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Oct 1, 2020 8:00 AM

Nov 2011
That nipah! After all these years, Higurashi makes its new way to 2020! It's going to take me some time to get used to the new animation style but seeing the characters return is a delight.

The sound of cicadas also sounded so nostalgic. Rena and her little adorable reactions is also back. A lot more lighthearted than I had expected compared to the original series' first episode except the final few moments. That original theme song is godly.

Oct 1, 2020 8:00 AM

Jul 2017
Being someone who has never watched the original Higurashi back in 2006, this first impression (of the first 30 seconds) is AS BLOODY AS HELL, if kicking off the Fall 2020 season in the most sublime way.

Definitely a VERY light-hearted premiere episode that turns dark just as quick, but something feels very "off" about this reboot/remake, which is to say of the direction that it wants to go that will make this appealing in the long-run (especially being a 2-cour with the 14+ episodes continuing into Winter 2021). No matter, this is just the promising start.

The returning clique of the Hinamizawa Village kids are just as playful, but y'know, if you've watched the original, there's the 50/50 aspect of what to expect of the character cast.

Passione's visuals are much better than drabby Studio Deen's, but that is left to be seen whether this will be faithful to the original horror-fest.

One thing's for sure: I am definitely here to (re)experience the back-in-the-day horror in the most unimaginable way possible. BRING IT ON, Higurashi!
KANLen09Oct 1, 2020 8:35 PM
Oct 1, 2020 8:00 AM

Feb 2018
Welcome back, Nippa...

I thought it would be a cheerful episode, the crickets sound so scary. It's already midnight so I doubt if I dare to watch this lol. Mion and Rena Was an impostor, xD.

Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - Eiko Shimamiya is back.
Oct 1, 2020 8:08 AM

Oct 2017
Nipaaaaa~ Omochikaerii, so happy to see Rika chama and Rena back. Glad to see everyone else too, Maebara Keichi the legend and Mion the tomboy and let's not forget Satoko the trapper.

Pretty decent remade premise and I'm glad they are not rushing it. Thou the new character design bothers me, specially Rika's. They look like they are wrapped in plastic for some reason. Also the artstyle from Deen adaptation suited this series perfectly. This didn't give off the eerie vibe like the original and the facial expressions weren't anywhere near as good as the original one either.

So as a fan of the original Higurashi from studio Deen I dun think this remake will be as good as it. Thou I'm still glad I'm getting to see them again in a new style.

Also wow I was truly surprised to see Rika at that place in the postcredit scene.
Stark700 said:
That original theme song is godly.
Yep, I was freaking out when I heard that OP. I was really hoping that they'd reuse that OP song in this remake and I'm glad they did.
MegamiRemOct 1, 2020 9:41 PM
Oct 1, 2020 8:14 AM
Nov 2018
Damn!!! People, Higurashi is back,

I can't wait for the next episode!!!!
Oct 1, 2020 8:14 AM

Apr 2019
After watching this episode definitely gonna go watch the 2000's version first

Oct 1, 2020 8:18 AM

May 2020
man getting my hopes up just dont be confusing as the last one huhu i want to enjoy my yanderes hahaha
Oct 1, 2020 8:26 AM

Dec 2013

I'm full Higurashi mode, what a fuken beauty. And I have no problem with this animation style. It's really something I look into and my hopes went up once again.
Oct 1, 2020 8:29 AM

Dec 2017
Looks nice and I think the atmosphere is really good for this new version especially near the end, and they played the original opening right at the end!!!!

Great start and excited to see more as Higurashi is my favorite anime.

Edit: Also sorry, if you guys noticed the multiple same post by me idk why that happened but I deleted them.
MrBodoroOct 1, 2020 8:32 AM
Oct 1, 2020 8:30 AM
Dec 2019
Those who've watched this episode already, Do I need to watch the old version?
Oct 1, 2020 8:30 AM
Aug 2008


Supriyo8799 said:
Those who've watched this episode already, Do I need to watch the old version?

Nope. It's like a remake of old game. 1st episode is literally the same as in original Higurashi but remade with new animation.
Wojtini21Oct 1, 2020 8:36 AM
Oct 1, 2020 8:31 AM

Dec 2017
Supriyo8799 said:
Those who've watched this episode already, Do I need to watch the old version?

