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Nov 8, 2015 2:05 PM

Nov 2012
Kamille is pretty hot-headed,reckless and stupid (even Amuro wasn't this stupid in the original) almost everything he did this episode made no sense.

stand said:
It wouldn't be Gundam if it didn't have a slap in the first 3 minutes of the first episode...bless the skies!
Dec 16, 2015 12:18 PM
May 2012
Seeing as I did a series of comments on Mobile Suit Gundam, it only seems fitting if I do the same here :)

So there was a bitchslap in the first three minutes of the first episode. I'm going to start a fucking counter for this show XD

This episode had me jumping up and down twice. The chase scene with Char was really awesome, and the scene with Kamille escaping jail was also incredibly exciting. I don't have any context to like this kid on yet, but at least I know this won't be a boring ride if he just keeps punching everyone he doesn't like.

Possibly the best part of the episode was seeing Bright in the background near the end. It was just a fun surprise that I almost missed :p

Bitchslap counter: 1

Feb 4, 2016 3:00 PM
Nov 2015
More of a teaser than a full meal, but enough intrigue to get me excited to watch the next stage of Gundam. Kamille however isn't doing it for me. I never minded Amuro, but this kid is a hot headed dick. Oh well, I'm sure he'll receive no small number of slaps to the face.
Mar 3, 2016 9:56 AM

Nov 2011
jesus fucking christ the animation for the amount of detail
they can't possibly keep this shit up

okay i know it looks fucking stupid for a kid like him to have no chill and be on edge all the goddamn time just cos his parents let go, but if he were a japanese furyou, his highly irritable demeanour would make so much sense

so i'll take it so far
so long as he doesn't get edgy as fuck or cries and just keeps it real like amuro

godfuckingdamn the character design is great
Apr 6, 2016 6:22 AM

Dec 2015
The thing I just saw felt great: opening, (chara)designs, music, new geopolitical background (even if I was introduced to it at the end of 0083), Bright.
The Titans seems to be what I supposed it would be: an instrument of terror against the colonies. Glad to see it triggered a natural answer with this AEUG group except if it is only a bunch of terrorists. If not then great because it means Casval has chosen to follow a softer path for the spacenoids liberty rather than this newtype-only revolution he was talking about before.
It seems GMs have been replaced with some mass-produced Gundam and I wonder what is this MS model the AEUG uses.
All the nods to 0079 were very welcomed (sneak-in, ...) , and the immediate Newtype mentions means they will expand this idea too (I wondered if Char was a NT, I know now!).

1) Camille (is Kamille the official romanization?): this boy is absolutely execrable!
- he has a terrible complex around his name,
- he is way too angry (but this will probably be explained later, so OK)
- he has more than a simple teenager problem with authority
- does he know what he is doing, and more importantly why?? Because I had not the slightest idea of what was going with him.
He's like a Char^1000. He would get very well along him who could never make his mind very long.
But since he is kind of a Bright fan, I can give him time.

2) his "friend": it is Fraw all over again, even more nerving. Fraw did evolve in a good way, but if this girl gets the same change she will still be a useless repetition.
3) ... can I pick Camille again? Seriously he better changes through the events. (I know Tomino and Yasuhiko are always saying Amuro never really developed through the original series, but I think he did.)

3/5 but promising.

I really wonder how Camille can be more appreciated than Amuro, I hope I will discover the reasons in the series. But in the same time, I never had a problem with Amuro (except when he went mad after Fraw Bow just as a pressure lowering method) and find him a very good character. And how is Char this popular? I like him too but his "changes of mood" were very very annoying in 0079. (particularly when he decided to be his father's insane ideology heir)

Sakarii said:
Char's pretty cool though he acts like Lalah contacts him randomly. lol

He still has not get over the stronger connection between her and Amuro.

