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Fire Force
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Aug 3, 2019 12:16 AM
Mar 2017
Well in this episode we were introduced to a very aggressive and also very attractive lady, the captain of the fifth division is someone quite arrogant and her subordinates are a group of masochistic scums.

Maki is too perfect, I laughed a lot at how she punished the idiot of Arthur for answering that phone call. In addition to that part where Hinawa asks where Shinra and Arthur are while we see the adorable face of horror that Maki puts on, and then see her plead for forgiveness to Shinra and Arthur for the punishment they both will receive.
We finally saw Maki in combat, Sputter comet look sick awesome.

The Infernal they faced in this episode turned out to be unique in his kind, he was able to retain his conscience, would it have been because this guy was a serial killer?

The fights in this episode were great, the first encounter with the Infernal was quite good, Shinra and Arthur gave the Infernal a good beating and then seeing Hinawa shoot him without thinking twice was pretty cool of him.
But without a doubt Shinra's fight against the Infernal was epic, especially since that guy underestimated Shinra, but Princess Hibana makes her introduction interrupting the fight.
I was very curious about Hibana's pyrokinesis, which was what she did to Shinra? But I still couldn't stop laughing when Shinra took a flash look at Hibana's underwear.
The part where Shinra gets angry over the bad taste of one of the girls who holds him ... Wow never make Shinra angry.

I was a little disappointed in how Obi handed over the custody of the Infernal to Hibana, just because she knew how to argue her point better, besides this gave the chewing gum idiot a chance to insult Obi, but at least Maki gave the scum his deserved punishment and Hinawa approved it with his thumb up.

The episode was very good, now there is more mystery within the ranks of the Fire Force, the previous week Burns gave me a bad feeling and now the same thing happens with Hibana, she must know many things thanks to her position as a researcher and that glanze that she exchanged with Iris, was uncomfortable and that means they have history and both appear in the Ending very close, so I hope to know what happened in the convent where they both lived and were both witnesses that hell that shows the Ending.
salbery755Aug 3, 2019 12:19 AM
Aug 3, 2019 12:38 AM

Jul 2017
After watching Okaa-san Online, it seems that masochism rings a bell this week.

Princess Hibana of the 5th Company is no pushover, aside from being a domineering person and other than the functions of the company being different, it seems that the Haijima Industries "sponsored" Company had a life on its own, even into handling Internals.

Arthur this episode had me laughing, at the way he handled the call at the beginning to treating Shinra like a horse. Shinra on the other hand, even when standing ground against Hibana, he really doesn't care unless it's Company 8 in question. That, I respect, even though it's mainly Shounen traits.

However, it's the Captain of the 8th Company Obi, that his handling of the issue is worrisome at best. To boot, more questions than answers, but to reveal them now won't make it noticeable nor give some solid foundation for future episodes to follow. Furthermore, corruption is at the helm of the other divisions, so keeping to yourself vs. being allies was never an option to begin with.

Love it or hate it, anime logic doesn't beat troupes, but in some cases it will.
KANLen09Aug 3, 2019 12:53 AM
Aug 3, 2019 12:51 AM

Mar 2018
Terrible that with such amazing animation and composition, the editing is taking off any intensity from the whole thing.

I can't say if the editing is a style thing or simply incompetence, but it sure isn't usual and I have trouble getting used to it.

Other than that episode was good. The story is becoming interresting, and I like most of the character.
Aug 3, 2019 12:58 AM

Aug 2013
watching Fire Force feels like

I wish Iris has more screen time...
Aug 3, 2019 1:00 AM
Dec 2018
when she told him to lick her feet it was so hot
Aug 3, 2019 1:24 AM

Oct 2008
Nice! 8th vs the 5th!!!
self-aware infernals huh...more like more experimentation so that the Fire Force would become stronger?

Aug 3, 2019 1:25 AM

Mar 2018
Much to be read in this episode again
Maki becoming a better and better character is clear too xd
5th Division creeps me out and oof seems like the fire force is actually pretty disliked.. No wonder tho when I see who's in there this ep
Also seems like Sister's going to be pretty important seeing the lil hints this ep and how Hibana was thrown off when she saw her

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Aug 3, 2019 1:34 AM

Jun 2015
Does anyone notice these? Interesting...

