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Aug 19, 2014 10:12 PM

Aug 2013
I don't mind Saito surviving because it's not that serious of an anime, but it was somewhat of a deus ex machina since they didn't explain anything about the "fairy".
Sep 16, 2014 8:33 AM
Jul 2018
I was kind of hoping for something maybe a bit more exciting, but I guess it was an okay ending. Could have been better though.
Sep 19, 2014 6:44 AM
May 2013
Anon1409 said:
Damn, so close... I almost got the ending I desired in which Saito would've died.
A wise man once said "People die when they are killed" Saito needs to learn that and stay dead .
Tsun tsun amounts in this season were too damn high .
I'm waiting for the day where a tsundere will get reverse netorare because of her tsun tsun .
I'm for SiestaxSaito /SaitoxFairy .

For me :Season 1 >Season 2
Sep 19, 2014 3:22 PM

Aug 2014
Great Episode!
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Oct 2, 2014 7:04 AM

Sep 2013
The episode was good until those last 2 minutes... Seriously?! Is that the end of an awesome episode...

For me this season was supposed to be better than the last one... but after those 2 min i was like how does it differ?? Saito ruins the moment and Louise with sadistic side just goes back to whipping...

If they at least left that part for the first episode of season 3 and those last 2 minutes were a funeral or something like that(something SAD, because the way they tried to recapture the comedy of the show in the last part was ridiculous, it practically ruined the climax of the show...), i think it would have been WAAAYYY BETTER...
Oct 5, 2014 9:34 AM
Jan 2011
Don't you just hate when you're watching a show, and absolutely nothing happens? Think if you're watching pokemon or Naruto and you just hit a stream of filler. That is how I felt about the second season of ZnT. Between the plot, characters, and pacing, things are either not developed, or wholly discarded outright.

As a standalone show, this series was actually better than the first. There were a number of different plotlines, political intrigue, battles and etc. that made this a pretty decent watch. And that would be all well and good, if this were its own series. The problem here, is that this is the second season of an original show, and is not only vastly different, but a complete departure from everything developed in the first part of the show.

I started watching ZnT because I was looking for a funny drama/comedy with an eclectic cast of characters, and in many ways, that was exactly what I got. The first season of the show introduced us to some interesting people, while developing Saito's split feelings about leaving home and staying loyal to Louise, all which culminated in an interesting final battle.

The second season throws this all completely out the window, using plot points and people only when it is convenient for them. Series mainstays like Kirche, Tabitha, and Guiche are pushed aside in favor of the "Musketeer Guard" and their leader Agnes. Agnes was nowhere near as interesting as anyone from season 1, and her Dungletail plotline took up valuable screentime. Did this subplot have ANYTHING to do with ANY of the main characters? NO. Agnes should have upped and solved her issue by herself, rather than dragging the whole show down with her. The Musketeer guard is never explained (as guns were a complete novelty to people at the end of season 1, seeing Zero in action). In addition, Zero was only used for travel, and really lost the luster that made it such a cool development at the end of season 1. The interesting points about humans and machinery from Earth is also dropped, in favor of reviving Prince Wales just so she could tell Henrietta (whom apparently he loved?) that she can date other guys.

This was not the only plotline that suffered. The story is no longer about Louise and Saito, but about the princess and agnes. Instead of solving their own problems and finding themselves, both mains are relegated to the position of "Princess Guard", standing by until she finds a use for them she deems fit. Though love for the princess keeps them going, this was not what built the first season up. Whereas there was obvious progression of Louise's feelings for Saito in season 1, their interactions here are run-of-the-mill and painfully predictable. Louise gets mad at Saito, leaves in a huff, another girl comes by to see him, Louise comes back to catch them in a compromising position, shocks him, then feels bad and tries to make up. In some shows, this kind of repetitive action can be funny (think Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan), but here it just feels dated and derivative. Its as if the developers wanted us to to think the show was still about these 2, but in reality, you could have picked any other 2 leads from any other anime, and the plot would have still turned out the same.

