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Feb 23, 2019 12:59 AM

Nov 2011
Seems this is the series' finale. I find it disappointing that everything still felt so flat like some of the previous episodes. Not to mention, Doc is still useless in his child-like body. At least they didn't forget about Alma this episode. The Nemesis they faced also seems to be unusually strong though.

The story itself is still loose too since Seth didn't truly accomplish his quest in the end. Just underwhelming. The finale itself didn't also feel very impactful either as a way to conclude the show. No emotional attachment at all.

Apparently, the series got another season lol (coming Fall this year with 21 episodes)
Stark700Feb 23, 2019 1:16 AM
Feb 23, 2019 2:33 AM

Sep 2018
Stark700 said:

Apparently, the series got another season lol (coming Fall this year with 21 episodes)

Where did you see the news?

OK show btw. Not worth to sit 21 episodes for this one.

But will say that things got lot better after episode 15.
We are all Misanthropes

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Feb 23, 2019 2:35 AM
Feb 23, 2019 6:38 AM

Aug 2017
What a waste of time. 1/10 for the anime.
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Feb 23, 2019 7:07 AM

Jun 2017
Glad I watched this series. Started fairly average but fun thenthe later episodes during the Rumble Town Arc started to shift the tone to a more serious route. Seth got some actual character growth and there's still so much mystery left to solve.

It's interesting the things this anime did. Like how the monsters they fight aren't necessarily evil. The parallels between the various forms of discrimination in this world. How many of the villains in this show had some good points in their justifications.

Really glad this show is getting a second season. Not many people were talking about it so I was sure it would get cancelled. Hoping for more world building and maybe learn about the magic/miracle system in more detail.
Feb 23, 2019 7:08 AM

Jan 2013
... That's it?
Waste of time, really.
Feb 23, 2019 7:16 AM
May 2017
I actually think the anime set up the good bases for the upcoming real story. I admit the beginig of it was long and sometimes quite upsetting, but the plot stays interesting regardless of that. The last episode of this first season was not as good as I expected it to be, but I noticed an improvement in some drawings. Needless to say that the anime seems to stick more to the manga and that the anime will have hard times to make filler episodes with the upcoming part of the plot.
I'm then waiting for the 2nd season
Feb 23, 2019 7:16 AM
Jan 2018
The filler seriously hurt this season. Hopefully the second has no filler. But I did understand the padding out since without the filler the show wouldn't of even hit 12 episodes but the way they padded it could've been a hell of a lot better.
Feb 23, 2019 7:49 AM

Aug 2015
A big waste of time with the most unpleasant and one-dimensional characters I've ever seen in an anime. The worldbuilding is completely absent and except Inquisition/Nemesis and Sorcerers (lol episode 1), we don't discover much in 21 episodes.
The only theme that could be interesting (racism/discriminations) is so badly exploited that honestly, I would have preferred they don't even talk about it.

Ah and the comical filler episodes were probably the worst episodes of the year 2018.
Feb 23, 2019 7:50 AM
Jan 2019
Well, I expected much more from this anime. It was not what I expected, but I am satisfied. I will take this first season as an introductory. I hope the second season is much better. A pleasure to have followed the adventures of Seth, Melie and Doc. Hahaha. Until next time.
Feb 23, 2019 8:18 AM

Jan 2018
Well, like this anime for the first few episodes but after that, it went really downhill I didn't even bother to watch full episodes just had to skip through all of the episodes.

If only seth was a likeable character not some shonin type.
Feb 23, 2019 8:47 AM

Mar 2016
Boring series and full on fillers and unnecessary comedic segments, but it has some great moments, glad it's over.

Wait, it has a 2nd. season confirmed? Really?! Oh boi...
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nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Feb 23, 2019 9:09 AM
Sep 2015
For me it's getting better. Seth's brother, Thaumaturge's captain and prisoned-Thaumaturge member, Dragunov, and probably Grim too are hot characters that I'd follow anywhere. Seth himself has girly voice so I'm not into him so much.
Also not surprised for season 2 cause according to Skull-face bookseller Honda-san there's very powerful French person in manga business that trying to push Radiant as much as he can, even place the manga near one punch man in the bookstore.
Feb 23, 2019 9:20 AM
Sep 2017
Not the best out there but it’s worth watching.
Feb 23, 2019 9:32 AM
Jun 2017
No spoilers to those who have read the source material... (im an anime fan only), but the teaser for that season 2 made me more excited about it... at first im not sure if this will even have a season 2 because the finale episode is just a goodbye of seth to his friends at artemis and he travelled back with Alma to their mext destination until some characters are saying something and then the season 2 teaser... IM LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT ONE...

Regarding the episode for today, its a light one but sad as he didnt even say to melie and his friends at artemis a proper good bye.