Aug 3, 2019 1:40 AM

Oct 2017
Captain Hibana finally appeared

Imo animation and music is really bad...It's knocking out of rhythm...
I hope that next episodes would be better
Aug 3, 2019 1:51 AM

Dec 2016
hella boring episode. generic dialogue attempting to seem cool (pun intended), annoying fuckers in the 5th, and an idiot shinra believing in the villain was about to repent.
AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Aug 3, 2019 2:01 AM

Jan 2009
YosepRA said:
Does anyone notice these? Interesting...

thats in the ED? so Hibana and Iris know each other huh and it makes sense that to be Hibana since she looked at Iris in this episode like she knows her
Aug 3, 2019 2:33 AM
Apr 2019
nazsa said:
OK. Now I have totally lost my patience with this show.
Before this episode, some of the fanservice really got on my nerves. They were simply annoying. But now the introduction of this bitch princess has really pushed it over the edge.

We can't all have good taste, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
elementexAug 3, 2019 3:24 AM
Aug 3, 2019 2:56 AM
Mar 2018
elementex said:
nazsa said:
OK. Now I have totally lost my patience with this show.
Before this episode, some of the fanservice really got on my nerves. They were simply annoying. But now the introduction of this bitch princess has really pushed it over the edge.

We can't all have good taste, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord spit ya

hey that rhymes
bla bla fuck character count
Aug 3, 2019 3:44 AM

Aug 2016
Horn_dawg_2019 said:

You know that 5th Division Chef kinda reminds me of this from Okasama- On-line.

WTF these Fire Forces act like a gang than a professional life saving entity.

Aug 3, 2019 4:05 AM
Oct 2013
I don't know if the story progression will be more interesting, i feel it has potential but i can't seem to finish an episode in one set, it just seems a bit plain.
I hope it picks up alittle bit.
Aug 3, 2019 4:43 AM

May 2019
Golgamesh said:
Am I the only one to find the Ecchi abusive for a "Shounen Nekketsu"?

Shinra and the girl in a bikini in the previous episode and now the sadomasochism...

This. This show seemed so promising, but then all the ecchi stuff comes in out of the blue and cheapens the show.
VepricoseAug 3, 2019 4:54 AM
Aug 3, 2019 4:44 AM

Nov 2012
So Shinra can just fly around thousands of feet in the air like a rocket.... why isn't he world wide news? That's a dream most people have!
Aug 3, 2019 5:22 AM

Jan 2018
this exactly how I read the manga, great adaptation. I wanna see more of Princess Hibiki lmao
Aug 3, 2019 6:00 AM

Apr 2018
Company 5 is such an ass. Loving this show so far. Awesome and badass scenes with a hint of comedy; just what I like. Also, that mascot is so adorable lmao
Aug 3, 2019 6:12 AM

Jun 2009
w_i_t_d said:
ZRindochiki said:
Episode was trash, the op is the only good thing

I really wanted to like this show, but I have to agree. The OP kicks ass, but from there...mehhh...

I haven't read the manga, so coming in blind, the show at first seemed fairly grounded. It looked like it took place in a near-future or maybe alternate version of our world that was affected by mysterious fire-based powers.

But then episode 3 casually dropped some info about the continents breaking apart or some shit that seemed totally out of left field. Like, what? Why wait until episode 3 to say this? That changes my view of the show's world pretty dramatically. It turns out, it's not much like our world after all. Ok, good to know. Care to talk about the idea for more than two seconds, or maybe revisit the idea in the next episode? No? Oh, ok then. My bad, I guess.

The other thing that happened in episode 3 was the introduction of silly fanservice. I have no issues with fanservice in general, but episode 3's fanservice took me out of the world the show takes place in and made it hard to take seriously. Now episode 4 has some chick with huge knockers who uses guys for a throne and has curvaceous triplet minions. Again, I have no specific complaints against boobs or sub/dom dynamics, but it added zero value. The fanservice detracts from the interesting questions that have been raised, like, what's the story with the other brigades? They obviously have secrets; what are they? What are they not telling everyone about Infernals?

