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If you want to know if this anime is right for YOU then answer this short questionnaire !

Mar 26, 2018 2:50 AM

Jan 2013
Question number 1 : Do you care more about THE EDGE or the silly things such as the writing quality ?

1) HECK YEA GIVE ME DAT EDGE (mmmmmm bleeds eternally *when the nice guy loses his patience the devil shivers*)

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters

If you answered 1) then go watch it

if you answered 2) STILL GO WATCH IT cuz you will have a blast making fun of it !
Mar 27, 2018 8:34 AM

Oct 2015
So are we expecting another Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku here?
Mar 28, 2018 5:54 AM

Jan 2013
EGOIST said:
So are we expecting another Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku here?

I'm just trying to make it clear, this show is pure edge for the sake of edge.

So if you are not an edge enthusiastic like me you probably wont enjoy it.
Mar 28, 2018 3:03 PM

Sep 2015
Lol, I read the manga and its just pure edge for the sake of edge. It's a pretty fun ride for those that enjoy that stuff.
Though I actually enjoyed Magical Girl of the end a lot more. It's by the same author and probably in some sort or related world or whatever.
That one had some plot twists and interesting characters, like the rapist cop ahahaha. I would pay to see 'Magical Girl of the End' get animated.
Mar 28, 2018 3:26 PM

Nov 2015
juicykitten95 said:

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters !

The story has this kind of issues?
For what I recall everything is mostly fine.
Mar 28, 2018 3:35 PM

Jan 2013
BookGuardian said:
juicykitten95 said:

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters !

The story has this kind of issues?
For what I recall everything is mostly fine.

yea its fine, but people are already comparing it with madoka (even tho they have almost nothing in common) so you can already tell how this is gonna go if people have higher expectation then "edge for the sake of edge"
Mar 28, 2018 9:34 PM

Feb 2017
juicykitten95 said:
BookGuardian said:

The story has this kind of issues?
For what I recall everything is mostly fine.

yea its fine, but people are already comparing it with madoka (even tho they have almost nothing in common) so you can already tell how this is gonna go if people have higher expectation then "edge for the sake of edge"

yup, ppl should know that madoka ain't a genre lmfao
Mar 28, 2018 9:38 PM

Feb 2017
juicykitten95 said:
Question number 1 : Do you care more about THE EDGE or the silly things such as the writing quality ?

1) HECK YEA GIVE ME DAT EDGE (mmmmmm bleeds eternally *when the nice guy loses his patience the devil shivers*)

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters

If you answered 1) then go watch it

if you answered 2) STILL GO WATCH IT cuz you will have a blast making fun of it !

this anime is definitely ain't for everyone, it's the embodiment of insanity , depressing nd sad asf. u wouldn't be the same person anymore after watching it.
Mar 29, 2018 11:27 PM
Dec 2017
juicykitten95 said:
BookGuardian said:

The story has this kind of issues?
For what I recall everything is mostly fine.

yea its fine, but people are already comparing it with madoka (even tho they have almost nothing in common) so you can already tell how this is gonna go if people have higher expectation then "edge for the sake of edge"

Personally I'm expecting this to be similar to Madoka from the perspective of its another dark magical girl show, thats where I expect the similarities to end, Though I'm a little disappointed to hear the writings sub par...
Mar 30, 2018 3:24 PM
Jul 2018
I don't think it will be another Madoka, I'm expecting it to be another Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku. I really enjoyed Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, even though it was edgy and I felt nothing for the characters lol.
Mar 31, 2018 8:11 PM
Dec 2017
What is "THE EDGE"? Is it like being edgy and liking edgy stuff?

This series does look promising.
Apr 1, 2018 1:28 AM

Jul 2017
So basically this is AgK but magical girl.

Is this just straight edge or is it deeper than just edge? Like edgy with purpose kinda edge.

