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Mar 16, 2021 7:03 PM

Jan 2011
revxdd said:
wow a trans person in an anime that isnt played for laughs, never thought id see the day

great episode imo, i hope momoe is ok 😭

baby steps baby steps

honestly thought they weren't gonna do it but then chicken out but boy this episode

stress levels went through the roof poor Momoe /panic
Mar 16, 2021 7:04 PM

May 2016
Can someone spoil it for me and just tell me if the teacher is the rapist? I'm dying to know. He is creepy as shit
Mar 16, 2021 7:10 PM

Sep 2020
That ending shocked me tbh. I'm so confused if she actually did win or not. Is the whole thing a scam or something?
Mar 16, 2021 7:11 PM

May 2019
Ok, we have all the theories about DEATH being the endgame of this show. "accept death? win over death? be seduced by death?"

But who the f* is FRILL?

Btw, the anime went full Horror genre now.
Rob7Mar 16, 2021 7:20 PM
Mar 16, 2021 7:18 PM

Feb 2020
Well, that was unexpected. Acca-Ura Acca were a Japan Plati founder. Interesting. They also had the hidden goal there, to defeat, what? Then, why? The dream site was also the testing site for their warrior girls to got what they wanted? Sounds terrible for me, honestly. But, let it down the road first, before i judge the wrong deals ....

Momoe also got her conclusion in one episode. Its kinda rushed, even its also reached the end of Ai saga with her teacher. Good thing that teacher was not grooming her at all, but the reaction of her kinda dissapointed me a bit honestly. Then, those cliffhanger question. Come on!

About Momoe and her jumped up straight-forward conclusion, after having a great end to her own game. A bit of worry with her first date story with those stupid boy! Then, her last met with that girl-with-boy-inside, actually reached the end deal of her traumatic past. Momoe acknowledged her identity more than before, not so panic, and resulting Haruka to be freed in the end.

But, was that over? Panic found death, later, and she forcefully got the tastes of its meat. The overwhelming fear of the death (the real sensations) has been achieved. Its the real result of the egg game ....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 16, 2021 7:27 PM

May 2019
The most realistic thing in this episode is how airheads teenagers are unfocused and selfish. Perfect depiction.

- "Yes, we are behind all this, all this scheme where you are risking your lives, it has a purpose that may surprise you. And finally we can answer your que...

"Momoe had a date! Fleeing out from here! yay"


"They said Momoe is not going to come back. They said"

"Should we call her? That Haruka girl is really alive again? She is a best friend of our inseparable group right!? Right!?"

"Fuc* her, i have my things to do now!"

Mar 16, 2021 7:31 PM

Jul 2015
EggyLeggy said:
UkRs said:
A kiss between 2 girls? hot.. but whats more hotter? a butterfly heard highschool girl eating a crocodile..
but seriously.. i kinda feel bad for Kaouru.. the fact that they showed actual assault on her... damn..

two girls? her? did you not pay attention during the episode or something lol. kaoru is a boy

i know.. i'm just going with the fact thatb Kaouru got pregnant..
Mar 16, 2021 7:40 PM

Jan 2019
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Can someone spoil it for me and just tell me if the teacher is the rapist? I'm dying to know. He is creepy as shit

hate to break it to u but theres no source material this is an original anime
Mar 16, 2021 7:47 PM

Feb 2018
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Can someone spoil it for me and just tell me if the teacher is the rapist? I'm dying to know. He is creepy as shit

It's an original anime so there is no source material to cite, we can only speculate.

A theory would be that most likely Koito also suffered from martyrdom. Willingly exposing herself to suffering and pain as a way to cope with all the problems she had in life. Like the Accas takes advantage of the 4 girls, most likely the teacher also took advantage of Koito if we are to follow the same pattern.

I would assume that the teacher is a rapist yes and most likely what lead to Koitos suicide. I don't see any other alternatives. The teacher is so nice and well-mannered to the point where you begin to question it.
Mar 16, 2021 7:54 PM

May 2020
That ending.. all I can say is.