This wouldn't have been a problem if the first series had implied/stated that the war on Albion was bigger than this battle. In the beginning of the first episode, we discover that the war is not actually over, and it remains a huge plot point until the end of this show. It is very painful to see a plotpoint you thought had worked itself out in the first season rear its ugly head again. Valuable opportunities were lost in character development, and on the whole, it just felt like every episode was trying to use up screentime. It basically ends up with main characters making grand assumptions, and (most of the time) ending up right. Characters are introduced and quickly killed off

Despite obvious faults in the plot and characters, animation has definitely improved, as has the music. And while people have stated that the 3rd season is full of fillers, Better to have the old characters back rather than plots and people we care absolutely nothing about. Overall, I just recommend watching the last 2 episodes of this show and reading a summary of the rest. Don't waste your time.

Overall 6/10
Nov 11, 2014 7:05 AM
Nov 2014
I loved the episode, and I thought it was really touching. Stayed true to the comedy aspect all the way through until his great sacrifice on the battlefield--absolutely epic. But wtf would have been wrong with him simply NOT acting like a damn perv for the remaining minutes of the episode when he came back? I understand that it's a comedy, and I understand that him being serious upon reuniting with Louise would have altered the dynamic of the show slightly, but the writers ruined it by making him seem like a boob-obsessed perv who's incapable of showing affection to the woman he loves except when either her or his life is on the line. I wish they weren't making him so damn perpetually pervy to everybody he's supposedly not in love with.
Nov 23, 2014 7:08 PM

May 2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is, they completely ruined it. Absolutely utterly completely. Right after he wound up not being dead.

Can the writers please kill themselves please?

Nov 23, 2014 7:10 PM

Nov 2013
LivingGoatWhore said:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is, they completely ruined it. Absolutely utterly completely. Right after he wound up not being dead.

Can the writers please kill themselves please?

The writer is already dead

Nov 30, 2014 6:17 AM

Apr 2013
I thought that the fairy will bring him back to life, though I thought it'd happen in the beginning of the next season. Well was basically the same like the first season 7/10
Dec 20, 2014 8:16 AM
Jun 2013
[This is just me venting my frustration that have accumulated over the past torturous 12 episodes]
Yay plot armour!!... This series probably would've redeemed itself for me if Saito remained dead but no of course not he just have to come back in the most retarded way possible. Same thing happened in Tasogare as well. But this series definitely have some moments but overall had a really bad time. Gonna continue the sequel some other time. My brain need a break from the pure revolting 'B-Baka' and 'Urusai x3' and basically Tsundere bullshit in general. But thanks to this series I finally realize that I hate Tsunderes. Not sure why but I should probably start avoiding Animes with Tsundere mains
Jan 8, 2015 6:37 PM

Nov 2014
Such an emotional episode! Seeing bloody Saito was so sad and it seemed like he died even though it was pretty obvious that wasn't gonna happen (well cause I know there's two more seasons xD) But it was so sad!

Was so glad when Saito came back and Louise and him were running towards each other, thank god for the fairy! But of course they had to end it on a silly note and Saito had to make a comment on the fairy's boobs LOL Louise back to getting pissed and creating explosions everywhere again. Definitely gonna watch the next season soon! Love this series!
Jun 9, 2015 9:31 AM

May 2007
I was with the ending, even if I wished it ended on a cliffhanger of Saito being dead, till the stupid violence happened again. What a way to ruin a good moment.


