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Aug 14, 2021 9:48 PM

Jul 2017
Fena's escape is complete, but that does not mean that they're out of danger just yet.

The Goblin Island which the hidden samurai warrior group under Yukimura has successfully led them to a refugee island under the charge of Yukihisa Sanada. And this is where the story starts for Fena's original Houtman Family, from a line of pirates on dangerous voyages.

From Yukimaru to a transparent stone block being a heirloom of protection, only Fena knows the answer, but of course, she has no clue whatsoever. To make things worse (or more fun for that), Fena is slowly getting used to the new life with new characters and such. Alas, the one fault that Fena and Yukimaru's relationship is labelled as such, that still need some time to get used to.

Fena gets her signature hair from cutting it off, and the mystery slowly unravels of the place that he's trying to take her to: Eden. And she won't be alone in this voyage, Yukimura and the rest will accompany her to search for the truth with a half-ship, half-submarine.

A breather of an episode to let Fena's character and the story flesh out a lil' more, that's pretty much for the synopsis.

Minori Suzuki for the ED, and the visuals looks absolutely gorgeous.

Looking forward to more.
KANLen09Aug 14, 2021 10:16 PM
Aug 14, 2021 9:55 PM

Feb 2021
This has the chance to be the best Crucnhyroll Original they have ever made so far, the animation looks good, the characters are interesting and I loved the whole pirate age setting that they had on the first episode, still need to watch more to know for sure, but so far it looks promising.
Aug 14, 2021 10:05 PM
Jul 2017
Can someone tell you voices Yukihisa Sanada (the leader of the Island)? He sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
Aug 14, 2021 10:06 PM
Jun 2020
Good episode. Definitely more of an exposition episode and a lot of more characters were introduced but we're finally starting the real adventure. I'm excited to see what comes next!
Aug 14, 2021 10:12 PM

Feb 2020
Kinda preferred the long hair, but I'll probably get used to it, especially since she still looks good in the key visual.

Pirates of the Caribbean much?
Aug 14, 2021 10:31 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
Its a nice start to the series.
Aug 14, 2021 10:38 PM
Jun 2020
Boazanian said:
Kinda preferred the long hair, but I'll probably get used to it, especially since she still looks good in the key visual.

Pirates of the Caribbean much?
I agree too. I think Fena looked better with long hair but I guess I can get used to her shorter hair.
Aug 14, 2021 10:44 PM

May 2021
Boazanian said:
Kinda preferred the long hair, but I'll probably get used to it, especially since she still looks good in the key visual.

Pirates of the Caribbean much?

Yeah I liked her in long hair much better too...
Aug 14, 2021 10:49 PM

Sep 2020
Still damn good and I can't wait to see more. The new characters are already great and I can see them all having fun and interesting times together. I wonder how bizarre the world they are venturing out into will be?

I can't wait for the next episode.

Aug 14, 2021 11:03 PM

Jun 2020
Tigergirl16 said:
Can someone tell you voices Yukihisa Sanada (the leader of the Island)? He sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

credits say Houchu Otsuka (on here it's Houchuu Ootsuka).
Aug 15, 2021 12:01 AM
Jun 2020
something feels off to me i dont know what it is. like there is nothing bad about the show but it is bordering on feeling generic with a good art style and animation
Aug 15, 2021 1:06 AM

Jan 2021
Well everyone safe, also new characters, they all have a lot of energy 0.0

I liked it more with long hair.... I guess I'll have to get used to it

Not bad, but so far nothing too surprising for me, I'll have to see what kind of adventures she' going to have. But I like the chemistry of the protagonists
Aug 15, 2021 1:23 AM

Jun 2019
And, there she goes on her journey along with her friends... I'm hooked with these two episodes. This has everything. Animation wise really good Production I.G has done a great job so far, OST is done by Kajiura Yuki, so no complaints there either, and story-wise, it looks interesting to me. Funny and cute.

Definitely gonna look more into it. What could be the mystery of this stone?
Aug 15, 2021 1:41 AM

Nov 2012
Yukimaru = Kalego sensei with a sword.

