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O Maidens In Your Savage Season
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Sep 20, 2019 5:33 PM
Jul 2019
Well, episode 12 was pretty much kind of a mixed bag. That much is what I can really say. The ending; I didn't like how we had gotten to that point. Because of the tonal whiplashes, the show just really fell apart after the eighth episode. I would say that at the very least I enjoyed the show overall, but even then, I just feel that the bad aspects of the show really dampens it. It had a lot of potential, but ended up biting off more than it could chew.
Sep 20, 2019 5:53 PM

Mar 2012
You gotta fight... for your right to hoooooooook up!

I don't buy how they wrap that up without expulsion but okay.
Sep 20, 2019 6:13 PM
Apr 2016
I like how the adults didn't take them seriously at all, it was pretty hilarious. Well of course, sexual desires are not something one can control, it's natural and people feel attracted to attractive individuals. After a lot of drama, everyone sorted out their feelings, great.

Pretty silly show, it tries going further than it should, if they kept it PG it would've been way better, it just tries being "dark" but fails, therefore it becomes just stupidly silly. It was nonetheless entertaining and enjoyable, though. Giving it a 5 merely because of enjoyment and it's genuine "attempt."
Sep 20, 2019 6:26 PM
Aug 2018
It's amazing how Mari Okada can convey emotions in anime. As with Nagi no Asukara, I am amazed at how to create engaging drama so that you get attached and put yourself in the place of the characters.
Today I am an adult, and the culture of my country regarding relationship and sex themes is very different from how it is approached in anime and possibly as it is in Japanese society, but there are some nostalgic themes and situations of this curious world we spent in adolescence. .
Anyway, the analogies, especially with the emotional situation compared to the colors, and all the individual self-discovery dramas that were portrayed in poetic form by the excellent direction of the anime, leave the fact that we didn't have the finals in the novels as a kiss of some kind. of the couples, or even something else as one might expect from the topic, or even the frustration of the open ending in Nina's relationship, to know how he decided, since her first love was unrequited, and also from what you understood. , the teacher stayed with the teacher and will marry, I confess I was frustrated by the hongo, but the poetry in describing their dramas was so spectacular that I leave these frustrations aside, 9/10

Sep 20, 2019 6:30 PM

Apr 2013
1nvader said:

I don't know about you, but back then I wanted to fck everything that moved, so getting one (ONLY ONE) boner because some thot made me touch her butt really wasn't special enough to call it "being attracted".

And like I said, he was jacking off all comfy a couple episodes ago. It's like he's discovering sexuality in the opposite order. This just makes no sense, man...

I mean, most would consider that being sexual attracted to someone, dude. Lol. By definition, I'd say. The whole "my mind is telling me no, but my body's telling me yes" bit. That's all Izumi was saying in a nutshell.
Sep 20, 2019 6:54 PM

Mar 2013
alright that was pretty dumb all in all but somehow still one of the ... better things to come out of not only this season but mari okada in general.

I'll take it.
Sep 20, 2019 7:17 PM

Aug 2016
Hahaahahah what a wierd mess at the end.
Sep 20, 2019 7:19 PM
Nov 2014
I want more. Is there more ?
Sep 20, 2019 8:31 PM

Jul 2019
I like how each ''issues' between them were dealt with. I like the themes of the show and how they handled those in a more serious way, without doing it in *overly* dramatic way. Like how they talk abt different 'new' and confusing emotions or experiences during adolescence.

