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Sep 27, 2018 5:52 AM
Can i ask , how did 2025 okabe know what bc suzuha and mayushi have gone through , why is moeka (who helped okabe) is not in 2025? |
Sep 27, 2018 5:59 AM
Well, this ending more or less explained everything about Steins;Gate's original ending, while also doing its utmost to leave no loose ends at all (Kagari is still a loose end, but she was mostly pointless anyway), so I can't really complain about this as an ending, even if seeing Kurisu again would have been nice. On the whole, 0 wasn't as good as the original, but was still an extremely solid show from start to finish. The pacing wasn't perfect, and I honestly feel like the plot was a bit overly-ambitious at times (hence some of the issues that arose), but I still thoroughly enjoyed the show on the whole. 9/10 |
Sep 27, 2018 6:05 AM
OMG they did it! I thought MWC ending will be on the OVA but they actually ended the series in MWC. Now I don't know what they will put in the OVA. The moment Hacking The Gate played when Mayushii slapped Okabe gave me goosebumps. And then they showed the 2025 Okabe making the video message for Operation Sculd to be then sent to 2010 Okabe that failed the first attempt to save Kurisu. Playing Gates of Steiner after the Hacking The Gate was cool, the studio knows how to treat the fans of the franchise. Overall I'll give S;G0 an 8/10 thanks to the last 4 episodes that managed to save the series for being a disappointment. I can't really blame them, the VN is not as good as the original to begin with. It's like the anime staff was given a crappy source material and they have to improvise some stuffs to make it work. Ulquiorra said: So they still haven't saved Kurisu, that was a letdown. The last scene was cool though. She got saved in the original anime, no need to repeat and animate it again here. The story of S:G0 is about how to reach the S;G timeline. |
Sep 27, 2018 6:11 AM
K4vire said: Can i ask , how did 2025 okabe know what bc suzuha and mayushi have gone through , why is moeka (who helped okabe) is not in 2025? I don't know about Moeka, maybe she has other mission or something. In regards to how to locate Suzuha and Mayushi, Okabe said it on his speech before he left that his time machine is equiped with Kerr Black Hole tracker that will help him know which time/year Susha and Mayushi were stranded. |
Sep 27, 2018 6:29 AM
Geez, thanks S;G 0. Now my roommate thinks I'm a weird guy who cries watching anime. That Hacking to the Gate moment is a critical hit. Tbh, maybe because I watched one episode each week (not marathoning like original S;G), I don't fully comprehend the whole story. Planning to rewatch it at a later date. There might be some plot holes here and there but character development and feels alone are enough to declare it as a masterpiece. 10/10 Steins;Gate series is one of the best anime mankind has ever created. A big middle finger to those who deny it. |
Sep 27, 2018 6:39 AM
booyah10 said: I can't be the only one who cried (literally) when Hacking to the Gate played. Of happy tears... No, you're not the only one. I assure you. herrickluk said: For anyone confused. This was taken from a discussion board. Not mine but if it helps.... here you go 2036 okabe = 2011 okabe 2011 okabe inspires mayuri to go slap him in 2010. 2011 okabe realises that something went wrong even though the mission is probably a success. (It was a fail because only 2/3 components were there; suzuha's knowledge about operation sculd and mayuri slapping Okabe. The video mail was not present there.) -decides to make a time machine, finding a way to save mayuri and suzuha who went to 18000bc due to insufficient fuel, while trying to reach steins gate. -Finishes making time machine with daru in 2025. Records a v-mail saves mayuri and suzuha who went to 18000BC. (This is where all the requirements for steins;gate is acquired) -Suzuha who is aware of operation sculd leaves using time machine in 2036. -2010 mayuri slaps 2010 Okabe. Then suzuha tells 2010 Okabe to view the D-video. Operation success;Steins gate reached. I'll explain EVERYTHING from the beginning here: 2010: Okabe fails to save kurisu. Mayuri doesn't slap Okabe here because she hasn't heard anything from 2011 Mayuri. 2025: Okabe's brain dies after being tortured 2036: Okabe's memory is replaced with 2011 version of Okabe 2036: 2011 Okabe decides to time leap back to 2011 2011: Okabe does some bs and changes the worldline; In the new worldline, the time machine does not explode due to the missile. Mayuri and suzuha time-travels to 2010. Mayuri manages to convince 2010 mayuri to slap Okabe. 2010: Mayuri slaps Okabe, and suzuha possibly told 2010 okabe about operation sculd, but wasn't able to reach steins;gate BECAUSE The Video mail was not present therefore, Okabe didn't know how to fake the death of kurisu. 