I've been watching anime since I was a kid with Outlaw Star probably being my favorite, I'm in my 30s now and am still a big fan of most genres. I've seen a few hundred different anime (literally hundreds) I'm (still) just too lazy to spend the time finding everything on here yet.
The reviewing standards on this site are just awful. Long winded reviews with an unnecessary length are hard to take seriously, and more often then not the best reviews are much shorter then Mal's "minimum". It's honestly hard to take any of these seriously when most are needlessly longer then critically acclaimed professional movie reviews.
There's literally no reason to be so defensive about shows/movies, it's totally fine to like trash/objectively bad content. You have no personal stakes involved with any form of media unless you were personally involved with the production process or writing etc. I openly like some trash series' just because they're funny, but im not about to defend them if someone talks bad about it. You don't see nearly as many fans get so defensive about other forms of media as you do angry anime/manga stans and it's just cringe worthy. I am hands down a total weeb given the ridiculous amounts of anime ive absorbed in 30+ years, but I don't worship something just because it exists. It's fine to like something even if it sucks, just don't act like it matters when ppl call it out for being what it is.
I have ZERO interest in responding to anyone under 21, and little interest in anyone under 27. I don't really want to have a conversation and I'm not going to add anyone as "friends". I may participate in forums on occasion, but I'm only interested if it's either to talk about something genuinely being good or bad.
I'm not that nice, and if you don't like it I couldn't care less.
Publishing manga
Last completed manga
10- doesn't exist, perfection is impossible.
9- Basically as close to perfection as it gets.
8- really good story+writing but still not amazing
7- pretty good but tropey or overdone/bit of cringe.
6-Just ok, not that good not exactly bad just passable.
5- meh probably poorly made or just poorly written/generic content.
4- bad but not "trash" tier.
3- worse but not disgusting/as cringy.
2- Cringy, Disgusting, offensive, or just plain garbage writing.
1- why does this even exist? something so objectively bad that watching was frustrating.
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