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Strike the Blood (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
Oct 7, 2019 9:05 AM

May 2018
let me guess this will be 12 epsiode, but they're gonna aired it one at a time and not on a per week, but per month, am I right?????
Oct 7, 2019 9:19 AM

Aug 2018
Even worse, every 3 months.

Special OVA: 29th Jan 2020

Vol 1: (Ep.1 & Ep.2) 8th April 2020

Vol 2: (Ep.3 & Ep.4) 24th June 29th July 2020 *Due to Covid-19*

Vol 3: (Ep.5 & Ep.6) 30th Sept 2020

Vol 4: (Ep.7 & Ep.8) 23rd Dec 2020

Vol 5: (Ep.9 & Ep.10) 24th March 2021

Vol 6: (Ep.11 & Ep.12) 30th June 2021
DaxStyleJul 24, 2020 10:51 AM
Oct 7, 2019 9:26 AM

Apr 2015
I like this series, but man, it's so hard to keep up with it with the episode release schedule.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Oct 7, 2019 2:58 PM
Nov 2016
Tropisch said:
I like this series, but man, it's so hard to keep up with it with the episode release schedule.

Should start making it a TV show and not an OVA so it doesnt take 15 years for 3 episodes to air.
At least we are getting the irregular at magic highschool within 2020.
Oct 7, 2019 10:07 PM

Jul 2016
This schedule is even getting nostalgic at this point, it took a good time to finish the last season...
it's such a weird feeling having to wait 2/3 months to watch a episode that I kinda like it for it being so different from the normal, idk how to explain.
DooMWhiteOct 7, 2019 10:11 PM

In most cases, the MAL Average Scores don't mean anything, here is a question: were the works made before 2000 all shit?
Why are they so damn scarce in the Top 50? Think about how MAL is quite literally a filtered amount of the Anime fanbase.

Here's a timeline of the Top 15 in which you can check that, almost always, the scores are affected by the freshness, popularity and other factors that have nothing to do with quality.

Oct 12, 2019 7:24 AM

Feb 2012
DooMWhite said:
This schedule is even getting nostalgic at this point, it took a good time to finish the last season...
it's such a weird feeling having to wait 2/3 months to watch a episode that I kinda like it for it being so different from the normal, idk how to explain.

you and me both. its kind of refreshnig unique.
i wish and dream for the Future where everyone i care can Smile happily from their heart. But no matter where i look. how ever i see... there s no me. im not there. Just like that.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Oct 12, 2019 2:29 PM

Jul 2016
IarIz said:
DooMWhite said:
This schedule is even getting nostalgic at this point, it took a good time to finish the last season...
it's such a weird feeling having to wait 2/3 months to watch a episode that I kinda like it for it being so different from the normal, idk how to explain.

you and me both. its kind of refreshnig unique.

Yeah, also, to me it's probably too because I started watched Strike the Blood just when I started watching anime for real.
It was also the first time ever I about something called "light novel".
DooMWhiteOct 12, 2019 2:46 PM

In most cases, the MAL Average Scores don't mean anything, here is a question: were the works made before 2000 all shit?
Why are they so damn scarce in the Top 50? Think about how MAL is quite literally a filtered amount of the Anime fanbase.

Here's a timeline of the Top 15 in which you can check that, almost always, the scores are affected by the freshness, popularity and other factors that have nothing to do with quality.

Oct 16, 2019 12:45 PM

Apr 2015
Hypnotiicx said:
Tropisch said:
I like this series, but man, it's so hard to keep up with it with the episode release schedule.

Should start making it a TV show and not an OVA so it doesnt take 15 years for 3 episodes to air.
At least we are getting the irregular at magic highschool within 2020.

Agreed, it seems like good anime are becoming OVA series with only a few episodes a year, really annoying tbh. I appreciate more, but not like this.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Oct 16, 2019 10:10 PM

Jun 2013
Honestly, STB can go this far make me so happy but the release schedule is messed me again.
Oct 16, 2019 10:45 PM

Dec 2015
Tropisch said:
I like this series, but man, it's so hard to keep up with it with the episode release schedule.

I would say wait until almost all episodes are out, then watch. I would go insane waiting for so long for a few episodes every so often.
Nov 5, 2019 11:07 AM

Sep 2019
Robiiii said:
Tropisch said:
I like this series, but man, it's so hard to keep up with it with the episode release schedule.

I would say wait until almost all episodes are out, then watch. I would go insane waiting for so long for a few episodes every so often.

100% Agreed! So much better to see 10 episodes in a week than 1 episode every 3 months!

