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Mar 15, 2019 5:22 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, a crisis. As usual, Boogiepop's words are filled with mystery and ambigious. Even defeating the King of Distortion may not be the answer.

Still, I have to admit this episode was rather entertaining with the amount of action content. Boogiepop fought that monster like a boss without fear. It's really not every day you get to see this amount of bizareness all in one place.
Stark700Mar 15, 2019 5:36 AM
Mar 15, 2019 7:27 AM

Aug 2013
Boogiepop easily took down that monster.

Two more episodes.

Mar 15, 2019 8:01 AM
Apr 2016
The suspense of disbelief is as strained as it can get.
1. The kid that created Zooragi (through his power of imagination and dreaming, is he also another evolved human?) lost control over it and the beast is now a separate existence. Right now, however, it merely exists between the planes and can not cross into reality since the kid believes Zooragi to have ceased to exist. Until someone else discovers him through any absurd way of mental or inter-dimensional interaction, Zooragi is supposedly not a threat. YET some of its power has seeped into reality and now affects it. The amount of conceptual borders crossed is OVER 9000!!! and I would not call that a great idea.
2. Boogiepop can physically exist and be affected both in reality and outside of it... and it can also be damaged in other planes, with damage translating into the reality (or outright returning with Boogiepop to reality), which is also a big stretch. At this point I am starting to fear that "borders exist to be crossed".
Mar 15, 2019 8:36 AM

Jun 2017
Great info dump and action-packed episode!

Niitoki-san and Boogiepop’s little conversation at the start of the episode was very interesting! Leaving aside the part with Takeda Keiji, we got a little bit of Boogiepop’s existence regarding the automatic appearance once a threat is looming and something about her not having a sense of self and whatnot. While these were pretty clear from previous episodes, it’s nice to finally some clarification from their side.

Niitoki-san past conversation with Suema-san touched on a very delicate topic but it’s great to see some relevance to that with respect to her deduction of the King of Distortion’s existence. On another note, we got a bit more from that girl from last episode and the whole ‘turn into gold’ thing is really mysterious. I wonder what that has to do with fighting back against Zooragi, if that’s what it is about in the first place of course. Is the King of Distortion unsure who’s behind the existence of Zooragi or something of the sort. Kentarou-san receiving a phone call from Nagi’s (fake-) step-brother just thickens the mystery even further.

And then there was some cool Boogiepop moments throughout the episode, especially that fight! Effortlessly taking down the kaiju like that and fixing the threat(maybe not just yet actually), way to go Boogiepop! Animation for this episode was much better and it just made things a lot more cool and interesting to follow. Some of Boogiepop’s expressions felt like more detailed than usual, but maybe that’s just me.

Looking forward to the next episode! Can’t wait to see how this all unveils to spill the beans.
Just 2 more episodes remaining, hopefully there’ll be a Season 2 in the making in the near future.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 15, 2019 8:41 AM
Jul 2009
_MushiRock11_ said:
something about her not having a sense of self and whatnot. While these were pretty clear from previous episodes, it’s nice to finally some clarification from their side.

Boogiepop is an unreliable narrator and he's clearly bullshiting about that. If he really didn't have a sense of self, he wouldn't be able to appreciate Takeda's friendship, and wouldn't feel jealousy over him.

No matter what he says, he actually does have a perfectly functioning sense of self.
Mar 15, 2019 8:47 AM

Mar 2017
I actually really like Boogiepop's personality the more we get to know them. They're unintentionally funny through their indifference and carefree-ness.

I like the concept in this arc that your imagination and inner thoughts/feelings have an effect on the material world. This is by far my favourite arc!
Mar 15, 2019 9:12 AM

Feb 2018
Oho was boogiepop blushing slightly when talking about takeda?

And why would nitoki have saotome has her alternate personality, really makes you think

Glad boogiepop had more screentime this episode. Only two episodes left

Lets goo!
Mar 15, 2019 9:16 AM

Jun 2017
1idd0kun said:
_MushiRock11_ said:
something about her not having a sense of self and whatnot. While these were pretty clear from previous episodes, it’s nice to finally some clarification from their side.

