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Mar 28, 2019 7:22 AM

Nov 2011
Oh geez, Rhino isn't kidding around against Kei this episode. With a gun in head and trapping him in a freezing room, yeah...

I felt pretty mixed thoughts about this. It didn't feel the story's buildup made much impact to this point for the series' finale. Not to mention, their world's main threat (the Zai) is still out there. Seems like they decided to reflect all the time Gripen spent with Kei so that she can be more of herself. They could of executed this much better imo..
Mar 28, 2019 7:47 AM

Jul 2017
Damn, Rhino's the REAL threat, and not the Xi??? Bamboozled!

With the story basically non-existent, it's just the story of how Gripen is able to be confident in her anxiety, and see Kei in a new light.

What a disappointment, though already foreshadowed it's way into the ending.
Mar 28, 2019 9:12 AM

Aug 2018
Mixed feelings for the finale episode compaired with the rest of the anime. Anyway, in general I liked Waifu Air Force: The Anime in some extent. It's just a bit of a shame about the CGI and the OST used that felt a bit out of place and probably will age very badly.

Oh well. Atleast we have now also have airplane waifu's to love and protect, right?
Timz0rMar 28, 2019 11:35 AM
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Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Mar 28, 2019 9:42 AM
Jul 2014
I'm going to quote myself here:

firemagnet said:
Otorez said:
Well, episode 11 was decent, the Brawlers fought very decently but... getting hacked by Zai lol

However I find it weird that Phantom who's supposed ( and she showed she was) the high technology expert / hacker / strategist with a very accurate point of view ; totally forgot that part. Wouldn't she be the one who would actually try to take control over those Brawlers ?

Talking about her : it frustrated me so much that none of the "surviving" squad mentioned Eagle or Phantom's situations. I mean, it was like they did not give a single crap about their mates...

And finally, this airport remains very weird. My thoughts about it : there is something that affects technology and Animas, similar to the "secret attack" they used to control Brawlers. The battle was more like a decoy, Zai's objective would be taking control over Animas to use them as dormant cells. Sent back to their bases, they would collect intel or even sabotage Animas research, etc.
I'm actually gonna miss Girly Air Force when it'll be over. Hoping for a manga adaptation or more screentime, despite it seems unrealistic to me.

The Brawlers getting hacked by the Zai was the logical outcome of events ever since episode 3 when Phantom used her skills to hack into Grippen's data feeds............

............and so was Rhino being coopted by the Zai, which likely happened shortly after her creation. As I said back during the discussion of episode 3, it was concerning that Phantom could use the Anima network to hack other Anima, because if she could do it then that would be a given for the Zai to be able to do it as well.

It's worth noting that Rhino has been dropping heavy hints that she's working against humanity's interests since the time she met Kei. In particular, her note that she felt "at home in the darkness," and "part of something bigger" during her recounting of her camping trip shortly after her "birth."

Naturally Kei being a human, he is not affected but still receives a weird feeling/vibe. Next episode will give us our answers !

To paraphrase Grippen in "Unphysical Layer," "If you go any further, you won't be able to go back; you'll lose your individuality." As of episode 10, Kei is already heavily linked into the Anima network. While it doesn't affect him in the same way, it's clear that Kei is getting interference from Rhino's use of the unphyiscal layer, in the form of the "fog" which he is already familiar with.

I'm actually surprised that I was effectively correct on every prediction I made.

-Rhino was actively corrupted and working against humanity's interests from the beginning
-The Xi are essentially a defense system that wants to "return everything to nature" (as with the planetary consciousness in the nasuverse, they see humanity as a "threat" or "parasite" actively obstructing a "goal" of "healing" and "nature.")
-The Xi is a hive-mind that sees anything outside of its own vision of "nature" as undesirable and harmful, and effectively cannot be negotiated with.

-as with phantom in episode 3, the Xi are more than capable of "hacking" other anima (like a virus, though, not active hacking).

-Narutani Kei is, thanks to contact with the anima, able to be affected by the Xi as well (as this episode demonstrated, they never "landed" in China and his sense of "time" was absolutely interfered with.