It's not perfect and got flaws, but I like the focus of the plot rather than getting the usual romance we have for high school / adolescence
Sep 20, 2019 8:42 PM
Nov 2017
"but i'm sexually attracted to sugawara" - izumi
i mean... who's not?
Sep 20, 2019 8:53 PM
Aug 2018
this last episode sucked. sugawara is a traitor and izumi is an idiot. like, how could kazusa still get along with them after that?
Sep 20, 2019 8:54 PM
Aug 2018
and no kisses after all. this is bullshit.
Sep 20, 2019 9:40 PM
Jan 2019
A very surprising, fun and exciting closure. I consider this anime one of the best of the season, a real little gem. And to think that in the first episode I was not so sure if I kept watching it, but as the plot continued, the anime became more and more interesting to the point that I could not with the excitement of waiting for each episode. It is a story full of feelings and emotions that describes many young people when they are in a stage of both sexual and romantic discovery. Personally, I remembered my puberty days 😅.

I loved the anime, he earned a special place on my list. Apparently this does not give for a second season, it is a shame. I will miss the maidens of the wild season, they won my love, especially Sonezaki and Kazusa: '). Without more to say, it was a real pleasure.

Ps: I kept the OP as a souvenir.

"When new feelings shine on us, we discover new colors within us that we never knew we had."
Sep 20, 2019 9:56 PM

Feb 2018
It Fit!! Woah that was a satisfying ending,didn't think this would get so good in the last episode.

Sonezaki and Amagi are now in college and goddam Sonezaki looks great she's sooo beautiful. Niina and Momoko are supporting each other. Kazusa and Izumi are enjoying their romance while handholding casually.
Sep 20, 2019 10:11 PM

Jun 2011
Well despite the last couple episodes feeling out of place, this somewhat stuck the landing and left me more of less satisfied.

Again, I feel as though this whole plot with the school was unnecessary and just doesn't make much sense. We never even learned who found out about Sonezaki being near a love hotel or why they even did it. This just felt like an excuse to get everyone together. I definitely think there was a better way to do that. But I guess after kidnapping someone, then defacing the school, I guess everyone more or less gets off scot-free? Again, it just reinforces my belief this could have been written better.

So so so happy that Kazusa and Izumi were finally to speak their feelings and understand one another. I think their conversation felt genuine and I understood what they were trying to say. While they are new to these feelings, they still love each other and want to take it one step at a time. Sex isn't everything when it comes to love, and they both came to realize that in time. This was the one thing I was afraid they would mess up. I thought perhaps they were going to make Izumi the bead guy or something. He never did anything wrong and was wrote believably. Kazusa herself finally was able to get over her doubts and came to understand her new feelings.

Sonezaki's arc was basically completed after the festival. But I'm still glad to see her and Amagi work things out together. Their relationship was a real bright spot.

Momoko is confirmed trash at this point. She was terrible to Izumi and incredibly selfish when it came to Niina. She was a character that was forgotten and someone no one really cared about, then at the very end they tried to hamfist some attempted "development" but ultimately fell on its face. Nothing about her was resolved in any way.

Niina on the other had I think I had some great potential for development, and it was coming along but got really shaky at the end. I'm extremely glad they didn't decide to randomly pair her with Momoko because both failed in relationships. Plus, it wouldn't make sense at all for Niina's character. It would be painfully forced. But the saddest part about her is that she too had no resolution for her character. Sure, in the end Izumi rejected her, but that's not a resolution for the whole character. She never really got a genuine chance to speak her feelings like she wanted to. She had this distorted vision of what love is, but Izumi gave her a chance to truly feel what it's like to love someone. I think it would've been better for her to properly say it to him, but she was left hanging. A shame.

Hongou's arc was basically finished after the love hotel, but I felt like her whole thing was a bit weird.

The time skip was nice, seeing where everyone was at a year later. Again, Niina and Momoko left hanging. Sonezaki and Amagi in college, and they look great. Glad to see things worked out for Juujo. Milo sensei is a chad and gets to marry the thick cutie pie. Finally Kazusa and Izumi are comfortable with each other. I really liked the ending shot. It was clever.

In the end, I think this was a pretty good series. The first 7-8 episodes up to the festival were fantastic. But unfortunately, it climaxed there and went downhill from that point. The development for most characters felt real and genuine. Girls, navigating through their youth and trying to understand the challenges of love, while also trying to remain friends with one another. I would recommend this series to anyone, looking for an above average romance/teen drama show.