GFL NA: 151141 | FGO NA: 622,135,030
FGO JP: 028,976,814 | Magia Record JP: rzMsBapp

Apr 1, 2018 3:52 PM

Jun 2009
From the trailer it looks like it's gone be a trashfest, only good for a laughter. Far from the quality of mahoujo shoujo series like Madoka or even Yuki Yuna is a Hero.
Apr 2, 2018 6:20 PM

Jul 2012
So I know what’s going to happen... Sort of. I know a few things about this show:

1. The manga came out during the Madoka hype. It was smart that whoever picked it up did not broadcast during the heat of Madoka shock.

2. Mahou Shoujo of the End had really fucked up moments (to the point I feel like it’s Blood-C but with zombie magical girl dolls) and a rapist cop that SOMEHOW survives the plague... So I will assume the author had insert some insane edgy and uncomfortable characters into the story for the sakenof “plot.

3. I am well prepared for the fucked up shit... But same time I am gonna be worried at some complaints I will see from SJWs or just... Really angry people just for the sake of being angry. I can handle dark themes and DID LIKE Ikusei Keikau (to the point I got a C93(?) Tama button).

I notice that gritty magical girl novels or manga get to become anime way later as a tactic to calm the Madoka hype. (And now that the next Madoka is gonna be another movie, it is safe for studios to produce the gritty MG stuff to give us a variety.)

I have yet to read the books and do plan to after I finished Mahou Shoujo of the End.

Oh yea. Why is THIS not a anime??

"Everyone go love Cyan!"
Apr 5, 2018 5:58 PM
Apr 2010
This has a Jigoku Shoujo vibe to it (at least the website part)

Will I like this if I love that? Or is it more just edge? The trailer looks great!
Apr 5, 2018 8:30 PM

Feb 2017
looks pretty cool will watch each week
Apr 5, 2018 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
juicykitten95 said:
Question number 1 : Do you care more about THE EDGE or the silly things such as the writing quality ?

1) HECK YEA GIVE ME DAT EDGE (mmmmmm bleeds eternally *when the nice guy loses his patience the devil shivers*)

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters

If you answered 1) then go watch it

if you answered 2) STILL GO WATCH IT cuz you will have a blast making fun of it !

I like both edge and writing 😶😶, what should I do
Apr 5, 2018 9:21 PM

Sep 2015
"yay another madoka rip-off"

I 115% didn't say this^ AT ALL when the news first hit.

By the way, I seem to have a very bad history with Magical Girl anime for some reason, so while I can enjoy "edge" (whatever that terms REALLY refers to nowadays) unless it actually does have interesting writing, I am not sure I'd enjoy it. That said, it does look like more fun than Magical Girl Raising Project and especially Day Break Illusion. This looks more like Juuni Taisen with magical girls, rather than a show that will *try to make you feel the suffering all of the poor (annoying) anime girls who were dragged in against their will.

Don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not, but at least it earned a place on my plan to watch list: my very special list where I put anime that I am prone to quickly forget about as I grow more interested in other things.
Apr 6, 2018 3:20 AM

Nov 2016
Let's be real here, I think everyone who's going to watch this, is rather hoping for an edgy,dumb and funny clusterfuck than for an actually well written story.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 6, 2018 12:02 PM

Jan 2012
FMmatron said:
Let's be real here, I think everyone who's going to watch this, is rather hoping for an edgy,dumb and funny clusterfuck than for an actually well written story.

I think people who enjoy dumpster-fires like this lack the mental capacity to appreciate a well written story anyway.
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Apr 6, 2018 12:26 PM

Nov 2016
Aeonenleben said:
FMmatron said:
Let's be real here, I think everyone who's going to watch this, is rather hoping for an edgy,dumb and funny clusterfuck than for an actually well written story.

I think people who enjoy dumpster-fires like this lack the mental capacity to appreciate a well written story anyway.

