All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 179.8
Mean Score:
- Watching66
- Completed913
- On-Hold127
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch383
- Total Entries1,506
- Rewatched0
- Episodes10,641
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries63
- Reread0
- Chapters1,990
- Volumes226
All Comments (15) Comments
I hope you'll stick with me for this year as well.
I made a goof when linking the thread lol. My mistake. I've fixed the review, here is the correct link
Thanks again!
Oh, eu nu prea ma uit la anime vechi. Sunt unele de exemplu Hellsing, One Piece, Elfen Lied care mi-au placut dar mno, grafica conteaza enorm pentru mine.
Meh.. Death Note e cam overrated. A fost destul de ok, a fost printre primele anime-uri pe care le-am vazut pentru ca toata lumea vorbea despre el. Nu la fel de overrated ca Tokyo Ghoul tho'
Desi o sa imi ia multa vreme pana sa ajung la el pentru ca din cate vezi lista mea e cam full si sunt cateva pe care vreau sa le vad de chiar 3 ani si nu am ajuns la ele:))
Plus ca inca nu am terminat One Piece ;+;
Prima data cand l-am vazut, l-am terminat in 3 sptamani aproximativ, dar acum cred ca deja au trecut 2 luni si inca mai am 40 de episoade ;-;
Singurul motiv pentru care ma apucasem de el a fost pentru ca vazusem scena cu sarutul cu Shun x baiatul blond, idk cum il cheama. Dar a devenit repede unul din preferatele mele. In special sfarsitul mi-a placut. Inca de cand l-a introdus pe Squealer credeam ca o sa fie antagonist. Dupa cateva episoade eram ceva gen "Oh, I was wrong, he is actually a nice guy" but little did I know.
Vad ca ti-a placut Shinsekai Yori. E unul din preferatele mele *^*
Dupa ce il revad planuiesc sa citesc si manga pentru ca am vazut ca e destul de diferita
How's going? :D
The death feedback is a little tricky. Maria + Mamorou were killed the moment Maria gave birth to her child, which is when she's at her most vulnerable moment. I don't remember which episdode but it was Saki's deduction if i'm right, but it make sense since the Queerat can raise the child before she (a girl right?) gets to know her real parent is, hence the Queerats can pretend to be her parents/guardian and death feedback is manipulated, flipped the effect.
2. Yeah i think it is just what you said, they covered the kid's face so he could not recoginize the opposing colonize, hence the destruction of the other side. At the last episode the leader of the good Queerats had to hide his face so the kid didn't know about his real origin, but when he revealed it the kid suddenly realized he had killed the wrong guy and death by feedback activated. But i gotta agree that part is rather clumsily explained and serves more like a plot convenience. Still i think it is tolerable as the show's main theme and message is on a different scale just as you stated in the review.