@SkyDrop Yes, "Char" is notably older: he was 19 in 0079 (20 at the end of the war) and he's now 26-27years old in Zeta (0086)

June 26, 2019
@Gytanzo "Did the captain really need to slap Kamille?" Oooh yes, yes he did. For the audience, for popularity, for success !! Or at least that might have been´Tomino's thought.
Do you remember when Bright slapped Amuro? "You hit me twice. Not even my father has ever hitten me !" Well, this moment is INCREDIBLY famous (there are shirts of it !), it got a massive response. There were a few later punches/slaps in 79 too. But probably in reaction to the big hit this legendary slap became, Zeta will feature slapS. And by that, I mean this will be a preponderant feature of Zeta: characters will often get "corrected", to a point where I wondered if the show wasn't actually making absurd fun of the thing (even characters talk about it if I remember well !).
About Camille, let's just say for now he's an angry kid with reasons.
About the Titans and the overall context, yiu'll get some informations. But isn't it great to have a director that doesn't take young peoples for idiots and spoonfeed his world or characters thoughts to them?

May 23, 2020
@St0rmblade Lalah is still roaming as she wants, as a "free spirit" connected to her "lovers", beyond the metaphorical haunting. This is slightly evoked here and there.
(not sure if you've read the bonus chapters of The Origin, but they're a nice epilogue addition and a fine transition to the heroes wherebaouts in Zeta)
What do you have against Bright? He's a young veteran and Kamille, a military student. Not so surprising, I thought.
About Fa... well, she'll get a "role" beyond being a confort zone.

Have a good time ! (better than mine, I hope)
Rei_IIIMay 22, 2020 4:31 PM
Aug 4, 2016 1:36 PM

May 2012
Decent start of this season, looking forward to see what kind of story this gundam series will have to offer!
Oct 3, 2016 6:07 AM

Nov 2011
He started the trend with UC anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, I could not continue the journey and start the series of Z Gundam. Since I do not find this anime in my language, I'm forced to see it with English subtitles. So, I do not understand the dialogues, and I did not understand the actions of Kamille. However in just minutes, we have seen all or almost. Quality better than 0079 drawings, sound to be evaluated.
But now before continuing with the vision, I step back and look at also the series of OVA titled Gundam 0083, just for completeness.
Oct 14, 2016 8:53 PM

Jun 2013
I was super excited to start this, and i have to say that this was a very solid start!
Nov 1, 2016 1:55 PM
Dec 2015
Kamille (did I spell that right?) sure is a hot-head, then again I can relate.
Nov 1, 2016 2:15 PM

Nov 2016
I like Kamille waaaaaay better than Amuro. Jerid on the other hand...
May 6, 2017 11:24 AM

Feb 2012
I have no clue as to how Kamille is even alive at this point. The amount of stupid he displayed is at the point where I would expect he would either be dead or in prison. It's true he has a girly name, but that is no excuse to just run across a room to punch someone, especially if that person is part of a powerful military organization. He then lucks out and gets off without any punishment, and then he just goes and attacks the guy who let him go because he said spacenoid. This kid really needs a Bright Slap, but considering he was already slapped at the beginning I don't think it would do much good.

Kamille Bidan Kill Count:
0 kills this episode
0 kills total
Aug 5, 2017 3:32 PM

Jul 2016
Finished MSG 0079 today and took a little break from studying to watch the first episode.

First thing that stuck out to me was.. the production! Wow, it felt like I was watching a movie. You can tell there was a lot of money invested into the show. Great music, great animation.

Pretty solid so far.
Sep 16, 2017 12:33 PM
Jul 2018
This is a vast improvement over the original series, as well as its precursors timeline wise. Stardust Memory, which featured a preview of the titans at the very last episode, was a sleeper hit and I don't have much faith in 08th MS Team. War in the Pocket is pretty good, though.

