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Oct 9, 2021 11:01 AM

Nov 2011
Episode 2 premiered today from Crunchyroll's special stream. We got the official anime opening which I think is cute and also stylish to this show.

Memenpu's pilot skills are actually kinda admirable and she's thinking with her head when fighting. Probably got a lot more to learn but I like how she's using every tool she knows available to survive.

Pretty much an action oriented episode, the type that I expect to see a lot out of this series. It also looks like Memenpu made up her mind from now on about the future. Expecting great (hopefully) things from her. She's really going to treasure Lynda's necklace, isn't she? ED theme song is adorable.
Oct 9, 2021 12:30 PM

Apr 2018
It's my first time watching an episode like that. It was pretty fun with the Director's and Memenpu's VA.

This episode was heavily action packed. They barely managed to make it out alive. Thanks to Memenpu being big brain, she managed to defeat them. I love how much they argue with each other even when they're on the brink of death. It was pretty emotional when they showed the certifications of Lynda and her dad.

And the last scene, the labyrinth is just beautiful. I'm in love with the visuals and we will only see more of it. Memempu's crying face felt heartbreaking. The animation was really good throughout the episode and I'm satisfied with the CGI.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 10, 2021 5:06 AM
Sep 2016
Not as good as the first episode, the fight was meh. Plus, I'm really not sold on the Kaiju design, they feel really bland especially when compared to MiA's, I hope those were just "starting zone monsters" and we see more interesting ones later.
The end of the episode was good tho, so I'm still hyped for the Labyrinth exploration. Also, the opening and ending are great.
Oct 14, 2021 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
The OP is pretty good!

But otherwise, the father-daughter duo is out on theie new "Big Tony" mech trip against the Kaiju ravaging the Underground city of Pinyin, and barely survivng by the scrapes. With Walsh and Lynda's loss the Markers can't afford to be complacent against the Kaiju.

This is an action-packed episode where Memenpu uses her genius brain to lure the Kaiju out of Pinyin, while Gagumber is the same reckless father piloting Big Tony and following his daughter's instructions.

Both Walsh and Lynda's death won't be in vain, and the latter's necklace is handed down to Memenpu as a keepsake. The Labyrinth looks beautiful though, and into the colony they go with Big Tony.

Not as good as Episode 1, but still decent enough.
Oct 14, 2021 8:08 AM

Apr 2016
We continue right where the last week's episode ended, our main duo fighting the big monster but this time in a proper battle mech. But the monster multiplied ? And for whatever reason they are connected to the ground with cables ? I guess ?

Also i find one thing really weird, so at the beginning of the episode the kid was all scared shitless, but in absolutely no time she is completely capable of carrying out the entire operation on her own like if nothing happened. I get that she's supposed to be "genius" but this was just stupid. If she can overcome any unexpected obstacle of the size they introduce in the first two episodes, whats even her limit in anything that is to come ? Like shes already perfect.

Also CGI, not a fan of those ... i mean look, we have Kyoukai Senki this season, another mecha and no CGI mobs, why cant we have the same treatment here ? I have a dream, a world were all mecha anime shows get no CGI in them.
Oct 14, 2021 8:24 AM
Sep 2015
The story is not that great but the production quality is very very very very high and it's not even a big franchise. Plus DILF lead character!

ED song artist is from my country and it's her third single (out of fourth) now, all of them are featured as OP/ED in anime.
Oct 14, 2021 8:58 AM

May 2015
Looks like I'll have to watch it later, when Crunchyroll decides to get their shit together and has the subs for the right episode
billybubOct 14, 2021 9:07 AM
Oct 14, 2021 9:27 AM
Mar 2021
Hope this isn't going to be another anime with a great first episode, but the rest of the series just goes downhill from there. Wasn't really a big fan of this episode, kinda felt like they threw everything that made the first episode so good out the window. I suppose if you really like your action, you'd probably enjoy it more.
Oct 14, 2021 9:33 AM

Jun 2021
Another great episode.

Loved the BGM in this episode. The track during the battle and the BGM used during the last scene were both beautiful. Animation continues to be very good as well, and I really like the enemy design as well.

I liked the theme of death and separation that this episode dealt with. I think it's very easy for a show like this to treat deaths of characters lightly, but this show took time to deal with death of 2 characters, with submission of death certificates and taking time to show Memenpu going through grief after a death of her friend.

Looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 14, 2021 9:34 AM

Nov 2016
Masaaki Endoh is a GOAT, loving the power of the opening. It fits the series well.

I still liked this episode. It was mostly action packed, but the real adventure is about to start.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 14, 2021 9:34 AM

Jun 2014
great episode

that was a hard statement that he told his daughter at the end of the episode.
something may happen at the end of the season where they both will be close to death.

