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Log Horizon
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Pages (4) « 1 2 [3] 4 »
Apr 3, 2021 11:43 PM

Aug 2019
Damn so many people this season were like "Fuck them kids", I think it was a pretty good season personally, at least I liked it a bit better than the first two. First part was aite, kinda lagged in the second, but I really enjoyed the final arc and the confession.
Apr 4, 2021 5:15 AM

Jan 2012
For some reason I didn't really enjoy this season. 1st two I gave an 8 and a 7, but this felt like a 6 for me. Don't even know what they did wrong this season, but it just wasn't interesting for me...
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Apr 4, 2021 7:03 AM

Jul 2017
I don’t know what happened with this season but it was boring as hell.
Apr 5, 2021 7:16 PM

Jan 2013
thanks for the crappy ride this season....This was beyond trash.
Apr 6, 2021 3:47 AM
Nov 2020
Tho is not really satisfying like 2 season before, this still a good season for Log Horizon. Final episode seems little bit letdown for me but here I'm hoping we can see another season. This season is 6/10 for me.
Apr 6, 2021 3:36 PM

Aug 2012
T1mma said:
another season where the kids ruin the experience for me. that confession feels so out of place with just how stupid and ridiculous it feels.

you're definitely not the only one my dude

Children confessing love to 10+ years older dudes is a bit... glad that part is finally over.

Hopefully more of that electoral political strategy good shit in the next season (if there will be one) and less weird af love triangles. At this point I lowkey accepted the kids show as part of the ride, but the plot that doesn't include them is just better, the way it's trying to force emotions just feels cheap
kiDnameDSkiaApr 6, 2021 3:39 PM
This world is mine. I think this world may even just be a long, long dream I'm watching. You guys may just be illusions, and it can't be proven whether or not you really exist either. In other words, this world was created with me at the center. So what will happen if I die? I don't know. My imagination isn't very creative; I just can't imagine myself dying. In other words, there is no way this world can completely disappear. But if I die, then everyone will disappear. I am the only one in this world who won't disappear. The rest are just people I see as if in a dream.

-Claire Stanfield, Baccano!
Apr 6, 2021 4:27 PM
Nov 2012
So what happened in the end? Did they regain their memories of those they venerated, or were they just faking things by acting by their memories of their prior motivations instead? Like her confession, did she regain her memory of mc beforehand, or did she confess with no memories of who he was, only retaining memories of the fact that she used to like the guy? Because it would be a weird development, but I didnt notice any mention of the memories returning on victory...
Apr 7, 2021 9:08 AM

Sep 2019
Another really great season from Log Horizon. Political aspect was amazing.
Apr 8, 2021 7:07 AM
Mar 2012
Minori as commander good stuff, feels some fights better animated than prequels.
Finally Minori & Shiroe both clarify their feelings, nice closure there.
Politics & regional struggles were decent worldbuilding, but they just forgot the election, Krusty & other threads for this last arc. Would be fine if there's continuation not a lifetime after.
Apr 10, 2021 9:14 AM

Jan 2014
I feel like Minori romance are forced, unnecessary.

quite boring, Shiroe barely do anything in this season.
Apr 10, 2021 11:45 AM

Mar 2013
Bad choice for the end of the season. The kid's segments are by far the most boring ones, and ending the season with them in the spotlight makes the whole season feel lackluster. At least Shiroe finally dumped Minori (good riddance) and stated his true feeling for Akatsuki.

But even then, the season overall was pretty average. Eins and the Election arc was so-so and way too slow, Krusty's adventures were awesome albeit short, and Akiba Kid's Raid was god awful. Seems like Log Horizon has been going straight downhill since S1. I'm afraid we won't get a S4 (and that if we do, it will be a snore-fest)
Apr 10, 2021 1:08 PM

Jul 2008
It's nice that we got a 3rd season after all this time, but I am not holding out hope for more.

It was a nice wrap up to this season, 7/10.
Apr 12, 2021 9:45 PM

Nov 2019
This series hits so much harder now that I've actually played a proper MMO (FFXIV; the endboss fight here is eerily reminiscent of Eden's Promise: Eternity raid).

