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Dec 31, 2008 9:22 PM

Aug 2008
"Beyond the Salt Lake"

Another one of those illogicial eps. I don't know what happened this ep, but he was just determined to pilot ZZ & show how much better he is than Judau. Judau's not great, but he's a hell of a lot better than Beecha. Its amazing that the ZZ wasn't completely wrecked while he was trying to "save" the Argama. On the flip side, Judau gets to pilot Hyaku Shiki & shows that he can kick @$$ outside the ZZ.

August goes down in this ep. It looks like he had a terrible thirst for power up until the end. He's shown Glemy's trump card not long before he dies and it really did look like he had chosen a side. I guess now we get to follow the Argama to Europe and leave Africa behind.

I have to admit that this arc has been the best arc of the series and has saved me from dropping it completely. At times I felt like I was finally watching the continuation of Zeta Gundam. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive this series for the first 17-18 eps though. >_>
Nov 28, 2009 6:57 PM

Feb 2009
Finally Glemy reveals his true colours, he is the Palpatine! And he has an Ace up his sleeve...a Darth Vader!
Dec 16, 2010 3:12 AM

May 2008
Whoa, when Judau asked for the Hyaku Shiki I knew it's going to be awsome. I loved that part, it was quite exiting.
August's death was epic moment~
Jan 29, 2011 2:33 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Glemy's turn for the evil seems somehow too sudden and forced to me. Still nice chapter though.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 7, 2011 2:13 PM
Jul 2010
How did Glemy create a super-newtype? I'm assuming he contracted the same scientists who made Four, Rosamia, Four again, Rosamia again, and Puru. Or maybe not, since (except Puru) they were from Earth Federation not Axis. Either way he'd have to locate and transport the scientists, secure funding, and build a facility. Since he is explicitly using the project to betray Haman, it would have to be done off the record as well. Not plausible or even possible given his circumstances. It's like he reached into a cosmic void to pluck arbitrary plot twists.

And what's up with his Zabi blood claims? He was just one of Mashymere's grunts on his first mission. The idea that he's important in any political sense is dumb.
Aug 27, 2011 11:14 PM

Jan 2009
Doesn't even feel like I'm watching the same series anymore. Good, well mannered, cultured over-all likable Glemy became a sith lord? feels kinda forced...
Dec 3, 2012 1:11 PM

May 2009
The [EG] subs I'm watching are horrible. They're so far from the original script I might as well ignore them most of the time.

So August died. I didn't care for him. Glemy's going dark side and traitor all of a sudden. I like him for creating Ple Twelve though.

What happened to Mashymre Cello and Yazan? Mashymre left for somewhere and we haven't seen him since. I can't really remember what happened to Yazan the last time we saw him. Maybe he's still on Shangri-La.
Dec 23, 2012 6:50 PM

Jun 2012
Luthimal said:
How did Glemy create a super-newtype? I'm assuming he contracted the same scientists who made Four, Rosamia, Four again, Rosamia again, and Puru. Or maybe not, since (except Puru) they were from Earth Federation not Axis. Either way he'd have to locate and transport the scientists, secure funding, and build a facility. Since he is explicitly using the project to betray Haman, it would have to be done off the record as well. Not plausible or even possible given his circumstances. It's like he reached into a cosmic void to pluck arbitrary plot twists.

And what's up with his Zabi blood claims? He was just one of Mashymere's grunts on his first mission. The idea that he's important in any political sense is dumb.

TOTTALY AGREED! He's becoming a good character in the last episodes, but it seems forced and how could he do all of this? '-'

August could become a very nice character too, but unfortunately died. I would prefer if any of those aleatory kids from Argama died instead.

Elle and Roux in tight shorts, very nice :3 and I can't understand why, but Puru has an addiction for taking shower.
Apr 27, 2013 12:58 PM

Oct 2009
Yeah i don't get how Glemy suddenly turned from mama's boy to a high ranking officer, who wants to take over Zabi?

I miss Mashymere and Chara DX
Jan 17, 2014 11:20 PM

Oct 2008
Glemy rebelling was sort of foreshadowed much earlier in the series. Doesn't seem too forced to me (Haman always kept an eye on him for a reason). But what I didn't like is that August's death furthered nothing and him joining Glemy turned out pointless and useless anyway. So that was kinda stupid.
Feb 17, 2014 10:48 AM

Aug 2011
Beecha's been hit with the stupid stick again. Sigh.

sayami said:
Whoa, when Judau asked for the Hyaku Shiki I knew it's going to be awsome. I loved that part, it was quite exiting.

Best part of the episode. I always feel a little giddy when I see Hyaku Shiki in action.

