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Sep 17, 2022 10:55 PM
Nov 2018
Tbh the writing has been poor from the start, so it's not a surprise anymore. Chisato and Takina somehow dragged it to the finishing line. I think it would have been a better show if they hadn't gone all serious with it like Psycho-pass. And make Majima a discount Makishima.
Sep 17, 2022 11:26 PM

Sep 2017
I agree. Every civilian's IQ has been reduced so low that the only way the plot makes any sense is if it was written and acted out by a bunch of idiot cardboards.

There has been so much gore and blood in the broadcast last episode but they wave it off with a new attraction ad and everyone is ok.

Yeah, not just money, but the blood of civilians gunned down by younglings/lycoris and police. but who cares, as long as they get to visit the next crap of attractions, dont ask questions, just switch off your brains because audience is concerned about yuri bait more than the plot. We can't have a realistic or ethical discussion, just a cheap copout that's the best lycoris can do apparently..

They are just piggybanking off psycho pass's setting. Just all the same things copied with 0 of the essence. Just as long as people turn off their brains and sing "SAKANA MATATA" everything is ok .

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 18, 2022 12:24 AM
Jul 2020
elalejoveloz said:
You people seems that don't live in a black ops Country and you should thank that... But it is very credible... Will be lots of people that don't buy the story, but will be overwhealmed with the ones that do, the bots that push the narrative and the media covering absolutely anything but that

There's a problem with that, people actually died.
People with families and friends, and friends with families, and families with friends...
This is bad writing.
Sep 18, 2022 12:26 AM
Jul 2020
3radenM said:
The pacing is kind of odd in that Lycoris is exposed and then its undone I think the next day?
But I think it’s perfectly believable when you consider
a) Lycoris has a pre-established system for manipulating the media
b) based on the real world we can assume that there would be “Lycoris truthers” out there but they wouldn’t be taken seriously
c) spreading footage and eyewitness accounts of them actually helps hide the truth due to the overwhelming amount of information (think Metal Gear Solid 2)
The show probably could’ve handled this subplot better but for a show with a crazy premise and only 13 episodes I think it’s fine

Mate people with families and friends died.
They ain't covering that up with the prank excuse.
And it was such an easy fix, just remove the guns in the city.
Sep 18, 2022 12:29 AM
Jul 2020
t2t2 said:
Lets just say this series requires some level of suspension of disbelief. I fckin gave up on thinking about the logic of this series after episode 1 man.

And because of that I am enjoying this show so much.

There's a limit in each piece of media, if Chisato began flying it would break the show world building.
In this case they haven't shown anything that proves people are in a 1984 scenario, since they clearly have considerable freedom with the internet.
Sep 18, 2022 12:32 AM
Jul 2020
kset280 said:
Elevatorisbest said:

Difference is, LycoReco takes place in 21st century where fuckton of people can mass record and tweet stuff in 30 seconds, while in those times Radio was still a fairly new tech for majority of the population, not to mention that the fastest communication method of that time was either a cable phone or a telegraph, which fun fact - wouldn't transmit pictures or videos and so couldn't really proof that this was 100% real right away

They never experienced any proper crime cases, mate.
Even Majima explained that in Episode 10. They're manipulated & used because they never experienced actual crimes.

Good luck manipulating the families that had they father murdered.
Sep 18, 2022 12:45 AM

Sep 2017
RogerCop said:
3radenM said:
The pacing is kind of odd in that Lycoris is exposed and then its undone I think the next day?
But I think it’s perfectly believable when you consider
a) Lycoris has a pre-established system for manipulating the media
b) based on the real world we can assume that there would be “Lycoris truthers” out there but they wouldn’t be taken seriously
c) spreading footage and eyewitness accounts of them actually helps hide the truth due to the overwhelming amount of information (think Metal Gear Solid 2)
The show probably could’ve handled this subplot better but for a show with a crazy premise and only 13 episodes I think it’s fine

Mate people with families and friends died.
They ain't covering that up with the prank excuse.
And it was such an easy fix, just remove the guns in the city.

