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Girlfriend, Girlfriend
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Dec 1, 2023 9:52 AM

Nov 2011
Just like in the promotional material and poster, the cast got into their swimsuits.

Hence, we got our classy beach episode with fun under the sun. Although this show gives almost equal amount of screen time to all the girls, Nagisa got a good scoop this time with Naoya. And lol Shino purposely threw her bra into the sea...she probably learned that from somewhere. Clever and also kinda unexpected coming epecially from her.
Dec 1, 2023 9:52 AM

Dec 2021
And so, we commence easily one of the most insane and funny arcs I've ever read, the Okinawa trip!

The group departs for their Okinawa trip. Naoya, terrified during the shaky plane ride, immediately embraces Sakuta and others, declaring, "I'll definitely protect you!!!"—promptly making the ladies flutter with excitement. Upon arriving at Shino's father's villa, the five change into swimsuits and head to the beach. In the midst of it all, Shino's feelings for Naoya are exposed to Rika, forcing her into cooperation. Nagisa, wanting Sakuta to thoroughly enjoy the trip, plans to express her gratitude during this vacation. How will their Okinawa trip unfold!?

Seems we teamed up with Shino's crew for just one episode, and they're already reaping the rewards and sharing the same mindset by the end of it – it's like some soulmate-level connection, guys. Let's ride this wave and score as many points as possible. All hail the greatness of Shino! It's always a riot to see Mirika being teased, but I'm curious about what her backup swimsuit will be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Nagisa is once again playing wingwoman for Saki, and this time, she's not holding back; she genuinely wants to assist Saki. Truly the second-best girl (because Shino holds the top spot).

Shino is currently facing some blackmail, lol. Honestly, I'm rooting for Team Nagisa to win so that Shino is left with no option but to confess.

Dec 1, 2023 9:59 AM

Feb 2021
I was just learning about data today and the examples were aviation accidents and how rare they are, cool coincidence lol.
I'm team Shino all the way, but get that kiss Saki!
Dec 1, 2023 10:04 AM

Mar 2021
Loved this episode it was just hilarious and the girls looked so great in their swimsuits especially Shino and Nagisa, am really loving Shino at the minute she is just so cute
Dec 1, 2023 1:16 PM

Sep 2023
It takes 4 girl(friends) to calm Naoya down! Shino sure is not afraid to take her bra off, she does it again in the preview 😅
Dec 1, 2023 1:25 PM
Feb 2021
lawsuit lmaoooooo

she wanna r the dude
Dec 1, 2023 2:39 PM

Feb 2019
Mirika such a bad influence on shino lol. This plan is totally set up to fail. It’s only contingent upon shino caring about Naoya finding out how she feels about him. Which coincidentally, if Mirika keeps putting her in positions to get close to him to pull the other girls away… will happen soon.

Loved the Naoya and Nagisa moments today as well. Where the hell did she pull that book from 😂

All the girls looked great in their swimsuits man what a nice episode. Can’t wait to see the rest of the Okinawa antics next week
Marinate1016Dec 1, 2023 2:47 PM
Dec 1, 2023 4:15 PM

Apr 2022
bro was squeezing the life out of minase while asking about saki.
Dec 1, 2023 4:31 PM

May 2019
While all the girls had nice swimsuits I think Shino's was the skimpiest (although she doesn't have as much to cover but that's ok). Speaking of Shino, I think she may be the raunchiest girl of the bunch, with Rika right behind her. When Shino "accidentally" lost her bra it was only about 4 feet from her with the waters calm and no party bros. in sight lol.