2011: 2011 Okabe decides to find a way to reach steins;gate while making timemachine with daru. 2025: Okabe, Instead of getting tortured to death, Decides to save Mayuri and suzuha (who are in 18000BC )after recording the Video mail for 2010 Okabe. 2036:Suzuha, the original 8year suzuha grown up, learns about operation sculd, goes to 2010. 2010: Mayuri from 2011 asks Mayuri from 2010 to slap 2010 okabe. Then suzuha talks about Operation sculd to 2010 Okabe. THEN the important part kicks in; the video mail from 2010 is present this time. Therefore all 3/3 components are acquired and allows 2010 Okabe to reach steins;gate. TLDR: Loops happened twice, but with a slight difference in each to reach steins;gate. The first loop allowed the revival of 2011 Okabe at 2036 ultimately resulting in mayuri slapping 2010 Okabe. (Still not enough to reach steins;gate) Second loop results in 2011/2036 Okabe making a time-machine while preparing a video mail for 2010 Okabe. (enough to reach steins;gate) Be grateful. Ps: 1:Okabe gave up completely 2.:Tries after mayuri slaps him. But fails anyways. 3:succeeds after watching that video. Thanks for this. Now I understand more before rewatching. |
Sep 27, 2018 7:40 AM
I'm glad that operation Arclight is completed. This season was good but I was expecting more Kurisu moments. Anyway, a good serie with a good final. |
Sep 27, 2018 7:59 AM
Pretty good ending! The last scene Rintaro walking out of the light gave me the chills. The whole series is about kibou. I feel like finally Mayuri had some role in the story. For me all the moments with stormtrooper aim are just so strange to watch, and in the last one when Suzuha and Kagari like in matrix fighting ... Well that's always the exaggeration moment and it's pretty much everywhere like that, but still just alwaus not a fan of those stipid-looking segments. Was so weird to watch now Rintaro's transformation into Hoooouin Kyoma, just don't want to use word cringe, i wonder what was my initial thoughts about it in the first series. Some characters were introduced and seemed like they should affect the story in some minor ways, and just were forgotten. Thought that Yuki being assassin should be quite important, mb not, and the female scientist will have a part in the story. Obvious guess not enough time to cover, just strange how it was "teased" and never touched, Neverthless really enjoyed the prequel, was nice to see the characters again and that was a sad season. Was nice to cover the blank spot for the summer before some crazy fall stuff. Overall 8/10. |
Sep 27, 2018 8:20 AM
OtakuArrives said: It was good and all but I really need to know how Okabe learned how to go to the Steins;Gate world line. How did he learn that in order to go there he should not change the events that happened? Actually many things happened , Daru and a lot of stuff made him realize that , and the final episode when kept watching Suzuha and Mayuri going in the time machine and looked without being afraid that they succeed is kinda one of them ? I would have given you better answers but already forgot the first points about this xD As far as I remember , he had this conversation " don't try to change the fact they died , don't let their deaths go waste , and stuff like that in the last few episodes |
Sep 27, 2018 8:38 AM
Despite not being at the same level of S1, it was still a great anime, best one I have watched this year so far. |
:v |
Sep 27, 2018 8:39 AM
While there are some of positives to say about this series, we can all agree that, to the overall Steins;Gate series it wasn't that necessary. The first half was very, very slow and Kagari isn't a character, she's a plot device. Like them or not, I think most people can agree with these arguments. I also think the directing is worse than the original, and leaving the aftermath to an OVA wasn't a really good move. I appreciate, though, the insight that this series gives us into Mayuri and Okarin's relationship. I can't rate it higher than a 6 though. Another one to the overhyped mediocrity pile. |
miguitronikSep 27, 2018 8:44 AM
Sep 27, 2018 8:57 AM
Is it just me or does it make sense that in order for okabe to initially reach steins gate, he had to have both made the decision of not trying to save makise and also saving makise? If he hadn't gone into the beta worldline, it seems that his future self would not have sent him that message for the operation to save makise. Also, without the beta worldline, mayuri wouldnt have taken initiative and told her past self to convince okabe to go save kurisu. Another question I had was that does okabe recall anything of the beta worldline wheneve suzuha and mayuri travel back to 2010 to convince okabe to save kurisu? Usually he has his reading steiner which makes him remember almos teverything, but whenever mayuri went to the time period where he had to make the decision to save or give up on makise, he had no recollection at all. Thoughts? Maybe because the time machine that they invented doesn't shift worldines but instead goes directly back in time on the same wordline, where as the dmail causes a worldine shift, which is where reading steiner comes into play? But what about when he is going from 2035 back to 2011? thats the same worldline but he remembers it all? Thoughts? With all of these thoughts aside, I loved steins;gate 0 and i'm sure i will love the ovas that will come soon. |