What. The. Fuck.
Mar 16, 2021 8:10 PM
Oct 2018
This episode was freaking great, that ending was completely breathtaking and I really want to see where this is going: but we have only two chapters left. Scriptwriter and director will have to work their asses out to give a proper ending in this short period. Announcement of a 2nd season would solve time problems but c'mon, we all know that this is an original anime and that, if it wasn't planned to have 2 seasons, it won't, and it doesn't look planned at all. My main concern is that the recap episode may have been unplanned and actually had to occupy the space that another episode should have. If that's true, the lack of time will be notable. I really hope the ending is as good as the anime, but wow, it will be hard
Akkarin! Hai!
Mar 16, 2021 8:13 PM
Sep 2020
UkRs said:
EggyLeggy said:

two girls? her? did you not pay attention during the episode or something lol. kaoru is a boy

i know.. i'm just going with the fact thatb Kaouru got pregnant..
trans men can get pregnant, as in the case of Kaoru...
Mar 16, 2021 8:15 PM

Mar 2016
peaswar said:
it also basically confirmed that Momoe is in fact trans

Did we even watch the same thing? Why would Momoe dress like a boy when she wants to be seen as a girl? Isn't that the literal opposite of what transgenders do? Masculine girls and tomboys have always been a thing, you're seeing things where there's none. Not to mention that this episode revealed that what Acca and Ura-Acca take into account when picking soldiers is their biological gender, if the transgender was there despite feeling like a boy then Momoe obviously wouldn't be there if what you said was true.
Mar 16, 2021 8:18 PM

Oct 2016
The episode truly is the most dynamic in the entire season thus far. Starting with a light-hearted and bubbly introduction with banter and laughter, to the serious tone and in-depth dive into Momoes character more than every past episode combined.

It was horrifying, truly scary, to see her throw up her companion, after being forced to consume it... I think the act of forcing others into something is a continuing theme in this anime, as we constantly see our main cast doing so many dangerous and self-harmful things they obviously should not be going through.

I was once again blown away by the theme of womanhood in this episode, and the breaking down of gender and social norms that I think the anime has so far basically stuck with for the most part. To accept yourself, but be accepted by others, is a task far greater than anyone could possibly believe. This episode, along with episode 7, truly have solidified a spot for this anime on my favorites list
Mar 16, 2021 8:50 PM
Aug 2020
wow! definitely a 9-10/10 material. I like the fact that the show could switch between adorable slice of life moments with the girls chatting and then this shocking scenes with Momoe and her friend, or Panic being eated just in from of her. Furthermore, I think is awesome how the show deal with sexual identities, molestation, rapeing, abort, and suicide without being over-explicit with the scenes and with the seriousness needed.

Feel so bad for Momoe, I really need a happy ending for all this.
PD: the sensei is still creepy as hell.
Mar 16, 2021 8:52 PM

Dec 2015
A creepy episode from start to finish, I'm excited to see what is coming up next.
Mar 16, 2021 9:08 PM

Mar 2012
Mar 16, 2021 9:13 PM
Feb 2021
WOW!!!!!!!!! I just..... WOW. I absolutely enjoyed watching this episode for the most part! Momo getting screen time was awesome; we got to see her find some clarity on herself. I liked how the episode discussed about gender and sexuality through the perspective of Momo and Kaoru. I thought that was neat to see these young people express who they really are. Overall, Momo's character growth was beautiful in this episode, but it was horrible to see her moment of happiness shattered by the strange creature at the end. What was that??? Did Momo really finish the journey, and was that all to Haruka's return? Not going to lie, seeing Panic get eaten and Momo losing her mind was really a disturbing way to end my night.
Mar 16, 2021 9:16 PM

Feb 2015
aguywithaname said:
I find it kind of worrying with the amount of people who think Sawaki sensei is some child predator or something. He clearly is trying to support Ai when he's comparing her to her mother - basically saying "I believe in you" and "I know you are a kind, strong and beautiful person, and I hope you come to realize that so that you can learn to love yourself as well". He's not trying to say "I couldn't have you so I went for your mother" like what??? To the people who think this, if an adult compliments a kid in the real world, do you just call the cops because "they are a predator and they are grooming that child"? Can no one be nice in real life anymore? Is everyone who is genuinely kind unable to be viewed without them seeming they have some kind of ulterior motive? If that's the case I really have no faith in the future.

