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May 6, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2011
Finally, Akane and Runa getting along in an ideal world. Their relationship is completely the opposite since they've first met. In fact, she seems to really enjoy spending time with Akane now and it's kinda cute imo. She even goes to school too altough she seemed distant there.

I like this kinder and gentle side of Runa compare to her stoic and cold attitude before. 
May 6, 2023 9:00 AM
Aug 2022
Runa-chan Kawaiiii 💘.
Finally Akane-san & Runa-chan getting along
😆😆 Yamada-kun couldn't handle the situation and ran out of the house.
Runa-chan's oni-san he is the sceamer.
May 6, 2023 9:56 AM

Apr 2010
Well a episode about Runa this time which explains a few things.
It already became clear last week that she put some distance between herself and her classmates it wasn't clear whether she did it intentional or not now it's clear it was unintentionally.
Some of them might be because of high standards but it mostly seems she just wants to be by herself and doesn't trust strangers.
Her behaviour towards Akeri being hostile at first was partly because she was a stranger and partly because she feared Akane would disrupt group dynamic of her friends and my guess is that she feared Akane would take Yamada away from her.
And for what she did to Akane judging her behaviour this episode she is pretty naive and doesn't realise to consequences some actions she have much of this comes down to her age she is young but i also think it's because she doesn't interact with other much.
That doesn't make her action right but we all make mistakes and when your young you don't always take the consequences into account. 
May 6, 2023 10:16 AM

Apr 2016
Runa point of view episode, eh ... i guess i get why we are getting this, but is there really a reason for this much exposition for the Runa character girl ? I mean she's not even the main guy's sister, she's a sister of that other guy.

I guess, the mangaka sees herself in the Runa and not the main girl. I mean, the main love interest dude haven't got this much spotlight yet, for now Yamada is superficial distraction, lol.

ALSO, i may not be a PC expert either ... but im pretty sure when your PC explodes in a puff of smoke, repair man is useless.
May 6, 2023 10:24 AM

Nov 2011
I thought this was a decent episode and a little bit of Redemption for Runa.
But I thought they were going to do something with Momoko but apparently not.

The romantic comedy part was kinda...wack. The hair in the eyes, followed by the "penned" character design just had less of and impact compared to if they were colored during that part.
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May 6, 2023 10:28 AM

Jun 2019
It was another very cute episode. Akane and Runa are now close friends and they hang out a lot together. Runa doesn't have any other friends. Akane's laptop has broken, so Yamada tries to fix it and Runa tries to bring both of them closer to each other which was a cute try honestly. Yamada escapes from Akane's apartment for his tools but I think he's not used to being with girls. Runa ships them together too. Nice.
May 6, 2023 10:39 AM

Jun 2015
Being raised as a princess can also be a bad thing as well as one wouldn't know where she was going wrong at all. And people like that aren't going to make friends easily in class either. Still its nice seeing her take her first steps in breaking that shell by interacting with Akane both ingame and offline. She really needs to learn that possessive nature of hers though. Funny seeing Momo bond with Runa after their earlier interactions though. But Graduation to cupid really was cute. But the elements of rom com that she thought off are kinda the wrong type here. Overall a fun ep that provided both some nice expansion on Runa in the past and how much she's changing as a result of her meeting with Akane. At the same time its cute seeing how much both Yamada and Akane are changing as they grow closer to each other via their interactions.
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May 6, 2023 10:48 AM

Jul 2017
Runa's episode, and this is quite the exposition of her life, now that Akane has made friends with her and the both of them started to hang out. That said, Momo is just expressing her woes to Akane, while she is focused on her game with Runa teaching her, seemingly closed out of their conversation and talking with Yamada online. But as unlucky as she would have it, her computer broke down, and Yamada personally came down to her house to help with the repair, thanks to Runa.

Eita's call to Yamada late at night to request his help to fix her computer, and he already fell asleep while thinking of Akane's situation to grind her character in FOS. Though a high school boy like him being in a girl's apartment home, he's quite the unexpected person out from the typical who doesn't think much when it comes to love and romance, and even sensitivity of things like hung-out underwear. The funny part that Eita tries goading Runa to creating a rom-com like story for both Akane and Yamada, her idea of one is something along the lines of the typical tropes of one. And though she struck Akane towards Yamada hard and hurting his eye on the process, it's natural thinking that Akane did something bad to him, considering that he's kept his distance from girls.