No you do not, it is a remake.
Oct 1, 2020 8:46 AM

Apr 2020
Finally the remake version is released! and I like the character design, the character design is similar to the character design of the Monogatari series.
Oct 1, 2020 8:53 AM

Jul 2015
All I can say to those who did not watched old series is that I envy you. Not because original was bad or anything, but because experiencing Higurashi for the first time, but with such refreshed and good looking artstyle is truly an amazing experience.
Just avoid spoilers like a fire, guys!

Oct 1, 2020 8:57 AM

Sep 2012
I don't care what anyone says. I rewatched the original lately, and they really nailed this shit. The OST was on point. The comedy was completely hilarious. The backgrounds were beautiful at times. The suspense was there, really got me to start thinking about the character motivations was there. The character design and tone shifts work with the artstyle. It's kami anime.
Oct 1, 2020 8:58 AM

Sep 2019
HIGURASHI IS BACK and also its masterful opening!
Oct 1, 2020 8:59 AM
Apr 2019
It's back! I can't believe it. The art style is beautiful and they added new scenes which are not in the anime of Deen in 2006. Also they played the main op of 2006 version <3 I think this would be promising!
Oct 1, 2020 9:01 AM

Feb 2019
Yea this gonna be that gas pack for sure. Absolutely fire first episode. I’m hooked. I had planned to watch the original as soon as this got announced back in the beginning of the year, but procrastination go brrr.
This feels like a classic 1980s horror/psychological thriller type thing and while I hate live action scary stuff, I enjoyed this.

Thanks to AMQ I know all the music, that updated theme is fire.

Something about Rena is really hot to me even though she’s obviously psycho. Can’t wait for next ep.
Marinate1016Oct 1, 2020 9:04 AM
Oct 1, 2020 9:01 AM

Jun 2017
Omg, the Op from Deen version! Fudge yeah, there isn't a more fitting track than that and I'm so glad the creators agree with me on this.

It hasn't been all that long since I binged the Deen version but with the change in artstyles, it certainly does feel like a decade lol. Awesome to have this back, really. And the character interactions are the exact same, so good to see ~

Nailed the suspense brilliantly as well and the Soundtracks are the same gold as before, here's to hoping they'll keep this quality up.

Edit: Re-watched the episode because why not? Enjoyed it this time around too, of course. Background looks pretty nice and while the character designs might take some getting used to, I'm hopeful that Passione will keep us interested.

_MushiRock11_Oct 1, 2020 9:44 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 1, 2020 9:01 AM
Jun 2016
Damn, it looks fucking good. Gonna take a while to get used to the new artstyle, but I like it. On an other note, love how Higurashi 2020 looks way more like a shaft anime that this season shaft's assault lily banquet.

Rena is so adorable this episode, I wanna take her homeeee! Well, sacary at the same time tho.

The old opening was a nice surprise

Happy to see best waifu coronel sanders

Wonder if they are gonna adapt the hints at some point. Don't know how they would be able to include them tho.
Oct 1, 2020 9:11 AM

Apr 2018
It doesn't look bad but I still wonder why they remade Higurashi, the original version was perfect.
And damn they used the original opening, nice
Oct 1, 2020 9:12 AM

Jul 2019
Already into the first 2 mins and I can't really say I enjoy this as much as the og version lol. too much moe.

10 mins into it and it does a good job at keeping what makes Higurashi such a good horror.

finished it, and can say that the og one is better but the new version has some cool features to show off.
NextUniverseOct 1, 2020 9:37 AM
Oct 1, 2020 9:13 AM
Sep 2017
I honestly had low expectations, but my god did this just blow me away
Big ups to Passione here, I would honestly say this was a WAY better introduction epsiode than the original
Higurashi was the anime that turned me into a weeb, I've rewatched it way too many times to count and still ADORE the original
But here they added just a little bit more content that made everything flow so much better

1. Introduction to the group

I'm extremely happy with the changes they made during the introduction of all the characters, seeing everyone get dressed for school was a nice touch, but the icing on the cake was definetely when Keiichi fell for Satoko's trap
Everyone's personalities here shined through and were made concrete, they made a better impression here as everyone bounced off one another and kept the audience engaged, rather than in the 2006 adaptation we met Rikka and Satoko just randomly and they were all buddy-buddy with the group there and then and you were just supposed to guess they were all good friends