Despite all the criticisms, I find myself looking back at this fondly. I feel like this is a 7, but I want to give it an 8.

Thanks for the memories, you savage maidens, you.
Sep 20, 2019 10:12 PM
Apr 2018
So that's it. That was the last two chapters i haven't read is all about.

Sep 20, 2019 10:51 PM

Jul 2014
I dont know how to feel about this.

The first 3 quarters were some of the best teen relationship dramedy I've seen in a long time. I really liked how every girl had to face their own unique problems and the way the author balanced these plot-lines. Kazusa trying to sort out her feelings for her childhood friend, Sonezaki rethinking her views of sex and romance, Momo realizing her orientation and agonizing over how it would affect her friendship with the others, Hongou tying her self-worth as both an author and a woman to the approval of the teacher, and Sugawara's... everything (good lord this girl is a mess that I cant help but feel bad for despite the terrible and frustrating decisions she makes).

So the way it plays out towards the end kind of leaves me feeling underwhelmed. I can appreciate how every plot-line was brought together and resolved (for the most part) all in 1 go, but the idea that this was what the author was building up to all along disappoints me. I'll admit I failed to grasp the meaning behind the final scene, but regardless of how well it fits with themes of the story, I felt the last few episodes took the story in a weird absurd direction that runs counter to the series' exaggerated but believable drama. Besides those complaints, it also feels like Sugawara and Momo didnt really get satisfying resolutions to their personal conflicts.
Sep 20, 2019 11:23 PM
Nov 2018
Yeah, had it weak points and a little of stupidity in the end, but told nice story of relationships and I'm fine with some loose ends. 8/10
Sep 20, 2019 11:51 PM

Feb 2014
Emotions flying everywhere. The girls are fighting the change in their hearts by letting them run out of control. Truly the maidens in their savage season.
I guess everyone got their fill of youth out of that incident. A happy end.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 21, 2019 12:37 AM

Sep 2014
Full of adolescent feels. Very very catchy OP and ED. Honestly didn't like some of the episodes in the middle because characters' motives were confusing and plot moved so fast like a roller coaster ride, but now I think that's a part of this anime too. Adolescent time is full of mystery, unexpected things, sudden mood changes, so this anime overall fits that theme very well. Enjoyable to watch characters as they try to find themselves. Comedy was great too. Enjoyed the first few episodes especially.
Sep 21, 2019 12:59 AM

Mar 2019
I'm a little disappointed with the ending, but that doesn't mean it was a bad anime, for a pretty bad season in general... 7/10
Sep 21, 2019 1:18 AM

Feb 2018
i've been disappointed by quiet few anime this year , dororo and Bungou Stray Dogs are the standout , but this . . . this took the cake. the only lovable character was "Sonezaki Rika" , at least for me .

the shot where they're all cover in paint was really cool , and the Shun/Sonezaki moment was pretty cute , however for the most part it was cringey as hell
Sep 21, 2019 2:21 AM

Jul 2016
Gaw, that was such a cute ending. That paint sequence too, reminded me a lot of The Tatami Galaxy. It's basically the same metaphor that show used, but taken more literally. I think they wrapped the whole thing up really well. Sonezaki has probably grown the most out of the whole cast, and I like how that was reflected visually in her outfits this episode.

I love it when a show does a little time-skip like that right at the end, so we can be sure everything worked out. I think that's a pretty underutilised trope and I'd love to see it more in the future. Also, that final joke at the end came right out of left field and I laughed out loud.

Again, this anime should be required viewing for high school sex ed classes. 8/10
Sep 21, 2019 2:32 AM

Jul 2016
Escaethorne said:
Well, this was degenerate trash right to the end. Pushes the whole "muh female sexuality" crap too hard. I'm considering suffering through the manga just for more Hongou.
Really though, no matter how self-aware the cringy literary references were, there's nothing cultured about it. It's poorly disguised propaganda written by the kind of hag you'd expect to hop on a broom and fly away. I'm not some hardliner traditionalist, but some things are innate to human nature.

