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Jun 20, 2021 7:29 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, Mack seems like a broken man wondering around.

On the other hand is Joe, preparing his gear with the rest of the crew. Quite an emotional journey for the both of them, despite their different backgrounds. I feel like they really pushed Mack into an appealing character.

Jun 20, 2021 8:25 AM

Apr 2018
That was great to see more about Mac with that quick backstory and his previous colleagues when he was a policeman, at least it ended well with his wife/son when he came back home... well now it seems like it's time for the final match, I can't wait, but I'm ready for a sad ending probably.
Jun 20, 2021 8:26 AM

Jun 2019
Mac is going through a really tough time right now and he really needs someone who he can talk to. I'm really glad that Mac finds his old friend which made him realize why he's doing what he's doing and reminisce about his life and the beautiful memories he created all along with his family and friends.

Mac decided to go back to his family and decided to fight Joe in his own way. The president has already got what he wanted from Mac as he told him. But, it's about time, Mac is ready and Joe is ready as well. the stage has been set and the fighters are approaching the ring to take on each other for one last time.

I'm hoping for a great end to this masterpiece next week.
Jun 20, 2021 8:27 AM

Jul 2017
The Nomad vs. The Hummingbird: Gearless Joe vs. The fake Hero Mac, the origin story. Mac was already a broken man before, and now with ROSCO's BES program, he's in an even worse shape than before.

Yuri and the rest re-training Joe for his eventual fight against Mac, and preparations are underway. As for Sakuma, this fella cannot be trusted anymore, even at the expense of experiments and a guinea pig for the future.

Mac being saved by an old friend who's a police officer, and even his junior being a Megalo-boxer representing the police division. Bringing up past memories, and the play of mabanua's Spanish ED while Mac spent the earlier half of his life in the police department, and where he was saved by Sakuma's BES chip. That HIT THE HEART a lot harder than it is.

Glad to see Mac all looking better from this incident, and he can look forward to what lies ahead, which is the match, in genuine form, without the help of the BES chip. A TRUE MAN-TO-MAN MATCH.

Better not die, men of valour. Looking forward to the final episode with HIGH expectations.
Jun 20, 2021 8:44 AM
Sep 2015
I don't expect such a deep thought on life from boxing anime, but of course this is Megalo Box, interesting that the hummingbird story still has some pages left untold. It'll be unfold in the final episode. What is the way back home?

One good thing I notice from using machine in boxing match is that there is no weight class anymore, though I still want to see boxers getting naked in weigthing demonstration (though nowadays they're not truly naked anymore, except my country's boxing). But it's still not good enough to compensate for damage boxers will receive from machine-enhanced punch.

Another thing I like is that there's minimal heterosexual romance. I only see Mac and his wife so far, which is good. Joe and Yuri and their dog are talking together again, they're just like a same-sex couple and their adopted children and pet!

I've to conclude so many thing as if this is the last episode, because in the real last episode I'm sure there'll be much more emotion from me.
Jun 20, 2021 8:49 AM
Oct 2016
I like this penultimate episode being Mac focused. We've seen over the past few episodes that he's become lost after finding out the truth of what Sakuma is using him for and the decision his wife made. So getting to focus on him coming to terms with who he is now was nice. The man has had a hard road to get to where he is now. The little montage of what happened to him after he saw the Joe vs Yuri fight made me really sad. His wife really made the only choice she could and I'm glad that Mac has accepted that. He could've easily gone down a dark road but hearing that hummingbird song Mac realized that he just wanted to go home. Which is something I think a lot of us want when we don't know what to do. Joe's side gearing up, literally, for the fight is cool. Fixing up that gear that Chief gave Joe so that he can use it better. Talking to Yuri about how far they've come since they first talk on the river bank. This finale will be tense as it gets with these two power houses trading blows.
Jun 20, 2021 9:18 AM
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

Apr 2020
phantomfandom said:
I don't expect such a deep thought on life from boxing anime, but of course this is Megalo Box.

this. i was here about to say the exact same thing. i've seen some boxing anime before but this just hits different. Nomad has never let me down once. ugh why i gotta wait a week for the next one
Jun 20, 2021 9:32 AM
Oct 2020
I really appreciate how much mileage the story's gotten out of the hummingbird's song. Just like the original Megalo Box's analogies to animals: scorpions, snakes, and stray dogs, I'm equally impressed with how the story of the hummingbird and nomad is applicable to a lot - if not most of the main cast. Even more impressive, the ways the hummingbird's song is applicable feels different enough for each character to be fresh.