The details regarding raids and bullshit quests are spot on and the formula the earlier seasons minted of alternating arcs focused on diplomacy/plan based tension with action-centric arcs continues to work well.

That said, it's still too exposition-heavy for its own good and requires generous use of skipping ahead through the more meandering/extraneous conversations to fully enjoy.
Apr 17, 2021 12:19 PM

Sep 2015
-ShadowClaw- said:

AS i said in my other post, vol 13 starts the beggining of the endgame.

China serves are pretty much just side stories not main stories. LN wise from what mamare planned we got 4 more volumes left of content to adapt and the wn is in the middle of writing vol 14. the ln is on hiatus dont ask why cause i dont know.

vol 14 i can tell you is shiroe and co will finally deal with indicus, nureha and all of plant hywaden as said in the ending. after that is just the confrontation of the genius on the moon and solve the big mystery that put everyone in this game and how they can get back,

This really help, as how things as it is, is there any scanlation team which pickup eng trans of the WN? i'm intrigued to instead go to their website to read the WN in english from start. and i did try baka-tsuki but i can't fully enjoy there because my IP's location. thanks btw.
Apr 17, 2021 1:38 PM

Mar 2012
Hentoki said:
-ShadowClaw- said:

AS i said in my other post, vol 13 starts the beggining of the endgame.

China serves are pretty much just side stories not main stories. LN wise from what mamare planned we got 4 more volumes left of content to adapt and the wn is in the middle of writing vol 14. the ln is on hiatus dont ask why cause i dont know.

vol 14 i can tell you is shiroe and co will finally deal with indicus, nureha and all of plant hywaden as said in the ending. after that is just the confrontation of the genius on the moon and solve the big mystery that put everyone in this game and how they can get back,

This really help, as how things as it is, is there any scanlation team which pickup eng trans of the WN? i'm intrigued to instead go to their website to read the WN in english from start. and i did try baka-tsuki but i can't fully enjoy there because my IP's location. thanks btw.

No but if u go on animesuki and search for the log horizon discussion panel, you can find summaries of all the stuff of the wn as their is no translation for it as of yet.
Apr 17, 2021 8:33 PM
Jan 2017
I remember loving the 1st 2 seasons and I even went on YouTube to et a recap of those seasons to watch this but yeah where the other 2 I have a 10/10 this one i gave an 8/10 I think it was alright but the 1st 3 episodes were slow and the overall season reeeeally didnt do anything to further the plot in my opinion.
I hope they finish this anime soon and thiw time wont take years w/ the net season
Apr 21, 2021 12:42 PM

Sep 2015
-ShadowClaw- said:

No but if u go on animesuki and search for the log horizon discussion panel, you can find summaries of all the stuff of the wn as their is no translation for it as of yet.

will do. or maybe i'll just bulk buy in amazon later haha. ty tho
Apr 28, 2021 2:39 AM

Sep 2012
i W8 dubs to finish before watching this

T1mma said:
another season where the kids ruin the experience for me. that confession feels so out of place with just how stupid and ridiculous it feels.

kiDnameDSkia said:
T1mma said:
another season where the kids ruin the experience for me. that confession feels so out of place with just how stupid and ridiculous it feels.

you're definitely not the only one my dude

Children confessing love to 10+ years older dudes is a bit... glad that part is finally over.

Hopefully more of that electoral political strategy good shit in the next season (if there will be one) and less weird af love triangles. At this point I lowkey accepted the kids show as part of the ride, but the plot that doesn't include them is just better, the way it's trying to force emotions just feels cheap

for me even a slight romance or even if in the end ships sale make any anime better more fun

for 12+ (she is 14) girl its totally normal, it happens in real life to, watched just the confession part pretty predictable though the outcome i mean

Sugram22Apr 28, 2021 2:45 AM
Apr 28, 2021 8:37 AM

Jul 2020
Sugram22 said:
i W8 dubs to finish before watching this

T1mma said:
another season where the kids ruin the experience for me. that confession feels so out of place with just how stupid and ridiculous it feels.

kiDnameDSkia said:

you're definitely not the only one my dude

Children confessing love to 10+ years older dudes is a bit... glad that part is finally over.

