All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 169.9
Mean Score:
- Watching112
- Completed619
- On-Hold18
- Dropped19
- Plan to Watch1,002
- Total Entries1,770
- Rewatched127
- Episodes10,148
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 69.0
Mean Score:
- Reading22
- Completed102
- On-Hold26
- Dropped3
- Plan to Read356
- Total Entries509
- Reread11
- Chapters9,585
- Volumes1,099
All Comments (629) Comments
I live in France currently and we weren't allowed to even leave our house without a signed and dated form. By about week 3-4, I felt irritable and restless because I missed the simple interaction of people just wishing me "good morning" at work or being able to step outside my door without a piece of paper. But by about week ~5-6, I got used to it again.
The lack of exercise was getting to me too, but I found some nice YouTube HIIT workouts that didn't take a lot of time but a lot of energy, and that sorted that out as well. is my hopeful for the season (was for last season too). It seems like it'll be insanely fun and I enjoy the OP/ED a lot :D
Hope anime won't be gone forever from your life :)
PS. Hope you're doing well too~
The adaptation covered most of the same material as the first adapt, and rearranged the chapters to end with the same climax, too. It's hard to say how I feel about it because the beginning of the manga is more SoL-ish and the story-heaviness really doesn't come until later. So, I'm excited for the upcoming season(s), but I feel kind of positively neutral about the first season. How about you?
What about you?
I am into film/TV, yeah, thanks! I feel like I've seen a lot of anime, but I suppose in comparison to others on here, maybe not haha.
Will get there eventually 👍
I definitely try to listen to a variety of stuff, there's plenty of stuff I could be listening to more of though like hip hop for example. shit I don't think I've even rated a single jazz album yet either.
Yeah I also really enjoy rating and listing things for some reason. I guess its just interesting to think about why different stuff appeals to me idk. also it just helps on sites like mal and stuff to find people with similar or interesting taste.