Edit: the daughter notice that the monster were following them, maybe it has something to do with that necklace?

Check out my Etsy <3
Chris_ConceptOct 14, 2021 9:38 AM
Oct 14, 2021 10:08 AM

Apr 2012
This is a question for anyone who properly speaks/understands japanese.
Are they using some kind of dialect, or children speach in this anime, especially when memempu is talking??

My grasp of japanese is still at beginners stage, but alot of words, word choices and grammar feels off somehow.
Oct 14, 2021 10:22 AM

May 2015
Fluxje said:
This is a question for anyone who properly speaks/understands japanese.
Are they using some kind of dialect, or children speach in this anime, especially when memempu is talking??

My grasp of japanese is still at beginners stage, but alot of words, word choices and grammar feels off somehow.

Well if you watched it on Crunchyroll they were playing the subs from a different episode, do that could be the problem
Oct 14, 2021 10:43 AM

Aug 2012
The combat itself was ok and the fact it took over half the episode helped but there are still a lot of bad parts:
1. the way the dual pilot systemk works
2. old timey computers for no reason at all. Is like they just copied items from older mecha anime
3. the stereotype with programmers and fast typing. While before C this may have been the case unless you program directly in machine code or assembly there is no need to type fast. Also there is no need to type every command in a bot.
4. Memempu attitude tries to be endaring but is obnoxius. She is way too full of herself despite almost destroying herself her father and the whole colony in that blast (yes the whole colony. If the flammable material vein had just one section closer to the city or a gas leak it have been goodbye colony)
5. The whole digging thing cements the idea is no more than a Tengen Troppa clone.
6. Serious 1984 vibes with everyone being chip-ed and apparently being a requirement to be a citizen

That being said is not as bad as first episode by a long shot so it may still redeem itself
Oct 14, 2021 11:11 AM

Jan 2021
Good episode. Getting the made in abyss vibes. Exited for the adventures that await them.

@T-hoji can't wait for season 2 of this stunning show
chubritsaOct 16, 2021 7:58 AM


Oct 14, 2021 11:12 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
Nice Episode, long fight and a good conclusion at the end of it. Excited to see what they will do with the worldbuilding since thats probably whats gonna keep me in this show. Atleast for now.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Oct 14, 2021 11:56 AM

Apr 2012
billybub said:

Well if you watched it on Crunchyroll they were playing the subs from a different episode, do that could be the problem

Nah I watched on Gogo. But in addition I am not going off the subs, some obvious verbs were conjugated weirdly. Some words being shortened or fused together.
Tensai is also normally used for genius (or derivations of it), but memumpu used a word I never heard before. 'Kaskoi'?
Which in the context should mean genius but I never heard of the word before, nor can I google for the meaning
Oct 14, 2021 12:21 PM

May 2021
Really like the opening! Episode was good also. I liked the fight scene against the kaiju and I really like the daughter father dynamic in this show a lot too. Looking forward to the next episode!
Oct 14, 2021 12:28 PM

Jul 2017
That was way more action-oriented of a 2nd episode than I expected, didn't expect most of the episode to be dedicated to that. Overall, it wasn't great but not bad either, need to get used to some of the CG though in action, although it's way better than some of the other shows involving that this season. Still feel like better production could unlock this series' potential a lot more. Good ending though with the father-daughter duo ready to explore together, hope the rest of the series doesn't take a backseat in quality compared to the first two episodes and actually can improve it as a whole.
Oct 14, 2021 12:29 PM

Jul 2011
The only negative thought I have about this episode is that felt that Lynda died too easily and felt kinda unnecessary.
Other than that was a cool episode. The battle was good and had big kaboom as final move.
Oct 14, 2021 12:41 PM
Jan 2019
Well, I watched with a bit of attention the ending that seems to describe the journey of the duo. And here, at 1:01, I see something that will definitely depress me...

Oct 14, 2021 12:42 PM

May 2018
1. Wow, this is staying good.
2. Are the stilts for reaching the pedals a Vifam reference?
3. Is the gate of the colony a reference to the Lord Of The Rings movies? (Its design resembles a bit the architecture of Minas Morgul.)

Fluxje said:
used a word I never heard before. 'Kaskoi'?

Simply means smart, it is used frequently (as far as I can tell).
And yes Memenpu's speech pattern is childish - shortened words ect. (on purpose and for the obvious reasons).

My knowledge of japanese is close to zero tho, this is my weeb side speaking here.
alshuOct 14, 2021 1:46 PM
Oct 14, 2021 2:16 PM

Sep 2018
Much better second half of the episode, I was thinking about potentially dropping it with all that shitty action and lame CGI designs. Labyrinth looks awesome though, a lot of potential and mystery there.
Oct 14, 2021 4:04 PM
Apr 2021
the problem with the opening fight is that we've never had kaiju's abilities and weaknesses established, so when the dad's talking about them and telling us "this creature is different to the rest" it's absolutely meaningless to the audience. It would have been wiser to show us a "status quo" monster and then subvert our expectations with an unusual one later on.

