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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Dec 10, 2018 6:16 PM
Mar 2017
Rimuru must be the happiest Slime in the world if a lady like Shion carries him in her arms and resting in her boobs and I think that Shion as secretary was the best job they could give her.
The rivalry of Shion and Shuna is very funny, thank goodness that Rirumu can stretch, although his expression of suffering was very funny.
One of the biggest betrayals was when Benimaru, Souei and Hakurou were silent when they learned that Shion had cooked for Rirumu, I think there was definitely a curse on the food that Shion prepared, poor Gobuta sacrifices himself for Lord Rirumu, but he gave me much laughter when he acquired immunity to poison.
Gabiru is still arrogant and when he appears in front of Rirumu I thought that Shion or Hakurou would beat him up, but Ranga was smarter and made Gobuta fight, the funniest thing is that he wins, Gobuta has good skills.
At last Trainie appeared, the dryad makes her introduction and is quite direct in asking Rirumu to eliminate the Orc Lord
Dec 10, 2018 6:51 PM

Nov 2017
The best bits in this episode for me?
All of it!
But the parts where Benimaru and the others found out Shion was cooking for Rimuru,the bit where Shion and Shuna were arguing over Rimuru(esp the way Shion twisted him back into his normal slime form was awesome),the bit where you were sure that Gabiru was going to be eaten by Ranga,and the Gobta shadow skill ass whooping,all those bits were s"ub"lime :)
Dec 10, 2018 7:03 PM

May 2018
Nothing can beat Gobuta, even lizardman and poisonous food xD

This episode is very funny, especially the dining scene. Damn Benimaru and the old man, they don't want to join the torture circle.

As what I expected, the Dryad is very beautiful. As always, Rimuru is imagining lewd girl if talking about beautiful fantasy creature girl (like the one in Elf episode).

Btw, Am I the one who thought that Kazuma's VA is very fit for Gabiru's role ? His voice style is very.... Gabiru !

-InfiniteLoop- said:

Cutest face of the episode

Now I want to make it a waifu (don't care about the gender)... Upppss Shion is staring at me ._.

Additional : I'm really happy that Shion is voiced by my favourite seiyuu
TsuzukuHunter2ndDec 10, 2018 7:06 PM
Dec 10, 2018 7:19 PM

Sep 2010
man I love this show, only thing is I wish I could binge watch it. I hate having to wait a week for the next episode!
Dec 10, 2018 7:30 PM

May 2015
Shion x Rimuru x Shuna TRIANGLE!!!


"Close your eyes and insert spoon at an angle from the right, you will not die." That is very specific...

RIP Gobta. Benimaru better watch Shion carefully...


"What one should really fear is not a competent enemy, but an incompetent ally." Team games in a nutshell.

"Ranga, he says he wants to talk to you." Lel.

What the...Gobta got poison resistance? And Rimuru doesn't? EAT SHION'S COOKING!

Ok, bonus points for Gabiru's slow motion scream! And Gobta using Shadow Movement? He's going to be the best fighter in the team next to Rimuru, isn't he?

Goblinas, Elves, Kijins, and now Dryads? There's a lot of mystical creatures in this world...I'm betting that Sylphs and Mermaids exist here too. So...Treyni the Dryad wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord which confirms the Orc Lord's existence. And Treyni wants Rimuru to defeat save the forest I guess? Save the forest! Protect the beautiful Dryads!
TarotistDec 10, 2018 7:34 PM
Dec 10, 2018 7:42 PM
Dec 2018
The encouragement that if Gobta won, he would not have to eat shinon's food.
Dec 10, 2018 8:12 PM

May 2015
Every time Gabiru speaks I just immediately think of Kazuma, which makes it even funnier. xD

Dec 10, 2018 8:23 PM

Feb 2014
I had to skip most part until Orcs start showing up

Alright, Let's begin Orc lord Arcs...
Dec 10, 2018 8:53 PM

May 2018
I didn't expect Gobta would be that strong...
My Candies:

Dec 10, 2018 10:01 PM

Apr 2018
Me after every Slime episode

Also i love Gobta
killuaxgonDec 11, 2018 9:22 PM
Dec 10, 2018 10:40 PM
Nov 2017
This episode made me laugh weirdly hard and it had a setup into something interesting. So a great episode.
Dec 10, 2018 11:02 PM
Feb 2014
Blackbird said:
Forgot about manga it's based on novel . xD

NamelessMumei said:

Manga chapter 16-17

it's based on the manga mixed with things from the LN that wasn't/a bit in the manga. In short, its a mixed of both :)
Dec 11, 2018 1:44 AM

Dec 2014
Gobta is so him so much..always the center of comedy
Dec 11, 2018 2:15 AM

Dec 2013
Poor Gobta...