Anyways i like this series especially the second part of which (and of course all the episodes pertaining to rumble town) which made me more interested in this one...
Feb 23, 2019 10:47 AM

Oct 2012
I really like this series except for the comedy because it's repetitive and not funny but unfortunately there's too much comedy. I'll be watching the second series. I'm really curious to know what Grimm's deal is, what's Radiant, where is Seth from and why is he so powerful? Also, what's the deal with Dragunov? is he bad or good? Are the Inquisitors bad or good? Hopefully, there's enough to cover in season 2 that they won't have time for too much comedy.
Feb 23, 2019 12:04 PM

Jul 2015
soooo thats the end ?
couldnt they think of something bet... well atlest somehow good xd

Feb 24, 2019 1:58 AM

Nov 2017
its finaly over..... the only thing that good on this anime was the opening theme...
the whole story was just typical shounen anime
Now Loading.....
Feb 24, 2019 2:29 AM

Jan 2011
Pretty meh series. Not sure if I'll bother with the second season yet.
Feb 24, 2019 6:06 AM

Mar 2016
The most surprising thing that happened in this anime was the announcement of a second season.

Felt like most of this episode was filler. Though, I'm not sure since I haven't read the comic books.
Feb 24, 2019 6:33 AM
Feb 24, 2019 9:38 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
That was anti-climactic af
Feb 25, 2019 4:52 AM

Sep 2011
I wasn't expecting a second season, but it was a nice surprise. It ended on a poignant, but exciting note! I hope Mélie is going to go after him, I don't want a whole arc without her. I guess Grimm is already following him, and well, Seth is with Alma so I hope she will stick around this time for the action and all.
Feb 25, 2019 5:49 PM

Mar 2016
I really liked this show... I pre-order the manga so I can counting the story.
It’s nothing revolutionary are excellent but I still enjoyed watching it

Excited and Happy that a second season was announced ...
Also it was announce at the end of the episode y’all just didn’t watch till the end end smh....
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Feb 26, 2019 9:36 PM

Oct 2008
good finale episode!
Seth still can't control his immense powers
all of them in chibi form of the end card was glorious!
waiting for S2!!!

Feb 27, 2019 10:45 AM
Mar 2015
so we get another season of French manga adapted to Japanese anime giving us mush
Mar 2, 2019 3:08 PM
Mar 2017
not bad at all. glad to hear that there is season 2
Mar 16, 2019 9:15 PM

Mar 2009
Fun show, and I'm glad it's getting another season. Really dug the female cast of characters, design and personality-wise. A hell of a lot better than some other shonen out there, as far as the female characters are concerned. Hameline, especially, was a nuanced villain and I felt a lot of sympathy for her.

Preview looked interesting. Until next season, then!
Mar 25, 2019 2:23 AM

Oct 2015
Too bad it ended as a cliffhanger, but it was not a bad season. The only thing that annoyed me was Seth brooding over Hameline, i mean dude acted like he just lost his girlfriend or Melie. You just met the girl and now you act like she was your wife, grow up man.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 24, 2019 7:00 AM
Jun 2016
So I really dont get the hate. Its geared more for a younger audience so its not going to have the most epic animation and story. Its average but not the lowest of the lows. I have seen some wretched anime and its no where near the level this is. I gave it a 5. Its about average for art, animation, and plot. For people who enjoy shounen and fantasy its entertaining enough to stick with it. I didn't watch every week but when I felt like it so I just watched the finale. I liked where they ended it rather than a cliffhanger. Although it looks like Seth and Grimm are going to be spending some time together next season. I will definitely watch season 2 but to each their own.
JessicaAFMApr 24, 2019 7:03 AM
May 6, 2019 12:45 AM

Jun 2009
This was some seriously boring and generic weaksauce. 5/10

Melie being a dream waifu was pretty much the only saving grace.
May 11, 2019 3:31 PM

Jun 2014
Seth has left Artemis alone, but I have a feeling that Melie, Doc and Grimm will probably follow at some point. Dragunov's fate is still unclear.

This was pretty good. I can't wait until season 2 starts this fall!

May 21, 2019 3:17 AM

Jun 2017
Pretty cool finale to end things off with and that little preview of what’s to come was pretty dope, I’m looking forward to seeing how things unravel in the next Season!

I picked up this series thinking it’d be downright rubbish thanks to much of the popular negative reviews and it’s poor rating but this wasn’t half-bad actually. It started off decently and then just stayed decent but from Episode 14-15 or so, it really picked up. It’d underlying issues throughout though, not going to deny that, but it was a fairly enjoyable watch!

I just wish they spent more time on actually filling us in with more worldbuilding and whatnot instead of those filler-like episodes but I guess they’re saving it up for later so it better deliver then! Melie, Grimm and Doc will be off to search for Seth too I’m sure so definitely looking forward to a touching reunion. Angry Melie seems to have a thing for Seth too, after all. On the other hand, it seems as though Dragunov’s fate has yet to be revealed and the fact that the final few minutes before the ED focused on that goes to show something big is certainly to come. Lots of Questions over Seth’s supposed Elder Brother (such as what’s his exact relationship with the Inquisitors and more about the curse that the two probably have been cursed with) and General Torque, looking forward to more answers next season. It’s cool how the writer, who happens to be a huge fan of One Piece, is making the fictional Radiant something like One Piece in his own way, great to see!