Pacing is done much better, characters are much better, OST and animation are much better. This really feels like a complete package for any Gundam fan, really. I found the original and a few others a complete chore to get through.
Jan 9, 2018 2:55 PM

May 2015
MC is a troublemaker...?
Mar 1, 2018 1:03 AM

Sep 2015
Mobile Suits holding hands? L-lewd!!
Mar 17, 2018 9:34 AM

Oct 2012
Wow! An awesome beginning, I love a show that gets right into the action with a sense of mystery that unfolds later on. Glad they started right away with the NewType concept.
Apr 15, 2018 8:20 AM

Nov 2016
Kamille got no chill at all.

Regarding the technical aspects it has improved. But so far I preferred Amuro as MC. Well,looking forward to his appearance and how this season is going to play out.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 9, 2018 8:29 PM
Jul 2018
indeed strange start to this show. Didn't liked our new mc's luck unlike Amuro's situation had serious but Kamille's situation were bit non serious yet he was acting too unlikable to me. Maybe he has some mysterious power but wished I could liked him right away though or perhaps I have missed Amuro as mc too much..
Anyway nice to see Char's back which was as early than I anticipated, so awesome (but he doesn't seem to be young like before..). Also interested to see the old character return too. The new villain team titans already looks very bad guys. Cool to see the new animation which looks very cool and very impressed me and the music has cool 80's feels.
Dec 2, 2018 10:14 PM

Sep 2017
This kid is really is something and the part where he became angry and punched that guy for insulting his name was hilarious. One episode in and I’m already liking Kamille way more than Amuro.
Apr 26, 2019 2:34 AM

Dec 2017
Big step up from 0079 visually, Kamille a newtype? Char and bright back!
Objectivity? In my anime scoring? Of course not...
Jun 26, 2019 12:08 PM

Sep 2017
I'll reiterate what other people are saying here: This was a massive step up visually. We haven't gotten to see how mobile suit fights have evolved, but basically, every aspect has improved between the original show and now. I guess they sold enough toys to up the budget. Since this is a TV show, I can finally go back to just summarizing it instead of typing an entire fucking essay.

I guess the conflict from the original show is now called the "One-Year War." Did the Captain really need to slap Kamille there? He's just skipping practice. How does this car system work? Do they have a car pass or something? Were those lights the three mobile suits we saw earlier? Bright got promoted to a Captain now. Good for him. Apparently, Kamille is a girl's name. First I've heard of it. Does Kamille get triggered when his name is called girly like when Ed from FMA is called short? That kick lacked impact. That just me? It seemed like it shouldn't have hurt as much as it did. At first, I thought that other blond guy was Char, but I figured out this red guy was the real Charry boy pretty fast. That's a pretty handy hacker device you got there, Char. Only Char would be able to outmaneuver a fucking mobile suit. I hope we get a legitimate explanation as to who these "Titans" are that isn't a MAL Rewrite synopsis. I need more context. That's a new Gundam, huh? This Kamille kid reminds me of Amuro. Kamille is too quick to rush into action. He's going to get himself hurt eventually. I wonder what Kamille's plan is now. There isn't really any going back after what he did.
Sep 12, 2019 2:22 PM

Apr 2014
this is already starting oof great imo

especially after getting done with 80 and 83 this just feels so refreshing not to mention this has the same feel as the original which out of all the U.C gundams so far is my fave

looking forward to seeing how this series turns out

also its nice to see the original group is coming back missed them
"one step at a time"
Oct 25, 2019 7:19 PM

Jul 2012
2nd time trying to watch and it looks way more interesting after watching 0079, 0080 and 0083
looking forward to seeing the next episodes ^w^
Why, you say... Don't you get it?

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
May 22, 2020 3:55 PM

Aug 2017
That was a pretty fun beginning to the famous entry in the franchise, especially coming in after reading Char's backstory in The Origin manga. I got really hyped to finally see his famous glasses look, and he's glorious.

Kamille's girlfriend (?) was a bit annoying though, does she have a purpose apart from saying his name, like, 20 times? Kamille himself is an interesting fellow, hot-blooded, I see. The Newtype thing seems to be upgraded to new levels and now it's telepathy and some super vision, huh. I got puzzled when Char "felt" something and wondered whether it was Amuro or Lalah (did she forget that she's dead or what). Guess we'll see more of those "mental connections" between NTs later.