I also hated how the mechs look where they're talking and make expressions like shrugging. it makes no sense for the people inside to go to the effort of making their mechs gesture.

once again this episode has solidified that memenpu doesn't act like a 7 year old in any way, and it doesn't affect her character in any way. She could just as easily have been 13 and it wouldn't have stretched the suspension of disbelief so far.
Oct 14, 2021 5:24 PM

Sep 2020
Moiouimoi said:
Well, I watched with a bit of attention the ending that seems to describe the journey of the duo. And here, at 1:01, I see something that will definitely depress me...

Hmm? Leaving her father behind?
I'm fully expecting that something like that will happen because I feel that Gagumber himself slowly raised his own death flag in the final part of this episode.
Oct 14, 2021 6:04 PM
Jul 2018
This anime he has a very rich plot with the environment where they are it and a point that I liked when more interesting things get better.
Oct 14, 2021 6:19 PM
Jan 2019
Avvenirista said:
Moiouimoi said:
Well, I watched with a bit of attention the ending that seems to describe the journey of the duo. And here, at 1:01, I see something that will definitely depress me...

Hmm? Leaving her father behind?
I'm fully expecting that something like that will happen because I feel that Gagumber himself slowly raised his own death flag in the final part of this episode.

I would say more his death, yeah. The way it was animated is closer to that. I had seen the death flag but I didn't want to believe it either... But now we can be pretty sure.
Oct 14, 2021 7:45 PM

Dec 2019
theGodde said:
the problem with the opening fight is that we've never had kaiju's abilities and weaknesses established, so when the dad's talking about them and telling us "this creature is different to the rest" it's absolutely meaningless to the audience. It would have been wiser to show us a "status quo" monster and then subvert our expectations with an unusual one later on.

I also hated how the mechs look where they're talking and make expressions like shrugging. it makes no sense for the people inside to go to the effort of making their mechs gesture.

I have to disagree with some of that.
I think the reason for saying that "this creature is different of the rest" isn't to subvert the audience's expectations. It's to show that the situation is weird and unprecedented. Now, it might've been more effective to show a status quo monster then wait, but I don't think there was enough time for that.
Personally, I liked the mech gestures. I would rather have that rather them just standing around. Sure, it doesn't make that much sense, but I like it.
Oct 14, 2021 7:56 PM

Dec 2019
This part made me laugh. Did she program the computer to say genius or something? lol

I liked this shot too.
Oct 14, 2021 9:06 PM
Apr 2021
fluffycow17 said:
I think the reason for saying that "this creature is different of the rest" isn't to subvert the audience's expectations. It's to show that the situation is weird and unprecedented. Now, it might've been more effective to show a status quo monster then wait, but I don't think there was enough time for that.
I was saying hold this particular kaiju in reserve and send in a status quo monster for this opening fight instead. Not only did this fight completely lack tension because we had no idea what to expect, but there were so many "reveals" that made no sense because there was no pre-established explanation.
I will reiterate. It's impossible to communicate emotionally that a situation is "weird and unprecedented" when we have never been given a precedent. We can comprehend it intellectually, but especially for a show this ridiculous emotional connection is more important than intellectual connection.
There is no excuse for this choice. Why was a unique kaiju necessary for the opening fight? It has far more downsides than benefits.

fluffycow17 said:
Personally, I liked the mech gestures. I would rather have that rather them just standing around. Sure, it doesn't make that much sense, but I like it.
Fair enough
Oct 14, 2021 10:22 PM

Feb 2012
Yep this episode gave me the gurren lagann vibes... just when Walsh & his daughter have a moment their disintagrated by the kaiju
Oct 15, 2021 2:00 AM

Dec 2020
OP SO GOODDD lots of great ones from this season but that might be my favorite one yet. ed was really nice too

this episode was HEAVILY action packed, usually not a fan of those especially with the mecha action but it was still enjoyable. things are going their way a bit too easily just because memempu is a genius and they're the main characters but eh. who cares! i dont, im still enjoying this quite a lot. kinda reminds me of great pretender actually, for some reason

haveee a big big feeling gagumber might die at the end of this series but.. im Really hoping thats not true im way too attached to them just from these 2 episodes
Oct 15, 2021 2:19 AM

Oct 2008
MindaRyn ED was nice! but this episode was just....hmmmm alright...they could have hired a better OST composter...oh well...

Oct 15, 2021 5:26 AM

Feb 2014
First thing I have to say was that the OP song is bloody good. The visuals backing it makes it one of my favourites for this season already. The ED was pretty nice, too!