Easily could have been higher if Louise was a character capable of growth and Saito and Siesta weren't changed to try to make us feel for Louise more.
My anime list
Jun 25, 2015 10:09 PM
Sep 2010
Did anybody see on the Crunchyroll forum that Seven Seas Resumes "Zero's Familiar" Manga
ToolbotJun 25, 2015 10:13 PM
Jul 30, 2015 7:55 PM
May 2015
I liked this episode quite a bit. The ending was blah, though.
Oct 26, 2015 7:03 AM

Dec 2014
this episode how amazing it ended and then left its viewer wanting for more.
Dec 31, 2015 10:05 AM
Aug 2014
they ruin it by forcing happy ending, and again ruin that by the angry tsundere cliche. and why did they make the revelation here if they were planing for season 3.
Jan 31, 2016 10:22 PM

May 2014
Ending could have been more romantic, I don't know how Saito doesn't have a little more self control by now, especially on his tongue. Still a good season, 8/10, looking forward to starting season 3.
Apr 12, 2016 3:34 AM

Sep 2013
If I had to summarize this episode in a sentence, it would be that I am at the same time so glad yet so disappointed that this was the outcome.
May 21, 2016 3:02 AM

Jan 2016
Final episode
First half was tbh Kawaii, and did kinda got emotional… ._. As we got serous with Saito n Louise. as we continue,Its quite emotional, As well to an intense ending, Ending just surprised the fuck out of me but still classic with Oppai fairy that i also thought was a dream… Really unexpected.(Saito good luck get out of this one xD ) Could have been so much more DRAMA from Louise like damn,they could have made it so much more, n wanted little more romantic in the end as well.. but i Loved it. /but little disappointed..

Quick Review!
Animation/Art~not so much “landscape” in this but its improvement for sure i can tell. Year 2008 As i think it was the year the Oppai stared to show up, more shaped More ecchi looking and so on. So far the Ecchi have slowly appeared,i mean more kinky,more Oppai,some ish “naked scenes” with all three girls(princess,Louise, Siesta) But the art/animation is an small improvement.
Music/Sound~Much better sound trough the whole season, and quite like the OP, ending not so much but it have its classic childish ish tune… nothing more nothing less..
Characters~ Quite interesting new characters, as well with some with the old ones.
some character development, but also nothing more nothing less. Doable
Story~also dont wanna say to much sense i have 2 more, and just doing a quick one xD lol As for starters, Its geting somewhere, its not bad, focused much more on Saitos Wild mind with Oppai and saito and Louise, thats for sure, not so much on the “main story” (what that now is not sure my self) but we got the war and probably continuing with as well.
Enjoyment ~ as far that have now been. its been a blast tbh. wasn’t that slow as in the first season. and season 2 sure do have an improvement, but there is also where i got pist,(from the last 2 episodes) just to much drama or how u wanna put.

well other than that, in overall 8.4/10
Now for the next Season. that i have heard are just better n better :P
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
May 28, 2016 8:26 AM

Mar 2014
If this is nobility , then it sucks big time . But that was noble sacrifice ~ .
Once again , True love makes it official with a ceremony of their own ~ .
Very great episode . And back again to their status quo ~ .
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Jul 1, 2016 12:35 AM

Jul 2014
I loved most of the episode. It finally showed Saito being epic for once. I kinda wished he did die though, I've never seen Louise lose it so much. It made for a interesting drama. Until the deus ex machina kicked in.

The ending was shit and it once again made me lose respect for Saito that thus episode gave me. Why did they pull a comedy ending was Bullshit to the highest order. Lame as hell man.
I play video games. You should play a video game because you read my signature.
Jul 4, 2016 1:11 AM
Dec 2015
This was a great episode. Action was great. Saito taking on all of the troops was pretty cool and right before the end had me shed a tear or two.

However, the ending really pissed me off. THAT'S HOW YOU ARE ENDING THE SEASON!! Saito gives his life to protect Louise above all others and is supposedly dead. He gets brought back by the fairy and reunited with Louise who cares so much for Saito and have the loving embrace, similar to the confession episode, only for Saito to talk about the fairy's breasts and stares at Siesta's when he runs by. REALLY!!! I actually feel cheated at the end. It just pisses me off.
Aug 14, 2016 5:33 PM
Jul 2016
So I guess we'll never find out anything about this antagonist :/
Sep 12, 2016 7:34 AM

Jan 2013
Aww Saito and Julio would totally make a cute couple!
Realy ... a 1000 arrows and cannons to kill one person in 1 go lol.

