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Laid-Back Camp
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Apr 1, 2021 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, I wasn't expecting a trip to the zoo as a way to showcase the series' finale. Nonetheless, it's still a very charming episode with everyone and lots of fun.

A lot of memories made this episode and in this season overall. I'll look forward to the movie next year, and hopefully won't be delayed. Season 2 gets 8/10 from me.
Apr 1, 2021 7:28 AM

Apr 2020
Last episode!

They went to Mount Omuro, and enjoy the scenery by cable car, and finally They see Capybara, Akari really likes them lmao

The last episode was really good, I will miss this anime, I hope there will be a third season.
Apr 1, 2021 7:55 AM

Jul 2017
Finishing up the last day of the Izu camp in a jiffy, a trip to the last geospot (of many undiscovered): Mt. Omuro. Not forgetting Chikuwa corgi Choko-chan, their butts are always cute xD

Other than the usual sightseeing duties, I love when they did the squished plus lip expression, that instance was hilarious from one to the group (Chiaki sure suffered from her jokes), as is those goofy surprised faces. April Fools if you praise Mt. Fuji from atop Mt. Omuro, you won't get cursed.

Wasn't expecting a zoo in the midway, but it's also a fun time. Stop tripping over Nadeshiko xD
Watching those capybara having an onsen time is nice...except when they almost imaginatively turned into relaxing capybaras. Akari sure loves them with a fascination.

Sure is a tired journey for all for the 3 consecutive days they've been out and about. Of course, not forgetting souvenirs for families...everyone have reached home safely, except Rin, who've travelled the longest on her moped to get to Izu.

Rin and Nadeshiko have indeed come a long way of their friendship since Season 1, and may the camping fire never flame out in them.
"Let's go camping again sometime in the future~"

A great finale as to be expected. Gonna miss these camping goofballs :) ただいま / TADAIMA~
KANLen09Apr 1, 2021 8:30 AM
Apr 1, 2021 7:59 AM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
Last episode was great. I already miss them. Slice of life anime’s last episode makes me lonely 🥺 I can't wait for the next season <3
YumioSFApr 1, 2021 8:04 AM
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Apr 1, 2021 8:01 AM

Apr 2010
Let's hope that this ending is a April 1st joke since i don't want it to end.

I really enjoyed this season like that last one and i hope there will be more in the future this is such a relaxing anime to watch.
This episode was pretty nice as well with the remainder of the trip being covered.
The girls had fun with the animals.
Apr 1, 2021 8:02 AM
Jul 2018
ahh i cant believe its finally over, really sad ;-;

this was such an amazing episode as usual and i really loved it. those kapibaras in the hot springs looked so chill lol, cool changes with the custom birthday opening too. really loved izu camping, probably my favourite camping trip so far. there were so many nice moments and really made me feel a lot. overall this season was really great, i'd give it an 8/10.
Apr 1, 2021 8:10 AM

Apr 2019
such a great last episode. akari was so cute, her obsession with capybara's is endearing. nadeshiko worrying about rin this time lol, her onee-chan was involved in both times though...

gonna miss yuru camp, good thing the movie finally got a release date (on april fools... usoyade?) well, hearing haru no tonari for the last time as spring has now begun and yuru camp season two takes its leave

Apr 1, 2021 8:16 AM

Jun 2019
I'm gonna miss this show for sure. Really love the comfy feeling of season 2 as well. We went to Izu Cactus zoo in the final episode. Saw some capybaras as well. I love their friendship so much. Everyone is so adorable in this show. Really gonna miss this. An 8/10 for me. Looking forward to the movie. Until next time. :'(
Apr 1, 2021 8:29 AM

Mar 2016
MAL botting being retarded as always with the episode polls as usual (seriously, something should actually be done about this soon).

That aside, damn, I'm going to really miss this personal favorite of mine real bad. Hope that movie announced a while back actually becomes a thing.
Apr 1, 2021 8:33 AM

Jun 2015
The car certainly looks pretty cramped when you have that much people in it. Mt Omuro had such greats views as well. Nadeshiko and Rin's facial expressions at being surprised was just hilarious. Still its amusing how the staff didn't know that the animals were free until told though. The Capybara sure look chill relaxing in the spring. Though it went by quickly the Izu trip turned out to be a great success for them. Its cute how both Rin and Nadeshiko end up worrying about each other when they're alone. Overall a solid ep that managed to end the Izu camp trip nicely. It will be nice to see further seasons in addition to the movie that was announced. The carefree nature of the show really is a great way to relax after a long days work.
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Apr 1, 2021 8:33 AM

Dec 2014
Sweet ending to yet another wholesome, fun and comfy season of Yuru Camp. Can't ask for anything more nor is there anything left to say.