Nov 8, 2019 5:14 PM
Dec 2014
What even is their reasoning for not airing it like normally. I dont want to wait months for one episode smh
Nov 29, 2019 5:27 AM

May 2011
You would have suffered through the 90s if you wanted Anime.
The way Strike The Blood is being released reminds me of those times.
At least they have more freedom in what they show in OVA format than in TV airing.
Dec 4, 2019 8:41 AM

Jun 2016
I just wait for everyone to release.
Also, they have the advantage of lasting more than 23 minutes.
Dec 16, 2019 6:19 PM

Feb 2012
Hopefully someone will just leak it. I couldn't get into III because it was so disjointed. I can't believe I have to wait a year and a half to watch the whole series. I'd rather not know it was coming out.

They must be really hurting for cash if they're doing it this way.

ogorhan said:
What even is their reasoning for not airing it like normally. I dont want to wait months for one episode smh

Money, the root of all evil.
Dec 19, 2019 9:45 AM

Sep 2019
I'm glad that there is more Strike the blood but wtf is with the schedule! are the producers drunk or something!
Jan 7, 2020 8:44 PM

Dec 2015
Zei33 said:
ogorhan said:
What even is their reasoning for not airing it like normally. I dont want to wait months for one episode smh

Money, the root of all evil.

How does this kind of release schedule make them more money? I'm genuinely curious. It seems like a good way to make people turn away and NOT give them money.
Jan 12, 2020 2:33 AM

Feb 2012
Hylianticipated said:
Zei33 said:

Money, the root of all evil.

How does this kind of release schedule make them more money? I'm genuinely curious. It seems like a good way to make people turn away and NOT give them money.
From my understanding of how it works, they'll sell each 'volume' separately making a total of 6 volumes for 12 episodes. Each volume will probably cost roughly $60-80 for a blu-ray. Releasing them this far apart from each other will give customers time to save up between releases. If they just released them all together and charged that kind of money, nobody would even bother.

They did the exact same thing for STB3 iirc, I remember waiting months for each volume to come out
Jan 15, 2020 12:46 PM

Dec 2015
Zei33 said:
Hylianticipated said:

How does this kind of release schedule make them more money? I'm genuinely curious. It seems like a good way to make people turn away and NOT give them money.
From my understanding of how it works, they'll sell each 'volume' separately making a total of 6 volumes for 12 episodes. Each volume will probably cost roughly $60-80 for a blu-ray. Releasing them this far apart from each other will give customers time to save up between releases. If they just released them all together and charged that kind of money, nobody would even bother.

They did the exact same thing for STB3 iirc, I remember waiting months for each volume to come out

Hmm that's an interesting approach. I guess it makes sense, but it still seems like if you push it out too far people will move on to other things instead. But I suppose if it works it works. Thanks for answering!
Jan 27, 2020 10:13 PM

Apr 2015
This "one episode every few months" scenario is happening to too many anime sequel OVA's imo, really annoying.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Jan 28, 2020 9:35 AM
Jun 2015
but it is more better than one episode per week with tv quality
Jan 30, 2020 7:31 AM

May 2009
Man, you are all spoiled from watching tv series that gets instantly officially translated that you don't know for shit how it was over 10 years ago.
Mar 12, 2020 12:08 AM

Feb 2011
I love this series but it was hard enough to refresh for the last series.

gonna watch it tho
Mar 12, 2020 1:29 AM

Jul 2019
dave501 said:
Even worse, every 3 months.

What? People will forget about the existance of the series while waiting for the next episode.
And here I thought that Berserk and Hunter x Hunter fans are patient.
Mar 25, 2020 3:02 PM

May 2016
its more like Strike our ass for 3 month wait.
Apr 1, 2020 2:37 PM

Nov 2014
Tbh to me it's just as if they announced that full OVA will air in 1,5 year... and that doesn't sound so bad, considering we often get anime announced one year ahead.
Apr 1, 2020 11:48 PM

Apr 2019
Never in my entire anime-watching history have I seen an anime with 12 episodes (I know these are OVAs but still man!!) that takes almost 2 years to finish airing. Watching season 3, I had almost forgotten about it becuz of such delayed airing.
Rem is best girl
Apr 9, 2020 10:59 PM

Sep 2015
All I can think about looking at this is that it must be a self finnanced passion project the studio does on the side when the animators have some free time. Season 1 was probably unsuccessful.
Apr 16, 2020 1:57 PM

Dec 2015
i swear nobody on this thread has ever done any research. S1 was on TV in Japan. and it's ratings weren't that good. the disks sold well for that season though. so the two, and then one studios making STB decided to go ALL OVA from S2 onwards.