Thank you so much for saying this!
Everyone has been demonizing the teacher from the second he's been introduced, when he is clearly a red herring and they refuse to accept that he's seemingly a genuinly nice person and not in love with the underage girls, even tho he outright stated that he loves Ai's mom ._.
It kinda feels like people just don't want to admit that they were wrong about him and instead try to make up things to keep their hatred justified.
He could still be revealed as a horrible human being in the next few episodes ofc, but there is no proof of him being a groomer as of now.

Another great episode, I really liked that we got an actual trans-character. Poor boy tho, what happened to him was really terrifying.
It also seems like the only way to get the person you are fighting for back is to trade your life for theirs. We don't have confirmation if Momo's friend is actually alive again tho, so we'll have to wait and see.
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Mar 16, 2021 9:29 PM

Aug 2019
damn she really got force fed Panic meat, that’s tough
Mar 16, 2021 9:38 PM

Feb 2019
It doesn't reflect well on our main characters when they're confronting the evil brains in mannequins, and are distracted by getting to the truth by A.) a perm, B.) text messages, C.) gossiping about a boy. And the evil brains call it out at that, so whoever's making the show is aware of what they're doing. They were pretty awful at the end of the episode when they're told they're not seeing Momo again… by the evil brains… and just shrug. We do finally get the evil magical girl version of them that I expected was coming some four weeks or so ago, which is apparently THE AGENT OF DEATH. FACEPALM! My eyes, they roll.

Making things worse was that the little chat was that Momo was hit on by a gay guy who immediately dumped her when he found out she was a girl. We were never hugely subtle, but at this point, we're just twisting the knife to an almost comical degree. It's also a little weird that the character who every egg-girl immediately falls in love with is complaining that she can't find anybody to love her. Also not helping things either was that the egg-girl of the week was a transgender boy who was raped by a teacher in a fairly graphic scene followed by Momo declaring that she was a girl by ripping her clothes off to expose her chest, which hard shifted into traumatizing her by Pyramid Head forcefeeding her pet crocodile to her. So, is she struggling with her sexuality, rejecting everyone who is attracted to her because she needs a hairy chest, or I guess are we just dropping that to do thanataphobia?
Mar 16, 2021 9:52 PM

Oct 2019
The ending of this episode was way too dark. I assume that thing at the end was Thanatos (i.e. Death or the Ripper) who the Accas want to oppose with Eros, "his polar opposite", apparently using the girls. However what I found extremely frustrating about this episode were two things :

1. After the revelation that the Accas are the guys who formed Neiru's company the three girls who were unaware of it did not even seem to care about it. They asked no questions and acted like it was business as usual, which made no sense.

2. The same applies to Neiru. She is supposed to be their friend but she knew the truth all along and told noone. Again, the other girls neither seemed to care nor asked her any questions, such as the obvious "Why did you hide this from us?", which made even less sense.

The writing of the main characters of this episode, by and large, made no sense at all, which was very disappointing :/
Mar 16, 2021 9:54 PM

Jan 2019
So many things to say about this episode from Anime Freddy Krueger to the final boss being the god of death?

But really the thing that stood out to me the most was a trans person in anime not being the butt of some joke.

Mar 16, 2021 10:04 PM

Jan 2020
I took my words that this show is going to be like Angel Beats or whatever I said before haha , damn I see yeah momoe is the very optimistic and naive compared to others , check eps 9,5, and maybe 4 she is so optimistic , and as I expect she would be drown in the brink of despair , but I don't expect her getting mental disorder like this , I expect her to give up her dreams not getting nausea , damn ok ok you win screenwriter.

Anyone think neiru is sus? All of these set up are to manipulate other three to help her revive her sister maybe? Because acca and urra acca are sus and they also work at platina . And yeah neiru is underdeveloped , compare to Rika and Momoe which has backstory eps (3&4),character showcase eps (5&6) and conclusion (7&10) , neiru only explain about her problems in eps 5 , she could have explain everything since eps 2 but eventually , this is just my theory don't took it seriously haha .

