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Jan 11, 2020 7:28 AM

Nov 2016

Please delete your comment.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 11, 2020 7:47 AM

Dec 2018
This was incredible, probably second to All Might vs One For All in terms of sheer hype, intensity & tension. Deku was a total madlad in this episode, showing his sheer & typical crazy badassery, this time in a 10x amplified manner when the odds were all heavily stacked against him - proving yet again why he is one of all-time favourites & why I love him so much. The moments where he caught Eri while being airborne, his 100% One For All transformation scene while being boosted by Eri's quirk & and that final moment where he punches Overhaul, landing him the final blow was sheer feels & epic. My boy, you did me proud yet again, love you!! Animation was absolute nuts in this episode, Bones just outdid themselves here, clearly they were saving their best from the climax and it payed off big-time. A slowing starting season with a bit of extra exposition & buildup is now simply blossoming with a sheer bang. One of my favourite episode of one of my favourite anime, it just came at the correct time when this season really needed it, it was great & satisfactory to see.

I kinda find it astonishing to see that there still a few complaints here & there regarding the animation & stuff even after this insanely animated episode. but well....sometimes haters just need a excuse to nitpick & criticise. But thankfully the negative comments seem to be well outnumbered here by the positive comments, which is pleasing to see & expected to after an episode of this quality.

Please continue this love for MHA guys!!! :):):)
345EdwardElricJan 20, 2020 7:14 AM
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made full-metal."

~Edward Elric
Jan 11, 2020 7:50 AM
May 2016
"Muh haters muh haters oh my god how dare you have issues with this adaptation or work why aren't you lapping up every single bit of it with as much glee as me?! How dare you have an opinion other than mine!? Your complaints that I haven't bothered to read at all aren't valid in the slightest, if you were a TRUE fan you'd blindly praise every single bit! How dare you have standards! If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all >:(((. You're just biased and nitpicking I WIN BYE BYE!"
Grow up.
Jan 11, 2020 7:57 AM

Jul 2011
Great episode and probably the best fight since All Might vs All for One.

The animation had it's ups and downs but overall was good.
Was anime really a mistake tho
Jan 11, 2020 8:03 AM
Jul 2018
345EdwardElric said:
This was incredible, probably second to All Might vs One For All in terms of hero sheer hype, intensity & tension. Deku was a total madlad in this episode, showing his sheer & typicsl crazy badassery, this time in a 10x amplified manner when the odds were all heavily stacked against him - proving yet again why he is one of all-time favourites & why I love him so much. The moments where he caught Eri while being airborne, his 100% One For All transformation scene while being boosted by Eri's quirk & and that final moment where he punches Overhaul, landing him the final blow was sheer feels & epic. My boy, you did me proud yet again, love you!! Animation was absolute nuts in this episode, Bones just outdid themselves here, clearly they were saving their best from the climax and it payed off big-time. A slowing starting season with a bit of extra exposition & buildup is now simply blossoming with a sheer bang. One of my favourite episode of one of my favourite anime, it just came at the correct time when this season really needed it, it was great & satisfactory to see.

I kinda find it astonishing to see that there still a few complaints here & there regarding the animation & stuff even after this insanely animated, but well....sometimes haters just need a excuse to nitpick & criticise. But thankfully the negative comments seem to be well outnumbered here by the positive comments, which is pleasing to see & expected to after an episode of this quality.

Pleaae continue this love for MHA guys!!! :):):)

I agree, I don't know where they get their expectations from concerning this series, since this episode is sort of the pinnacle of all the troupes that are present throughout My Hero Academia.

- You don't like Overhaul's 'overly' long flashbacks, but like Bakagou vs Midoriya V2 where most of the fight is flashbacks to their childhood.

- Oh you don't like Eri acting as the fight's Deus Ex Machina, but you like Midoriya vs Muscular where Deku does a 100% percent punch while shouting a 'Warcry' (practically a Deus Ex Machina) and it seems to work better than the last 100% percent punch that did nothing.