Exactly. Not to mention the media and dead bodies coverup isnt sitting well with me.

How many innocent civilians have died due to lycoris and got their deaths swept behind the rug just because the AI/DA has been wrong and they swept up the deaths just so that they can still perpetuate the lie that the DA is never wrong?

Are the lycoris recruited fairly? Do they even know what it is to kill civilians? Do they think of it as a game when they start killing at 6 years old? And do all the criminals killed violently by the lycoris necessarily deserve death as a punishment? This is just Judge jury executioner all over again.

How many orphans are goaded into being lycoris and bullied and harassed by their peers because they were too 'pussy' enough to not kill people and blindly follow orders?? We seen it happen to takina, but she turned out alright, but what about those who didnt have a fucking chisato in their lives and pulled the trigger on their heads just because they became depressed and felt they had no other meaning and that they were worthless because their parents and now the DA has abandoned them???

So many ethical questions but the show refuses to answer em because we are supposed to turn off our brains and cheer on for 'cute girls doing counter terrorism' plot which is mostly ripped outta psycho pass just because 'they are cute'. You can't half arse ethical issues. At this point the villain Majima makes more sense for shutting the DA down since atleast people will start to turn on their brains and question the legality of the lycoris.

Assuming they haven't turned on their brains already when they should have questioned the family unfriendly video that was aired with blood and gore which children watched and the DA just tried to excuse it as 'a trailer for a new promotion'. Even Bill Clinton saying that he didn't bang his secretary sounded 1000 times more convincing than that.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 18, 2022 5:04 AM
Apr 2022
People seriously complaining about the premise when it has literally been established DA takes countless measures to cover up anything and everything they do. It’s the whole reason Radiata was the objective of Majima all along: he wanted people to actually pay attention to what was around them for once, instead of mindlessly living out their lives in ignorance, soaking up the fake peace that was maintained through the countless execution of criminals by DA. But wouldn’t you know it, after a nice little advertisement reassuring the masses it was al just a nice little piece of fabricated entertainment, people went along their merry ways without a second thought. And honestly, does anyone really care what is happening two streets down from where they live? What about the next city over? Would you stop and give aid to anyone you didn’t really know, someone that was a complete stranger to you? Would you fight for their cause, or defend them when they are in peril? Would you lend them your voice, and advocate for their rights? The science on human psychology begs to differ. People are only concerned about themselves. If there was no news, people would only seek out specific news that applied to them, and nothing else. And if an AI existed that could directly influence the feed of news people had access to, would this premise still be considered unrealistic? Hell, wouldn’t such an AI be able to monitor and delete anything incriminating that undermines the maintained narrative by the powers that be? If there existed such a thing, it would be the same as if people were living life with a veil being held over their eyes. But that type of stuff doesn’t happen in real life, right?
Sep 18, 2022 5:31 AM
Apr 2022
deg said:
Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people's common sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion

its a real phenomenon

if you asked whoever made this I highly doubt they thought of this phenomenon when deciding how to deal with the civilians, and more likely the thought about it would seen as comedy bit.
Sep 18, 2022 5:36 AM
Apr 2022
it was just trying to be funny. I like this show and I understand it's supposed to have a light-hearted and linear story, but it would've been nice if this episode had some catastrophe in it, like if chisato killed him instead instead of it being "haha everything bad gets rescinded"
Sep 18, 2022 5:37 AM

Nov 2016
Still smarter than One Piece civillians and NPC's lmao

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 18, 2022 6:17 AM

Sep 2017
Mugi-Tren said:
deg said:
Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people's common sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion

its a real phenomenon

if you asked whoever made this I highly doubt they thought of this phenomenon when deciding how to deal with the civilians, and more likely the thought about it would seen as comedy bit.

I'd say they more likely thought of lazy writing more than any other particular phenomenon.
Japanese culture does place a very huge emphasis on conforming to the group rather than individual beliefs, to the point that they would ignore they have a problem with their culture rather than acknowledge it.