Sep 27, 2018 9:13 AM
David_Clark26 said: Is it just me or does it make sense that in order for okabe to initially reach steins gate, he had to have both made the decision of not trying to save makise and also saving makise? If he hadn't gone into the beta worldline, it seems that his future self would not have sent him that message for the operation to save makise. Also, without the beta worldline, mayuri wouldnt have taken initiative and told her past self to convince okabe to go save kurisu. Another question I had was that does okabe recall anything of the beta worldline wheneve suzuha and mayuri travel back to 2010 to convince okabe to save kurisu? Usually he has his reading steiner which makes him remember almos teverything, but whenever mayuri went to the time period where he had to make the decision to save or give up on makise, he had no recollection at all. Thoughts? Maybe because the time machine that they invented doesn't shift worldines but instead goes directly back in time on the same wordline, where as the dmail causes a worldine shift, which is where reading steiner comes into play? But what about when he is going from 2035 back to 2011? thats the same worldline but he remembers it all? Thoughts? With all of these thoughts aside, I loved steins;gate 0 and i'm sure i will love the ovas that will come soon. He needs to fail once. When Mayuri and Suzuha come from 2011, at the same time Okabe and Suzuha travel to that day of 2010 in the past, he can't remember things that happened in the future he hasn't experienced yet. |
Sep 27, 2018 9:33 AM
Sep 27, 2018 9:58 AM
It was ok I guess, but I didnt' get enogh of my blessed Tuturuu~! And that's something I can't forgive... :/ We need another season just to compensate that! . |
Sep 27, 2018 10:24 AM
_MushiRock11_ said: Rama_pt said: Natsuki_Hyundai said: HOLY CRAP THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. ALL IN ONE EPISODE. They showed how they saved the time machine, the 2025 stuff, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, they SHOWED what happened after he went to fetch them! The fan theory is officially official! Also HACKING TO THE GATE for the win, and that oh-so-feels inducing Sasaki version of Gate of Steiner... If only the first 19 episodes were as good as these last four, then maybe this would've absolutely surpassed the VN. But no, I'm stubborn. I like good art. I like Judy. I like Mahou. I like the story arcs they had to cut out. So in the end, I'll just say this show is "equal to" the VN "in its own unique way". And for those of you who think the post-credits were BS... Them ending up on Earth in the distant past was foreshadowed by the dream sequence from the OG series, which was actually a sleeping Reading Steiner moment. When the VN came out this was never shown, but the writing of S;G was brilliant enough that you can figure out what happened for yourself. The last mystery, however is... WHAT THE HECK IS THE OVA GOING TO BE?! I don´t know what the doubt about what the OVA is going to be. Unless my brain died half way, wasn´t the goal to reach the Steins;Gate world line where both Mayuri and Kurisu live? He saved the time machine and Mayuri, but we still haven´t seen Kurisu, or am i wrong? I was initially, and even right before watching the finale, expecting the same. I’d love some closure regarding this bit, too. The stuff done in this episode- no, this whole series- sets up the events of OG episode 24 where OG Okabe does the instructions of the Operation Skuld video and reaches Steins Gate in the OG series. Chronologically (for us), OG episode 24 comes after all this crap. Also I forgot to mention a flaw of both the VN and anime, and that's that they never did anything with the new encepha-Reading-Steiner disease thing in the story. The only thing was an implication in the VN where DURPA was planning to use Amadeus to turn the patients into zombie soldiers, as implied by Fubuki wearing the same device used to transfer Amadeus to Kagari's mind in the VN (yeah they cut a lot of plot points out of this anime). But in the long run, that whole thing still never had a role in the overarching plot and it always bugged me. |
Sep 27, 2018 10:24 AM