- Hmmmm you hate the simplicity of Midoriya's one punch knockout on Overhaul, but somehow you love All for One vs All Might even when the entire concept of that fight was a one punch knockout.

Most of these comments which complain about these concepts show that the people commenting them never really were fans of 'My Hero Academia' since these troupes make up the entirety of 'My Hero Academia'.

= Side Note, I don't mind these troupes, I am just showing the hypocrisy of people saying earlier seasons were great while they criticize this season on aspects that were always present in previous seasons. =
Jan 11, 2020 8:08 AM

Apr 2011
It was an amazing episode, but the flashbacks kinda ruined it for me. Anyway, I love how Deku look in 100%...totally cool!!!!

I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Jan 11, 2020 8:11 AM

Dec 2018
Modernoir said:
"Muh haters muh haters oh my god how dare you have issues with this adaptation or work why aren't you lapping up every single bit of it with as much glee as me?! How dare you have an opinion other than mine!? Your complaints that I haven't bothered to read at all aren't valid in the slightest, if you were a TRUE fan you'd blindly praise every single bit! How dare you have standards! If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all >:(((. You're just biased and nitpicking I WIN BYE BYE!"
Grow up.

You are free to hate on the episode as much as you want and I don't really care much, but does look pretty silly where the negative points/criticisms made about an show/episode of the show logically doesn't hold much weight, especially if we judge by what actually took place in the very episode. That's what basically I have noticed in like 90% of the negative comments in this thread after going through them ---> which is the primary reason I used the word "nitpick" in my post. First you take into account what happened in the entire episode as a whole, judge it overall as a whole, and then there is criticism/bashing. But what I've mostly noticed criticism wise here is nitpicks from a few parts here & there in the episode which weren't perfect, criticising those parts sternly and then giving the verdict.....muh this episode sucked!!! This is what exactly happens when the episode isn't properly judged as a whole, a few parts from the episode are nitpicked to say that the episode sucked, without even taking into account the positive aspects/good moments the episode had, the perfect definition of not judging an episode as a whole. To me that's hollow criticism.

Good day, sir. ;)
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made full-metal."

~Edward Elric
Jan 11, 2020 8:15 AM

Jan 2017
dadnaya said:
Very meh

Eri's quirk activated exactly at the right time, Uraraka and the gang did absolutely nothing, Deku suddenly become Saitama with his weird punches.

And except the final moment the animation was meh. Oh and that insert song was a very weird one, better put You Say Run tbh
I agree with all this. This didn't even feel like my hero, felt like a mix of deku going super saiyan and saitama with those punches and energy effects, not to mention the animation looked pretty bad.
Jan 11, 2020 8:18 AM

Aug 2015
6/10 for the arc.

Honestly, that was it? We all know that fights in this anime usually takes less than 5 punches to end, but Deku just going super saiyan and flying against a giant "thing" was boring. The animation was good for the moment, but I did not expected to see Chisaki going for the cliche of the over sized enemy that get blitzed by the protagonist.

I think there are many issues in this arc, but most of them can be shortened into this:

-Eri is way too important compared to anything else before this arc for no reason.
-Overhaul have an extreme broken quirk, used in some very dumb ways.
-Nighteye basically died for no reason and like a side character.
-Mirio got done dirty very early just to clean up the path of Deku.
-Kirishima does not look as impactful as he does in the manga on Unbreakable mode (this is understandable, I mean Horikoshi´s details are way too precise).
-A very simple fight in the end with no real substance.

For me, this is probably the worst arc so far.

Jan 11, 2020 8:19 AM

Jun 2015
That's what they meant with infinite 100%. Even though it could be a dangerous minus infinite, with Deku turning into a monkey (or is it Chisaki's bluff?)
Jan 11, 2020 8:20 AM

Sep 2014
This felt weird. The episode was all over the place.

The girls falling through the roof was completely pointless other than too make the hole. Which could have been achieved easier. Same with Chisakis second fusion. League of Villains also had no purpose here.