Apr 1, 2021 8:38 AM

Feb 2019
46 I hated it votes lmao. These bots gotta stop.

What a great finale. It’s so relatable to hate coming home after a trip. That deflating feeling of going back to normal after an exciting excursion. But, the cool part is looking forward to the next one! I loved seeing Rin and Nadeshiko reflect on their fave places they visited. It’s been a joy to watch the girls grow over the past two seasons.

I’m so sad it’s over for now tho. Thursdays were so comfy 😭 can’t wait for the movie
Apr 1, 2021 8:39 AM

Apr 2014
Capybara..., Capybara are everywhere.
Well, if you visited Mt. Omuro and Izu Shaboten zoo, and if you have enough time, the nearby Jogasaki Coast is another geosite that shouldn't be miss out.
It was very sad when your adventure is over, but that's when your new adventure begins.
Overall, Yurucamp still the usual Yurucamp with their comfy story. Their friendships are the best things in this series. And, the Izu Peninsula trip might be the trip that I like the most.

I really miss them. I can't wait for the next season.
Apr 1, 2021 8:42 AM

Jul 2020
The last episode was so great! This anime is the best example of Slice of Life anime.

I'm not crying! You are crying.

Edit: Why the hell someone give this episode a 1/5? huh?
Apr 1, 2021 8:42 AM

Apr 2018
Yeeeeeeeeesssssss the capybara were here for the final! but it's already over, it was as great as the first season to be honest, I'll miss this anime
Apr 1, 2021 8:44 AM

Nov 2016
Yeah, the empty feeling of getting back to the everyday life is indeed something.

Great season once again. Can't fathom how anyone could hate this series(don't talking about the bots)

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 1, 2021 8:51 AM

Jul 2012
Such an amazing second season!!! Don't know if there is more manga, but obv wouldn't mind more comfiness.
"We can always go on another camp!"

The deja vu and evade from Choko-chan =/

Akari finally got to meet the capybaras, so cute!

Was quite some time when stumbled upon this manga and never would've thought that anime about camping could be this great! And now such an enjoyable second season!
Overall 9/10
Apr 1, 2021 8:52 AM

Feb 2020
Amazing! What a season! Can't wait for the movie~
This and Uma Musume are my favourite sequels of this winter, both are 10/10.
Apr 1, 2021 8:53 AM

Nov 2020
Pain. My thursdays will never be the same again
Apr 1, 2021 8:53 AM

Nov 2020
todorooo said:
The last episode was so great! This anime is the best example of Slice of Life anime.

I'm not crying! You are crying.

Edit: Why the hell someone give this episode a 1/5? huh?
1/5 because it's over, i guess
Apr 1, 2021 8:53 AM

Mar 2018
Yeah, still love this anime.

This anime means a lot to me. Back in 2018 it was one of the first anime I saw and I fell in love with it, especially the OST. After I began watching more anime, I began to forget that love I had for Yuru Camp. Then 2020 happened which brought me even more misery. So when the first episode of this season started airing and I started watching it, I genuinely cried by the end of it. I remembered the love I had for it. I could finally relax knowing that Yuru Camp is still there after all that I went through in 2020. I didn't just remember my love, the love was amplified by a thousand. And now, after 13 episodes of some of the best stuff I have seen in my life, I cried again this episode, knowing that this is where the current story ends.

I can nitpick Yuru Camp S2 all day long, especially with how it sometimes feel like the anime advertises to you, but in the end, it is Yuru Camp. The comfiest show on planet earth. I love this with all my heart. It is a 10/10 and now one of my favorite shows of all time. The only anime I can see beating AOTY this year for me is Dragon Maid S2.
Apr 1, 2021 9:09 AM

Jul 2020
Nokkonnie said:
todorooo said:
The last episode was so great! This anime is the best example of Slice of Life anime.

I'm not crying! You are crying.

Edit: Why the hell someone give this episode a 1/5? huh?
1/5 because it's over, i guess

Is that the logic? Then okay lol
Apr 1, 2021 9:12 AM

Oct 2017
Izu camping trip is over and our girls have safely returned home. The last part with Nadeshiko and Rin was sweet. Just like Rin was worried for Nadeshiko, Nadeshiko also got worried for Rin.

