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The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?) (light novel)
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Feb 22, 2022 5:58 AM

Nov 2011
Ah Zeno, the type of character that you'd expect to play an important role in this show does become very relevant. Having an ally like her is definitely important for Wein if you ask me.

Plus, I have to say that Zeno also very brave and isn't afraid to take any sort of risks for her character role so far in the show, something that I think more characters should do.
Feb 22, 2022 6:06 AM

Feb 2018
First Princess of the Three Kingdoms of Marden.
Zenovia Marden.
Feb 22, 2022 6:56 AM
Aug 2020
The art for this ep is weird for me but not that bad.
Feb 22, 2022 6:57 AM
Mar 2018
New waifu acquired
Feb 22, 2022 6:59 AM
Jul 2018
His tactics were good as usual.
Don't be racist in front of Wein or you'll be dead.
The nun though😏
I guess harem ain't bad. Just increase them. lol
Feb 22, 2022 6:59 AM

Apr 2014
The first rule, don't mess with Ninym and the Fram people.
Congratulation Wein, you've got new waifu 🤣
Feb 22, 2022 7:29 AM

Jul 2017
In today's Cavarin, secret alliances and treachert\ are all the rage, and Wein's Natra Kingdom stands at the behest of the other rival factions since Wein is now part of the Holy Elites.

Zeno on the other hand, is waiting for her time to arise with the remnant Marden freedom forces so she could slay her enemies. But Wein is a tactician, to earn his trust means talking smart to win the other parties over without giving away their real objective. King Ordalasse is so eay to read like a book, and Wein didn't really need to use much of his smarts to figure out that he's after the Gold Mine that they took over in Episode 1.

Except...that he demands Flahms, and if there's one thing, don't ever be a racist in front of Wein, and King Ordalasse forced Wein's hand to exterminate them in the midst of the treason between him and Levert. Fast quickie of kill, made in such a way that it takes you by surprise before you see it coming to take down both the king and his assistant Holonyeh.

As expected, Wein prepared for Levert's revolt the same way as he did before, but with the help of outside forces to oppress Levert's forces and General Hagal to oppress the Natran renegades. Killing two birds with one stone, that's Wein for you.

A small surprise that Zeno is known as Zenovia Marden, Marden's Crown Princess, that's to be expected for a new waifu for Wein. But some people like Caldmellia just wants to create controversy, and none is more the wiser that Natra as a vassal state...means that both it and Marden are allied forces. Always Wein, always.
Feb 22, 2022 7:31 AM
Sep 2015
It takes me 7 episodes to realized that the smartest charecters in this anime is not the Prince but a group of his generals and retainers, they always work together to pressure the Prince to do something he doesn't want to. It should have been obvious since the first episode when they pressure the Prince to occupy the gold mine, they already know that it's the battle that they can win before they pressure the Prince.
Feb 22, 2022 7:37 AM

Aug 2020
So brutal but for the show it is normal. Wein's outsmarting everyone again. I knew she was a princess!

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Feb 22, 2022 7:50 AM

Jul 2021
Holy shit I didn't understand anything in this episode.

Was the princess at the end the same Zeno who was with Wein earlier? How?
Edit: After reading other posts it seems she is indeed the same Zeno, but how? She looked like a little boy earlier, how did she transform into a waifu wtf.

That king made a huge mistake of brining up Flahms and saying he liked to kill them.

Wein and Ninym interactions are the best. Ninym poking Wein when he was staring at oppai's of Zenovia was fun scene.

Was that last scene supposed to be funny or something? I didn't even understand what was happening. This is the first anime in which I'm blank even after paying so much attention. SnK has such a complex plot but that never made me lose what was happening but this did. Help I can't understand shit in this anime.