2. The Art
Man was I a little skeptical when I first saw the art - While I liked the look, I'm a die-hard fan of the original and even though Deen's style was basic and, kind of ugly at points, how gloomy it looked gave the parts where characters go insane look great
I loved the detail that Passione put in the characters, but also the background art
The background, especially when Keiichi and Rena were walking to meet with Mion was breathtaking
I thought making this art style look more colourful would hinder the atmosphere but I was proven wrong, I feel as though I'm gonna adore it as the show goes on


As I've never read the VNs I couldn't say much on the content in the Deen adaptation and how it faired against the VNs, but I adored the changes of scenes and added scenes here

Overall, I honestly enjoyed this first episode over the 2006 first episode, and I am honestly surprised myself that I feel that way
Newcomers, strap in, this show is an absolute ride and this is a very promising start
Oct 1, 2020 9:16 AM

Sep 2019
This premise was quite good but the new style bothers me a lot. Thou I'm glad they played the original OP.
Ashhk said:
It doesn't look bad but I still wonder why they remade Higurashi, the original version was perfect.
And damn they used the original opening, nice
Proly to make more cash lol.
Oct 1, 2020 9:20 AM

Jun 2020
Holy shit that song at the ending had me hyped asf for what's to come. Haven't seen the original, but the art kinda bothered me in the first half of the ep

Damn just realised I almost missed the post-credits scene lol
spectrojanOct 1, 2020 9:28 AM
This anime shit is addictive
Oct 1, 2020 9:20 AM

Nov 2016
It was a nice start, especially when the good ol opening was played. At first I was a bit sceptical because of the new shiny visual style (kinda reminds of Plastic Memories and Mikakunin), but it works. The little gags were as funny as ever and narratively it felt right as well. Only gripe, the eerie vibe wasn't quite as impressive.

Looking forward to plenty of madness, omochikaeri and nippas~

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 1, 2020 9:23 AM

Jan 2020
Way better than the original first episode. I'm still not used to the new art style, but I'm sure that it'll grow on me.
Oct 1, 2020 9:25 AM

Feb 2011
Not gonna lie when the opening started playing I got hit hard by nostalgia.
Oct 1, 2020 9:28 AM

Apr 2014
Hatsuyuki said:
Not gonna lie when the opening started playing I got hit hard by nostalgia.
Same and probably everyone else who watched the original Higurashi series. I hope that this remake will live up to the original.
Oct 1, 2020 9:29 AM

Jul 2012
How long has it been? Also quite a while since watched a horror, just remembered Kaguya's horror scenes =/

Pretty nice start. Really love original so the shiny artstyle looks a bit weird, gotta just get used to it and it's not that bad.

Nipaa is finally back! Also happy to see Mion!!!

Oyashiro-sama will come for you!!!
Oct 1, 2020 9:31 AM

Jun 2016
Keiichi and Rena being cuties as always, aaa.. anyways,
I read the VN first arc some time ago and .. god they did skip a lot of things already, i mean that's expected but yeah. Example, they referenced to the first game Keiichi played with the club (that wasn't animated here but was in the first anime) so i think the director thinks whoever is watching the 2020 adaptation has already watched the first one, which isnt very newcomer friendly and they may feel the pacing is even worse.

At least the animation is great and i still can't believe they put the old opening as the credits i almost screamed, are they going to use it for this one??? Please yess

Oct 1, 2020 9:31 AM

Jun 2011
When the OP kicked in, I nutted nostalgia all over.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Oct 1, 2020 9:32 AM

Sep 2019
The best Anime to start off the new season, sweet and family friendly Higurashi.
I’m not a fan of the new art style but the legend is back to terrorize us once more!
Oct 1, 2020 9:36 AM
Jan 2019
I do not support the change of the last segment of the episode AT ALL. Wtf? While playing the intro music is a nice touch, compared to the original Keichis’ creepy realization that something is VERY wrong, it kinda losses a good chance to show more eeriness and build up.

I can bypass that...

But more importantly...