I liked the show's premise, and I like the art/animation, but it's like the show can't decide what it is. Does it want to be an interesting story I can take seriously, or does it want to be a vehicle for lots of shiny DDD-cup boobies? If your answer to me is, "Why can't it be both?" then my answer in return is, If you enjoy it for both, that's good. However, I'm dropping it.

Yes, I basically agree with you 100%. Episode 1 was solid, 2 was still pretty good, then 3 drops a bunch of weird bombshells on viewers in a very sloppy way...and 4 was just atrocious, and made me entirely disinterested in the rest of the series. It's a shame.
Aug 3, 2019 6:50 AM

Jul 2014
The 5th squad cap is kinda funny, you know, the feeling when you get embrassed, if someone sees your panties, even if you used to seet on your slaves and order someone to lick your feet. I wonder, if thereafter she'll fall in love with devil boy, it would be great to see someone like Esdeath.
Aug 3, 2019 7:58 AM

Dec 2016
Considering fire attacks in pretty much every other anime are usually some of the coolest attacks, this show where everything is fire related makes it look so fucking clean, that and the light blue of their uniforms makes this a feast for the eyes
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 3, 2019 8:51 AM

Nov 2011
God damn this episode was fantastic!
I need more Maki in my life she is the best!

Shinra on top of that car looking like the devil was so cool!

He still wants to give these internals a chance even with everything he has been through.

That Maki face though! <3
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Aug 3, 2019 9:54 AM

Dec 2018
I liked this episode more than the last one, I guess that's because it has a lot more action in it. The 5th division captain was annoying, and I was getting traumatic flashbacks about Wise's mom from Okaasan Online...
Aug 3, 2019 10:31 AM

Jun 2010
Horn_dawg_2019 said:

You know that 5th Division Chef kinda reminds me of this from Okasama- On-line.

hahaha I had just watched Okaa-san online when I saw this scene and thought the same.
Aug 3, 2019 10:53 AM
Nov 2015
Vipek said:
Captain Hibana finally appeared

Imo animation and music is really bad...It's knocking out of rhythm...
I hope that next episodes would be better
I personally think that's the best part, it's stylized not bad.
Aug 3, 2019 10:56 AM
Nov 2015
Florent3571 said:
Terrible that with such amazing animation and composition, the editing is taking off any intensity from the whole thing.

I can't say if the editing is a style thing or simply incompetence, but it sure isn't usual and I have trouble getting used to it.

Other than that episode was good. The story is becoming interresting, and I like most of the character.
Florent3571 said:
Terrible that with such amazing animation and composition, the editing is taking off any intensity from the whole thing.

I can't say if the editing is a style thing or simply incompetence, but it sure isn't usual and I have trouble getting used to it.

Other than that episode was good. The story is becoming interresting, and I like most of the character.
it's stylized ,very similar to monogatari style and french new wave. And yeah,it does take some getting used to.
Aug 3, 2019 11:18 AM

Jun 2017
YosepRA said:
Does anyone notice these? Interesting...

Yup, I took a screenshot too (the first of the two that you shared).
Now that explains why that weird eye-to-eye confrontation between the two took place. I'm guessing that they're the only two survivors from the incident but parted ways swiftly after the event. It's amazing how she ended up as the Capt./Princess of the 5th Division though (plus the change in personality to end up being such a crude woman), considering she was on course to becoming a sister.

Well, that aside, a pretty good episode! Mystery thickening by the episode and it's getting really intriguing now, to say the least. Joker using the ashes from the infernals is wicked though, I've to say. As expected, the 5th are just as despicable (and the males pervy) just like their Capt. Obi letting go without a fight there was a little disappointing though but I suppose there'd be no way to take the infernal by force anyway. At least, Shinra made a mark for himself for them to be aware of and that punch from Maki was perfect, even the Lieutenant approves lol. "Lord of Camelot" though xD. I'm really curious as to how the infernal managed to keep his sense of self to that extent too, but seriously got to say - what a trash he has become, such jobs are priceless and it's not done in the hopes of being 'repayed' really. Some glorious action scenes for this episode though and the animation remains top-notch plus the music really good too, hoping this keeps up!