Science is just a newborn child and Religion is an elder with too many faults. One was created with the notion of explanation while the latter was the will of the gods. Never can they balance each other nor can they topple neither. So what does make it worth? The answer is to cheat the one who made such- GOD. And for how do we cheat God? Deceive the very notion of life and death, deceive yourself to deceive the truth almighty. And then will you reach the pinnacle of origin, Steins Gate! Quite the episode that connected the whole story line and did make the reasoning for the finale. 10/10. Surprise special episode incoming! |
Sep 27, 2018 10:36 AM
I have a question : why just after sending the video the 2010 okabe, the reading steiner didn't get triggered? |
Sep 27, 2018 10:40 AM
shign said: I have a question : why just after sending the video the 2010 okabe, the reading steiner didn't get triggered? Suzuha first needs to travel from 2036 to the past. Okabe won't see the video by himself. |
Sep 27, 2018 11:12 AM
Tacas said: I don't know why they decided to rush things at the end when they could have easily skipped some other stuff, like that useless song episode. Were you referring to the episode where they investigated the song and came one round to it? I like the execution of that episode and it was probably one of the very few moments in S;G0 that makes me feel the original S;G vibe. Anyway 7/10 for S;G0 despite giving the original S;G 10/10. S;G0 can't seems to tug my heart in any ways. The climax was often anti-climax for me and the series took a much longer time to build up compared to original S;G. |
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Sep 27, 2018 12:02 PM
I'm holding back tears ... this video is so powerful. Honestly I don't see S;G0 as a very bad show in it's own but I expected much better. What the hell am I doing here ? I should go back and do something productive. |
Sep 27, 2018 12:38 PM
Natsuki_Hyundai said: HOLY CRAP THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. ALL IN ONE EPISODE. They showed how they saved the time machine, the 2025 stuff, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, they SHOWED what happened after he went to fetch them! The fan theory is officially official! Also HACKING TO THE GATE for the win, and that oh-so-feels inducing Sasaki version of Gate of Steiner... If only the first 19 episodes were as good as these last four, then maybe this would've absolutely surpassed the VN. But no, I'm stubborn. I like good art. I like Judy. I like Mahou. I like the story arcs they had to cut out. So in the end, I'll just say this show is "equal to" the VN "in its own unique way". And for those of you who think the post-credits were BS... Them ending up on Earth in the distant past was foreshadowed by the dream sequence from the OG series, which was actually a sleeping Reading Steiner moment. When the VN came out this was never shown, but the writing of S;G was brilliant enough that you can figure out what happened for yourself. The last mystery, however is... WHAT THE HECK IS THE OVA GOING TO BE?! WOAAAAH IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOWW jeeeeeez i love how it all ties in perfectly!! |
Sep 27, 2018 1:41 PM
Good ending but I'm 99% sure not gonna rewatch it again. I rewatch Steins Gate 7 times already but for SG0 I don't feel motivated enough to rewatch it again. |
Sep 27, 2018 2:02 PM
To be honest SG;0 just isn't as good as the original was but it was fine overall. After the low point that was Episode 18 I believe, that stupid gun fight, things got really good, original Steins;Gate good imo. Its too bad that what came before was just not as interesting. Lack of time travel, lack of Kurisu and lack of Okarin in his mad scientist self just didn't make this as entertaining. I'll still rate this an 8/10 especially with the final 5 or so episodes but considering I gave the original a 10/10, one of my Top Ten favorite anime, this can only be seen as inferior to me. |
Sep 27, 2018 2:35 PM
My only question is where is Kagari from the future did they just never meet her. This series was okay if a bit meandering and really needed to get to the point sometimes but overall it was good |
Sep 27, 2018 2:42 PM
Well, now evertything is clear concerning S;G, but there are so many new unkowns about S;G 0 @_@. Like, for example, what will happen to Okabe, Mayuri and Suzuha who were sent backto 180000? Suzuha can't go back to the future or there will be two Suzuhas, and neither can Okabe or he won't be considered dead by 2025. This really needs a sequel manga, just like they did with the side-sotry of Suzuha and Mr. Braun. |
Sep 27, 2018 4:12 PM
shign said: I have a question : why just after sending the video the 2010 okabe, the reading steiner didn't get triggered? Video was sent after Okabe go back to the future (i mean past) |
Sep 27, 2018 6:10 PM
To be honest it was very good anime on Time Travel but fall short of 1 star from session 1 and 2 (1 star lost is due to the slowness set). I play both VN games and watch anime carefully to piece everything together. won't say much then that but overall i really like the anime. Hope that new animes to come about Time Travel learns from this one. :) |