As for the episode itself, it took more than half of the episode, but with assistance, Gagumbar and Memempu were able to use their mech, Big Tony, and take out not one, but two kaiju enemies in a nice explosion. While the CGI use wasn't the best, at least it was an improvement over the first episode, so I'm satisfied with that.

Now with that battle out of the way, both father and daughter are now embarking on their long journey, where the environments gave me vibes of Made In Abyss. Not sure what'll happen next, but going by Gagumbar's warning to Memempu that their journey will be a tough one, I can't rule out something bad happening sooner or later. Either way, I do look forward to the next episode. =)
Oct 15, 2021 6:52 AM

Oct 2016
Pretty good episode! The OP is a straight up banger and the ED is chill father-daughter bonding vibes. We are only 2 episodes in and oh boy, look at all those death flags Gagumber is carrying. Hopefully they just stay as that, flags and Gagumber survives throughout the show. Looking forward for a father-daughter adventure with Big Tony and of course meeting those other characters.
Oct 15, 2021 7:33 AM
Dec 2019
This anime is fun to watch. It looks like Memempu and Gagumber might start their adventure the next episode. This episode was good, I liked Memempu's leadership and Gagumber's piloting skills they complement each other. So far I'm really enjoying Sakugan and can't wait for episode 3.
Oct 15, 2021 9:54 AM

Nov 2014
Based dad teaching his genius daughter the secret method of hitting a machine until it works.

Goddamn, the OST is top notch, though.
Oct 15, 2021 12:51 PM

Feb 2012
Masaaki Endoh OP! Straight fire, man.

Daughter is the brains, father is the brawn?

At the beginning Memempu couldn't reach the pedals and had to use her hands. At the end she built some boosters for herself, which I think was cute.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Oct 16, 2021 5:46 AM
Mar 2012
Cool kaiju vs drill fight, they maxed the action by cg well.
Kaiju cables, labyrinth, center/colony etc lots of worldbuiding yet to explain. Time for madeinabyss it seems.
Oct 16, 2021 7:51 AM
Jul 2021
chubritsa said:
Good episode. Getting the made in abyss vibes. Exited for the adventures that await them.

Great timing! Literally listening to the MiA soundtrack right now
Oct 16, 2021 8:47 AM
Oct 2019
I kinda like how the Mech move and fight.

CGI is alright, the design on Kaiju kinda bland. Not a fan, hope they could do better in the future.

Alright the Father and Daughter journey has begun.
Oct 16, 2021 8:46 PM

Jul 2016
GakutoDeathGlare said:
Much better second half of the episode, I was thinking about potentially dropping it with all that shitty action and lame CGI designs. Labyrinth looks awesome though, a lot of potential and mystery there.

So much toppen tengen vibe.
Oct 16, 2021 9:50 PM

Mar 2019
I cant wait for the dark episodes... it must have at least 1 or 2....

Loved the ED song..
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Oct 18, 2021 12:22 PM

Apr 2015
Felt Real Steel vibes before any other to be honest
Oct 18, 2021 1:00 PM
Mar 2021
the OP and ED of this show both slap so hard. definitely among the best of the year.

I feel like something is extremely sus about those kaiju, especially as they made a beeline right for Memempu right after she looked at the map. The kaiju also seemed intelligent, and like a pair of some kind. I'm prepared for some serious twists here. This story looks like it could really go places.
Oct 19, 2021 6:57 AM

Apr 2021
When i was watching the episode i was thinking it could go two ways. A way more focused on the colony and government, and a way more focused on exploring the labyrinth. i was very pleased by the end of the episode to see that it’s probably going to be more adventurous.
Oct 19, 2021 8:16 AM
Mar 2021
I've watched this anime like 1 or 2 years ago, wtf how is that possible?
is it a new version of that anime??
Oct 19, 2021 8:31 AM

Jul 2016
A way better than the first episode
Oct 19, 2021 9:10 AM
May 2020
Can we appreacite Gagumber for a sec? What a wonderful dad, stepping back from his own thoughts and talking to his young child in such an eye-level manner and respect. The character interactions are so authentic and loveable already. I really enjoyed this episode a lot.
Oct 20, 2021 11:25 PM
Oct 2011
FMmatron said:
Masaaki Endoh is a GOAT, loving the power of the opening. It fits the series well.

I still liked this episode. It was mostly action packed, but the real adventure is about to start.

Yeah, it's another great OP from him.

Minonoke said:
Can we appreacite Gagumber for a sec? What a wonderful dad, stepping back from his own thoughts and talking to his young child in such an eye-level manner and respect. The character interactions are so authentic and loveable already. I really enjoyed this episode a lot.

Yeah, fantastic moment.
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