Or they can do both, which makes them superior,at least over people who judge something without even having seen an episode of it,cause this is clearly something someone who doesn't possess the mental capacity would do.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 6, 2018 12:39 PM

Jan 2012
FMmatron said:
Aeonenleben said:

I think people who enjoy dumpster-fires like this lack the mental capacity to appreciate a well written story anyway.

Or they can do both, which makes them superior,at least over people who judge something without even having seen an episode of it,cause this is clearly something someone who doesn't possess the mental capacity would do.

I have read the Manga in parts. That should give me enough of an insight.

It's rich that you try to school me while connecting sentences like a 4 year old, in some vague attempt to seem more intellectual than you actually are. Try again.
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Apr 6, 2018 12:51 PM

Nov 2016
It's certainly as tryhard as Tokyo Ghoul
Apr 6, 2018 12:54 PM

Nov 2016
Aeonenleben said:
FMmatron said:

Or they can do both, which makes them superior,at least over people who judge something without even having seen an episode of it,cause this is clearly something someone who doesn't possess the mental capacity would do.

I have read the Manga in parts. That should give me enough of an insight.

It's rich that you try to school me while connecting sentences like a 4 year old, in some vague attempt to seem more intellectual than you actually are. Try again.

A person as you doesn't deserve any better tbh. I mean,actually believing that others can't be intelligent for just having fun with a story regardless of it's quality is as pitiful as just plain wrong.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 6, 2018 1:03 PM

Oct 2013
Just looking at the trailer, at those ridiculous smirking faces of those classmates as they pulled some pranks on her, makes me anticipate some juicy over-the-top edgyness. If this show gives some hints of self-awareness then it's even better! ~ it'll get more praise. If it doesn't, well, we'll still have a field day with it, while knowing it's bad. The worst thing it can do is be boring, IMO.

I'm pretty hyped now, this better not disappoint.
Apr 6, 2018 1:10 PM

Jan 2012
FMmatron said:
Aeonenleben said:

I have read the Manga in parts. That should give me enough of an insight.

It's rich that you try to school me while connecting sentences like a 4 year old, in some vague attempt to seem more intellectual than you actually are. Try again.

A person as you doesn't deserve any better tbh. I mean,actually believing that others can't be intelligent for just having fun with a story regardless of it's quality is as pitiful as just plain wrong.

Well, i salute you for your improved sentence structure but your grammar is... well...
I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely.

Let's not kid ourself. People who enjoy stuff like this, tend to do so because they feel watching this sort of trash makes them members of some sort of peer group. The term "edgelord" doesn't come from nothing. It's like when you first watch Elfenlied when you are 12. Gore and brutality is something thats considered very adult and off-the-grid from regular entertainment. The only joy lies in the knowledge that you watch something others find revolting. Thats the "edge".

The story tends to be non-existing and so does character development. To be edgy those Anime/Manga will just spring endless waves of rape, gore, abuse and splatter onto you in order to be as shocking and revolting as possible. No, i do not think people who sincerly enjoy this sort of entertainment are intelligent human beings. If anything those people are losers, trapped in a cage of violent hatred and envy towards everyone they consider more succesful, much like all those sad and disgusting NTR fetishists.

Gore and "Edge" can be done well like in Berserk. But even in Berserk you can see that all the shitty parts of Berserk are generally those where the "edge" takes over the story.
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Apr 6, 2018 1:28 PM

Jul 2010
Another question would be: Did you watch Madoka and thought to yourself, "Man, what all this hope shit? I only watched this show for the suffering, and you're giving me this optimistic garbage? Do they really think the world needs trash like this? Everyone knows life fucking sucks and we should all feel miserable.

You know what would be better? Instead of this kind, gentle girl who has her fears and concerns about her place in life, who despite the horrible thing happening around her and to her friends, never gives up on the people she cares for, nor does she gives in to the darkness no matter how much she stumbles, why don't we have her be a complete doormat of a character who only exist to have terrible things constantly happen to her. Give her some bullies, or better yet, give her an abusive asshole brother, too, so that she can never escape the suffering. That way, we can get sympathy points from our audien-- Uh, I mean, make people relate to our character better. I mean, they've been bullied before, surely, and that's all we need for a character.

