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May 28, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, the stoy about Yume's sister is almost hard to bear. Too bad that's reality.

We got a hell of a battle this episode and quite a bit of action as well. Gotta fight to survive and protect the city.
May 28, 2021 7:25 AM

Apr 2016
I had a feeling that Chise is rich and there definetly is a connection between her and Yume ... Also that dude, the graduate ... hes hiding something 100%. Gauma telling Yomogi to go after Yume and gring her back ... it seems like Gauma has a personal experience with situation like that.

The ending transformation was nothing less than Epic, you know shits real when orchestra plays in mecha.
May 28, 2021 7:29 AM

Jul 2017
Dang, Chise'a inner trauma, and the whole dragon imagery and her "Goldburn" Kaiju pet gold she the Akane of this Dynazenon world? Hopefully not.

Yume finally getting the person who dated and last witnessed her older sister Kano to press for more information, but what came out of it was even more depressing. Reality hits harder than most when a family member loses her life due to just simply plain human ignorance.

This time it's Juuga from the Kaiju Eugenicists to try his hands on defeat Gauma, but even the latter can tell that while the Kaiju battle is important, getting Yume is priority. With Chise's unexpected Kaiju help, call it a win-win solution of Anti's Gridknight, Dynazenon and Goldburn's combo transformation, just like the old Tokusatsu feeling of nostalgia. Easily the most impressive Kaiju battle by far to date.

No festival, it's fine, just hold your own. Yume in a yukata, that's some slick imagery. All's well that ends well.
May 28, 2021 7:36 AM

Feb 2019
Today’s ep gave me goosebumps several times throughout. Yume speaking to her sister’s ex, then her jump into the river to save the ankh, then the final scene with her in Yukata and everyone at the fireworks. Really nice episode, I’d say the best so far. Continuing to see Yume and Yomogi relationship develop as well. Chise was always a mysterious character so fitting she was able to manifest a Kaiju. I think we’re gonna learn that the sister’s ex bf is hiding even more than he lets on.
May 28, 2021 7:56 AM
Sep 2015
Kaiju is heavily influenced by human emotion.
May 28, 2021 8:09 AM

Mar 2019
Yes, yes, more romantic development please.
Also Chise still sus.
May 28, 2021 8:12 AM

Aug 2020

what an awesome transformation sequence . and the animation was absolutely brilliant in this ep . those slo-mo shots ughhh.....

dissappointed we didnt get any good mugina thigh shots.
May 28, 2021 8:16 AM

Jun 2020
Chise's backstory, Kano's boyfriend, Goldburn, and intense fighting scene... wow a lot things happen in here.

But... I didn't expect that fireworks scene and Minami with yukata...

Nice, my favorite eps so far.
May 28, 2021 8:16 AM
Jul 2020
Damn good episode
May 28, 2021 8:22 AM

Sep 2018
I might have missed something, but I find it funny how no one seems to care about the giant kaiju battles blowing up half the city on a regular basis. The way the festival still went ahead despite the massive explosions going on right nearby makes it seem as if this is just business as usual by now, or that they're just NPCs incapable of reacting to it like real people would.
May 28, 2021 8:49 AM

Oct 2020
Hmm, we got to see a bit of Chise's childhood and explore her loneliness. Minami trying to find the reason her sister died continues to get more and more depressing.An amazing fight scene in this episode. Super Dragon King Kaiser Gridknight was stunning. Minami in a yukata was peak.
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May 28, 2021 8:50 AM

Oct 2017
Yes! Yes! Yes! All of them merged together, now that's pure hype. It looks really cool with the cape.

Character interactions were great again and Yume looked beautiful in yukata. I love how smoothly Yume x Yomogi is progressing.
May 28, 2021 10:01 AM
Mar 2018
OweynLupton said:
I might have missed something, but I find it funny how no one seems to care about the giant kaiju battles blowing up half the city on a regular basis. The way the festival still went ahead despite the massive explosions going on right nearby makes it seem as if this is just business as usual by now, or that they're just NPCs incapable of reacting to it like real people would.

Business as usual. Just another day for team Dynazenon.

I have been thinking the exact same thing every episode, it's like entire buildings are flying around! Maybe somehow it restores itself similar to how it was in Gridman but maybe not, I dunno lol.
May 28, 2021 10:08 AM

Mar 2014
Chise got a gold kaiju dragon pet, that's cute
May 28, 2021 11:18 AM

Jul 2011
This episode was the most over the top of this year for now, just because of the combination.

