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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Apr 21, 2024 1:29 AM

Dec 2021
It's time for the traditional Sun Festival.

As usual, Kumiko and Reina head to the music room for morning practice, only to find Suzume, a tuba player, and Sari, a clarinet player, already there. Sari, despite being experienced and skilled in playing, joins the morning practice so as not to hold back her seniors. However, Kumiko becomes concerned as it seems Reina has some discomfort around Sari. As they prepare for the upcoming performance at the Sun Festival, Reina's guidance becomes increasingly strict.

If you've been following Tsubame since her first year, it's not crazy to consider it might be yuri, lol. It's hard to have everyone be present. Regardless, the number of people able to audition will be limited... Which I mean, ok, I guess, There's a clear divide between beginners and experienced players in terms of whether they're playing euphonium instruments for enjoyment or aiming for competition victories, every season at this point tackles this so no surprise there.

Kumiko may have idealistic thoughts, but this time she's taking action to solve Sari's problem and make her dreams a reality. It's a story that makes you feel like Kumiko was meant to become the club president.

Apr 21, 2024 1:28 AM

May 2020
Oh well, here’s a problem with a band where ninety nine percent of its members are girls… the moment you get harsh and strict with your teachings, they’ll start sobbing lol. I would not really blame Reina, I mean we’ve seen her since their first year, how she’s so meticulous and demands perfection.. out of everyone. So yeah, to fit within this bunch, in the current hierarchy, you don’t just have to be good, you’ll have to give your best as well.

Will not be surprised if some of the first years ended up leaving, because of Reina lol. One of them already looks uber depressed, to the point where she almost went bed-ridden lol. Though that was a bit… eh, roundabout way of saying I do want to go nationals, but I can’t with the “putting 101% of effort”. Still they’d learn and get used to it, maybe… MAYBE xD

Very hibike-esque drama, but okay, Kumiko convinced her and learnt something out of it, so, fine I guess lol.
Apr 21, 2024 1:45 AM

Nov 2010
I agree with the stance of Chloe. If all the opinions can't be integrated into one, it's rather logical to choose separate ways.
Apr 21, 2024 4:19 AM
Mar 2021
man these girls crying already under Reina's band rules? it's gonna be a long year for some of these girls
Apr 21, 2024 4:26 AM

Jul 2017
I've been very critical about the drama in this series, since some of the stuff in season 1 and the entirety of season 2's drama was incredibly forced, dragged out for multiple episodes and spoiled what seemed like an appealing watch as a whole. I knew some stuff would come after the first couple episodes of this season was on the lighter side but I have to say, this was a fairly solid episode. Would have liked to see more shots of the first years feeling disconnected from this situation but I am glad that this was pretty much a focus on one episode it seems than letting it drag on for three to four episodes like what I would have expected before, which would frustrate me a lot. The problems were still somewhat clear with Reina's intense training regimen and perfectionist attitude to have everyone improve to be worthy of winning Nationals, which has been quite taxing on the beginners and first years of the club. Sally has been doing her best to keep them together in the club and practice to get better but even she's feeling the weight of expectations on achieving super high standards and it has been causing potential issues bubbling with first years mass quitting regardless. The first years are whining about it but given that they are still fairly new to this, it can be stressful adapting to such a demanding new environment that went beyond their expectations when joining the club in the first place.

It was nice seeing Kumiko mature and grow to listen to Sally's problems in an environment with only the two of them, speaking in a way that allows Sally to be honest and comfortable around her and provide advice that worked for her that seemed reasonable without any condescending attitude because the target of the first years' frustrations has been being unable to keep up with Reina's high and justified expectations and training drills, even for beginners. It shows how Kumiko has grown enough to be worthy of the president position for the club and how much she has grown to care for it compared to how the series started in the first place. The others before her in the past would have let problems bubble and grow for too long before it became massive detriments to the club's operations, but Kumiko managed to learn from that and tackle the situation on time with direct communication before it got out of hand which is progress. It's better than just seeing members of the club have issues with each other constantly by just entering and leaving without nothing happening for multiple episodes like the stuff with Asuka, or Mizore/Asuka/Nozomi, or Reina originally being looked down upon for taking the solo trumpet spot in the first auditions in season 1 by Yuuko with accusations to support her beloved senpai.

