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Oct 7, 2017 4:21 AM

Nov 2011
For a shoujo series, I kinda like the setting it takes place in. It has a steampunk-like feel.

Cardia is the main heroine and she has a special case of posion inside of her. It didn't take long for the anime to show that she can be deadly to humans when approached the wrong way.

Visually, I think this anime looks good especially in terms of quality. Out of all the main male characters introduced so far, that Lupin guy has my attention the most.
Oct 7, 2017 5:26 AM

Nov 2007
Despite being a supportive character, I'm glad KajiKaji's character appeared at very beginning. His "London Bridge Falling Down" is creepy in good way.

The main girl is everyone's target because of what her father put in. No wonder her personality is like that, because she doesn't have any memory until 2 years ago.

Starts of her life in a mansion with 3 guys (or 4? because I heard there's one more that not appeared yet) who seems to be nice to her.

OP aired as ED.
tsubasaloverOct 7, 2017 8:02 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 7, 2017 6:00 AM

Jul 2015
I have played the vita game already and so I have wonder how they will fit this massive long story in 12/13? episodes. I like how they rewrote the story of the beginning part (the guys encounter) so they can fast-track to the important/best part in future episodes. I'm also glad there is a lot of focus on Lupin .

Otomate/Idea factory anime from visual novel has always been hit/miss. But this one is definitely great and I have good feeling about this. Excited for the next episode.
nzpnkrckrgrlOct 7, 2017 6:24 AM
Oct 7, 2017 6:12 AM

May 2016
Oh wow, one of my favourite first episodes of the season, however, considering this is based off of a visual novel (I believe) the only thing I am concerned about is the pacing and how they will pull it off. Other than that I am excited to see more; the animation and art style are very pretty.
Oct 7, 2017 6:36 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I like the setting but so far the show looks like it'll be decent at best but Lupin is really charming though
Oct 7, 2017 7:13 AM

Jan 2017
I am not familiar with the otome game it's based on but I am liking it so far. The art is good, acting good and so far the plot seems pretty solid. I'm in! :)
Oct 7, 2017 7:28 AM

Dec 2014
Pretty good start, the setting and set up of this episode was nice.

Characters seem like a good and fun bunch as well,
Feel bad for Cardia and the situation she was put in by her Dad, hope things get better for her and that we find out why in the world her Dad did something like that.

Overall, looks like a pretty nice fantasy shoujo series, will look forward to more.
Oct 7, 2017 7:42 AM
Oct 2017
I like it so far, seems the anime gonna make Lupin as the main guy. And Cardia's so beautifully animated i LOVE! <3
Oct 7, 2017 7:47 AM
Nov 2016
That was better than I expected, much better.

The setting has a steampunk like feel and I think I have a weakness for animes which have this kind of a setting.

Lupin and the other main characters are charming and likeable. The fist part reminded me of Tuxedo Mask tho...

The animation isn't really unique but it still has a good vibe to it and tbh, this reminds me of Kekkai Sensen(a lot) and Akame ga Kill because the heroes are being thought of as terrorists by the authorities.
Oct 7, 2017 8:19 AM

May 2015
Good first episode, I love the setting and the art style. I'm not familiar with the game but it looks like it'll have an interesting story and I hope they execute it well. Really liking all the characters including Cardia.

♡ artist
Oct 7, 2017 8:21 AM

May 2017
she is going to die i can feel it ,another ship wreck i guess
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Oct 7, 2017 8:22 AM

Mar 2014
Great start, imo this is one of the strongest first episodes of the season. I wish I could play the VN but I have neither a PS Vita nor a Play Station 4 -_-

The art and animation are very good. Cardia is so pretty and interesting and Lupin and Impey are likeable too so far. I'm excited for the next episode. I hope it does justice to thd original source, given that this is only a one cour.
Oct 7, 2017 8:28 AM

Apr 2015
Deafness said:
I'm a bit confused with how the poison works. Hopefully they explain it soon.
Probably works based on what needs to happen in the plot.
Oct 7, 2017 9:08 AM

Jul 2012
Definitely better than expected. I really like the visuals and the animation. Now the only thing that troubles me is that it will only be 12 episodes. I hope that it will not rush things out and disappoint us.
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
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Oct 7, 2017 9:34 AM
May 2015
Cardia is so very pretty. I really like the steampunk feel to it and Cardia's outfit is really nice. The guys are interesting and definitely looking forward to meeting the rest, but so far I like Cardia more than the guys.
Oct 7, 2017 9:49 AM

Mar 2011
Usually I'm sceptical when it comes to Anime adaptations based on otome games. It's easy to get disappointed. Especially when they are not using the featrues you liked the most inside the game (or fous on characters you don't like). I loved the game and I really enjoyed to watch the first Episode.