Looking forward to the next episode!
_MushiRock11_Aug 3, 2019 11:21 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 3, 2019 11:18 AM

Feb 2015
Those poses and this episode in general were absolutely ridiculous.
Aug 3, 2019 11:47 AM

Mar 2017
Looks like the Infernals are not gonna be the biggest problem in this anime but the Fire Force itself! Division 5 is messed up haha

Good action again this week especially with Shinra showing off more of his awesome moves! Arthur also has a special place in my heart for being a lovable idiot haha
Aug 3, 2019 12:23 PM

Aug 2018
They're surely not gonna see any share of intel from the 5th division, eh ! Their leader is more like a guru than a regular captain

Aug 3, 2019 12:31 PM
Jul 2019
-Aincrad- said:
The end of the episode was getting interesting, but overall it was a really boring episode IMO
kinda of true im not going to deny that.
Aug 3, 2019 1:28 PM
Jul 2018
Hibana is thicc, i wonder what 5th divison did to devil which caught by 8th division. Fight scenes too op! well done.
Aug 3, 2019 3:04 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So we finally see the confrontation within the Fire Force and I wonder what the 5th division wanted with that infernal. Maki continues to impress me as a character. Captain Hibana is hot, but she is scary as hell. I give her a 7/10.
Aug 3, 2019 3:40 PM
Nov 2015
w_i_t_d said:
ZRindochiki said:
Episode was trash, the op is the only good thing

I really wanted to like this show, but I have to agree. The OP kicks ass, but from there...mehhh...

I haven't read the manga, so coming in blind, the show at first seemed fairly grounded. It looked like it took place in a near-future or maybe alternate version of our world that was affected by mysterious fire-based powers.

But then episode 3 casually dropped some info about the continents breaking apart or some shit that seemed totally out of left field. Like, what? Why wait until episode 3 to say this? That changes my view of the show's world pretty dramatically. It turns out, it's not much like our world after all. Ok, good to know. Care to talk about the idea for more than two seconds, or maybe revisit the idea in the next episode? No? Oh, ok then. My bad, I guess.

The other thing that happened in episode 3 was the introduction of silly fanservice. I have no issues with fanservice in general, but episode 3's fanservice took me out of the world the show takes place in and made it hard to take seriously. Now episode 4 has some chick with huge knockers who uses guys for a throne and has curvaceous triplet minions. Again, I have no specific complaints against boobs or sub/dom dynamics, but it added zero value. The fanservice detracts from the interesting questions that have been raised, like, what's the story with the other brigades? They obviously have secrets; what are they? What are they not telling everyone about Infernals?

I liked the show's premise, and I like the art/animation, but it's like the show can't decide what it is. Does it want to be an interesting story I can take seriously, or does it want to be a vehicle for lots of shiny DDD-cup boobies? If your answer to me is, "Why can't it be both?" then my answer in return is, If you enjoy it for both, that's good. However, I'm dropping it.
the info they provided didn't come out of left field , and it info that wasn't immidiatly relevant in the situations portrayed in the earlier episodes, it became relevant now because the further we get into a plot driven the world gets built up more depending on proper situations.

Well, the fan service that you're complaining about you're not supposed to take seriously , they used primarily for comedic effect and plus they serve to add characterization like the example you gave, and how does the fan service detract from the serious questions the series has, that makes no sense. The series has answered some questions and the scenarios where the fan service appears aren't synanomous at all to the scenes where these questions would be answered.

You're complaint about the show having an identity crises is exaggerative, the amount of scenes with fan service comedy are few in comparison to the serious scenes with the interesting premise and don't get in the way of it, and progression of plot. Having light hearted comedy featuring fan service doesn't get in the way of the serious scenes at all, especially when they are naturally incoperated which it in and to think so is simply immature thinking. Well, you might as well drop it.
Aug 3, 2019 3:46 PM
Nov 2015
superstaff said:
w_i_t_d said:

I really wanted to like this show, but I have to agree. The OP kicks ass, but from there...mehhh...

I haven't read the manga, so coming in blind, the show at first seemed fairly grounded. It looked like it took place in a near-future or maybe alternate version of our world that was affected by mysterious fire-based powers.

But then episode 3 casually dropped some info about the continents breaking apart or some shit that seemed totally out of left field. Like, what? Why wait until episode 3 to say this? That changes my view of the show's world pretty dramatically. It turns out, it's not much like our world after all. Ok, good to know. Care to talk about the idea for more than two seconds, or maybe revisit the idea in the next episode? No? Oh, ok then. My bad, I guess.

