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Feb 28, 2021 5:49 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, this episode got rough and I mean being cornered by all these monsters.

Really though, danger just came at them at full force and imo, they're lucky to be alive to surviive all that. Shiki's goal to get revenge really came with so much risk.
Feb 28, 2021 5:56 AM

Oct 2015
My only real complaint is the pacing of this all seems a bit fast.
Feb 28, 2021 5:58 AM

Jul 2017
The big sin is Shiki's uncle Tadamaru, but the biggest sin is leaving Akira alone, along with the experimented "golden thread" Kemono in the woods. Dang, did this horde of Kemono gave the Aku no Hana psychedelia feel.

Kabane's help in dealing with Shiki's "brother and sister" and Akio along with Nobimaru, and the young "golden webbing" girl Aya, whom helped Inumaki and Akira (with relations to Akio's experiments) and tracking a cocoon (which enclosed Shiki's mother), the case is closed with Shiki's family background.

Through the round road trip to a solid conclusion. Nobimaru is something else other than a bake-kitsune, and Grandma Ohana, Kemono specialist.
Feb 28, 2021 6:03 AM

Oct 2017
So many of those spider hybrids, damn just how much did Shiki's mom suffer. Thou justice has been served to that bastard by Nobimaru. The look on Nobimaru's face was legit great. Also I'm glad Shiki's mom is alive.
Feb 28, 2021 6:06 AM
Oct 2016
A super sad episode. I sort of thought after how the last ended this arc was basically wrapped up, well turns out that was very wrong of me to think. I empathize a lot with Shiki now seeing all he goes through, those Kemono repeating what his mom would say, that would break any person. Kabane showing how badass he is! Him going rage mode to help Shiki! Loved seeing Kabane smash all those tasty Kemono. The little girl Aya is an interesting aspect to this, I think she could be Shiki sister since she looks so much like his mom and can spin the golden silk Kumi but idk. Glad they're taking his mom to get some help and maybe wake up.
Feb 28, 2021 6:16 AM

Jul 2020
Quite enjoyed how the episode ended, what with shiki being reuinited with his mother and half-sister, evenm if she was the byproduct of experimentation. Akio is presumably killed (?) but serves him right in all honesty lol. Hope the granny can bring her mental state back!
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Feb 28, 2021 6:20 AM
Jul 2018
these past two episodes has been the best so far but also sad. shiki's backstory made me cry and as i said in the last episode, i didn't expect it to turn so dark. Anyway i'm so happy for shiki! he got his mom back omg( i actually somehow expected her to still be alive) and that little girl is basically his sister right?? call me crybaby but i just lost it when shiki cried and asked for help from kabane.
Feb 28, 2021 6:29 AM
Sep 2015
All's Well That Ends Well, though I've to say I'm confused about Shiki's father. Is he good or bad or something between? The anime is so fast I can't absorb all information! Also, is the research to produce offspring require physical rape on Shiki's mother? Or just mix in tube?

Kinda feel bad for unfinished products, while they're low intelligence, they're still Shiki's siblings, and they're all gone.
Feb 28, 2021 6:30 AM
Jan 2021
Wow...that was a fantastic episode. Quite the rollercoaster ride with a nice payoff.
It took 4-5 episodes for me to feel fully engaged with this anime. After episodes 7 & 8, I'm all in!
Feb 28, 2021 6:33 AM

Jan 2014
Really great episode, to finally see it adapted. Really great stuff here. Can't wait to see more of the series adapted. To see Shiki finally over coming all this, good stuff. Now he can hopefully move on.
Feb 28, 2021 6:46 AM
Dec 2020
DigiKota said:
My only real complaint is the pacing of this all seems a bit fast.

Considering where they seem to want to end this season, this pacing is understandable.
Feb 28, 2021 6:58 AM

Jun 2019
I'm really happy for Shiki. His mother is still alive.
But, all those monsters were creepy. Lucky for us, Kabane handled everything on his own. Also, Nobimaru is completely merciless.
Feb 28, 2021 7:14 AM
Oct 2020
Nice episode!!! love it
Feb 28, 2021 7:17 AM
Jan 2021
this episode felt odd. It was amazing until we learnt that shiki's mom is still alive. After shiki was shown balling his eyes out at the fact that he wont be able to see his mom again a. it felt like he will start to move on now, but more importantly b. he would be alot more expressive and happy to see his mom dont you think? maybe im missing something, but it just felt underplayed and lame.