Part of it is due to Honne and tatemae ,but I dont believe it applies here. Here, the individuals/public in lycoris recoil are expressing an individual opinion that the gory and kid unfriendly traumatising visuals they have been exposed to, courtesy of makishima shogo cheap ripoff, is ok, because they put an ad after it saying that it is just a promo.

None of them find it remotely disturbing, or even haunted by the blatant implication that was told to them that every crime around them was brutally covered up by school girls and a nebulous organisation, with heavy evidence to support it and are way too easily accepting of the slapdash ad. Idk, that sort of thing is heavily traumatising to most individuals, especially when you consider most families with daughters who would mostly dread if they were also such type of lycoris.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 18, 2022 6:19 AM

Dec 2020
Yeah that was dumb, people who are saying it makes kinda sense are even dumber.
Sep 18, 2022 6:23 AM

Jan 2009
the selling point of this show is the lovable characters anyway and not the weak plot
Sep 18, 2022 7:42 AM
Dec 2021
I think it can sort of make sense for the civilians to believe in the Lycoris all being a prank, but it’s a really lazy way to tie up the series and made me disappointed.
Sep 18, 2022 10:35 AM

Oct 2014
If you nitpick an anime with their flaws, any title will look dumb and disappointing.

About that, I agree. But, dont you think that the girls being so strong, Chisato can't be hit by bullet, Takina wearing mens underwear are more unrealistic than the civilians?

Lycoris is not a perfect anime. But its pretty damn good.
Sep 18, 2022 11:12 AM

Jan 2021
JeremiahOrange said:
RogerCop said:

Mate people with families and friends died.
They ain't covering that up with the prank excuse.
And it was such an easy fix, just remove the guns in the city.

Exactly. Not to mention the media and dead bodies coverup isnt sitting well with me.

How many innocent civilians have died due to lycoris and got their deaths swept behind the rug just because the AI/DA has been wrong and they swept up the deaths just so that they can still perpetuate the lie that the DA is never wrong?

Are the lycoris recruited fairly? Do they even know what it is to kill civilians? Do they think of it as a game when they start killing at 6 years old? And do all the criminals killed violently by the lycoris necessarily deserve death as a punishment? This is just Judge jury executioner all over again.

How many orphans are goaded into being lycoris and bullied and harassed by their peers because they were too 'pussy' enough to not kill people and blindly follow orders?? We seen it happen to takina, but she turned out alright, but what about those who didnt have a fucking chisato in their lives and pulled the trigger on their heads just because they became depressed and felt they had no other meaning and that they were worthless because their parents and now the DA has abandoned them???

So many ethical questions but the show refuses to answer em because we are supposed to turn off our brains and cheer on for 'cute girls doing counter terrorism' plot which is mostly ripped outta psycho pass just because 'they are cute'. You can't half arse ethical issues. At this point the villain Majima makes more sense for shutting the DA down since atleast people will start to turn on their brains and question the legality of the lycoris.

Assuming they haven't turned on their brains already when they should have questioned the family unfriendly video that was aired with blood and gore which children watched and the DA just tried to excuse it as 'a trailer for a new promotion'. Even Bill Clinton saying that he didn't bang his secretary sounded 1000 times more convincing than that.

I'll be honest with this, I think you are really overthinking it. I know that the thing that happened in the episode was extremely dumb, but half of the questions you ask are things that really hasn't mattered at all in the plot.

>How many innocent civilians have died due to lycoris and got their deaths swept behind the rug just because the AI/DA has been wrong and they swept up the deaths just so that they can still perpetuate the lie that the DA is never wrong?

I doubt they kill actually innocent civilians, they have like the whole city/country whatever being monitorized.

>Are the lycoris recruited fairly?

It's probably just orphans being offered a place to live as long as they follow orders. I don't think it is completely fair, but I doubt they just take them by force and make them do what they want, can't be sure since we weren't told how they are recluted so any of those options can be valid.

>Do they even know what it is to kill civilians?

Well, I'm sure you have been watching the series and knowing they are willing to kill, so I'm sure they know what it is to kill.

>Do they think of it as a game when they start killing at 6 years old?

I don't know in which world you got that they think of it as a game, but as you can see they definitely take it as work.