The other thing that happened in episode 3 was the introduction of silly fanservice. I have no issues with fanservice in general, but episode 3's fanservice took me out of the world the show takes place in and made it hard to take seriously. Now episode 4 has some chick with huge knockers who uses guys for a throne and has curvaceous triplet minions. Again, I have no specific complaints against boobs or sub/dom dynamics, but it added zero value. The fanservice detracts from the interesting questions that have been raised, like, what's the story with the other brigades? They obviously have secrets; what are they? What are they not telling everyone about Infernals?

I liked the show's premise, and I like the art/animation, but it's like the show can't decide what it is. Does it want to be an interesting story I can take seriously, or does it want to be a vehicle for lots of shiny DDD-cup boobies? If your answer to me is, "Why can't it be both?" then my answer in return is, If you enjoy it for both, that's good. However, I'm dropping it.

Yes, I basically agree with you 100%. Episode 1 was solid, 2 was still pretty good, then 3 drops a bunch of weird bombshells on viewers in a very sloppy way...and 4 was just atrocious, and made me entirely disinterested in the rest of the series. It's a shame.
Episode 1 was okay, episode 2 was solid but episode 3 and 4 built the plot and Characters more than the previous two, how you call them atrocious Im sure I dont know, the 3 episodes dropped the bombshells quite after two episodes of built up for this world on a surface level it's time to flesh it out more, more importantly it made sense for the information to be provided in that situation, and episode 4 was as good , what was so bad about it? If you're answer is fan service.....let's just say that's trivial and improper reason ,to call something atrocious.
Aug 3, 2019 3:50 PM
Nov 2015
Yautja said:
Those poses and this episode in general were absolutely ridiculous.
ridiculous , hilarious and awesome
Aug 3, 2019 4:18 PM

Dec 2013
Maki's guilty reaction was hilarious.

It was only a matter of time until they started introducing sentient Infernals.

The leader of the 5th is already annoying tbh
Aug 3, 2019 4:27 PM
Apr 2018
Black_Sheep97 said:
the info they provided didn't come out of left field , and it info that wasn't immidiatly relevant in the situations portrayed in the earlier episodes, it became relevant now because the further we get into a plot driven the world gets built up more depending on proper situations.

The concept of the continents breaking apart not being introduced or even hinted at until episode 3 felt very out of left field to me. That's an opinion, and therefore it cannot be refuted by simply stating the opposite. Perhaps the info dropped in episode 3 wasn't, as you say, "immediatly relevant" in earlier episodes, but the world-building would have been more robust if the broad state of the anime's world had at least been hinted at.

Black_Sheep97 said:
Well, the fan service that you're complaining about you're not supposed to take seriously , they used primarily for comedic effect and plus they serve to add characterization like the example you gave, and how does the fan service detract from the serious questions the series has, that makes no sense. The series has answered some questions and the scenarios where the fan service appears aren't synanomous at all to the scenes where these questions would be answered.

I understand that fanservice isn't mean to be taken seriously. I also understand that its purpose is comedic. I'm not sure how fanservice 'adds characterization.' Would the 5th brigade captain be a less-interesting character if I couldn't see 80% of her breasts? If taking away fanservice would take away most of what's interesting about a character, that was probably a pretty weak character.

As I stated, the fanservice detracts from the serious questions because it takes me out of the show. It takes me from, "Wow, that's interesting. There's something interesting happening here. I can't wait to find out more," to rolling my eyes.

Black_Sheep97 said:
You're complaint about the show having an identity crises is exaggerative, the amount of scenes with fan service comedy are few in comparison to the serious scenes with the interesting premise and don't get in the way of it, and progression of plot. Having light hearted comedy featuring fan service doesn't get in the way of the serious scenes at all, especially when they are naturally incoperated which it in and to think so is simply immature thinking. Well, you might as well drop it.

It's less likely my remarks about the show's "identity crises" are "exaggerative" and more likely the show thinks it's doing a good job of, to use your words, 'naturally incoperating' silly fanserivce into a show with a serious premise. It is possible for a show to do so, but Fire Force falls short in this area. I don't think I should need to reiterate that everything I've said is nothing more than opinion and therefore can't be disproved.

