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Aug 4, 2023 9:51 AM

Nov 2011
Sigh, Kazuya's inferiority complex is kicking in agani.

As they're filming, it looks like he's always comparing himself to Chizuru and how she's out of his league. This episode also shows the stress of being involving in making a movie. Kazuya didn't seem truly prepared for this but I'm not really surprised. On the other hand, Kazuya seems to be enjoyin spending time with Chizuru.
Aug 4, 2023 11:36 AM
Aug 2021
wasn't this delayed ?
Aug 4, 2023 11:59 AM

Feb 2019
Another pretty good episode.

Only took 3 seasons but Kazuya finally actually being a somewhat decent MC. For him to make the promise of making a movie, going out recruiting people to help make it, coming up with a script etc.

He’s come a long way from the dude who just stayed in bed jacking off all day. Credit where credit is due. He still has a massive issue with putting Chizuru on this pedestal which isn’t healthy at all, but he’s definitely showing signs of improvement.

Speaking of Chizuru, just from the way she’s been looking at him.. stealing glances here and there.. and the way she’s been acting around him, you can tell she’s starting to realise that there’s more than just a client/rental girlfriend relationship here. She can be herself around Kazuya and he’s started to be quite dependable. This trip should be pretty fun considering all that.

No ruka or Yaemori to break the awkward tension so this is gonna be a nice test lol.

Also, were those blue archive posters in yaemori room lol
Marinate1016Aug 4, 2023 12:05 PM
Aug 4, 2023 11:59 AM

Jun 2015
Film making isn't cheap thats for sure. Humility has always been one of the things i admire the most of japan's culture and Chizuru really showed the best of that with her speech. Kazu sure went far to shoo the cicada away. That could ahd ended badly. Chizuru's acting ability though is damm impressive. Mini really is going all out in her support huh. Still thanks to her fire support Kazu finally gets the chance to be alone with Chizuru. Curious to see what happens next.
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Aug 4, 2023 12:20 PM

Dec 2021
It took three seasons, but Kazuya has finally transformed into a more capable protagonist. He's made a promise to create a movie, actively recruiting help, crafting a script, and displaying significant growth from his previous days of idleness. It's important to acknowledge this progress. However, he still struggles with placing Chizuru on an unhealthy pedestal, even though he's showing improvement.

Speaking of Chizuru, her stolen glances and changing behavior indicate a realization that their relationship goes beyond a mere client/rental girlfriend dynamic. She feels comfortable being herself around Kazuya, who has become dependable.

With the absence of Ruka or Yaemori to alleviate any awkward tension, this upcoming trip will serve as an interesting test.

Aug 4, 2023 12:28 PM

May 2008
If Kazuya doesn't smash, I will be disappointed. This season keeps getting more and more peak.

Aug 4, 2023 12:48 PM

Mar 2010
I don't mind some forcing.. but its not even romantic. Rent a gf? more like rent a retard. It actually would have been better if ruka went. I'm hoping they bump into our one and only real queen Mami. Surprise kneega's haha

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 4, 2023 12:49 PM
Feb 2021
she went to wash her face n said "are u serious"

i sat up n  said oh shiiit

doubt anything is gon happen stilllllll

2nd best ep ngl
Aug 4, 2023 12:56 PM

Jan 2022
A pretty nice episode, we're folding up on the movie production, which makes for the hilariously plan by Yaemori to send Kazuya and Chizuru on an holiday to film the last scene, I am excited to see how this will go and how they won't do anything because it's rent a girlfriend XD. I found the joke of the guy saying (he's her boyfriend ? Nah, probably renting her) very hilarious.
I like everything, ok
Aug 4, 2023 12:57 PM

Jan 2022
PRiMEog said:
she went to wash her face n said "are u serious"