How 'bout instead of this character who at first appears to be cold and cool, only to turn out as a shy, socially awkward girl whose determination to save her dearest friend has left her emotionally, and maybe even psychologically, drained, turning her into a hardened but apathetic character, yet at times will break and reveal the weak, fragile girl she's always been, we make her a sadistic psychopath who gets off on hurting others. Lets even have her keep a man hostage in her home just to torture. Let's not even give her different powers. Lets just give her the same powers so that we can see her do cool, violent shit with it, and so that we can stick it to that other show!

Now, instead of this pussy show that uses it's dark material to elevate it's greater, underlying theme of hope shining through even the darkest of times, we have a mean-spirited story full of nothing but excessive violence and gore, shallow, unlikable characters who you don't give two fucks about, and a world full of horrible, despicable human beings that serves as merely a playground for awful shit to happen."

If the answers yes, this is the show for you.
Apr 6, 2018 2:16 PM

Nov 2016
Aeonenleben said:
FMmatron said:

A person as you doesn't deserve any better tbh. I mean,actually believing that others can't be intelligent for just having fun with a story regardless of it's quality is as pitiful as just plain wrong.

Well, i salute you for your improved sentence structure but your grammar is... well...
I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely.

Let's not kid ourself. People who enjoy stuff like this, tend to do so because they feel watching this sort of trash makes them members of some sort of peer group. The term "edgelord" doesn't come from nothing. It's like when you first watch Elfenlied when you are 12. Gore and brutality is something thats considered very adult and off-the-grid from regular entertainment. The only joy lies in the knowledge that you watch something others find revolting. Thats the "edge".

The story tends to be non-existing and so does character development. To be edgy those Anime/Manga will just spring endless waves of rape, gore, abuse and splatter onto you in order to be as shocking and revolting as possible. No, i do not think people who sincerly enjoy this sort of entertainment are intelligent human beings. If anything those people are losers, trapped in a cage of violent hatred and envy towards everyone they consider more succesful, much like all those sad and disgusting NTR fetishists.

Gore and "Edge" can be done well like in Berserk. But even in Berserk you can see that all the shitty parts of Berserk are generally those where the "edge" takes over the story.

It's funny how you're trying to make my points sound less valid with critizing my sentence structure and grammar. I don't even know why you're bringing them up when they don't even contribute anything to this discussion. But well, I appreciate it and I'm sure to improve them.

Regarding your arguments.

You literally just described how you perceive people enjoying edgy anime. You didn't bring up any facts to back up your arguments,just a bunch of baseless assumptions,insults and loose connections you made up in your mind. I don't even consider this as legit argumentation.

Your stance is letting me assume that you bash edgy anime for being edgy and the people enjoying it just to feel superior.

And I see myself in the right to think so.The way you reason with including allusions at a lack of mental maturity and education and bringing examples such as 12 year old enjoy it fot that reason or your sentence structure is like a 4year olds ,your passive agressive attitude(not just in this thread,but in others as well, where you were correcting people in a very rude manner) are hints which lead me to this conclusion.

All you've said has no weight,if anything you're are the loser yourself for looking down on people who enjoy fiction while not being able to comprehend why they like it.

Either that or you just like to troll people,which seems rather likely according to your profile still pretty pathetic and immature for a 23 years old manchild
FMmatronApr 6, 2018 3:01 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 6, 2018 5:25 PM
Feb 2017
Edge. Its just what I need and just what I want. This will be a blast.

