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Mar 25, 2021 4:20 PM

Jul 2020
finally, this piece of shit is over
Mar 25, 2021 4:23 PM
Dec 2020
Not a bad ending, but also not a good ending.
Typicall series finale in anime where everything ends up well, however this was a bit lackluster.
Finally we understood the backgroung of Peter Ratri (not a great one if you ask me).
Glad to see Isabella ending up with her children, in a way to redeem herself for her past.
What this series could have been ... an excellent first season completely ruined with this second one!
Mar 25, 2021 4:25 PM

Feb 2021
Yuri-Crusader said:
Ashhk said:
WTF was that end, this is one of the worst anime ending I've ever seen really... I didn't even like the first season but this one was clearly worse

Ahh cmon m8 it wasn't all bad . It had a awesome Yuri ending,,YEEEEEEEEES

So at least that is something positive from that mess =P

Not even confirmed, it's just them saying goodbye man, literally zero hints at her being a lesbian
Mar 25, 2021 4:25 PM

Sep 2015
Sourire said:
Tbh I’m glad I dropped this anime after episode 1 of season 1 when the 2 kids were somehow able to escape the truck without being seen by the demons and Isabella. Didnt care for season 1 being well reviewed, it just felt like you had to accept plot convenience to enjoy the ride.

It seems like I made a good decision not investing time on this anime/story. I’ll miss reading the weekly episode threads from season 2 tho, wildly entertaining.

It was revealed later that Isabelle knew that they escaped the truck by the way
Mar 25, 2021 4:27 PM

Sep 2015
Sourire said:
Tbh I’m glad I dropped this anime after episode 1 of season 1 when the 2 kids were somehow able to escape the truck without being seen by the demons and Isabella. Didnt care for season 1 being well reviewed, it just felt like you had to accept plot convenience to enjoy the ride.

It seems like I made a good decision not investing time on this anime/story. I’ll miss reading the weekly episode threads from season 2 tho, wildly entertaining.

It was revealed later that Isabelle knew that they escaped the truck by the way
Mar 25, 2021 4:29 PM

Jan 2018
what a piece of shit that was
Mar 25, 2021 4:31 PM

Dec 2013
When Emma and co said that they wanted to stay behind I wondered how they would finish this show with only half an episode left. I didn't think they would cover the final conflict with a simple slide show. WTF.
Mar 25, 2021 4:36 PM

Feb 2020
Wait so that's it? A man's resolve to continue old traditions simply tucked away in a night? A slideshow at the end which probably would've shown ~10 years worth of progression? Foreshadow to absolutely nothing? Man, I wished they just gave the second season 2 more episodes, and that would've at least done better at wrapping it up.

Now I didn't necessarily have any prejudice to hate this before the last few episodes, but during these last few episodes, it has only made me frustrated. Cool music, animation, and okay characterization up until the end.

Would make sense if this acted like another advertisement for their source material, lol.

Mar 25, 2021 4:38 PM

Nov 2013
G_Spark233 said:
When Emma and co said that they wanted to stay behind I wondered how they would finish this show with only half an episode left. I didn't think they would cover the final conflict with a simple slide show. WTF.
I was actually horrified they would end it on a cliffhanger, or a 3rd F-ing season for some reason lol.

In the end, we got an awful ending to an awful season. I was pissed how they just slideshow-ed the F-ing demon-god, new F-ing promise that Emma made and what she had to pay for it. How demon society was reshaped... Ugh... F this shit!!!
Mar 25, 2021 4:39 PM

Jun 2017
LOL finally this trainwreck is over, it's hard to believe but they made a WORSE ending than the manga and that truly speaks for itself.

lmaooo I want to delete my memories.

I truly feel sorry for the animators and voice actors that had to go along with this abomination.
Mar 25, 2021 4:40 PM
Jan 2019
How could they even manage to fuck up a anime that bad? From season 1 to being one of the worst animes ive seen felt like they rushed it like crazy
Mar 25, 2021 4:42 PM
Jan 2019
This is one of the worst animes ive ever seen how could they fuck it up this bad? Loved season 1 but from that to a trash serie that i regret wasting time on lol. Felt like it was rushed as crazy really sad seing studios doing this to great anime
Mar 25, 2021 4:47 PM
Nov 2016
What's up with all the still shots in this episode, it barely had animation. It was a meh episode but I'll admit that it was just a bit (just a TINY BIT) emotional but it was still meh. I'll give this episode a 2.5/5

Anyway finally this is over, I can now forget about this trainwreck and focus on other better animes.