I hope they update the OP, now that Chise got Goldburn. Not that is needed, just that would be cooler.

Just Chise room is bigger than many apartments.

Kano then was maybe murdered? I mean you just need to make look like an "accident".

Fireworks scene was just fulfilling to see.

And now the city have a golden dragon flying over it menacingly.
May 28, 2021 11:21 AM
Apr 2021
just a perfect episode
May 28, 2021 11:25 AM

May 2020
This probably my favorite episode of both Dynazenon and Gridman ngl, I loved every single part of the episode.
May 28, 2021 11:45 AM

Jan 2013
thank god Goldburn didnt end up like one of THOSE pet episodes lol
May 28, 2021 11:48 AM

Jan 2009
wow this episode is so good even without Mujinas THICC thighs from the mecha action to the social interactions

now even Chise got her own Kaiju named Goldburn and it can help them too

that Gattai or Fusion in the end though, Super Dragon King what

May 28, 2021 12:13 PM

Feb 2014
Real reason to watch this episode

May 28, 2021 12:25 PM

Jul 2014
There were a couple of moments when I wanted to smack Yomogi xD. First when Minami told him she wanted to go to the festival and he wanted to invite everyone and then when he left her at her lowest. Thank goodness Gauma is such a bro and made him go check on Minami and things ended up very well for them.... Minami in a yukata <3.

For a moment I thought Chise's room was some kind of dream world but then we saw that it was just the kaiju's power. Good to know that he is not evil and simply reacts to Chise's heart as we had already been told. We also saw some more of her in which she was isolated at school and that she has some kind of tattoo that she covers up but nothing really clear... I'm still wondering what her exact relationship with Koyomi is. At least for her, Gauma made it clear to her that she and Goldburn are part of the team.

The fight was pure hype!
May 28, 2021 1:02 PM
Feb 2021
Prolly the best episode so far. I mean the fact it's number 1 trending in japan right now speaks for itself.🔥 Gotta up SSSS dynazenon ratings here in Mal cause it deserves ♡
May 28, 2021 1:07 PM

Nov 2012
I'm not certain what it was about this episode but something certainly feels off about it.

Maybe I was expecting too much but was Goldburn what Chise was hiding this entire time? What was this tattoo about? Is it an Egyptian symbol by chance that represents something like the Ankh? There has to still be more when it comes to Chise's character.

Futaba averts his gaze when saying Kano wasn't the type of person to kill herself, suspicious.

The kaiju action this episode episode felt off too. "Super Dragon King Kaiser Gridknight" feels like something that would take place in the finale of the series.

My main worry is that there are three episodes left now and still alot of plotlines left to cover. I've loved this show so far so I really hope it doesn't rush to a conclusion.
VarendantMay 28, 2021 1:13 PM
May 28, 2021 1:19 PM

Feb 2014
VanishingKira said:
I'm not certain what it was about this episode but something certainly feels off about it.

Maybe I was expecting too much but was Goldburn what Chise was hiding this entire time? What was this tattoo about? Is it an Egyptian symbol by chance that represents something like the Ankh? There has to still be more when it comes to Chise's character.

Looks like just a butterfly to me
May 28, 2021 2:47 PM
Sep 2018
VanishingKira said:

The kaiju action this episode episode felt off too. "Super Dragon King Kaiser Gridknight" feels like something that would take place in the finale of the series.

The same could been said about Full Power Gridman in the previous series but then they pulled OG Gridman for the final episode, anything can happen for Dynazenon finale
May 28, 2021 3:53 PM
Jul 2018
Does anyone else find it weird that the rest of the team basically ignored Chise as being a member of the team until she got Goldburn, and then she’s totally fine with that? I was legit expecting her to react badly to Gauma saying “We need you and Goldburn”.

The fights with GridKnight are kinda showing up how unsuited the Dynazenon design is for doing similar movements. Makes me think they should ah e just had it move like a comparable toku suit, it’s too busy a design to be doing flips and whatever.

Also SECOND'S LAUGH AAAAAAH and with that I’m kind realising everything I’m particularly excited for in this show is basically just the stuff that makes me nostalgic for Gridman 😐
removed-userMay 28, 2021 5:00 PM
May 28, 2021 4:09 PM

Aug 2020
Goldburn is a great battle partner. What a great episode. This anime focus specially on the development, which happened in Gridman, but here it got farther. Chise had more spotlights here, and Minami's scene was heartbreaking.

