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Summertime Rendering
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Jun 23, 2022 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
I definitely got some chills from watching this episode knowing there are Shadows in that cave they're exploring. Shiori was creepy as fuck as usual.

Hizuru did some good work but no one felt safe this episode at all. And got weird feeling about Haine...

Jun 23, 2022 8:45 AM

May 2020
Can’t believe they copied a whole damn ocean down there, as if Sou’s family wasn’t suspicious to begin with, we fucking got Tokiko with a horde of shadows appearing all of a sudden, and fucking threatening Shinpei and Sou. And no things just didn't end there as for some reason even Shiori’s shadow roaming around freely which of course isn’t her but Haine, whom they call mother.

Squaring off against her and that boss shadow ended up disastrously for Hizuru and that old man who too were down there, with him losing his life(under normal circumstances he should) and she just barely escaping. Need a bit more about her seeing ahead in time ability though. This episode just opened up a floodgate of questions, definitely the second most tense one after that fifth episode.

Well if the innocence in evil has a face

Jun 23, 2022 10:27 AM

Oct 2020
Oh damn, my skills are getting worse and worse ig.... I'm not able to watch seasonals nowadays. This is the only show that's holding me in the right place, so I've to take out some time for this ig.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Jun 23, 2022 10:29 PM

Feb 2019
Summertime Render Thursdays let’s gooo.

Tokiko been sus to me since last episode. She had that really odd look in her face when the cop from the mainland came up to the bench.

Really got the feeling we’re in a big bind this episode. The tense encounter in the cave combined with the old man and Rynosuke getting shot, It seems like Shinpei ushio and sou are all the hope the island has rn. That big shadow being able to copy weapons and basically impossible to damage… just seems like some overwhelming odds for us rn. Really looking forward to seeing how they get out of this.

Great episode as always, but man it’s so hard waiting a week for more of the story lol
Jun 24, 2022 5:19 AM

Nov 2013
Yup, this encounter won't end well.
Jun 24, 2022 5:41 AM

Jun 2016
i cant wait for next episode !!

this shit so interesting !!
Jun 24, 2022 6:03 AM
Oct 2020
Well, next episodes title doesn't sound good for me. Just got ready for everything, even for the worst case
Jun 24, 2022 7:53 AM

Feb 2021
great episode and tokiko finally made her involvement in the plot, since the manga gave a lot of information regarding her involvement that the anime chose to not reveal yet i wonder how it will be handled in the end
feel sad for nezu and ryo man, the big shadow’s yellow eyes are pretty intense and shadow shiori is a great antagonist she’s a savage
Jun 24, 2022 8:02 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Mio managed to convince Totsumura to go in the sewer because he may be a hero if he finds Shiori xD. Ushio needs to scan the original to get her right arm back but...that isn't possible anymore of course.
Tokiko is not a shadow! SHE IS HUMAN!!!
Nezu was shot by that shadow!
This episode had a pretty creepy atmosphere...
Hiruko-sama's stomach rumbles...

Looking forward to the next episode!
Jun 24, 2022 8:12 AM
Aug 2015
Another cliffhanger. Things doesn't look too good, I expect another death and reset. On that side, I totally forgot in which loop we are. Does Mio know about the shadows? I thought they killed the little shadow girl, was on a different loop?
Jun 24, 2022 9:02 AM

Sep 2019
Tokiko being a human rather than a shadow was yet another shocking revelation. RIP to Ginjirou and Hizuru, hope all is fine. Is Hiruko-sama hungry at 9 p.m. another foreshadowing?

Overall a nice episode.
Jun 24, 2022 1:42 PM

Jul 2010
NEVER trust characters with closed eyes. Expected her betrayal on festival tbh.
Also is it just me or Tokiko has some gay vibes towards Mio? She looked VERY upset when Mio was talking about Shinpei in previous episode.