My final rating on this crap is:

Mar 25, 2021 5:10 PM

Feb 2016
Im glad i dropped it on ep4 lmao i havent even read the manga and i already knew its doomed with the pacing and things that were happening. Literally every character was acting off compared to S1.
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 25, 2021 5:12 PM

Jul 2017
I've never felt more betrayed about anything than with this franchise. The manga was the manga that got me into the medium as a whole and was one of my favorites of all time for some time, before dropping so massively in quality that it blew my mind with frustration. Then the anime for season 1 was brilliant, only for season 2 to be an absolute rushed mess that decided to go original but still adapt manga content really poorly at times. This series really loves to stab me in the heart over and over again. What a disaster season 2 was, and I can't even blame CloverWorks too much since the manga author was in charge of the scenario. Kaiu Shirai dropped the ball so badly with the manga and now the anime too. Ruined what could have been a legendary franchise from Jump in both aspects. 0.5/10 for season 2.

This finale was dreadfully rushed and meaningless since the buildup did absolutely nothing to actually develop anything, from the storyline to the characters and themes, to everything else. This entire adaptation of season 2 just felt pointless in the end other than show that even with completed material, an anime adaptation can still butcher a storyline so drastically.
Mar 25, 2021 5:13 PM

Nov 2020
This season was actual trash, at least it's over lol

I loved how the last 5min were still frames.

The manga is an actual masterpiece compared to this
thats what-she
Mar 25, 2021 5:15 PM

Dec 2014
Damn, I guess I got lucky because I stopped reading the manga early into Goldy Pond which let me enjoy this a little more than literally everyone else here.

The ending was very straightforward and almost everything just worked out, kinda surprising but whatever.

Overall, I guess I was able to enjoy this a little more than everyone else here. There were some nice scenes every so often which kinda pulled me though.

6/10, the OP was awesome and gets the most points from me.
Mar 25, 2021 5:15 PM

Dec 2018
Ashhk said:
Yuri-Crusader said:

Ahh cmon m8 it wasn't all bad . It had a awesome Yuri ending,,YEEEEEEEEES

So at least that is something positive from that mess =P

This is actually what I thought when I saw the picture I knew that you were going to post it lol, but we didn't get a real conclusion even for this part except just a single picture in that whole 5 years (?) time skip with a slideshow

Hahaha yes that picture really rocked my world

And sure it would have been fun with something even more conclusive. But that picture really went crazy with the Yuri IMO. My Lesbians interlocking hands and are so close to kiss in the sunset,,YEEEEEEEEES! So cute and romantic❤❤

In this type of anime I didn't except to find anything Yuri .So It was a really nice surprise. And proves then even a train-wreck can do something good =P

Yuri-CrusaderMar 25, 2021 5:24 PM
Mar 25, 2021 5:19 PM

Mar 2016

One of the absolute worst things I've ever watched in fiction. All the important stuff in the manga that DID make it in were shoehorned into some silly ass low effort PowerPoint slideshows. Nothing was built up, nothing was achieved, nothing was lost or gained, everything betrayed.
May I also add how hilarious it was that the knife that the Peter baddie dude stabbed himself with looked perfectly clean and untouched in the next frame where it dropped to the floor? Yea, pretty much everyone in the production staff has given up and literally abandoned ship.

I wasn't a fan of how the manga source material went, but golly gee whirlickers this was infinitely worse. Also may need to rethink my score of the first season too now, considering that all the positive stuff anime-wise simply amounted to....THIS.
Mar 25, 2021 5:23 PM

Mar 2020
Yuri-Crusader said:
Ashhk said:
This is actually what I thought when I saw the picture I knew that you were going to post it lol, but we didn't get a real conclusion even for this part except just a single picture in that whole 5 years (?) time skip with a slideshow

Hahaha yes that picture really rocked my world

And sure it would have been fun with something even more conclusive. But that picture really went crazy with the Yuri IMO. Interlocking hands and are so close to kiss in the sunset,,YEEEEEEEEES! So cute and romantic❤❤

In this type of anime I didn't except to find anything Yuri .So It was a really nice surprise. And proves then even a train-wreck can do something good =P

Yes, Emma x Mujika is a great pairing, but not great enough to save this sinking ship
Mar 25, 2021 5:28 PM

Feb 2013
Ignoring everything that came before, if you watched this to the end and thought the ending was okay then you don't watch much anime. Watch enough and eventually you'll learn the difference between a great ending, a decent ending and one that's just a lazy attempt to sweep something under the rug and forget about it.
Mar 25, 2021 5:31 PM