Anyway, hopefully Saki gets her kiss and Shino comes clean so that Rika can stop blackmailing her. Side note, with the things that Rika does how is she allowed to be close to Naoya...
Dec 1, 2023 5:01 PM

Aug 2022
This was such a wild episode. Naoya’s honestly always makes me laugh so hard 😂😂

I’m loving Rikka and Shino’s rivalry/alliance
Dec 1, 2023 5:06 PM

Dec 2018
We’ve finally entered the arc in the promotional art of the show, love me some beach goodness in December lol. And so far it’s been really fun, Naoya kicked things off before they even got there with his plane freak out, I have never flown and don’t want to so I can’t blame him, but packing all the girls in was a grade A move whether it was intentional or not lol. And after arriving we got to see the babes in their swimsuits, I definitely like the different types and of course the girls look great, and despite Naoya’s lack of interest in the school swimsuit, Milika definitely killed it lol.

And the big question comes into play again, will Naoya be able to kiss Saki on the trip? Well after a very cute and hilarious moment with Nagisa, the plan to kiss Saki is now put into action, but with the allied duo that is Milika and Shino that is gonna be even harder, Shino is already going very hard to keep her secret by pretending she lost her swimsuit top lol. And with Naoya knocked out by Shino’s wicked punch, Milika is now free to do whatever she wants with Naoya, it’s kinda messed up when you think about it but I choose not to lol.
Dec 1, 2023 5:25 PM

Oct 2023
I thought this season would be Naoya and the 2 girlfriends' story...
Dec 1, 2023 8:01 PM

Jul 2017
The Okinawa Trip arc starts here...and Naoya is already thinking of the worst as they all fly on the plane.

And...the infighting already starts on the plane where Mirika is working in tandem with Shino to calm him down, as well as both Saki and Minase, though they're exaggerating this quite a lot lols. But soon they arrive in Okinawa, and into Shino's father's vacation house, as well as the swimsuits that Naoya picked for them..though Mirika sure looks out of place with her school swimsuit-ish thingie. For Saki, this has been the trip she's looking forward to...if only they were as it is, and first dibs?

For Minase, she wants to have Saki have most of the fun, albeit still thinking of herself as still a viable candidate, at the end of the day, if Saki is happy, she is also happy as well, which makes for a win-win solution. Minase doing all of the trip prep, and all she requests is for both Naoya and Saki to have a kiss. But being in swimsuits, the allurement is more felt, but none is more felt than both Mirika and Shino. But the plot is already known by everyone as Naoya makes his intentions clear, and as much as Mirika wants to elt the secret out, Shino being sloppy to unclip her bra and have Naoya save her, but her leg being cramped forced her to hold onto his pants, almost releasing the elephant to punch him senseless.

Mirika finally having a moment with Naoya...will anyone be able t
Dec 1, 2023 8:46 PM

Jul 2014
Blessed turbulence for Shino and Mirika haha.

Damn you party bros! Shino really went extra to stop Naoya lmao. The girl just likes to get naked in front of him xD.

They all looked good in their swimsuits but my favorite has to be Nagisa. Like Naoya said, sexy-cute Nagisa <3.

Mirika's hairstyle was pretty cute though. Also, maybe it's just me but I feel like at one part at the end her boobs shrunk...
Dec 1, 2023 11:25 PM

Jan 2018
Bruh. Didn't think Naoya would be the type of pussy to be afraid of flights. Good for the girls tho Ig.

Lmao. Naoya tricked Mirika into wearing a dumb swimsuit. Good thing she brought a backup.

Shino completely turned into Mirika's lapdog. Hope she gets back some control soon.

Ngl I think Saki looks the cutest out of the 4. Let's see if they actually manage to kiss. I like how there are 2 teams now.
Dec 2, 2023 12:35 AM

Jan 2023
That was one hell of a plane flight haha!
Nagisa trying to help Saki was so cute.
Also, Shino's methods to stop Naoya/Saki kissing are a little bit 'unique' for sure.