How interesting that you go straight from saying my thinking is immature to immaturely taking my opinions about an anime personally and smugly saying, "Well, you may as well drop it." I assume you then crossed your arms, pouted, and muttered under your breath, 'Stupid idiot doesn't have the exact same opinion I do. How dare.'
Aug 3, 2019 4:32 PM

Oct 2011
nice ep. a lot of action with the 5th division - makes me wonder and be curious about the competition and hostility between the divisions definently would like to see some more about it!

the 5th commander really interesting and i hoped they would give us more information about her.

the infernal was average for me.. i expected him to be *more* unique i guess
Aug 3, 2019 7:05 PM
Jul 2019
The music and art are very vivid and on point, however I feel that the plot is progressing way too rapidly. In fact it feels like it's a rate if one of the main characters died or got hurt I couldn't care less. In other words the show, in my opinion, is not yet effectively, both engaging and connecting the audience to the world/characters within the anime
Aug 3, 2019 7:40 PM

Sep 2016
Goddamn the ED is really POPPIN, cant get enough of it
Aug 3, 2019 9:55 PM
Nov 2015
w_i_t_d said:
Black_Sheep97 said:
the info they provided didn't come out of left field , and it info that wasn't immidiatly relevant in the situations portrayed in the earlier episodes, it became relevant now because the further we get into a plot driven the world gets built up more depending on proper situations.

The concept of the continents breaking apart not being introduced or even hinted at until episode 3 felt very out of left field to me. That's an opinion, and therefore it cannot be refuted by simply stating the opposite. Perhaps the info dropped in episode 3 wasn't, as you say, "immediatly relevant" in earlier episodes, but the world-building would have been more robust if the broad state of the anime's world had at least been hinted at.

Black_Sheep97 said:
Well, the fan service that you're complaining about you're not supposed to take seriously , they used primarily for comedic effect and plus they serve to add characterization like the example you gave, and how does the fan service detract from the serious questions the series has, that makes no sense. The series has answered some questions and the scenarios where the fan service appears aren't synanomous at all to the scenes where these questions would be answered.

I understand that fanservice isn't mean to be taken seriously. I also understand that its purpose is comedic. I'm not sure how fanservice 'adds characterization.' Would the 5th brigade captain be a less-interesting character if I couldn't see 80% of her breasts? If taking away fanservice would take away most of what's interesting about a character, that was probably a pretty weak character.

As I stated, the fanservice detracts from the serious questions because it takes me out of the show. It takes me from, "Wow, that's interesting. There's something interesting happening here. I can't wait to find out more," to rolling my eyes.

Black_Sheep97 said:
You're complaint about the show having an identity crises is exaggerative, the amount of scenes with fan service comedy are few in comparison to the serious scenes with the interesting premise and don't get in the way of it, and progression of plot. Having light hearted comedy featuring fan service doesn't get in the way of the serious scenes at all, especially when they are naturally incoperated which it in and to think so is simply immature thinking. Well, you might as well drop it.

It's less likely my remarks about the show's "identity crises" are "exaggerative" and more likely the show thinks it's doing a good job of, to use your words, 'naturally incoperating' silly fanserivce into a show with a serious premise. It is possible for a show to do so, but Fire Force falls short in this area. I don't think I should need to reiterate that everything I've said is nothing more than opinion and therefore can't be disproved.

How interesting that you go straight from saying my thinking is immature to immaturely taking my opinions about an anime personally and smugly saying, "Well, you may as well drop it." I assume you then crossed your arms, pouted, and muttered under your breath, 'Stupid idiot doesn't have the exact same opinion I do. How dare.'
you have to elaborate why it felt weird or out of place, the problem with this opinion is that it isn't logically founded, like a i said before the information wasn't immidiatly relevant so there was no need to know about it, plus it doesn't contradict any information that we knew prior about the world so it's not out of place , ideally after the first few introductory episodes is when you want to explore the Characters and world further which this does, that's simply how worldbuilding works ,it's doing it right now so that's a good thing not a bad thing. Foreshadowing and hints are required for deus ex machina or plot devices in the world building which this wasn't.