Feb 2021
KuroNekoAlchemy said:
Yuri-Crusader said:

Hahaha yes that picture really rocked my world

And sure it would have been fun with something even more conclusive. But that picture really went crazy with the Yuri IMO. Interlocking hands and are so close to kiss in the sunset,,YEEEEEEEEES! So cute and romantic❤❤

In this type of anime I didn't except to find anything Yuri .So It was a really nice surprise. And proves then even a train-wreck can do something good =P

Yes, Emma x Mujika is a great pairing, but not great enough to save this sinking ship

Literally how, it's a 13 year old and a 1000 year old demon, that's the worst pairing ever
Mar 25, 2021 5:42 PM

Nov 2019
Did they just actually put a whole arc into 3 mins of montage?!
Mar 25, 2021 5:48 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Absolutely appalling final ep. I guess if we're lucky then a reboot will happen 20 to 30 years from now?

With how awful this season was just skipping over so much content to the point where it basically turned to total nonsense, I'd say the chances are somewhat decent hopefully.

Mar 25, 2021 5:49 PM

Oct 2016
I can't believe how different the quality of season 2 is compared to season 1. This last episode left me speechless in the worst possible way. So much potential was wasted. I was so excited for season 2, but as the show went on, I realized that I got my hopes up for NOTHING. This last episode was awful. This entire season was super rushed, to the point where it became confusing. I'm dumbfounded, I'm disappointed, and I wish TPN got a better adaptation.
Mar 25, 2021 5:52 PM

Jul 2017
Holy fuck, how many arcs did they skip? That ending was horrible. Just a slideshow of an enormous amount of content that they're not even going to bother with. Why did they even bother adapting this series if they were going to give this little of a shit about it?
Mar 25, 2021 5:53 PM

Feb 2013
AntwanMantilla said:
Absolutely appalling final ep. I guess if we're lucky then a reboot will happen 20 to 30 years from now?

With how awful this season was just skipping over so much content to the point where it basically turned to total nonsense, I'd say the chances are somewhat decent hopefully.

Well FMA got Brotherhood in less than 10 years so you can always hope.
Mar 25, 2021 6:06 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
Peace is selling ........... But I am not buying.
A badly contrived episode that was a plastic wrap around the whole 2 years. They made it look all tidy and complete and ready to put in the refrigerator for storage. I did not like the ending much. It was a good run and I am still glad for the 2 years of the series. It just didn't end without a large cringe from me. Still 8/10
Mar 25, 2021 6:13 PM
Jan 2021
so in the end they really kill my favorite girl (Anna), she doesn't speak at all after episode 4 and doesn't have any role at all even though she is supposed to be the medic (of course they don't need any medic because no one getting hurt even till the end, what an easy adventure they got)... she doesn't even have any frame in human world... really hate this 2nd season
Mar 25, 2021 6:19 PM

Dec 2015
At least this anime had a conclusive ending.
Mar 25, 2021 6:23 PM

Mar 2012
its pretty rare that i read hate comment and LMAO instead of being annoyed

but from everything i've been told they completely destroyed some of the most amazing story arcs ever lol
Mar 25, 2021 6:36 PM

Jul 2020
Promised Neverland S2 just became the biggest disappointment in anime of 2021. Felt bad for this series since the first season was incredible and some of the arcs skipped from the manga was really good imo.

I accept random friend requests!
Mar 25, 2021 6:38 PM
Dec 2020
I could do nothing but laugh when I realized this was a series finale. The montage at the end was hilarious. But on the opposite end I felt utterly INSULTED as a viewer. Manga post escape was never great imo but this is ridiculous.
Mar 25, 2021 6:47 PM

Apr 2019
2 years for a slideshow for an ending. just. wow

they really just relegated the actual promise to a single frame lmao. i was looking forward to seeing how they'd animate that scene and then i'm just hit with one frame and that's it lol. as disappointing as the manga ended up being for me, i honestly could not imagine a worse send off for this series with what the anime did. i'm just numb at this point

i don't understand why they didn't just stick to being anime original to begin with... what ended up happening with this season is a weird mix of adapting (well, at times doing the bare minimum of adapting with those frames i guess) manga material and anime original stuff that didn't even divert from the manga in a meaningful way due to how rushed it all was. so it ends up as worse in comparison because at least the manga had time to expand on things more. they had material for a season 3 right there with the trio staying behind on the demon world, they had a hook to expand the worldbuilding at the very least, but then they just timeskip all of that and decide to end things there... why?