Hopefully more of that electoral political strategy good shit in the next season (if there will be one) and less weird af love triangles. At this point I lowkey accepted the kids show as part of the ride, but the plot that doesn't include them is just better, the way it's trying to force emotions just feels cheap

for me even a slight romance or even if in the end ships sale make any anime better more fun

for 12+ (she is 14) girl its totally normal, it happens in real life to, watched just the confession part pretty predictable though the outcome i mean

its obviously just dependent on what you like, but for me that confession felt so out of place and just so weird
Apr 28, 2021 9:48 PM

Oct 2014
feha said:
So what happened in the end? Did they regain their memories of those they venerated...

From the mention of the fact that the boss was using a mental attack, it seems that it wasn't actually destroying their memories but attacking them with some sort of mental demoralization using their memories of specific important people.

This is funny, I was actually becoming a bit tired of this season, but it sort of turned it around by the last 2 eps and now I'm finding it a lot better than it seemed many did.

Maybe it's because I've been watching so many kids shows but I've never had an issue with 'the kids'. Minori, Tohya, Isusu and Rudy have all contributed more than enough for me to be satisfied with their characters thus far. S1, they're mostly reliant on the adults but their initial rescue serves as a useful building block for the development of akiba. And later they're part of the battle against the goblins.
In S2 I really liked the road trip arc, again serving as a bit of lore in regards to how the people of the land were actually affected by what adventurers viewed as game mechanics. The only issues I had were with how that arc was integrated and/or transitioned into the bit about the other guild.
S3 probably gives them the least focus, but I really liked the final battle. One thing that's become clear to me is how little I'd actually want to play a game like log horizon, but how I enjoy watching that type of game. So the whole raid arc from s2 was pretty exciting, seeing all the colorful magic crap flying around, but also the strategy that shiro was employing. So this season's finale, where a bunch of less experienced players had to take on another enemy by themselves, felt like an extension of the previous season's raid.

While it might have been sad to see, I'm glad Minori confessed and I'm glad she was rejected. I never cared for that relationship and maybe now she'll be able to go in a different direction than worshiping Shiro.

I was just barely able to follow the politics from like the first 4-5 episodes? That one member of the round table went to one of the lords so he could gain power. And then the princess wanted her independence by refusing to marry some lord. And then there's the election. What I felt like I missed was why everybody was talking about the fear of invasion or hostility from other regions of the server. That and I almost felt like the whole arc was sort of going in a circle instead of making any permanent changes. The round table won, so what exactly changed with the management of akiba besides the 2 new people of the land being members?

Krusty's arc was cool. I guess the only issue I have was the whole thing with plant hywaden. By the way, does anyone know where that name might have come from? I can't tell if "plant" is like, nature, or a manufacturing site. I think the latter might make sense if you consider how they're using adventurers. And I don't know where the second part of the name comes from. I swear when I hear the characters say the name, they're making an "f" sound.

So yeah, even though through all of februrary I just rewatched S1 and then watched S2 for the first time, I feel like I still sort of failed to grasp that whole plot in the latter half of s2. Basically Nureha is the puppet leader of the whole guild, while that other lady is actually pulling all the strings. She's trying to get revenge on Shiro personally. And this is also connected to Kanami and a few other people who were working with that guild in Minami. I know from s2 that they're doing some Fucked Up Shit with controlling every adventurer in the city. I'm just not sure where all of this is leading.

I guess it all hinges on whether there really is another season. It's usually not good to hope for another season of an anime but they keep dropping hints in the last few minutes of the final episode, so it seems like the writers are maybe really confident that they'll get more? When I saw the episode count I thought maybe there was going to be a 'season 3 part 2' sometime later this year or maybe next year.
May 1, 2021 5:03 AM
Mar 2019
one questions its enough material in novels for a 4th season?
May 4, 2021 6:39 PM

Oct 2008
A decent closure for this season. Kind of glad it had such a clear cut end to Minori romance so that we don't have to see anymore of her struggles in the future.