Still wish the drama was better in earlier seasons and the second year content wasn't thrown to the wolves to be sacrificed with how badly rushed that was, but this season's had a bit of a promising start. Still too early to know if the drama and story elements for the rest of the season will be like this one, or how it used to be in the first couple seasons which I disliked.
Apr 21, 2024 4:29 AM

Apr 2010
Looks like to club might be pushing it a bit to much for the new members but at least they are trying to learn from their mistakes.
Hopefully they won't lose any members and if they do it won't be to much.
But i guess we have to wait and see.
Reina is pretty strict tho so Kumiko needs to be a bit more relaxed with the new students.
Apr 21, 2024 4:34 AM

Mar 2023
So Reina is going to music college. Though Kumiko will probably do something else based on the vibe of the scene.

Some official art on the girls as their respective animal
Apr 21, 2024 5:05 AM

Jul 2012
The 1st drama went really quickly, Oumae consultation room is open yet again.
Like the 1st years and Suzume teasing Kumiko about Shuichi ...
Apr 21, 2024 5:10 AM

Mar 2021
The first years are already struggling under Reina's training but they seen determined to do their best. I always like how Kumiko is always ready to listen to the problems of others and find a way for everyone to feel important in the club.
Apr 21, 2024 5:56 AM
Sep 2020
Very beautiful episode where Kumiko resolve some problem with the 1'st year.
Apr 21, 2024 6:20 AM

Aug 2020
not easy to manage new members

it was a good episode.

she did her best and it worked...
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Apr 21, 2024 6:45 AM

Jul 2011
Was basically the whole deal of Kumiko and Reina when they were bandmates in middle school, and 1st season. But now is them running the show.
Apr 21, 2024 7:16 AM
Apr 2021
This is a good episode. I like the way Kumiko solve a problem as club president.
Kumiko's complex occurs again in this episode😅
I didn't expect Mayu to say so bluntly in this episode as a new student, but she looks mature and onee-san type, kawaii...

I love the visual lighting in this season. More cinematic than before.
I can't wait for new episode every week. Watashi Kininarimasu👀
Apr 21, 2024 7:25 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Sweet episode, hyped for the next one!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Apr 21, 2024 7:47 AM
Sep 2016
Kumiko-buchou to the rescue!!!!

History repeats itself I see.... This time it was actually bc the band was ambitious and overzealous instead. One step wrong and Sally would become the next Aoi.

I already see Ririka becoming the next buchou, and Suzume the year after (maybe with Sally as the drum major).

Mayu, as a vet, saying sth like that.... she def has some history right there in her prev band.....

Kumiko apparently maxed out her CHA stat, she's pretty much a max level bard at this pt. I swear, at this pt, by the end of the series Kita-uji Suisou-gakubu will establish a Kumiko Sect.
uncleqrowApr 21, 2024 7:52 AM
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Apr 21, 2024 8:00 AM
Sep 2016
Reply to watsym
So Reina is going to music college. Though Kumiko will probably do something else based on the vibe of the scene.

Some official art on the girls as their respective animal
@watsym Neko-Kanade!!!! I never knew I'd need this in my life!

Shirahebi Reina... so fitting... Well, not really. Personality-wise shirahebi in ayakashi stories tend to be witful, sly, and calculating. But Reina is always straight forward instead. Appearance-wise however, shirahebi Reina is so fitting.