kinda glad yuugo didn't show up to this disaster tbh
arisoupApr 3, 2021 7:54 AM
Mar 25, 2021 6:49 PM

Sep 2012
The season was bad, but this ending just took the cake. I was gonna give it a 4, but now it's a 3. That finale should've been a whole fucking arc and they just did a 3-minute slideshow. You gotta be kidding me.
Mar 25, 2021 6:51 PM

Aug 2015
Boy, what a disappointment. Season 1 was great but this was really bad overall. We got a sideshow for the ending. Yikes.
Mar 25, 2021 6:53 PM

Mar 2013
So if I get this correctly they decided not only to skip big part of the story that would be between season 1 and season 2 but also make several final arcs into a slide show instead of a sequel just so they could end in 11 episodes.... That seems like a good idea.

It's hard to imagine that someone actually thought that this was a good idea and that everything would work out in the end....
Time to go check the manga
Mar 25, 2021 6:56 PM
Jul 2019
F**king atrocious. The ending was even worse than the rest of this terrible season.

2/10. Good f**king bye.
Mar 25, 2021 6:56 PM

Oct 2014
The animation is so bad, that's actually possible to count the number of frames the entire episode had.

And.... The plot.... We don't talk about the plot.
Mar 25, 2021 7:04 PM
Jul 2019
It's as if they were challenging themselves to how to make it worse as it goes on and saved the worst for the last!
Mar 25, 2021 7:08 PM

Mar 2019
That was really weird. Not the ending that I was expecting.

I was expecting to see Ratri attack Emma but fail to because Isabella jumps in and takes the hit for her while attacking Ratri. So, they both end up dead and everyone escapes. I don't know if they could have stretched that out to cover an entire episode, but that's why I was wondering why the show didn't end last week. What they did here took me by surprise.

I wasn't expecting Isabella to survive and for them to enact that plan. They basically took most of the shit they chopped out of the final arcs and did a montage showing everything being done in a 1 minute of footage slideshow. So weird.

Ultimately, I think the ending anime's ending is superior to what happened in the manga. It beats Ratri and the children one upping each other in the final battle for 15 chapters or the amnesia bullshit, but the execution makes it a moot point thanks to the atrocious pacing.
Mar 25, 2021 7:11 PM

Nov 2015
Never liked PN. I thought the second season had a great premise but man the execution is so shitty. I enjoyed the first episodes only to be deceived.

Phil should have more screen time, his story was so much more interesting honestly, from what i heard. I'm kind of glad they didn't butcher this, but people need to know he suffered so much.... What purpose had Isabella?...what really happened with her in the story ?! Everything involving her made no sense to me. Why was she there?! Every time she was there made me mad, i couldn't figure out why her arc wasn't close.

At least we got another good rendition of isabella's song.

Mar 25, 2021 7:15 PM
Nov 2019
If the episode ended after the gate closed, I'd have been fine with it. until that point I thought the episode was the best possible way to end the show given the rest of the season. Instead, we get a damn slideshow of.... well I'm not entirely sure what that was supposed to be. I get the kids who escaped into the human world but Emma and the rest doing whatever I have no idea.

Anyone know what manga chapter I should at?
Mar 25, 2021 7:18 PM

Oct 2019
who was the lady carrying a baby at the end of the episode? isabella?
Mar 25, 2021 7:22 PM
Jun 2017
i dont know but that final episode is way too rushed... i like it but im so sad with the way that final episode had been , very quick paced, and just still shots in the last few minutes of this episode....
Mar 25, 2021 7:23 PM
May 2020
Well..that was anticlimactic :)
Mar 25, 2021 7:28 PM
Nov 2016
mawgi said:
who was the lady carrying a baby at the end of the episode? isabella?

I've been wondering the same thing, it's hard to know with that lame-ass slideshow.
Mar 25, 2021 7:28 PM

Nov 2016
Not a surprise tho, was expecting some trash like this anyways, 2/10
Mar 25, 2021 7:29 PM

Jan 2020
What a trainwreck. At least that emma x Mujika screenshot looked really good but what an empty conclusion. I'm glad this season is finally over

Mar 25, 2021 7:36 PM
Jan 2021
What happened in the last 3 minutes? I feel like they skipped a very important arc that should've had another season into 3 minutes slideshow. (Didn't read the manga btw)
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