Glad August is out already. He was basically going to be background noise anyway.
"Who needs Puru Two?" We both agree to that.
Mar 16, 2014 7:43 AM

Sep 2013
This was such a good episode!

This is quickly becoming my favorite Gundam. I like the childish and cheerful attitude this has. It does get slightly overboard at times, but I don't really care.

That Hyaku Shiki moment was really cool. :D

stAtic91 said:
The [EG] subs I'm watching are horrible. They're so far from the original script I might as well ignore them most of the time.

So August died. I didn't care for him. Glemy's going dark side and traitor all of a sudden. I like him for creating Ple Twelve though.

What happened to Mashymre Cello and Yazan? Mashymre left for somewhere and we haven't seen him since. I can't really remember what happened to Yazan the last time we saw him. Maybe he's still on Shangri-La.

Yeah I love how the EG subs has the characters calling each other "fags" and stuff. But I don't really care, this show is so goofy it kinda fits.
Jan 31, 2015 5:01 PM

Nov 2014
Glemy's portrayal here seems inconsistent with the last few episodes , hopefully they'l explain what's up with him later on.

Aside from Glemy though this ep was pretty fun.
Feb 6, 2015 12:22 AM

Jul 2009
Great episode!

I notice Mineva hasn't spoken a word yet O__O

I check the database and its still the same Seiyuu as Zeta. So i hope she talks soon.

I wanted to bright slapped Beecha for doing stupid things once again. Though at least we get to see Judau in Hyaku Shiki and this is how you pilot one just like Char!

August finally dies! Glad their showing the death scenes in detail as well!

Wtf this Glemy idiot managed to get some experiment going on for 6 months?!?! Puru Two!?! So we will see Puru vs Puru Two in the future?!?!

I also notice Puru is telling Judau all the evasive moves before hand. It's kinda cheap when you look at it :P

Getting better as hell!! Can't wait for the next episode!
Aug 16, 2015 8:34 PM

Jan 2014
WTF Gelmy is a traitor?!!?!
Well I guess they did foreshadow a bit when Haman asked for people to watch him but I wasn't really expecting him to turn into some evil mastermind.
Dec 11, 2015 4:11 PM

Nov 2012
Hmm,I don't like this at all.

Gelmy could've been a great antagonist if they hadn't rushed it to this point so suddenly.
Dec 23, 2015 6:44 AM

Sep 2008
Oh my, Judau is piloting Hyaku Shiki without shirt... Some fanservice for the ladies.

Hmm.. Judau is arrogant with his boasting at the end that only he can pilot ZZ well. Roux did kick some ass with it... Oh well, that's Judau to you. Except even Elle and Roux seemed to be lacklusters in this episode. :O I guess they have to buff the main character above others sometimes. :(
May 19, 2016 5:54 AM

Apr 2013
The character motivations in this series are inconsistent as fuck. One does not turn into a Darth vader overnight.
May 23, 2016 10:12 AM

Jan 2014
Glemy suddenly turning into Darth Sidious was ridiculous and very poorly foreshadowed, if foreshadowed at all, that is. Where would he find the ressources, time or even freedom to sustain such a project if he's a Zabi as he claims and Haman has been keeping him under her watch all this time? Where did he find the scientists to work on Puru's cloning? Man, that's a terribly handled twist if I've ever seen one: not that the idea was bad per se, but the complete absence of context, foreshadowing and and clear character motivations completely ruined it.
Plus we don't need a fucking Puru 2 : just one model of that little rat is more than enough, already.

The Bitcha subplot was nearly as terrible: everyone cheering on Judau outta nowhere in the first half and literally jobbing in the second one all for the sake of making him look like the best pilot of the group was of very poor taste. And that's not even talking about Bitcha's total lack of consistency character-wise: a whole lot of forced situations to create forced conflict is what this episode was in a nutshell.
But in all honesty, the last straw for me was Bitcha "acknowledging" Judau's absolute superiority and Judau pretty much going along with it, as if it was true. Nigga, everyone and their mom who's got more than 5 seconds of attention span knows that Roux is a much better pilot than you: don't be so full of yourself, please.

