideshow lol.

And with that I think it’s safe to say this arc is done, I know we have two more episodes on the cour but the main conflict is solved, and boy am I glad it’s over, it had enjoyable moments but it’s by far my least favorite arc of the series so far, and I don’t think it’s entirely the fault of the adaptation either but it certainly played a big role in my feelings about it. I heard there’s a lot more talking episodes to come, I just hope it’s at least more interesting because I kinda doubt they’ll start showing instead of telling.
TheColonel76Jun 7, 2024 3:04 PM
Jun 7, 2024 2:57 PM

Jun 2015
peak Tensura is back

Luminous in the onsen was hot
Jun 7, 2024 3:01 PM

Apr 2023
All this build up for basically nothing. Sure was a great use of time with all those meetings that ultimately lead to nothing.
Jun 7, 2024 3:31 PM

Dec 2013
When the cooking so bad but the heart and passion for the craft is so good that you then proceed to manipulate the fabric of existence itself. The 7 dudes got all obliterated without a single piece of dust left behind. Now that everything got fixed without misunderstandings the only loser from the arc was my poor boy Veldora.

Althought we have left that conversation with Raphael, what is that cunning girl plotting.
Jun 7, 2024 3:51 PM
Jul 2023
Next: Reconciliation

I guess they spent their budget on like 2.5 fight episodes of questionable quality compared to earlier seasons and now we're going back to the meeting table
Jun 7, 2024 3:52 PM

May 2015
8 episodes of yapping around tables all leading up to one comically bad conclusion. I was never a huge fan of this series but it was at least enjoyable, now it's just plain dumb
Jun 7, 2024 4:42 PM
Oct 2016
All's well that ends well! Rimuru now opening up a fresh line of communication with Luminus. This whole debacle with the Seven Days manipulating everything from behind the scenes is over with. They massively overplayed their hand going after Rimuru not realizing how powerful he actually is. Trying to send Hinata and Rimuru on a collision course backfired terribly for the Seven Days. Their arrogance paired with Luminus herself showing up completely toppled any plan they might've had. Rimuru is very lucky to have so many loyal strong subordinates at his side. Of which many could be demon lords in their own rights but have chosen to serve him instead. Shion ability to force any outcome really came in handy breaking the magic circle those three goons tried to implement. Luminus executing them personally was a great highlight, and her playful attitude towards Veldora spilling the beans about her in front of everyone made me laugh a ton. Diablo handled his own business with three more of the Seven Days, making sure those reporters were safe so that they spread the truth far and wide about who's really been behind all this. Forcing the king to make Youm the king, which was part of Rimuru plan for Falmuth, worked out perfectly in front of everyone there. Looks like this threat has been dealt with and new negotiations may begin.
Jun 7, 2024 4:43 PM
Oct 2016
Reply to sodrainz
Next: Reconciliation

I guess they spent their budget on like 2.5 fight episodes of questionable quality compared to earlier seasons and now we're going back to the meeting table
@sodrainz Its not about budget. They're adapting the novels. This is the story from the novels. Deal with it or stop watching
Jun 7, 2024 4:43 PM
Oct 2016
Reply to billybub
8 episodes of yapping around tables all leading up to one comically bad conclusion. I was never a huge fan of this series but it was at least enjoyable, now it's just plain dumb
@billybub But you're still watching it huh?? If you dont like it then stop. But you won't right? Cause you want to complain each week.
Jun 7, 2024 5:15 PM

Sep 2007
A pity the aftermatch was condensed into the ed.
Jun 7, 2024 5:37 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to ember_moth
Hinata murdered her father? The hell??
ember_moth said:
Hinata murdered her father? The hell??

Hinata's father had debt from gambling and by killing him they could get insurance money to pay off the debt.
In the WN she also thought about killing her mother too because she became a religious fanatic but was isekaid before she could do it.
YaggamyJun 7, 2024 5:46 PM
Jun 7, 2024 5:44 PM

Apr 2019
This episode blessed us with Luminous sama eating tempura and going on the onsen. Diablo took out the Luminaries like they were nothing lol, Hinata's backstory was wild, she pushed her drunk gambling father off a cliff, her mental state was really bad at that point, no wonder she obtained those special skills, i guess meeting Shizu also saved her. atleast mentally before breaking down even further. Veldora getting destroyed by Luminous must've been a sight to see if it took them half a day till sundown. Atleast all the misunderstandings have been cleared, now onto meetings with Lubelius and Tempest.

Todays episode was truly God's blessing on this wonderful world!
JorovieJun 7, 2024 5:51 PM
Jun 7, 2024 5:54 PM

Mar 2020
Wow, for all that build up, that was quite a disappointing way to end off this conflict between Rimuru and the Seven Days Clergy, who were so lame. Even simpler fights against monsters and creatures were more entertaining than whatever that was. Sure, it was satisfying to see them get utterly destroyed, but when Shion, Rimuru, and Diablo are all so OP, the stakes are so low. Even the Hinata backstory was kind of lame, but at least we knew enough about her character before this so it didn't feel like too much more of a cop-out on characterization. Maribel just seems like a plot device to keep things moving, and now I imagine we'll be back to the meetings. Overall, Episodes 7 through 10 had its strong points, especially 7 and 8, but this could have been better. The animation honestly wasn't all that great either, which makes things worse.

As far as the season so far goes, it hasn't been the best start, with all the yapping, and now a disappointing conclusion to a conflict. Hopefully, there are enough significant plot points ahead to keep things interesting.
Jun 7, 2024 6:25 PM
Aug 2019
Meh … immediately reversing the supposed consequences from the end of last episode is kind of stupid.

I wanted more serious discussion between the two sides in this episode with actual reconciliation. Not a slideshow. Idk, I guess I’ve seen this kind of setup before, so I understand using the slide show. But shouldn’t there have been a more tense discussion before this?
Jun 7, 2024 7:12 PM

Aug 2015
God's a hot goth mommy? Now that's a religion I can get behind
Jun 7, 2024 7:53 PM
Mar 2015
The clerics were disposed of by the God and a demon
Jun 7, 2024 8:04 PM
Apr 2024
Well, that was an expectedly disappointing payoff. The Seven Days Clergy are somehow incredibly cunning to manipulate everyone, but also incredibly dumb to challenge a demon lord...

Genuine question, and LN readers like @Yaggamy can answer this one: what was the Seven Days Clery's plan here exactly? They know he's a demon lord right? Why are they cowering and begging for mercy with Luminous (i.e. they know she can one-shot them), while confidently attacking and saying "owari da! / bakana" to Rimuru?
Like, aren't these guys supposed to be more wise? Maybe they were in the LN, but the anime sure did a terrible job showing that.

Hinata backstory was cool. Diablo being badass as always. In terms of the overall season, this payoff was not worth the 6 episode setup whatsoever; let's hope the next episodes are more interesting.
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Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
Jun 7, 2024 8:51 PM
Apr 2023
Now that the fights are done, I bet the next episode will be back to meetings again (especially as how the episode title suggests)
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