I guess the fight was okayish. MVP was Mirios cape. Damn imagine Mirio with one for all. He deserved it more.

Generic MC changes fate. But for no reason at all lol.

Somehow I only now noticed that Chisaki could have simply healed the boss. But it wasnt a big reveal sadly because its still overall unimportant.

Much more important is Eris BS powers. She could probably revive dead people. Definitely heal All Might as well.
Guess thats how Mirio will regain his quirk. Its rewind time.

Kinda lame.

Really this arc was pretty lame, more like a small side story. But it has HUGE impact with Eris and Chisakis BS quirks.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jan 11, 2020 8:20 AM

Dec 2014
It was a really good episode.

Animation and fight sequences were great, Deku catching Eri was awesome. Soundtrack usage was brilliant as always, the usage of the song was quite surprising but great nonetheless.

Deku in 100% mode was awesome and that final punch sequence was pure awesome. I'm assuming it was Yutaka Nakamura because of the style? Especially loved the style on Deku's eyes.

To be honest, I can't put my hand on it and describe why I feel this episode isn't as great as all the arc climax episodes we've had in the past. Bones are pretty much going panel for panel here and the adaptation in this episode was fantastic. I'm just going to say, it might be because my interest in the show started declining after this arc (Probably after the point where this season ends to be more specific), so maybe I'm just not as hyped to see this.
Jan 11, 2020 8:23 AM

Aug 2018
Another Awesome! Episode
Jan 11, 2020 8:26 AM
May 2016
345EdwardElric said:
Modernoir said:
"Muh haters muh haters oh my god how dare you have issues with this adaptation or work why aren't you lapping up every single bit of it with as much glee as me?! How dare you have an opinion other than mine!? Your complaints that I haven't bothered to read at all aren't valid in the slightest, if you were a TRUE fan you'd blindly praise every single bit! How dare you have standards! If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all >:(((. You're just biased and nitpicking I WIN BYE BYE!"
Grow up.

You are free to hate on the episode as much as you want and I don't really care much, but does look pretty silly where the negative points/criticisms made about an show/episode of the show logically doesn't hold much weight, especially if we judge by what actually took place in the very episode. That's what basically I have noticed in like 90% of the negative comments in this thread after going through them ---> which is the primary reason I used the word "nitpick" in my post. First you take into account what happened in the entire episode as a whole, judge it overall as a whole, and then there is criticism/bashing. But what I've mostly noticed criticism wise here is nitpicks from a few parts here & there in the episode which weren't perfect, criticising those parts sternly and then giving the verdict.....muh this episode sucked!!! This is what exactly happens when the episode isn't properly judged as a whole, a few parts from the episode are nitpicked to say that the episode sucked, without even taking into account the positive aspects/good moments the episode had, the perfect definition of not judging an episode as a whole. To me that's hollow criticism.

Good day, sir. ;)

Keep in mind I haven't actually delivered my judgement on this ep yet as I haven't seen it, actually I've been looking forward to this episode for a while despite firmly believing Horikoishi made a huge mistake in terms of writing with this specific fight.

There's a difference between the people nitpcking (like the guy comparing the manga page to the anime still) and people making valid criticism, such as the placements of the flashback harming the pacing and so forth. The reason why people are critical is not because they have a hateboner for the series, some of the best criticism I've seen of this season has come from people that think highly of it actually. It stems mostly from the issue that overall this season has been a pretty noticeable step down in terms of both animation quality and consistency as well as direction overall. This is a valid complaint as it stems from some actual factual basis, such as the director of this season not being the same as the ones from prior seasons as a result of the movie taking a good chunk of the staff (Unjustly imo.)