I do admit, seeing the Hyaku Shiki in action was pretty cool, though.
SapewlothMay 23, 2016 10:15 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 23, 2016 11:49 PM

Dec 2015
What is going on all of a sudden?! The fantasizing and overzealous little grunt Glemy got first promoted out of nowhere, became obsessed with cultur and noble manners, was then suspected by Haman, developed negative sentiment toward women untrustworthyness, turned later into some thoughtful Zeonist, then a man loyal to blood debts and right now he is revealed to be a minor Zabi relative conspirator who build an army of clones to overthrow the regent and... what? still conquer the Earth?
I am glad to finally know what Haman had against Glemy, why she promoted him so high and so fast with no visible reason (the higher you are, the harder you can hide your your doings and plotting). This could also explain this obsession he displayed through Leina. That was pretty good and I actually thought most of those elements were simply stupidities among others. But there are some points I can't figure out like the others above me:
- where and when did he find the backup and money (since he is only a minor noble) for this Ple army,
- does the 6months thing means he was already planning to create this army when he was a mere grunt (I should check the calendar),
- how cloning someone who was treated into becoming a cyber newtype can produce newtypes (or did I misunderstand Elpeo Ple's nature?)
- how did Haman intelligence service never noticed a thing after she made it so hard for Glemy to make a move?

Sapewloth said:
Plus we don't need a fucking Puru 2 : just one model of that little rat is more than enough, already.

I first had some doubts about the clones army. Then Glemy named the specimen "Ple Two" and I was like "What a great idea, this show needs more Ple!". Such a shameful reaction... ^^"

The Beecha problem was so artificial since the first scene (everyone congratulating Judau). Also, the conclusion? Did they (and are we supposed to) forget the previous episode?


Too bad I find part of the story progression illogical because this is actually moving in an interesting direction.

July 4, 2017
The 6 months origin of the cloning plan is really impossible. I checked the events timeline and if Glemy Toto's claim was right, he would have started this project around between the fifth and tenth episodes. Back when he was Mashymre's grunt.

September 24, 2016
@CypherRage You saw his awakening to justice, honor and what he now thinks as his blood heritage. But yes, despite his supposed origin (the reason why Haman Karn gave him a high position to facilitate her surveillance of him, and probably why he was wealthy enough for all his "plans"), he was nothing more than Mashymre's grunt when we first met him.
The Blue Corps episode was here to provide a trigger to his extreme evolution (maybe) but wasn't enough to justify it. (of course, it was also here as a frame for the youngsters growth.)

Anyway, no matter what your position is, I suppose we can say everyone is equal against "love" (aka blind virgin attraction).

The time management though is really bad (see my my last note above).

edit @Nezperdian Do you have such fantasies?

@mshea1213 Thank you. ^^" Glad it has been useful
(I never thought someone would read this though XD, it was just a contest with myself to write a reaction for every episode and chapter of the Universal Century til the end of Turn A, and a way to write down my thoughts in order to arrange them when I was dealing with Zeta and ZZ who kept bothering me)
Good continuation with this series.

April 22, 2019
@FMmatron You probably have plenty of time for plotting when you're working under someone like Mashymre.
About the "development" or revelations, some of it actually help to make sense of various elements from the beginnings. Too bad the 6months window makes no sense.

FMmatron said:
I thought it's surprising in a sense that I didn't see it coming at all. Glemy growing into a revolutionist? Maybe I would notice hints upon a rewatch.

For the caracter's change, I saw no warning, no seed apart the way he went to give more importance to nobility around the middle period. Nothing was shown before the Africa/desert episodes for me. Like the Ple's production calendar, it looks like a bad management of time.
For Glemy's origins, I found some early things I mentioned above but I'm sure people would happily dismiss them as lucky coincidences born out of Tomino's mad mind.

Good time with the finale (rather good) and happy CCA !

@FMmatron There are later events in this chronology (the visually sublime F91 aka the most magnificent animation of Yasuhiko's drawings and a 2hours trailer for 13eps out of an aborted 50eps series, Victory that was a really interesting try at new things by Tomino plus TurnA that acts like a giant epilogue, with a few broken things but surprisingly good overall). But the only connection for F91 and V with the past is that they exploit Jupiter, often mentioned earlier in Gundam.
CCA is really the finale, blooming into a great final shout of hope toward the future. Of course, you have other things if you count the modern implementations: the highly exploitative/fan-servicy Unicorn that prides itself as an epilogue to the whole 79/Z/ZZ/CCA chunk, and everything they are currently trying to churn out of that...