DoubleR said:
I thought they killed the little shadow girl, was on a different loop? literally was explained in this very episode. She faked her death and ran away through the holes in concrete.
Jun 24, 2022 5:19 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
KNEW TOKIKO WAS A MOLE FROM THE FIRST FEW EPS! how did the shadow mio know that the mc had recorded her with his phone? the mc only told mio, his male friend, and tokiko. mio's shadow was revealed to wear different clothing and the male friend was the most likely to be an ally, making tokiko the mole the entire time. tokiko's mole and mio's shadow were in communication for a significant part of the timeline

Something rumbles*
Ushio: It wasn't me!

bruh lmao that got me for real xD how fast is your metabolism to rumble every few hours. Again it was not a big surprise for me, the mole was tokiko. Really never doubted the dude.. it's almost always the woman, is whatt I've known from so many mystery manga.

Jun 24, 2022 6:03 PM
Oct 2021
Anayan_Kashyap said:
Oh damn, my skills are getting worse and worse ig.... I'm not able to watch seasonals nowadays. This is the only show that's holding me in the right place, so I've to take out some time for this ig.

I thought it was only me but I guess this season has been a bit dead
Jun 24, 2022 6:23 PM

May 2019

Lots of plot twists were manifested in this episode. This is some pretty dark lore that the trio have gotten themselves into, with the result being finally understanding Tokiko's true character (really cements the trope of never trusting a character with constantly closed eyes). What's interesting to me about Tokiko is how long she has understood this shadow business, even getting involved with her father at the old clinic, as demonstrated in the small recap in the beginning of the episode's 2nd half.

On the other hand, we have the two other groups—Hizuru with Nezu & Mio with Officer Totsumura—who have also entered the sewers, with the latter group being less knowledgeable about this whole spiel than the former. While we did get to see some good bit of action between HIzuru and Nezu with Shiori's shadow, I realize how we haven't seen much of Mio and Totsumura past the second half of the episode, which does make me feel a bit suspicious.

One last thing, Tokiko did mention to Shinpei that before she would reveal the truth, she warned not to disclose the details of the encounter to Mio. There is a lot of speculation as to why she would say this, with one probable reasoning is of her close relationship to Mio, but there is much to be learned.

Anyways, I suspect something serious is about to go down next episode, especially since Ep 12's title does not provide me any comfort for the fate of our MCs. We're just about halfway through the planned duration of this series, and who knows what else might be uncovered?

"It's nine o'clock. It's time for me to feed."
Jun 24, 2022 6:39 PM

Dec 2020
NEZU-SAN🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁 i was hoping to see more of him what the hell guys💔 and our 2 in 1 sibling might be gone soon enough too

but yiiikes what. rom sou's reaction, seems like he knows that the dad isn't really Fond of him ig. doesn't trust him enough, or expect anything from him, things like that? i hope we can get some stuff from his pov soon

loli shadow god just chilling with a blood iv patch lmao. love that. but that long ass shadow was creepy
Jun 24, 2022 7:28 PM

Oct 2021
I should have seen the Tokiko twist coming with how she's been acting, but I wasn't able to put the pieces together. To be fair, watching this weekly instead of all at once probably doesn't help with deductions, but still.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next episode with our MCs and Hiruko. The title being "Bloody Night" makes me think Shinpei will die and loop again.
Jun 24, 2022 7:53 PM

Jul 2017
Shinpei, Ushio and Sou really walked into a Shadow's nest, and surviving out of there will take courage and perseverance. Hizuru and Nezu are nearby, so it wouldn't be long before help will arrive.

Mio waiting for their arrival, only to be absconded by this mysterious Shadow Shiori and bumping onto Totsumura, it's so funnily stupid how Totsumura just went along with her plan being the "hero" to the one he admires. Both getting printed by Shadows will incur consequences from thereon.

A Shadow imprint of the sea that's just like the actual thing, and slowly with time, Ushio's data loss caused by Shadow Mio that needs the original to scan for recovery, Shinpei trying to think of a solution, is rather stopped by Tokiko. And the while Hitogashima lore of Hiruko Cave, this underground sewer is more than meets the eye.

