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O Maidens In Your Savage Season
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Sep 13, 2019 10:51 AM

Nov 2011
The Literature Club just can't catch a break D:

Kazusa's role this episode was kinda noticable as she has matured over the course of the show but still retains a bit of her childish side. Also, I can't stand some of the adults in this anime, particular the guys from the faculty.
Sep 13, 2019 11:53 AM

Apr 2016
Dude this show just went and took such a crazy ass turn, and i actually enjoy every second of it :D

Next week is the last ep, not sure how far is the source but hope this will get a complete adaptation.
Sep 13, 2019 12:29 PM

Dec 2017
Expected TEH DRAMA and dirt, got something completely unexpected. And that's a good thing.
Sep 13, 2019 12:47 PM

Aug 2013
This episode sure escalated fast.

Sugawara punching that guy in the glasses was satisfying to watch.

They took Milo-Sensei hostage. Honestly, the decision to expel Sonezaki was unfair. Let's see how they will end this show with the last episode.

Sep 13, 2019 1:02 PM

Mar 2018
With this episode it felt like they threw the script out the window. Instead of getting a conclusion to any of the previous events it seems the last episodes will be spent on a situation that came out of nowhere. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Sep 13, 2019 1:18 PM
May 2016
Man, this anime looked so promising during its first episodes but seems like it's destined to crash and burn. It's like they took a big fat dump on the script somewhere halfway and decided to wing every episode based on the first thought they had this morning:

"Today i'm up for some HS drama...huh maybe some half-assed commentary on illicit relationships LOL NOPE let's go for some balls to the wall ridiculous shenanigans now"

The tonal shifts in this episode alone made my head spin. The whole conversation between Sugawara and Kazusa was so friggin' dumb and the emotions they expressed throughout it made no sense whatsoever. The kidnapping of the sensei in response to the ban is a desperate attempt to lift up the (fake) heavy air that has perpetrated these last few episodes, and is the shit-nugget on top of the crap-cake that was this episode and honestly, the show as a whole.

What a friggin shame, this could have been great.
Sep 13, 2019 1:24 PM
Apr 2016
Honestly I struggle taking this show seriously at this point, sorry.

Pretty common accident, pregnancy because of idiots being idiots. Glad that Niina didn't do it with the pedo, was a major relief honestly (wouldn't have been surprised if she did it with him though, considering how far this show goes already). Izumi wants to take it slow, and that's how it should be. Kazusa was just annoying. Sonezaki's parents reacted in the stupidest way possible, such immature parents. The school literally letting everyone know about Sonezaki's situation was also stupid and immature, basically the authorities there are stupid manchildren too!! And now the group is betting on a really absurd plan, which will probably later have severe consequences...
Sep 13, 2019 1:27 PM

Sep 2012
twoego said:
Honestly I struggle taking this show seriously at this point, sorry.

Pretty common accident, pregnancy because of idiots being idiots. Glad that Niina didn't do it with the pedo, was a major relief honestly (wouldn't have been surprised if she did it with him though, considering how far this show goes already). Izumi wants to take it slow, and that's how it should be. Kazusa was just annoying. Sonezaki's parents reacted in the stupidest way possible, such immature parents. The school literally letting everyone know about Sonezaki's situation was also stupid and immature, basically the authorities there are stupid manchildren too!! And now the group is betting on a really absurd plan, which will probably later have severe consequences...

It's actually interesting to see the guy wanting to take it slow instead of the girl.
Sep 13, 2019 1:30 PM

Jul 2014

Ouch! Poor momo :'(

That ending xD

Now, I love this show but I don't think it will have a completely satisfactory ending. There were already too many things to resolve and now with this new plot I see things even less clear. I hope I'm wrong because this is undoubtedly one of my favorite animes of the season.
SkyLETVSep 13, 2019 3:15 PM
Sep 13, 2019 1:51 PM

Mar 2018
As most ppl I have trouble on where to sort that in..
This show was really promising in the beginning and I already made it one of my favs this season with the op and the first ep

But the drama escalated way too much and especially in this episode they completely threw in some random stuff that didn't make that much sense.

Niina was with the pedophile, hit him after telling him to take her virginity and ran away. And?

