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Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
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May 24, 2021 1:15 PM

Jun 2017
Smudy said:
Holy shit, that had me feeling all kinds of ways, what an episode.

x2. Phenomenal episode all round, this.

Kyo freakin' blew it again in the end though... I know why but it's still quite aggravating honestly.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 24, 2021 1:20 PM

Jan 2021
This is getting out of hand real fast.
May 24, 2021 1:29 PM
Sep 2020
ok but what happened to kureno😭😭 did the man die omg i hope not tho! Haven't read the manga yet so idk
May 24, 2021 1:41 PM

Feb 2014
I have to say that the transition, with the loud rain in the background, into the OP song was perfectly done. =D

And thus, ended the only happy part of the episode as the rest of it was filled with an abyss-level of despair, sadness and regret. Despite his faults, I can't help but feel sympathetic for Kyo as his very long monologue showed how much his guilt has hurt him all this time, which he had it repressed until he saw the blue hat he used to have a few episodes ago.

Because of his guilt, it was a hard pill to swallow when he coldly told Tohru that he was disappointed in her, especially after her emotional confession to him. Due to his state of mind, he ran off, with Yuki in hot pursuit. However, shortly after Yuki left, an emotionless looking Tohru looked behind her to see none other than Akito, also with her mental state of mind in tatters, holding a knife in her hand, the same one she used to stab Kureno in the previous episode.

Seriously, I've been a lot of cliffhangers that leave the viewers on the edge of their seat, but this one ranks near the top of the most brutal timing of a cliffhanger I've seen in a while. =(

Oxalyc said:
Another cringe episode, especially because I was forced to watch it in dub, what a terrible version the voice actors should change their mother tongue ffs. Akito is the clearly the best character since she's the only one trying to get shit done.
This is too hirly for me, I cant stand it.

If you hated the English dub so much, then I can't understand as to why you couldn't have resisted the urge to wait for the JP dub episode to be released as normal instead of watching the episode early with the audio that you detest so much.

What's done is done, so me asking you this is probably pointless, but I felt obliged to do so regardless. Besides, I've watched the whole Furuba in both JP and EN dubs and both are great, at least for me.
May 24, 2021 1:42 PM

Sep 2008
Compared to the past few episodes, don't really have much to chime in on this week. Chapters 119 and 120 got adapted covering Kyo explaining to Tohru how he knew Kyoko and how witnessing her death shaped his current personality throughout the series. Only a few minor things were added in this episode, as this episode was otherwise pretty faithful to the chapters it adapted. Here were the few changes I noticed in this episode:

-Kyo and Tohru were further apart in the manga when the former questioned Tohru about her feelings for him.
-The anime added on the bit of Kyo stepping in Kyoko’s blood at her accident scene.
-The present-day Kyo observing the angsting of his younger selves following the deaths of his mother and Kyoko were added for the anime.
-The lines Kyo uttered explaining that he had repressed his memories of Kyoko’s death and recalled everything upon seeing the cap in Tohru’s possession was added for the anime.
ggultra2764May 24, 2021 1:46 PM
May 24, 2021 1:47 PM
ranked 54 in FAL
Mar 2018
one of my favorite episodes of this show, tohru is legit GOAT, telling kyo that there's no way her mom said that but if she did, then it's time for a rebellious phase, seriously i love her so much.
and kyo is such a great character with a relatebility level sky high, these two need to get together soon.
i'm still waiting on kyo apologizing to yuki, but as much as i want it to happen next week, i'd rather they'd get back to the house quick before akito does something she(and everyone else) regrets(again).

if it needs to be mentioned, i cried again this episode, not for the first time of the season and not close to the first time of the show, but kyoko was so precious and wise, i know there are a lot of issues kyo needs to deal with, but he really needs to get his shit together to be there for tohru so she'll never be lonely again, she's probably the one hiding her pain the most and i just want them to be there for her as she was for them.

been a while since i gushed like this for fictional characters, such a bummer this season is only one cour, but no doubt fruits basket will become one of my all time favorites and here's hoping TMS sticks the landing.
May 24, 2021 1:50 PM

Jul 2015
Oi Akito, I don't like what I think you want to do, stop.