>And do all the criminals killed violently by the lycoris necessarily deserve death as a punishment?

I don't think so, think something similar to Death Note as how Light simply killed any criminal without actually caring about what they did and if they deserved to being killed. I know this isn't talking good about the DA, but my point isn't defending them.

>How many orphans are goaded into being lycoris and bullied and harassed by their peers because they were too 'pussy' enough to not kill people and blindly follow orders??

I don't know, do you really need a number of how many people has been "goaded" into it? Because I doubt you will ever get an actual number for it because it isn't neccesary.

>what about those who didnt have a fucking chisato in their lives and pulled the trigger on their heads just because they became depressed and felt they had no other meaning and that they were worthless because their parents and now the DA has abandoned them???

You are overthinking it, have you ever heard in the series that people have suicided after being abandoned from the DA? Actually, Takina was transfered to another place, what makes you think that this wasn't the case with other girls too?

A question aside form all of this:

>which is mostly ripped outta psycho pass

Where do you get that this is ripped from Psycho Pass? Are you implying that Psycho Pass was the first series to ever have this kind of setting and that's why the one we see in Lycoris Recoil is ripped off of it?

And yes, what happened in the last episode as a cover up of the Lycoris is completely dumb, I definitely agree with you in that.
Sep 18, 2022 2:51 PM

Jul 2017
CickNipolla said:
RogerCop said:

You're confusing the situation.
The better comparison would be if terrorists attack the center of New York in the daylight, blew upped a few buildings and the news would say it was a Michael Bay movie.

with how marketing is these days, its entirely possible.

you are delusional

Sep 18, 2022 2:53 PM

Sep 2018
I raised an eyebrow at that scene, but afterwards thought that it was actually quite consistent with the world setting. Obviously they're not going to completely cover it up 100%, there were murders, but that can be taken care of, I'd assume. The "fix up" could have been done better for sure though.
Sep 18, 2022 3:52 PM

May 2020
laslodj said:
CickNipolla said:

with how marketing is these days, its entirely possible.

you are delusional

ironic for someone who gave hxh a 10 to call others delusional
Sep 19, 2022 3:57 AM
Jan 2021
I mean, I agree, Civilians should realise this isn’t all an ad or whatever but we’re all just forgetting one thing. There’s actual people out there who can convince other people, in the real world, that multiple mass shootings are “coverups by the government” to push their “anti-gun agenda”. So it’s not surprising if some people believe that it was just an ad, but then next season or Light Novels or whatever, they have to deal with those type of people and trying to silence them without killing them, to not bring on suspicion.
Sep 19, 2022 8:25 AM

Jul 2019
Piromysl said:
Elevatorisbest said:

Difference is, LycoReco takes place in 21st century where fuckton of people can mass record and tweet stuff in 30 seconds, while in those times Radio was still a fairly new tech for majority of the population, not to mention that the fastest communication method of that time was either a cable phone or a telegraph, which fun fact - wouldn't transmit pictures or videos and so couldn't really proof that this was 100% real right away

But in 21st century people are way dumber than ever in recorded history.

Lol, how? If your reference is social media then you are confusing zoomers (not all btw) are somehow the majority.
Sep 19, 2022 6:25 PM

Mar 2014
This is just a way for the writers to say that the good guy wins and all matter is resolve. Don't think too much about I'm fairly certain the writers didn't
Sep 20, 2022 4:33 AM
Apr 2021
What makes Lycoris Recoil special. Read this post:

My Anime List: Link

All friend requests are accepted. Come say hi. We can be friends.

Sep 20, 2022 5:27 AM

Aug 2018
The world is deteriorating and becoming dumber every day. There exists only one cure to this madness! Throw away your worldly possessions and become a monk. This is a guide (with pictures)

Step 1: Learn about Buddhism

That's right! Put away your phones, stop fucking your
body pillows, and open up a book! Begin your path to
becoming a monk by understanding the basics about
Buddhism. Study the Eightfold Path, which is the way
to the end of all suffering. Learn the four noble truths,
which contain the essence of Buddhism.