My eye twitched at the same time as Yukimaru's. I was ready to hit her myself.
Aug 15, 2021 2:07 AM

Apr 2014
It was pretty surprising to see the gassho-zukuri style house on that island.
Fena's adventures begin. I preferred her in long hair, but short hair could also show her resolve to continue what her father left off and it also suits well with the adventure.
Aug 15, 2021 2:18 AM
Dec 2020
This anime so far is fun, the characters are likeable and its just a good time, cant wait until it continues to air in October. For now putting it on hold, but I hope when this continues to drop, it gets even better possibly.
some people...
Aug 15, 2021 3:49 AM

Nov 2013
soccer6131 said:
something feels off to me i dont know what it is. like there is nothing bad about the show but it is bordering on feeling generic with a good art style and animation
Same here. Maybe the reason being we have a secret, floating Japanese island with super-ninjas? And, they have a submarine?!! And I thought this was a world void of supernatural and fantastic elements... oh well...
There's also goofiness. Goofiness reminds me of Ghibli. Fena and other characters make expressions familiar to characters drawn in vey old anime.
Also, the male MC is edgy and the entire team feels like they'll demolish entire armies (with guns) with little effort, using bows and arrows and wooden spears.
Also, I find Fena annoying, but her getting hit in the head constantly - makes me repulsed even more.

Fenaa cutting her hair only made me dislike her more...

P.S Perhaps what's MOST off-putting here is the fact that we have a blend of serious moments met with goofy moments - like at the end of episode 1 when Fena got knocked out... This may just be me but I feel irritated when shit like that happens.
Aug 15, 2021 3:52 AM

Feb 2017
I really like the energy this show has shown in these two episodes. Reminds me of old stuff. If it continues like this, it should be great. Fena and that ninja are quite entertaining. Not to mention how everything looks and sounds beautiful. Looking forward to the rest.
Aug 15, 2021 5:16 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
This episode wasn't as good as the first, but it was alright. Everything felt just a little too random and quick, but now that they are off on the adventure, it should be smooth sailing (pun intended) from here on out.

Fena's fair-cut was super random, and I preferred the earlier look, but perhaps she will grow (pun intended as well) into it.

The characters are fun, though Yukimaru needs some explanation. I like his attitude, but would prefer if we got a reason for why he is like that now.

Really glad that Toonami was able to use the full OP outside of the first episode. Hopefully, they show the entire OP for the rest of the series as well.
Aug 15, 2021 5:20 AM

Feb 2014
Hmm seems interesting as of now. I feel like this is gonna be a journey to remember. The visuals are superb and the characters are lovable (the whole samurai thing with that submarine like ship reminds me of Kuromukuro). Especially Yukimaru and Shitan, what eye candy and coolness over the roof.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Aug 15, 2021 5:37 AM
Jul 2017
soccer6131 said:
something feels off to me i dont know what it is. like there is nothing bad about the show but it is bordering on feeling generic with a good art style and animation

Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Same here. [...]

It's a Disney cartoon from 90s, but there are no songs, and none of the old doofuses is voiced by Eddie Murphy.
Imminent extinction is just the sad fate of ero-ero monsters.
Aug 15, 2021 6:22 AM

Nov 2016
This felt more like a proper start. We're done with the set up, hoping for the best from here.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 15, 2021 6:49 AM

Oct 2017
Not a fan of that "raped by a lawnmower" haircut.
Yukimaru is annoying.

Seems like it will be a very bland show...
Aug 15, 2021 7:20 AM

Jun 2011
An exposition dump/introduction to other characters episode. The ninja pirates seem charming so far. But like episode one, this one's pacing is just too quick. Even the dialogue seems lightning fast.

I'm a big fan of short hair on girls, but Fena's haircut moment came a little too quick for me. Usually it's used for a big character moment, signifying change for the character. But Fena just kind of did it like it was an afterthought. A missed opportunity for Fena's character.

Hopefully this finds its pacing and can deliver, because it has promise.
Aug 15, 2021 7:42 AM

Dec 2010
Ugh, that has got to be one of the worst haircuts ever. Story is pretty average so far.
Aug 15, 2021 9:09 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I enjoyed the first two episodes so far after watching the English dub on Toonami. There was a lot of exposition regarding the plot and the characters on the mysterious Goblin Island. Fena is going to pick up where her Father left off by going to Eden with a new ship and her own crew. Can't wait to see next weeks episode.
Aug 15, 2021 9:26 AM

Sep 2015
DarkDooM2 said:
Ugh, that has got to be one of the worst haircuts ever. Story is pretty average so far.