Everything else was as good if not better than every other episode. fully invested in this show atm
Feb 28, 2021 7:18 AM

Sep 2019
Aya's so cute and seeing her cry made me tear up. I'm glad to see that Shiki's mother was actually alive. I didn't expect Nobimaru to kill Shiki's uncle but he deserved it.
Feb 28, 2021 7:33 AM

Feb 2020
Holy shit, Nobimaru, creepy af.

Kabane-kun badass af.

Akira late appearance somehow amused me.

Shiki grew a lot in these episode, showing his potential as a great spider kemono with his wise decision. Ofc Nobimaru came to cleared the mess, like what happened at mosquitoes case. Thats the end of Shiki's mother searching case. His mother found to be alive under that pond after giving a birth to Aya by putting her inside that cocoon which possible to be the golden webbing (Shiki's uncle plan to put Aya under his control). That's sounds gladly relieved. But it seemed its not the end, yet. So, lets see whats the deal with that little obaa-san....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Feb 28, 2021 7:51 AM
Oct 2020
Wow, Kabane is pretty strong, I would love to see if him and nobimaru got in a fight because it seems nobimaru is holding his powers.
Friend Request?

Feb 28, 2021 7:58 AM

Feb 2019
What an episode. A lot happened, pacing was quite quick but I don’t mind it too much.

I’m so glad that Shiki’s mom was alive after all. After the whirlwind of emotions we’ve been through the past few episodes, he deserved it. I think it was good he didn’t kill his uncle in the end. Making sure he never prospers from that research is just as good. I’m looking forward to seeing how Ayla will fit into the story going forward.
Feb 28, 2021 8:08 AM

Aug 2020
Shiki's uncle got what he deserved, complete scumbag.
Feb 28, 2021 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
Let's see where to begin with.
This episode was practically people talking a lot of things and especially Shiki's uncle kept repeating the same things. The impact on the emotional scenes was way too less than what I would've expected but it works.
Not bashing it, just speaking my mind. I would've preferred a little more action scenes. It was an average episode I guess.
Feb 28, 2021 8:57 AM

Apr 2020
This and the last episode were dark. The scene where his Mom's words distorted was creepy. Nice touch.
So does that little girl produce golden silk? His mom is really alive! NICE
Kitsune guy finished off Tabemaru Uncle.
That nurse was ready to kick the door open.
AbiSaFeb 28, 2021 3:12 PM
Feb 28, 2021 9:00 AM

Apr 2020
YuChunHsieh said:
DigiKota said:
My only real complaint is the pacing of this all seems a bit fast.

Considering where they seem to want to end this season, this pacing is understandable.

So (spoiler-free) what will be the ending?
A big reveal?
Plot twist?
Feb 28, 2021 9:27 AM

Apr 2018
So his mother was still alive, damn too bad they didn't punish the uncle more than just with a punch but anyway he's finished now.
Feb 28, 2021 9:30 AM

Nov 2011
So does Shiki not acknowledge his sister? Lol I did like how he called her "Shrimp" but it must be so much to him right now that he still can't comprehend. I wonder what Aya's other form is. Should be interesting to see.

Kabane is awesome I like how he is starting to get a feel for his friends feelings, but still has trouble reading an emotional room lol.

Shit man I hate how this is only 12 episodes it's actually a really good anime. I am hoping for a season two but if not I am definitely going on to the manga.

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Feb 28, 2021 9:59 AM

Mar 2020
The golden webbing kept Shiki's mother alive. Shiki must be relieved.

Nobimaru face. Frightening.
Feb 28, 2021 11:05 AM

Mar 2016
I didn't think I'd see Shiki like this so early on in the story. I hope he gets therapy.

Kabane stood up for Shiki, and Shiki learnt to depend on Kabane. I really liked that scene.

Nobimaru seems like the kind of character who wants people to ship Kabane with him and not with Akira or Shiki. It was funny when he was asking for equal attention.

Akira asked to hold Kabane's hand. How adorable!!

Shiki is now a big brother. lol. Is the little sister Historia? She sounds kind of alike.