Fantastic, very hard-hitting episode, that Kyoko-Kyou backstory and how his deep hate for Yuki was more and more just an excuse he had in his mind so he had someone to blame to continue going, so little left for us to see how this gets solved, aaa next ep please.
May 24, 2021 1:54 PM
Feb 2020
Its that true that Kyoko hate kyo-kun? something wrong!!! Tohru must be confused now.. Be a man kyo cmoonnn
May 24, 2021 1:59 PM
Apr 2021
Thus episode absolutely broke me, I was sobbing so HARD. I hadn't cried this hard since I read In Another Life and after watching Banana Fish. It got ugly. Like ugly sobbing. She should have ran after him bro. For a sec I was scared AK I to was gonna shoe up and stab Kyo and I'm kinda glad that didnt happen(I hope not). I hope next episode doesn't give me more tragedy. Its so sad that Kyo blames himself for something he couldn't control, for the most part.
May 24, 2021 2:07 PM
Oct 2019
Wow. Just wow.
I'm 48. I believe the last time I wished I could instantly time travel one week in the future I was, like, 14 and the anime was Captain Tsubasa.
Freakingly incredible show. Unless the ending is a disappointment, which I doubt, it's gonna be a solid 10/10.
posculaMay 24, 2021 2:15 PM
May 24, 2021 2:14 PM

Jul 2014
Ah, so that's what happened between Tohru's mom and Kyo. Of course she wouldn't just tell him that she will never forgive him, if she said anything it would be something like "I will never forgive you if you don't keep the promise", referring to the promise to protect Tohru that she told him she would hold him to someday.

Akito... Somebody please stop that crazy bitch.
May 24, 2021 2:14 PM

Aug 2018
Very intense episode. I had some chills remembering the 2019 episodes from season 1, everything - or most likely very important things - eventually obtained an explanation.

May 24, 2021 2:31 PM

Apr 2013
I couldn't take my eyes off this episode.
May 24, 2021 2:41 PM
May 2021
لماذا ايها المخرج ماذا فعلنا بك لتجعلنا ننتظر كثيرا هكذا لماذا انتهت الحلقة بهذه النهاية المخيفة والمقلقة والرائعة والمميزة تلك لماذا يا كيو تحمل كل هذه الأعباء لماذا تعامل نفسك هكذا لماذا لا تثق بنفسك هكذا لماذا تعتذر لأن تورو تحبك لا تعتذر فجميعنا نحبك ولا نكرهك مهما فعلت ولا تحزن على والدتك انها لا تستحقك ولا تستحق حزنك عليها والان لننتظر ليوم الإثنين القادم بفارغ الصبر واتمنى ان تأخذ المرتبة الأولى عالميا
May 24, 2021 2:44 PM

May 2016
We'll get kyos
at some point right? They wouldn't skip that would they?
May 24, 2021 2:50 PM

Jun 2020
this episode was everything i wanted.

also, i really like the soundtrack for this show. even in intense moments, i keep getting distracted because i'm humming along to it lmao.
May 24, 2021 2:54 PM
Jul 2018
Dang, I'd forgotten how good this show can be when it's not trying to cram as much into an episode as possible.
May 24, 2021 2:59 PM

Nov 2017
Kyō's background is excellent, in addition to being depressed! On the other hand, this CRAZY cliffhanger!
May 24, 2021 3:09 PM

Nov 2014
Geh, I was just depressed in this whole episode, man T-T Not a single break where I could laugh and wipe the tears away. I wanted to hug Kyo and Tohru so badly and punch Akito in the face.
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May 24, 2021 3:42 PM
Jul 2018
Kyo couldn’t decide whatever he reach out to her and end up transforming to cat and ppl would find out or not doing it. As expected in this kinda situation, not everyone can make a decision so fast and then it was already too late. You can’t just blame him without really understanding his character and what happened more. As i see it, this wasn’t no one’s fault but that car driver.