Sep 27, 2018 6:46 PM
Sep 27, 2018 7:07 PM
First of all, thanks for this awesome 6 months, im glad i could see some more about this universe, and meet new characters, SG is still better, for sure, but after this last episode i think SG0 complements SG very well, we can understand a lot of new things, and this adiction to story between episode 23 and 24 from SG! It really merged prefectly to main serie, keeping SG story the same! The scene where Mayuri phone herself were awesome, when i watched SG i would never think that will happen! I really loved that! I loved when they played Hacking to the Gate, really nostalgic hearing that opening, they had a really go idea! Credit song was so perfectly used, i want so hard to know music's name, if someone could tell me, i would be glad! I will miss this show for sure, my heart felt this anime so much, and i will never forget about Huouoin Kyouma revival, was the best moment in SG0, OPs and EDs are really good too! And last moment about this last episode was awesome, it finished with a badass expression from Okarin! 10/10 EL PSY CONGROO!!!! |
Sep 27, 2018 7:25 PM
Sep 27, 2018 8:06 PM
FODA DEMAIS!!!! Anime deliciosamente complexo e bem construído. É com certeza um dos melhores animes da minha vida! FUCKING AWESOME!!!! Deliciously complex and well constructed anime. It's for sure one of the best animes of my life! |
Sep 27, 2018 8:44 PM
If Rintaro saved Suzuha and Mayuri, then why did the original steins gate prequel show Mayuri alone and destitute in Rintaro's dreams in some barren land? Ending is nice, could've been better, but still what I wanted from the show over the tediously long jarring slice of life... but I think it would've been a better ending if some sacrifices were made instead of everyone getting saved. I know that the central theme is: 'a future where everyone is happy'. I also think the show is tad bit predictable, and that goes as well with the villain. It was a nice touch making Mayuri a central figure in the plot, more than (by repeated insistence) of her importance as a passive motivation for the MC. But oh well, pretty good parts in the show, strong ending to a somewhat lacklustre show. I actually think nostalgia is blinding me from giving it a fair score. 7 is fair or 6 (if re-watch is factored in), owing much of it due to the legacy borrowed from the original. The better the show, the higher the score in proportion to rewatch value and vice-versa. Well it's impossible to judge S;G 0 from a different state of mind completely separately, so 7 it is. I don't believe that just because something is a bad follow-up from a good show justifies 'punishing' the series by giving it a lower score that would be on par to below average anime is sincere... But that's just my opinion. |
Cloud_IllusionSep 27, 2018 8:58 PM
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat. |
Sep 27, 2018 10:57 PM
Well finally it ended , im somehow disappointed with how it goes so far , i felt there are lot of unnecessary things and shud be replaced by other scene or part from the vn , well at least it ended with that cool okabe out of a time machine like an alien |
Sep 28, 2018 1:28 AM
I'm shaking so hard in my boots. I can't wait for the next season pLEASE can it arrive soon? |
Sep 28, 2018 1:48 AM
I still have issues with this episode and this series. Basically I cant understand some of the scenes such as: Year 2025 when Okabe sends the MMS message or video message, we see a big Kagari in the scene. How? She is supposed to be born in 2026 according to the Wiki, and in 2036 when she travels with Suzuha she is 10 years old. Why is there an older Kagari One could say that its the same one from when Mayushii slapped Okabe on the roof, but then where is Mayushii that slapped Okabe? If that is the case there will be two Kagaris in the same timeline and one Mayushii which is gone. Its kind of confusing.... |
Sep 28, 2018 2:52 AM
Andreikun said: I still have issues with this episode and this series. Basically I cant understand some of the scenes such as: Year 2025 when Okabe sends the MMS message or video message, we see a big Kagari in the scene. How? She is supposed to be born in 2026 according to the Wiki, and in 2036 when she travels with Suzuha she is 10 years old. Why is there an older Kagari One could say that its the same one from when Mayushii slapped Okabe on the roof, but then where is Mayushii that slapped Okabe? If that is the case there will be two Kagaris in the same timeline and one Mayushii which is gone. Its kind of confusing.... The Kagari that you saw in 2025 is the one that was fighting Suzuha before boarding the time machine, once Suzuha and Mayuri went to the past she kept living normally with Okabe and the rest. There probably will be 2 Kagaris now, the older one from 2025 and the one that will be born in 2026. Don't know if that will cause a paradox though. Also, the Mayuri that slapped Okabe will be living in Steins;Gate, the other one will be stranded in the past with Suzuha, I believe its something like this: 1.0001 --------------------------------> (Steins;Gate) <-------------------------------- 1.0002 (The Mayuri that slapped Okabe) --------------------------- (The Mayuri that is stranded in the past with Suzuha) |