Tokiko is a real threat to them, and of all things that she's human instead of a Shadow that's connected to them, more and more people are seemingly so with the slow reveals. Especially to Hizuru, the connection to the Shadow god Haine by using Shadow Shiori only makes her's and Nezu's efforts a definite goner. Sou's family is defo involved, and that leaks to everyone...except for Mio.

Hiruko-sama beckons her presence, and it's 9 o'clock: meal time.

I'd swear every episode gets us darker into the lore.
Jun 24, 2022 10:18 PM
Mar 2015
Nine o'clock Its feeding time
Jun 25, 2022 2:09 AM

Oct 2017
They really got themselves into a real bad situation.
Jun 25, 2022 3:27 AM
Jun 2022
I’ll be honest it’s the only anime I’m consistently watching right now it has me in a choke hold
Jun 25, 2022 4:02 AM

Mar 2010
Shiori freaked me out... Can't believe it still is alive. I am starting to dislike Mio. Going down like some dumb horror protagonist in a movie. Looks like Sou's dad and Tokiko is part of the shadow crew. Rip Nezu and Hizuru.
Jun 25, 2022 5:01 AM
Apr 2020
How can Shiori even be alive, and yes I know that it was explained in the episode how she supposedly escaped, but still wasn't she pinned down on three separate points? And Shadows don't separate from their projected body right, so how did she escape that lethal blow. Imo it makes no sense that she's still alive.
Jun 25, 2022 8:06 AM

Jul 2014
Yeah, seeing Tokiko involved with the Shadows is no surprise whatsoever. She has been incredibly suspicious from the start, but I'm not entirely sure why an actual human would be helping the Shadows when they're an existential threat to humanity. Same with Sou's dad helping them by providing them food, though I can at least rationalise that as being for experimental purposes. Either way, is there a benefit to the Shadows being around that would mean it makes sense for humans to aid beings that predate on them, or is Tokiko just insane?

Also, I know Mio is worried about Shiori, but she's surely not stupid enough to keep chasing her after seeing her act as a Shadow? And I get that Shadow Shiori still serves a purpose to the story, but how is it possibly still alive? The explanation doesn't check out with the fact that its true body was completely pinned in place.

Well, things should start to work out better on the next loop onwards for Shinpei, but how is he gonna explain that Tokiko is working with the Shadows? That's probably gonna be the hardest thing for him to make the others believe.
Jun 25, 2022 5:51 PM

May 2015
Very enjoyable episode. To think the shadows were so strong that they could copy a chunk of the sea-floor. They must have a lot of data saved up. The way Hizuru was talking to the Shiori shadow was pretty interesting, I wonder what that was all about, unless I missed something. I for sure thought Tokiko was a shadow already, but it turns out she's just loyal to their cause...but I doubt she actually knows what they want or what they are willing to do to the island.
Jun 25, 2022 6:44 PM

Nov 2015
There was something tremendously suspicious about Tokiko ever since Shinpei first saw the slaughter at the summer festival, and she said "This is not what I dirtied my hands for." I guess now we're finding out just how much blood is on her and her family's hands. But apparently, she's ultimately going to get betrayed too, even if in this timeline she doesn't know it yet.
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something they know they might attack you for.
--Linkin Park, "Hands Held High"
Jun 25, 2022 7:31 PM

May 2021
They copied an entire damn ocean(maybe not fully). I imagine the lore that's going to be probably revealed next episode is gonna be deep.

Jun 25, 2022 8:41 PM
May 2022
Summertime Rendering never fails to impress. Gotta say though, the title of the next episode doesn't really scream "happy fun moments".
Jun 25, 2022 9:00 PM
Jun 2022
Definitely better than last week episode. Rest in rip nezu, not sure how they gonna get out of this one without resetting. Cant wait for next week.
Jun 25, 2022 9:59 PM

Nov 2012
Isn't it time shadow Shiori gets put down permanently? She takes creepy kid to a new level.

I really don't know how they're gonna make 25 episodes. The story is stretched and convoluted enough as is. Is Shinpei going to time travel now? Meiji Period here he comes.