Overall this was a mixed bag for me. Didn't really like this last arc or anything related to Geniuses in general but really enjoyed the political and people of the land side of the story. Honestly after the first half I was hoping to see something happen between the east and west empires, but was quite disappointed it was spent on defeating raid mob x and romance.
May 13, 2021 3:38 AM

Sep 2012
feha said:
So what happened in the end? Did they regain their memories of those they venerated, or were they just faking things by acting by their memories of their prior motivations instead? Like her confession, did she regain her memory of mc beforehand, or did she confess with no memories of who he was, only retaining memories of the fact that she used to like the guy? Because it would be a weird development, but I didnt notice any mention of the memories returning on victory...

logical to think they did sins its always like this boss/villain takes ur memory or power or what ever kill boss/villain ur back to normal that's why they didn't bother explaining it they thought we get mad if they treat us like kids who are not dev enough to think...
May 13, 2021 2:56 PM
Nov 2012
Sugram22 said:
logical to think they did sins its always like this boss/villain takes ur memory or power or what ever kill boss/villain ur back to normal that's why they didn't bother explaining it they thought we get mad if they treat us like kids who are not dev enough to think...

Yeah, as I said, its weird if they act that way if their memories remained gone. And you mention it, the targeted demographic is adults, and not kids who somehow thinks all is happiness and sunshine just cause the big bad was vanquished. So the natural conclusion then is indeed that the consequence was permanent, and as such it was strange of them to not make it clear when the chars act to the contrary.
May 13, 2021 5:43 PM

Nov 2019
feha said:
And you mention it, the targeted demographic is adults, and not kids who somehow thinks all is happiness and sunshine just cause the big bad was vanquished.

What gave you that idea? It's an (originally) web-published fantasy novel series. It's meant for all ages.

Same for the manga version(s). It's not published in a specifically seinen OR shounen magazine.
May 15, 2021 4:57 PM

Apr 2019
I'm still shipping Shiroe and Henrietta even though it showed Akatsuki when Shiroe turned Minori down.
Jun 7, 2021 9:50 PM

Mar 2010
Last arc of this season was just too hard and cringy to watch. I just wanted the last arc to end faster in every moment of it. I enjoyed the end of the political arc and krusty arc tho. Hope theres less of focus on these kids in the future.
Jun 8, 2021 11:41 AM

May 2020
Bad pacing. Sorry I just disagree with this season. Ep 12 end terrible with that confess and rejected. Kimochi Wakaru. Going to Minami on last scene after ending seems they will make more raid or politic or drama again idk.
Jun 23, 2021 10:11 AM

Sep 2020
The first half was great, Krusty segment was also good, dunno about the raid part though. I honestly don't get why they broke down when the boss is clearly trying to provoke them. It's not like the people they respect die once defeated.
Big F for Minori, atleast she tried.
Jul 3, 2021 9:34 PM

Aug 2009
this season wasn't really worth the wait, the election plot gave me a little hope but they ended it very abruptly.

they tried to do too much with 12 episodes and none of the arcs ends well

5/10 for me, now that minori seems out of the way I hope we can focus on better things...
Jul 18, 2021 11:03 AM
Mar 2019
its any info of novel continue in hiatus?
Jul 24, 2021 7:16 AM

Jul 2015
Took some time but Minori's unrequited love finally concluded with Shiroe's rejection.
I didn't mind the focus on politics or sidecharacters but this season was bit underwhelming especially since Shiroe, the most interesting character, was mostly a bystander. I still wonder why this season is called the Destruction of the Round table if only the first 5 eps focused on that and no destruction happened. Still have my hopes up for s4 to happen.

Aug 1, 2021 8:05 AM

Jan 2013
Another mediocre season just like season 2.
I did enjoy the first half to a certain extent but it just feels like there's no progress to the story.
The confession of a 14y/o girl to a guy that's 23 felt a bit weird too.

The title of this season made me think there was going to be a lot of emphasis on the round table but "destruction" doesn't even come close, more like a redirection.