Another hilarious episode.
Hopefully Shino admits to Saki her feelings for Naoya soon.
Dec 2, 2023 1:15 AM

Apr 2018
No plane crash unless you're unlucky enough to be in a commercial plane driven by an inexperienced 15-year-old boy.
Finally they're in Okinawa, and OBVIOUSLY they show the swimsuits (xD), now it's up to Shino and Mirika to try to lure Naoya but I just want the kiss with Saki at this point
Dec 2, 2023 2:38 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

Nagisa is just too wholesome and pure-hearted that it's unreal. How did Naoya manage to hold himself back from giving her the sloppiest, wettest, french kiss of a life time right then and there.

Mirika literally yelled at Shino for "not helping" right in front of Nagisa; I guess that it... just flew right over Nagisa's head?

Shino then goes for desperate times call for desperate measures and heads straight in the ocean to strip and to get Naoya to retrieve her swimsuit. She THEN proceeds to PULL NAOYA'S SHORTS OFF, LIKE WHAT, BRO?? Just another day in the office for Naoya though, he simply responds with "HUUH??" Shino is low-key really the lewdest of them all isn't she though. She voluntarily stripped for him in the bedroom before, now again to prevent him from kissing Saki. And of course she strips Naoya as well. And in the next episode preview, it looks like she's stripping again, damn. I think including the first season, Shino is the one Naoya has seen naked the most and it's not really even close as far as I can remember. They also find themselves in rather lewd positions at times.

Anyway, Shino accidentally knocks out Naoya, and Mirika sees this as a win and takes his unconscious ass to a bedroom to get down and dirty. The thing is, Saki or Nagisa don't notice any of this? Did they simply stay on the beach, watching their arch nemesis take away their true love to do who knows what? And that who-knows-what is Mirika tying Naoya do the bed to do most likely some pretty rated-R things. Maybe Nagisa just didn't care, and Saki was too busy swimming.

Speaking of Saki, after this episode which boosted Nagisa ratings higher, she is my least favourite now. Saki seems more like a sister to Naoya instead of a girlfriend; compared to the other 3, it just seems like she doesn't really give a single f8ck about him. Sure she wants that kiss and all, and maybe even sex, but it comes off as she would be fine doing it with any guy, she just wants to get it done period. I don't dislike her, but the competition is just too strong; and that's too bad considering she's actually Naoya's girlfriend right now, and the first and original one at that.

Shino and Mirika are both S-tier waifus imho, both in their own way. Nagisa is a solid B-tier waifu, and Saki right now is just an OK-ish C-tier waifu. I liked her at first in the beginning because her reactions were actually funny, but now she's kind of getting outshined and overshadowed. Idk, maybe a kiss really is incoming, and will change my opinion of her.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Dec 2, 2023 8:10 AM
Apr 2013
EP 9

A bit late to say, the op is actually not that bad

Its okinawa time
But first, more recap

Its kinda curious how, people were raging about rika back in s1, but suddenly the tables have turned and people are now supportive of rika, while im sitting here like "where is nagisa"
Since rika has been pretty much (trying to) steal the screentime since she's shown up, and this season has mostly focused on shino too. and saki of course. so nagisa gets left behind
While saki is like hmm. the main thing is that saki just kinda doesnt do anything haha
Anyway well im assuming something will happen, like shino will finally say/do something. rika probably/possibly, though she already had her big bombastic moment

Also i'm still gonna say that its been TWENTY EPISODES, and naoya still says "minase" instead of nagisa.
Among other things.
Like mirika vs rika is one thing which i dunno, but like. i'm, curious though, but obviously nagisa's screentime has fallen off a cliff since rika showed up and especialy in s2
Risa is a weird case. i suppose its still possible for her to show up unless the okinawa arc takes up the entirety of the remaining episodes. (which tbh it seems like it might/will actually)

Also yeah cliffhanger. Looks like next ep will be mostly rika and shino. Though no idea whats going to happen. RIP saki though, but there's still a few eps to go, since it seems ep 9 and 10 take place in the same day, they still have another 2 days and 1 night?
Dec 2, 2023 1:05 PM

Feb 2014
One thing we learnt from this episode is that Naoya is scared of flying, but seeing him having all four girls keep him calm during the air turbulence part of their flight was cute.