This was another great season of Yuru Camp. Can't believe this season is already over damn it. Loved the comfy and soothing atmosphere of the show. Now please give us season 3 soon, I need more of this. I know a movie's coming next year but that's not enough.
Apr 1, 2021 9:13 AM

Jun 2017
Man, this series is just gold! Another great episode and season, and I'm absolutely stoked for the Movie. As for the release date of the Movie, here's to hoping Takahashi Rie-san and the official twitter aren't kidding lol.

Capybaras are something. Capybaras in onsen though, now that's good xD. I really want to see that in person someday, I feel like I could be captivated by the sight too. Boy, did they look pleased though!

Little comedic moments were on point too. But the real charm this episode was the satisfaction feeling. It's great to be back home after a long journey, innit? I totally get that! How sweet of Nadeshiko to meet Rin and the others showing concern in their own ways, certainly goes both ways Rin-chan.

Choko-chan and Chikuwa's warm and diabetes-inducing welcome. Kawaii ~

I don't even remember when this group camping started but I can assure you, time sure flies when these girls are up to something lol. Easy 9/10 once again. Op/ED, VA, directing, Sound - Everything just clicks for this show, doesn't it?
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Apr 1, 2021 9:26 AM

Jan 2012
Capybaras and corgi butt to end the season. Raijinmaru would be pleased. XD

Overall this was another cute, wholesome season of this cgdct franchise, but I'd be lying if I said it had the same effect on me that the first season did. I can't really figure out why, but I just wasn't as invested this time around. My thoughts wandered to other things during multiple episodes. Maybe 3 years was just too long to take to make a sequel, those mini-episodes not withstanding. I dunno, but it was definitely still good, just not great like season 1 was. 7/10
Apr 1, 2021 9:31 AM

Apr 2017
Well, I guess we'll have to wait until the movie or season 3 now...
Apr 1, 2021 9:35 AM

Sep 2019
Those capybaras looked really comfy, I wish I was in their place. It was a wholesome finale to the wholesome Yuru Camp. I loved how both Rin and Nadeshiko got worried about each other when they weren't returning to their calls. Not sure if I liked this season more than the first one but it was a good season.
Apr 1, 2021 9:36 AM
Aug 2020
AHH I love this show so much! So relaxing and adorable!
Apr 1, 2021 10:04 AM

Jun 2020
Ryuseishun said:
MAL botting being retarded as always with the episode polls as usual (seriously, something should actually be done about this soon).

That aside, damn, I'm going to really miss this personal favorite of mine real bad. Hope that movie announced a while back actually becomes a thing.

it happened to re zero too... somebody probably do not want other anime to have better score than their favorite show... so dumb.
‘It may be admitted that if it were possible for us to have so deep an insight into a human's way of thinking, as it shows itself both through inner and outer actions, that every, even the least incentive to these actions and all external occasions which affect them, were so known to us, then his future conduct could be predicted as certainly as the appearance of a solar or a lunar eclipse.’ Critique of Practical Reason, p. 230 of the Rosenkranz.
Apr 1, 2021 10:38 AM
Dec 2020
and sad to know that the anime is over but apparently there is going to be a movie.
Apr 1, 2021 10:43 AM

Feb 2020
A very wholesome way to end the series. Welp no more Yuru Camp Thursdays now.

Hope to see the movie next year, and a possible 3rd season.

Apr 1, 2021 10:50 AM

Nov 2019
So someone gonna explain me what Rin was trying to tell in the around 19:37 flashback?
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Apr 1, 2021 10:52 AM

Jul 2017
Well, what can i say, its Yuru Camp xd and i don't need to go even further than that ^^

Another comfy and relaxing season to calm the spirit, I will never get tired of this! This is one of those shows that you just can't hate! And Nadeshiko is still as cute as ever ❤️

9/10 for this season as well, im still amazed by this anime after all these episodes!
Apr 1, 2021 11:01 AM

Jul 2020
LMAO the ratings on this ep almost had me. I loved this show sm that I'm most likely going to read the manga from the start! :) 8/10
Apr 1, 2021 11:25 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
See now that moment of rin and nadeshiko just chilling under the night sky, leaning on the railing overlooking a lake? Those are the kinds of moments I was looking for this season. Moments that linger, that take it slow, that allow you to take in the vibes, which S1 did so well.

