About Me:
Hi, my name is Hentoki. Of course it isn't my real name. But i doubt i hid my real name well in the internet so i'll try to not surprised if you call me with my real name. lol.
Fan of School-SoL genre Anime
In addition, i also love light Mystery anime. (HYOUKA! HYOUKA! HYOUKA! XD ehem, 'cuse me. ._.)
New member MyAnimeList. (it's been yrs lol so no longer new member, right?) But actually already watch bunch of anime. so don't get the wrong idea of my time history in my anime list. And also, I actually saw some long-running anime like
Naruto, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Digimon, Saint Seiya, Dennou Boukenki Webdiver, Bleach, Crayon Shin-chan, etc. back in my childhood. but seems they won't be added to my list because the TV Station in my place has never been completed airing it. And I forgot the last episode i watch. So, i don't know where do i start to re-watch it without go back to episode 1.

I (probably) won't add some series (both manga and anime) to my Dropped and Hold list. I think it's my way to respect the works of the staff at least. You know, we don't know what were their sacrifices to finish the series. So, i won't just boo-ing some anime because it's bad imo. (well, maybe i still do some critiques any other way. lol)
I put these on hiatus. ._.v
You see, i oftenly left my page here a.k.a AFK in general sentence. So sorry if i'm late of replying eventhough you see me online now. Gomen nasai!! ._.7

P.S: My profile quite simple, huh? that's the way i am!! &,& (read: too lazy to get it styled (~ -,-)~ )
New P.S (lol): Sorry for the messy grammar!!
GIFs Source: Tumblr
All Comments (263) Comments
Yah more like the same, moodnya lebih suka baca manga buat sekarang karena lebih santai bisa baca dimanapun (yaa meskipun ga baca di tempat umum haha). Tapi musim ini ada juga kok yang ditonton Higehiro, Tokyo Revenger sama Super Cub. Oh ya, sama lagi nonton Yuru Camp season 2 nih.
Akhir-akhir ini ada yang lagi ditonton/dibaca kah?
Ooo, i see. the author really did that haha. Yep, it would be really great, if they do like that. i still wish for a sequel of hyouka
Akhir-akhir ini baru ada semangat coba rada aktif di MAL. Entahlah ngisi waktu kosong aja asik kok.
Eh ternyata Indo juga kah haha ga tau nih. Sebenernya mau dibilang user lama iya, tapi sempat hiatus lama ga buka MAL beberapa tahun kok dan baru akhir akhir ini aktif lagi. Mulai aktif nonton anime sejak 2012 dan tertarik ke dunia MAL 204 itu.
Hmm rajin, cuma karena pengen ngeliat aja ntar seberapa banyak sih anime yang ditonton sama manga yang dibaca.
ikr, his works are really good, Ooo nicee.
thank you for accpecting, how are you?
bye forum, hello contributing page.
should i quote this on my Profile?