Can't wait for next eps . This eps is 4th best so far (my fav is still 5th episode)

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Can someone spoil it for me and just tell me if the teacher is the rapist? I'm dying to know. He is creepy as shit

Why so surprised with rape huh? We already have raped kids as victim on eps 4 and 5

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
CravenlockMar 17, 2021 6:30 PM
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
Mar 16, 2021 10:13 PM
Aug 2020
I am crying right now, this episode was so good, but also had a dark twist.
Lets talk about the sweet and amazing part, the transgender representation, I rarely ever see that portrayed in anime other than wondering son !! I loved his and Momoe's relationship it was so sweet !!
Though of coarse this is why we cant have nice things, I have mixed emotions for what happened to Momoe's friend that committed suic*de, did she actually come back to life? Because in that scene she disappeared right as she passed Momoe. I also could not understand how Momoe felt about her friend "coming back to life", she had mixed emotions on her face, so I'm not entirely sure what she thought of the whole situation. Though what happened next was horrifying, her little animal friend got stabbed and poor Momoe was forced to eat it's remains. I feel so bad for Momoe, she might have trauma afterwards, the last scene in this episode really got to me, she might have been going through a panic attack and there was no one there to help her, I just want her to be happy, she's been through so much and we still don't know much about her backstory.

Also side note: what did they mean by "She finally knows the fear of death" or something like that?? I'm confused lmao
Mar 16, 2021 10:23 PM
Jan 2019
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Can someone spoil it for me and just tell me if the teacher is the rapist? I'm dying to know. He is creepy as shit
it's an anime original. So no one knows.
Mar 16, 2021 10:53 PM

Mar 2016
RebelPanda said:
The first confirmed trans character appeared... and she was raped then consequently committed suicide. Trans representation couldn't get worse than this just short of Dressed to Kill.

The messed up part is that part didn’t really occur to me until a while after I finished the episode. That’s how badly they glossed over it :/
Mar 16, 2021 10:54 PM

Aug 2015
I'm so happy that trans people are finally starting to get representation in anime! And in a light that isn't offensive! That never happens, oh my god I'm so happy. The only other anime I can think of that comes *close* is Fruits Basket, but with differences. Regardless, it's great to see trans people getting more positive representation. Japan's acceptance of trans people must be improving at least a little lately.
Mar 16, 2021 11:00 PM

Mar 2015
it seems that hdtv+ insanity finally hit japan. press f
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Mar 16, 2021 11:20 PM

May 2016
RebelPanda said:
The first confirmed trans character appeared... and she was raped then consequently committed suicide. Trans representation couldn't get worse than this just short of Dressed to Kill.
First? What? Momo appeared in the beginning.

coreynj said:
I'm so happy that trans people are finally starting to get representation in anime! And in a light that isn't offensive! That never happens, oh my god I'm so happy. The only other anime I can think of that comes *close* is Fruits Basket, but with differences. Regardless, it's great to see trans people getting more positive representation. Japan's acceptance of trans people must be improving at least a little lately.

There was a anime in 2011 that the protagonist was transgender. Did you forget that?
Kayle_x_MorganaMar 17, 2021 6:35 PM
Mar 16, 2021 11:29 PM
Dec 2019
Momoe got to shine in this episode, she had to save a person that came from an egg, after doing that it seems that she cleared the game and for a moment her statue girl Haruka came to life although she disappeared inmediately after. Ai asks Mr Sawaki why did Koito die, this is getting more interesting.
Mar 17, 2021 12:07 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Best episode so far. All the bright colours are really deceive you from the dark undertones. But then the ED kicks in LOL

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 17, 2021 12:07 AM

Jul 2016
From the sadness of being mistook for a boy (again), to feel genuine happiness for having been kissed by a boy who saw her as a girl to, in the end, succumb to terror at the sight of her "son" taking her place and getting murdered in the process. Like... for fuck's sake, leave my poor Momoe alone!

Rather heavy episode overall. Kaoru-kun's background was horrifying and truly depressing but I'm somewhat glad he managed to move on with Momoe's help.