I felt bad for the monsters that Kabane killed. Especially because the characters didn't even do anything to the mastermind at the end. Well, I'm glad Nobimaru avenged the monsters for me.
Feb 28, 2021 11:49 AM

Oct 2020
Glad to see that Shiki's mom was still alive. Those monsters are unsettling to look at especially when they spoke in that voice. Nice to see Akio got what he deserved albeit somewhat quick. At least Shiki got that punch in.

Feb 28, 2021 12:22 PM

Jun 2019
This is probably the best episode of the series.

Seeing Shiki have to deal with all of those Kemono siblings was tough to watch and was one of the most compelling moments this series has offered. The action looked good too, although I still think the art style holds it back a little on how good it looks.

Nice that Shiki’s mom is still alive and we should learn more about the Kemono world with this hospital.
Feb 28, 2021 12:35 PM

Feb 2015
Jesus, those "siblings" of Shiki were nightmare fuel for sure ._.
I have a mild case of arachnophobia and these things were totally triggering that :x

Another amazing episode!
Kinda glad the uncle was killed in the end, he was such a horrible person.
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 28, 2021 12:57 PM
Jul 2019
So, Shiki's mom is still alive and now he has a can we say that Shiki's uncle is toasted????
Feb 28, 2021 1:03 PM
Jul 2018
Is it wierd that I felt the biggest dissapointment I've had in an anime charachter that I liked when Shiki decided to leave his uncle alive after what he saw? There's no way he's that dense and doesn't realise that all those kids were made because his mother was raped by all these different kinds of kemonos, like bruh, I've watched hundreds of series yet I've never seen an anime where someone was so horribly exposed to forced sex by some demented, heartless, psycho individual, only in some wierd kinky hentai... not even Keyarga from Redo of Healer made the princess suffer as much as that asshole did to Shiki's mother, like come on bro, not only do you let Kabane do the dirty work but all you do to your worst enemy in life is just punch him and make some weak ass insults ? Did he even try to put him in prison, cause that is one special explanation you would have to give to the police... so kemono police ? No? You just leave him there expecting him to succumb to depression? We're talking about a psycho here ...Kinda wierd, ngl... to say that you feel empty and no more hate for your literally worst nightmare of a human just because of one thought you've had while crying...

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Shiki, and I for sure expected someone to finish his uncle off later, but leaving someone like his uncle into society or just in general alive, without even giving him a good ass beating before, just didn't sit right with me... I sure would be happy to see my mother alive after something like that but just the thought of her situation, being raped and drugged , again and again, every single day, and me to know that and still leave the person that did that to her just like that... I may just project my feelings on Shiki but damn that was some pu**y way to handle the situation.. Again, I like Shiki, I just didn't like his reactions to the situation... but again, he's just a kid, but hey, the situation was so bad it literally made Kabane, the emotionless kid feel anger and the need to finish him off, and that says something imo... You could say it was a mature way to handle the situation, but is it though? After realising you've been lied to and played like a toy your whole life and that the most important person in your life was tortured like this for someone's obssesion about a story...

I may have overreacted on anime logic I think, but anyway, i just wanted to share my frustration... Still tho, am I wrong to think this way? I guess that rape ticks something in me that makes me feel a certain way, I don't usually care when someone dies but people getting forced to do sexual things is different, idk, I may overthink some things ...
Feb 28, 2021 1:14 PM

Jun 2015
Morsse said:
Is it wierd that I felt the biggest dissapointment I've had in an anime charachter that I liked when Shiki decided to leave his uncle alive after what he saw? There's no way he's that dense and doesn't realise that all those kids were made because his mother was raped by all these different kinds of kemonos, like bruh, I've watched hundreds of series yet I've never seen an anime where someone was so horribly exposed to forced sex by some demented, heartless, psycho individual, only in some wierd kinky hentai... not even Keyarga from Redo of Healer made the princess suffer as much as that asshole did to Shiki's mother, like come on bro, not only do you let Kabane do the dirty work but all you do to your worst enemy in life is just punch him and make some weak ass insults ? Did he even try to put him in prison, cause that is one special explanation you would have to give to the police... so kemono police ? No? You just leave him there expecting him to succumb to depression? We're talking about a psycho here ...Kinda wierd, ngl... to say that you feel empty and no more hate for your literally worst nightmare of a human just because of one thought you've had while crying...