Overall, I just think it's dope. I genuinely don't know where the story is gonna go, but I find it so cool Mac and Joe essentially have the same motivations, honouring their respective hummingbirds.
Jun 20, 2021 10:00 AM
Jan 2021
Best episode of the season yet! And that's saying something, considering the whole season is amazing. All the waiting was fucking worth it, they are building this fight up like no other. When the bangaichi theme started playing I squealed🤣 The ending was simply epic.
Jun 20, 2021 10:32 AM

Feb 2018
I legitimately went from "I don't think we really need a second season" to being in awe of how great this second season is. What a treat this show is.

Anyway, I'm going back-and-forth on whether we get a happy ending, but either way, this is going to be an emotional finale.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Jun 20, 2021 10:32 AM

Jul 2011
Is so interesting how the episode itself is simple but powerful. Is just Team Nowhere preparing, Mac quick backstory that is simple and clean.

And the beginning of Rosco end?

The Yuri and Joe conversation that could raise a horrible destiny flag.

If the last episode be at least 12 minutes of pure boxing would be great.
Jun 20, 2021 11:36 AM

Jul 2015
I actually didn't knew that the Hummingbird and Nomad story wasn't complete.. guess last of it will be unfolded in next (last) episode..
i originally thought that this was a filler/backstory episode.. but at the end of the episode.. it became much more than that..
Joe.. please don't die..
Jun 20, 2021 12:18 PM
Dec 2011
Can't wait to see Mac head into the ring against Joe. It's going to be a a great fight. I feel like they are both underdogs tbh. It's hard to root for one over the other. Joe and Mac have both undergone trial and tribulation to get where they are now. Joe finally got a taste of his life back and Mac seems to have it mostly together. Next week is gonna be great!
Jun 20, 2021 12:39 PM

Jan 2009
backstory episode for Mac

and are both Mac and Joe gonna die because they got a lot of Death Flags in this episode
Jun 20, 2021 2:08 PM

Aug 2017
I'm surprised at how good they executed this episode. At first Mac seemed to be in despair and it looked like there was no way that's going to get fixed in one episode but they really pulled it off so nicely
Jun 20, 2021 2:52 PM
Jun 2021
You would think that after that much drinking Mac's cop buddies wouldn't let him drive himself home like a responsible police officer would do but oh well.
Jun 20, 2021 2:53 PM
Feb 2020
axel360 said:
I legitimately went from "I don't think we really need a second season" to being in awe of how great this second season is. What a treat this show is.

Anyway, I'm going back-and-forth on whether we get a happy ending, but either way, this is going to be an emotional finale.

THIS is exactly what i think bro, it's so beautiful, never thought at once that 2nd season of MB could be SO good!
Jun 20, 2021 4:50 PM

Sep 2020
Mac is back on track, or to be more specific, on his own track!
On another note: I feel like an idiot for not realizing that the girl we saw attending Shirato's (brother) lecture and Rosco's secretary were actually related.

Jun 20, 2021 4:53 PM

Oct 2015
That was a really good epsiode. Really good. However, can we just talk about how Mac one minute was really drunk and out of it and then suddenly was like. Time to drive a car? I mean what.

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Jun 20, 2021 4:57 PM

Sep 2020
DBX said:
That was a really good epsiode. Really good. However, can we just talk about how Mac one minute was really drunk and out of it and then suddenly was like. Time to drive a car? I mean what.

islepdremo said:
You would think that after that much drinking Mac's cop buddies wouldn't let him drive himself home like a responsible police officer would do but oh well.