Seeing the girls in their respective swimsuits at the beach was very nice. I do feel sorry for Mirika, as she finally figured out that she was tricked by Naoya into buying the modest one-piece swimsuit, which still looked good on her, though (If only that shop had a high-leg competition one-piece swimsuit for her, then Naoya would struggle to look away!). I'm glad she brought her sexy bikini as back-up.

Naoya's moments with the other girls were enjoyable, too. His time with Saki, with her hopes of finally kissing him was cute. Nagisa's moments with him had plenty of skin contact between the pair, although I'm glad that she was harsh on Naoya about his hesitation of kissing Saki, so she drilled that complaint into his brain to make sure that issue gets fixed sooner or later. As of Shino, following Mirika's plan did lead to more amusing moments with the removal of her bikini top, then pulling down Naoya's swim shorts. XD

Once again, the episode ends with Mirika getting the advantage of having Naoya to herself, helped by being able to lock the door. I don't think her plan will work well, but it'll be very amusing to see how it goes in the next episode!
Dec 2, 2023 1:10 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Yeah bikini episode is good haha. Best harem of the season.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Dec 2, 2023 4:32 PM

Mar 2010
As Much as I like blonde gal, I kinda feel bad for shino being used like dat.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 2, 2023 5:02 PM

Aug 2020
this dude is too strong ,really

it was a fun episode
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Dec 2, 2023 9:04 PM

Aug 2017
To be fair everyone’s nervous for their first plane ride

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Dec 3, 2023 7:48 AM
Jan 2018
Just realized that I watched more of season 2 than I have for the first season, lol. Idk why but when I checked MyAnimeList, apparently I stopped watching mid-way into season 1, I guess my tolerance level has gone up since then for romance like this 😂
Dec 3, 2023 2:35 PM
Mar 2015
Too much ridiculous comedy from the mangaka of Aho Girl
Dec 4, 2023 12:39 AM
Oct 2018
Shino needs to come clean and confess. It would solve a lot of issues. She’s so afraid that Saki will end their friendship but I highly doubt that. In fact, I think Saki is more into Shino than Naoya. And Minase never objects to anything so she would be OK with it too.
Dec 5, 2023 10:30 AM

Oct 2017
Could relate to Naoya getting scared there. Probably will never get used to the plane shaking midair. Anyway we finally have the beach episode and they looked hot in swimsuits. Shino with her top tier acting lol.
Dec 7, 2023 10:54 PM

Jan 2021
Mirika can just say that Shino likes Naoya and no one would believe her lol
Dec 8, 2023 7:55 AM

May 2020
It's actually baffling to think how the rest of two girls didn't figure Shino's crush on Naoya yet lol. It's plainly obvious to the point where even Naoya could realize.

As for Mirika, the best she could do is to force herself on Naoya, though the sad thing is, even that would barely take her anywhere in the end. Next episode is where we'd start to peak the heights lol.
Dec 10, 2023 4:06 AM

Oct 2008
LOLZ at Naoya's airlines panic attack! bwahaha!

Mar 7, 2024 4:20 AM
Apr 2021
Takahashi Rie is really killing the role of Shino bc her reactions sound so funny and cute at the same time like Shino’s character was made for her ong

The swimsuits looks amazing on all of them especially Saki Saki, the straps coming out of her pants make her look extra hot idk why but it works😩😩😩😩😮‍💨

I realized this a couple episodes ago but didn’t mention but it’s not Naoya that’s playing hard to get it’s Saki, this girl ALWAYS runs always or makes up an excuse to not kiss Naoya🤦🏽‍♂️💀💀💀
Mar 13, 2024 12:35 AM
Dec 2022
Okinawa here we come! Poor Naoya having to cope with the trip and the girls.
May 15, 2024 9:18 AM

Apr 2013
Rika really never learns from all the shit she's done... or maybe it will actually work.

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