AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA They really did drag Sumi into the mess. Fuck. Well it was gonna happen eventually if you think about it. But still tho damn.
There was no need to remind us next episode is final by saying "watch the final episode too" at the end.
This was an amazing epsiode, went by in a flash.
Kazuya really pulled an all-nighter looking up how to comfort Chizuru which actually wasn't of any help at the end, anyway it's the thought that counts. It did show just how much he cares for her which was nice. It would be nicer if Chizuru would actually let Kazuya comfort her, she always acts like the super-woman who always helps others and doesn't need any help herself. I think she's scared to be vulnerable especially at the present situation. I'm sure she's thinking like, "when grandma dies, I'm gonna be all alone and I will have to look after myself" and "I can't depend on anyone". Because I think if she shows even a tiny bit of vulnerability she wouldn't be able to stop, so she's just completely avoiding to seek any help from anyone, even Kazuya who I'm sure she knows on some level that will do anything for her.
Sumi was exceedingly adorable this episode. It was great to see her plan everything out, from her uniform to the show timings and stuff, she went all out just for Kazuya. This kind of gave us a hint for what came next, no normal rental gf would go to such lengths for thier clients who aren't even paying you.
Sumi genuinely getting impressed by Kazuya's knowledge and fascination of fishes got to give Kazuya a huge boost in confidence.
Kazuya may be cringy sometimes and horny most of the time but he's a really good guy though. The post-getting-wet-by-dolphin's-splash part proved that once again.
The post-splash line of Kazuya was a genuine complement to Sumi which just made her feel so good that she couldn't help herself but admit she has a crush on Kazuya. That was a nice wordplay by Sumi there lol, "tsuki" and "tsugi". I'm having mixed feelings at this development, first I'm kinda happy that this has happened which means more Sumi but on the other hand I'm like please don't drag precious Sumi into the mess only for her heart to be broken. I would hate to see Sumi's heart getting broken because we all know Kazuya has eyes only for Chizuru, he's fully commited to her alright.
That hat really suited Kazuya though not gonna lie, that was a nice present.
We even got Sumi speaking a lot in this episode. Rie Takahashi must be happy to finally have some lines other than cute Sumi noises.
But ok I did not expect to almost cry from watching an episode of rent a gf of all animes. I had to hold back so much, got teary-eyed tho, didn't cry. Kazuya's wording of it and the way he said all that had an impact. I mean we the viewers already knew whatever Kazuya said to Sumi. Seeing a tearing-up Kazuya was the breaking point for me, had to hold back. Though not gonna lie I for some reason actually laughed when I saw Sumi crying buckets and then I immediately felt tears forming so I held back again.
Kazuya and Sumi just sitting and crying together thinking about Chizuru's situation was such a beautiful scene. Sumi and Kazuya have definitely gotten closer (emotionally) after that. You make a different bond with someone who you have cried with. That must have been a healing moment for Kazuya.
Oh and we got the special Sumi matane again. Last time we got it was in Season 1's Sumi date. Been quite a few episodes since then.
And they really ended it on a cliffhanger like that. One more week of pain and then continous suffering till Season 3 is announced and then again painful wait till Season 3 actually airs. No worries though I will fill the hole left by this anime with several other animes.
This was one of the best episodes too and the fact that this felt like a 5 minute episode just further proves it.
If Sumi is actually a potential love interest now or not, we will only find out in next season I guess. I don't think they will give us another Sumi episode as the final episode of this Season. Also I want to see some Chizuru and Kazuya for the last episode. I'm really looking forward to next episode and how it ends. I'm having a lot of expectations not gonna lie, this season has been a lot better than Season 1 as well, not only in terms of story but the overall production quality as well. It's great.
6/5 episode. |