i sat up n  said oh shiiit

doubt anything is gon happen stilllllll

2nd best ep ngl
What's the best episode in your opinion ?
I like everything, ok
Aug 4, 2023 12:57 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Aaaah do it already. Lol. Atleast a hug haha.
Will be interesting next week, lets go!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Aug 4, 2023 1:00 PM
Mar 2010
I laughed at the scientific fact that women are in the mood once a month thing... I guess she's saying even HE has a chance if the timing is right.  I don't know how Japanese girls are but I think women prefer a confident man over someone who is so pessimistic that he spends all day imagining how he's going to fail.
Aug 4, 2023 1:14 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
The film club pitched in to help shoot the movie for Chizuru who nailed all her scenes. However Kazuya was tasked with filming the final scene with Chizuru since the film club were not able to shoot it the following week. Yaemori appeared to help Kazuya with the film, but  she actually set Chizuru and Kazuya up on a impromptu blind date by having them board the bullet train alone. She was right that having Ruka and Yaemori tag along would ruin the chemistry between Chizuru and Kazuya, but this is turning out to be a hail marry as Chizuru wasn't prepared to be alone with Kazuya. This trip can turn out to be really good if Kazuya plays his cards right by not acting so desperate or it can be a total disaster.
Aug 4, 2023 1:20 PM

Dec 2022
Very good episode
Aug 4, 2023 1:21 PM

Jul 2017
next few episodes gonna be awesome, hyped af
Aug 4, 2023 1:56 PM
Feb 2021
rikiki109 said:
PRiMEog said:
she went to wash her face n said "are u serious"

i sat up n  said oh shiiit

doubt anything is gon happen stilllllll

2nd best ep ngl
What's the best episode in your opinion ?

Same season, Ep 3. ……….
Aug 4, 2023 3:02 PM

May 2019
I really don't know what Chizuru was going to say at the end there where she changed her mind although I was thinking maybe she thought about backing out after all but who knows. While she was stealing glances at Kazuya I still do not think she has feelings for him (at least not romantically) as I think she was contemplating the situation. Also, as others said, him moping around won't help his cause.

I think they're going to stay a night or 2 for the filming and Mini probably booked them to be in the same room but this would not be the first time they've slept in the same room. It will be interesting to see what happens there and hopefully the final scene will be shot successfully which should help Kazuya out with Chizuru.
Aug 4, 2023 4:09 PM
Oct 2016
Kazuya and Chizuru becoming closer and closer as this movie shoot continues on. After making their funding goal it's great to see the full production of the movie advancing forward. Kazuya for all his faults has done a good job assembling the crew to make this movie as good as it can be. He seems to settle into the producer role very well, making sure this shoot goes ahead with no problems. I mean the guy climbed a bridge to stop that cicada from ruining an important scene. He's determined if nothing else which is good for a producer. Chizuru has been nailing every scene like the incredible actress she is. Kazuya realizing she's in a different league than him, which is correct but that doesn't mean he should distance himself from her. At least not during the film shoot since they need the lead producer and the lead actress to get along. Kazuya got extremely lucky with the director leaving the filming of the final scene to him alone. Taking a solo trip with Kazuya is the best thing Kazuya could ask for. He did plan on both Mini and Ruka to come along and help so he didn't go full pervert about it. Mini continues to be the best assist Kazuya could ask for. Lying about getting the flu and convincing Ruka that the shoot was canceled. Mini has served this trip on a silver platter for Kazuya.
Aug 4, 2023 5:11 PM

May 2021
Rasco said:
I don't mind some forcing.. but its not even romantic. Rent a gf? more like rent a retard. It actually would have been better if ruka went. I'm hoping they bump into our one and only real queen Mami. Surprise kneega's haha

Knowing RaG, I won't be surprised if they actually do run into Mami.

Aug 4, 2023 5:25 PM
Nov 2021
i love Yeomoriちん she is so funny and relatable
Aug 4, 2023 5:56 PM

Sep 2011
Kazuya remembered he was Kazuya and decided to ruin the streak of episodes that weren't infuriating to watch.    It's a shame cause Yaemori is trying real hard
Aug 4, 2023 6:01 PM

Dec 2018
The movie making process went a bit faster than I expected but it makes sense, it’s really just the backdrop for what’s going down between Kazuya and Mizuhara, but it was nice to see it going smoothly besides the part where Kazuya nearly injured himself trying to get a cicada to fly away lol, I feel like there was a much better way to go about that but it was quite funny.

It was also upsetting seeing Kazuya so down on himself after seeing Mizuhara in her element with acting, but thankfully Mizuhara scooped him right out of that hole he was digging himself into with some inspiring words, much like Kibe at the beginning of the episode, really liked both of those parts.