Apr 6, 2018 5:37 PM

Mar 2018
juicykitten95 said:
BookGuardian said:

The story has this kind of issues?
For what I recall everything is mostly fine.

yea its fine, but people are already comparing it with madoka (even tho they have almost nothing in common) so you can already tell how this is gonna go if people have higher expectation then "edge for the sake of edge"

The unfortunate thing is that people will always compare these types of shows with Madoka since it's the most well known deconstruction of the magical girl genre. Even if the shows aren't that similar, if it's Magical Girls, and it's dark or psychological in some way, people will tend to call it a "clone," as if Madoka has laid claim to the entire genre.
Apr 6, 2018 5:43 PM

Mar 2018
Aeonenleben said:
FMmatron said:

A person as you doesn't deserve any better tbh. I mean,actually believing that others can't be intelligent for just having fun with a story regardless of it's quality is as pitiful as just plain wrong.

Well, i salute you for your improved sentence structure but your grammar is... well...
I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely.

Let's not kid ourself. People who enjoy stuff like this, tend to do so because they feel watching this sort of trash makes them members of some sort of peer group. The term "edgelord" doesn't come from nothing. It's like when you first watch Elfenlied when you are 12. Gore and brutality is something thats considered very adult and off-the-grid from regular entertainment. The only joy lies in the knowledge that you watch something others find revolting. Thats the "edge".

The story tends to be non-existing and so does character development. To be edgy those Anime/Manga will just spring endless waves of rape, gore, abuse and splatter onto you in order to be as shocking and revolting as possible. No, i do not think people who sincerly enjoy this sort of entertainment are intelligent human beings. If anything those people are losers, trapped in a cage of violent hatred and envy towards everyone they consider more succesful, much like all those sad and disgusting NTR fetishists.

Gore and "Edge" can be done well like in Berserk. But even in Berserk you can see that all the shitty parts of Berserk are generally those where the "edge" takes over the story.

I can't tell if you're being serious or trying really hard to keep the uptake on a bad joke. Why does it matter to you what other people like, and if others like something you don't, why do you feel the need to insult and/or belittle them? If you don't like "edgy" shows, why are you even here? It feels like you're trying to push some kind of agenda.
Apr 6, 2018 5:56 PM

Mar 2014
nina444 said:
juicykitten95 said:
Question number 1 : Do you care more about THE EDGE or the silly things such as the writing quality ?

1) HECK YEA GIVE ME DAT EDGE (mmmmmm bleeds eternally *when the nice guy loses his patience the devil shivers*)

2) no I'm a filthy elitist that will bitch about meaningless stuff such as pacing, writing and characters

If you answered 1) then go watch it

if you answered 2) STILL GO WATCH IT cuz you will have a blast making fun of it !

this anime is definitely ain't for everyone, it's the embodiment of insanity , depressing nd sad asf. u wouldn't be the same person anymore after watching it.

Oh please, I think you're over-exaggerating the whole " u wouldn't be the same person anymore after watching it". Its depressing and sad sure but Its THAT traumatising
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Apr 6, 2018 6:10 PM
Dec 2015
It's frankly Idiotic to compare this to Madoka:

Madoka Magica is the Ultimate Sekaikei, it's a true work of art with historical significance, and there will still be thesis written about it 50 years from now. It just happens to be a magical girl show.

This is a niche show about cute broken magical girls suffering. It is not supposed to be taken seriously. It even mocks itself in later parts. It's a completely different kind of show, and except for the dark magical girl tropes that it shares with Madoka it really has absolutely no meta inheritance from it. It does not even remotely try to be like it.

Someone commented that Madoka is not its own genre, he is right, Madoka is a Sekaikei first and foremost, and a Magical Girl Show second.

