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Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Mar 22, 11:50 AM
· Scored

Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
Mar 21, 10:34 AM
· Scored
All Comments (12) Comments
Now that's a pretty packed lineup for sure. Feels like I haven't seen enough big shows that get sequels which I'm gonna try to correct a bit this year so I also have more stuff to look forward to, including some of the shows like JJK but also shows you've listed like Konosuba and Mushoku Tensei. I've heard the latter has some...interesting choices regarding the MC's morality and stuff but I'll see that for myself and be the judge lol. Besides that the Love Live! and Madoka content are also there of course. I'm also curious what Metallic Rouge later this season is gonna be like, from the promotional pics alone it kinda reminds me of Lycoris Recoil at first glance. Regarding WataOshi I actually read the novels back during a pretty turbulent time irl for me and it's kinda stuck in my heart, so despite the low production value and MC being way more over the top comedic compared to the source material I was just glad it somehow managed to get an adaptation. If anything there will definitely be plenty of big productions this year so every season will at least have some shows to watch. Also there's the possibility of Mappa animators imploding and giving rise to some big internal drama haha but we will see.
Bocchi was in my opinion one of the best examples of FOTM anime. It went from pretty much obscurity to almost mainstream popularity, and I genuinely believe that if CSM hadn't aired in the same season it would've been the poster child for fall 2020. However, its popularity has already dropped off and the vast majority of people have moved on, I still see some art being posted on Twitter with thousands of likes but it's clear that it won't really have any lasting longevity. It kinda reminds me of Zombieland Saga as in being an unexpected hit which dropped off rather quickly, getting a much smaller audience for the eventual season 2.
Ahh yes, the funny cat site isn't that unknown to me. I'm sure there are many people who appreciate your work, it does sound like a bunch of effort went into it for sure even if I can't 100% follow for my lack of audio knowledge. But it's thanks to people like you that stuff is available online instead of being lost, you're doing God's work.
Sweet, considering how exclusive and rare the edition is it's in good hands for sure. The value will only increase over time which is an added bonus, even if you never ever plan on selling it as a huge fan.
Thanks, the headphones are quite nice and basically a 200€ cheaper but almost same-quality version of the Sennheiser HD 660S. I'd really like to answer yes to such a question but to be honest I'm not that deep into the whole experience. I do quite like buying and wearing different headphones but most of them are the typical ones you'd expect like the Beyerdynamic DT series, AKG headphones and some Sony stuff. As a main amp I usually use the fiio k5 pro which has never disappointed me in all of its years of service. Your selection of audio equipment does indeed sound (heh) really good as well, even if I obviously can't judge things from here. The main headphone is intriguing though, I’ll keep my eyes on it if I ever feel like spending some good money again in the near future.
-44F wow, can't beat that. Worst we've had these past weeks was -15 degrees Celsius but even that only lasted a couple days, it's back to positive ten degrees again right now. Good to know the worst is over on your end, really not fun freezing off your hands just trying to clear the windshield.
Glad to hear the holidays were somewhat comfy, don't need the usual stress on those days as well. By the way, do you share your audio projects anywhere or are they just for yourself? It's fine if you don't want to get into specifics of course.
My Christmas was a dud this year, already felt a cold coming up on Friday afternoon and ended up being pretty much bedridden from the 24th up until late 26th evening. I'll count it as a complete loss but oh well, at least I’m mostly fine now. Ended up watching the final episode of Bocchi in a somewhat semi-dead/delirious state which wasn't as fun as I hoped it to be.
Right, I also use NordVPN mostly for the obvious stuff, it's just cheap and easy enough for me to constantly renew. Always try to grab some codes from YouTubers or use special prices like you though, otherwise the charge would be too high.
Things can get a bit annoying for sure, I recently purchased another Sennheiser Jubilee hd58x pair of headphones from the States and had to pay almost 30€ tax on that one alone (19% product price + 6€ delivery on top of delivery costs from seller). Still cheaper than the 360€ similar model offered on Amazon but it still kinda stings to basically pay for hot air.
The Panasonic model sounds like really high-grade equipment which I honestly can't judge at all, but I'll believe that you made the right choice from the sounds of it. Master Grade Video Coding and other subjects in that area of expertise certainly sounds like a rabbit hole to get lost inside (in a good way).
CDJapan is actually somewhat familiar to me, I've been looking to purchase a figurine and it's comparably pretty cheap over there but already sold out sadly which made me switch to another site. I'll check out the other sites you mentioned as well though, thanks!
Damn, that work situation sounds really rough. Not only the overtime which is already a massive pain in itself but also having to work at such a rate over the holidays...I hope you get at least a little rest and relaxation. I mean having to work this Monday in itself is something that only happens over here for emergency jobs like hospitals or essential places like gas stations considering it's the second day after Christmas. You know, I actually *just* found out that Americans don't have an actual holiday on the 26th after all these years. I feel kinda stupid for learning that just now but at least late instead of never, right? The benefits enrollment certainly seems like one of these stupid hassles where they just count on people being too lazy to self-report and take their money.