Stardew said:
I am starting to dislike Mio. Going down like some dumb horror protagonist in a movie.

Mio is an idiot. I have never liked, but I started disliking her a couple of eps ago.
Jun 25, 2022 11:00 PM

Jun 2021
Looks like Shinpei is going deeper to find out the truth before looping once again. But I doubt that it's going to be rady for him as his abilities were already discovered. He has to kill himself in order to do it.
Jun 25, 2022 11:39 PM

Jan 2019
So this is what they foreshadowed in episode 5: Hizuru has an ability to foresee a few seconds.

Okay, so I'm just watching this now for the trashy enjoyment.

"The mountain disease. My relative told me about this in the past."
"Underground tunnels. My grandpa told me a story about it as a kid."
"This is a sea anemone. I saw it on the TV."

I envy their memory, really. Very effective for infodump, except that it's so selective that they only pull it in the last minute possible.

Not much to comment on the frequent powerups and non-foreshadowed/inconsistent reveals. They know the story is not compelling and elaborate enough to make a proper setup, so they appeal to shock value in the form of "woah, plot twists". Makes sense, I guess.
Jun 26, 2022 12:04 AM

Nov 2013
As expected, Mio couldn't resist being lured into the sewer. Fully expect her to die.

Same with shadow Ushio, here's hoping she persists into the next loop.

That fight with the big shadow was intense. Seems really strong. Do we know who it is?

Damn rip, Nezu took a hit for Ryo. Gonna miss that badass old man.

Not surprised Tokiko is working with the shadows. She seemed suspicious.

Yet another cliffhanger. I regret watching this weekly.

Jun 26, 2022 12:52 AM

May 2019
The plot thickens! As the storyline progresses more questions arise. Is that frail-looking girl at the end the "mother" that has been looking for Shin since he somehow ended up with her eye?? Sounds like Shin will have to loop before they do something to Ushio or him. Also, why is Sou's family working with or creating these seemingly evil shadows?? Looking forward to the next episode even though the title is grim.
Jun 26, 2022 4:40 AM

Dec 2021
Tbh i already predict that Takiko kinda sus, every single character anime with eye close every single time is sus. Here goes nothing, main villain reveal
Jun 26, 2022 6:16 AM

Jul 2019
Great episode. It seems logical that if Sou knows nothing about the dungeon under his father's clinic then Tokiko was a confidant of everything that connects her family to the Hiruko-sama cult. Shinpei tries to maximise his current existence and goes to the inner sanctrum to collect information but something tells me that he'll pay for it with his flesh.

Ryuunosuke seems to know the shadow creature that is operating behinf a mask of Shiori and at the same time he is at losing position from the start as his main trump card was uncovered from the get go. Looks like this loop is over for him and Nezu-san.
Jun 26, 2022 8:25 AM

Sep 2017
I feel a restart coming. Makes a lot of sense that Tokiko would be involved in some way. Esp with us knowing that their dad is a kinda sketch guy. Also as someone pointed out Tokiko being a mole for shadow Mio in a previous timeline makes a lot of sense. I guess Mio & police man are gonna show up the epicenter of the action with Haine next ep and a lot of crazy shit will happen like the festival reset.
Jun 26, 2022 10:13 AM

May 2016
I really wish MAL added halves for ratings. Everything I rated so far this season Did not really deserve an 8 so I had to give it a 7. I wish I could give them a 7.5. Which I would do with this.

But show is really good.
Jun 26, 2022 10:55 AM

Nov 2011
Damn dude RIP old man Nezu and Ryuunosuke at least for now. I kind of don't want Shinpei to reverse time again but I also want Nezu and Ryuunosuke to live so...yeah idk.

Damn it's Sou's family after all who is in with the Shadows. Crazy.