Kinda cute, but clearly the rom=com backfired.
May 6, 2023 10:49 AM

Oct 2017
Runa chan's so cute. Also good job Runa chan. That definitely worked.
May 6, 2023 10:55 AM
Oct 2016
Its very nice seeing Runa become friends with Akane. Getting that extra perspective to her starting this episode. Seeing things from Runa pov and why she acts how she does. Being raised as basically a princess, having dashing older guys around that raised her standards, having hundreds of online friends so irl ones didn't seem important. But all it takes is the right person to open somebody up, which is exactly what Akane has done. Showing Runa that acting weird with friends can be fun and to let loose. Akane has been a breath of fresh air for Runa which is great to see.

The main crux of this episode comes from Akane laptop exploding. Terribly tragic event considering that's how she played the game with them. Just when Akane was starting to get good tips from Runa and Yamada she can't play anymore. Very nice of Runa to bring Yamada over to try and repair Akane laptop. I'm glad that Runa supports them becoming a couple and isn't stereotypically jealous. Trying to help create a moment between them like in a love comedy since that whay Eita said. Runa might've taken that too literal and caused some actual physical pain for both Akane and Yamada pushing them into each other. Yamada definitely got flustered by Akane grabbing him so close. Leaving quickly to get his tools, but he felt something in that moment.
May 6, 2023 10:55 AM
Oct 2020
No clue why they ended the episode before it got to the best part or why they added all that unnecessary Runa backstory that isn't even in the manga. 
May 6, 2023 10:56 AM
Jan 2023
I was so angry cause they finished this episode early without the hair I have to wait for another week 🥲
May 6, 2023 11:06 AM

Dec 2022
akanes computer broke down it was sad so runas only female irl friend is akane also was expecting akane to blush after getting complemented
May 6, 2023 11:12 AM
Jan 2022
I am in love with yamada
May 6, 2023 11:12 AM

Jan 2021
Well that was a lot of backstory for Runa, it was like i was listening to a tale lol. I'm glad that Akane and Runa finally get along though and not like it was before.

Akane's laptop broke, yikes. Runa tells Eita and Eita calls Yamada to ask if he can help fix the laptop for her or at least try. Runa created an awkward situation when Yamada was there because she sees Yamada and Akane as a cute couple and that the scenarios would work out what she had in mind. Yamada really has a hard time going along with girls.
May 6, 2023 11:18 AM

May 2020
That commentary was super cringe I must say, though that can be concluded for the entirety of this backstory who no one asked for, plus that sweet "girl time" between Akane and that sad existence, Runa.

Also is their anything dude's not capable of pulling off? Like he's a pro when it comes to games, is a chick magnet, a tech-savvy who can visit you for repairing your run-down laptops.. and I may be missing some dozen of traits but the bottom line is why is it so? Will we ever get a reason or is it safe to assume it is because he's main character.
May 6, 2023 11:21 AM
Sep 2022
just another cute light-hearted episode.
May 6, 2023 11:30 AM

Feb 2019
So Runa went from being annoying as hell and toxic to now being obsessed with getting Akane and Yamada together lol. Hasn’t made up for what she did last week, but at least there’s a path to redemption now.

Yamada definitely got a little nervous having Akane that close in his face. Bro had to run out of there he was blushing so hard lol. A nice cute and light ep.
May 6, 2023 11:39 AM
May 2021
starting to like runa now. she went through some character development and is enjoyable. it seems seems her and her brother ship yamada and akane as well, so i hope we'll get more content of them trying to get the two together.

im betting yamada made that excuse to leave because he got flustered. at least that's what it seems like to me. i hope they're able to talk about it
My 2023 candies:
May 6, 2023 11:46 AM

May 2023
Rurihime is the best girl. Period. 

Also, Akane and Runa are so adorable. Yamada is gonna get the feels real soon and I can't wait for him to realise it in his socially awkward way. Lmao that laundry scene had me. Runa playing a middle school matchmaker with her only reference as anime and manga crashed and burned but it was fuckin hilarious! 
May 6, 2023 11:48 AM

Nov 2013
Yeah, people who bashed Runa last episode hopefully chill now. She's just a kid.