I agree, it could've been stylish in a way, but it just makes the character look generic
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Aug 15, 2021 10:01 AM
Feb 2016
Tigergirl16 said:
Can someone tell you voices Yukihisa Sanada (the leader of the Island)? He sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

It's weird I cant find the name online but from the voice I'm pretty sure he is this guy from the voice in Ajin "Satou" character
Ootsuka, Houchuu
Aug 15, 2021 10:06 AM

May 2016
one of the dyke haircuts no one likes. Was that in the manga?
Aug 15, 2021 10:27 AM

Jul 2011
We have been presented to cool supporting characters, but Brule is the most distracting one, every time that dog is on scene, I stop reading the subs and just keep observing him.

Aug 15, 2021 10:57 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
one of the dyke haircuts no one likes. Was that in the manga?
This anime is an original show, so it's not based off of any pre-existing material.
Aug 15, 2021 11:26 AM
Mar 2021
Im really liking this so far, a lot of people are saying it similar to one piece but it’s so much more alike to yona of the dawn and the animation/art style amazing only thing was her hair was to short after the cut.
Aug 15, 2021 11:59 AM

May 2016
anime-prime said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
one of the dyke haircuts no one likes. Was that in the manga?
This anime is an original show, so it's not based off of any pre-existing material.

well it was by cartoon network, probably empowering woman to look like men.
Aug 15, 2021 12:00 PM

Oct 2020
Hey, and now Fena's journey begins! Goblin island is a pretty calm place and, everyone there seems to be somewhat skilled at their craft. So, Yukimaru hitting Fena is probably going to be a constant thing. Fena's new trim is absolutely sickening.
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Aug 15, 2021 12:20 PM

Feb 2019
This has a lot of potential, crunchyroll may finally have got an original right. Love the art style, animation and I like Fena as an MC. She’s cute. Lets see how the next few weeks go before I make a solid determination tho.
Aug 15, 2021 12:38 PM

Dec 2015
Saruman desu. :D
Nice episode. I liked the village and the island. Then the hightech (compared to others) ship.

Priest has the best voice actor of course. ;)
Aug 15, 2021 1:32 PM

Jun 2017
Okay, this was great!

A lot of potential already and, to make things even better, it gave me stellar Akatsuki no Yona vibes. Comedy is often on point and the character introductions of the shinobi this episode sold me, the priest summoning them was the cerry on the cake for me. Fena seems like a really well-built character too, I'm a sucker for strong female protagonists like her.

While the ep did feel a little fast and I'm worried about the limited screentime available in just a cour, it has worked favorably so far but I hope it won't get out of hand in the latter half or so.

Yukimura potentially warming up to Fena will be a treat to watch for sure! Gold final moments right before the ED there! Also, "swoosh" xD. We, the viewers, noticed it just fine, ojou-sama.

Mysterious island and top-tier technology plus a group of shinobi, well doesn't that sound a tad bit familiar? Lol, that was actually my first reaction to the island.

Fena hugging the two old men before leaving was heartwarming to see. Also, the Op is pretty darn good! I was looking forward to it ever since the snippet from the PV, and it has certainly delivered. Got to hand it to Junna!

Man, this better not flop! CR may have finally just found a gem in this. Production I.G. with their amazing animation sure is a treat too, here's to hoping they keep it up throughout the ride.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 15, 2021 1:53 PM

Feb 2015
Wow they totally Nerf'd Fena's character design such a shame. I hate the hair cutting trope with a passion.

Anyway the show has been good so far, the supporting cast are great and the animation is top notch.
Aug 15, 2021 2:03 PM

Apr 2015
Great start.

Warming up to Fena quite a bit now, she talks a whole lot but honestly it only seems like it only bother Yukimaru right now. I don't mind it too much, but I can easily say that I am not a fan of Yukimaru yet. I do see potential for him to open up towards Fena, without a nasty attitude. I do love Karin a lot though, she's fun!

Setting is pretty interesting, at first glance I felt that it is something happening in the 17th century and I am getting a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean vibes right now. Fena's last name has me curious, Houtman is a Dutch name and they already described Fena, Otto and Salman as Westerners. I am curious to see if they will go more in depth into this matter.

Now that end made me question what kind of Era this is in, a bloody submarine? Either someone is way ahead in technology or I underestimated the Era.