And now Yaemori has pulled off her biggest wingwoman job yet by sending Mizuhara and Kazuya on a trip along together lol, gotta give it to her, she’s been doing that job right. And by the looks of the way Mizuhara has been acting so far, this is going to be hell of a trip, can’t wait to see more of this!
Aug 4, 2023 6:08 PM

May 2017
Episode 29: Now Your Training Is Complete

Ignoring all the film stuff because it's only there because it has to be, I think this is the first time I've actually felt annoyed by Kazuya's bitching about himself and Chizuru. I guess it took so long because before now there was enough to be invested in that I was distracted. Now that nothing at all is happening anymore the bad parts are laid bare.

But to be fair, this episode  Rent-a-Girlfriend actually brought back its manipulation shenanigans—the Good Witch Mini has succeeded the Wicked Witch Mami, even coopting Mami's evil theme music. But the show hasn't reversed its decline; it's still in denouement mode, and that Mini has effectively replaced Mami as the mover of conflict means even the return of shenanigans won't bring us back to the tension and farce of earlier seasons, which were what made Rent-a-Girlfriend good.

Agree with the people saying they hope Mami shows up. I don't think that'd fix things either because we're in the final stage, but at least the tension will be back for a bit.
Do you not see the souls hanging like dirty, limp rags?—And they also make anime from these rags!
Aug 4, 2023 6:08 PM
Apr 2023
finally got back on the rails, looks like someone is catching on to someone, its hard not to like this anime
Aug 4, 2023 6:38 PM

Jun 2019
I really like Yaemori's addition to the cast. But where's Mami?!
Aug 4, 2023 9:15 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Kazuya really jumped off a bridge just to get a cicada. That's some dedication right there. Although I disagree with the director's wish to get rid of it as if it ruins everything. Why not keep it in to make the ambiance sound even more natural and be like every other anime ever lol

Another actually quite good episode, season 3 be on a roll. Feels like we've upgraded from having 2 braincells to, well, enough to actually enjoy the show UN-ironically. Yaemori is serving as a smart character and an excellent wingman, Chizuru is being smart as well and not dense at all, figuring her alone time with Kazuya on this trip was set up by Yaemori. And more importantly, cracks are beginning to show in her armor. Just that quick little scene of her in the bathroom alone was so rewarding to see. Kazuya is still Kazuya, but now at least he's proving whatever worth he has to show that there is a reason indeed for Chizuru to slowly fall for him.

At the end there where Chizuru gives up on whatever she was trying to say to Kazuya was a bit annoying, but not really actually since we've come to expect that and of course would expect that from a show like this. And you know what, no, this "nevermind" scene was not annoying at all. For one, at least she tried, she did want to say something to him, and that is enough for now. And two, Kazuya's dense side has been deactivated for this moment and he does pick up on something in the air. This is nothing for your typical romance, but for Rent-a-Girlfriend, you gotta applaud them a little for at least taking some baby steps.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Aug 4, 2023 9:54 PM

Jul 2021
another great episode as usual. can't believe they've come far enough to shoot the last scene.

kazuya feeling inferior to chizuru is so real.

idk why i really thought we would get a trip with 3 girls and kazuya but when one thinks about it, it was the most obvious thing that yaemori would do something so they both can be alone together. w yaemori.

after watching the last scene i'm thinking she's finally starting to realise that surely no one would go to such lengths unless they really cared for the person. she's finally realising that and is having trouble coming face to face with it. felt like she wanted to thank kazuya or something? idk. guess we will find out in next episode.

ah have to wait another long long week :/

5/5 tho.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Aug 4, 2023 10:39 PM

Jul 2017
The filming starts with the costs reaping in, and both Mizuhara and Kazuya as lead character and producer want to make it a success no matter what.

Even with a cicada cricketing to annoyance, Kazuya wants it to be perfect and annihilate all other sounds to make the movie a success, though that obviously puts the gap between the two between a well-known actress and a store clerk. And amidst the tight schedule, everything went to plan, though the trip with Mizuhara, Kazuya has to handle himself with Director Tabuse out for their own shoots. And who else other than to call Yaemori for help and all the equipment checked and cleared before their arrival with Ruka. But as it turns out, both Yaemori and Ruka couldn't make it, leaving them both to their devices to film the last scene together. Yaemori's intention to leave Kazuya to Mizuhara certainly was a planned one because both of them are the third wheels, though her assumptions are off the hook when it comes to the latter, more than having Ruka's side be handled too. As expected, Mizuhara senses this, and she proceeds either way, though her feelings are in the way.