All I'm saying is your post made it sound like people who were criticizing the show in general are just "haters" when a lot of this criticism comes out of a place of love for the source material and the studio itself, which I believe are capable of much better as evidenced by them making fantastic shows like FMA:B and Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 this year which had some of the best animation to come out of the medium in ages. Apologies if I came across as brashly insulting you in my post however, I appreciate your respectful response.
Jan 11, 2020 8:27 AM

Dec 2014
ok so the future could be changed...hmm like what...plot hole right there
Jan 11, 2020 8:31 AM

Aug 2018
Epic episode, I'm so impatient to discover next week's one (as always actually)
Jan 11, 2020 8:33 AM

Jan 2016
ibraheem234 said:
ok so the future could be changed...hmm like what...plot hole right there

well the future only changed beucase Eri's quirk is messing with time
Jan 11, 2020 8:36 AM
Jun 2019
This episode was so fucking EPIC!! Holy shit.
Jan 11, 2020 8:38 AM

Jan 2015
This season went from a 7 out of 10 to a 10 out of 10 so fast

Best episode from the entire franchise, I’m in awe
Jan 11, 2020 8:39 AM

Mar 2019
FMmatron said:

Please delete your comment.

Why? I didn't do any spoiler.. Only i'll just edit it
Jan 11, 2020 8:45 AM

Mar 2017
Holy shit! That was insane! Every single moment of this episode was incredible and that scene with Deku fighting Chisaki at 100% One For All was one of the best anime fight scenes I've ever seen! I was so excited for this part of the arc to be adapted but I never could've imagined it would be that amazing!

I feel like this was an important episode too; with Deku tying Le Million's cape around himself it's a symbol that he's not just doing this for himself and All Might but also for Mirio now too. It also gave us a small peek at what an incredible hero Deku will be once he learns to fully control One For All and honestly... I can't wait for it!
Jan 11, 2020 8:47 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
This was a great episode so I guess that's the end for Chisaki. Eri's ability to rewind time has completely rewritten what Nighteye saw in the future.
Jan 11, 2020 8:50 AM

Dec 2018
Kami_sama_ said:
345EdwardElric said:
This was incredible, probably second to All Might vs One For All in terms of hero sheer hype, intensity & tension. Deku was a total madlad in this episode, showing his sheer & typicsl crazy badassery, this time in a 10x amplified manner when the odds were all heavily stacked against him - proving yet again why he is one of all-time favourites & why I love him so much. The moments where he caught Eri while being airborne, his 100% One For All transformation scene while being boosted by Eri's quirk & and that final moment where he punches Overhaul, landing him the final blow was sheer feels & epic. My boy, you did me proud yet again, love you!! Animation was absolute nuts in this episode, Bones just outdid themselves here, clearly they were saving their best from the climax and it payed off big-time. A slowing starting season with a bit of extra exposition & buildup is now simply blossoming with a sheer bang. One of my favourite episode of one of my favourite anime, it just came at the correct time when this season really needed it, it was great & satisfactory to see.

I kinda find it astonishing to see that there still a few complaints here & there regarding the animation & stuff even after this insanely animated, but well....sometimes haters just need a excuse to nitpick & criticise. But thankfully the negative comments seem to be well outnumbered here by the positive comments, which is pleasing to see & expected to after an episode of this quality.

Pleaae continue this love for MHA guys!!! :):):)

I agree, I don't know where they get their expectations from concerning this series, since this episode is sort of the pinnacle of all the troupes that are present throughout My Hero Academia.

- You don't like Overhaul's 'overly' long flashbacks, but like Bakagou vs Midoriya V2 where most of the fight is flashbacks to their childhood.

- Oh you don't like Eri acting as the fight's Deus Ex Machina, but you like Midoriya vs Muscular where Deku does a 100% percent punch while shouting a 'Warcry' (practically a Deus Ex Machina) and it seems to work better than the last 100% percent punch that did nothing.

- Hmmmm you hate the simplicity of Midoriya's one punch knockout on Overhaul, but somehow you love All for One vs All Might even when the entire concept of that fight was a one punch knockout.

Most of these comments which complain about these concepts show that the people commenting them never really were fans of 'My Hero Academia' since these troupes make up the entirety of 'My Hero Academia'.