Step 2: Find a monk sensei

Like most people out there, you're dumb, weak, ugly,
shallow, American, impulsive, inconsistent, unfaithful,
and the list goes on, which is why you need your very
own monk sensei! Learning from a mentor is a very
important first step in becoming a monk. One-on-one
instruction allows you to delve deeper into Buddhist
teachings and gain a more complete understanding of
what will be expected of you as a monk.

Step 3: Epic monk life

Before you enter the epic monk life and catch those dubs
every day, you must learn to control yourself, which you
will learn in the form of meditation. Becoming a Buddhist
monk requires daily meditation and a conscious effort to
change how the mind works. When you live in an abbey,
much of your day will be spent in meditation.
This takes practice.

Step 4: Get rid of your worldly possessions

You're no mere motal anymore. You are a monk. You don't
need your computer to jack off to anime girls, nor your slightly
stained body pillow which hasn't been washed since 2019,
you are now above the peasants and free to do as you please.
Monks live as mendicants, meaning they possess only what is
required for a very simple quality of life, nothing more.

Step 5: Realize your Buddhist clan is now your family

No more crying alone at night, you are now a super chad monk
with a huge monk family. Once you join a monastery, your life
will be devoted to your Buddhist community. Your days will be
spent in service of others, and your focus will be on those who
need your help. And together you shall dominate the world.
Sep 20, 2022 9:32 AM

Jul 2016
Guys, it's just bad writing. No need to go on an endless discussion about media manipulation and government conspiracies.
This shitshow doesn't deserve it.
Sep 20, 2022 12:17 PM

May 2021
People thinking the average intelligence of people(and bots) on social media represents the average intelligence of actual people all around the globe in order to justify the lazy writing is just hilarious.

Sep 20, 2022 4:02 PM

May 2008
FB, Twitter, insta, together with legacy medias... when it comes to the new tools for mass manipulation and manufacturing consent used by the ruling class on a dumb and blind populace, reality is much, much worse that what we have in this show.
Sep 23, 2022 5:51 AM
May 2021
Exactly my thoughts. I already thought that the plot was pretty weak in this show and that there were a lot of bs plot armor, plot conveniences, inconsistencies and lack of logic in this show, but this was just incredibly laughable. To really enjoy this anime you have to turn your brain off pretty much.
Sep 23, 2022 6:01 AM
May 2021
thunderkitten667 said:
You don’t really understand how propaganda works, do you? You realize if tomorrow, every newspaper and television and radio station and website affiliate proclaimed that aliens were invading earth, the overwhelming majority would eat it up? That’s what is so powerful about controlling the media. You control information, and if nobody has anything else to compare it to, your information becomes “truth”. That is what Majima is even fighting against: DA’s iron grip on the media and controlling the narrative to cover up their exploits.

So why were DA so worried in the first place if all it would take is one media broadcast to solve everything?
Sep 23, 2022 6:03 AM
May 2021
thunderkitten667 said:
Piromysl said:

But in 21st century people are way dumber than ever in recorded history.

Finally, someone is making sense. Technology has not sharpened our senses, it has numbed them and the result is an overwhelming lack of common sense. Tide pod challenge, cinnamon challenge, blackout challenge, etc. we have been getting dumber with each passing generation lol.

Ah yes, because a few idiots in our generation must mean that every single human being is suddenly a moron and that there are no people left capable of seeing through obvious bullshit? Makes total sense.
Sep 23, 2022 6:17 AM
May 2021
JeremiahOrange said:
I agree. Every civilian's IQ has been reduced so low that the only way the plot makes any sense is if it was written and acted out by a bunch of idiot cardboards.

There has been so much gore and blood in the broadcast last episode but they wave it off with a new attraction ad and everyone is ok.

Yeah, not just money, but the blood of civilians gunned down by younglings/lycoris and police. but who cares, as long as they get to visit the next crap of attractions, dont ask questions, just switch off your brains because audience is concerned about yuri bait more than the plot. We can't have a realistic or ethical discussion, just a cheap copout that's the best lycoris can do apparently..