Boogiepop is an unreliable narrator and he's clearly bullshiting about that. If he really didn't have a sense of self, he wouldn't be able to appreciate Takeda's friendship, and wouldn't feel jealousy over him.

No matter what he says, he actually does have a perfectly functioning sense of self.

Now that you mention it, it does make sense for them to have a sense of self but if I were to choose one over the other, it’d be have to be their words. Some myseterious entity and god knows what else, who am I kidding here with.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 15, 2019 9:17 AM
Jun 2014
i don't really get why this show doesn't get more traction. it's so cool!

Mar 15, 2019 10:23 AM
Apr 2016
Kmlshblr said:

And why would nitoki have saotome has her alternate personality, really makes you think

Lets goo!

Mar 15, 2019 10:25 AM
Jul 2009
Daniel_Naumov said:
Kmlshblr said:

And why would nitoki have saotome has her alternate personality, really makes you think

Lets goo!


I think Takeda's design is somewhat similar to Jin Asukawa, but I don't see any similarity with Saotome, at all.
Mar 15, 2019 11:08 AM
Jul 2018
562326 - Boogiepop Discord Server!
Mar 15, 2019 12:49 PM

Mar 2016
Only two episodes left? Ah!! Hope a second season gets announced.

I am starting to like the music that randomly plays in the building.

The lesson about split personality was quite interesting.

I want to discuss almost every scene since they were all awesome, but it is probably a bad idea.
Mar 15, 2019 1:34 PM

Sep 2011
I agree with Makoto-kun, Boogiepop is amazing! The confront against Zooragi was quite the spectacle. I was shocked to see Boogiepop bleeding too, it's a first, right? Welp, Miyashita is going to miss her bentou, poor girl.
Mar 15, 2019 3:48 PM

Oct 2017
The small fight with Zooragi was nice but I'm curious on how Boogiepop and it got on the same "wave length". I decided to do some information on just the color gold and it can relate to a deep understanding of the self and soul which seems to be what the King of Distortion is doing. I'm wondering though if the "gold" the King is talking about is actually Fool's Gold and more of a harmful trick to the person.
Mar 15, 2019 7:01 PM

Apr 2016
I'm sure many people noticed the similar expressions to LWA, it's because the animation director this time is Shuhei Handa.
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Mar 15, 2019 8:37 PM

Oct 2012
WeedCatx said:
I'm sure many people noticed the similar expressions to LWA, it's because the animation director this time is Shuhei Handa.

Ok cool, I was going to ask here if that was the case, so thanks for already confirming it.
Mar 15, 2019 9:00 PM

Jun 2015
i was meh with it at first but i really like this anime, kind of want a second season once i go to watch the original. wonder how they're gonna wrap up the last two episodes
Mar 15, 2019 10:58 PM

May 2015
"I appear automatically." So does that mean Boogiepop does not choose when she appears? It just happens because it is necessary?

"Takeda-kun is the only one who called me their friend." What about Nagi?

So King of Distortion is the "other self" that people see in their dreams. I guess they can drive it away if they accept it somehow. So Boogiepop is going to have to help the victims "accept" their illusions...
Mar 15, 2019 11:13 PM
Jul 2009
Tarotist said:
"I appear automatically." So does that mean Boogiepop does not choose when she appears? It just happens because it is necessary?

Yes and no. Sometimes he appear automatically, but sometimes he chooses to appear. When he went to beat the Imaginator so that Suema wouldn't get involved, that was something he did by choice.

"Takeda-kun is the only one who called me their friend." What about Nagi?

Boogie and Nagi have crossed paths and worked together once or twice, but they aren't friends.

So King of Distortion is the "other self" that people see in their dreams.

The King of Distortion takes the form of people's "other selves" but we still don't know what he really is.
Mar 16, 2019 8:03 AM

Aug 2018
People really should watch this show.
It's so underrated.
I know it takes a lot of concentration and attention to dialogues but it's worth it.
Mar 16, 2019 10:08 AM

Sep 2017
Very cool. We learned quite a bit this episode, but more questions were raised with Kentarou. Since he had woken up at the end of the last episode I woulda thought he'd be free from the trippy distortion stuff happening. Now we learned ppls distortions can bleed into each other so perhaps that's it, or maybe he just hasn't actually awoken yet.
Mar 16, 2019 2:48 PM