I bet Yamada got super RED, hence why he bolted out of the house ASAP.
May 6, 2023 11:51 AM
Aug 2020
the train of events was perfect
May 6, 2023 12:45 PM
Apr 2018
Well done Runa-chan
May 6, 2023 12:54 PM

Feb 2016
Marinate1016 said:
So Runa went from being annoying as hell and toxic to now being obsessed with getting Akane and Yamada together lol. Hasn’t made up for what she did last week, but at least there’s a path to redemption now.

Runa reminds me of my dog that ran around until it basically passed out after being locked up in a room for several hours (because some construction work was being done on my property). People who keep pet birds in cages and free them to fly around can probably relate, too.
It's always nice to watch characters getting freed from their, often self-imposed constrains. Also, gap moe between stoic cold Runa and spoiled princess Runa is really high.

Dunno why people complain that they showed her backstory - it added much needed explanation why she was behaving badly. I didn't mind "sacrificing" several minutes of the episode for that since it seems that she's going to be an important supporting character from now on. She already formed Akane x Yamada shipping team with her bro and her clumsy attempts to push the two together will definitely be funny.
May 6, 2023 1:03 PM

Jun 2015
It happened and this was a moment
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
May 6, 2023 1:43 PM

Jul 2022
yAS nOW KIssSS1!!!
May 6, 2023 1:47 PM

Aug 2020
It was a good episode, Runa is growing.
Akane, she is trying her best but Yamada is blind…
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May 6, 2023 3:10 PM
Sep 2021
Nice to see Runa and Akane getting along 😀. Interesting developments with Yamada as well. He is still very hard to read though but time will reveal all.
May 6, 2023 3:29 PM

Apr 2010
wow I love runa chan
May 6, 2023 3:32 PM

Dec 2022

Este capítulo fue demasiado tranquilizante :) Lo disfruté muchísimo! Además me encantó ese ‘‘character development’’ que tuvo Runa.
Literalmente pasé de odiarla con mi alma a amarla con todo mi corazón de un capítulo a otro.
Que gran capitulo.


English Translation

This chapter was too calming :) I really enjoyed it! I also loved that "character development" that Runa had.
I literally went from hating her with my soul to loving her with all my heart from one chapter to the next.
What a great chapter.

(Sorry for my bad english. I'm using google translate since ''All posts in the main forum must be in English.'')
May 6, 2023 4:01 PM
Nov 2022
Do I have to tell why did I like this episode?
May 6, 2023 4:26 PM
Jan 2022
In this episode we can see another side of runa
May 6, 2023 5:06 PM
Mar 2023
What a beautiful relationship they are already having, and even more beautiful that they are trying to pair Yamada with Akane because it seems that the only ones who do not know that they are beginning to like each other are themselves jsajasj
PS: La Runa has a slightly distorted perception of the Romcom that Eita was referring to, but the tactic was a resounding success anyway, Yamada had to make a strategic withdrawal so they wouldn't see everything red XD
May 6, 2023 5:13 PM
Oct 2014
Thaeril said:
Marinate1016 said:
So Runa went from being annoying as hell and toxic to now being obsessed with getting Akane and Yamada together lol. Hasn’t made up for what she did last week, but at least there’s a path to redemption now.

Runa reminds me of my dog that ran around until it basically passed out after being locked up in a room for several hours (because some construction work was being done on my property). People who keep pet birds in cages and free them to fly around can probably relate, too.
It's always nice to watch characters getting freed from their, often self-imposed constrains. Also, gap moe between stoic cold Runa and spoiled princess Runa is really high.

Dunno why people complain that they showed her backstory - it added much needed explanation why she was behaving badly. I didn't mind "sacrificing" several minutes of the episode for that since it seems that she's going to be an important supporting character from now on. She already formed Akane x Yamada shipping team with her bro and her clumsy attempts to push the two together will definitely be funny.

I couldn't agree with u more I hated her for treating akane poorly but now we know why her actions were that way and her redemption arc was sweet , akane forgives her is what matters most imo
May 6, 2023 5:38 PM

Jan 2010
I'll give runa a point because it seems she is no in love with yamada even less not even a crush and is willing to help them to be together. I thought she was going to be a obstacle because it looked like she had a crush on yamada.