Otherwise, a predictable mid-season finish that drops where it does because the series itself isn't finished yet.
Mar 28, 2019 9:46 AM

Aug 2018
Ah, too bad Rhino turned into an enemy, but I guessed that was the logic outcome of attempting to control both her mind and her actions.

Obviously she had to be American lol. However, her transformation looked a bit weird, with ice spawning everywhere on her body (also everywhere around her position), it reminded me a kind of corruption progressively taking control over her own person. I guess she was the real enemy from the start but... what was even her point ? It seemed she wanted to 'corrupt' Gripen as well, her dream where she felt peaceful and relaxed while having ice spawning on her body could confirm this point.

Sadly Rhino died by the power of the OP launched during a duel/battle. But according to what Yashidori said, the American army kept saves or records about her so would they be able to create a new Anima ? Guess we'll have to wait for a season 2 to get the answer... if it ever happens.
Mar 28, 2019 10:31 AM

Apr 2010
Not the best episode nor the best anime.
It was nice seeing all those aircraft but the story could have been better and the main was really annoying and didn't understand woman at all.
I feel sorry for the girl who fell for him.
Watching Eagle was funny tho.
Mar 28, 2019 11:51 AM

Nov 2016
You know a series has failed if you don't care about the events it displayed.

But I liked the characters enough to stick around and there was also the very catchy ending :D

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 28, 2019 12:44 PM

Oct 2010
firemagnet said:

I'm actually surprised that I was effectively correct on every prediction I made.

-Rhino was actively corrupted and working against humanity's interests from the beginning
-The Xi are essentially a defense system that wants to "return everything to nature" (as with the planetary consciousness in the nasuverse, they see humanity as a "threat" or "parasite" actively obstructing a "goal" of "healing" and "nature.")
-The Xi is a hive-mind that sees anything outside of its own vision of "nature" as undesirable and harmful, and effectively cannot be negotiated with.

-as with phantom in episode 3, the Xi are more than capable of "hacking" other anima (like a virus, though, not active hacking).

-Narutani Kei is, thanks to contact with the anima, able to be affected by the Xi as well (as this episode demonstrated, they never "landed" in China and his sense of "time" was absolutely interfered with.

Otherwise, a predictable mid-season finish that drops where it does because the series itself isn't finished yet.

Props to you! Good run down on everything. Very clearly written. I enjoyed the show but I felt it was executed fairly in a "Average" degree. Not awful, not really good either. I liked the Anima girls a lot but the plot left so much to be desired. Especially this ending.
Mar 28, 2019 12:46 PM

Jun 2015
Hmm so this place was infested from the start huh. Quite the cunning trap actually. Kei's words as he tried to bring Gripen back from the brink sure was heartfelt which mixed well with the good memories that he and Gripen had together. The fight with Rhino sure was a tense one but Kei's tactic sure was creative. Eagle and Phantom's arrival sure was timely. In a way Rhino was also a prisoner of the US military as well despite serving them loyally. Given this flaw no wonder she was vulnerble to the enemy. Though the op failed its nice to see that Kei's bond with Gripen and his views on the anima have both advanced so much. Hmm an interesting ending that while showing the true nature of the airport and the failure of the op also showed how much the relationships and views of each character have improved. Im curious to see whether will there be a sequel as it was hinted here.
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Mar 28, 2019 12:47 PM

May 2016
Damn, Rhino's the REAL threat, and not the Xi??? Bamboozled!

With the story basically non-existent, it's just the story of how Gripen is able to be confident in her anxiety, and see Kei in a new light.

What a disappointment, though already foreshadowed it's way into the ending.
Mar 28, 2019 1:37 PM

Dec 2016
Needed more Phantom :(
Mar 28, 2019 2:15 PM

Mar 2012
The series with potential, whether used, I do not know, probably not entirely. The surprise was that Rhino turned out to be a threat, though she was weird, so you could suspect something.