Rimuru is forming a fine harem.

I’m looking forward to the inevitable Rimuru vs Orc Lord.
Dec 11, 2018 3:19 AM

Aug 2017
Gobta's fight was good.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 11, 2018 5:08 AM

Jun 2017
This was a really nice episode.

Gabiru! Gabiru!Gabiru!Gabiru! Says the lizardmen. They're really giving this lizardmen a very Kazuma feel. Kazuma of the Lizardmen. Well, what to expect same VA.

On another note, It seems like Rimuru now has a harem, Shion and Shuuna has taken quiet a liking to Rimuru which is really great to see. We also saw they're relationships with each other developing.

On another note, I was expecting the same thing Rimuru was expecting in Gobta's fight aagainst Kazum- er Gabiru. But to my surprise, Gobta might actually have a real talent here. He really made that Lizardman look like a fool in front of his subordinates lol, Poor Gobta though, he was poisoned and then was suddenly pushed to fight lol.

Then another beautiful woman arrived, a Dryad, a magical woman. Wow, I'm really excited to see the next episode.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 11, 2018 5:09 AM

Nov 2010
When Rimuru imagined a gorgeous girl for dryad, I had a bad hunch. But it actually turned out to be a beautiful nymph without a twist. She looks like Belldandy.
Dec 11, 2018 5:24 AM

Jun 2013
Another wonderful, feel good episode. Gobta definitely stole the show by dying after eating Shion's cooking, coming back to life and kicking Gabiru's ass.

I haven't read the manga or light novels yet, I'm saving that for later, so I don't know much about Gabiru as a character but so far, he's like your typical archetype who underestimates others and overestimates his own worth. When his posse kept hyping him up, reminded me of Logan Paul, like how his fans love to make him feel he's all that.

Typical girl rivalry between Shion and princess pink. Both are good characters and I love them both.

I still prefer Rimuru in his slime form. He's freaking adorable. I hope we can get some action soon, I love every moment but those action moments are when Rimuru really shines.
Dec 11, 2018 6:11 AM

Sep 2014
Im still sad the best character was just wasted in 1 or 2 episodes, but the Ogres turned out to be fun! And all the grills are cute so I will continue watching.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 11, 2018 8:10 AM

Dec 2018
Comander-07 said:
Im still sad the best character was just wasted in 1 or 2 episodes, but the Ogres turned out to be fun! And all the grills are cute so I will continue watching.

Don't worry, I have a feeling that Gobta will get a lot more spotlight in the future.
Dec 11, 2018 8:28 AM

Apr 2015
LOL. That Shion and Shuna rivalry and that Shion cooking.

Gobta is unexpectedly strong.

Nice episode.
Dec 11, 2018 8:29 AM
Jan 2016
Haha, Gobta is always become a victim but what I admire from Gobta is that he can surprisingly do something beyond expectations. And yeah, I really hate Gabiru's personality, he's just empty...and I really agree with that quote from Napoleon, I prefer get a capable team and fight strong opponents rather than fight a weaker opponents with non capable team.
Dec 11, 2018 9:30 AM

Sep 2014
geekboiowo said:
Comander-07 said:
Im still sad the best character was just wasted in 1 or 2 episodes, but the Ogres turned out to be fun! And all the grills are cute so I will continue watching.

Don't worry, I have a feeling that Gobta will get a lot more spotlight in the future.

Definitely not who I was talking about.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 11, 2018 10:04 AM

Apr 2009
Even the Gabiru's mount was clapping, condescending beast eh?
Gabiru said:
Weaklings! Weaklings...Weaklings? Wow....
The progression and non-sequitur ending was so on point! ROTLFMAO

NOT eating Shion's cooking is a great motivation! I believe Gobta may not be a genius but just a lucky one, he can shadow Summon his dire wolf, knows Shadow movement and more recently has poison resistance. This little hobgoblin might have a very high LUCK and survival instinct!

Ruler of monsters has a nice ring to it...hobgoblins, dire wolves, ogres, maybe the lizard-men are next anyway.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 11, 2018 10:23 AM

Mar 2017
Gabiru is so stupid. It's hilarious to watch him.
Dec 11, 2018 10:53 AM

Dec 2018
Comander-07 said:
geekboiowo said:

Don't worry, I have a feeling that Gobta will get a lot more spotlight in the future.

Definitely not who I was talking about.

Definitely who I think we should be talking about ;)
Dec 11, 2018 10:58 AM
Nov 2016
Gobta absolutely wrecked that lizard lol

Another really fun episode.