Kurage Mayu.... I don't know abt that. Mayu seems to go with the flow everytime, but there's def more history to her. But then again, jellyfish, esp. Portuguese Man-o-War, do sting... HARD.... so, fitting I guess?
uncleqrowApr 21, 2024 8:05 AM
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Apr 21, 2024 8:14 AM
Mar 2018
What a tense episode! For about half of it, I thought something really bad might happen; I'm glad that wasn't the case!

I love that the conflict wasn't Manichean, I totally get where the first years were coming from, and I also understand why Reina was pushing everyone to do better. The resolution was really sweet and showed, yet again, just how much Kumiko has grown, and how well-suited she is to the responsibility of being the club president.

I can't wait to see what each senior is going to choose as their future path. Music school makes sense for Reina, but I have no clue for the others.
Apr 21, 2024 8:20 AM
Jun 2023
Apr 21, 2024 10:05 AM
Mar 2020
I love the way KyoAni can put together a satisfying and logical dramatic arc for an episode that also sets up more and more dramatic tension for the season's arc. This episode is putting in some serious work in laying foundations for future conflict while also setting up and handling another in nice, compact form.

I wonder what animal Midori would attach to me...
Apr 21, 2024 10:43 AM

May 2019
Kumiko received an emotional damage just from the line "my shirt is a bit too small" from Mayu lol. I really like the Taki sensei's line about being an adult or child really depends on the environment. The band club problem slowly seep in and it shows in this episode. If they want to win the gold then everyone must practice even harder but not everyone could do it. So from the outsider's perspective like Mayu, allowing those juniors to quitting the club will make the club's weigh easier and won't cause much problem for the competition. Kumiko grows a lot from a bystander to a president that try to bring everyone's wishes on her shoulder. Kumiko is kind, perceptive and most importantly a great listener, that's why she always the best girl. I could see a ship potential from Suzume and Sally.

Apr 21, 2024 10:48 AM

Mar 2020
Stressful practices lead to discord, but Kumiko is there to resolve the stress...

One of the reasons why I found Season 2 slightly inferior to Season 1 was that drama got a bit much at times, but with Kumiko needing to solve the problems this time around, I am finding it more compelling since it revolves around the main characters and a direct result of their actions. There are multiple characters that I'm really interested in, notably Mayu, Reina, and Sari.

The interesting thing that makes this whole situation with the first-years is that I don't think Reina's heavy-handed approach is wrong, nor do I blame the first years for taking issue with Reina's methods. The third-years undoubtedly want to win gold at the Kansai competition, so one way to look to improve is to weed out the people who are holding the band back. The drawback of that is that it may decrease the morale of the band, and that's where Kumiko comes in. I am a bit worried that Kumiko is trying to shoulder all the responsibility here, but her method of helping the first-years certainly resonated with Sari. As for Mayu, I feel she remains a sleeping giant, as we still haven't seen the extent of her skills yet. It's still early, but this is overall a great start to the season!

Apr 21, 2024 11:28 AM

Nov 2023
Hmm another good episode from kyoani.
I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

If you stay forever, let me hold your hand
I can fill those places in your heart no else can
Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah
I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim
Apr 21, 2024 11:49 AM

Aug 2020
Taking Reina's mindset in consideration, some instability was expected. She has the best intentions, but not everybody will have the endurance at first. Hopefully, Sari didn't leave the club, and nor did Suzume. Kumiko acted as a president has to, and in the most needed time. Gaining the trust of your allies is the basics of leadership, and now things are working for the better. This episode showed a little more of Mayu's mindset towards the club... That was unexpected.

Apr 21, 2024 1:10 PM

Feb 2014
Poor Kumiko had to deal with a critical hit after seeing Mayu's shirt being "too small" for her. You're perfect the way you are, Kumiko! ^_^

Putting that funny moment aside, this episode was very tense. Reina didn't do anything wrong as she did her best in getting everyone's skills up to scratch with the Sun Festival fast approaching, but with how intense the practice has been, it did overwhelm some of the first year band members. Mayu did voice out her own personal opinion about the situation and, depending on how you view this problem yourself, her words can either be well thought out or something that would make matters worse. It can go either way, honestly.