I'm so glad they seem to focus on Lupin as main male character and I hope they will continue. Out of the guys he's my favorite. I like the others too but I don't like when they start to go from one to another in an anime just to fit as much of the game as possible.

Cardia has not shown much of her unique personality in this episode but it just started. And I wonder how they will continue (I liked the changes they made so far to make the beginning shorter).
You're the light shining over The black and gloomy nights
So long I've been waiting To run into your arms
Oh, my only one desire You're the one I need
Through the thousand years ~ Evermore

"Midnight Sun" by AleXa

Oct 7, 2017 9:51 AM

Dec 2014
hmm 1800 and early 1900 setting let's see how it unreveals for now
Oct 7, 2017 10:00 AM

Apr 2010
Not bad for a reverse harem.
Oct 7, 2017 10:05 AM

Jun 2013
That was a lot better than i was expecting, looking forward to more!
Oct 7, 2017 10:07 AM

Aug 2015
There are three things that dominated my mind while watching it..
1. Wow... The art is really nice..
2. OMG!! Lupin and Cordelia.. I ship those two so much!!
then I realize the answer at the end of the episode.. Yes.. I remembered that his voice is similar to Reiji's voice from utapri.. Which also surprise me that I also saw Okita there.. Lol XD

I've been wanting to play this game for a long time even before the anime was announced.. So I have a pretty high hope for this! XD

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Oct 7, 2017 10:08 AM
Jan 2017
The series is off to a good start, what with the steampunk atmosphere, excellent visuals and the A-list voice performances, especially with Saori Hayami. For now, the series did an excellent blending of anime storytelling and British etiquette when introducing the characters. Also, you can tell a huge portion of the budget went into the visuals given how detailed the animation is. Definitely a keeper for the new season.
Oct 7, 2017 10:12 AM
Dec 2012
I love it already. A very great start to the series. Cardia is so beautiful & the guys are quite handsome too. I have a strong feeling about Lupin being the ONE for Cardia. I know it's only the beginning but I can feel it. The setting and animation is good. I'm looking forward to more episodes.
Oct 7, 2017 10:16 AM

Oct 2014
I like it so far, it's moderately faithful to the VN.
The shift from the first person to the third person seems to have allowed the writers to get more important information out quickly, but it seems like it's come at the expense of Cardia's characterization, at least they established her motivations.
Oct 7, 2017 10:26 AM

Nov 2015
Do you know what might've happened if i weren't gentleman?
yeah most likely death.
Oct 7, 2017 10:36 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
After seeing a bad adaptation like Dies Irae, I'm glad that this adaptation is getting justice. Code:Realize was truly a top-tier otome VN, and I hope it receives the recognition it deserves.
Oct 7, 2017 10:42 AM
Jul 2018
Taxedo Mask, is this you? XD
So, I don't know the game either, but it looks more like the better otome games, right? I'm sceptical about otome games.
The start is quite interesting and the art looks pretty fine. x3
Oct 7, 2017 10:44 AM

Aug 2008
JotunheimrLoki said:
Do you know what might've happened if i weren't gentleman?
yeah most likely death.

lol omg good one :)))
i must say pretty decent and not to all over the place

The spider is watching
Oct 7, 2017 10:48 AM

Mar 2008
I'm currently playing the game right now so I'm a bit put-off at how much this episode changed but maybe the rest of the series won't be as bad??
Oct 7, 2017 11:00 AM

Jun 2013

Oh boy here come yandere boy <3
Oct 7, 2017 11:08 AM
Mar 2017
I like it... umm... no.... I love it!!! The art is good, voice is good, storyline looks interesting. I love Lupin sooo much <3
Oct 7, 2017 11:11 AM
Aug 2014
Basically pretty people.
Oct 7, 2017 11:33 AM

Dec 2016
Cardia is very cute and scarry at the same time *-*

This anime looks promissing! :D

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Oct 7, 2017 11:36 AM

Dec 2016
Honestly at first a bit skeptical when I saw the PV, but turn out to be quite good from the Ep. 1. Rarely watch anime that aim toward shoujo but hope this will be a good one like kaichou wa maid sama. Hope the male chara. is at this level, not over the top in terms of the art style, cause now it looks quite good like normal bishounen suppose to be.
HiddenArmyOct 7, 2017 11:44 AM
Oct 7, 2017 12:16 PM

Sep 2017
Damnn, I'm liking this anime already :))

The animation is beautiful and so are the characters. Im shipping Lupin and Cardia already :D

So far, my favorite character is Cardia bc I feel her personality is unique and different from the others. Lupin is also pretty sexy tbh

The story is also really interesting, as well as the romance <3

i'm all yours if you're all mine.
/stär əsk/

Oct 7, 2017 1:11 PM

Feb 2015
I have high hopes for this anime. Pls, don't fail me!
Oct 7, 2017 1:15 PM
Jan 2017
I think it looks very cool and promising so far! The art style is beautiful, I thought the opening was okay, and I really like Lupin and Impey. Just by looking at them, and in the first episode alone, you can tell exactly what their personalities are just by looking at them, and they're everything you'd think they'd be.