Kinda annoyed it just has to stay the same with Saito still talking about big breasts at Louise and Louise just being Louise ...
Why can't we just have them be in a relationship that doesn't revolve around shouting "Baka Inu" and getting jealous over breasts.

It still has some good episodes, especially the Agnes arc but I really want it to get a bit more serious regarding their relationship.

Aug 22, 2018 11:22 PM

Aug 2018
I was worried it was going to end in a cliffhanger, but alas not. I’m glad to see Dog is back to being his usual perverted self.
Sep 8, 2018 3:26 AM

Jan 2013
Cliche stuff.
Nice plot armor on MC too.
Mar 3, 2019 1:04 PM

Nov 2016
What an emotional finale, really liked it. But at the end of the day everyone and everything is back to the usual craziness, as it should be.

I wasn't too fond of the first season, this one on the other hand left a good impression in pretty much every department.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 5, 2019 6:41 AM

Nov 2011
I tearjerked a bit when i thought Saito died, kinda cheapened his return, i want my tears back. Anyways i've developed a soft spot for the show and its characters and i think they did well shifting to a more political approach to the plot for this season. 7.

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Apr 11, 2019 9:41 PM

Nov 2016
Well Saito still acting like he's in heat after confessing to Louise several times lol.
Aug 14, 2019 6:30 AM
Jan 2018
probably just watch the 3rd season to see what the deal with the elf fairy
Nov 29, 2019 5:17 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, Saito's charge at the enemy was epic, coupled with the background music, the piano version of this anime's theme song, it was the perfect combination for an MC to go out in an epic way. I agree with some of the views mentioned in this forum. I was also thinking for a while that it would've been a perfect dramatic and sad ending, hell, it would've been tragic but also good for the story if Saito were to really die. Here I was, I shed a tear because I thought that he really died, I forgot for a moment that there is a season 3 right now.

Though with that said, I still want for the two of them together, the ending could've been better if it was really dramatic, not a cheesy reunion, but oh well.. I still enjoyed the show more than the first season.

“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Feb 3, 2020 3:05 PM

Dec 2018
colbert was literally the only likeable character in the entire garbage-tier season
what an immense let down after season 1
i sincerely hope they fix this shit next season
last season i said that the writing wasn't very good, the music wasn't, the art was nothing special, but the characters seemed to bring it together as well as some intangible enjoyability.
but this season shit on those characters and ruined it for me.
saito is the dumbest mother fucker of all time and this season should be erased from history
Mar 22, 2020 3:03 PM

Aug 2018
The last couple of minutes is a fucking textbook example of how to ruin literally everything. Aside from that, this season was basically a rehash of the 1st only not as good. Overall the two seasons combined feel like a case of wasted potential.

It's like a cliff notes version of what could have been a true classic fantasy/romance anime.

Anyway, 7/10 for season 2.

Now, time to re-watch season 3 which iirc ramps up the ecchi content and "comedic misunderstandings" to intolerable levels.

PS: Agnes is very sexy
epidemia78Mar 22, 2020 3:10 PM
Jun 16, 2020 12:10 PM

Apr 2012
Good finale with a terrible ending. Shame cause there was such great animation this episode too.

Overall this season was a mixed bag: had some good drama but had a lot of cringy moments. Despite its great production values the characters and story never compare to the charm and cosiness of s1.
Feb 25, 2021 10:51 PM
Dec 2020
If they had kept Saito dead it would have been a fire episode but they had to go and mess it up. Don’t get me wrong, I like Saito but bringing him from the dead in the same episode after such build up was the wrong move. They should had made a special of him coming back. I am a bit disappointed but it was okay nonetheless.
Jul 18, 2021 3:42 PM
Jul 2021
Gostaria muito de uma 5 temporada, posso ter esperanças???
Jul 18, 2021 3:43 PM
Jul 2021
Gostaria muito de uma 5 temporada, posso ter esperanças???
Sep 1, 2021 10:17 PM
Nov 2010
I must say Henrietta really looks sexy in that battle armor.