= Side Note, I don't mind these troupes, I am just showing the hypocrisy of people saying earlier seasons were great while they criticize this season on aspects that were always present in previous seasons. =

Thanks bro. You just spelled it out well perfectly enough, the exact points/aspects which people often tend to perceive as flaws/holes in these episode threads so much as I've seen, but if we properly judge MHA as a show overall taking into account what happened in the previous seasons: --> the hype moments, battle cries, crazy power-ups, one-heavy-punch-KOs.....these are basically part of the aspects & troupes that constitute My Hero Academia as a whole. They are all a part of MHA, its charm, hype & its endearing factor which all are a part of the appeal of the show. Now if someone wants to perceive all those tropes & aspects as cheap & DEM-y, fine then, in that case MHA isn't a show for them. But from some of the complaints I've been noticing here, some people want to perceive all these aspects as a season-only/recent problem, which is not actually the case if we take into account what happened at several moments even in the previous seasons. And then again, personally speaking, MHA presents all these tropes in quite an appealing manner, via the blend of some nice comedy with the action, via the display of strong personality & emotion during the hype moments, which makes these aspects look quite endearing & enjoyable as a whole, compared to shows like SAO, where similar kind of tropes are noticeable in comparison & yet look much more bland in comparison: one of the main reasons MHA to the date still has a strong appeal & overall still is a fairly well-received shounen of the 2010's.

Thanks yet again for elaborating all these points out, I really felt like someone just needed to do this at this point to make things clear.
345EdwardElricJan 12, 2020 1:39 AM
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made full-metal."

~Edward Elric
Jan 11, 2020 8:52 AM

Jun 2015
This was almost on the same level of bullshit as Kimetsu no Yaiba episode 19, and again the reaction from the community is the same. They freaking love it for whatever reason. I guess having nice music and animation covering for the big plot armor the main characters have is a trend for shounen anime that will never go away as long as it works. Such a shame.
Fortune favours the bold!

Jan 11, 2020 8:52 AM

Nov 2016
Konana said:
FMmatron said:

Please delete your comment.

Why? I didn't do any spoiler.. Only i'll just edit it


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 11, 2020 9:09 AM

Feb 2011
Awesome episode.
Jan 11, 2020 9:09 AM
Oct 2019
Best episode of the series so far. I loved the fight and Bones did a good job on it. Deku’s full cowling 100% was sick.

5/5 amazing episode.
Jan 11, 2020 9:10 AM

Feb 2019
this season is not feeling that well i suppose
the fight was opm or mob psycho themed and that choice of song was terrible
emotions were there but i didnt feel them or the season itself didnt resonate with me that much as previous ones did
nevertheless the fight sequence was amazing
Jan 11, 2020 9:20 AM
Aug 2009
Just Imagine if this episode would have been animated by Ufotable...
As a Ex-Manga reader My Hero Academia, this series died for me from here on out.
Jan 11, 2020 9:22 AM

Apr 2013
That season has been enjoyable so far but that episode in particular was above the rest. The way Eri's ability going berserk is used to balance the self-damage his own ability does made his use of that 100% fully enjoyable ImO.
Also, rewinding abilities can lead to pretty cool stuff in stories when the author has enough imagination to use it well, so I wouldn't mind seeing Eri participating again in the future~
Jan 11, 2020 9:34 AM

Feb 2019
alessandroempire said:
Just Imagine if this episode would have been animated by Ufotable...
As a Ex-Manga reader My Hero Academia, this series died for me from here on out.

bones are equally capable, they have given us amazing anime
just look at mob psycho, its as good or even greater than kimetsu no yaiba immo
Jan 11, 2020 9:39 AM