Score: 6.5/10
Mar 28, 2019 2:33 PM

Nov 2017
Retarded end for retarded show. Man i should have known not to have big expectations for this. Started interesting but with the introduction of the other two retards(dumbass blonde and smartmouth green bitch) the show went downhill. Not looking forward to this even if it gets second season.
Mar 28, 2019 3:19 PM
Jan 2017
And so, Girly Air Force ends with an episode that wasn't exactly bad, but still could have been a lot of better. To be more specific, I feel that the episode did a lot of great character exploration for Kei, Gripen and even Rhino but the greater story suffered a bit. We are no closer to finding out what the Zai are than we were at the beginning; not to mention Rhino suffered a sad fate. What a shame. She had untapped potential.

Girly Air Force was a fun TV show that delivered an interesting story and great characters. Hopefully, a second season will be confirmed and Kei and co. can continue their battle.
Mar 28, 2019 4:03 PM

Feb 2015
I didn't expect much from this series to begin with so im not disappointed. It was an average anime that wasn't without its merits. The main cast were likeable but it was cheesy as hell at times. 6/10
Mar 28, 2019 4:12 PM

Jul 2017
Helios92 said:
Damn, Rhino's the REAL threat, and not the Xi??? Bamboozled!

With the story basically non-existent, it's just the story of how Gripen is able to be confident in her anxiety, and see Kei in a new light.

What a disappointment, though already foreshadowed it's way into the ending.

Wow, what a good way to plagiarize without consent.
Mar 28, 2019 4:20 PM

Aug 2018
iliyanski89 said:
Retarded end for retarded show. Man i should have known not to have big expectations for this. Started interesting but with the introduction of the other two retards(dumbass blonde and smartmouth green bitch) the show went downhill. Not looking forward to this even if it gets second season.

Actually, I don't even have the feeling the 2 girls you're talking about were properly introduced lol
I mean, we barely know their plane model, their initial base, their abilities, their general state of mind... and for Phantom a bit of her motive but that's everything. To be honest, I found the background pretty empty/blank... too bad it had some potential as you mentioned.
Mar 28, 2019 7:07 PM
Jul 2014
airfoilfan87 said:
I was saddened by Rhino's fate.. Even from last week when i google translated that chinese chapter that was floating around the net..

Already knew that it was her that had a death flag on..

Rhino being the last boss was foreshadowed the episode she was introduced, when she started talking about "wars between anima". In retrospect, it's obvious that she was projecting and expressing disdain and disrespect through the lens of how she had been programmed to act.

Though the scene of her left eye sticking out, bloodshot, as the crystals completely enveloped her was utterly horrifying, as it signaled that some small part of her was still struggling to fight back.

But that chinese tell?
Mar 28, 2019 7:08 PM

Dec 2016
RIP Rhino

I enjoyed this series. Like I said before, it was nothing special, but I thought it was interesting from start to finish, though I have to admit I am a sucker for anything involving a military theme + cute girls. Sadly I doubt there will be a season two, and the novels aren't translated...

What's the difference?
Mar 28, 2019 7:14 PM

Apr 2011
So Rhino is the baddie. My suspicions where right. Glad that Kei and Gripen made out of there and reunited with Phantom and Eagle. Gripen was almost lost but Kei snapped her out of it.

The ending is weak It doens't feel like an ending at all. It was nice to see cute girls fly jets, but the two, Eagle and Phantom lacked screentime which is sad.

Sad to say this is just average.

Mar 28, 2019 7:30 PM
Apr 2017
Minghua song was my favorite part of the show, really the only reason I watched it to bad she got shafted. Btw the ending was not good at all.
Mar 28, 2019 7:46 PM

Oct 2015
At the at end we got nothing from the show, like why the Xi fight and conquer. But most of all who are they and where are they from? There wasn't any development on their side or the story, the show focused on Kei even though it is titled Girly force *WTF. The show was confused AF even towards the end, like making Rhino the baddie, what was that and what was it suppose to achieve? They failed at interpersonal skills of characters and lacked plot directing most of all.