July 1, 2020
@St0rmblade Hey, it's me, Marrrrio ! Erf, Rei*
So, from explanations I've received and what I recall from the show, Ple is... the cutest and best thing that happened to Gundam (and Anno) ever ! Zut, sorry about that uncontrolled heart shout.
Elpeo Ple, the real one, is an actual natural born newtype (I've falsely thought that she was a CNT because of all the similarities in treatment with Titan's CNT). I guess they tempered with her to enhance her in some way, plus her young age made it so she ended up disturbed by all of that.
The Ple 2 ~ 13 (14? I 'm not sure anymore) are clones, and cyber newtypes : he cloned the biological material that was favourable to welcome newtype abilities (but ESP must be something that can't be cloned) and maybe the abilities were triggered thanks to CNT science. b Those are the ones unknown from Haman. But, like I said, given all Haman's securities around Glemy, this ends up super awkward in terms of story coherence. Something you already know is that Glemy was "promoted" to ùain common ennemy in the story because Tomino received the greenlight for making the theatrical finale (that would require Char). Little did he know at that moment, that he would be forced by the big heads to adapt his own novel, not even a rewrite of it, despite any problem of continuity...
But THAT is another story and only the beginning of phase 2 the second phase of annoying production meddling (that would reach its peak with F91 and Victory)...

PS: I've read you like, I mean appreciated, Ple's character. Hourra ! I'm so glad ! (after all the complaints we can read about this character in the West, I feel a bit less alone)
Rei_IIIJul 1, 2020 6:18 AM
Sep 21, 2016 9:02 PM

Dec 2012
What's the deal with Glemy? He goes from some grunt under Mashymre to some high-level military commander to some avenging freedom fighter for the Blue Corps to some evil cloning mastermind. Umm!? And no matter which incarnation of his character he acts like the shows biggest idiot when Roux is around.

I don't know what to make of this guy and if he's supposed to be a joke or a threat.
Jan 9, 2017 11:33 PM

Jun 2013
Good episode but i wanted to strangle Beecha! He is such an idiotic and infurating character.
Jun 26, 2017 8:02 AM
Jan 2017
Decent episode though this shows how a poor first half can affect the later part of a show even if it's better in comparison. The first half was so focused on overtop slapstick humour and too busy making their villains act like looney tunes characters, once the tonal shift happened any serious character development they trying to portray with Glemmy doesn't come off believable or natural. He's almost a completely different character.
Jan 2, 2018 11:12 AM

Jul 2016
Rei366 said:
What is going on all of a sudden?! The fantasizing and overzealous little grunt Glemy got first promoted out of nowhere, became obsessed with cultur and noble manners, was then suspected by Haman, developed negative sentiment toward women untrustworthyness, turned later into some thoughtful Zeonist, then a man loyal to blood debts and right now he is revealed to be a minor Zabi relative conspirator who build an army of clones to overthrow the regent and... what? still conquer the Earth?

That is a perfect summarization, dude. I did not even think of half that shit.

The death of August was totally brutal.. can we ignore that the first 16-18 episodes even existed? I like this show more than Zeta at this point.
Feb 26, 2018 2:56 PM

May 2015
Beecha needs some kind of scare maybe an injury... so that he can quit being a punk.
Sep 6, 2018 7:48 PM

Jun 2014
Beecha certainly learned his lesson after taking the Double Zeta.

Glemy is turning evil(more than already,) and appears to have a clone of Ple.

Apr 21, 2019 5:43 AM

Nov 2016
Ah, the "beach episode" I was waiting for xD

Glemy's development has indeed gotten out of hand, now it turns out he was plotting a rebellion. Crazy, but interesting.


I guess he had the time then xD But I thought it's surprising in a sense that I didn't see it coming at all. Glemy growing into a revolutionist? Maybe I would notice hints upon a rewatch.
FMmatronApr 22, 2019 6:59 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 22, 2019 7:24 AM

Nov 2016
Rei366 said:
FMmatron said:
I thought it's surprising in a sense that I didn't see it coming at all. Glemy growing into a revolutionist? Maybe I would notice hints upon a rewatch.

For the caracter's change, I saw no warning, no seed apart the way he went to give more importance to nobility around the middle period. Nothing was shown before the Africa/desert episodes for me. Like the Ple's production calendar, it looks like a bad management of time.
For Glemy's origins, I found some early things I mentioned above but I'm sure people would happily dismiss them as lucky coincidences born out of Tomino's mad mind.

Good time with the finale (rather good) and happy CCA !

Thanks, will it be the conclusive installment for this timeline?

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 1, 2020 4:29 AM

Aug 2017
Haman had an elder sister? :0

Another real-life location in Algeria (the lake). Obligatory beach episode got interrupted by enemies.

But this episode was a pretty big revelation in terms of Glemy's motivation and his secret Newtype Ple a mass-produced "doll" or something? o_O I wonder what popular show it reminds me about.
Also, what's Glemy's motivation, reviving the Zabi family? But Haman wants just the same, so what's the problem? Does he just want more political power? And why are his secret Newtypes not known to Haman? How did he manage to conceal them? Or did he? I remember him introducing Ple to Haman, and they were literally living in the same palace.