Fck that car driver
May 24, 2021 4:29 PM

Jul 2017
Only 5 more episodes of watching this with my girlfriend.... thank god the end is coming cause I can't handle putting up with this show anymore after this, particularly after this episode. Oh god...
May 24, 2021 4:51 PM

Nov 2011
Actually went from crying to screaming at the end of this episode. Kyo you LITERALLY JUST PROMISED HER YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! WTF BRO!!!


I am curious what Tohru's mother actually said though.
SoraSenpaiMay 24, 2021 4:58 PM
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May 24, 2021 5:02 PM

Apr 2016
*snore* Another damn filler episode! *snore*

Only thing that happened was a psycho with a knife showing up in the last 10 seconds of the episode.

You can completely skip this episode and you won't miss anything. This episode was the epitome of filler.

axel360 said:
It's weird to me that they showed Kureno getting stabbed and bleeding out at the end of last episode, and then just never went back to that at all this week.

Presumably he's dead. I'm guessing next week Akito is going to try to shank Torhu, but then he stops (either because Torhu gives him some cliche breaking speech, or the other family members arrive and restrain him) and then he's going to find out Kureno is dead and it's going to hit him and he's going to break down and cry or some other crap. Inb4 crappy fakeout death.
Valyrian1124May 24, 2021 5:09 PM
May 24, 2021 5:51 PM
Jan 2018
This episode was so bad that it went past laughably bad and straight to annoyingly bad. It felt like a culmination of everything I've hated about this series since the first season and made the previous seasons even worse in retrospect.
May 24, 2021 6:07 PM

Jun 2011
So we've finally reached the episode. The episode where Tohru and Kyou finally reveal their feelings and Kyou reveals the past. I'm surprised how little it emotionally affected me. I guess it was because I already knew all of this already thanks to previous episodes covering this. But I think it was ultimately due to Kyou's boring inner thoughts that brought down the emotional feeling for me. If we saw him saying this in the rain passionately, maybe I would've felt differently?

I'm just glad to finally know the reason why Tohru's mom died. It's kind of too bad it was a clichéd car accident, but finally getting an explanation of Kyou's involvement was nice.

I figured after saying all he does is run away, he wouldn't run away this time. But he did. I think what surprised me the most was Yuki running after him without a second thought. Really shows how much he's grown.

But as soon as I realized that Akito was headed to Shuigure's, I thought to myself "Woah, this is it isn't it?"

Will Yuki find Kyou and bring him back? Or will Kyou come back on his own, which would both show development for his character and also possibly save Tohru?

This show is the only thing that makes Mondays bearable.
May 24, 2021 6:20 PM
Apr 2019
As a manga reader, I really liked how the anime decided to make Kyo forget about Kyoko's death and suddenly remember because of the hat. In the manga, I always thought it was weird that Kyo still could live while remembering this.

On another note, I'm still wondering if Kyoko's hairs' color are natural or note ahaha (cause in the manga, they were always light, even when she was deeply depressed - no roots showing).

We are near the end, I'm already sad.
May 24, 2021 6:23 PM
Apr 2019
minfairys said:
[...] As i see it, this wasn’t no one’s fault but that car driver.

Fck that car driver

When I see this kind of comment, It's a pity this season will only be 13 episodes. No spoil.
May 24, 2021 6:40 PM
Jul 2016
Very emotional and dark episode here. Since we're almost at the end now I'm glad they spent this whole episode on exposing the relationship Kyo, Tohru and Kyoko have had in their lives. No distractions, just the whole picture.

And that cliffhanger ending... (which readers like me already know what'll happen, but it's a nice suspense builder!)
May 24, 2021 6:46 PM
Mar 2019
What a wonderful and extremely emotional episode
I love K-On, and so should you.

May 24, 2021 7:10 PM

Oct 2020
The "I love you" moment was really, really amazing. This episode weirdly makes me feel warm and fuzzy after that.