The episodes are entertaining nonetheless. So, 5/5 for enjoyment. Don't know what to expect from future episodes but still looking forward to it, hoping that Wein and Ninym get together.
TsutanaiFuunFeb 22, 2022 7:53 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 22, 2022 8:28 AM

Oct 2017
Zeno was actually the princess of Marden Zenovia after all. She's really cute and I like her mischievous side. Good thing she became an ally of Wein, it'll be great to have more of her.
Feb 22, 2022 8:40 AM
Feb 2018
We saw this Caldmelia just recently, but she's already annoying AF. Why don't creators show her cunning nature by her deeds and not standart flashy evil face?
Feb 22, 2022 8:51 AM

Feb 2022
I loved this episode.....but the animation quality was little bit bad from previous episodes it has less looks like the anime company which producing this is have less budget...

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
Feb 22, 2022 8:51 AM

Aug 2021
Ninym saying muri at the end telepathically was the cutest
Feb 22, 2022 8:52 AM
Feb 2021
Why are Flahms so despised by some countries peoples?

Nice rack on the new princess. Score!

Love it when they actually kill the bad guys. None of that, "Ok, now you just have to live with your disgrace" bullshit.
Feb 22, 2022 9:04 AM
Jun 2020
i hate this wein guy so much he got in my top 100 character i hate the most just because his personal flesh toilet got insulted he kills people this guy is retarded
Feb 22, 2022 9:09 AM

Mar 2013
New Waifu Acquired!

I agree~ XD

Ninym's reactions is/are (lol) awesome as ever.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Feb 22, 2022 9:24 AM
May 2021
in my opinion this episode was a bit boring
Feb 22, 2022 9:32 AM

Jun 2021
I wasn't expecting this much tension and complexity from a show like this, but I'm loving it.
Feb 22, 2022 9:37 AM

Apr 2017
The current content is so different from what ep1 and the title were trying to sell. Turned from a solid 8 premise to a low 6 garbage show where every bad guys are 70IQ borderline retards with scum personalities that will inevitably fall swiftly to MC's carefully thought out plans that are even more thought out ahead than Yagami Light's plans.
Feb 22, 2022 9:43 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Wein told Zeno not to kill King Ordalasse but when he insulted the flahms, he didn't hesitate to do so and rightfully so! Zeno really awesome as well xD. AND THE CROWN PRINCESS OF MARDEN IS ZENO!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Feb 22, 2022 10:10 AM

Jun 2015
The meeting between Wein and the king though sure was a tense one thanks to the kings choice of attendant. A king that only cares about himself as well as one that hunts other races as sport is nothing more than a scumbag. That switch from calm to angry Wein really was well done. People like the king and his traitor pet deserve no mercy at all. Wein's plan to force their pursuers to attack the rebels really was a masterpiece. General Hagal showing up to lead his forces to crush the two really was a fitting way to end them. Zeno being the true princess of Marden was a nice surprise. Though Wein's plan did not go as planned gaining a vassal state as well as the gratitude of a princess sure sounded like a great result. Zenovia clearly learned from the best of teachers in the form of Wein. A great ep as always that while doing well in ending Cavarin arc also did well to introduce a new character in the form of Zenovia while showing the kind of evil that the church is rapidly becoming. Curious though at whether Zenovia will become a love interest for Wein.
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Feb 22, 2022 10:10 AM
Feb 2022
loved the episode😍 And the moment wein got serious got me chills🥶 and never thought zeno was such an elegant 🤩women, btw she's waifu🛐....
Feb 22, 2022 11:04 AM
Jun 2021
No one dares to badmouth flahms and especially ninym

You have already seen the consequences TWICE now!!
Feb 22, 2022 11:09 AM
Jun 2021
The moment king said *ash covered people* I knew he FUCKED UP!!!
Feb 22, 2022 11:21 AM

Oct 2018
Zenovia is really very pretty (she was already in the uniform but in princess dress...)
A pleasure to see Ninym jealous :') love her so much
Feb 22, 2022 11:26 AM
Feb 2018
Hold on! Hold on a second, please! I've just realized something. So, was it supposed to be a surprise to us that a man turned out to be a woman? The only explanation I see is that... manga/LN readers can't see/hear that person.
Feb 22, 2022 11:47 AM