As for Momoe, in the end she managed to "complete the game" but at the cost of a potential long-term trauma. Seriously, the fact of her being forced to eat the flesh of her dead "son" was truly fucked up.
The show sure took an even darker turn this week and now, considering that Butterfly-Head was about to kill Momoe for having "resurrected" Haruka but took Panic's life instead, the theory of the fighter having to give her own life in order to save her person seems stronger than ever. Man, as if the girls' death flags weren't higher enough already.

Anyways, looking forward to next episode. Hopefully, the truth behind Koito's suicide will be revealed and the deal with Acca/Ura-Acca recruiting girls to fight against Thanatos will get more context.

Also yeah, who the hell is Frill?
Mar 17, 2021 12:51 AM

Dec 2020
so many things happened in this ep and all of them was greatly done !!

-neiru and momo changing their looks for the first time, and momo's turned out to be so heartbreaking bc she wasn't asked out as a girl but mistakenly as a guy.
-kaoru's character was also really good. love how momo referred to him as a "he" as soon as she knows that he's a he.
-ai finally asking the teacher something she's been holding back for a while
-acca and ura-acca revealed to be actual humans that have connections to neiru's japan thingy, sick.
-momo completing her mission but the end wasn't as expected..

so excited for the next ep !!!!
Mar 17, 2021 1:22 AM

Feb 2014
This went darker than I thought it would be. With all the psychological affairs of finding what you are inside/out to the realm of death god. WEW Talk about a gory end.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 17, 2021 1:27 AM

Dec 2018
That butterfly head girl look so creepy...
I don't understand why Momoe dress as a boy if she wanted to be known as a normal girl, she should just let her hair be longer than being shorter. She still look like a girl with that voice to me.

But, this episode is great, It's felt like it getting darker and more darker.
I prefer Neiru with her normal hair style, her curly free hair look weird to me.
I guess almost everyone agreed that teacher is creepy... He invited Ai to his art exhibition but not her mother? So suspicious indeed.
Mar 17, 2021 1:42 AM
Jul 2018
I don't understand how ppl can think momo is a guy. She looks like a girl to me and i seriously don't get it. This episode might have been my favorite episode so far. But what the actual fck was that ending. Did momo really win?? didn't look that way to me at all. that ending gave pain, omg i hate that. also sawaki is still making me uncomfortable and these accas are still sus.

Besides the future pain this anime gonna give me, i'm really really loving this show. my favorite 2021 anime so far with sk8.
Mar 17, 2021 1:46 AM
May 2020
I got a good feeling that this would deliver a great climax, just please, fulfill my hope.
Mar 17, 2021 1:51 AM

Dec 2018
This anime is so fucking good! How am I supposed to wait a week for another episode?!
Mar 17, 2021 2:08 AM
Jul 2019
Ahirruu said:
I really like that Kaoru his jacket were the colours of the transgender pride flag!

I was thinking about that a lot and trying to figure out if that was just a coincidence or if it was intentional. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed haha!
Mar 17, 2021 2:09 AM

Feb 2015
Episode was interesting but there is no way all the questions will be answered in just two episodes. I'm bracing myself for a disappointing ending. I hope Koito's plot will be resolved, at least.
Mar 17, 2021 2:13 AM
Dec 2018
This episode left me a little confused? So what's actually the ending when you cleared the game?

Also whats up with their reaction after hearing urra acca and acca say that they were behind the girl's suicide? Like fr you would just leave it be??? And that too FOR GIRLS TALK? WHAT? This is dumb.
And why didn't they both question neiru when she knew their identities, am i missing something or did this show just become weird?

Momoe looked cute acting all girly though, i felt bad for her :(
Mar 17, 2021 2:18 AM
Jul 2018
Hopefully the next episode will finally, really ELI5 the whole premise of...everything.
Surprisingly, the other 3 just accepts what Acca/Ura-acca said about Momoe successfully bringing back the dead to life and no longer contacting them despite having become friends (Momoe has left the group chat). Then again, since to them "girls talk">"truth of everything thus far", it might not actually be that surprising.