The animation was a bit sloppy but it screams 80's so much that I love it haha. My favorite moment was Kamille and his girlfriend (?) running down the stairs, I just liked the cut very much.

Anyway, I wonder why did Kamille skip classes just to go see Bright lol. Apparently there's a colony named after him now? Green Noa sounds fun.
Also gotta acknowledge all the nods to the original MSG - colony infiltration and all that. Classic.

Finally, the premise seems interesting. The Federation and the Titans are clearly portrayed as the bad guys here from the start...well, at least they look like the bad guys from the POV of a rebellious high-school student.

P.S. Judging by the OP, Kamille will be fighting together with Char! HYPE! I wonder where will Amuro end up being.

@Rei_III Unfortunately I didn't get to the epilogue chapters since I read the comic-walker edition. I stopped after Operation Odessa.
Nothing against Bright, I like him; just thought that naming a colony after him was fun (and even more fun given what happens to him on his dedicated colony in episode 2)
St0rmbladeMay 22, 2020 4:56 PM
Sep 24, 2020 10:26 AM

Mar 2016
After being so annoyed over Amuro's constant non-nonsensical childish behavior for the entirety of 0079, for some reason when our new main character showed the same qualities i found it more far more endearing than annoying. Maybe I'm just desensitized to it now LOL
That's kinda cringe but I laughed
Sep 30, 2020 4:55 PM

Nov 2019
nice op and ed
Good to see Char again
i wonder where this story will take me..........
Nov 8, 2020 2:19 PM

Nov 2018
Well that sure was something for a start.
Jan 8, 2021 12:02 PM

Aug 2017
Hello fourth Gundam. Wtf did I just watch? What is Kamille doing? Nice Bright-san cameo lol.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
May 22, 2021 11:11 AM

Feb 2017
Cool Half-Life style tramcar.

Jul 1, 2021 4:39 AM

Sep 2014
this is hillarious. Dude just getting slapped around, running away, picking fights with everyone.

Certainly one way to start a show..

this needs a remake, animation looks worse than the 79 movies imo.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 5, 2021 6:07 AM

Oct 2012
Now this is a jump in animation quality, I love it! Coming right from MSG this is quite the improvement.

Kamille seems insane though, literally. Dude just attacks everyone in sight, what's wrong with him? lmao. I like problematic characters, but he seems borderline psychopathic.

Black Gundam looks pretty cool, I'm curious where this is going, too early to judge anything really. Enjoyed the Char action and the Bright cameo too. Promising start.
Nov 5, 2021 11:10 AM

Oct 2020
Wow, Kamille is so immature. I want to punch him in the face so bad.

Jul 20, 2022 4:16 PM
Mar 2019
holy shit the animation and ost improved by sooo much. i guess the consequence of having great production is having to deal with a retarded mc

Nov 22, 2022 4:58 PM
Sep 2021
pain then pleasure
Jan 23, 2023 10:28 PM
Nov 2020
Oh a glimpse of Bright. Also why is this new character acting so erratic.
May 9, 2023 9:15 AM

Jul 2017
A little bit disjointed and perhaps over-action-y, but it was a pretty good first episode, really getting the ball rolling + calling back to older stuff.

Excited to keep going!
May 16, 2023 6:26 AM
Apr 2022
Pretty good opening to the series. Looking forward to seeing how the Gundam world develops from this point.
Jul 1, 2023 11:04 PM
Jul 2018
started the new series after like a month of the go and im lost lol too many new charters to keep track of also the art style is much different so its hard to distinguish cHARCTER LIKE THE BLONDE GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE CHAR LOL. ALSO KAMILLE LOOKS INTRESTING AND LOOKS LIKE FRAWBOW AND SOUNDS LIKE AMURO BUT HIS MOM IS NOT FRAWBOW SO HES NOT RELATED TO EITHER OF THEM
Aug 19, 2023 3:13 AM