xZabuzaxSep 28, 2018 3:03 AM
Sep 28, 2018 3:17 AM
All of these posts, comparing this to the original I can’t comprehend how their minds work. Yes you are allowed to compare the quality but they are literally the same story if I’m not terribly mistaken. A waste of time? That is cute as fuck. |
Sep 28, 2018 4:00 AM
So.. this anime is supposed to be an alternative sequel to the ending of steins gate whete kurisu dies.. and at the end of the anime.. she is still dead.. nah.. i will stick with the original ending where Kurisu and Mayuri both are alive and well.. and not this shit of an ending.. |
Sep 28, 2018 5:04 AM
UkRs said: So.. this anime is supposed to be an alternative sequel to the ending of steins gate whete kurisu dies.. and at the end of the anime.. she is still dead.. nah.. i will stick with the original ending where Kurisu and Mayuri both are alive and well.. and not this shit of an ending.. Firstly, you are wrong. This is not an alternative sequel. Zero showed what happened originally. Showed what lead to the point when Okabe make the video message. Without these events, the ending we saw at the end of the original would be impossible. Did you know that the ending is still the ending of the original? Because looks like you don't understand at all what Zero wanted to tell. |
SciADV_ManiacSep 28, 2018 8:22 AM
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Sep 28, 2018 7:15 AM
Only thing still not clear to me is what's going to happen to Mayuri / Suzuha and Kyouma ? Even if they use the time maching (from BC 18000) where and which year are they going ? |
Sep 28, 2018 7:29 AM
Absolutely phenomenal. A very easy 10/10. |
Signature. |
Sep 28, 2018 8:37 AM
Rukodaime91 said: Only thing still not clear to me is what's going to happen to Mayuri / Suzuha and Kyouma ? Even if they use the time maching (from BC 18000) where and which year are they going ? Okabe is left to die there, Mayuri and Suzuha most likely return back to 2025. Raideroz said: Everything's fine but some1 tell me who really is Kagari? Why she looked like Kurise daughter ? Accident ? We don't know, "coincidence" is all we've got. |
Sep 28, 2018 9:44 AM
Anybody else get flashbacks of this? |
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Sep 28, 2018 10:47 AM
I have played the visual novel version before. I really do like the visual novel version better. Instead of crying for 3 to 4 episodes, Okabe actually dealing with more things. People won't feel anything if you put too much emotion into the show. It's boring and fake. |
Sep 28, 2018 1:41 PM
Felt like a rushed adaptation of the vn imo |
Sep 28, 2018 2:05 PM
Well, I'm somewhat disappointed. I mean, damn, all that happened in these 23 episodes was only for Mayuri to tell Okabe motivational speech and give him that video? The whole "second season" was made just to bring us back to the end of the first? However, the last 3-4 episodes were enough to make me at least slightly overvalue this show. 8/10. |
RobertBobertSep 28, 2018 2:08 PM
Sep 28, 2018 2:33 PM
RobertBobert said: Well, I'm somewhat disappointed. I mean, damn, all that happened in these 23 episodes was only for Mayuri to tell Okabe motivational speech and give him that video? The whole "second season" was made just to bring us back to the end of the first? 8/10. Sorry, but what did you expect? It was well-known that Zero tell the story of the Okabe who created that video. The story which make the ending of the original (reaching Steins Gate) possible. Did you wait for a different ending, or what? This is not an "alternative timeline". Zero showed us what originally happened with Okabe. |
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Sep 28, 2018 2:48 PM
SheevPalpatine said: RobertBobert said: Well, I'm somewhat disappointed. I mean, damn, all that happened in these 23 episodes was only for Mayuri to tell Okabe motivational speech and give him that video? The whole "second season" was made just to bring us back to the end of the first? 8/10. Sorry, but what did you expect? It was well-known that Zero tell the story of the Okabe who created that video. The story which make the ending of the original (reaching Steins Gate) possible. Did you wait for a different ending, or what? This is not an "alternative timeline". Zero showed us what originally happened with Okabe. In that case, my expectations were too high. Nevertheless, as I said, the last third of the show satisfied me enough. |
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