Jul 2014
Here I thought there would only be few people who wouldnt be so hyped up about this ep, surprisingly there's more of us than I thought would be.
Anyways by no means was the ep bad, it was fine but I don't get the hype, people bugged the hell out of me saying "OH JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL *THAT*EP! ITS BNHA AT ITS FINEST" and watching this ep I just didn't feel the hype nor close to what the ep tried to do, I love BONES and all but Deku and how the battle happened just does not mix. I had more hype with all their MP100 fights than anything in this season of MHA, honestly All Might's fights are way fcking better than the MC, this has been goin on for a long time now, even a new damn character that just got introduced recently "Mirio" made me connect more for him and root for the guy more than anything Deku did in the whole series.
That forced silent moment and instantly putting a unique song in the middle of saving Eri gave me cringe, felt like they were trying to imitate KnY#19 but failed horribly at it.
The fight itself had no hype at all, it was a complete quick stomp when Deku went super saiyan, even fcking Goku who gets a new form doesnt stomp the main bad guy in that arc, hell he even loses at the end of the day sometimes. I can getover him stomping the minions or side chars but the main bad guy in this arc? come the hell on. Even Gon V Pitou wasnt this bad despite the massive stomp Gon did against Pitou when he went adult form, and even that one had the backstory to support the stomp giving it the emotion it wanted to convey, but this one... its probably just me but I have not connected with Eri to the point that I would like a stomp match of Overhaul getting whipped.
Sorry but I just really do not get the hype surrounding this ep at all. Call it a shitty take on my part but I just wanna enjoy my shounen anime just as much as anyone would, I just hope it picks up soon, Mirio's fight was hype tho, so as All Might's fights, but this one including the prev fights Deku has had just doesnt have that impact on me.
Well thats it for my rant, just to be clear again Im not saying this was a bad ep, it was fine, just that it wasnt hype at all, nor was it as good as some of its fanboys claim it to be.
Jan 11, 2020 9:40 AM

Jul 2016
What an amazing episode, I jumped from my chair in the end!
Jan 11, 2020 9:41 AM

Feb 2011
This anime really is just the same thing rinse and repeat huh, like no effort to try something different for once at all.
Jan 11, 2020 9:49 AM

Dec 2016
Deku turned out the tables for the better! *A* Deku is full of surprises and I couldn't believe my eyes when he punched hard the villain's face and made him unconscious. Chisaki is soo deep in his ideals it made him a very selfish human being :( It was surprising to see Nighteye got his future readings wrong this time.

Amazing episode! Let the next week begin already! :D Also, it was very sweet that Deku told Eri her quirk is a blessing and I agree <3 She have no idea her quirk is a miracle and she proved that :)
PurpleGirl203Jan 11, 2020 9:53 AM

[*]My Completed List
[*]♪Listen ►
Jan 11, 2020 9:51 AM

Dec 2012
It's like Ultra Instinct Midoriya. So Eri can repair Deku & All Might's Injury?

Jan 11, 2020 9:51 AM
Jan 2018
Jan 11, 2020 9:54 AM

May 2015
How anyone considers the animation in this episode bad is beyond me.

Jan 11, 2020 9:54 AM
Sep 2016
Why don't any of the powers work how the descriptions say they do? What's the point of literally explaining the quirks if the series doesn't abide by its own explanation?

Overhaul has the ability to dis- and re-assemble, so why can he also absorb and manipulate?

Eri has the ability to rewind people? Why is that affected by the damage the person takes? Just because something is damaged doesn't mean it's been around longer. If she made her dad rewind into nothingness, why do they expect to be able to rewind into before humans had quirks and even into monkeys? A single person may be the product of evolution, but that doesn't mean they themselves have gone through it.

With the addition of Eri's quirk, Nighteye's is no useless because apparently even though Overhaul (whose perspective was used to see the future) knew about Eri, he somehow couldn't fathom her quirk would be used.

The interactions also seemed forced with out-of-place music as an attempt to make it more emotional. Eri's perspective was changed by Mirio, not Deku, so why is it portrayed like Deku is her shining light? I mean, she even reached for Mirio's cape for solace.

I would say more, but then I'd have spent more time writing about BNHA than the actual scriptwriters.
Jan 11, 2020 9:58 AM
Jul 2018
Such an amazing episode...