Way to ruin a dramatic reunion Saito! lol But yeah that big breasted fairy is cute. I want her to take care of me too. hehe 8/10
Feb 20, 2022 3:11 AM
Feb 2022
Please make season 5
Feb 1, 2023 9:33 PM
Jan 2023
Even when a man is re-born he cant help him self!
Feb 28, 2023 11:57 PM

Sep 2018
This series and it's abrupt endings lol. The ecchi IMO was a step up this season going from memory, it's been a while since I saw the 1st season, and the serious parts were also more interesting than last season's latter half. Not sure if it was as funny as S1, and still can't beat the slice of life moments in S1.
May 1, 2023 11:06 PM

Jul 2022
Well, just knowing that Zero no Tsukaima has 4 seasons and it was exaggeratedly obvious that Saito would still be alive broke my tears a bit, but considering that, it gave me a lot of feeling. Although how they cut my crying even more with this ending was even worse xddd
Sep 12, 2023 8:03 PM

Dec 2009
Original Notes of 2011:

Nov 26, 2023 4:30 AM

Sep 2014
Damn this was actually really good! After S1 I thought this would remain the easy to digest, SoL RomCom, especially with all the ecchi focus this season had, but this was actually a tragedy on many levels!
I never expected this show to evolve in such a way.

Albion did the worst of crimes, they cockblocked Siesta!

Coming from the modern isekai wave this show essentially kickstarted it feels just really good and way deeper than I would have imagined.

Saitou and Louises relationship is bitter sweet but its never easy or boring, Louise might get annoying and too bratty at times, but it stays in character and their feelings are real.

After the last few EDs have missed the "baka inu!" Im glad its back, it wouldnt have fit the other eps. This is one thing I think modern anime has evolved beyond, they would have just given us a new ED without this comedic one ruining the mood.

I think Kirche and Tabitha came way too short, Agnes was atleast a real character but Julio didnt really serve any purpose beyond the obvious relationship spice.

While the lore of the world might not be quite as grand as something like Re Zero or Mushoku Tensei, its every bit as deep as them.

The only thing I dislike would be the enemy, they just feel a bit cartoonish and have no personality yet.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 5, 2024 9:26 AM

Aug 2019
this must be one of the worst shows ive seen.
it really could have been great because i mean the first season was good and pleasantly surprised me. but this shot me in the face with a shotgun 4cm away from me.

also really? 70 thousand soldiers and mages shoot all their spells and fucking cannon balls at the dying lone swordsman on the ground? the definition of (literal) overkill.

this episode had some great emotional parts but it was all fucking ruined once again. they couldnt just let it end happily, them both saying that they love each other and how happy they are but no. this is the best part to put a boob gag and ruin the moment, its not like he was staring at every single girls boobs 24/7 so why did he now out of all moments decide to stare at every pair he came across? and then it just fucking ends there like any other episode despite being the last one in the season.

im dreading watching the third season but i will give it a chance. ive seen 2/3 of the series anyway so might as well try to finish it but im not gonna be afraid to drop it.

HiljainenSipuliApr 5, 2024 10:43 AM
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Apr 5, 2024 10:43 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to epidemia78
The last couple of minutes is a fucking textbook example of how to ruin literally everything. Aside from that, this season was basically a rehash of the 1st only not as good. Overall the two seasons combined feel like a case of wasted potential.

It's like a cliff notes version of what could have been a true classic fantasy/romance anime.

Anyway, 7/10 for season 2.

Now, time to re-watch season 3 which iirc ramps up the ecchi content and "comedic misunderstandings" to intolerable levels.

PS: Agnes is very sexy
epidemia78 said:
Now, time to re-watch season 3 which iirc ramps up the ecchi content and "comedic misunderstandings" to intolerable levels.

oh no. """"""comedic"""""" misunderstandings. funniest gags ever, yes. definetly. im not lying at all.
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Aug 9, 2024 11:29 AM
Dec 2014
Thus ends the second season!
Jan 25, 10:09 AM
May 2022
Could have stopped here and would've been perfect, really.
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