The one last scene to shoot to complete the movie, it's a joyride, though Mizuhara is having second thoughts about Kazuya, leaving him fazed. Yelp...
Aug 4, 2023 11:26 PM
Nov 2022
I won't get tired of repeating it, YaemoriGOD is the one that bears the weight of the entire plot 🚬

I'm surprised by Kazuya's self-perception, does he really have such low self-esteem? I really would like that side of him to be explored, it could give the character a lot of depth, (obviously that will never happen).
Aug 4, 2023 11:54 PM

Oct 2020
That Mimi is very naughty little girl.

Aug 4, 2023 11:59 PM
Dec 2021
great episode, waiting for the next.
Aug 5, 2023 12:40 AM
Aug 2021
Such a wonderful anime. I cannot wait for the next episode. Please hurry up.
Aug 5, 2023 12:57 AM

Jan 2021
It's me or this whole anime is about simping for Chizuru
Aug 5, 2023 1:08 AM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Mini Yaemori keeps scoring more and more points as best girl. She already replaced Ruka as my best since last episode. Besides, in contrast with the last season, where Ruka shined (especially when confronting Mami), this season, she's been degraded to the "annoying jealous possessive gf".

LuisSV23 said:
I won't get tired of repeating it, YaemoriGOD is the one that bears the weight of the entire plot 🚬

I completely agree.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Aug 5, 2023 1:15 AM

Feb 2016
Good episode but I want more Yaemori, why do they had to remove her from the trip? big L
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Aug 5, 2023 2:58 AM

Jul 2021
Without a doubt, this season is the peak of RAG, Kazuya being a decent MC. Chizuru's line was nice. 
Aug 5, 2023 3:07 AM
Mar 2023
ngl this season is good
Aug 5, 2023 3:10 AM
May 2022
pretty good episode. this season seems very good so far. good character development as well
Aug 5, 2023 4:38 AM

Jul 2021
I hated it with burning passion. See you all next week soldiers
Aug 5, 2023 4:57 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Lmao this is great XD funny ep. Enjoying this season a lot
Aug 5, 2023 6:30 AM

Aug 2014
I love it I love it I love it!
Yaemori and Chizuru are the best!!! I knew that Yaemori will do what she does since the first time the showed her :D
Kazuya is also way better than previous season!

oh and those tho poses of Chizuru one in yoga thing talking on the phone and then in red dress :DDD soo goood ;d

There probably won't be anything like third base with them, but maybe a first base?:D I hope so, then he must quit girlfriend fake relationship with Ruka or else he goes back to being baka.

btw Ruka was cute this episode, I didn't even recognize her! I was thinking she is one of the actress?

It is also good that they filmed it so fast, but I did not expect that! I seen it as the filming part will take whole season! Now we got more screentime for KAZUxCHIZU :D

oh did I say i LOVE IT?!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Aug 5, 2023 7:01 AM
May 2023
trash mc trash chizuru
Aug 5, 2023 8:01 AM
Feb 2023
Pretty good episode and I think Rent a Girlfriend is getting better by time
Aug 5, 2023 10:14 AM

Jun 2021
I hope no interruptions between Kazuya and Chizuru on the trip next episode.
Aug 5, 2023 11:29 AM
Oct 2019
Fuuuuuuu I need the next episode. I hate having to wait I really do. This episode was too good. I can't handle waiting for the next one
Aug 5, 2023 12:24 PM
Mar 2015
Our boi is alone with Chizuru for the last scen
Aug 5, 2023 12:36 PM
Jul 2022
Rasco said:
I don't mind some forcing.. but its not even romantic. Rent a gf? more like rent a retard. It actually would have been better if ruka went. I'm hoping they bump into our one and only real queen Mami. Surprise kneega's haha

Yes please. I'm so ready for Mami to cause turmoil and discontent.
Aug 5, 2023 9:04 PM
Oct 2019
Every episode my hate for Kazuya trash keep escalating.

My only hope is somehow they bumped into Queen Mami on the trip.
Aug 6, 2023 1:18 PM
Jun 2023
great build up, can't wait for the next episode! Kazuya really been trying his hardest, he's become a lot less trash this season and I'm all for it
Aug 6, 2023 2:44 PM
Jun 2021
very good episode, mini yaemori is the best.
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