I might be misremembering things but since when does Gundam Team have a Zaku Tanker? o_o


@Rei_III That makes sense, I guess. Though still this whole sudden development in 6 months seems ridiculous. It's almost as if you can grow artificial people in Gundam in a matter of months or even weeks. And I wholeheartedly agree that Ple is a treasure :p
But I really get the wrong idea from this CNT abbreviation and start thinking about Spanish history instead of Gundam haha

St0rmbladeJul 1, 2020 5:39 AM
Aug 22, 2020 10:13 PM

Apr 2014
Judau x Puru was amazing this ep destroyed everything

as for preview of next ep.... why is fa back??????? fa cool and all but they really didnt need to bring her back but will see what its all about
"one step at a time"
Jun 18, 2021 6:23 AM

Apr 2016
I spoke too soon; Beecha is back to his backstabbing idiot self.

I like how the protagonists have more forces involved in fights in ZZ than in Zeta. In Zeta, it was almost always Kamille + one other (Quatro, Fa, Katz, Emma, or Reccoa), never all of them at once (at least not until the final battle). But in ZZ, there are usually at least three heroes in battle (Judau + Elle/Roux and Ino/Beecha). Unfortunately, unlike Zeta, the protagonist's squadmates are near useless here in ZZ. Judau is pretty much the only guy capable of killing anything (whereas Quatro/Fa/Katz/Emma/Reccoa did score kills on their own and saved Kamile numerous times). In fact, it seems that the only useful ally Judau has is Ple, when she sits on his lap and uses her Newtype sensitivity to help him locate allies or dodge enemies.
Jul 29, 2021 9:50 PM

Jul 2011
Kinda sad Beecha and Glemy got development last episode only for them to act differently this episode, especially Glemy who suddenly turned into a seemingly completely evil person.

That's one thing I have found with Tomino's works that I'm not a fan of, characters seem really flip-floppy in terms of personality, making them impossible to pinpoint.

I still really enjoyed this episode for it's other aspects, and August's death felt really brutal but I didin't like the guy in the first place. (Not that I think I was meant to as he was an antagonist).

Curious to see the Puru clone(s) in action, and what their personalities will be like.
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Dec 10, 2022 5:23 PM
Nov 2018
Glemy became creepier after these past 2 episodes lol, although it was pretty creepy that he was grooming Leina earlier. Ple is still super annoying ugh
Dec 18, 2022 7:33 AM
Dec 2015
Yes Beecha was an ass again, but it was coherent to the fact that he wanted to be "the hero". Now he seems like hes a good mate again and hopefully it's once and for all this time

Perhaps Roux learned some humilty as well since she got hit? At the end of the episode she even "praised" Beecha

Elle likes Judau (there have been a lot of hints here) but i wonder if in the end Elle and Beecha are supposed to be a final couple, because at an earlier episode i remember Lino said that beecha consider themselves a couple (what the fuck)? Beecha seems to care a bit for Elle, so we'll see. Too bad he's a scumbag...

Maybe we are not used anymore nowadays to ecchis but this time they even showed nipples on a basically underage female character. They really didn't give a damn during those years huh?
Feb 7, 2023 1:10 AM

Oct 2018
stupid sexy judau going into battle shirtless
~Spiritual Healing~

Sep 9, 2023 5:26 AM

Jul 2017
glemy you are frighteningly creepy.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Jan 18, 2024 12:21 PM
Apr 2021
Wow, this ep was great. I've been really fucking with Glemy these past few eps, but now we find out he's been growing little lab newtypes in his basement for 6 months, sooo... đź’€. Also, I guess he has Zabi blood in some indirect way. Distant cousin or something? I'd imagine Zabi blood would make you huge royalty in Neo Zeon, like Mineva, but maybe you go down a few pegs for every relative between you and the OG Zabis. It's also definitely possible Glemy requested a military position instead of a Duke's seat because of his plan to overthrow Haman. Speaking of which... why?? A Zabi accusing someone of false Zeonism is pretty rich, not gonna lie. He references the teachings of Deikun directly when he brings it up, so does he genuinely know what was originally taught, instead of the Zabi bs? If so, it would take som crazy mental gymnastics to fight for both the revival of the Zabis and true Zeonism. I doubt anyone is fighting for legit Zeonism at this point, not even Char. At this point it doesn't even matter what Deikun really meant, because everyone killing each other over it in the present has creates their own interpretation. Real shit, honestly.
Mar 27, 2024 7:23 PM

May 2015
I was waiting for Beecha to finally experience some consequences, but he just gets slapped on the hand and called cute (by Roux no less who should be mad at him for using as a human shield), meh.

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