They are just piggybanking off psycho pass's setting. Just all the same things copied with 0 of the essence. Just as long as people turn off their brains and sing "SAKANA MATATA" everything is ok .

You put it so perfectly. It's actually crazy the amount of bs excuses people make for this show because they think the characters are cute or gay.
Sep 23, 2022 6:19 AM
May 2021
Gazz said:
If you nitpick an anime with their flaws, any title will look dumb and disappointing.

About that, I agree. But, dont you think that the girls being so strong, Chisato can't be hit by bullet, Takina wearing mens underwear are more unrealistic than the civilians?

Lycoris is not a perfect anime. But its pretty damn good.

I'd say it's enjoyable... long as you learn to turn your brain off when watching the episodes. "Good" might be a little too generous given the amount of logical and narrative inconsistencies and conveniences the show has thrown in our face.
Sep 23, 2022 6:23 AM
May 2021
CickNipolla said:
laslodj said:

you are delusional

ironic for someone who gave hxh a 10 to call others delusional

- gave Naruto and Bunny girl senpai a 9

Sep 23, 2022 6:25 AM
May 2021
Anti-Username said:
It is a realist depiction, I see nothing "dumb" about it

Tell me what's realist about every single civilian believing the most lazy "coverup" I have ever seen? People literally died. They also have families and friends. But sure..."realist"
Sep 23, 2022 12:11 PM

May 2020
SkyhighCFC said:
CickNipolla said:

ironic for someone who gave hxh a 10 to call others delusional

- gave Naruto and Bunny girl senpai a 9


dont those two shows actually have endings unlike mid x mid
Sep 23, 2022 1:06 PM
May 2020
Piromysl said:
Elevatorisbest said:

Difference is, LycoReco takes place in 21st century where fuckton of people can mass record and tweet stuff in 30 seconds, while in those times Radio was still a fairly new tech for majority of the population, not to mention that the fastest communication method of that time was either a cable phone or a telegraph, which fun fact - wouldn't transmit pictures or videos and so couldn't really proof that this was 100% real right away

But in 21st century people are way dumber than ever in recorded history.

Those are facts i def can agree with

Sep 23, 2022 3:33 PM
May 2021
CickNipolla said:
SkyhighCFC said:

- gave Naruto and Bunny girl senpai a 9


dont those two shows actually have endings unlike mid x mid

Both those shows are also 7.5-8 at best.
Sep 23, 2022 4:13 PM

May 2020
SkyhighCFC said:
CickNipolla said:

dont those two shows actually have endings unlike mid x mid

Both those shows are also 7.5-8 at best.

im glad we agree hxh is a 7 at best, i personally gave it a 6
Sep 27, 2022 6:53 PM

Oct 2014
SkyhighCFC said:
Gazz said:
If you nitpick an anime with their flaws, any title will look dumb and disappointing.

About that, I agree. But, dont you think that the girls being so strong, Chisato can't be hit by bullet, Takina wearing mens underwear are more unrealistic than the civilians?

Lycoris is not a perfect anime. But its pretty damn good.

I'd say it's enjoyable... long as you learn to turn your brain off when watching the episodes. "Good" might be a little too generous given the amount of logical and narrative inconsistencies and conveniences the show has thrown in our face.

Whats your favorite anime and I'll describe it as "not good for me" using your own logic.
Sep 27, 2022 7:12 PM
May 2021
Gazz said:
SkyhighCFC said:

I'd say it's enjoyable... long as you learn to turn your brain off when watching the episodes. "Good" might be a little too generous given the amount of logical and narrative inconsistencies and conveniences the show has thrown in our face.

Whats your favorite anime and I'll describe it as "not good for me" using your own logic.
Gazz said:
SkyhighCFC said:

I'd say it's enjoyable... long as you learn to turn your brain off when watching the episodes. "Good" might be a little too generous given the amount of logical and narrative inconsistencies and conveniences the show has thrown in our face.

Whats your favorite anime and I'll describe it as "not good for me" using your own logic.