Production value looks good, they got some pretty big names involved. Yuki Kajiura doing the music is never a bad thing, voice actors so far are good (I swear I can't unsee a spider whenever I hear Yuuki Aoi talk now), but I am slightly worried that it is just a 1 cour show (for now), so patiently going to see how this will plan out.

But once again, they gotta STOP cutting the hair of the MC, in recent seasons I have seen it too many times, if there is one thing I get tired of, it's that... Let's hope it regrows quick! #triggered
Aug 15, 2021 5:07 PM

May 2015
soccer6131 said:
something feels off to me i dont know what it is. like there is nothing bad about the show but it is bordering on feeling generic with a good art style and animation

I agree something does feel a bit off about it, but it has 3 of my favorite seiyu in it(Aoi Yuuki, Asami Seto and Houchuu Ootsuka) so I'll keep watching for that alone.
Aug 15, 2021 5:17 PM

Nov 2009
i actually like that her hair is not as aesthetically pleasing. this show is giving major female gaze vibes. which is good,we want more of that.
her looking cute isnt the main concern of the story,we love to see it.

give us more edgy mean husbandos pls. yukimaro is a snack
Aug 15, 2021 5:40 PM
Jul 2021
bro why did crunchyroll have to CUT HER DAMN HAIR
Aug 15, 2021 7:53 PM

Dec 2015
I'm very happy for Macross Delta singers on opening and ending themes .

One more thing, this anime is so much like Atlantis and Treasure Planet, these 90-00s Disney movies.
Aug 15, 2021 8:20 PM
Mar 2021
Very good world building and exposition, also lovable characters! Also, while I do prefer Fena's hair long her new cut is still nice.
Aug 15, 2021 8:22 PM
Mar 2021
McNuggss said:
bro why did crunchyroll have to CUT HER DAMN HAIR
It's a trope that's basically everywhere. Like how Kimberly from Power Rangers 2017 cut her hair, Mulan from Disney cut her hair, Korra from Legend of Korra cut her hair, Serena from Pokemon cut her hair, you get the idea, right? It's a trope everywhere, and it symbolizes change or a new story or whatever.
Aug 15, 2021 8:25 PM
Feb 2021
MadanielFL said:
This has the chance to be the best Crucnhyroll Original they have ever made so far, the animation looks good, the characters are interesting and I loved the whole pirate age setting that they had on the first episode, still need to watch more to know for sure, but so far it looks promising.

It has that potential, but I do not think it will beat Tonikawa for me.
Aug 15, 2021 8:38 PM

Jan 2020
I don't know if I like the short hair but hopefully I'll get used to it because it will be pretty bad if I never do. It kind of gives me yona vibes so far

Aug 15, 2021 9:16 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
Fena is now Myley Cyrus with her new hair style. However, the hair cut won't stop her from babbling constantly. When she gets her first warrior queen moment, this ought to be overpowering.

Meanwhile, tortured soul boyfriend just hangs back not wasting any energy talking. He has been practicing his "strong silent type" of act for 10 years so he has the 1,000 yard stare down pat.

And the artwork is lovely! The water going into the cave grotto was wonderful. This still feels like Disney type of animation. Now it's on to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!
Aug 15, 2021 9:19 PM

Dec 2016
It's similar to Akatsuki no Yona.

All the side characters are so likeable especially those twins, they're so lively and fun.

That Salman Shalman argument, never imagined I would see an argument about the pronunciation of the name Salman XD

Fena looks so cute in short hair, I'm gonna miss the long hair though.

Is it just me or Yukimaru kinda reminds me of Lan Zhan from both visuals and personality XD

It sounded so weird 💀
Rickydory123Aug 15, 2021 9:29 PM
Aug 15, 2021 10:20 PM

Oct 2016
Really great episode and much more chill than the first one. Really loving all the characters so far, they're all fun especially Fena. I also automatically like Karin since Aoi Yuki is voicing her. Damn how many times is Fena gonna get horny bonked, give my girl some head protection. I wonder why Fena is needed for this "Eden" and that glass is definitely some sort of key to that Eden. I am guessing Eden is like a paradise island or something.

The world looks so nice though, Goblin island and ninja pirates are cool as fuck. The show is definitely not trying to be historically accurate which is fine. Submarine pirate ship is really dope. Long hair short hair, it doesn't matter, Fena looks great regardless and her hair is definitely gonna grow a bit throughout their journey based on the key visual. Really looking forward to the next episode.
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