Izumi is too freakin indecisive and Kazusa straight out tells Niina "Ah yes so you love my boyfriend, sure confess to him *TOMOYO*".. No?

The guy from Momo's cram school is completely cut out and Momo is basically some annoying throwaway character at this point with no hope for any route ngl

And of course. The only real good couple in this story being Sonezaki and Amagi + the Juujo situation as side story for them develops into the most dramatic part of this show.
And I have to say.. I don't dislike this turn they have at the end of this episode. I wouldn't dislike this Drama. But the way up to this point is just.. Disappointing?

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Sep 13, 2019 1:55 PM

Jul 2017
Momoko "I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friends"
Also Momoko "Watch out for Sugawara lol she cray"

Kazusa "I want to cherish the relationship that I can finally have with Izumi"
Izumi "Lets take it slowly no need to rush things :)"
Kazusa "lol k bye"

I had a feeling but definitely think the ending is gonna be rushed, not sure if we're gonna see the epilogue or not. Think the whole drama with banning opposite-sex non-platonic relationships (but it didn't ban same-sex ones gg Momoko) probably could've been done earlier cause it's pretty obvious they're gonna resolve it at the end
Sep 13, 2019 2:06 PM

Dec 2016
Remember when this show was about girls understanding their sexuality by reading works of literature instead of cute girls committing acts of terrorism?

shit!! he got me! that fucking Poly
boomed me! he's so good! (x4)
Sep 13, 2019 2:06 PM
Mar 2015
We are nearly at the end so everything comes to a head Momo gets her answer from Kazusa Kazusa tries to head off Nina but Izumi stops her Nina slaps down the pedophile Senpai and Amagi are expelled for following Hougo and Sensei to the love hotel
Taking Sensei hostage was extreme but so was expelling our best couple Things will come to head now
Sep 13, 2019 2:12 PM

Sep 2009
I was hoping there would be more of a focus on the girl who became pregnant, instead of her just 'dropping out and not having any screen time.' It is _the_ major (and potentially disastrous) event that could happen at that age, after all, and it relates to the theme of the anime.

We'll see what happens next week.
“They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What’s blood for, if not for shedding? With my hook for a hand, I’ll split you from your groin to your gullet.” - Candyman
Sep 13, 2019 2:15 PM

Jul 2017
mindstate said:
Remember when this show was about girls understanding their sexuality by reading works of literature instead of cute girls committing acts of terrorism?

this sounds really susp when taken out of context lol
Sep 13, 2019 2:28 PM

Mar 2019
She....slapped...the pedo...for that alone, 10/10 best Episode.
Sep 13, 2019 2:29 PM

Dec 2016
Short_Circut said:
mindstate said:
Remember when this show was about girls understanding their sexuality by reading works of literature instead of cute girls committing acts of terrorism?

this sounds really susp when taken out of context lol
it doesn't make much reason with context though

shit!! he got me! that fucking Poly
boomed me! he's so good! (x4)
Sep 13, 2019 3:10 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Okay what the actual fuck was that ending lol

I was trying to figure out just how exactly kidnapping Milo-sensei would help them somehow and... well seeing their plan revealed I'm still questioning it
Sep 13, 2019 3:36 PM

May 2019
I enjoyed it and all, but everyone is so indecisive like dude. First Niina wants to fuck with Saegusa, 2 secons after that she sends him to the 2nd circle of hell. Same goes with Kazusa.

The Director and the other guy playing good cop/bad cop seems cliché, but at least we can see the other guy is a douchebag.

Also, what the seventh fuck was going on with that ending.

Sep 13, 2019 3:39 PM

Mar 2012
This show is like some displaced era Puritan story where chatisty belt would be encouraged. The school administration is just ridiculous and we're just a total gag anime now.

Nina is still frustrating as all hell. Yay you punched the pedo but you still want to confess to Izumi? WTF girl?
Sep 13, 2019 4:15 PM

Oct 2013
Eyyyyy so this anime didn't have a villain so they just HAD to create a villain, am I right?

Way to go to ruin my AOTS. What's next? World War III? Time Machines?
Sep 13, 2019 4:19 PM

Sep 2008
I guess in the end, Milo-sensei's never gonna have a moment where he has a shred of dignity among the Literature Club girls. XD

MetaKite said:
This show is like some displaced era Puritan story where chatisty belt would be encouraged. The school administration is just ridiculous and we're just a total gag anime now.