This is NOT Sekaikei, it is, surprisingly, a very dark comedy.
So this really is NOT THE SAME GENRE as Madoka.
Apr 6, 2018 7:05 PM
Aug 2010
After watching the first episode I'm interested. I'm fine with some edge as long as it is not portrayed in such an over the top way that it ends up being a comedy (ousama game was the best comedy of last year)
Apr 6, 2018 7:34 PM

Mar 2016
If I'm throwing salt here, then I apologize beforehand:

I feel like this series is trying to be too edgy, especially with the main character's upbringings. Is it realistic? I guess so, to an extent...but to the point where it was like no one fucking cares about her and just acts like a douche towards her, even if they're not torturing her soul down to the, it's very offputting, and then of course, it's the sickening and wrathful feelings I get when the girl is getting bullied by the delinquents and even the scum known as her older brother.
I'll still watch due to my interest of how THIS particular magical girl world works, but idk if I'll last through even just three episodes xD
RyuseishunApr 6, 2018 7:38 PM
Apr 7, 2018 5:37 PM

Oct 2013
After seeing the 1st ep, it looks like it can be a fun show if she wants to see that world of hers burn ~ or at least do some clean up.
Apr 8, 2018 2:00 AM
Oct 2012
I've read both the author's manga and can say I prefer Site over End.

I browse around for such things...simply because I'm hoping it'll surprise me. Sometimes, the over-the-top sadism brings a smile to my face.

I do not need a masterpiece to entertain me. In fact, I'm pretty tolerant to mediocrity when it comes to anime. After all, who doesn't like junk food?
Apr 8, 2018 3:24 AM
Sep 2017
This anime is crap it doesnt have good plots and good characters. All i see is that its full on edgy shit, with mediocre story. If this anime doesnt improves its plot, then it will just be useless to watch too. unless if you just love edgy with no story then thats your shit, rather watch horror movies cause there the same senseless edgy content with no good story whatsoever.
NotTrying2BLazyApr 9, 2018 7:20 AM

Apr 8, 2018 5:39 AM

May 2009
Besides edginess, manga is also hilarious
Apr 8, 2018 5:46 AM

Mar 2018
Just went for Kizuna AI's line and after that, left.
Apr 8, 2018 8:53 AM

Apr 2013
EGOIST said:
So are we expecting another Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku here?

Something like that. I read till chapter 44, and it's reminds me a lot from Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku. Only the first episode they exagerate, but after that the level of brutality is similar to Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.
Apr 8, 2018 7:44 PM

Oct 2013
I needed a dose of Edgeness.
I actually liked the manga, Suicidal Homura & Magical DIO are great.

Apr 10, 2018 3:49 PM

Sep 2015
Aeonenleben said:
FMmatron said:

A person as you doesn't deserve any better tbh. I mean,actually believing that others can't be intelligent for just having fun with a story regardless of it's quality is as pitiful as just plain wrong.

Well, i salute you for your improved sentence structure but your grammar is... well...
I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely.

Let's not kid ourself. People who enjoy stuff like this, tend to do so because they feel watching this sort of trash makes them members of some sort of peer group. The term "edgelord" doesn't come from nothing. It's like when you first watch Elfenlied when you are 12. Gore and brutality is something thats considered very adult and off-the-grid from regular entertainment. The only joy lies in the knowledge that you watch something others find revolting. Thats the "edge".

The story tends to be non-existing and so does character development. To be edgy those Anime/Manga will just spring endless waves of rape, gore, abuse and splatter onto you in order to be as shocking and revolting as possible. No, i do not think people who sincerly enjoy this sort of entertainment are intelligent human beings. If anything those people are losers, trapped in a cage of violent hatred and envy towards everyone they consider more succesful, much like all those sad and disgusting NTR fetishists.

Gore and "Edge" can be done well like in Berserk. But even in Berserk you can see that all the shitty parts of Berserk are generally those where the "edge" takes over the story.