let me give you some context using Season 3. EVERY DISK for 2-3 months was in the TOP THREE for disk sales volume in Japan. ie numbers of sets sold. every disk, every time they were released, was top three for the release month and at least one more month after that. the final disk stayed in the top three for three months. there were 5 disks with 10 episodes total. the combined sales of those five disks in Japan was OVER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND units. most studios CREAM THEIR JEANS when they hit 100K unit disk sales for a WHOLE SEASON of a TV anime sold in one year. so for an OVA only series to BEAT the 100K mark was cool!

check the prices listed on each disk in the promo videos on the MAL for STB S3 for prices in Yen. then convert those Yen to US Dollars. nevermind i'll look it up for you, 6,800 Yen per disk. that's $63.06 in right now $ per disk. a full set of 5 disks if sold right now would be $315.30 suggested retail price of course. if you just take the 120K units, divide it up by five disks, on 'average' each disk sold 24K units. to put it in perspective? 120K units, times $63.06... that's $7,567,200... that's alot of cash eh folks?
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Apr 16, 2020 5:24 PM
Dec 2013
KiliianSleipnir said:
, times $63.06... that's $7,567,200... that's alot of cash eh folks?

That still doesn't seem like a lot to be quite honest. How much does it cost to make the anime?

Either way, I'm just going to wait until sometime next year to watch it all in one go. Or forget about it and then discover it again, like I did with Season 3.
Apr 17, 2020 9:09 AM

Oct 2019
Is this call SEASON 4? Or it just Special Episode ? but like 12 ..?
Apr 17, 2020 3:35 PM

May 2016
Motherurck said:

Either way, I'm just going to wait until sometime next year to watch it all in one go. Or forget about it and then discover it again, like I did with Season 3.

me too, i always prefer to wait than hanging on a cliff, i dont need to be up to date, just want a smooth ride then move on to the next anime.
Apr 17, 2020 11:11 PM
Dec 2013
LanceKelz said:
Is this call SEASON 4? Or it just Special Episode ? but like 12 ..?
It's considered season 4, since it's adapting the light novel still.

maxnone said:
Motherurck said:

Either way, I'm just going to wait until sometime next year to watch it all in one go. Or forget about it and then discover it again, like I did with Season 3.

me too, i always prefer to wait than hanging on a cliff, i dont need to be up to date, just want a smooth ride then move on to the next anime.
Sadly, thanks to this covid crap, we are going to get a few more unexpected cliffhangers. Just happened to Railgun T
Apr 17, 2020 11:50 PM

Jun 2012
Motherurck said:
KiliianSleipnir said:
, times $63.06... that's $7,567,200... that's alot of cash eh folks?

That still doesn't seem like a lot to be quite honest. How much does it cost to make the anime?

Either way, I'm just going to wait until sometime next year to watch it all in one go. Or forget about it and then discover it again, like I did with Season 3.
It's more than enough profit actually since a usual season of anime production(12-13 episodes) costs approximately $2 million. And considering how much they butchered the animation for season 3, it probably cost less than that.

Either way, just wait for 15 months or more is a good option I agree.
May 18, 2020 4:55 PM

Dec 2008
ogorhan said:
What even is their reasoning for not airing it like normally.

Every other aspect of the show is below average for TV. It feels like a cheap bootleg of Index series. But girls are very likeable.
May 19, 2020 2:54 AM

Jun 2014
I always forget this s*** even exists. What a mess.
Jun 16, 2020 3:19 PM

Aug 2017
KiliianSleipnir said:
there were 5 disks with 10 episodes total. the combined sales of those five disks in Japan was OVER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND units. most studios CREAM THEIR JEANS when they hit 100K unit disk sales for a WHOLE SEASON of a TV anime sold in one year. so for an OVA only series to BEAT the 100K mark was cool!

so they're just milking the fans for all they've got? how is that impressive? as you said, averaging the total over the 5 volumes is 24k~ per. so instead of making a show normally and putting it on one or two volumes and maybe making it more desirable for less die-hard fans to buy it, they're selling 2 episodes each at full season price to have the die-hards spend 5 seasons worth of money on just one season of a show (and inflating the units sold perception apparently). a full season of a show sold on 1 volume selling 100k units vs this one season sold on five that had only 24k~ buying the whole season. yeah, not that cool, but $$$ is more important.

obviously it's working since they keep doing it but it's kinda sad the fans put up with it. it's like a gacha game with the whales funding more episodes for us f2p players to watch.
Jul 23, 2020 10:19 AM

Jul 2014
By the moment all the episodes are avaible, i already forgot about almost every non main character.
Jul 24, 2020 2:29 AM
Aug 2018
dave501 said:
Even worse, every 3 months.