Oct 1, 2020 9:40 AM

Sep 2011
That was actually a decent remake of the first episode. I'm glad they added Satoko's trap scene here which was in the VN but not in the original anime if I recall. Also Rena's "I don't know", and Mion's "Nothing happened" was handled correctly this time too, as it was meant to give some sort of ominous feeling. I'm actually very satisfied with this episode. Though I honestly wasn't expecting them to use the same soundtrack too. I guess it's not particularly a bad thing. I hope they can include soundtracks from the VN as well.
Oct 1, 2020 9:42 AM

Jan 2015
Yesssss it’s back. So weird seeing this with great animation. It’s definitely of high quality as expected from Passione.
The original opening song at the end omg
Oct 1, 2020 9:45 AM
Jul 2018
Ashhk said:
the original version was perfect.

Lol, no. Deen's adaptation was too flawed.
Oct 1, 2020 9:45 AM

Sep 2017
So i've never watched the original 2006 anime. Friends recommended it to me, but I never got around to it since it's not available on any easy platform and it really seemed like a series to watch around Halloween. I'm excited to be watching this version and eventually going back to watch the original

I love hearing Soichiro Hoshi in anything! I only know him as best boy Goro Akechi so hearing him in a role like this is such a treat
Oct 1, 2020 9:46 AM
Apr 2020
rholeros said:
I do not support the change of the last segment of the episode AT ALL. Wtf? While playing the intro music is a nice touch, compared to the original Keichis’ creepy realization that something is VERY wrong, it kinda losses a good chance to show more eeriness and build up.

I can bypass that...

But more importantly...

Oct 1, 2020 9:47 AM

Jan 2019
Man this first episode was SO GOOD holy jesus. If they will continue with this pacing and animation this would be one of my most recent 10's after a little while. I loved every minute. Can't wait for more <3
Ushiromiya Battler, right now, on this island, no one exists except for you. You're the only one alive in this island. However I'm here right now, and i'm about to kill you. Who... am I?
Oct 1, 2020 9:47 AM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
My favorite anime to nut to is back!

Among Us adaptation. PogU.
cchiguOct 1, 2020 10:07 AM
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Oct 1, 2020 9:50 AM

Aug 2013
I just finished the first season two hours ago and I have to say this was a great start for a remake. Hopefully, I can finish the rest of the seasons before next week.

Man Rika is just too cute with her nippas.

The use of the first OP was just brilliant. Well done to the studio.

Oct 1, 2020 9:52 AM

Sep 2014
I was waiting for the original OP the whole episode and they delivered. However, like many others, I do not like that post-credit's scene.
Oct 1, 2020 9:52 AM
Dec 2017
This looks like a "passione" project, huh?
Yeah, i'm leaving.
Oct 1, 2020 9:52 AM
Mar 2018
Post credit kinda retarded and spoiler btw, nice passione
Oct 1, 2020 9:54 AM

May 2019
this was a pretty good episode
they did skip some scenes and change things here and there but overall i am satisfied
if there is something i did not like its the fact that they cut all Keiichi monologues so probably many people will think of him as bland and idiot main character

anyway this was 5/5
”A fight isn't won once a victor is decided, it's won when someone loses.” – Izayoi Sakamaki

I don’t even know the real names of the two… no, three that I killed back then. I just closed my eyes, put my hands over my ears and tried to forget it all.” – Kirito

Oct 1, 2020 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
first timer here,

this is not like 'another'. There is not a single horror vibe to it. It has more of dementia, more of the lowkey creeps because it has the appearance of a fucking moe slice of life, but it is horror.

So, yeah, it was wonderful.

Coming from Monogatari, the Akio Watanabe character designs(fucking polygon eyes) are recognizable, but it leaves me more familiar with the characters than I should be.
Oct 1, 2020 9:55 AM
Jan 2019
animefans001 said:
rholeros said:
I do not support the change of the last segment of the episode AT ALL. Wtf? While playing the intro music is a nice touch, compared to the original Keichis’ creepy realization that something is VERY wrong, it kinda losses a good chance to show more eeriness and build up.

I can bypass that...

But more importantly...

I don’t know man... i think it’s a huge misstep. It’s like spoiling everything at the start of the series. It’s such a shame because this first episode, compared to the original, is waaay better. To fuck it up like this, for what exactly? Foreshadowing? Terrible idea
Oct 1, 2020 9:57 AM

Jan 2014
Let's goooooooo

Watched the series over the past two weeks, so interested to see how this will look for sure. Ready for the ride.
Oct 1, 2020 9:59 AM

Apr 2014
Those scenes, those characters, and that song.
Higurashi is back with a big nipaaaaa!
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