Thankfully, Kumiko really stepped up to this issue and dealt with it in such a calm and professional matter that makes me like her even more than ever. The whole scene of her listening out to Sari's concerns and worries before her words of kindness. The visuals as Kumiko made her promise of being there to help Sari and the other first years while saying that everyone is aiming towards the same goal was incredibly pretty.

This was another great episode with how it has handled the tension and uncertainty so far. I look forward to seeing how the group will perform at the Sun Festival, where I hope they'll do a great job.
Apr 21, 2024 1:17 PM

May 2015
What a good episode, plus Ririka got some screen time. That's always a bonus.
Apr 21, 2024 2:18 PM

Aug 2022
The fact the first years thought Kumiko and Reina were dating is funny, I mean they do come off that way. But their just close friends. I do really hope we get some more development between Kumiko and Shuuichi though
Apr 21, 2024 3:00 PM
ザクシャ イン ラブ

Aug 2016
Wow, another wonderful episode from Kyoto Animation. Beautifully done to present the tight relationships among the first years and how they are adjusting, or rather struggling to adjust to the club's strict guidance under Reina. While the experienced players are appreciative and respectful of Reina's efforts to improve the club's performance, several people felt that the beginners, who were likely not playing in the competition, also had it too hard. Kumiko's hearing of a potential mass resignation event from the first years immediately brought her flashbacks of what her upperclassmen went through, specifically with the Nozomi, Mizore, Yuuko, Natsuki year. It's ironic how the reasons for resigning are completely flipped as in the past, Nozomi called for others to resign because of the lack of effort in practice by their upperclassmen, while now the first years may resign because the club is too strict and putting in too much work on the beginners.

The two characters I'd like to highlight in this episode are the first years, Sari and Suzume, both of whom received amazing development. In fact, Suzume is already my favorite first year. For Sari, an experienced clarinet player who roped some friends into joining the wind ensemble, she feels responsible for the strict treatment that they are going through as the club is ramping up for SunFes. She is conflicted with Reina's guidance as a player who wants to get better and improve, but also empathizes with her beginner friends who do not look like they are having fun, after seeing them get called out for not improving in practice. These two viewpoints divide up the first years who were potentially going to mass resign at the rate in which the club was going at. It is through Sari's efforts in keeping them together so far that they remain within the club.

Suzume, who we've already seen in the previous episode being overly thoughtful towards her sister, acts just the same towards her friends. Massive love to Suzume, who has the EQ to realize Sari, along with the first years as a whole were in trouble, and that Sari would be able to open up to Kumiko in working towards a resolution. Suzume essentially engineered Kumiko's one on one talk with Sari to begin the resolution, while also being there to support Sari as a friend the entire time.

It's also a nice touch to see Hazuki, who has been in charge of the first years, have her name appear on the wish prayer in the shrine, with the names reading from left to right Hazuki, Ririka, Suzume, Kaho, and Yayoi, with wish/prayer being "Gold at nationals, together."

Finally, I want to point out Kumiko stating 「だって、目指している場合は同じだから。」"I mean, we're all aiming for the same goal." This is yet another iconic line/moment for me, which really solidifies her as the president and face of the ensemble, in her guidance of Sari, and yet again showcasing her conflict resolving skills.