Is it bad that part of me wanted Tohru to "break" though? Like yell at Kyo?
May 24, 2021 7:51 PM

Apr 2017
This eps is full of emotion T T , and that cliffhanger at the end... as a non manga reader that dont know what will happen in the next eps im very EXCITED for the next week
Moe is Love ! Moe is Life !
May 24, 2021 8:03 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
This was directed, voiced, and animated so beautifully. Pacing was good, and damn Kyo's VA (Yuuma Uchida?) made me hurt deep inside. Please let's not traumatize Kyo forever.I'm also incredibly proud of Tohru for not freezing up completely and actually confessing even after getting that load of info from Kyo.Is it just me or she seems to have matured; it's like she admits her loneliness, and accepts it even.

Either way 10000/10. Heart hurts.
May 24, 2021 8:18 PM

May 2019
I used to like this series when it started airing with season 1.. but after watching more shows and reading manga. This show started to feel very forced, forced drama, forced comedy, illogical characters. Well, can't blame since most of the anime are like this.
May 24, 2021 8:33 PM

Jul 2016
Kyou is about to lose another woman if he doesn't fucking go back and protect Tohru from yandere Akito. Seriously, "fragile health" my ass.

God, this episode was so tense and so nicely executed despite it being almost pure monologue. And an user dared to call it "filler"... seriously, this people.

Well, the truth is finally out and even though Kyou claims and claims Kyouko's death is his fault, I totally disagree with him. He hadn't seen her in years and honestly, the whole situation happened way too fast for someone to think straight. Especially for someone carrying so many traumas over his shoulders.
I also don't believe those words Kyouko said to him. Either she was referring to Kyou daring to break his promise of always protecting Tohru or he plain made himself believe she said those words. Recalling his wrong assumption of him being the cause of his mother's death as well.

Now leaving the tragedy aside, Kyou's mindset is so fascinating. Knowing about the way in how he made Yuki "the bad guy" in order to keep maintaining his own sanity was truly interesting. I mean, it's still sad as hell but interesting nevertheless.
Before accepting Tohru, Kyou first needs to accept himself.
May 24, 2021 8:55 PM

Sep 2011
You know an episode of a show is good if one of its highlights takes place almost entirely in 1 location the whole episode. Probably the least feel good confession I've seen in a romance series.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

May 24, 2021 9:17 PM

Dec 2018
This episode was something else man, so much happened in the span of of 24 minutes. Kyo went through so many traumatic experiences.
May 24, 2021 9:26 PM

Apr 2019
Damn, so that's how that all went down. Kyo's had it pretty rough huh?

If Akito tries to attack Tooru, and I'm sure that'll happen next ep, I hope Tooru is able to get outta that situation.

Also very untimely that Yuki chases after Kyo, leaving Tooru by herself.
May 24, 2021 10:16 PM

Dec 2018
takkun_ said:
I'm just glad to finally know the reason why Tohru's mom died. It's kind of too bad it was a clichéd car accident, but finally getting an explanation of Kyou's involvement was nice.

If she died by suicide (like Kyo's mother) it would be worse.
May 24, 2021 10:21 PM
Sep 2020
I couldn't even process it this was too much, I rewatched it already, damn seeing this part animated is reminding me how amazing and well written furuba is.
May 24, 2021 10:34 PM
Jun 2013
_PALS_ said:
I used to like this series when it started airing with season 1.. but after watching more shows and reading manga. This show started to feel very forced, forced drama, forced comedy, illogical characters. Well, can't blame since most of the anime are like this.

LMAO! most people here been watching/reading more things and for waaay longer time than you my friend, so your tentative of criticizing the series implying that it gets less enjoyable based in the number of things someone watched fall completely flat, not to mention super pretentious, but your messy list speaks enough.
May 24, 2021 10:47 PM

Oct 2017
Another great Kyo X Tohru episode. This hit hard. That piece of trash Akito is here with her knife, I hope she trips and gets stabbed by it.
May 24, 2021 10:54 PM

May 2019
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
_PALS_ said:
I used to like this series when it started airing with season 1.. but after watching more shows and reading manga. This show started to feel very forced, forced drama, forced comedy, illogical characters. Well, can't blame since most of the anime are like this.