On a more critical note though, the characters were pretty standard and typical with a few characters receiving a bit too much attention (Doc, Melma, Dragunov’s crew and the sort) and others far too less (Alma and the other Inquisitors in general). Story-wise: nothing to write home about really, and things did feel sloppy every now and then, but it was just about fine overall. Sound Department and the Art/Animation, on the other hand, really delivered when it mattered most! Can’t really recall much of the soundtrack but they blended in with the action scenes pretty well and the animation for the most bit was above-par (with certain scenes during fights glorious).

Considerate 6.5/10 or so to the series overall. Looking forward to an eventful Season 2 this Fall! I’ve heard what’s to come will be majorly focusing on a big arc so hopefully 21 episodes will be more than enough to flesh that out. Also, here’s to hoping we don’t return back to the filler-ish kind of episodes from either side (Doc/Mrs Melma and the Dragunov’s crew focused episodes).
_MushiRock11_May 21, 2019 9:11 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 1, 2019 3:09 PM

Dec 2009
JessicaAFM said:
So I really dont get the hate. Its geared more for a younger audience so its not going to have the most epic animation and story. Its average but not the lowest of the lows. I have seen some wretched anime and its no where near the level this is. I gave it a 5. Its about average for art, animation, and plot. For people who enjoy shounen and fantasy its entertaining enough to stick with it. I didn't watch every week but when I felt like it so I just watched the finale. I liked where they ended it rather than a cliffhanger. Although it looks like Seth and Grimm are going to be spending some time together next season. I will definitely watch season 2 but to each their own.

The hate from manga readers comes mostly from shifting the tone down to a kid show instead of a "proper" teenager shonen anime (which is the public aimed with the manga btw) and the huge amount of useless comedy fillers that just drag the whole show down. Also they removed important parts (important for the plot and character development too), censored as hell and basically butchered the manga (even the author was really disappointed watching the first episodes, he didn't even bothered to watch past them, now for him the anime is a complete separate entity from his work but is still a nice way for him to spread the word about his work: source = ).

For the non-manga readers, the hate essentially comes from the show being aimed for kids (while the previews & trailers didn't indicated this and mostly focused on events from Rumble Town)...

Also if you don't want to read the manga because you fear it's just as aimed for children as this show is, please consider at least reading the Caislean Merlin Arc (volumes 5 - 10), the tone is completely different from the one of the anime (and previous manga volumes) , the art and the story are really great (imo ofc).
Batora07Jun 1, 2019 4:39 PM
Jun 17, 2019 8:35 AM

May 2009
I thought that it was good - considering that almost every ep felt like a filler xD
The pace is so slow that I thought I'm watching a 200+ ep anime which unfortunately ended only at 21.
Sep 21, 2019 10:06 AM

Apr 2018
So much fillers and too slow to start but it was good overall, i really liked Mélie and i hope Seth will go back with Mélie and Doc, i think yes.
Sep 3, 2020 8:30 AM

Jul 2015
Fine series but disappointed (from reading some comments) that they altered a good source material with some shitty changes like how they wasted the first half on a stretched introduction and some fillers instead of some plot progression and also made certain events worse. Would've preferred to see more Melie moments (since she's really likeable) instead of Doc being useless and whiny (yes we get it already you're in love with miss Melba's dad don't repeat it 100 times per ep). Second half definitely improved a lot so I hope the second season becomes a lot better

Aug 26, 2021 11:00 AM
Nov 2010
Really bad series from start to end. It did so many things wrong and there was almost nothing of worth in it. I'm really surprised that there's a second season for it, but I likely won't bother.
Sep 16, 2021 1:38 PM

Jun 2019
Tomislavr7 said:
Really bad series from start to end. It did so many things wrong and there was almost nothing of worth in it. I'm really surprised that there's a second season for it, but I likely won't bother.

Try the manga instead the adaptation doesn't do it justice at all
especialy by adding in unecessary fillers, unecessary generic tropes, unecessary character, removing all the subtility in the writing and dumbing down the tone to appeal to children.
Anime S1 is a 6/10 (S2 7/10)
the manga is 8/10 (for what the anime cover her whitch is 4 volumes aka 30 chapters)
overall the manga would be a solid 8.5/10
Mar 21, 2022 1:07 PM

Jul 2017
Man, this series stepped up. It was enjoyable enough for me just for the setting and trio, especially with Seth and Melie being such an adorable duo, but the 2nd half was what we really needed to see. It's sweet to see it come this far and look more and more promising with each ep. I'm hyped for what the second season has to offer. Looks like we're really about to kick off to something real good!

Jul 1, 2023 12:37 AM

Jun 2020
I'm calling it, Seth was Radiant all along.

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