Everything was plain from animation to characters or making a good MC or antagonists. The only good thing about the series was the title Girly force and uh?

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Mar 28, 2019 7:49 PM

Feb 2013
The show was alright, not anything special, but it didn't suck. 6/10
Mar 28, 2019 8:06 PM

Aug 2018
The anime was globally ok but it had a huge - in my opinion - lack of plot & background. Zai being a world threat ok, but we ain't know shit about them : motive, origins, hierarchy, etc.

Episode 12 concluded a first / unique season as it started : bringing new stuff that will remain unsolved or without answers (in episode 1, we discovered Zai and still don't know a crap about them / episode 12, we learnt that Rhino was... corrupted, controlled by Zai and we still can't figure how).

By far not the worst possible anime but clearly not the best. Still I enjoyed watching each episode every Thursday and wouldn't mind to know/watch more.
Mar 29, 2019 12:27 AM

May 2015
Rhino had us for a moment there...And she got us! But wow. I have to give credit for Rhino's VA and her script. Well done!

Ooh, glad they kept the detail of Kei's cut arms from breaking the glass.

Alright! We got ourselves a dogfight!

Wait...throughout episode was only 3 hours?

Viper Zero getting the kill steal!

Ahh..after not seeing Haruka for so long, we need to be reminded that he smokes in hospitals...

We know not why the Xi exist, but we do know that the anima are needed to find that answer...

Girly Air Force...I'm impressed. It had a rocky first episode, but it did pretty well as it progressed. The characters were quite interesting, especially Phantom and this final performance by Rhino. Eagle was fun to watch too, and Gripen had her cute moments. Viper Zero only appeared for a few episodes, but she was a rather intriguing character for the short moments that she had. Poor Minghua though. And even though Kei is the central male character surrounded by a girly air force, I never saw this as a harem. It had the hints and small moments of fan service, but it was serious most of the time. It had its mix of slower slice-of-life like episodes and action scenes, and I loved the action scenes. Multicolored flying jets flying about and shooting missiles and guns and saying Fox 2! And let's not forget the hype music to follow along with the high-speed flying! Perhaps the biggest complaint that everyone will have with this series is its inconclusive ending with a whole bunch of questions left unanswered, but I guess this series was done to promote the light novel as most anime do. I doubt that this will ever get a second season, but if it does happen, I will definitely watch it.

Final Verdict: Broken Blue/10
Mar 29, 2019 1:48 AM
Dec 2017
I enjoyed this season, I hope we can see a second season and especially the Russian animas.

Russians have a great chance to build a large airforce full of animas & daughters;

Sukhoi Su-24
Sukhoi Su-25
Sukhoi Su-27
Sukhoi Su-30
Sukhoi Su-33
Sukhoi Su-34
Sukhoi Su-35
Mikoyan MiG-23
Mikoyan MiG-25
Mikoyan MiG-27
Mikoyan MiG-29
Mikoyan MiG-31
Mar 29, 2019 3:31 AM

Oct 2007
Not enough Barbie 04. :(

Scary as hell experience for Kei being chased by zombie Rhino in Zai airport. Kei, she just wants you and Gripen to live forever in the airport! xD

Damn... we did not even get to see the russian anima.

7/10 need season 2 with the russians
Mar 29, 2019 4:04 AM

Jun 2017
Well, I guess I liked the last episode, the anime is cool and all but they could've done better especially in terms of the story and its pacing, but overall, it was watchable. 6.5/10
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Mar 29, 2019 10:26 AM
Sep 2018
Good fucking anime
The anime didn't even moved away from it's main theme and they never compromised a single scene in terms of fighting animation
Lit shit animators
Mar 29, 2019 11:07 AM

Oct 2008
out of control crystals again!? have I seen that before? feels like taken from another show...anyway seems like they survived the true colors of Rhino...
this show was mediocre at its best...