May 2016
surprised this show is actually pretty good. i like how he always goes ape shit whenever someone shit talks his girlfriend
Feb 22, 2022 12:49 PM

Mar 2015
this show feels like random stuff happens out of nowhere and then some unexplained plot convenience happens and the prince guy is like "oh yes, precisely as planned". it is the opposite to Chekhov's gun principle: every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. instead we have a gun that shoots all over the place and then we draw target marks where the bullets landed
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Feb 22, 2022 12:50 PM
Sep 2014
7 Epsiodes in and my level of comprehension for this show is same as a 6 year old boy who doesn't know English watching Interstellar.Its interesting, entertaining but i can't guess what's happening because of this pacing.
What was the whole deal with the General?
Why did he wanted to kill Wein when his motive was to betray the King who was being aided by Professor Snape.
Feb 22, 2022 2:11 PM
Apr 2019
mr_rice_crispers said:
7 Epsiodes in and my level of comprehension for this show is same as a 6 year old boy who doesn't know English watching Interstellar.Its interesting, entertaining but i can't guess what's happening because of this pacing.
What was the whole deal with the General?
Why did he wanted to kill Wein when his motive was to betray the King who was being aided by Professor Snape.

Ok im gonna take a guess and say since it was wein who killed the king, it was technically the generals duty to hunt him down, plus he wouldve needed a scapegoat anyway and why not the new prince who actually killed the king?

All in all a pretty fun episode, will admit it was abit fast. I wonder what problems wein will escape out of in future, Ninym and wein still great
BananaBenIbbyFeb 22, 2022 2:15 PM
Feb 22, 2022 2:47 PM

Jan 2009
eyeofflame said:
Ninym saying muri at the end telepathically was the cutest

That was utterly fantastic. I nearly soiled my monitor when Ninym was cutely singing the "muri".

It's her who makes the show worthwhile.
Feb 22, 2022 3:28 PM

Apr 2018
Lmao the Cavarin's king got what it deserved, same for the other ones, don't try to beat Wein to this guess, though seems like Zeno was a princess xD and that end lol, it will never stop for Wein.
Feb 22, 2022 3:42 PM

Jun 2017
A surprise waifu, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Feb 22, 2022 3:51 PM

Jul 2021
Wein does not forgive anyone who insults Ninym, as has been shown twice in the anime so far.
I didn't expect Zeno to be a princess, I was really surprised.
Feb 22, 2022 4:12 PM
Aug 2018
This episode was a great one, for me the best for now, Having Zeno as alies is truly helpfull, Wein will get in a lot of trouble for now
Feb 22, 2022 5:05 PM

Dec 2018
I liked this episode more than most of them so far, I honestly didn’t see things going this direction for this little arc but I like the outcome, King Ordalasse admitted how terrible of a person he was to Wein’s face, and even insulting the one thing he shouldn’t have, Flahms lol, so he met a less brutal death than we’re used to as well as that other guy that betrayed Marden, and now Natra is allied with the remaining Marden forces which helped deal with his newfound enemies, and then the not so big reveal of Zeno being Zenovia, the princess of Marden, who was just pretending to be a badass (although she was lol) and was somehow packing her monster milkers in that uniform. I gotta say, while she is indeed hot as a princess complete with twintails, I also love her Zeno look, hopefully we see it again at some point.

And turns out this is all working out for Cadmellia, I’m interested in seeing her situation develop but I bet we won’t see the end of it in this anime.
Feb 22, 2022 5:40 PM

Sep 2020
Ordalasse fooled me last week, that guy was a ruthless deviant! He and his followers had it coming, no doubt about that.
Caldmellia is also crooked but it's still too soon to detect what she's aiming for with her cold-blooded plans. But I guess she's not planting all those seeds of destruction because of her religious devotion, ha!
Feb 22, 2022 6:07 PM

Jun 2021
Another great episode filled with great content and waifus :D
Feb 22, 2022 6:17 PM

Apr 2021
Woah, the transformation from Zeno to Zenovia... She's a total stunner. I like her personality. Good job Weiner for acquiring a new waifu lmao.