YuukiTheFlashApr 21, 2024 3:07 PM
Apr 21, 2024 4:08 PM
Nov 2023
i dont know why is so underrated
Apr 21, 2024 4:33 PM
Mar 2015
kumiko has to head off a revolt over Reina 's hard work
Apr 21, 2024 4:41 PM

Nov 2021
The animation during the scene where Kumiko and Sally are talking is just breathtakingly gorgeous..
Apr 21, 2024 4:47 PM
Jan 2024
I think the first 2 seasons of the anime were much better. Of course, we have only watched 3 episodes from the 3rd season, but I think we all miss Asuka-senpai. The bond between Asuka and Kumiko is sorely missed, but unfortunately I don't think that applies to Kumiko and Kanade. Sally seems like a good kouhai. But Reina pushes everyone a little harder. She's our usual disciplined Reina. 😅
Apr 21, 2024 6:19 PM
Dec 2021
At this point I honestly see Kumiko going the music teacher route
Apr 21, 2024 7:32 PM
Mar 2019
It's nice to see Kumiko getting comfortable with her mentor role. Now, let's see how she executes it further.
Apr 22, 2024 12:28 AM
Jul 2023
Reply to Mikasa2803
i dont know why is so underrated
@Mikasa2803 It is the highest ranking show of the whole season, wouldn't call that underrated.
Apr 22, 2024 1:15 AM
Oct 2016
Every single episode that has come out I've said out loud "We are so back", and by fucking god, third time's the charm, I can for sure say that this is peak Hibike. The tiny details that amplify the characters inner thoughts, the slight shifts in lightning, the angling of the camera angles, the attention to detail put into every single smear frame, even if they appear for a fraction of a second. It's amazing, outstanding. It's incredible to finally see Kumiko grow up in so many different ways.
Apr 22, 2024 1:58 AM

Nov 2009
Reply to Phantom_Siren652
The fact the first years thought Kumiko and Reina were dating is funny, I mean they do come off that way. But their just close friends. I do really hope we get some more development between Kumiko and Shuuichi though

Eh....they were talking about Kumiko and Shuuichi. (Reina is drum major not a vice-president)
Apr 22, 2024 3:08 AM

Aug 2022
Marina2 said:

Eh....they were talking about Kumiko and Shuuichi. (Reina is drum major not a vice-president)

Ngl I think my thought of Reina being vice president came from the fact that she’s been acting a lot more like one then suuichi had.

Still my bad on the mess up with their roles, regardless my point still stands it was funny and I hope we can see Kumiko and Suuichi’s relationship develop more.

Still tho Reina does a much better job than suuichi does, they should switch jobs 🤣🤣🤣
Apr 22, 2024 3:59 AM

Mar 2024
The animation quality is really great, i like the characters art and especially beautiful eyes drawing
Apr 22, 2024 6:07 AM

May 2021
I have already said this before but man is Kumiko's ability to make people open up truly something special. At least in the cast of characters that we have seen so far. Makes you wonder if it will end up influencing her career choices.

Apr 22, 2024 6:43 AM

May 2015
Reply to RioFS
I have already said this before but man is Kumiko's ability to make people open up truly something special. At least in the cast of characters that we have seen so far. Makes you wonder if it will end up influencing her career choices.
@RioFS there's a reason Mizore told her she was good at opening windows
Apr 22, 2024 6:43 AM

May 2015
Reply to RioFS
I have already said this before but man is Kumiko's ability to make people open up truly something special. At least in the cast of characters that we have seen so far. Makes you wonder if it will end up influencing her career choices.
@RioFS there's a reason Mizore told her she was good at opening windows
Apr 22, 2024 8:37 AM

Feb 2021
Mayu has a point. But she's not entirely right either. If everything is decided only with yes or no, you won't ever have anything functional. You can't make everyone happy, that is true, but there has to be room for compromises, otherwise the club is not going to have adequate number of players.

I think Mayu is somewhat similar to Reina, only the difference being Reina does what she does and says what she says because she wants to win. She will do anything necessary to achieve that. No compromises. Same reason why Asuka was not the president. Mayu, on the other hand, she assumes that everyone who quits doesn't like being in a band so it's only natural for them to leave. While it's true to a certain degree, but if you take into consideration that not everyone is equally talented at playing instruments, it's best to find a way to keep the beginners interested until they crave for more and finally becoming experienced players themselves. Hazuki did this and it's proof that Haruka's leadership worked. And now, Kumiko is trying to do something similar and I love that.