Shame honestly because I thought the first season did a really good job focusing on the actual MMO side of a gaming world and the problems within the inner workings of the groups.
Aug 9, 2021 1:18 PM
May 2020
uran10 said:
This episode was everything I wanted, and yes I'm that person whose favourite part was akatsuki being superior in every way to Minori and watching her get rejected. Yes I am that person. Overall decent season, was just alright so a 7/10
Looks like we can be a good friend..🤣😙
Sep 1, 2021 7:25 AM
Jul 2020
OH FUCK YESSSS! F MINORI! MANNN,I LAUGH SO HARD WHEN MINORI GOT REJECTED! FINALLY,ANNOYING GIRL LOSE! As much as I like to ship lose heroine,minori was a bit annoying,and age gap love just not my thing. I'm okay with age gap romance anime,but this show is not even focused on romance after all. Anyway,it's fun to see my ship sailing. LETS GO AKATSUKI!
Sep 3, 2021 9:00 AM
Apr 2021
Still shipping Kanami, Shiroe had far too many random flashbacks to her. Indicates he thinks about her a lot.

Edit: actually after thinking about it some more, I think Shiroe loves her but she won't love him.
StormainSep 19, 2021 8:13 AM
Oct 1, 2021 5:30 AM

Apr 2012
Good show, would watch S4.
Nov 11, 2021 2:02 AM

Sep 2019
Hmm...dis season is alright i guess overall episodes great political anime genre which is good. not great but not terrible.

NOT. BAD. (7.50/10)
(I really hope there's another s4 ^^)
Make Anime Great Again - Donald J. Trump
Nov 12, 2021 12:37 PM

May 2021
Dino ajur.
Minori got rejected. I still shipping shiroe and Akatsuki/Henrietta,and krusty was forgotten in the last few episodes.
Nov 29, 2021 12:03 AM

Jul 2013
The only reason this season is better than season 2 is because this one is shorter

Apr 1, 2022 7:04 AM

Apr 2011
The kids finally won.

While Minoru may have one that raid, but she lost her battle for Shiroes' heart. At least she tried.


Its a decent season for me. The first part about the politics and election where a bit dull but it ramp later with the action I wanted to watch. I think its better than season two.

Aug 26, 2022 8:46 AM
Nov 2016
Good episode, I like the ending. Minori and TOuya defeat the Tensai and Minori coffes to Shiroe but he rejects her because he´s in love with Akatsuki. So the guild splits in two groups and Shiroe and the rest of Debuochery Tea Party are going after Kanami.
Dec 3, 2022 7:03 AM

Feb 2022
Waiting for season 3!
Jan 25, 2023 7:12 PM
May 2020
That was an awesome conclusion to the newbies raid!
Minori finally confessed her feelings for Shiroe and he actually admits that he has fallen in love with someone! And it is likely Akatsuki! WHOOOOOOO!

We are going to have to wait a couple of years, but there will be a fourth season!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!
Jan 25, 2023 7:15 PM
May 2020
Jan 25, 2023 7:16 PM
May 2020
snowykevin said:
I know those votes are almost all bots but I’ve never seen a episode discussion with almost 90% 1/5s
So, this was the work of Trolls?
Aug 8, 2023 4:34 PM
Jan 2023
The raid is over and everything is back to normal. Akatsuki's speech at the beginning there was pretty awesome. Pretty good fight overall.

Minori confessed her feelings to Shiroe, and got rejected (which is a good thing) and talked about how he loves someone else, that being Akatsuki.

Overall, this season has been great, loved every minute of it. The combination of isekai and politics in one show is pretty unique, and it is probably why I have enjoyed it so much. Can't wait for an eventual 4th season, if it ever happens. Would be nice if another studio picks up this show though, because the animation from Studio Deen, just isn't that great.
Aug 15, 2023 5:46 AM
Jul 2022
akatsuki for the win
Oct 18, 2023 2:42 PM

Sep 2021
log horizon been on a downfall from season 1
Goodnight, Punpun 
Nov 17, 2023 1:47 AM
Jun 2012


All was right in the world.

Here's hoping for another season. No matter how many years it takes. 👍

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