Things are starting to become more and more interesting.
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Jun 26, 2022 11:30 AM

Aug 2019
I liked Tokiko when she first appeared, but appearances can be deceiving. I really like the plot twist of her being human rather than a shadow. The fact that she is cooperating with them is disturbing.
Jun 26, 2022 12:34 PM
Jan 2019
I too, love it when God is a cute girl
Jun 26, 2022 12:46 PM
Dec 2020
This episode played out better than the last one. Shadows(besides Ushio) can co-operate with humans but what are they trying to achive
Jun 26, 2022 3:50 PM

Jan 2020
Interesting revelations in this episode. I was suspecting Tokiko to be involved with the shadows, and that suspicion grew bigger after the last episode. Quite a few pieces of information are shared in this episode and I will go over them shortly. But before I do that, I'm so intrigued by Sou's family and their cooperation with the shadows. If the shadows' ultimate goal is to feed on everyone on the island, why are they doing what they're doing? And how do they guarantee their safety?

1) Nagumo has a premonition ability. The shadows revealed that after copying her. She can in a way see 2 or 3 seconds into the future.
2) The shadows are most likely not aware of Shinpei's looping ability, but once he's copied, it's over for everybody.
3) The little girl-like god is missing an eye that her shadow puppets are looking for. I'm thinking this could be Shinpei's, but I'm not so sure.
4) The shadow that appeared in episode 5 is named Haine. It looks like it has stronger abilities than your regular shadow.

My thoughts: Shinpei will probably try to drag it out for as long as he can before either killing himself or getting killed, but not before Ushio dies or the shadows find out about his secret. When he loops again, he'll probably try to stop the cremation of Ushio so that her shadow can fight the evil shadows. The Hizurus have piqued my interest even more in this episode and I can't wait to find out more about them.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Jun 26, 2022 5:20 PM
Sep 2012
I think the author forgot about Shadows human body being a projection. There was no reason for Ryuunosuke to shoot directly at Shiori's projection
Jun 26, 2022 9:47 PM

Feb 2021
I knew something's up with Tokiko! I'm 65% sure it's a 'mission' of the Hishigata family, a legacy of some sort and it's Tokiko's turn to carry it out. Like, she's got no choice but to do it or something like that. So shadow Shiori can scan 2 people at once, although she couldn't do it with Nezu as he is already immune to the attack. Interesting. Another banger from this anime.

Also, it never occurred to me but to think that a shadow also has a shadow which is its main body is kinda weird.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Jun 27, 2022 1:10 AM

Jul 2021
A lot happened in this episode and it's hard to digest all this. Tokiko is the bad person here, we even get to see the boss shadow, the old man is dead, Ryunosuke is fatally wounded, we see Hiruko sama who's very hungry and there are now 2 humans in front of her, I don't like next episode's name, I can see where this is going.


The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jun 27, 2022 5:03 AM
Oct 2021
God damn, so much feels leading up to this point. This better no end with Ushio having to sacrifice herself to save Shin. It’s better to have Shin sacrificing himself to save Ushio or they both die together and meet again in the afterlife or some shit like that. Shinpei has gone through some tough times to not end up with Ushio in the end.
Jun 27, 2022 6:56 AM

Mar 2020
But knowing that those sea anemones stuffs, those corrals there it was all shadows. How creepy. 😅

Hmm Tokiko-san. What's their connection with the shadows and with Hiruko-san.

I'm curious.

Nezu-san dead. Hizuru-san too is in critical condition.

And what happened to Mio-chan and Totsumura-san.

Looks like another loop will happen. And perfect timing for the second cour this summer.

Ughh Summertime Render is always hyped!
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Jun 27, 2022 8:00 AM

Dec 2018
damn good show throughout
ugh i wish i was binging this
Jun 27, 2022 8:53 AM
Nov 2018
meh, i feel like at this point forward, i prefer to let the eps pile up before watching. i think I'll enjoy the series more that way. i still hv a question tho. idk if it has been answered.

how did the mother eye end up with shinpei anyway?

i rlly like the mother's character design, tho. she seems cool. i hope she has a cool back story. i wonder when will shinpei's respawn time will be the next time he loops.
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