Mar 29, 2019 11:07 AM
Mar 2017
Rhino showed her true intentions in this last episode, the Anima that was friendly and relaxed,it turned out to be corrupted by the enemy.
After finding a way to fix planes, Rhino starts acting very strange and when Kei goes to look for Gripen, Rhino points a gun at him and we see that parts of her body begin to crystallize. Kei flees and we see how the whole airport begins to crystallize and Gripen seems to be trapped somewhere, maybe even in her sleep.
Rhino is willing to kill Kei, and her true personality is unleashed.
Kei arrives in time before Gripen is crystallized, but we see that in her subconscious Gripen seems to be in a state of calmness, but Kei's voice is heard in Gripen's mind and she remembers all the moments lived next to him and so she manages to wake up.
Kei and Gripen flee quickly while the crystallization becomes faster while listening to the voice of Rhino trying to convince them to stay.
In the end Gripen and Kei flee from the airport, but in the sky they notice that the airport is completely crystallized and several Zai ships take off and we see that Rhino's plane is transformed into a model more similar to the Zai ships. Seeing Rhino in that disturbing state covered in crystal and those eyes very similar to a zombie was sad and after finishing being completely crystallized, Rhino tries to corrupt the mind of Gripen, but Kei manages to recover her. The aerial combat between Gripen and Rhino was great, Rhino had the advantage for her new Zai remodeling, but even so, Kei and Gripen managed to eliminate Rhino and thus return to the base, unfortunately several Zai ships followed them and they had spent all his ammunition and missiles against Rhino.
But Phantom, Eagle and Viper 0 arrive and save Kei and Gripen, this combat where the three Animas defend their companions was good, all proved to have the ability to finish the enemy quickly.
Yashirodōri and Kei have a quite serious conversation about what happened with Rhino, hear that Yashirodōri talks about how the United States always treated Rhino as a too was so depressing, but then he tells Kei that Gripen and the other Animas run the same danger of finish like Rhino, but also he tells Kei that he still has hope that something like this will not happen after seeing the ties of Kei and Gripen.
I really like the conversation of Kei and Gripen, they have a strong bond that will make a big difference in future battles against the Zai.

And it ended Girly Air Force, it was an entertaining anime, but I felt that it left me more questions and they owed me a look at the Russian Animas, but in spite of that it was quite decent. I give it 8/10 since if I am sincere I liked some of the characters, Gripen and Phantom were my favorites, the little Gripen managed to captivate me with her voice and her unusual actions and Phantom at first I found her unpleasant, although after Kei and Gripen defeated her. I started to like her. The aerial battle was to my liking, although I am still uncomfortable about the extravagant colors of the planes, especially Eagle and Viper 0. In short, this anime happened without much pain in this winter season, but it was still interesting.
Mar 29, 2019 11:44 AM

Aug 2018
I rewatched episodes 11 et 12 and somehow, it really made me feel bad for Rhino, especially when she brought Gripen & Kei to her room, where she was pretendly born. This is how I interpreted the whole sequence in the airport : for the first time, she met other Animas and Kei, someone who treated her as a whole person and not as a machine (as we learned from Yashidori, American army treated her as an object).

This way, she took the opportunity to leave the battlefield (did she know it would happen this ? I kinda guess so) and brought her new friends to a place she cherished. At least, if we believe her words, the room they entered had a very special meaning.

Then I think she just wanted them to stay but then had to employ force (chasing Kei with a pistol at first) 'cause she got that he understood & wanted to leave. But even at this time, she still tried to not shoot him, especially during the dogfight where she asked them more than once to come back and stay, claiming she did not want to shoot. I see this as her last human's remnant : and right during/after this sentence, the blue stuff (I called it corruption) finished spreading around her, totally 'eating' her humanity =>

That is the end of her story : an Anima I felt tormented by her human look but considered as an object or even as an enemy (I mean, in episode 3-4 Gripen was bullied by Japanese soldiers, before Kei learned how Animas were made). Unlike Gripen, Eagle or Phantom, she had to choose a side and opted for Zai, because the human side kinda rejected her. That makes me sad for her, I'm sure if someone like Yashidori had been in charge of her, she would have been happy and probably uncorrupted/untempted by the other side. Also, as we noticed during Gripen's dream or something, when Kei came in the room, the blue ice she had on her body disappeared instantly and she woke up. It kinda means she was saved from the corruption, so I'm convinced it could have been the same for Rhino...
Mar 29, 2019 1:56 PM