Feb 22, 2022 6:59 PM

Nov 2010
pasanoid said:
this show feels like random stuff happens out of nowhere and then some unexplained plot convenience happens and the prince guy is like "oh yes, precisely as planned". it is the opposite to Chekhov's gun principle: every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. instead we have a gun that shoots all over the place and then we draw target marks where the bullets landed

I think you are wrong about that, the guns are set up properly, but the set up is hard to follow with all the names, ranks and areas thrown around. It might help for the show to actually show a map more often and for the viewer to have an actual relationship chart open to follow what is actually happening.
Usually a problem with these kinds of shows is that you can't decode a mystery because you aren't given all the information, making it like the show is pulling stuff out of the ass, but in this case the problem seems to be more that the viewer gets overwhelmed with information and moving parts to keep track of.
While the direction isn't horrible, it is not good enough to illustrate everything that gets set up properly.

ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Hold on! Hold on a second, please! I've just realized something. So, was it supposed to be a surprise to us that a man turned out to be a woman? The only explanation I see is that... manga/LN readers can't see/hear that person.

She was never a man, she posed as a right hand to a bedridden prince that never existed. Basically she posed as the prince, that only she could convene with because of his condition, all while being the somewhat unknown princess, giving her the freedom to act with more liberty than a monarch usually would have.

Also, it was quite obvious that she was actually the princess from the moment she went to talk to the 'prince', the next character that will come up this way is the princess of the king murdered this episode. It was set up in a similar way, mentioned in a side conversation that didn't seem that important until you realize that all of the important confidantes of the prince are girls, and she is a princess that fell from grace because she wasn't a prodigy.

Another thing for the people talking that the prince only killed the guy because of his obvious racism and badmouthing people he is fond of, I'm sure the prince wanted to do the killing from very early on, but held himself back for diplomatic reasons. There was the slavery, inequality, racism, inhumanity, disregard for life (even his own wife) and logic (something the prince really doesn't like), the stupid religion ....
The talk about killing Flahms for sport was just the last straw.
Feb 22, 2022 7:13 PM

Jan 2013
Never thought that he would solve both conflicts so fast.

The first one was expected, he offended Ninym's race, he's dead. But the whole route's play was really well elaborated. Oh and Zeno uncovered her identity, so +1 country, which is nice for Natra and them.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Feb 22, 2022 9:04 PM

Oct 2021
I love how Zeno was able to contain those monster personalities of her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feb 22, 2022 9:17 PM
Oct 2020
Wein was thee MVP this episode after killing Ordalasse and that guard cause god damm that was satisfying.
Feb 22, 2022 9:40 PM

Jan 2009
TsutanaiFuun said:
Holy shit I didn't understand anything in this episode.

Was the princess at the end the same Zeno who was with Wein earlier? How?
Edit: After reading other posts it seems she is indeed the same Zeno, but how? She looked like a little boy earlier, how did she transform into a waifu wtf.

That king made a huge mistake of brining up Flahms and saying he liked to kill them.

Wein and Ninym interactions are the best. Ninym poking Wein when he was staring at oppai's of Zenovia was fun scene.

Was that last scene supposed to be funny or something? I didn't even understand what was happening. This is the first anime in which I'm blank even after paying so much attention. SnK has such a complex plot but that never made me lose what was happening but this did. Help I can't understand shit in this anime.

The episodes are entertaining nonetheless. So, 5/5 for enjoyment. Don't know what to expect from future episodes but still looking forward to it, hoping that Wein and Ninym get together.