Looks like a war is coming
Dec 11, 2018 12:16 PM

May 2016
LMAO! That Gabiru is real idiot! He's very lucky to have gotten out of there alive and in one piece after Gobta KOed his ass because Ragna and friends were ready to tear him apart!

A lot of funny shenanigans too this episode with a dryad joining the fun. Definitely looking forward to the next episode.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Dec 11, 2018 6:11 PM

May 2017
The comedy was on point in this episode. Had a few good laughs and I loved it.

It's not very common for me to laugh while watching Anime or Live-Action TV shows. Yea I may grin once in a while but I don't really laugh all that much.

Very fun episode.
Dec 11, 2018 7:25 PM
Jan 2016
Awesome and Funny episode!

Shuna and Shion disputing who take cares of Rimuru was really funny!

Shion food is like a deadly poison, of course that no one would help Rimuru after knowing how bad she is at cooking! But them all avoiding to eat Shion's food was funny! Poor Gobta, he were the one tasting it!

Gabiru is so stupid, but also funny, he messed with the wrong village, didn't expect Rango to use Gobta for fight, but this time Gobta's fight was awesome, i liked that a lot!

The Dryad Treyni had appeared, she is cute and beautiful, as Rimuru expected!
Dec 11, 2018 8:11 PM

Oct 2015
I guess we shouldn't underestimate Gobta, he is a hidden gem. The way he defeated Gabil was very cool.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Dec 11, 2018 11:57 PM
May 2016
I feel like Gobta (who was named so lazily) is actually going to become important eventually 😂😂
What a lad
Dec 12, 2018 12:05 AM
Apr 2018
geekboiowo said:
Comander-07 said:
Im still sad the best character was just wasted in 1 or 2 episodes, but the Ogres turned out to be fun! And all the grills are cute so I will continue watching.

Don't worry, I have a feeling that Gobta will get a lot more spotlight in the future.

He was talking about our lord, tsundere dragon.
Dec 12, 2018 12:28 AM

Nov 2011
Oh, much respect for Gobta!

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Dec 12, 2018 1:08 AM
Jan 2018
Alice_devaniere said:
I feel like Gobta (who was named so lazily) is actually going to become important eventually 😂😂
What a lad

Half the people rimuru names is lazy to the point he names them with numbers XD
Dec 12, 2018 4:13 AM

Feb 2018
Shion was so pretty Lol
Nice Gobta for the duel.
Dec 12, 2018 5:24 AM

Oct 2014
Am I the only one who thought of this while reading/watching this scene?

Dec 12, 2018 12:37 PM

Sep 2011
The lizard bros just remind me of Chazz/Manjoume from Yugioh GX.

This is a good thing
Dec 12, 2018 1:38 PM

Sep 2014
geekboiowo said:
Comander-07 said:

Definitely not who I was talking about.

Definitely who I think we should be talking about ;)
I could not care less about a character like Gobta. Shizu was good enough for an actually good anime, not just seasonal isekai stuff like slime.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 12, 2018 2:48 PM

Mar 2014
Who would've thought our Gobta would become such an amazing assassin, even down to the poison resistance skill!

I like how the Dryad was what we expected, elegant and mystical! I hope Treyni appears more often

Dec 12, 2018 2:54 PM

Apr 2012
Shuna was pretty cute this episode, I like.
Dec 12, 2018 4:19 PM

Dec 2018
geekboiowo said:

Don't worry, I have a feeling that Gobta will get a lot more spotlight in the future.

He was talking about our lord, tsundere dragon.

He's still chillin w/ Ifrit; he'll be back. We need more tsundere dragon.

Comander-07 said:
geekboiowo said:

Definitely who I think we should be talking about ;)
I could not care less about a character like Gobta. Shizu was good enough for an actually good anime, not just seasonal isekai stuff like slime.

LOL "actually good anime" oh god don't be like that I was just messing around. "They killed my waifu this anime is shit!!" She literally just existed to power up the MC and give him an androgynous body sorry 'bout it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Latently powerful girl with a tragic backstory has been done already. Gobta's unique and getting better every time he gets screen time. But to each their own I guess.
Dec 12, 2018 5:35 PM

Oct 2014
geekboiowo said:
LOL "actually good anime" oh god don't be like that I was just messing around. "They killed my waifu this anime is shit!!" She literally just existed to power up the MC and give him an androgynous body sorry 'bout it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Latently powerful girl with a tragic backstory has been done already. Gobta's unique and getting better every time he gets screen time. But to each their own I guess.