(She was so charming in the yukata...)

May 28, 2021 5:15 PM
Oct 2019
The eyes behind Chise is Goldburn a.k.a gold dragon,I really love the transformation into Kaiser Gridknight
May 28, 2021 5:42 PM

Feb 2012
01:38 We finally see what Chise is hiding on her arm. She is growing more distant from the group. Her emotions are causing the Kaiju egg she has been keeping to grow.
03:04 Chise's emotions could be what influenced the Kaiju's robotic look, too.
03:15 In addition to the gold color scheme, Goldburn has jewel-like decorations. I wonder if Goldburn (ゴルドバーン Gorudobān) is a tribute to Goldran (ゴルドラン Gorudoran). I don't think this is a real band.
05:38 Goldburn, as a product of Chise's emotions, heads for the school Chise dropped out of. A catastrophe is fortunately avoided.
07:46 Just as Kano allegedly did not admit to being bullied, Yume tells Yomogi that she's "fine, really" despite being distressed. Just as Futaba wasn't there to save Kano when he should have, Yomogi runs away from Yume, failing to read her situation.
11:56 Gauma isn't having any of this. Bravo for scolding Yomogi's idiocy with beams to the face.
13:37 This exhange of words between Yume and Chise; the former has power but has lost the will to fight, whereas the latter wishes she could do more for more her teammates.
13:58 Yomogi corrects his mistake of leaving Yume. Chise reminds Yume what she has.
14:57 Nice catch, new ally Kaiju Goldburn. Did a vertical stitch
16:08 Chise's emotions grew Goldburn. Now, Goldburn helps Chise's desire of contributing to the team.
17:58 YES! GATTAI TIME! I had expected Dynazenon to be power up armor ever since Gridknight was re-introduced. The choir music is perfect for this epic combination sequence.
19:08 SSSS.DYNAZENON really is like a modern Brave series.
19:40 Given who the core component is, Kaiser Gridknight does the famous folded-arms "Gainastance" while flying!
20:26 Perfectly timed fireworks for an epic finish.
21:06 Gauma acknowledges Chise as a member of the team.
22:16 Yume in a Yukata! This has got to be one of my favourite festival/fireworks episodes in anime.
Fortress_MaximusJun 4, 2021 3:01 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 28, 2021 10:31 PM

Nov 2014
Jesus, that super-dragon-king-kaiser Gridknight transformation sequence was so good and well animated, felt like a kid again watching that.

The interactions with goldburn and seeing how she finds her purpose this episode made me like chise even more. Also that ending was beutiful, minami in yukata should be a national treasure.
May 28, 2021 11:13 PM

Aug 2019
this was a really good episode honestly, I hope there’s more development between Yomogi and Minami but there’s only three episodes left so I don’t know if they will be able to do so
May 28, 2021 11:14 PM

Jan 2019
Some moments in this episode felt kinda rushed, and how fast they added and solved Chise's drama of being a supporting character. Still a good episode, but I wish they'd have given more attention to those details.
May 29, 2021 1:21 AM
May 2016
why is Yomogi always ignoring Minami when he is in class with his group of friends? He doesn't even greet her when she entered class and acts like they are strangers. Is he ashamed of her?
May 29, 2021 1:33 AM

Oct 2008
now that was great!
the addition of Chise's Goldburn and the superhybrid combination form: "Super Dragon King Kaiser Gridknight"
LOL at the OST when the three are combining!!! so operatic!

May 29, 2021 1:36 AM

Jan 2019
ninka22 said:
why is Yomogi always ignoring Minami when he is in class with his group of friends? He doesn't even greet her when she entered class and acts like they are strangers. Is he ashamed of her?

Interaction comes from both parts, and she doesn't seem to address him directly either. They're probably just timid; even with their limited interaction, Minami's friend teases her with the "boyfriend" talk already. I believe it's pretty easy to get that kind of provocation from others just for interacting with someone of the opposite sex at that age in Japan, or anywhere for that matter. And they have their own other friends as well.
May 29, 2021 3:47 AM
Jul 2018
The kaiju yume it will be very important in the fights against the kaiju.
May 29, 2021 9:16 AM

Oct 2016
Damn that was a really great episode! That intro scene with Chise was sad, so that white thing growing on Chise turned into Goldburn, glad Chise and Goldburn didn't go down the dark path, unless there's more to it than that. Goldburn must be those red eyes behind Chise in the OP. Next 3 episodes is gunna be insane with all these plot points built up.