There were subtle hints about zeno as soon as she appeared, i knew she was well, a she from the beginning, and had my suspicions about who she was.

As for the last scene, a country becoming a vassal state means marden becomes a subordinate state, aka wein would be above them in power and order them around, but the reason why zenobia wanted that is that A it would give the people resistant to their rule someone who is male to consider their boss, B vassal states while subordinate to a stronger state, are also essentially part of the greater state, think us states vs the federal state, the states have a large degree of autonomy but are generally united under 1 overall banner, this basically means that marden now has natra's army protecting it from calvarin and the west with it's military power same as if for example, mexico attacked arizona, the us military would unite to fight the threat.
And C, being a vassal state puts zenobia in a good position as a marriage candidate or concubine of wein, which would strengthen ties between the 2 nations.

Also not entirely sure about this, but i believe by wein getting marden as a vassal state, i believe that upgrades natra from a kingdom to a empire but not entirely sure.
Feb 22, 2022 10:49 PM

Jul 2021
Tatsuya said:
TsutanaiFuun said:
Holy shit I didn't understand anything in this episode.

Was the princess at the end the same Zeno who was with Wein earlier? How?
Edit: After reading other posts it seems she is indeed the same Zeno, but how? She looked like a little boy earlier, how did she transform into a waifu wtf.

That king made a huge mistake of brining up Flahms and saying he liked to kill them.

Wein and Ninym interactions are the best. Ninym poking Wein when he was staring at oppai's of Zenovia was fun scene.

Was that last scene supposed to be funny or something? I didn't even understand what was happening. This is the first anime in which I'm blank even after paying so much attention. SnK has such a complex plot but that never made me lose what was happening but this did. Help I can't understand shit in this anime.

The episodes are entertaining nonetheless. So, 5/5 for enjoyment. Don't know what to expect from future episodes but still looking forward to it, hoping that Wein and Ninym get together.

There were subtle hints about zeno as soon as she appeared, i knew she was well, a she from the beginning, and had my suspicions about who she was.

As for the last scene, a country becoming a vassal state means marden becomes a subordinate state, aka wein would be above them in power and order them around, but the reason why zenobia wanted that is that A it would give the people resistant to their rule someone who is male to consider their boss, B vassal states while subordinate to a stronger state, are also essentially part of the greater state, think us states vs the federal state, the states have a large degree of autonomy but are generally united under 1 overall banner, this basically means that marden now has natra's army protecting it from calvarin and the west with it's military power same as if for example, mexico attacked arizona, the us military would unite to fight the threat.
And C, being a vassal state puts zenobia in a good position as a marriage candidate or concubine of wein, which would strengthen ties between the 2 nations.

Also not entirely sure about this, but i believe by wein getting marden as a vassal state, i believe that upgrades natra from a kingdom to a empire but not entirely sure.

Thanks for the explanation, some things are clear now like what Vassal state is. That certainly is really great for Wein, I mean if he would be above them in power. Wein should be happy about this lol.

puts zenobia in a good position as a marriage candidate or concubine of wein, which would strengthen ties between the 2 nations.
Well this is certainly nice for Wein, but Ninym has got competition now, 2 big competitions.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 23, 2022 3:44 AM
Jan 2009
Man I was so surprised at how Zeno concealed so much plot right in front of us for 1.5 episodes.
Feb 23, 2022 4:34 AM

Oct 2016
Wein, the chad madlad just killed another kingdom's king. You never ever insult the Fhlams, when Wein is within stabbing range.

I thought Zeno was a woman already this whole time lmao, but she was hiding all that plot though. Her bleh face was top tier at the end there. Well, congrats Wein, you now have a vassal state.
Feb 23, 2022 4:50 AM

Apr 2018
Very satisfying to see that king die.
Feb 23, 2022 4:58 AM

Nov 2021
u insult his waifu, u dead. thats the rule. anyway zeno is a princess?? uhhh thats a huge reveal

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