This kind of thing is actually not that unheard of in many Japanese schools in real life. Many of them discourage students from being in romantic relationships because the administrators believe it distracts them from focusing on their studies. It's a byproduct of the country's strict conformity and group mentality that many try to uphold within its society.
Sep 13, 2019 4:21 PM

Nov 2016
The administration lost it, but the girls apparently too. What a crazy turn of events :D

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 13, 2019 4:30 PM

Nov 2018
Izumi could at least kiss the best girl :/ I really want everything to go smooth for these two but Izumi is just arghhh

Yet I felt less hate towards Nina in this episode, maybe because she slapped the pedo or maybe because she told Kazusa about her confession plans, still very mixed feelings especially after liking her in the very beginning..

Weird ending but okay, we'll see where it brings us in the last episode but I kiiinda expected more stuff
Sep 13, 2019 4:35 PM
Dec 2018
At this point everything is happening randomly for no reason, but I think that's how highschool life is, teenage is a very random stage of life and this is being portrayed pretty well here.
Even though the script seems to be moving around in a blender this episode returned that sense of enjoyment that I had before the tomfuckery that was episodes 8 to 10 and I love it.
Sep 13, 2019 4:45 PM

Dec 2014
Crazy episode and I loved it. xD

Poor Momo. :(

That punch by Sugawara-shi though.

The administration dudes have lost it, even after Milo-sensei told them that Sonezaki and Amagi were not at fault. :(
The ending was so over the top and crazy, I feel bad for Milo-sensei getting caught up in all this. XD

Need more Tomo-yo! xD
Sep 13, 2019 5:09 PM

Oct 2012
Remember people, childhood friend never wins... and the fact that Nina's confession was postponed can only mean one thing. Although I kinda wonder how they want to conclude this in just one episode, Momoko's confusion included.
Niina really has better chemistry with Izumi as Kazusa x Izumi relationship really lacks the spark. If anything she should have went for the kiss when she was in his room, that would change a lot of things.

Kinda wondering what they are trying to do with that night school tresspassing in the end, I really hope it doesn't turn in some needless unreal drama (though yeah, their principal is total pushover, that's given).
But it's true, japanese school system wouldn't be able to handle such act, they can't really kick them all out of the school, that would be too much of a scandal. I bet they'll try to project those illicit conduits with Milo-sensei as their leverage and they will probably win.

But still, this whole random act kinda derails what this series was all about from the beginning - great coming-of-age drama with discovering their own sexuality. I mean, we need satisfying ending for:

- Niina, probably starts dating Izumi
- Kazusa, probably stays friend with him (a lot of crying included)
- Sionezaki and Amagi, well, the easiest one, they just returns to school dating each other
- Momoko, her role of sexual confusion was put in the background for whole season although some conclusion is well needed
- and Hitoha who will be probably heartbroken too because her relation with Tomoaki is off-limits until graduation

Knowing Okada, we might expect some bittersweet ending with all girls simply moving on with their lives, growing up thanks to those experiences (that would be great one) but I still fear we'll get happy ending instead, friendship ever after included. I just hope it won't be as painfully forced as in Toradora, that's all.
Sep 13, 2019 5:10 PM

Sep 2016
The flip flopping of themes irritated me to no end, the manga is no better, spitting in the face of readers and laughing at them for thinking it would be a piece worth praise.

Mari Okada is incapable of sticking a landing, the show was thematically consistent for a bit lulling you into a false sense of security until you realise the themes have dissapeared by the half way mark and there's nothing resembling a story, just useless teen melodrama accompanied by almost comedic pacing and logic.

I'm on for the ride but much like a 10km rollercoaster, it should've ended eons ago.

ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀy ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴩ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ
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Sep 13, 2019 5:26 PM
Jul 2018
Last episode will cover the whole thing, only 4 chapters left.
Sep 13, 2019 6:51 PM

Mar 2012
ggultra2764 said:
I guess in the end, Milo-sensei's never gonna have a moment where he has a shred of dignity among the Literature Club girls. XD

MetaKite said:
This show is like some displaced era Puritan story where chatisty belt would be encouraged. The school administration is just ridiculous and we're just a total gag anime now.