The music throughout the episode was just as epic.
Jan 11, 2020 10:04 AM
Aug 2009
TheOmnivert said:
alessandroempire said:
Just Imagine if this episode would have been animated by Ufotable...
As a Ex-Manga reader My Hero Academia, this series died for me from here on out.

bones are equally capable, they have given us amazing anime
just look at mob psycho, its as good or even greater than kimetsu no yaiba immo

Actually, I did not like mob psycho type of animation :( But that is my opinion. Not a fan of their type of animation. But, I would still say it is a must-watch if you are an anime fan.
Jan 11, 2020 10:06 AM

May 2015
Eri is the ultimate plot device/plot armor.
Jan 11, 2020 10:07 AM

Jan 2017
Well, there were bits I liked.

The fight, itself, was done well, there's not really any denying that. It looked great, was easy to follow, and was easy to understand. I genuinely don't see how people see this as an asspull - like, we've known all along what Eri could do, the only new bit was using it in exactly this way. And Deku explains exactly what's going on and why he can't just do this all the time.

I have no problem with the fight being one-sided after Deku goes 100%. As long as the writer knows how to handle an overpowered MC, there's no reason that should detract from the show's excitement, and it was made clear this was a one-time-thing so it doesn't break the tension for future arcs. Likewise, the girl's been saved, Overhaul's operation has been exposed, the only thing left to do is punch him into space - the emotional climax came with Lemillion, so it doesn't matter if this fight doesn't make us fear for Deku, because we're past that point in the story.


I have problems with the pacing of this episode. Even changing nothing else about the show at all, I could have absolutely loved it, if they'd only just confined the flashbacks to the start of the episode. There were great moments! Deku saving Eri, Deku kicking Overhaul into orbit, Deku channelling his inner Saitama. But every time we were riding the wave of hype from one moment, the show slows... right... down... and gives us yet another flashback, or cuts away to someone talking, or something, and we lose all that momentum.

If we'd followed Deku and only Deku from the moment he saves Eri up to the point where Overhaul is lying in a crater, and shuffled around everything else, I'd have been a lot happier with this episode. As is, I guess the best way to describe it is 'blueballed'. I feel blueballed by this episode.

My other nitpick is one that people have picked up above, and it's the music. Deku beating Overhauls face in in mid-air is a triumphant moment, where no-one is in any danger any more and all that's left to do is win. Again - the girl's been saved, Deku's busy overturning Nighteye's prediction, the villain is finally getting his comeuppance. So why on Earth did they choose to use ominous music, as though we're supposed to feel scared or worried about what's happening onscreen?

It would make sense if, say, Deku was going off the deep end and almost killing Overhaul. As he got more and more violent, the ominous music would swell and the audience would realise we're not supposed to be feeling good about this. But that's not what's happening. This is his moment of triumph, and yet the audience is being told via the music that something is wrong.

Yeah, I'm disappointed by this episode. This arc in general, really. It's been enjoyable! I would never go so far as to say it was bad. But it's not up to the high standard set by previous seasons, and that's a real shame.
Jan 11, 2020 10:10 AM
Apr 2019
I think this is the best episode of this season so far. Best part when the song starts,wow totally goosebumps moment. And also the fight was amazing. Deku looking so badass in his 100%.

At last it ends with nighteyes smile 😔.

It's a 5/5 episode
Jan 11, 2020 10:16 AM
Jun 2019
Honestly it was a disappointment. The music and the animation. Nakamura is my favourite animator but I don't what happened to this. The just art was great my the animation bit off... If you compare it to previous seasons and the red riot moment. Somethings been off with this season. I'm not feeling anything watching it. I don't know why people are blindly ignoring this. Deku vs todoroki, deku vs bakugo I mean just look at those figures the animation and emotion. Please studio bones what's happening your the saviour of good animated show.. Take your time but please don't rush like this.. I know a lot of people will disagree with me..
Jan 11, 2020 10:20 AM
Feb 2016
Holy shit this episode was next levels godly!! It was on the level as OPM 1 animation not gonna lie. So orgasmic and hype!