If you understand that the fan service shouldn't be taken seriously than why did you take it seriously, 80 percent of her boobs is again an exaggerating, that scene that involved the commander with the fan service accentuates her prideful and arrogance, plus showcases that she is imposing on others and isn't afraid of her sexuality, in other words shameless and imposing on others , which goes hand in hand with her arrogance. Saying that taking away the fan service makes her character weaker isn't a very critically degrading statement, as that proves that the fan service was necessary and adds to her character, and fan service can be a useful tool to showcase new or back up certain characteristics in Characters. Whether it be their physical strength, shyness or arrogance.

Why should it detract? Is the question? The fan service in plenty of other Sol shounens don't detract and neither does this , cause like alot of shounens except for a few, do a solid job of incoperating fan service into their story, this one as well, it utilized in scenes that are more about Character interaction building and comedy and ignored in more serious scenes for where Character development and revelations, occur if a person boobies being present is all that takes to distract you from the important stuff than the something else, thats more a problem with you than actual legitimate problem with the show.

Yes it is an exaggerative statement, cause the amount of scenes involving fan service in this show is significantly less than ones that don't. That's why it's an exaggeration, and reason for the show having an identity crises is false and seems predicated on ideas that you want the show to be as opposed to what it is. How does the show fail at incorporating silly fan service with a serious premise? The scenes that involve fan service are naturally incoperated because it makes contextual sense to be there and the scenes that involve exploring and developing the serious premise that you want the show to do are in different context and tone than the scenes with the comedic fan service.

There are alot of assumptions here on your part, I really don't give a shit about this series,it's that your reasoning and complaints are immature. Dropping a series because it has a serious premise but you can't take it seriously because of distraction to boobies is very immature, there's demeaning about that most people are immature, I'm just pointing it out that you're right now based on your reasoning that it's immature. I don't think you're an idiot , I just think you're being exaggerative and immature , and my opinion about the show is probably the same as yours, it's your reasoning that is silly, such as building the way when its natural and providing more information about , the information provided doesn't contradict any info prior to it, hence it's illogical to say it comes out of left field, providing new information that involves set up for something later doesn't need to be foreshadowed or hinted, especially prior to it's revelation it makes no contextual sense to hint at it. And complaining that you're thinking about the boobies when something serious happens that doesn't involve boobies is quite frankly silly. You can have an opinion ,it doesn't make you right especially when its questionably founded in this case.
Aug 3, 2019 10:00 PM
Nov 2015
Wonted666 said:
The music and art are very vivid and on point, however I feel that the plot is progressing way too rapidly. In fact it feels like it's a rate if one of the main characters died or got hurt I couldn't care less. In other words the show, in my opinion, is not yet effectively, both engaging and connecting the audience to the world/characters within the anime
i find the pacing to be just perfect, that's the only thing great about the show right, now it moves at a pace that doesn't drag on and doesn't make the narrative disjointed and confusing, as far as caring about the characters is concerned that based purely on personal preference and has nothing to do with pacing, the series has done an adequate job of understand the character motivation and actions, whether we care about them or not is completely personal and isn't the fault of the show if it doesn't happen for someone.
Aug 3, 2019 11:12 PM
Mar 2015
Comic relief filler?
Aug 3, 2019 11:21 PM

Nov 2013
The animation this episode was fkn spectacular!
Really impressed with what David Production is doing ...
Also is that Yuuki Aoi as Tamaki and Mamoru?
Aug 3, 2019 11:24 PM