This kind of thing is actually not that unheard of in many Japanese schools in real life. Many of them discourage students from being in romantic relationships because the administrators believe it distracts them from focusing on their studies. It's a byproduct of the country's strict conformity and group mentality that many try to uphold within its society.
So what are the odds this sort of thinking heavily contributes to Japan's plummeting birth rate?
Sep 13, 2019 6:56 PM

Sep 2016
MetaKite said:
ggultra2764 said:
I guess in the end, Milo-sensei's never gonna have a moment where he has a shred of dignity among the Literature Club girls. XD

This kind of thing is actually not that unheard of in many Japanese schools in real life. Many of them discourage students from being in romantic relationships because the administrators believe it distracts them from focusing on their studies. It's a byproduct of the country's strict conformity and group mentality that many try to uphold within its society.
So what are the odds this sort of thinking heavily contributes to Japan's plummeting birth rate?

This in combination with their all work no play attitude affects it for sure.

ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀy ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴩ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ
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Sep 13, 2019 6:59 PM

Aug 2013
So Sugawara's legendary punch was the best part of this episode honestly...but other than that, this direction just went to show how much of a meme Mari Okada is. Safe to say Anohana might be the best project she's ever done.
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 13, 2019 7:11 PM

Aug 2018
crimsonking73 said:
Man, this anime looked so promising during its first episodes but seems like it's destined to crash and burn. It's like they took a big fat dump on the script somewhere halfway and decided to wing every episode based on the first thought they had this morning:

"Today i'm up for some HS drama...huh maybe some half-assed commentary on illicit relationships LOL NOPE let's go for some balls to the wall ridiculous shenanigans now"

The tonal shifts in this episode alone made my head spin. The whole conversation between Sugawara and Kazusa was so friggin' dumb and the emotions they expressed throughout it made no sense whatsoever. The kidnapping of the sensei in response to the ban is a desperate attempt to lift up the (fake) heavy air that has perpetrated these last few episodes, and is the shit-nugget on top of the crap-cake that was this episode and honestly, the show as a whole.

What a friggin shame, this could have been great.
Exactly my thoughts. Was gearing on giving this show an 8 or maybe even a 9 but it's looking like a 7 or 6. Shame
Sep 13, 2019 7:32 PM

Feb 2015
Man this is the dumbest shit. I find this shit so hard to believe. Even for a country as conservative as Japan. Like, no fucking school in any first world country would ever try and pull that shit, and I don't think any first world country would believe one random rumor to that degree. This isn't the fucking 1800s. I hate this blown out of proportion drama.
Sep 13, 2019 7:33 PM

Sep 2016
eglepe said:
crimsonking73 said:
Man, this anime looked so promising during its first episodes but seems like it's destined to crash and burn. It's like they took a big fat dump on the script somewhere halfway and decided to wing every episode based on the first thought they had this morning:

"Today i'm up for some HS drama...huh maybe some half-assed commentary on illicit relationships LOL NOPE let's go for some balls to the wall ridiculous shenanigans now"

The tonal shifts in this episode alone made my head spin. The whole conversation between Sugawara and Kazusa was so friggin' dumb and the emotions they expressed throughout it made no sense whatsoever. The kidnapping of the sensei in response to the ban is a desperate attempt to lift up the (fake) heavy air that has perpetrated these last few episodes, and is the shit-nugget on top of the crap-cake that was this episode and honestly, the show as a whole.

What a friggin shame, this could have been great.
Exactly my thoughts. Was gearing on giving this show an 8 or maybe even a 9 but it's looking like a 7 or 6. Shame

Same here, was actually impressed until the show turned into a mudslide.
TinyboxSep 13, 2019 8:14 PM

ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀy ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴩ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ
yᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ yᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ
yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ yᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ yᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʟᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʟɪᴋᴇ yᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ
Sep 13, 2019 7:59 PM

Jun 2013
Please. Why'd this show have to jump the shark?
Sep 13, 2019 8:36 PM

Jul 2019
from a discord user: the cover art is finally making sense now
Sep 13, 2019 9:16 PM

Oct 2015
The triangle between Sugawara/Izumi/Kazusa is so overdone now that it has lost its value. Stop it with the lame melodrama, Sugawara kinda got rejected in the last episode, so what's there to confess? They just made her a more pathetic, attention seeking whore right now.