Feb 2012
Well that was really disappointing. I had hopes that this show would be entertaining and something along the lines of "Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio" which I actually enjoyed. I liked Phantom it's a shame we didn't get more of her. Rhino was ok too it sucks that they couldn't save her somehow. That scene with her getting covered in crystals was pretty crazy.

So many unanswered questions about the Xi and the plot in general but at the end of the day I really don't care to get an answer.
Mar 29, 2019 7:29 PM
Jan 2019
The scene of the building invaded with glass reminded me of Re: Zero when Subaru goes to look for Emilia at the mansion.

Well, it was not the best of the season, but it was entertaining. Apparently, it gives for a second season, since the war against the Xi is not over yet.
Darling in the Anima. LOL XD.
Mar 30, 2019 5:17 AM

May 2009
LN supposedly ended with 11th volume
Mar 31, 2019 6:11 AM

Nov 2009
It was surprisingly not a bad anime ("surprisingly" because I didn't expect anything out of it), so 7/10.
Mar 31, 2019 7:17 AM

Nov 2010
The author should have paid more attention to what made Strike Witches popular. This needed more girls/planes, more funny moments with them and a lot more military and aviation references. Instead he focused on the absolutely worst part of that show: the generic faceless enemy that's mostly shown as colored zones on a map.

When your show only has 4 real world planes as main characters, and at the end of it I can't tell you the names of all of them, you know something has gone very wrong.
Apr 3, 2019 10:13 PM

Jan 2011
Felt like a chore to finish this boring series. Only good part was Minghua
Apr 7, 2019 9:30 PM
Dec 2011
The abandoned airport with everything still working gave me a strong vibe of The Langoliers. Looks like I was right.
Apr 8, 2019 9:32 AM

Jan 2009
i feel like the show tried to pull a "darling in the franxx" ending, but couldn't even fail at that aspect because it was so underwhelming and uninspiring to watch.

i appreciated a lot of elements from this show, but overall the characters are a complete snoozefest. my favorite character was the chubby scientist who smoked cigarettes a lot. that's it.

all the girls annoyed me, the main character didn't really drive his ambitions home, and the ending made me want to fall asleep.
Apr 9, 2019 1:42 PM

Oct 2013
It wasn't so bad. It has some nice dogfight moments but I think it could be better. 6/10
Apr 21, 2019 2:53 AM
Mar 2012
Some loose threads still open ended, but the source continues. Kei got some hints of Xi goal in keeping nature's order, they learned more about anima & Kei with Gripen being a central example of coexisting, but still feels like it stopped short of clear plot progress (eg taking back Shanghai).

Dogfights were cool with nice osts, but the real draw were the characters. Eagle & Gripen are pretty fun, especially Gripen's pizza mode & derp faces.
Viper Zero reflecting the beholder's inner self, Phantom as the only anima holding intelligent conversations with Kei & having her own self preservation & attitude, and Rhino treated as a tool wanting to desert from battle, betray the humans, & merge into darkness/Xi, were at least three characters with unusual depth.
Kei was somewhat disappointing how he treats Minghua, and makes a poor fihgter when he often puts hot emotions/doubt in front instead of make decisions professionally. But he did make efforts to have the group work together when the initial anima trio were breaking apart, and performed some nice tactics.
Some of the mental creepy atmosphere scenes were quite well made, and added to Gripen & Rhino's mysteries.
Apr 21, 2019 9:27 AM
Jul 2008
This anime is actually pretty good. I wonder why people hate it?
I hope there's 2nd season, I'm really curious about what will happen next.
Apr 22, 2019 9:39 AM

Aug 2018
LeonLanford said:
This anime is actually pretty good. I wonder why people hate it?
I hope there's 2nd season, I'm really curious about what will happen next.