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Shiki, and I for sure expected someone to finish his uncle off later, but leaving someone like his uncle into society or just in general alive, without even giving him a good ass beating before, just didn't sit right with me... I sure would be happy to see my mother alive after something like that but just the thought of her situation, being raped and drugged , again and again, every single day, and me to know that and still leave the person that did that to her just like that... I may just project my feelings on Shiki but damn that was some pu**y way to handle the situation.. Again, I like Shiki, I just didn't like his reactions to the situation... but again, he's just a kid, but hey, the situation was so bad it literally made Kabane, the emotionless kid feel anger and the need to finish him off, and that says something imo... You could say it was a mature way to handle the situation, but is it though? After realising you've been lied to and played like a toy your whole life and that the most important person in your life was tortured like this for someone's obssesion about a story...

I may have overreacted on anime logic I think, but anyway, i just wanted to share my frustration... Still tho, am I wrong to think this way? I guess that rape ticks something in me that makes me feel a certain way, I don't usually care when someone dies but people getting forced to do sexual things is different, idk, I may overthink some things ...

Seriously? I read your first sentance until the question mark. Im not reading any more. Your either a troll or a sociopath. The entire episode was built around that one moment when he could of killed or not. MC even said if he couldnt do it he would, which is also part of the growing story. You know, if I had red and blue button right now, and the blue one said you die, I'd push the blue one.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Feb 28, 2021 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
Roch2001 said:
Morsse said:
Is it wierd that I felt the biggest dissapointment I've had in an anime charachter that I liked when Shiki decided to leave his uncle alive after what he saw? There's no way he's that dense and doesn't realise that all those kids were made because his mother was raped by all these different kinds of kemonos, like bruh, I've watched hundreds of series yet I've never seen an anime where someone was so horribly exposed to forced sex by some demented, heartless, psycho individual, only in some wierd kinky hentai... not even Keyarga from Redo of Healer made the princess suffer as much as that asshole did to Shiki's mother, like come on bro, not only do you let Kabane do the dirty work but all you do to your worst enemy in life is just punch him and make some weak ass insults ? Did he even try to put him in prison, cause that is one special explanation you would have to give to the police... so kemono police ? No? You just leave him there expecting him to succumb to depression? We're talking about a psycho here ...Kinda wierd, ngl... to say that you feel empty and no more hate for your literally worst nightmare of a human just because of one thought you've had while crying...

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Shiki, and I for sure expected someone to finish his uncle off later, but leaving someone like his uncle into society or just in general alive, without even giving him a good ass beating before, just didn't sit right with me... I sure would be happy to see my mother alive after something like that but just the thought of her situation, being raped and drugged , again and again, every single day, and me to know that and still leave the person that did that to her just like that... I may just project my feelings on Shiki but damn that was some pu**y way to handle the situation.. Again, I like Shiki, I just didn't like his reactions to the situation... but again, he's just a kid, but hey, the situation was so bad it literally made Kabane, the emotionless kid feel anger and the need to finish him off, and that says something imo... You could say it was a mature way to handle the situation, but is it though? After realising you've been lied to and played like a toy your whole life and that the most important person in your life was tortured like this for someone's obssesion about a story...

I may have overreacted on anime logic I think, but anyway, i just wanted to share my frustration... Still tho, am I wrong to think this way? I guess that rape ticks something in me that makes me feel a certain way, I don't usually care when someone dies but people getting forced to do sexual things is different, idk, I may overthink some things ...

Seriously? I read your first sentance until the question mark. Im not reading any more. Your either a troll or a sociopath. The entire episode was built around that one moment when he could of killed or not. MC even said if he couldnt do it he would, which is also part of the growing story. You know, if I had red and blue button right now, and the blue one said you die, I'd push the blue one.

The fact that you didn't read the whole thing and called me some words is wierd... anyway, I knew that saying my opinion on that situation and disliking Shiki's reaction might upset some ppl but man... calm down, does someone really need to die for having an opinion on something ?
Feb 28, 2021 1:53 PM

Mar 2020
AbiSa said:
YuChunHsieh said:

Considering where they seem to want to end this season, this pacing is understandable.

So (spoiler-free) what will be the ending?
A big reveal?
Plot twist?
Tornament Yeah right...Without spoiling there is a part just as dark as this one if not more and even more Engaging and amazing in my opinion. I was scepticle about that if they were going to adapt it though. But they are lucky. Its basically akiras brother arc in short words
Feb 28, 2021 1:59 PM

Mar 2020
Morsse said:
Roch2001 said:

Seriously? I read your first sentance until the question mark. Im not reading any more. Your either a troll or a sociopath. The entire episode was built around that one moment when he could of killed or not. MC even said if he couldnt do it he would, which is also part of the growing story. You know, if I had red and blue button right now, and the blue one said you die, I'd push the blue one.