Seems like the girls are used by Acca & Ura-acca to fight against Thanatos (probably the butterfly girl) and that the girls they are trying to bring back to life were driven to death by Acca & Ura (heck they might not even really be dead or something)...Perhaps the moment the person they are trying to bring back reverts from their statue, it means the girls (Ai & co.) have become strong enough to fight against Thanatos (since Neiru previously explained that fighting on the otherside strengthens their body)...
Mar 17, 2021 2:51 AM

Dec 2017
so for 9 episodes they tried to set up a young, butch lesbian character just to back off at the end? fuck off
Mar 17, 2021 3:25 AM

Apr 2012
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
RebelPanda said:
The first confirmed trans character appeared... and she was raped then consequently committed suicide. Trans representation couldn't get worse than this just short of Dressed to Kill.
First? What? Momo appeared in the beginning.

Momo has not yet been confirmed as a trans character until now. She may have some gender uncomfortableness, but that doesn't make her a trans person yet.
Mar 17, 2021 3:30 AM

Sep 2020
beatha said:
so for 9 episodes they tried to set up a young, butch lesbian character just to back off at the end? fuck off

Is this a joke or did you skip every scene where Momoe spoke with other characters or had internal monologues?
Even just the first time she told the group about her life troubles should've made it clear for you or any watchers that she's not a ''butch lesbian character''.
Mar 17, 2021 3:31 AM

Apr 2012
sntiago said:
TrueDes said:

Momoe is definitely straight, she has no attraction to the same sex. In this episode we see her in love with a boy, and reinforcing how she doesn't want to date other other girls, because she has 0 attraction to them.

I think the far more interesting thing is, when Momoe rips open her shirt, and we see the trans colors on her chest, hidden away, unlike the boy she was saving in the episode, who wore them loud and proud. So what i am thinking Momoe could also be trans, being born a male, but hides the fact that they are trans, because they are not fully comfortable with sharing that yet, and if this is true, I hope we don't get the reveal that they are trans, that doesn't really matter because at the end of the day, they are a girl, and the symbolism is more then enough to get the messaging through, and the ambiguity is something I really like. Although that isn't to say i am against it being stated, just i really like how it was handled this episode personally.

I also thought that might be the case, but if I remember correctly Momo goes to an all girls school and I don't think they would allow a trans person that isnt out/transitioned yet. If she's hiding the fact that she was born a man, then I think it's really strange how she's not doing everything she can to pass, since shes already transitioned. If she's hiding the fact that she wants be a girl but hasn't transitioned yet (still wearing mens clothes, short hair) then how come she goes to a girls school if, to other people ,she's a man?

My interpretation of her character is that she's just a butch woman that wants to be recognized as a woman. Butch women in the lesbian community often get mistaken as men by other people (especially in the bathroom, butch women get harrassed in womens bathrooms more than trans women) and they had to fight to have butch presentation be recognized as a valid subsection of womanhood and not an imitation of straight men.

Butch is a way of life, not just androgyny. It's as if we had a male character like Astolfo complaining about not being seen as a real man. Straight androgynous girls also get this attitude, for example, a couple of years ago, Megumi Ogata wrote how a gay man harassed her, thinking that she was a man. Either way, Momoe rejected Haruka even though she sees her as a girl.
Mar 17, 2021 3:33 AM

Apr 2012
Avvenirista said:
beatha said:
so for 9 episodes they tried to set up a young, butch lesbian character just to back off at the end? fuck off

Is this a joke or did you skip every scene where Momoe spoke with other characters or had internal monologues?
Even just the first time she told the group about her life troubles should've made it clear for you or any watchers that she's not a ''butch lesbian character''.

It's funny to see that even such shows still have a part of the audience, who is more into clichés and stereotypes than watching the show itself.
Mar 17, 2021 3:35 AM

Jan 2020
i’m so lost rn lol
Mar 17, 2021 3:36 AM

Aug 2015
RobertBobert said:
revxdd said:
wow a trans person in an anime that isnt played for laughs, never thought id see the day

great episode imo, i hope momoe is ok 😭

Stars Align didn't do a very well job representing it I'd say, it almost got thrown away after 1 ep
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