What am I trying to say? It's a great fucking episode! Sunfes time baby!!
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Apr 22, 2024 10:43 AM

Jul 2021
Wonderful episode. This episode would be what I'd point to if I had to choose a single episode to represent Hibike! Euphonium.

The mixture of the passion and dedication for music, the drive to reach the top, the subtle and not-so-subtle group dynamics, the (admittedly high-school girl-y) conflicts and their resolutions that are all coming from understandable personalities and worldviews. All gorgeously acted, drawn and animated. The only thing missing was the music itself.

Also, it's heartwarming to see how Kumiko has grown so much. She's still not feeling very confident and she still has that sort of "non-committal" attitude, but at the same time she's always had an honest, pure love for music, so I felt so proud of her when she planted her feet and asked Sally to come to her with any problems so that they can all get better at playing music.
Apr 22, 2024 11:03 AM

Jul 2016
The lighting this episode is especially nice.

Now we get to see the crux of the drama for this season. The first years are divided on the grueling practice everyone has to do. A very grounded type of drama. It's nice to see Kumiko and Reina actually acting as senpai in their own ways. They've grown a lot since they entered highschool and are nearly adults but at least Kumiko still feels lacking in something. But that's alright- even Taki-sensei comments on how being an adult or child really depends on the situation.

I feel proud of Kumiko for being someone mature enough to help others from the bottom of her heart. You really get to see her past experiences in season 1 and 2 influence her now. As the club president the Oumae Consultation Room is open 24/7 and is plenty busy.

F for Kumiko's bust size
Apr 22, 2024 4:19 PM

May 2021
Oh baby I hope we get another Sun Festival performance next week I'm hyped!

Kumiko is really balling out as president these days. She's getting a whole lot better at being a strong people person. That being said, I love how they still show her so flustered after dealing with the first years problems. It wouldn't be Kumiko if you don't get the deep sigh after interacting with someone LOL.

Reina being Reina will never get old. Everyone who has been around knows she knows what's up, no surprise the beginners and first years are struggling with her practice regiments. Getting a quick dose of Reina and Kumiko walking and talking every episode has been excellent.

Competition band vs. club is really shining so far this season. They're giving the proper amount of time to the noobies but I think we all know that it's about to be grind time. Gold or bust lets goooo
Apr 22, 2024 6:51 PM

Jul 2016
These first-years are a bunch of softies lol. Now imagine if they were under First-Year Reina's command.

Anyways, another nicely executed episode. Kumiko did great once again as Club President and prevented Sally from becoming another Aoi.
And now it's SunFes time. Let's go!
Apr 22, 2024 7:14 PM

Feb 2008
Ririka has been one of my favorites ever since Liz and the Blue Bird movie. Her voice is just too good for me, and her character NEEDS screentime. And this episode gave her a lot of screentime. Loved it. My favorite episode since the Liz movie. I just really enjoy Ririka's existence to be honest. Absolute peak character development, I hope she becomes the next Kitauji's club president.

One crisis averted in this episode, although I never even thought Sally was going to be this important so soon. The new first year quartet reminds me of Kumiko and her dear friends from first season. One take I read from twitter is that Mayu doesn't care about getting gold because of her comments... I literally thought the opposite. But it made me think again, seeing how she doesn't care about the rest, she only wants to play. Still a mystery girl. We only know that she's "bigger" than Kumiko in that aspect.

Anyways, I demand more Ririka screentime every episode.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Apr 22, 2024 9:08 PM

Sep 2010
Kumiko has really come a long way.

I really liked when the life in Sari's eyes came back thanks to Kumiko hearing her out.

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Apr 22, 2024 10:50 PM
Aug 2017
what can i say, it just filled my hearth with happiness
Apr 23, 2024 5:58 AM
Jun 2007
Ah being president aint easy, luckily Kumiko is "very" capable.
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