Ahaha the final Evangelion BD sounds like a must buy for true fans like you! You have all the right in the world to call yourself a "proper" Evangelion fan in my opinion :D
Thanks! It's going to be pretty relaxing actually, as I mentioned we still have Monday off as a national holiday and I only have to work on Tuesday and Friday. Gonna head back straight the day after New Year’s Day but oh well, gonna have to get through the dark months one way or another.
Merry Christmas to you as well!! We're far from a white Christmas Eve over here (11 degrees celsius right now) but the weather seems pretty crazy on your end from what I've seen on the news and social media.
That's actually really interesting to hear, you're probably in the small minority of people nowadays who do actually purchase their material beforehand, at least in the west I presume. Quite impressive that you still know your early purchase history this well but I guess it's the kind of thing that's not easy to forget haha :D The first ones I ever purchased where the usual Junji Ito collection books which are a decent entry point for getting used to manga as a whole. After that it was usually just volumes of series I already enjoyed like Girl's Last Tour or even a few LNs like Goblin Slayer, which isn't really my kind of thing anymore but back then I had fun reading them. Anyway I also own some stuff I haven't read yet which are the Madoka Different Story and Wraith Arc books which I really want to start reading but never seem to find the right time for. Right now I've been kinda busy with finishing older game series and therefore put anime and manga in the background a bit but once I'm done with those I'll get to it again.
Seems like the right call from you to start with purchasing series you already enjoyed like NGE, it makes me feel even a little proud to see stuff I really love sitting in my shelf. I've only ever blindly purchased exactly three series myself since they were discounted on Amazon and there aren't really any proper anime BD online stores here in Germany (or really limited) which were Serial Experiments Lain, Fate Zero and a bunch of anime movies in the 3for2 deals that Amazon has between Christmas and New Year's which I'll just count as the third one haha.
Well damn, I'd love to get my hands on Niji season 2 as well!! Over here there's only re-sellers on Ebay with prices in the 100€+ region.
It's definitely interesting to hear about all the different places you can purchase anime over the pond, even older stuff thanks to retailers like Discotek Media. It's a better alternative for sure than being disappointed by japanese imports and the hassle of sending them back, if that's even a possibility. Considering that you usually pay a bunch of import taxes over here if the amount reaches 150€+ it's not really recommended to purchase in bulk but rather rely on single orders which in turn charge more delivery fees by the seller.
Anyway I'm gonna sit down now and finish the rest of Death Parade so I can plan out what else I'll watch for the remaining year. Obviously that will include Shine Post but I really want to get a couple movies in there as well! I hope life won't be super stressful for you leading up to Christmas, still gotta work until the 23rd myself but at least the office is going to be rather empty.
Glad that you enjoyed it! Having a series start off pretty strongly and then lose a lot of steam later during its run just sucks so much, good to hear it wasn't the case for Mangaka-san to Assistant-san. Do you usually buy your anime and manga before watching/reading them? Can't say I've got a big collection myself or anything, just the few series that I really love which I bought afterwards. Sadly some of them are really hard to come by over here and most german blu-ray sets don't have english subs which isn't *that* much of a problem, however I just prefer them in english since some localizers here choose...interesting phrasing in their subs for sure.
Right, I totally understand you when it comes to the super mainstream shows, especially if it's shounen or seinen. My particular example would be Death Note, I remember classmates talking about it way back in the day and I was like "heh, it's probably total shit..." until I finally sat down and actually watched the thing. I've still got to watch the rest of Chainsaw Man as well, only seen episode one so far and never got enough motivation to pick it up again even though it was totally fine.
Funnily enough I actually bought the entirety of FMA off Amazon UK like two years ago but it either was lost in shipping or they had actually run out, since a couple days later I received an apology and a refund. So yeah in the end I also have yet to watch it, however I'm glad to hear that even someone like you who has finished so many series still hasn't seen it. Definitely let me know if you ever do pick it up, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on it.
Gotta say, that niche of restoration sounds pretty cool. Older stuff has its own unique charm that's instantly recognizable. It's been such a long time since I watched Evangelion and EoE, but I remember really enjoying them. Can totally see why you would choose them as your favourites! Can't comment on the rebuilds or any other extra content though, so I'll take your word on that^^
Glad to hear there's still plenty left for you to look forward to this year even after having seen so many shows. Again I can't really comment on most of these except the ones that you already know I'm looking forward to myself like Madoka or Love Live!. I honestly don't really have anything in mind right now, I mostly just check out the seasonals that look interesting and try to catch up on the older stuff on the side. If anything, I'm a sucker for original anime since they're almost always a bag of surprises and lots of fun to discuss, so I'll go with those as my most anticipated medium. Maybe some more manga adaptations in the future like Houseki no Kuni season 2, but I doubt Orange will announce that one anytime soon. I guess Chainsaw Man sounds somewhat interesting, I enjoyed Fire Punch by the same author and his newly released one-shot was a fun read for sure.
Do you have any anime left which you're really looking foward to this year?