Anosillus still got the laugh holy shit, I loved that. Man, I wanted Yomogi to stay with Yume while she's down, though I understand he's line of thinking as well. Glad Gauma told him to go to Yume, could have ended pretty badly. Holy shit Gridknight, Dynazenon and Goldburn combining was awesome plus that cape, instant nut.

Kano's ex definitely sus. That ending was beautiful, and we got Yume in a Yukata, for our boi Yomogi of course, with that kind of ending to the episode, it's as good as confirmed that the next 3 episodes will be the time to unravel the mysteries. Really looking forward to the next episode!
May 29, 2021 1:54 PM

Oct 2018
Good episode Chise taking the spotlight for once. the Toku fans inside me rejoice at Kaiser Gridknight those orchestra is just beautifull though make me wonder what kind of Final Combination they gonna do in the finale and how Yomogi's Kaiju controlling thing gonna factor into that

Gauma scolding Yomogi is my highlight this episode
May 29, 2021 5:18 PM
Jul 2018
I'm glad to see Chise being a bit more relevant
May 29, 2021 9:24 PM
Mar 2015
Another cute kaiju An almost festival date More skyscraper destruction
May 30, 2021 10:15 AM
Jun 2019
So I'm beginning to think that Chise is this universe's Akane or something.
May 30, 2021 1:51 PM

Mar 2010
Goldburn stole the episode! but damn their own little party at the end really unified them as a team once and for all. Nice to see them all enjoying themselves and not being pity or depressed.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 31, 2021 9:40 PM

Mar 2019
RIP all Gundam in their Universes...

MechaDragonRobotRayFlyingKaijuEtcDynazenon OP...
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jun 1, 2021 4:38 AM

Jan 2010
I'm liking the show, but we got few episodes left and I still have no idea where this is leading. Not in a good way. I mean: there has been still no story development. Just random kaiju every episode, with some characters analysis (not that much of that, actually! we still don't know a lot about most of them).
Jun 1, 2021 5:27 AM

Dec 2009
Holy shit that gattai was awesome, not a fan of the gold helmet but everything else is so cool, love the shot of them striking a pose in the sky and when they shoot the Dynamic Cannon they cross their arms like a badass.
Jun 1, 2021 6:52 AM
Mar 2020
That transformation was pure epic.
Jun 2, 2021 12:38 PM

Mar 2015
That fusion was so fabulous, that kaiju might as well just die from sheer awesomeness of this scene.
Jun 4, 2021 4:09 PM
Jul 2018
Unmasked89 said:
I'm liking the show, but we got few episodes left and I still have no idea where this is leading.

This concerns me too. At this stage we have 2 episodes to go and it feels like the show's still just kinda meandering along. Comparatively, things in Gridman were BONKERS at this point of the show.

The two threads I assumed would factor into the finale were Chise becoming distant from the rest of the group and the situation with Yume's sister, but now they’ve both been kind of unceremoniously resolved. What do you even do with the finale at this point, other than just having a final boss for the group to beat up?
Jun 5, 2021 1:28 PM

Jul 2008
I don't think we are done with Minami's sister...

and what was with the dream sequence with Chise?

There's gotta be another curveball coming soon, there's only 3 episodes left.

Also I'm team Mujina, but Minami in that yukata was....just beautiful. If Mujina ever gets one....
Jun 6, 2021 2:29 AM

Jan 2010
What makes the whole setting too weird to me is people accept stuff as if it were nothing.
Giant monsters appear out of nowhere and exterminate half of the city? Nobody gives a damn, both main characters and secondary cast couldn't care less they could die tomorrow and at least hundreds people lose their lives every episode. It's just... not credible at all.
Suddenly appear a guy who can transform himself into a giant robot? everybody reaction being: "mmm okay".

And no, don't start the "oh, but it's just an anime, not reality". Start distinguishing between what it means to have a coherent setting/world with a proper narrative and what it means "being an anime". Being an anime doesn't allow automatically to have an incoherent narrative or credible human characters.
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