Oct 2016
>Holy See
Thought that was a Berserk reference for a second, given that this show has referenced other anime, but then I remembered that the Holy See is a real thing, haha.
-The Stained-Glass Windows were very detailed and nice to look at.
-Arthur calling himself "Lord Of Camelot" was so silly. He's such a Larper.
-Dang Miyamoto, you seemed like such a happy guy, what'd you murder all those people for? Odyssey and BOTW sold a whole bunch. What made you so upset?
-It seems very unrealistic that Firefighters would be bullied this much over ONE murderer. Hatred for a group of people that bad generally comes from multiple bad eggs, not just one. I'm no Sociologist, but that just seemed really unrealistic to me. It feels like an excuse to add drama to the world of Fire Force.
-Fight sequences were very nicely done.
-I'm sure the femdom fans and foot fetishists were very thrilled about some of the scenes in this episode.
-Hibana's eyes remind me of Nia from TTGL, so that put me in a good mood.
Overall, this was a pretty good episode. The fight scenes, cool effects, and small details were all very nice. There is definitely a lot of thought being put into this, as far as the animation goes. I have to disagree with Miyamoto's morals. I hate that "killing a killer makes you just as bad" BS that moral high-horse tards feel the need to signal constantly. I feel like some people are gonna say "well that Infernal guy made some good points", but really, he's just a murderer trying to manipulate emotions for his benefit. I think it's cool that the Mangaka didn't take the route a lot of others do when it comes to a story. On another note, seeing the semi-rivalry among the different Fire Soldier companies/squads was pretty cool.
One more good episode and I may bump my score up to a 6. For some reason, I'm reluctant to though. I don't feel attached to any of the characters in the show, and to me that is a problem. If I do bump it up, it'll be purely for the details and animation. I really hope we get some kind of anything though. I mean the story is progressing, but I just don't care about any of these people at all. Can anyone else relate to my sentiments?

Aug 3, 2019 11:45 PM

Feb 2012
YosepRA said:
Does anyone notice these? Interesting...

I noticed that!! I was about to post those image but you beat me to it. Good eye!

I wonder what happened.. Hibana was clearing staring at Iris at the end so I knew there was a connection.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Aug 3, 2019 11:46 PM
Apr 2018
Black_Sheep97 said:
you have to elaborate why it felt weird or out of place,
No, I don't. I didn't state my opinion hoping to sway others. Take or leave it. Agree or disagree.
Black_Sheep97 said:
the problem with this opinion is that it isn't logically founded,
Feelings and opinions often fly in the face of logic.
Black_Sheep97 said:
If you understand that the fan service shouldn't be taken seriously than why did you take it seriously,
I didn't. That was my whole problem with it. I was able to take the show seriously until the fanservice came along.
Black_Sheep97 said:
80 percent of her boobs is again an exaggerating,
It's called "hyperbole." I don't know the percentage of her boobs that can be seen, and neither do you.
Black_Sheep97 said:
Saying that taking away the fan service makes her character weaker isn't a very critically degrading statement,
I never said that. I said 'if' taking away a character's fanservice makes the character weaker, they weren't very strong to begin with.
Black_Sheep97 said:
if a person boobies being present is all that takes to distract you from the important stuff than the something else, thats more a problem with you than actual legitimate problem with the show.
As I mentioned, I have no problem with boobs in general. I simply don't believe this show does a good job of seamlessly integrating fanservice with its core plot. That this is how I feel isn't an indicator I have a "problem."
Black_Sheep97 said:
Yes it is an exaggerative statement, cause the amount of scenes involving fan service in this show is significantly less than ones that don't. That's why it's an exaggeration,
I never insinuated that the show is equal parts fanservice and serious.
Black_Sheep97 said:
and reason for the show having an identity crises is false and seems predicated on ideas that you want the show to be as opposed to what it is.
I didn't say the show is having 'an identity crises'; I said it 'it seems like the show can't decide what is wants to be.' The 'it seems' part of the statement means I'm stating my personal feelings. However, since you seem to be dying to have me admit you're right, I'll say you are correct about my opinion being 'predicated on ideas that you want the show to be as opposed to what it is.' A person's like or dislike of a show is often driven by the show turning out to not be what they want it to be.
Black_Sheep97 said:
There are alot of assumptions here on your part, I really don't give a shit about this series,
Then what are you doing here? I'm here because I had high hopes for this show.
I'm not even going to quote the part where you patronizingly call me "immature" five times. Speaking of making a lot of assumptions, you sure seem to know a lot about my maturity level, just based on a couple MAL forum posts I've made.
Black_Sheep97 said:
You can have an opinion ,it doesn't make you right especially when its questionably founded in this case.

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

As I have dropped this show, it's unlikely I will be revisiting this forum. I would encourage you, as someone who 'really doesn't give a shit about this series,' to do the same.
Aug 3, 2019 11:59 PM
Jul 2018
I think I'll drop this and go read the manga. This "Shaft style" of directing / editing doesn't work for shounen anime, it feels way to weird. I had no problem watching the Monogatari series and I like it very much, but this anime feels weird and sometimes even hard to watch.
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