Actually, in the Web Novel version Shizu only walzed into the village with the 3 adventurers after being found and escorted by the Hobgoblins, after which they talked with Rimuru for a bit after which Shizu immdietly went full Ifrit. The fight was mostly kept the same, but the aftermath discussion is much shorter there, the three adventurers leave before Shizu dies and only get to know about her death considerably later and Rimuru only gives a short "summary" of Shizu's backstory. Basically in this draft version, Shizu was just like you describe, basically just a walking, living power-up for Rimuru. She was basically just portrayed like an old lady who Rimuru gave a burial to her liking for, while she in turn gave him hers and Ifrit's powers along with her burdens and regrets in exchange.

Shizu's actual impact on the story actually happens post-mortem when we meet the various people who are connected to Shizu as the story goes on.

The thing about Shizu really was handled very differently by each medium. The LN took the WN version and added more actual background story to Shizu. The manga took the WN version and gave more interactions between Shizu and Rimuru while Shizu is still alive and makes her death more impactful. The anime took most from the manga and even expanded it a bit, while also taking parts of the background stories from the LN version to make it a mix between background story and present day interactions.

So Shizu is one of those characters who have been going through constant "editing". Shizu is pretty much a poster child for the fact that the author really, really wanted to make each medium have its own merits so that people would find experiencing the story through another medium as being different enough to be worthwhile.
Dec 12, 2018 6:00 PM
Jan 2018
Shion is the best funny girl for me. that cooking clichè took me right in the spot. i like it hahahaha
Dec 12, 2018 10:15 PM
Jun 2017
Gobta new skill unlock!!! hahaha.... also dont forget the poison resistance... hahaha
Dec 13, 2018 1:58 AM

Oct 2008
Another perfect solid episode!
That was an entertaining satisfying win for Gobuta against the silly Gabiru of the Lizardmen!
So this time Dryads huh!? so many classes!
lol at the rivaly or Shuna & Shion!

Dec 13, 2018 7:31 AM

Oct 2016
So, shion's cooking can make someone become super saiyan?
Dec 13, 2018 11:06 AM

Nov 2013
The only anime I'm glad returning to every week. xD
Dec 13, 2018 11:32 AM

Dec 2018
Grey-Zone said:
geekboiowo said:
LOL "actually good anime" oh god don't be like that I was just messing around. "They killed my waifu this anime is shit!!" She literally just existed to power up the MC and give him an androgynous body sorry 'bout it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Latently powerful girl with a tragic backstory has been done already. Gobta's unique and getting better every time he gets screen time. But to each their own I guess.

Actually, in the Web Novel version Shizu only walzed into the village with the 3 adventurers after being found and escorted by the Hobgoblins, after which they talked with Rimuru for a bit after which Shizu immdietly went full Ifrit. The fight was mostly kept the same, but the aftermath discussion is much shorter there, the three adventurers leave before Shizu dies and only get to know about her death considerably later and Rimuru only gives a short "summary" of Shizu's backstory. Basically in this draft version, Shizu was just like you describe, basically just a walking, living power-up for Rimuru. She was basically just portrayed like an old lady who Rimuru gave a burial to her liking for, while she in turn gave him hers and Ifrit's powers along with her burdens and regrets in exchange.

Shizu's actual impact on the story actually happens post-mortem when we meet the various people who are connected to Shizu as the story goes on.

The thing about Shizu really was handled very differently by each medium. The LN took the WN version and added more actual background story to Shizu. The manga took the WN version and gave more interactions between Shizu and Rimuru while Shizu is still alive and makes her death more impactful. The anime took most from the manga and even expanded it a bit, while also taking parts of the background stories from the LN version to make it a mix between background story and present day interactions.

So Shizu is one of those characters who have been going through constant "editing". Shizu is pretty much a poster child for the fact that the author really, really wanted to make each medium have its own merits so that people would find experiencing the story through another medium as being different enough to be worthwhile.

Oh wow, I didn't know. That's awesome! Thanks for the info!

I think I may have accidentally come off as someone who doesn't like Shizu's character, so I just want to clarify that that's not the case at all. I was just trying to convey that I don't think that her early death detracts from the quality of this show, and from what you've told me, it even adds to it.
Dec 13, 2018 12:54 PM

Feb 2007
Harem fights... :D

I honestly feel a bit bad for Gabiru... He was quite aware of his shortcomings when he started this trip and didn't even consider himself worthy of taking over as the leader yet, but with his subordinates feeding his pride and ego on the road, he's become more and more overconfident. Hopefully his negotiations with Rimuru's village will knock some sense into him again.

Cute dryad. Beating the Orc Lord was the plan anyway, though.
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