"Code:Realize" looks very romantic and amazing in only the first episode. I can't wait to see where this goes.
Oct 7, 2017 1:20 PM

Aug 2016
I have the game and I waited so "long" (long enough) for the anime to come out!
I'll devoure every second of it.

Cardia is such a loveable character and not the typical Reverse-Harem Heroine. I like all of the guys (favorite is Lupin) but she is so wonderful!! And there's so much more to the story than only handsome guys ;)

I admit though that in some parts the animation is a bit awkward (Lupin's arm being weirdly thin, or his eyes looking at nowhere). But for the other parts it's stunning (Cardia's eyes)

Akiho90Oct 7, 2017 1:26 PM
Oct 7, 2017 1:30 PM
Mar 2016
London Bridge is broken down, broken down, broken down, London Bridge is broken down fair lady???????Is it the subtitles or were them Japanese being stupid again with the English Language how dare they desecrate the popular Nursery Rhyme.

Looks like Cardia is like an arrow poison frog, where touching her is dangerous.
Oct 7, 2017 2:42 PM

Feb 2013
Cardia is a cutie.

I see this is a reverse-harem.
Depending on if there is progress next episode... I would expect to drop this.
Oct 7, 2017 3:25 PM

Nov 2007
Honestly it is not my type of genre, but it may turn out to be good.
For a moment I thought they also want to use that thing so they kidnapped her, but it is only about preventing others from possessing it.
Nice ohime design. Cogwheels rolling on the street killed me. Also those names.
3/5 episode. It was OK.
Oct 7, 2017 4:14 PM

Jun 2015
Pretty good first episode. The art and animation looks very good. Lupin is quite the talented thief. He kidnapped Cardia, who, whatever she touches, gets poisoned. All because of her father.
Oct 7, 2017 4:38 PM

May 2014
I've already played the VN so I was curious about how they were gonna do this, but honestly I don't think there's any point in me watching a slightly uglier, condensed version of a really good Otome game...because it's only gonna be 12 episodes and that's gonna be a bit of a squeeze imo.

It was nice hearing Cardia have a voice though! Hopefully the anime gets her character right, because in the game, she's easily one of the best Otome leads out there.
Also Cardia be sleeping on Impey when he's actually best boy
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Oct 7, 2017 4:40 PM

Feb 2017
One of my favourite first episodes so far of this season. I thought all the characters were great. I really like Lupin, who seems like a loveable rogue type chap.

And Cardia is an absolute cutie. I hope she finds a home with the boys.

The outfits are AWESOME. I love the steampunk look of them.

And the chemistry between Lupin/Cardia is adorable. I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Oct 7, 2017 5:51 PM

Dec 2014
Aresne? Steal your heart? Am I watching a Persona anime? xD
Oct 7, 2017 7:45 PM
Jan 2015
Deafness said:
I'm a bit confused with how the poison works. Hopefully they explain it soon.

Her poison will affect anyone and anything that touches her skin. Her clothes are specially made to not be affected
Oct 7, 2017 7:47 PM
Jan 2015
she is going to die i can feel it ,another ship wreck i guess


She's not.
Oct 7, 2017 7:52 PM
Jan 2015
hollowjeff said:
Aresne? Steal your heart? Am I watching a Persona anime? xD

No,the plot of this existed way before persona 5
Oct 7, 2017 7:59 PM

May 2017
Kyleigh said:
hollowjeff said:
Aresne? Steal your heart? Am I watching a Persona anime? xD

No,the plot of this existed way before persona 5
so you've read the manga?
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Oct 7, 2017 8:25 PM

Oct 2008
Silly, Persona 5 invented Arsene Lupin. Good to see references of that game already.

>User since 2008
Please god help me quit this website.

Such great community that doesn't even know how demographics work, AND gives """detailed"""" reviews after first episodes.

Oct 7, 2017 8:33 PM

Aug 2008
I had high expectation of it and I am glad I wasn't let down. It's early to tell, but pretty impressive for a first episode. I love cardia's design, her outfit is lovely.
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