What the fuck're you on about, mate?
Sep 21, 2019 3:23 AM

Aug 2013
I have mixed feelings about this. Like honestly...I feel as if this series was essentially like... FLCL: Alternative but without all the crazy antics and clusterfuck sci-fi shit but more along the lines of the clusterfuck that is teenage hormones and puberty. The character interaction and personalities were on point and hilarious, the drama...I was there. But I feel like the last two or three episodes diminished the series with the direction it something was missing along the way. Granted the journey was nice but the conclusion is rather unsatisfactory. Then again, what more can you expect from Mari Okada?

Don't believe the hype.
Sep 21, 2019 3:26 AM

Dec 2009
Boy, did this show bamboozle me.
I actually feel bad for disliking Izumi for most of the series. Sure, he's not a great character, but honestly had more fluidity than Kazusa imo. His only problem, was that he was confused by his own sexuality (like probably any teenager in Japan - the land of sexual taboo) and felt ashamed for objectifying Niina.

It all ended up pretty "safe", in my opinion. No student/teacher endgame. No unnecessary drama for Sonezaki and her goofball boyfriend. Kazusa and Izumi actually being more vocal and direct about how they feel instead of keeping it all inside and suffering in confusion...
My only issue is probably how Momoko and Niina's relationship was solved. The epilogue somewhat suggested they became a thing (maybe) and while I'm absolutely all for them being girlfriends, I feel like it was a little rushed. Especially with how selfish Momoko was about it and how Niina didn't really seem interested in her for most of the part.
Sep 21, 2019 3:28 AM

Jun 2019
Wow, that was a great ending. I didn't know what to expect going in to this last episode but it fully delivered on the promise.

I don't think I've ever watched a 12 ep show that has felt so complete and taken on such a great emotional journey. I've felt privileged to follow these girls on their maiden season as young women. I don't feel like I need a second season of this show and that's how I know it's so great, I feel like we got lo look into a window on their lives and I'm come away with a smile knowing that although things don't always turn out exactly how you want them to, you experience them together, holding hands through life with your partner.
Sep 21, 2019 3:38 AM

Jun 2016
The manga doesn't even need translations anymore since Okada-sensei is also the one writing the script so yeah it's canon one way or another.

Ending was good on all sides. They've come to a conclusion in which both of them can agree and they've regained closure. I didn't hate Niina even a bit because i know Saegusa's the one to blame and Niina had her own circumstances. Was a bit pissed during Amagi's confession about his last sexual experiences tho. Thanks god Rika is the type of girl that would go silent with just a kiss from her forehead.
I am not a friend of justice. I am an enemy of evil.

Sep 21, 2019 3:39 AM

Jun 2019
A_Sad_Dust_Cloud said:
Escaethorne said:
Well, this was degenerate trash right to the end. Pushes the whole "muh female sexuality" crap too hard. I'm considering suffering through the manga just for more Hongou.
Really though, no matter how self-aware the cringy literary references were, there's nothing cultured about it. It's poorly disguised propaganda written by the kind of hag you'd expect to hop on a broom and fly away. I'm not some hardliner traditionalist, but some things are innate to human nature.

What the fuck're you on about, mate?

I know, what show was he/she watching. I gave it a 9/10, enjoyed each and every episode. Maybe womens sexual liberty rubs some people the wrong way.
Sep 21, 2019 3:48 AM

Jun 2016
A_Sad_Dust_Cloud said:
Gaw, that was such a cute ending. That paint sequence too, reminded me a lot of The Tatami Galaxy. It's basically the same metaphor that show used, but taken more literally. I think they wrapped the whole thing up really well. Sonezaki has probably grown the most out of the whole cast, and I like how that was reflected visually in her outfits this episode.