Special OVA: 29th Jan 2020

Vol 1: (Ep.1 & Ep.2) 8th April 2020

Vol 2: (Ep.3 & Ep.4) 24th June 2020

Vol 3: (Ep.5 & Ep.6) 30th Sept 2020

Vol 4: (Ep.7 & Ep.8) 23rd Dec 2020

Vol 5: (Ep.9 & Ep.10) 24th March 2021

Vol 6: (Ep.11 & Ep.12) 30th June 2021

You are wrong in fact the missing episodes of strike the blood iv were delayed by covid and on this page are the new dates:
Jul 24, 2020 10:54 AM

Aug 2018
Tachi27 said:
dave501 said:
Even worse, every 3 months.

Special OVA: 29th Jan 2020

Vol 1: (Ep.1 & Ep.2) 8th April 2020

Vol 2: (Ep.3 & Ep.4) 24th June 29th July 2020 *Due to Covid-19*

Vol 3: (Ep.5 & Ep.6) 30th Sept 2020

Vol 4: (Ep.7 & Ep.8) 23rd Dec 2020

Vol 5: (Ep.9 & Ep.10) 24th March 2021

Vol 6: (Ep.11 & Ep.12) 30th June 2021

You are wrong in fact the missing episodes of strike the blood iv were delayed by covid and on this page are the new dates:

Thanks for letting me know, its updated now
Jul 31, 2020 3:47 AM

Dec 2015

That still doesn't seem like a lot to be quite honest. How much does it cost to make the anime?

Either way, I'm just going to wait until sometime next year to watch it all in one go. Or forget about it and then discover it again, like I did with Season 3.[/quote]

you would have to ask the studio for the exact Yen amount, but i've heard a TV format 24 minute episode takes around $250,000 to make.

that's NOT including: any utilities for the studio building, computers purchased, IT emergency support from OUTSIDE the studio, advertising, merchandise costs, legal fees, printing the individual disks, distributing them to stores etc.

that $250K is PURE cost to just make the animation, music, sound effects, pay the actors, and pay all the other workers on the episode.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jul 31, 2020 4:35 AM

Dec 2015
[/quote]so they're just milking the fans for all they've got? how is that impressive? as you said, averaging the total over the 5 volumes is 24k~ per. so instead of making a show normally and putting it on one or two volumes and maybe making it more desirable for less die-hard fans to buy it, they're selling 2 episodes each at full season price to have the die-hards spend 5 seasons worth of money on just one season of a show (and inflating the units sold perception apparently). a full season of a show sold on 1 volume selling 100k units vs this one season sold on five that had only 24k~ buying the whole season. yeah, not that cool, but $$$ is more important.

obviously it's working since they keep doing it but it's kinda sad the fans put up with it. it's like a gacha game with the whales funding more episodes for us f2p players to watch.[/quote]

apparently you misinterpreted everything i said. ok i'll go through your response as best as i can sentence by sentence.

no they're not milking the fans. those disks from S3 each were 6,800 Yen per disk. that's $64.95 as of July 31 2020. each of the 5 disks i do believe had 2 episodes on it making each episode 3,400 Yen or $32.47. right now in North America ANIPLEX of America is selling their dub of SAO Alicization (in Blu-Ray ONLY mind you, and ONLY in collector's edition with all the extra goodies) with 6 BR and 1 soundtrack CD. MSRP? $314.98! this is the first 24 episodes of SAOA. so that makes each episode worth... $13.12.... the STB3 individual episodes are only 2.5x more expensive than the SAOA episodes. oh, you want the per-disk costs of that SQA dub? $314.98 / 6 (i'm giving the customer the CD soundtrack disk for free in this formula) = $52.49... the per disk cost of STB3 vs SAOA dub... 1.23x more expensive. so, you STILL think they're milking the fans? considering ANIPLEX's dub disks are MORE EXPENSIVE TO MAKE! hmm? do the math right!

you're wrong also because 10eps for STB3 episodes is 2 short of a standard 12eps in TV anime seasons. so you using ANY standardized 'bullshit castle in the sky' statements without ANY quantitative data is FILLED with errors. you list NO boxed set prices to compare. 5 seasons worth of money? where'd you pull that one out of?

inflating the units sold perception? do you not know that Japan sells anime on broadcast TV series by the VOLUME DISK first! and THEN by the boxed set? you're too used to the post 2010 NorthAmerican format sales where ALL the disks are in one package. previous to 2010 you HAD (even in NA) to buy individual volumes of shows because boxed sets were rarer. this allowed the dub companies and those selling subbed only titles to not only release episodes faster but to keep up with their broadcasting on TV networks like Toonami. whereas if they waited till the WHOLE BOXED SET was ready to ship everybody would have seen the dubbed episodes on TV etc. and sales wouldn't be as high. Japan STILL follows the individual VOLUME sale first then the BOXED SET sale pattern.