A not very catching MC (I found him quite dumb on some points), a weak plot and an animation that was not memorable nor disastrous either ; major characters (Phantom & Eagle especially) could have been much more interesting to follow but they barely gave 'em some screentime ; airfights not horrible but not exceptionnal either (Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai that aired in the same time was very different but had greater dogfights for example) ; etc

I enjoyed watching Girly Air Force & am hoping a second season as well but I can't deny or close my eyes on the negative points which were noticed ealier. Dunno if anything additionnal will air in the future.
Apr 22, 2019 10:03 AM
Jul 2008
Otorez said:
LeonLanford said:
This anime is actually pretty good. I wonder why people hate it?
I hope there's 2nd season, I'm really curious about what will happen next.

A not very catching MC (I found him quite dumb on some points), a weak plot and an animation that was not memorable nor disastrous either ; major characters (Phantom & Eagle especially) could have been much more interesting to follow but they barely gave 'em some screentime ; airfights not horrible but not exceptionnal either (Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai that aired in the same time was very different but had greater dogfights for example) ; etc

I enjoyed watching Girly Air Force & am hoping a second season as well but I can't deny or close my eyes on the negative points which were noticed ealier. Dunno if anything additionnal will air in the future.

Dumb MCs are everywhere on almost every anime, it's not new. Just like the tittle suggests, the show is more focused on the planes and girls, so there's no need for Yu-Gi-Oh design on the MC.

Weak plot is subjective, this season is more like introduction than weak plot.
Considering the season length and they're side characters, Phantom and Eagle have enough screentime. If someone want to complain about screentime, it should be Minghua.

While Kotobuki have girls with planes, they're essentially focused on different aspects, they don't even have male MC. Kotobuki is more action less plot while this anime is more plot with less action. The girls in Girly Air Force are not even a pilot, they're more like planes in human form like in Arpeggio. Airing at the same time does not mean you can compare them just because there's one similiar aspect(girls with planes). It's just like saying Gundam has better robot fights than Code Geass because they both have robots with male MC.

The negative points you mentioned are not really negative, more like subjective points.
May 1, 2019 12:47 PM
Mar 2017
Overall this show isn't that bad. Feels bad for Rhino though. Hope this will have another season.

May 1, 2019 1:17 PM

Dec 2008
Even though this show was loaded with cliches I really enjoyed it.
Life Is Short But Intense.
May 10, 2019 8:32 PM

Jan 2012
And so Rhino dies and I have no idea what was going on making the last 4 episode arc feel pointless. Or perhaps I couldn't really be bothered to care. Well this show was meh. Going in the only thing that interested me was Eagles and her big, beautiful tits but nothing really came of her. Before the last arc it was 6/10 inoffensive but entirely bland and forgettable meh. At the end I'd say it's still bland and forgettable, but also kinda annoying so I'm downgrading it to a 5. This won't take long to be forgotten and that's probably for the best.
Jun 4, 2019 9:42 AM

Apr 2017
I just managed to marathoned it from 8 to 12 just now.
It somehow felt unreal, but this anime actually is quite good.
The artwork has been consistent throughout, the story is okay, the CGI is quite good.

The airport covered in crystals reminded me of how Irozuku ends. The episode had something entirely out of its world, this time the airport eaten by crystals. (Irozuku ended somehow in fantasy as well)

I knew she isnt coming back but throughout the episode I was hoping Rhino can be salvaged. She is really my type of character, blue hair, nice and open attitude, pretty as well, her voice and speech also lovely. But well... It has to be... So be it.

Unlike most, I enjoyed the show. I am hoping some continuation if possible to be honest. This one is a 8/10 from me. Yeah an 8.

Sorry it became an wall of text.
Life isn't as fun and easy as anime.
Watch anime to bring that fun!!
Oct 21, 2019 7:04 AM

Dec 2008
ANother bummer show..glad to be done with it. 3/10 for this ever increasing cgi mess and show that falls short of anything substantially original.
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