The Sonezaki saga was more interesting. Glad this will be over next week, really cannot wait!

crimsonking73 said:
Man, this anime looked so promising during its first episodes but seems like it's destined to crash and burn. It's like they took a big fat dump on the script somewhere halfway and decided to wing every episode based on the first thought they had this morning:

"Today i'm up for some HS drama...huh maybe some half-assed commentary on illicit relationships LOL NOPE let's go for some balls to the wall ridiculous shenanigans now"

The tonal shifts in this episode alone made my head spin. The whole conversation between Sugawara and Kazusa was so friggin' dumb and the emotions they expressed throughout it made no sense whatsoever. The kidnapping of the sensei in response to the ban is a desperate attempt to lift up the (fake) heavy air that has perpetrated these last few episodes, and is the shit-nugget on top of the crap-cake that was this episode and honestly, the show as a whole.

What a friggin shame, this could have been great.
Totally the best comment ever.

At this point they are throwing everything they can milk out of this series!

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenSep 15, 2019 11:14 PM
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 13, 2019 10:46 PM
May 2017
After this episode, hmmmm. I might change my rating from 10 to 9 or 8. Hmmmmm.
Sep 13, 2019 10:58 PM

Sep 2008
Likely gonna be skewered considering I'm actually enjoying the ride with the recent episodes of this series.

lihle808 said:
The triangle between Sugawara/Izumi/Kazusa is so overdone now that it has lost its value. Stop it with the lame melodrama, Sugawara kinda got rejected in the last episode, so what's there to confess? They just made her a more pathetic, attention seeking whore right now.

Niina wanting to confess to Izumi is her way to atone for attempting to seduce him away from Kazusa the past few episodes since she clearly had feelings for him, but didn't know how to properly express them due to Pedo-sensei not being the best role model at leading her in seeking a healthy romantic relationship, as well as her past dealing with harassment from boys.

twoego said:
Sonezaki's parents reacted in the stupidest way possible, such immature parents. The school literally letting everyone know about Sonezaki's situation was also stupid and immature, basically the authorities there are stupid manchildren too!!

This is actually truth in television in Japan. Social reputation and conformity for group functions like families and schools means everything to them and having anything remotely rebellious or scandalous from an individual within said social groups is seen as something that threatens the social order and status for them. As I mentioned earlier, many Japanese schools discourage romantic relationships from students because the administrators think it distracts students from their studies.
Sep 13, 2019 11:12 PM

Sep 2016
ggultra2764 said:
Likely gonna be skewered considering I'm actually enjoying the ride with the recent episodes of this series.

Niina wanting to confess to Izumi is her way to atone for attempting to seduce him away from Kazusa the past few episodes since she clearly had feelings for him, but didn't know how to properly express them due to Pedo-sensei not being the best role model at leading her in seeking a healthy romantic relationship, as well as her past dealing with harassment from boys.

If Niina had learnt anything from the pedophile it's that attraction goes both ways, you can't force chemistry. Being rejected by him before being rejected by Izumi should reinforce that fact, but it doesn't. And your point about the harassment from boys.. what harassment? The show not once shows an example of Niina being harassed. It does however show HER sexually assault the boyfriend of her so called "friend". Niina is objectively a bad person, no amount of mental gymnastics will change that.

ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀy ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴩ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ
yᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ yᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ
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Sep 13, 2019 11:13 PM
Sep 2016
This show is literally like a young maiden's fickle mind. There really is no way of knowing when it will take a u turn.
Am I enjoying it or hating it?? I'm not sure myself at this point xD.
Sep 13, 2019 11:35 PM

Dec 2016
...interesting mix of drama and comedy in this one
AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Sep 14, 2019 12:01 AM

Aug 2016
Poor principal, everything he wanted was having a good nap : (
Sep 14, 2019 12:59 AM

Aug 2018
this got real interesting real quick

Sep 14, 2019 1:08 AM
Sep 2019
Mich666 said:
Remember people, childhood friend never wins... and the fact that Nina's confession was postponed can only mean one thing. Although I kinda wonder how they want to conclude this in just one episode, Momoko's confusion included.
Niina really has better chemistry with Izumi as Kazusa x Izumi relationship really lacks the spark. If anything she should have went for the kiss when she was in his room, that would change a lot of things.