a full season of a show can NOT fit on one volume. i.e. one disk. apparently you misspoke or you're entirely ignorant of even BR disk storage capacity.

i don't know where the ptp vs ftp comparison came from but it makes absolutely no sense in this context. you talking freeters? folks who only watch pirated content for free? don't pay a single Yen or Dollar for their anime? the big money 'fat cats' who actually front the studios thick stacks of Yen to START a show up? those are called production companies and production teams btw. or the folks on the street buying disks and getting them from AmazonJP etc.? i mean in the past the store-front sales locations LOVE OVA releases because THEY'RE MAKING A PROFIT TOO! it's not just Joe Average coming into the store SPECIFICALLY for his vol1 of STB3... he might pick up an 'impulse buy', or 'oh that book, i wanted that one too.', or 'oh i've never heard of that, let me look at it, well that's cool. i'll get this too.'

so i hope i've helped you out a little bit. :) have a pleasant day!

just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Nov 15, 2020 4:33 PM
Jul 2020
DooMWhite said:
This schedule is even getting nostalgic at this point, it took a good time to finish the last season...
it's such a weird feeling having to wait 2/3 months to watch a episode that I kinda like it for it being so different from the normal, idk how to explain.
hold on.. is this the last season?
Nov 15, 2020 4:39 PM

Jul 2016
JustDani_16 said:
DooMWhite said:
This schedule is even getting nostalgic at this point, it took a good time to finish the last season...
it's such a weird feeling having to wait 2/3 months to watch a episode that I kinda like it for it being so different from the normal, idk how to explain.
hold on.. is this the last season?

Last season until now.

In most cases, the MAL Average Scores don't mean anything, here is a question: were the works made before 2000 all shit?
Why are they so damn scarce in the Top 50? Think about how MAL is quite literally a filtered amount of the Anime fanbase.

Here's a timeline of the Top 15 in which you can check that, almost always, the scores are affected by the freshness, popularity and other factors that have nothing to do with quality.

Nov 20, 2020 10:06 AM
Jun 2019
Seriously, what do people see in this anime...
Honestly, I keep following it for the ecchi, lol, I watched the whole first and 2nd season, but for me, story-wise, it was getting less interesting... Maybe because it got a damn too long schedule in between each episodes too, but, I really didn't get much excitement after 2nd season...
I just liked the characters (read: girls) in this anime with their ecchi moments, lol..
Dec 18, 2020 1:13 PM

Jul 2017
This really turned me off starting this series for some time, but fuck it, I can't wait any longer lol

Jan 2, 2021 11:38 PM
Oct 2017
Achtzehn said:
Seriously, what do people see in this anime...
Honestly, I keep following it for the ecchi, lol, I watched the whole first and 2nd season, but for me, story-wise, it was getting less interesting... Maybe because it got a damn too long schedule in between each episodes too, but, I really didn't get much excitement after 2nd season...
I just liked the characters (read: girls) in this anime with their ecchi moments, lol..

What do people see in this anime?

Well... nothing really. I'm just watching this for more cliché harem stuff. Even though I absolutely hate harem/romance. And the nudity.

Wait, then why am I here?

Good question, I'm wondering the same myself.

Jan 2, 2021 11:45 PM
Jun 2019
AC9123 said:
Achtzehn said:
Seriously, what do people see in this anime...
Honestly, I keep following it for the ecchi, lol, I watched the whole first and 2nd season, but for me, story-wise, it was getting less interesting... Maybe because it got a damn too long schedule in between each episodes too, but, I really didn't get much excitement after 2nd season...
I just liked the characters (read: girls) in this anime with their ecchi moments, lol..

What do people see in this anime?

Well... nothing really. I'm just watching this for more cliché harem stuff. Even though I absolutely hate harem/romance. And the nudity.

Wait, then why am I here?

Good question, I'm wondering the same myself.


We're on the same boat then.. Lol
Jan 3, 2021 12:02 AM
Oct 2017
Achtzehn said:
AC9123 said:

What do people see in this anime?

Well... nothing really. I'm just watching this for more cliché harem stuff. Even though I absolutely hate harem/romance. And the nudity.

Wait, then why am I here?

Good question, I'm wondering the same myself.


We're on the same boat then.. Lol

I feel sooooooo awkward watching it, and I don't like it, so um... Oh well? Lol?

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