You just found out the real and hidden purpose of the BES system: hyper alcohol disposal.
Can't stay drunk for long with that baby in your head!
Jun 20, 2021 6:16 PM

Sep 2019
I didn't think the policemen would let him drive while he was in that state, you could see many empty bottles in his car. I still don't get why the policemen did that but oh well. I'm really glad that he went back to his family and it seems that he's in a better mood now.
Jun 20, 2021 7:01 PM

Feb 2021
Reaching the fight and climax
Jun 20, 2021 7:07 PM

Mar 2019
This Episode was clearly: la calma antes de la tormenta...

(The Calm before the Storm)...

Final Episode...
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jun 20, 2021 8:51 PM

Aug 2015
I´m still going back and forth between what to expect during the final fight. It makes sense that Joe survives and comes back, but at the same time I can see him dead by the end of it. The same can be applies for Mac honestly, and that´s how good the show has been in terms of story telling.
It hasn´t been just drama for the sake of drama, but actual character development and a lot of good dialogue-interactions.

But even then I have to say, it worries me that this anime (which takes by the manga) was made as a homage of Ashita no Joe, the "Not.Dead.Yet" during the first season, all the other deathflags by now and the fact that neither Joe or Mac are going to be physically or mentally ok by the end of this fight. At this point I just want to see the full fight and whatever conclusion they decided to make.

This is my AOTS.
Jun 20, 2021 9:50 PM
Mar 2015
No one gets out alive
Jun 21, 2021 1:02 AM
Mar 2021
The last few minutes of the episode was nostalgic.

Joe in his top form, Sachio reminiscing of Pops with the Team Nowhere carved into concrete...

And most of all, "The Beast - Instrumental" to top it off. The hype is real!
Jun 21, 2021 1:04 AM
Oct 2018
Man if the final episode lands.. this could be in my top 10
Jun 21, 2021 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
Mac is really good man. I love his way of life and personalities as same as Joe. Solid character development. And I love the sense which mabanua (this show's composer) reveal as supporting character. I hope Joe doesn't die in final episode.
Jun 21, 2021 1:24 AM

Aug 2018
"El Canto del Colibrí"
This chapter was great, Mac was able to recover in the good way. Nice
Next chapter, the end and THE FIGHT.
PS: The one who sings El Canto del Colibrí in the scene, is the same mabanua. WHAT A NICE DETAIL.
Tamer2002Jun 21, 2021 1:31 AM
Jun 21, 2021 8:47 AM
Sep 2019
phantomfandom said:
I don't expect such a deep thought on life from boxing anime, but of course this is Megalo Box, interesting that the hummingbird story still has some pages left untold. It'll be unfold in the final episode. What is the way back home?

One good thing I notice from using machine in boxing match is that there is no weight class anymore, though I still want to see boxers getting naked in weigthing demonstration (though nowadays they're not truly naked anymore, except my country's boxing). But it's still not good enough to compensate for damage boxers will receive from machine-enhanced punch.

Another thing I like is that there's minimal heterosexual romance. I only see Mac and his wife so far, which is good. Joe and Yuri and their dog are talking together again, they're just like a same-sex couple and their adopted children and pet!

I've to conclude so many thing as if this is the last episode, because in the real last episode I'm sure there'll be much more emotion from me.

First of all, personally, I was hesitant when a second season of one of my new favorite shows got announced, because more often than not, second seasons of original story anime usually get worse, because the story gets stretched out and they tend to "tarnish" the story of the first season, but this second season, oh god, its pretty damn good, obviously better than the first season and they didnt change, backpedal or "Powercrept" the stuff from the first season, so, yeah, I think we're seeing the birth of a modern cult anime, almost like a "PPTA" of this new decade.

And now, again, PERSONALLY, what I really dislike about this "Shonen" shows is the very common and cliche "Love" subplot, because it usually boils down every single time to "hey, my growth as a character wasnt about my training, my own reflection or my struggle to accept a problem and get through it, it was about muh lovey dovey partner who's rooting for me and wants to see me smile, so yeah, imma go and wreck this boss for him/her" and yeah, well executed this subplot is good, but it usually isnt well done, so I again, PERSONALLY really like the absence of any kind of romance subplot, either LGBT or heterosexual.