Good to know you are a close-minded "elitist" a-hole that can't accept the fact people like things different from you.
"I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely." Oh please do show me the "statistics."
You don't know anything about the people that watches this show or any other "bad" anime. You must be very immature to go in to a series you don't like just to insult the audience's mental capacity.
Sounds like you are one of those edgy elitist that want to appear better than anyone else because you are too good for this show. People like you disgust me and not just me but majority of the anime community. In fact, majority of society despises self-righteous people like you.
But, hey usually this is just one of those 'stages' teenagers go through; trying to act cool and tough. I'm sure you'll probably be embarrassed about this few years down the line.
Apr 10, 2018 11:55 PM

Jan 2012
zcv45 said:
Aeonenleben said:

Well, i salute you for your improved sentence structure but your grammar is... well...
I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely.

Let's not kid ourself. People who enjoy stuff like this, tend to do so because they feel watching this sort of trash makes them members of some sort of peer group. The term "edgelord" doesn't come from nothing. It's like when you first watch Elfenlied when you are 12. Gore and brutality is something thats considered very adult and off-the-grid from regular entertainment. The only joy lies in the knowledge that you watch something others find revolting. Thats the "edge".

The story tends to be non-existing and so does character development. To be edgy those Anime/Manga will just spring endless waves of rape, gore, abuse and splatter onto you in order to be as shocking and revolting as possible. No, i do not think people who sincerly enjoy this sort of entertainment are intelligent human beings. If anything those people are losers, trapped in a cage of violent hatred and envy towards everyone they consider more succesful, much like all those sad and disgusting NTR fetishists.

Gore and "Edge" can be done well like in Berserk. But even in Berserk you can see that all the shitty parts of Berserk are generally those where the "edge" takes over the story.

Good to know you are a close-minded "elitist" a-hole that can't accept the fact people like things different from you.
"I never said its impossible for them to be intelligent, it is statistically just very unlikely." Oh please do show me the "statistics."
You don't know anything about the people that watches this show or any other "bad" anime. You must be very immature to go in to a series you don't like just to insult the audience's mental capacity.
Sounds like you are one of those edgy elitist that want to appear better than anyone else because you are too good for this show. People like you disgust me and not just me but majority of the anime community. In fact, majority of society despises self-righteous people like you.
But, hey usually this is just one of those 'stages' teenagers go through; trying to act cool and tough. I'm sure you'll probably be embarrassed about this few years down the line.

Wew, thats a lot of salt.
I do accept that people like different things, but it is reasonable to judge someone by his/her taste.
If someone enjoys borderline-hentai anime but dislikes anything that challenges his mental capacity a bit because it is too "complicated", i have to assume that he isn't the brightest.

I don't want to appear better, since i genuinely don't care what any of you think of me. Literally the last thing on my priority list is: "what do some shitty weeaboos on some online-board think of me?"
It's just that i am better.

Wew, are you the official speaker of the majority of the anime community (whatever that community is) AND the society in general? Must be a tough job, lol.

Talking about others being teenagers while his own profile is full of unorganized shitty "waifu"-pictures and a wall of text that is nothing but a cry for attention. Ironic.

"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
May 11, 2018 2:20 PM
Jan 2016
It seems like you don't understand what "Elitist" means. If it weren't for these "elitists" there would be no way to determine if a show is actually good. Being edgy is allowed but if you overuse, overdramatize, and worst of all attempt to send your audience on a guilt trip just to gain some sympathy for the main character you must be doing something wrong.

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43 by Lost_Viking »»
Dec 11, 2024 12:52 AM

Poll: » Mahou Shoujo Site Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Apr 6, 2018

390 by Lost_Viking »»
Dec 7, 2024 12:37 AM

Poll: » Mahou Shoujo Site Episode 9 Discussion

ibraheem234 - Aug 21, 2018

19 by Lost_Viking »»
Dec 7, 2024 12:27 AM

Poll: » Mahou Shoujo Site Episode 11 Discussion

ibraheem234 - Sep 5, 2018

13 by L01MK »»
Sep 8, 2024 2:44 PM

Poll: » Mahou Shoujo Site Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Apr 27, 2018

114 by Ira_7 »»
Aug 27, 2024 8:10 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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