Jul 2017
classic infiltration with zero security. i found kamille to be very unpleasant in this episode
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Aug 19, 2023 3:15 AM

Jul 2017
i don't undertand how people can like kamille after this episode, i think is waay worse than amuro, at least for now
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Aug 29, 2023 4:11 AM

Jan 2020
Thought I heard a girl's name.
Oct 24, 2023 12:29 PM
Oct 2023
Having so far watched Origin, 79, and most pre-Zeta OVAs, i must say that im quite surprised to realize that despite what ive heard the original was better than all of them but Origin. So i am quite glad to finally continue that story.

Was not expecting Casval so soon, though apparently he goes by Quattro now.

Ths AEUG seems to be a less objectively evil version of Zeon. I hope this group will be one i can root for. Spacenoid advocacy instead of supremacy. But who knows, maybe theyll drop a colony and render themselves irredeemable too.

Liked that little Bright cameo there. The Titans, who got founded as a result of 0083 seem to be an antagonistic force for now, with Black Gundams to be extra subtle.

Our new protag Kamille seems interesting. Of course hes a Newtype. One who woke up and chose violence it seems. All i know about him via Osmosis is that he is whiny and punches a lot. Im interested to see if ill find him as unbearable as many others do.

All in all a solid start.
Apr 15, 2024 6:06 PM

May 2007
So I just finished the first episode after coming from 0079. Solid start definitely and liked Chars intro, was so smooth.

What I don't get are half the posts here saying that Kamille is way better than Amuro so far. Like, what? What are you guys even smoking? Kamille so far has been a whinier brat than Amuro. Kamille apparently already has mobile suit training and they aren't in a war where half the population was lost just a year prior, so his attitude so far just makes no sense. Living in a colony with a "girls"(fact check please?) name and apparently he's never been teased? Why else would he react so suddenly and violently to not one but 2 authority figures. Amuro may have whined a bit here and there but he legit got in a Gundam with 0 experience and the manual and got his crew out alive, he could have left the Gundam and went straight to WB but he didn't. I hope Kamille gets better, otherwise I just want Amuro back cause I never disliked him.
May 10, 2024 1:39 AM

Jul 2016
kamille is more than unhinged, he is on crack. where to even begin to understand his rationale. naturally, you'd question the upbringing of a character like that yet his own mother, girlfriend, and babysitter cannot rein him in. (i took liberties with assuming the identities of the last two there.) i don't know about anyone else, whatever was going on there was 10x worse than regular adolescent behavior. could call it "a menace to society"? it's good though, i have a strong indication that he'll turn out to be one of my favorite characters in gundam.

the opening inspires nothing out of me, i already miss 0079's opening... undecided on the ending, it'll take a few more listens.
Jun 26, 2024 4:40 PM

Jan 2011
Unintentionally hilarious 1st episode, wtf is Kamille's problem
Sep 17, 2024 12:50 AM

May 2018
Let me guess, angry blue boi will turn to the rebels because Char is just too amazing X)
Sep 29, 2024 7:56 PM
Feb 2021
They may say Kamiu more than they said Amuro in the original series.

This dude has major anger issues, can't wait for him to be given a weapon of mass destruction.
Oct 13, 2024 12:55 PM

Jan 2008
I'm rewatching this show for the first time since 2008, so I remember nothing about it. That first episode has got to be the most confusing start to a Gundam anime ever lmao, I'm just lost throughout all of it.

Kamille makes the rebellion in Star Wars look like authoritarians! You can't stop this kid, he is pure chaos!
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2024 11:11 AM

Apr 2012
Just started this anime.

So far, Kamille is a violent asshole. Does he get better? :/

The rest of the episode was somewhat intriguing, but man, not looking forward to spend 50 episodes with this boy as the hero. Beating and punching everyone who looks wrong at him. Stealing a car and crashing a military post, then jumping out of the driving car. WTH
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
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