I love it when a show does a little time-skip like that right at the end, so we can be sure everything worked out. I think that's a pretty underutilised trope and I'd love to see it more in the future. Also, that final joke at the end came right out of left field and I laughed out loud.

Again, this anime should be required viewing for high school sex ed classes. 8/10
I agree with you there. Sonezaki had grown more compared to those four, well... Maybe due to her actual experiences about what love is, thanks to Amagi saying her cute all the way which won her heart. Sonezaki also changed her perspective about eseecks and sexual infatuation to opposite gender which made her more mature I guess... And her looks during the epilogue is so cute. :)
I am not a friend of justice. I am an enemy of evil.

Sep 21, 2019 4:11 AM

Jan 2013
Weak ending for an otherwise good anime.
Sep 21, 2019 4:18 AM

Nov 2018
Momoko with that intense push and lmao Izumi just went and said he likes Kazusa but is sexually attracted only to Sugawara. Their reactions at that
Momoko has gone full-on lesbian, I love that
Oh they talked it out, nice. Kazusa the bi icon lmao. Most of them are smitten with Sugawara
That was a messy finale but a good kind of messy.
I like how there were a mixture of bittersweet, sad and happy endings for the cast.
"It fit." what. Okay Kazusa.
This show was a different experience but worked well in its own way.
Sep 21, 2019 4:23 AM
May 2018
Araburu kisetsu no otome-domo yo in 1 word: Beautiful

Sep 21, 2019 5:36 AM
Feb 2018
Last episode was in my opinion the best one. The drama was not as bad as manga readers said and it ended in good way... (was kinda expecting some messed up or bad ending at some point). Overall this episode was 5/5 and anime as itself 8/10.
Sep 21, 2019 6:11 AM

Mar 2018
It's nice to see an anime that takes sex seriously instead of taking a laughter with it or not taking it seriously at all. It was a nice change.
Sure, the last episode talked a lot about it but at least in a serious tone and they were looking for their own color of feelings which I really admire. Even the little time-skip was a nice little add to it. Lots of people are saying that Sonezaki had grown more than the others... I so agree with that!

Regarding Okada Mari, I admire her style and it seems easy for her to discuss things in a serious fashion. Overall, I'm a big HoneyWorks fan (OP) and the anime had a really amazing color palette which was candy for the eyes. I end with a 9/10.
Koito91Sep 21, 2019 6:14 AM

☆  PlayStation: KoitoTV
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Sep 21, 2019 6:26 AM

Apr 2015
Pretty nice episode to end it with, not what I had expected at first. I didn't expect it to be this kind of happy end. Even got a little time skip at the end of everyone.

IT FIT! That made me laugh.

8/10, really enjoyable!
Sep 21, 2019 6:35 AM

May 2014
Fantastic anime, I was very pleased with the ending.
"My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible
for the well being of this Island"
Sep 21, 2019 6:36 AM
Dec 2018
Finally this year 3D Kanojo is a true end to a romance that is really happy for this kind of anime with a serious sense of this kind of anime, and literally give a finale made the animation more beautiful thanks to everyone who contributed to me

10 / 8.5
TheBaTuHaNSep 21, 2019 6:40 AM
Sep 21, 2019 6:39 AM
Jul 2019
É... anime decaiu muito :/
Sep 21, 2019 7:58 AM

Dec 2016
The hell was this episode? I almost spilled my drink when Izumi screwed up at the beginning of the episode, I held way too much faith in this series, it did not turn up the way I anticipated. Fine ending to a decent show.
Sep 21, 2019 8:06 AM

Jul 2019
man this show looked good from the first ep so i stuck it out through the end, but this was just messy imo
Sep 21, 2019 9:10 AM

Mar 2018
What a waste of complicated of character relationsips, great example of why works like this give shounen a bad reputation, just revolve everything with characters suddenly having enlightenment through some crazy bullshit. I didn't need to have this shit forced down my throat holy shit. Now I understand why Mariko Okada is so infamous

Still 7/10 cuz it had a lot of good stuff
Sep 21, 2019 9:11 AM

Nov 2016
I had a lot of mixed feelings watching this anime, and I think that because of my personal experience I like or dislike more or less some characters:

Sonezaki and Amagi are my favourite characters because their relationship is the one that I want, the most wholesome relation and definetly the better one.