This season, for a lack of a better word, felt “rushed”. Now by no means did this actually feel like a super fast anime that blazes past you at a blistering speed. What I mean is that compared to the first season which focused more on the camping aspect and just sitting down, relaxing, taking in the views, this season felt like it had to constantly take us from one tourist attraction to the next. Meanwhile showing us a lot of food porn and making us hungry. Yes it had its quiet, chill, serene moments, but I didn’t find them as effective as from S1. I liked the scene where they’re all just chilling (or sweating) in the hot springs overlooking the ocean with the sun setting. That scene didn’t nearly last as long as it should’ve. And again I like the last scene from this last episode where the two are just talking under the night sky with Mount Fuji in the distance.

Objectively speaking it’s on par with S1 (which I gave an 8 to) and once again deserves an 8/10 or higher. But I rate nearly entirely just on sheer personal enjoyment. It gets a 6/10 from me. Or maybe I was just too stressed these past months to enjoy it properly, who knows. Don’t worry, one more mediocre single score is not going to bring down the high average that it absolutely deserves

whiskey tango foxtrot

Apr 1, 2021 11:27 AM
Oct 2015
I can't be the only one that was worried Rin would have an accident on the long drive home? Fall asleep at the wheel or a drunk not see her and hit her.
Apr 1, 2021 11:29 AM
Oct 2015
BetaMaleUltra said:
See now that moment of rin and nadeshiko just chilling under the night sky, leaning on the railing overlooking a lake? Those are the kinds of moments I was looking for this season. Moments that linger, that take it slow, that allow you to take in the vibes, which S1 did so well.

This season, for a lack of a better word, felt “rushed”. Now by no means did this actually feel like a super fast anime that blazes past you at a blistering speed. What I mean is that compared to the first season which focused more on the camping aspect and just sitting down, relaxing, taking in the views, this season felt like it had to constantly take us from one tourist attraction to the next. Meanwhile showing us a lot of food porn and making us hungry. Yes it had its quiet, chill, serene moments, but I didn’t find them as effective as from S1. I liked the scene where they’re all just chilling (or sweating) in the hot springs overlooking the ocean with the sun setting. That scene didn’t nearly last as long as it should’ve. And again I like the last scene from this last episode where the two are just talking under the night sky with Mount Fuji in the distance.

Objectively speaking it’s on par with S1 (which I gave an 8 to) and once again deserves an 8/10 or higher. But I rate nearly entirely just on sheer personal enjoyment. It gets a 6/10 from me. Or maybe I was just too stressed these past months to enjoy it properly, who knows. Don’t worry, one more mediocre single score is not going to bring down the high average that it absolutely deserves
This season did give me a vibe that it was created to boost tourism in Japan.
Apr 1, 2021 11:36 AM

Mar 2013
God, it's again over...??? The time runs indeed in lightspeed...xD I wanna more, without my douses comfy Thursdays (Nedeshiko and others...) isn't the same...>_>

Well, it was really a awesome and nice journey in the season till to end: they did an fantastic job make with the anime - G'gratulation!!!

Hmm... If the manga really still ongoing is, then we could be sure that we in anime form still more get, let's hope at least...^_^

I just wonder me if there will give an coming-to-age arc - that we'll see our beloved girls in adult form (probably even with their own created families) camping...xD
Apr 1, 2021 11:51 AM

Mar 2018
Apparently a lot of people disliked the episode, I thought it was okay.
Apr 1, 2021 11:54 AM

Apr 2015
Everyone talking about the Capybaras, but damn Rin be chilling with a massive bird!!! Akira's obsession with the Capybara is so adorable though.

Mount Omura is a lot bigger than I thought for some reason.

The talk with Nadeshiko and Rin when Nadeshiko was worried about Rin getting home safely (these girls really do look out for each other, can only applaud that), really hit close at home. That feeling of emptiness after a trip is a real battle to overcome, having experienced it myself after a few trips.

Really sad that it has come to an end. Yuru Camp is one of the show that could go on forever and I still wouldn't grow bored of it. The warmth and comfyness was raised a few levels this 2nd season and overall is superior to the first season for me. Yuru Camp just doesn't fail to deliver, both on being incredibly wholesome and being a big inspiration for traveling in Japan.

10/10 and I wouldn't want it any other way!! Now let's hope that a 3rd season won't be too far away, but seems we're getting a movie first! HYPE!
Apr 1, 2021 11:59 AM
Apr 2020
I will miss yuru camp so much, the best iyashikei adventure ... Hope for s3 announcement... THANK YOU YURU CAMP
Apr 1, 2021 1:03 PM

Jun 2011
The Izu camping trip was a big success! Akari finally gets to see the capybaras, and they also get to visit the couple from the sake shop.