The fact that you didn't read the whole thing and called me some words is wierd... anyway, I knew that saying my opinion on that situation and disliking Shiki's reaction might upset some ppl but man... calm down, does someone really need to die for having an opinion on something ?
For his uncle death from his enemy meant nothing and the fact that he would feel worse by being unsuccesful settles it. Also shiki is damn weak for now and i like how this anime doesnt throw random power ups in our face. All in all his uncle was burned to ashes in the end by a kitsune first he got emotional damage and realized he is a failure and then was burned alive literally with all the failures he produced so that settles it in my opinion
Feb 28, 2021 1:59 PM
Mar 2015
At least the bastard got his . Shiki got his mom back
Feb 28, 2021 2:00 PM

Mar 2020
Morsse said:
Is it wierd that I felt the biggest dissapointment I've had in an anime charachter that I liked when Shiki decided to leave his uncle alive after what he saw? There's no way he's that dense and doesn't realise that all those kids were made because his mother was raped by all these different kinds of kemonos, like bruh, I've watched hundreds of series yet I've never seen an anime where someone was so horribly exposed to forced sex by some demented, heartless, psycho individual, only in some wierd kinky hentai... not even Keyarga from Redo of Healer made the princess suffer as much as that asshole did to Shiki's mother, like come on bro, not only do you let Kabane do the dirty work but all you do to your worst enemy in life is just punch him and make some weak ass insults ? Did he even try to put him in prison, cause that is one special explanation you would have to give to the police... so kemono police ? No? You just leave him there expecting him to succumb to depression? We're talking about a psycho here ...Kinda wierd, ngl... to say that you feel empty and no more hate for your literally worst nightmare of a human just because of one thought you've had while crying...

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Shiki, and I for sure expected someone to finish his uncle off later, but leaving someone like his uncle into society or just in general alive, without even giving him a good ass beating before, just didn't sit right with me... I sure would be happy to see my mother alive after something like that but just the thought of her situation, being raped and drugged , again and again, every single day, and me to know that and still leave the person that did that to her just like that... I may just project my feelings on Shiki but damn that was some pu**y way to handle the situation.. Again, I like Shiki, I just didn't like his reactions to the situation... but again, he's just a kid, but hey, the situation was so bad it literally made Kabane, the emotionless kid feel anger and the need to finish him off, and that says something imo... You could say it was a mature way to handle the situation, but is it though? After realising you've been lied to and played like a toy your whole life and that the most important person in your life was tortured like this for someone's obssesion about a story...

I may have overreacted on anime logic I think, but anyway, i just wanted to share my frustration... Still tho, am I wrong to think this way? I guess that rape ticks something in me that makes me feel a certain way, I don't usually care when someone dies but people getting forced to do sexual things is different, idk, I may overthink some things ...
For his uncle death from his enemy meant nothing and the fact that he would feel worse by being unsuccesful settles it. Also shiki is damn weak for now and i like how this anime doesnt throw random power ups in our face. All in all his uncle was burned to ashes in the end by a kitsune first he got emotional damage and realized he is a failure and then was burned alive literally with all the failures he produced so that settles it in my opinion
Feb 28, 2021 2:20 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
I'm glad Nobimaru finished him off, he doesn't deserve to live because he's just going to do more twisted crap if he did.
Feb 28, 2021 2:20 PM
Dec 2020
AbiSa said:
YuChunHsieh said:

Considering where they seem to want to end this season, this pacing is understandable.

So (spoiler-free) what will be the ending?
A big reveal?
Plot twist?
Without spoiling anything, that's when the real plot of the series begins.
Feb 28, 2021 2:20 PM

Jul 2020
Man, seeing those failed experiments just made things even worse. What an utter piece of shit
. I'm glad his ass got toasted like Scorpion's fatality.