The mac and his wife subplot wasnt so much about using the romance to set up his character and make him fight to "Make my wife proud of the real me, not the chipped me" it was more of "That made me realise that I'm no longer me, I'm just a puppet used to prove something... and now imma prove me and my family that I'm still me, that it was me who won those fights, not the chip"
JamestererJun 21, 2021 9:08 AM
Jun 21, 2021 8:55 AM

Oct 2016
Man, this season has been amazing from the beginning, every episode hits as hard as Mac Time punches and I am sure the last episode will be no different. This Mac focused episode was fantastic, showing Mac's backstory with the ED song was beautiful. But why did Yuri have to go and say that man, I don't want Joe to die.

The scenes leading up to the end of the episode was so fucking good man, can't wait for the finale.
Jun 21, 2021 9:20 AM
Jun 2021
Jamesterer said:

And now, again, PERSONALLY, what I really dislike about this "Shonen" shows

Megalo Box is not a shonen show, just so you know. It's an original anime therefore it doesn't have a demographic and if anything it's closer to seinen rather than shonen.
Jun 21, 2021 10:29 AM

May 2016
The humming bird story taught a big lesson that I had to learn the hard way. Mac's story brought me to tears with that song, favorite episode, I might end up liking this
than the original one.

Can't wait for next week.
Jun 21, 2021 10:45 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Mac continues the downward spiral with the alcohol until he runs into his old partner. We get a glimpse of Mac's past as a Megalo Boxer and a policeman. Eventually Mac decided to go back home and forgive his wife for doing what she did to save both Mac and Miguel. Joe continues to train while Yuri encourages him to take a defensive approach to his fight with Mac. Meanwhile Saichio decides to re design Chief's gear that would be more suitable for Joe. Mac basically tells Sakuma to get lost and that he's done with Roscoe when the fight is over. The stage is finally set for Joe and Mac's match. Please don't die.

"Aunque las ovaciones se callen, la voz de los mudos no desaparecerá” / “You can’t erase the voice of the voiceless even after the applauds end"
Jun 21, 2021 9:48 PM

Oct 2008
I can say nothing other than this show makes me want to fucking cry with every subsequent episode more than the last. My only true deliberation at this point is whether or not this show will be a 9 or 10 by the time the final credits roll. Goddamn what a ride this has been.
Jun 21, 2021 10:10 PM

Nov 2012
Amazing ep! Damn Yuuri, dont raise those flags man, I cant helpl to have a bad feeling about the end for Joe.

My Candies 2024

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Jun 22, 2021 12:05 AM
May 2019
Im dreading next week's episode. Given the track record of this season someone is gonna end up in a bad way. I like both joe and Mac so this will be interesting
Jun 22, 2021 12:22 AM
Dec 2017
KANLen09 said:
The Nomad vs. The Hummingbird:

Glad to see Mac all looking better from this incident, and he can look forward to what lies ahead, which is the match, in genuine form, without the help of the BES chip. A TRUE MAN-TO-MAN MATCH.

Better not die, men of valour. Looking forward to the final episode with HIGH expectations.

I don't really think that Mac can disable the chip without getting paralyzed. What he meant by "my own way" he probably meant not fighting on Sakuma's behalf. But it could be interesting if he could pull such a thing off.
Jun 22, 2021 4:48 AM

Jul 2016
axel360 said:
I legitimately went from "I don't think we really need a second season" to being in awe of how great this second season is. What a treat this show is.

Anyway, I'm going back-and-forth on whether we get a happy ending, but either way, this is going to be an emotional finale.

It has been a roller coaster and I just feel ike there is one more twist coming in the final.
Jun 22, 2021 6:36 AM

Jan 2014
I've seen mentions of how drunk he was, but, I mean, the police officer found Mac basically passed out, and then they took him out for some drinks, coupled with him walking in a pretty straight line with no wobbling I think by the time he stopped reminiscing and all that the drunkenness may have been over quite a bit.