LMAO! most people here been watching/reading more things and for waaay longer time than you my friend, so your tentative of criticizing the series implying that it gets less enjoyable based in the number of things someone watched fall completely flat, not to mention super pretentious, but your messy list speaks enough.

I'm speaking of myself here not general public.. people develop there own taste and liking. Some people takes time develop their taste and some not. Just because someone has watched more anime doesn't mean their opinion is superior. I know my liking and taste well. I'm not going to question your list or whatever because thats your personality and liking.
May 24, 2021 11:04 PM

Dec 2020
that hurt that hurt that hurt that hurt. that hurt way too much. i cant even describe what im feeling but that hurt.

and fuck akito hurts honda kyo's guilt will pile up even more
May 24, 2021 11:23 PM
Mar 2018
Oh wow Akito is here to see Tohru confess to Kyo, hope nothing bad happens when Tohru is defenseless and have no one around her : ^)

May 25, 2021 12:03 AM
Jul 2020
How the hell Fruit Basket went from one the wholesome anime to this freaking dark, But i am loving it too much, This anime is going to be masterpiece on my book.
May 25, 2021 12:08 AM

Aug 2019
damn this episode was crazy, but fuck that cliffhanger got me worrying not gonna lie
May 25, 2021 12:37 AM

Nov 2010
Valyrian1124 said:
*snore* Another damn filler episode! *snore*

Only thing that happened was a psycho with a knife showing up in the last 10 seconds of the episode.

You can completely skip this episode and you won't miss anything. This episode was the epitome of filler.

axel360 said:
It's weird to me that they showed Kureno getting stabbed and bleeding out at the end of last episode, and then just never went back to that at all this week.

Presumably he's dead. I'm guessing next week Akito is going to try to shank Torhu, but then he stops (either because Torhu gives him some cliche breaking speech, or the other family members arrive and restrain him) and then he's going to find out Kureno is dead and it's going to hit him and he's going to break down and cry or some other crap. Inb4 crappy fakeout death.

You have weird idea of filler. This is the mainest plot of main plot. It's drama and romance anime and we are focusing on main romance and main drama of the story. Its not action show...
May 25, 2021 12:55 AM

May 2020
Its that true that Kyoko hate kyo-kun? something wrong!!! Tohru must be confused now.. Be a man kyo cmoonnn

no, she doesnt hate kyo because she understand kyo's pain and loneliness ( plus it was obv that kyoko dont have any sort of hatred towards kyo so why would she be mad). idk if this is a spoiler but he said that kyoko didnt forgive him well she actually didnt finished her sentences. because kyo mentioned in this ep that he made a man's promise with kyoko so yeah basically what she saying is that if u broke the promise, i wont forgive u.
Natsude_tanakaMay 25, 2021 12:58 AM
May 25, 2021 1:31 AM
Feb 2019
Looks like I'm the only one who didn't cry .........
Maybe because I don't like Kyo much and had already guessed the story ? (Way before in season 2 or was it s1 when Kyo was sulking at her mother's grave though I wasn't really sure ) 😅 Or maybe because I was waiting to see a full packed episode on both akito and Kyo
Anyways I had known how Kyo felt for a long time (he can't forgive himself and all) ....since I've been watching weekly from episode 1 so maybe that was the reason why it didn't hit hard because we've seen Kyo like this a lot from season 1 Anyways nice ep.....I just hope akito doesn't do something overdramatic as stabbing her 😱

Overall best ep of the season so far (for me)is ep 6 Because it made me appreciate tohru .....I have never really liked goody two shoes characters But that episode just was too hard for me

She's one of my favorite female characters now
May 25, 2021 1:38 AM
Feb 2019
Yuki being the one to chase Kyo was a really nice thing.....So their friendship wasn't really abondoned huh ? I see 😌

axel360 said:
It's weird to me that they showed Kureno getting stabbed and bleeding out at the end of last episode, and then just never went back to that at all this week.

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