I also enjoyed Kazusa, Momo and Izumi, because my actual feelings are a mix of them three (without the "finally ended in a couple" part) I felt so happy when Izumi and Kazusa were talking about their feelings with eachother that was definetly needed, and I also liked how the author used the "I'm sexualy attracted to X" term again because of personal experience. I'm going to add too, that I don't like nor agree with Momo, she is a selfish bitch that I dislike, but I actually enjoyed the why she was there and her mini arc.

I do like Hongo after the final episodes, at first I thought she was being childish and stupid by trying to seduce Milo-sensei even knowing that it would be something bad for him, but honestly Idk how to explain the why I like her now.
And I don't hate Sugawarashi just because of Momo's revelation, but I still dislike her.

Overall the anime was good, the characters were great and it used a pretty much realistic plot with realistic relationships. confused/10 (But it's probably going to stay as a 9/10 for some time)
AlvaritoterreosSep 21, 2019 9:26 AM
Sep 21, 2019 9:19 AM

Nov 2016
bobandvagene said:
"but i'm sexually attracted to sugawara" - izumi
i mean... who's not?

Well, I don't know if you are underage but I don't think that is something normal to say. Anyways I am underage and (if they were real) I would be more attracted sexualy to Sonezaki than Sugawara
Sep 21, 2019 10:23 AM

Oct 2018
I was nervous going into this episode; it had a lot of plot-lines to resolve and I was worried that it would be a rushed mess.

I was completely wrong. This episode hit all the perfect emotional beats and I couldn't have asked for a more resonant and satisfying ending to what has turned out to be one of the best anime of 2019.
Don't you hate it when there's too much water?
Sep 21, 2019 10:26 AM

Feb 2007
That tunnel... :D
Sep 21, 2019 12:00 PM

Dec 2015
On the first 4 - 6 episodes, I swear I'd give this show an 8/10. Unttil then, the show was extremelly funny and clever. Downgraded to 7 when it created too much unecessary drama, and didn't focus on the comedy.

And after this final episode, I have to downgrade again. That was mess. Even the characters said they were confused. It created so much character arcs that the show didn't know how to finish naturaly. This definitely could have been better. 6/10
Sep 21, 2019 1:04 PM

Feb 2015
tfw I want a spin-off Sonezaki and Amagi just to have a justice on this shit hole anime...
Sep 21, 2019 1:30 PM
Jan 2016
Damn Izumi that was a harsh thing to say to a girl, but honestly she kinda deserved that, but she was okay after hearing that!

That tag game was really interesting.

Nina and Momoko moment was nice to make up!

Izumi and Kazusa moment in hallway with that beautiful background color was amuzing, liked what Izumi said back there, that feeling its comprehensible, and both felt the same, and suspected about Nina listening them, and she really where!

Amagi is and awesome boy, i like how he only have eyes for Rika, and dont believe they interupted that wonderfull kiss scene between then, i really wanted to see that!

And also i am glad that Juujo is happy with her son!

Overall, it was really amuzing and funny following that awesome ride about that savage girls feeling, this really grew on me, i never knew what would happen, i laughted, i suffered, and i was affraid of what would come next, and i absolutely will miss this girls and the awesome moments i saw back there!
Sep 21, 2019 2:30 PM

Dec 2014
the episode was awesome but nice to see a little later and then some hmmm nice to see the sensei hooking with other teacher instead...really would want to know whether this was different from manga or not
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