Kinda wondering what they are trying to do with that night school tresspassing in the end, I really hope it doesn't turn in some needless unreal drama (though yeah, their principal is total pushover, that's given).
But it's true, japanese school system wouldn't be able to handle such act, they can't really kick them all out of the school, that would be too much of a scandal. I bet they'll try to project those illicit conduits with Milo-sensei as their leverage and they will probably win.

But still, this whole random act kinda derails what this series was all about from the beginning - great coming-of-age drama with discovering their own sexuality. I mean, we need satisfying ending for:

- Niina, probably starts dating Izumi
- Kazusa, probably stays friend with him (a lot of crying included)
- Sionezaki and Amagi, well, the easiest one, they just returns to school dating each other
- Momoko, her role of sexual confusion was put in the background for whole season although some conclusion is well needed
- and Hitoha who will be probably heartbroken too because her relation with Tomoaki is off-limits until graduation

Knowing Okada, we might expect some bittersweet ending with all girls simply moving on with their lives, growing up thanks to those experiences (that would be great one) but I still fear we'll get happy ending instead, friendship ever after included. I just hope it won't be as painfully forced as in Toradora, that's all.

I thought I was the only one supporting Sugawara and Izumi (thank goodness), because seriously Kazusa is getting on my nerves..She's just trying too hard now to keep Izumi at her side, when it's up to Izumi to choose in the end. And if she really loves and believes in him, then she should be more mature about it and keep her cool or TRY to instead of using her body and aggressively expressing the fact that she wants to "do it", in order to win him over. Like seriously, I was glad that Izumi didn't lose his senses.
But I kinda disagree with the part saying, "childhood friend never wins", since majority of the mangas or animes have successful romance between childhood friends and I think it's totally okay for other people to have the opportunity to confess and be happy, and not feel inferior towards that one lucky childhood friend. It's just the fact that they were fortunate to have known each other for a long time and for other cases, be within a close range of distance for a long period of time. So, with all that being said, I just hope Niina and Izumi get together lol.

Also, what is up with these last few episodes. Like the ending for this episode was just so random and I could've cared less for that useless drama. I was kinda anticipating something good to happen in this episode, but now I don't even know where this is heading. I liked this anime, so I just hope the ending at least will be satisfying.
lililala22Sep 14, 2019 1:15 AM
Sep 14, 2019 1:22 AM

Mar 2019
Uhhh nina and the creepy old dude AGAIN. Why couldn't she have knocked him out for good so we don't have to see him again.
Sep 14, 2019 1:24 AM

Jul 2016
Fuck yeah! Niina winning me back in one punch! Now if someone can just do it to the principal and vice-principal next week, I'll be golden.

Seriously though, what we got this episode was way different from what I expected. Sonezaki was the last person I expected to be in any dramatic danger at this point. I like it when a show can go differently from my expectations and still be good. And honestly I have no idea what the finale is gonna look like. What I really want to happen is someone calls the media to witness the event, everything goes public and the principal/vice principal lose their jobs in spectacular fashion, though knowing my history with predicting shit, it's probably not gonna be that. All I know is that it's gonna be amazing.

Edit: Also wow, I just did a rough count and this forum's an almost perfectly even split between people who like the show and people who don't.
ChilliePeppersSep 14, 2019 1:37 AM
Sep 14, 2019 1:42 AM

Jun 2019
Man this topic really makes me wonder what is wrong with people now days, wanting Sugawara x Izumi. Like, do you people like seeing planes crash, buildings burn, and people getting killed cause thats the kind of disaster them two together will be.
Sep 14, 2019 1:45 AM
Feb 2018
Good episode for me. It was a bit sudden change but I am somehow glad that the girls are cooperating together. As much as I hate Niina, I am happy that she was honest with Kazusa (and punched that sicko). Not sure how will be the last episode and if it will be really the last or if we can anticipate some sequel ova... Doubt they can close it all in 20 minutes without rushing it... or they just can make 1 h episode like the Astra.
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