I don't care sadly. I just stated my opinion
Oct 11, 2022 1:06 AM

Oct 2008
I mean if I agree with you, then what does that make us (the real people). We're really not that different from the fictional civilians. Rather than being smacked over the face with an inconvenient truth, wouldn't you prefer a peace in ignorance. There are plenty of civilians sewing conspiracy theories, let's just say that we have a pretty good grasp on the fact that those conspiracies are in fact very plausible.
But the government's dirty laundry is not just dirty it's been submerged in radiation poison. As a civilian, I'm going to steer clear of it, thank you very much.
Nov 29, 2022 7:41 PM
Jan 2017
well considering how television successfully brainwashes the general public irl im not surprised at all lol sure its a bit exaggerated in this anime, but I think that's the point.. this show is all colorful and bubbly on the surface but deep down it exposes a lot about society, government control, media control, and conspiracy theories. the public perception of the incident that is manipulated by media coverage in the show is more realistic than you might seem to think...
Dec 4, 2022 5:36 AM

Oct 2016
RogerCop said:
Piromysl said:

But in 21st century people are way dumber than ever in recorded history.

Mate, just because 10% of the population believes the earth is flat, doesn't mean the other 90% are dumb.

LMAO, it's hilarious it has to be pointed out, jesus christ.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Dec 11, 2022 6:15 PM
Jan 2017
SkyhighCFC said:
Gazz said:
If you nitpick an anime with their flaws, any title will look dumb and disappointing.

About that, I agree. But, dont you think that the girls being so strong, Chisato can't be hit by bullet, Takina wearing mens underwear are more unrealistic than the civilians?

Lycoris is not a perfect anime. But its pretty damn good.

I'd say it's enjoyable... long as you learn to turn your brain off when watching the episodes. "Good" might be a little too generous given the amount of logical and narrative inconsistencies and conveniences the show has thrown in our face.

i kinda agree with you there. i really enjoyed watching the show but there were alot of points where i couldnt help but roll my eyes lol if i thought about stuff too hard i found myself not enjoying the show at all so i just sat there and let it take me for the ride. i also have other issues with the themes explored... i feel a bit brainwashed lol why can't i just say the show was bad and move on? it somehow still managed to leave a sweet taste in my mouth.. which is also on par considering they work at a sweets café.
Dec 13, 2022 3:32 PM

Feb 2012
Elevatorisbest said:
I find it hard to believe that all the civilians decided to simultanously change their minds and thought that Lycoris and all the shootings along with the fight at the Tower was just a big prank just because some short tv announcement told them so

Have you been under a rock the past 2 years? Yes, that's exactly what makes it realistic: the government fired their propaganda machine, the Current Thing update was distributed and the NPCs immediately start supporting the Current Thing. In the real world 90% of the population are NPCs who will firmly believe that other governments/parties are corrupt, evil and do bad things but THEIR government/party "would never do such a thing"; other media lie, collude to push propaganda and brainwash people but THEIR favorite media "would never do such a thing"; everyone who would suggest that such bad things are happening is a "conspiracy theorist" and every proof they bring is propaganda that has already been deboonked.

Want the proof that what's shown in the anime is 100% realistic? It's easy, just imagine it: you close MAL, your friend DM you saying that the peaceful society you've been living in is false, you government is lying to everyone and there's high school girls fighting terrorists left and right. He shows you the video, and says that he saw one of the girls killing a random stranger. You search on Google and every single media and deboonker says it's a movie trailer.
What are you going to believe?
a) Everything is a lie, government bad.
b) Your friend is nuts.

There you have it: perfectly realistic. Anyone who says that "the civilians are too dumb" or "the deceased's family will never believe a lie" it's because they're part of the 90% of NPCs.
Humans are suspicious and jealous creatures. When they see something perfect, they wanna find a flaw.

Ratohnhaketon said:
You have much to learn if you have not joined the witch hunt to down vote every anime that rises above our underrated favorites. I am currently on a campaign to get Training with Hinako into the top 12. Shit taste is hard to fight though, it's like trying to talk sense to an army of hallucinating loonies.
Ty-Ki said:
It's hilarious to see morons wasting more time with the series they hate so much than the fans of it.
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