I knew it would hurt to see the credits roll on this one. Yuru Camp provides such a great escape from reality, where people are kind and caring to one another. Nearly everything about the show is perfect, the characters are the very heart of the show with their charm and cuteness, the music is easily some of the best I've ever heard, and seeing the natural splendor of Japan is always wonderful.

This was on par with the first season, and I pray that we don't have to wait another 3 years to get another season. Thanks for the all the fun, girls!

Apr 1, 2021 1:09 PM

Apr 2019
Laplace_kun said:
So someone gonna explain me what Rin was trying to tell in the around 19:37 flashback?
flashback to when she got worried about nadeshiko and went with sakura to find her

Apr 1, 2021 1:11 PM

Nov 2019
yvsei said:
Laplace_kun said:
So someone gonna explain me what Rin was trying to tell in the around 19:37 flashback?
flashback to when she got worried about nadeshiko and went with sakura to find her

I see, got confused by "works both ways" remark
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Apr 1, 2021 1:15 PM

Feb 2014
And with that, the Winter anime season, for me at least, has come to a close, and a very comfy one at that.

It was relaxing to see the girls all enjoy the stunning views at Mt Omuro as well as seeing the capybaras in person. We also had Nadeshiko being so worried about Rin's longer journey home due to her moped not being able to use the highway for obvious reasons, she got her sister Sakura to drive her to meet Rin close to home.

It felt like a role reversal of Rin worrying about Ena, Aoi and Chiaki during their camping trip to Lake Yamanaka all over again, which was a nice touch. I do agree with Nadeshiko about having that sad feeling when the trip you've been enjoy to the fullest has to come to an end, but it just means you can prepare and anticipate future trips, both solo and with friends.

Overall, season 2 of Yuru Camp continues the comfy and upbeat feeling that season 1 had, but with better character development overall. All of the episodes were great and it was always a blast to hype myself up when listening to the OP song (best OP song of 2021 so far, personally!).

Like with season 1, I'll give this second season a 9/10 as well. A year's wait until the movie's eventful release feel's like a VERY long wait, but I do look forward to seeing the girls having fun camping once again soon. =3
Apr 1, 2021 1:26 PM

Apr 2020
Toba-sensei "such a cute butt"
what a perv lmao, jokes aside this was a really nice final episode, I'm sad now

We got a movie coming up probably late this year / next year so if it comes to my local cinema I would 100% go there. 9/10 score I'm giving it
Apr 1, 2021 2:15 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Nice finale.

Overall, a relaxing, funny, and wholesome season. Pretty much as great as the first one.

I loved all those beautiful landscapes and delicious foods.

SerafosJan 29, 2024 7:53 AM
Apr 1, 2021 2:24 PM

Jul 2014
Probably the best part of this excellent finale is just how well it captures that somewhat somber feeling of a holiday/trip being over and the imminent return to normality. At the same time, the episode wasn't truly sad, but instead reflected on that in a truly upbeat way: "we can always go again". And honestly, I could watch these girls go on these trips again and again and again.

As an adaptation, this was nothing short of magical, doing very well to adapt a whole extra volume of content in just one episode more than season 1 (this adapted volumes 5-9 in 13 episodes) with very few cuts at all (one of my favourite gags from the Izu trip was cut, but it's a small loss). The directing was once again perfect at capturing the atmosphere and the soundtrack's mix of old and new worked wonders to accentuate every scene. The visuals were also even better than they already were in season 1, which is very impressive.

Compared to season 1, I'd say this season had stronger individual episodes (particularly those middle couple with Sakura and Rin worrying about Nadeshiko, as well as this season finale) while season 1 was a perfect product of thematic consistency. That does mean this doesn't take season 1's place in my top 10 anime ever, but it's definitely just outside that as one of few 10 rated anime.

10/10. AOTS, and potentially anime of the year as well (certainly in contention with Kaguya-sama S3 when that arrives).
Apr 1, 2021 3:00 PM

Sep 2013
Welp, it's over. Time to sink back into depression. At least we have the movie next year.

Apr 1, 2021 3:06 PM

Aug 2019
when sensei said “what a cute butt” I started laughing my ass off that caught me off guard, really sucks bots hit this series too with thar huge amount of 1/5s but we all know this finale was outstanding
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