Not only that, but my boi went Super Saiyan!!

Jan 11, 2020 10:27 AM
Jul 2013
This season has been the worst season of MHA by far, and this episode is the perfect example of that. It very clearly falls flat. A lot of the screen time was taken up by the side characters, especially in the beginning. Flashbacks take away even more time and interrupts the fight sequence. Overhaul is defeated with 3 attacks; one of which looks like a cheap imitation of One Punch Man. I felt no excitement and was disappointed, especially since the manga chapters the episode was based off of held so much potential. The Mirio episode has been the only redeeming aspect of this entire season. When comparing episode 13 to that of Deku vs. Muscular, you can very clearly see the difference in the building up of the fight, the pacing, and the emotional impact. I'm very confused as to why most people are praising this episode, and sincerely hope that future episodes will be able to be as high quality as what's been put out in past seasons.
Jan 11, 2020 10:29 AM
Jul 2018
Holy guacamole, one of the best anime episodes I've seen. The buildup, the reveals, the emotion, the intensity, my god.
Jan 11, 2020 10:31 AM

Nov 2018
Wow, this episode was on another level, definitely the best one so far. The OST with Eri and Deku gave me goosebumps, I thought that was a great idea to have that sequence be muted where you can only here their voices. That's some great sakuga as well, definitely got some Luffy/Saitama/Joutarou ORA ORA vibes with the punches, we finally see Deku at 100% of his power, which was amazing to see, I wonder how he's gonna get close to 100% without using Eri after this season ends

5/5 for this episode, I wonder if it'll trend online?
_cjessop19_Jan 11, 2020 10:39 AM
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Jan 11, 2020 10:35 AM
May 2016
For a while I was thinking this ep might've actually been the best in the entire series. But as it went on there were a couple of blemishes that actually did start to way it down. Noticeably the pacing and direction, the abundance of flashbacks seriously felt like they were bogging things down and should have been placed elsewhere, likewise with all the stuff to do with the side characters. I was initially fine with them with how AFO's theme played at the end of the last flashback of Chisaki's and transitioned nicely to the rest of the scene. But for that extremely heroic ending, that song seriously did not fit at all with Deku destroying Chisaki in that jaw-dropping display of sakuga. Like, seriously, why did they choose that theme? It was meant to be a heroic moment of triumph for Deku where Nighteye realizes that Deku was able to change the future through his heroic will. That villainous theme seriously didn't work because Overhaul was already getting his ass curb-stomped. Pretty weird direction that didn't suit the ending of the episode at all. I remember finding this chapter absolutely amazing in the manga but here it just sort of feels like they were so close to realizing its full potential but were held back with a couple of really odd choices and amateurish mistakes.

Honestly, really damn good ep, but it just lacks... Polish? I guess? The art and animation seemed derpy at times and the music choices were quite questionable in the 2nd half despite the 1st half doing a phenomenally unique job with that vocal song choice. It's a pretty good episode, don't get me wrong, but it really doesn't hold a candle to All Might vs AFO. I'd say this is the 4th best episode of the series still in terms of production value. Good showing from Bones but it still highlights just how lacking the direction of this season is in comparison to the previous ones. 4/5 No matter your stance on the episode though, let's give a cheers to Yutaka Nakamura, the absolute madman. God what an impressive cut. Can't fucking wait to see it undimmed in the BDs.

Sadly this is the point where the series really started to go downhill and lose its luster for me, mostly because at this point Horikoshi has shot his load early far too quickly twice now. One with All Might defeating AFO and dethroning the biggest threat in the series far too early despite resulting in absolutely the best moment in the series, and now another issue with Deku already showing off the peak of his power with his quirk at 100%, which sadly leads towards a moment down the line which killed off my interest in every continuing the series past the Pro Hero arc. Oh well, at least the next 2 major arcs are pretty fun.
ModernoirJan 11, 2020 11:33 AM
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