Also, I just wanna mention that I really like Sakuma's character, he's the asshole who used people to get his way with them via scummy means. But, at the end of the day, since he's "done" with Mac, he's just basically letting him go, he's not leveraging the chip and all of that over his head to try and keep him in line, he's all like "welp, sure, go ahead, do what you want"

And with his secretary, he didn't tell her to go tell the Shirato guy how "he's wrong, there's no problem with the chip, it's all fine" but to go "tell him what you think" It feels like he knows it's all over and he's at least letting the others get away.

Oh, and also how, when Mac showed up angry at him for the chip and everything, one of his arguments was "your wife made the right choice". On the one hand it shows a bit of how he feels superior, since trusting him with all this was "correct", on the other hand, he basically tells Mac that his wife is not to blame.

The fucking writing in this show man, good fucking god

Also, Mac fighting in his own way, he's got no more ROSCO assistance on the ring, but rather his police friend and the newer guy. That shows how it's not ROSCO fighting, it truly is Mac.

Similar to how Joe is using Chief's gear, he's not fighting as "Gearless" Joe from Team Nowhere. He's not fighting as Nomad nor a Stray Dog. He's fighting as himself.

Just two men punching each other to the brain damage and (hopefully not) death
Jun 22, 2021 8:56 AM
Apr 2020
Ashhk said:
That was great to see more about Mac with that quick backstory and his previous colleagues when he was a policeman, at least it ended well with his wife/son when he came back home... well now it seems like it's time for the final match, I can't wait, but I'm ready for a sad ending probably.
it'll be white ash
Jun 22, 2021 9:01 AM
Jun 2021
SimoneST33 said:
it'll be white ash

Heh, ninety percent of people here won't get the reference, still I'm willing to bet Joe won't die at the end as it would be too obvious and cliche.
Jun 22, 2021 10:02 AM

Jun 2016
Jun 22, 2021 7:27 PM

Sep 2019
DeeDash said:
phantomfandom said:
I don't expect such a deep thought on life from boxing anime, but of course this is Megalo Box.

this. i was here about to say the exact same thing. i've seen some boxing anime before but this just hits different. Nomad has never let me down once. ugh why i gotta wait a week for the next one

well I would say Megalobox 1 is more of a boxing anime than Nomad is, Normad is about people dealing with thier problems in life like fixing what one broke years later, saving one's home and some boxing too (first season still touched some of this themes but not as deep).
Jun 22, 2021 11:31 PM

Oct 2008
so Mac is gonna fight his own way huh...i hope Sakuma doesn't sabotage Mac again it'll be the end for Joe if that happens...joe can defend but i think he's not prime anymore lolz...

Jun 23, 2021 6:43 AM

Jul 2015
hope they won't ruin the final episode with an unnecessary "happy ending"
I clearly see that they won't survive that's why...

yuri and Joe reminds me of Carlos and joe from anj
Also when Noriko said to joe "please come back" and joe said "yeah... I promise"
but... well okay
let's see what happens.
Jun 23, 2021 11:53 PM

Jul 2016
Oh boy. Those last minutes with the buildup for the ultimate fight were so well handled. First time in all Megalo Box that I feel truly excited for a match.

Such a fantastic episode. Easily at the level of those ones featuring Chief when the season was just starting. I mean, not even dancing clown Sakuma could ruin it.

So Mac became the Nomad this time, huh? Feeling as lost as Joe once felt but fortunately, he managed to find his path one more time at the end. All thanks to his old police partner and that ominous yet apparently miraculous colibrí song.

One more episode to go. Don't disappoint me, series!
Jun 25, 2021 12:26 AM
Jun 2020
Mac has been through a lot 😭
Jun 25, 2021 2:11 AM

Dec 2017
This ep was beautiful, seeing the connection with the Nomad history and Mac/Joe was really emotional, like you can interpretate the things that Nomad said in so many ways, its really poetic.
Jun 25, 2021 2:11 AM

Dec 2017
This ep was beautiful, seeing the connection with the Nomad history and Mac/Joe was really emotional, like you can interpretate the things that Nomad said in so many ways, its really poetic.
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