Still she needs to work hard for what she did and this is a good way to make it up for it.
May 6, 2023 6:36 PM

Apr 2022
runa had a complete 180 and is like a younger sister to yamada and akane. she's trying to be their cupid by staging some romcom situations lmao. i relate to what momo said so much.
May 6, 2023 7:05 PM
Apr 2023
Looks like the Sasaki siblings are bent on seeing Akane and Akito develop into something more than just acquaintances. With Runa's comic attempts to implement her crude ideas of a rom-com, somehow she succeeds and creates a spark, at least for Yamada.

Also, pretty much expected of Runa's backstory being like that. She being self-centered due to how she grew up limited her choice of friends but as we can see, once she makes a new friend, she has the tenacity to protect her small circle of friends even if she tends to be a bit inflexible and apprehensive to change.

P.S. Kamotan still best man of the show
May 6, 2023 7:22 PM

Dec 2018
Nice to see some Runa development after the shit she pulled last episode, having more context to why she is the way she is and seeing her enjoying her time with Akane definitely made me warm up to her, also that dance they did was funny lol, kinda reminds me of Nagatoro’s noodle arm dance. And speaking of the dance, someone needs to educate Runa on the greatness of the song “Dancin’ in the Street” so she knows why people like dancing in the street lol

And then the big bad happens, Akane’s computer explodes when she’s trying to show Momo the game, but it’s not all bad when the repairman shows up, and of course it’s Yamada lol. And when Runa tries to force them closer it ends up happening in a way she didn’t mean, but it was still a great moment and this resulted in a flustered Yamada who quickly bails lol, we didn’t get to see his face but it was probably red, and understandably so, Akane’s hair stabbing you has that effect lol.
May 6, 2023 7:52 PM
Mar 2015
Everything she and Ruri did just backfired
May 6, 2023 8:28 PM
Oct 2019
at least Runa and Akane are getting along now.
i still upset about what she did last episode though.

I bet Yamada face must be so red that's why he running away lol

Damn that after credit scene, leave Kamota-san alone LMAO
May 6, 2023 8:47 PM

Feb 2019
Yamada's starting to not be clueless about the opposite sex now lol It was cute how the Sasaki siblings are playing matchmaker to these two lol
May 6, 2023 9:20 PM
Nov 2022
How nice it is to see that Akane and Runa now get along...

The interaction between momo chan and Runa xd is quite funny, I would like an interaction between Eita and momo chan, I think they would get along very well.

The "xd" moment when Runa was searching through the romcom clichés was very funny but mostly interesting because of what she went through at the end with Yamada, it finally seems that the brother is falling for Akane's charms xdd
May 6, 2023 10:24 PM
May 2017
Yesterdays opps are todays homies lol they acting like nothing happened. Luckily for Runa, Akane is soft, as she can see other people like Momo snaps back hahaha.

And damn Yamada got flustered so he made a quick exit. He's cool and collected until it comes to stuff like that

good ep overall 4/5
May 6, 2023 11:24 PM
Sep 2021
The romance is slowly building up here and there in the episodes. The visuals also make it look even more good.
May 6, 2023 11:26 PM

Jan 2019
aww runa chan's soo cute but i was kinda hoping for more yamadakane but oh well. this ep was cute so i'll let it slide
May 7, 2023 12:21 AM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Runa-chan is so sweet now. She reminds me a lot of Tsubasa character from Karekano, which I also loved. The relationship that she forms with Akane is also very resemblant from that of Yukino and Tsubasa in Karekano, evolving from mutual hate to friendship, and Runa/Tsubasa playing the adorable spoiled girl role.

I felt a bit disappointed by Momo, tho. She was my favorite character from the show, but her obsession with marriage and children turned me down a little.
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May 7, 2023 2:53 AM
Mar 2022
I'm actually surprised because when I started this anime I thought it'd be cheesy Shoujo of how Akane gets a crush on Yamada and I expected her to act awkwardly around him every episode. But instead Akane is a more grown up heroine and it seems that Yamada is the one who's getting awkward, unable to handle the feelings he's catching for Akane. Can't wait for more!
May 7, 2023 4:15 AM
Mar 2021
The introduction wasn't in the manga if i remember. But we get to know Runa better.
I loved the episode.
I'm 22 and I still scream in front of a Shojo anime haha
May 7, 2023 4:23 AM
Oct 2022
I love her runa chaaaaan
May 7, 2023 5:37 AM

Oct 2022
Didn't thought Runa would actually try to bring yamada and akane closer after what she did last episode.

Her plan failed though, kind of..
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