Feb 2015
Boogiepop and Niitoki went through a hatch, they talked about Takeda, after a shake, Boogiepop ran and Niitoki watched King of Distortion (as Saotome) again, she confronted him as another personality of her. Niitoki remembered a conversation with Suema about multiple personality. Sakiko, in her dream, is talking with Hina and King of Distortion appeared as Harada. Harada and Shirou found a hatch and after using it Harada fell in an illusion again, received an incoming call from Kirima and it was Masaki. Takeda is watching everything from the outside, some explosions. A young Makoto (kid) made a drawing of his father as a monster called Zooragi. Makoto is standing in Moon Temple and Zooragi is trying to attack him, Boogiepop appeared and after a while, she started to see Zooragi, she jumped from the tower with Makoto and in the process she hurted it, Zooragi calmed down and Makoto fainted. Apparently Boogiepop left Makoto asleep next to his mother.

Well, Niitoki's interpretation could be not wrong at all, but I don't think King of Distortion is that related to multiple personality, I think is more related to the conscience and how it potrays the deepest wishes of our characters, as we could see with Makoto and Zooragi, potraying Makoto's vision of his father, who never met. Now, I'm not really sure if that battle against Zooragi was real or if it was inside Makoto's dream, cause at the end, in the dream or in reality, he was asleep, for what I understood, Boogiepop is a real character, if not, it's in everyone's mind. Well, this show has a lot to say.
Atlas77Jul 23, 2019 9:07 PM
Mar 16, 2019 7:51 PM
Mar 2015
The girl's other personality was the king of distraction and she ended up talking to hersefl

Boogiepop was finally able to talk Zooragi into leaving Love how she just appears without knowing she has been called
Mar 17, 2019 4:52 AM

Aug 2017
So in this arc the "threat to the world" Boogiepop appears to stop isn't the king of distorsion himself (who in fact is the personnification of every person's lingering inside the building) but is Zooragi, the lingering of Makoto who is how Makoto sees his father
A-K-AMar 17, 2019 5:11 AM
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Mar 17, 2019 11:27 AM
Jan 2019
Oh look! A hybrid Godzilla.
Mar 17, 2019 1:31 PM

Aug 2017
Another great episode. I am beginning to like this arc, just as I loved the previous one. The fight with Godzilla, oops I mean Zooragi, was very well done. It seems Boogiepop could handle it, although she was bleeding at the end. Well it makes her more human, doesn't it? Also, that little boy is adorable!
Mar 19, 2019 1:11 PM

Jul 2008
Really enjoyable episode. Definitely had a chuckle when Boogiepop just bluntly admitted he also has no idea what's going on, and the whole "do you have experience bungee jumping?" shenanigans.
This version of Boogiepop is turning out to be one of my favorite characters overall. Love that nonchalant smugness, and I could listen to that voice all day

So the King of Distortion isn't really showing people dreams os illusions, but is the actual personification of their inner longings? As usual, confusing, but I like it.
Suema's take on split personality is something that I've also thought about before. It's a really interesting topic
Mar 24, 2019 11:08 AM

Jul 2008
Do you have any experience? Best moment of the ep.
Mar 28, 2019 11:42 AM

Aug 2017
When your imagination becomes reality....
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 10, 2019 6:37 AM

Mar 2008
Isn't there an obvious meaning here? That your looming experiences distort how you see the world around you to where that thing itself becomes your world.

The kid saw his dad as a monster for not being there.
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Apr 13, 2019 4:38 PM
Apr 2016
So, finally we got explained what is King of the Distortion. Zooragi, huh? Good episode. Got a lot of thoughts about this one, but will keep them in myself for the time being.
Jul 27, 2024 8:05 AM
Oct 2020
Ok so that's what the king of distortion is? Also Zooragi is a pretty sick monster. Boogiepop also managed to take it down pretty quickly. Though it's not exactly dead.
Feb 21, 12:19 PM

Feb 2012
Boogiepop being a bit jealous of Miyashita despite sharing the same body was an interesting development.

Boogiepop goes to help the boy who's own king of distortion is godzillaZooragi in spectacular fashion. He drew his absent father as a Kaiju (the sub should've went with that since Boogiepop has fought monsters before...)

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