At least the mom is still alive.
Feb 28, 2021 2:28 PM
Jul 2018
234Mannan said:
For his uncle death from his enemy meant nothing and the fact that he would feel worse by being unsuccesful settles it. Also shiki is damn weak for now and i like how this anime doesnt throw random power ups in our face. All in all his uncle was burned to ashes in the end by a kitsune first he got emotional damage and realized he is a failure and then was burned alive literally with all the failures he produced so that settles it in my opinion

Fair enough, I agree with you, I would still prefer if he did kill him or beat him up or express his anger in some way to honor the suffering of his mother and the death of his father, I thought that his uncle escaped so easy, it is true that the kitsune killed him, but Shiki doesn't know that nor did he want that to happen, I was thinking that seeing those horrible things his mother went trough would push him to become stronger on the spot and make that critical decision, but I get that this kind of thing is overused in series like this...

This situation will definetly have a big impact on his character development tho so I will gladly watch him become stronger ^^.
removed-userFeb 28, 2021 2:32 PM
Feb 28, 2021 3:06 PM

Mar 2020
Morsse said:
234Mannan said:
For his uncle death from his enemy meant nothing and the fact that he would feel worse by being unsuccesful settles it. Also shiki is damn weak for now and i like how this anime doesnt throw random power ups in our face. All in all his uncle was burned to ashes in the end by a kitsune first he got emotional damage and realized he is a failure and then was burned alive literally with all the failures he produced so that settles it in my opinion

Fair enough, I agree with you, I would still prefer if he did kill him or beat him up or express his anger in some way to honor the suffering of his mother and the death of his father, I thought that his uncle escaped so easy, it is true that the kitsune killed him, but Shiki doesn't know that nor did he want that to happen, I was thinking that seeing those horrible things his mother went trough would push him to become stronger on the spot and make that critical decision, but I get that this kind of thing is overused in series like this...

This situation will definetly have a big impact on his character development tho so I will gladly watch him become stronger ^^.
Well i just like the fact that this anime avoids alot of cliches to be frank.
Feb 28, 2021 3:08 PM

Mar 2020
YuChunHsieh said:
AbiSa said:

So (spoiler-free) what will be the ending?
A big reveal?
Plot twist?
Without spoiling anything, that's when the real plot of the series begins.
Yup I hope it gets a season 2 as well and that it gets the attention it desrves.TwT
Feb 28, 2021 3:30 PM

Oct 2020
Seeing Kabane beat the shit out of all of them for Shiki was hype. And I'm glad Shiki's mom is alive. And he has a sister now! Also, did Nobimaru kill Shiki's uncle? That look was waaay to sinister, it creeped me out. Hope Kon is doing ok during all of this.
Feb 28, 2021 6:50 PM
Jul 2018
decent episode, didnt expect shiki's mom to still be alive
Feb 28, 2021 7:58 PM

Oct 2016
Damn, really great episode! Those failed experiments were disturbing and sad, anyone would be fucked like Shiki after seeing that and they were mimicking his mother's voice. Loved badass Kabane fucking shit up though.

Didn't expect Shiki's mother to still be alive, but if you think about it, it makes sense. There's no reason for Akio to kill her, and she's the key to mass manufacturing the golden webbing. But, now that Kumi has been saved, Shiki can be happier and he also has a sister now.

Good job Nobimaru, Akio died without leaving anything behind and he'll never be remembered. Though I think death was an easy way out for him, there are plenty of other ways to punish a guy like him.

Akira was adorable wanting to hold Kabane's hand lmao, looking forward to the next episode.
Feb 28, 2021 8:19 PM

Jan 2011
did not see a "happy" ending out of all this.

really is true death was too light of a sentence for him after all the awful shit he did but i guess him having nothing left behind to be remembered which was more important than his own life was good just wish he was alive to have to live with knowing that.
Feb 28, 2021 9:42 PM

Mar 2010
Since I fear bugs, It was hard to look at this episode. Glad Akio is dead and I am glad Kumi is alive. Aya is a cutie.
Feb 28, 2021 11:02 PM

Aug 2008
Killing someone does not make u strong
Shiki he is still a kid and not emotionelss like kabane
I think some of u wants to much from a kid
In his olace i doubt u would had manage to kill someone as well
U say u would but wouod u really? :p
Guess in the last 3 eps is about the big bro cus in 9 eill still be with shiki and his mom
The spider is watching
Mar 1, 2021 6:08 AM

Jun 2016
i swear this anime why so fuckingg good every episode !!!
also the OP and ED it self so cool..
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